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Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-26-2012

I just found out my med school(top one in Poland) lost its US financial aid eligibility. Now I need to find a different plan.

I'm thinking of studying in Russia(affordable).
Whats a good masters degree I can make use of? (I have a BS in bio and psych) Perhaps do dental school here?

Any suggestions about a long term career here?

Move to Russia permanently - Hawk - 05-26-2012

If you still keep your EU citizenship, university will be free in Scandinavia and Scotland (provided you're not English; no, I'm not kidding). Austria and Belgium are cheap too, they're full of German and Dutch students.

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-26-2012

Quote: (05-26-2012 03:29 PM)Hawk Wrote:  

If you still keep your EU citizenship, university will be free in Scandinavia and Scotland (provided you're not English; no, I'm not kidding). Austria and Belgium are cheap too, they're full of German and Dutch students.

its free in poland too for Polish language program (i had applied for english program)

But cost of living is high, even in Poland. without loans I need to work.
I'd need to work a lot of hours teaching english to pay food and rent- lots of Competition for teaching positions)

My parents are retired so I support myself

I need a life long career that pays decently in Russia/FSU. dentistry seems good but its 5 years. perhaps a masters in biochem/biomed field and find a job in some lab/factory here. maybe learn more languages and work as a specialized translator? what else...

Move to Russia permanently - deepcov3r - 05-26-2012

My knowledge is limited but my impression is that most professionals in Russia earn less than they do for the same job in western europe or USA and as a result many try to emigrate to make more money.

The best deals I've heard of are petroleum engineers hired by western countries but posted in Russia so they earn western salaries and perks.

I imagine top level translator salaries are reserved for those with native proficiency in more than one language-- it is very hard to acquire anything like native proficiency in a language after adolescence, did you mention you spoke Russian already?

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-27-2012

yeah, decent russian, and still improving. fluent english/polish. i might relearn spanish and learn german. languages are fun to learn.

i understand i wont make western salary.. but as long as i can pay for food and apartment, its ok. 500 dollars a month would be an acceptable salary. this is about what a dentist would make. im a simple guy, i dont need luxuries

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-27-2012

perhaps dental school in a smaller/poorer city in Poland. life will be affordable and less competition for english teaching work

Move to Russia permanently - Deb Auchery - 05-27-2012

Quote: (05-27-2012 01:09 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

yeah, decent russian, and still improving. fluent english/polish. i might relearn spanish and learn german. languages are fun to learn.

i understand i wont make western salary.. but as long as i can pay for food and apartment, its ok. 500 dollars a month would be an acceptable salary. this is about what a dentist would make. im a simple guy, i dont need luxuries

Don't undervalue yourself. There is no reason you cannot make a western value income. You could supplement your teaching income with writing, freelancing, online teaching, IM, amongst other things.

Move to Russia permanently - Blunt - 05-27-2012

The low income might not matter much to you now, but it might be more important thank you think later in life. I'm sure you'd like to retire someday.

I would try and find a better compromise before making any permanent decisions. Perhaps there are some kind of international-environmental organizations that you could put your biology background to use in?

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-27-2012

Quote: (05-27-2012 08:28 AM)Blunt Wrote:  

The low income might not matter much to you now, but it might be more important thank you think later in life. I'm sure you'd like to retire someday.

I would try and find a better compromise before making any permanent decisions. Perhaps there are some kind of international-
environmental organizations that you could put your biology background to use in?
not that kind of biology degree. i studied molecular biology, neurobiology, and have 1 yr lab research in microbiology/biofuels

does anyone know how to search for jobs in Russia/other CIS countries? is there a recruiting agency or website?

i think dental school in Rus or Poland is my best shot at a career that works well in all countries.

Move to Russia permanently - sheesh - 05-27-2012

You should chose a profession that you actually like. And rethink Russia. I had a few Russian students at my medical school. They went to great lengths to transfer to a German medical school and they all want to stay here.

Move to Russia permanently - deepcov3r - 05-27-2012

Quote: (05-27-2012 09:50 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2012 08:28 AM)Blunt Wrote:  

The low income might not matter much to you now, but it might be more important thank you think later in life. I'm sure you'd like to retire someday.

