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Public Media and The feminist witch-hunt - Printable Version

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Public Media and The feminist witch-hunt - michelin - 04-25-2012

Is it just me or do you guys also notice a true witch-hunt of men with middle-to-high-profile jobs being hunt down by an army of feminists? Only difference: the witches being hunted are men, and the hunters femi-nazis (real bitch-witches)

I mean there is an increasing number of men being publicly humiliated by frustrated feminists, some of them accusing their former bosses of having "sexually harassed", "intimidated", "abused" or even "psychologically