I would try and find a better compromise before making any permanent decisions. Perhaps there are some kind of international-
environmental organizations that you could put your biology background to use in?
not that kind of biology degree. i studied molecular biology, neurobiology, and have 1 yr lab research in microbiology/biofuels

does anyone know how to search for jobs in Russia/other CIS countries? is there a recruiting agency or website?

i think dental school in Rus or Poland is my best shot at a career that works well in all countries.

THe stats are so bleak it's hard to believe you're for real. Here's an article in Pravda talking about how American doctors make something like 20 times Russian salaries or more.

Move to Russia permanently - alphascout - 05-27-2012

are you sure? russian dentists/doctors don't make any money/have any status. Why go through all those years of school?
seems rather pointless. plus, you wont have high status in russian society if you become a russian doctor/dentist

maybe go bak to your original plan, find a girl to wife and bring her to the west while you study medicine or whatever. if it dosen't work out, no big deal. you wont be earning any/much income during your studies anyway. half of zero income is zero. just make sure you are a student in a country where you wont have to cover any additional costs (like welfare) if she divorces you/you divorce her, due to personality change stemming from western influence. At worse, you will be divorced, with little financial dmg, and a western education from med/dental school which will in turn give you a huge status boost.

added bonus is she can find a job and and you can work together for support each other during your schooling.

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-27-2012

Main Point: 1. most girls here dont want to move to the West. Thats a myth.

2. i cant bring a girl to Poland because I can't get loans, thus can barely support myself. I may go study in Poland, also a possibility
3. private dentists and some types of private doctor make ok money
4. id rather be poor but live in a nice country with a good girlfriend than ever go back to the US. im a simple guy.. hardboiled eggs and potatos are good enough for dinner and I can ride the bus to work. i like it here: the culture, the women, the food (esp. at bazaars). i enjoy a real life here!

Move to Russia permanently - alphascout - 05-27-2012

^ you don't need to find most girls though, just a fit one that does want to/is willing to go west with you while you are in school.
even if 95% don't want to, that leaves the 5% that do.

if the girl works you will have your part time income plus her full time income to support both of you. avg russian girl, who is a 9/10 in western country, can make $$ say as a waitress in a high class restaurant from tips. If she betrays you/cheats on you due to access to rich guys, no biggie, dump and she is back in Russia in no time. just make sure you aren't on the hook for support.

i don't know much about Russia, but I do know that Ukrainian dentists have to rely on bribes to get by. Are you sure that becoming a russian dentist will give you high enough status to keep it up with cute russian girls? it may be a huge DLV there, its not like being a dentist in the west which implies high income. also, you may wind up ghetoizing your career (not being able to transfer to the West). shit happens sometimes in countries, best to be able to move between them fluidly. your choice ultimately of course...

Move to Russia permanently - Smitty - 05-27-2012

You said earlier in this thread:

But cost of living is high, even in Poland. without loans I need to work.

And then you said:
Quote: (05-27-2012 01:09 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

i understand i wont make western salary.. but as long as i can pay for food and apartment, its ok. 500 dollars a month would be an acceptable salary. this is about what a dentist would make. im a simple guy, i dont need luxuries

Just curious, but are you saying that $500 would cover your "high" cost of living? I'm off to Poland soon and trying to get an idea of what your cost of living is.

Move to Russia permanently - Greek kamaki - 05-28-2012

Russia is more expensive than Poland because ruble is overvalued while zloty price fluctuates and it is usually undervalued towards dollar from time to time.Also customs for common imported products are higher in Russia.

Move to Russia permanently - K-man - 05-28-2012

Getting a visa just to visit Russia is a bitch, and I can only imagine what it's like to get a work permit.
I have a friend (foreigner) who works in Russia, says the company who wants you has to put you in a waiting list and once a year numbers are drawn, something like that. Imagine how much they have to want you to be willing to do that.

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-28-2012

i dont need imported products. cheese, bread, eggs, and vegetables are priced ok.i just need a way to make a decent living. what careers pay well enough to live and are stable?

i think medicine is best bet still. easy to get work position. i am also considering other Former soviet states, not just Russia

Move to Russia permanently - The Fantasist - 05-28-2012

Let's consider your options other then a degree for a second:

If you are genuinely happy making $500 a month then do a TEFL and teach English in Russia or somewhere in the FSU. You will get an apartment and your pick of students to bang plus a lot more then $500. However the country where you have been living recently is the exception to that as teachers there are paid local salaries i.e sod all. You can do a course in 4 weeks instead of 5 or 6 for medicine. Eventually you could start your own school in the FSU,I know an Aussie guy who did it in Russia and is making a killing,just opened his second school.

Thinking outside of the box:
If you want to make money in Belarus where you are now then you have to go into private business since professionals make shit money there. For example I have a friend who was mayor of his town in Belarus,he told me once that he could not remember the last time he'd eaten meat because he could not afford it. It's a hard life. Doctors rely on bribes to survive. The people in Belarus who are making money are all in private business. I have a friend who imports bathroom fittings from China and sells them in his shop,he has a high standard of living with a nice house,sauna,car etc. The problem is the red tape involved in importing and private business start ups in Belarus,you need a partner. I'm thinking of doing something there as I have a good friend there with great contacts but without him I'd have no chance. The other option is to work in the Rechitsa oil fields,I have friends who work there and make way above the national average but you are a foreigner so doubt you could. Import cars from Germany,loads do it and make good money. You can always work on a Kolkhoz,I've worked on one one summer for a few weeks for the fun of it,poor pay but you get housing and food in the stolovaya truck that visits the fields twice a day. It's easy enough work but you are surrounded by local girls from villages whose ideas of hygiene is to bath once a week. They are crying out for workers at harvest time though.

Your problem is you have to be certain you want to stay in the FSU for ever. If you do then get a TEFL and pimp your ass around schools and have an interesting lifestyle. However if you do that and 5 years down the line decide you've had enough you don't have a degree to fall back on.

Move to Russia permanently - Pilgrim37 - 05-28-2012

See if Charles University in Prague has the funding arrangement you need.
They have a well regarded medical school in English with lots of foreign students.

As for the girls in Czech,top notch long as you're ok with them fucking around off course [Image: smile.gif]

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-28-2012

Quote: (05-28-2012 08:35 AM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

See if Charles University in Prague has the funding arrangement you need.
They have a well regarded medical school in English with lots of foreign students.

As for the girls in Czech,top notch long as you're ok with them fucking around off course [Image: smile.gif]

i like Russian culture. i want to stay here and have a career here. i will look into charles...but it seems they may also lose finaid if all the polish universities have. krakow in poland is nearly as well ranked as charles.

i visited the med school here today: people were nice and the facilities in good shape. i talked with some current students and they seemed happy. i know plenty of eu/us citizens study in russian med schools and if i want to practice here, i should study here.

Move to Russia permanently - deepcov3r - 05-28-2012

Quote: (05-28-2012 09:01 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2012 08:35 AM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

As for the girls in Czech,top notch long as you're ok with them fucking around off course [Image: smile.gif]

i like Russian culture. i want to stay here and have a career here. i will look into charles...but it seems they may also lose finaid if all the polish universities have. krakow in poland is nearly as well ranked as charles.

The good thing about medical school is after you realize you want to buy an apartment house which you may not be able to on 500 per month, you can come to your senses and work in the West for a while then go back.

Move to Russia permanently - Spartan - 05-29-2012

I love this place.
im looking for an apartment and i called an advert in the newspaper. i told the guy i live with my girlfriend when he asked if i have a family. i thought this would be good bc a lot of times they dont want single guys bc they drink/make a mess/etc

he replied: go to church(get married)

this place is very pro family, has good moral values, etc

my greatest regret is that my parents left poland(personal problems, not economic migration-my mom liked life in poland)

i wish i had grown up in a culture like this.

i always wanted to find a nice girl, have a good job, and have a family. i talked with a nigerian studying here and be also explained this is a normal pattern of life in his country.

in the usa, i had begun to think the problem was with me... but its with the culture there.
here, i have people asking me if im married. they're surprised that a decent guy like me isn't yet
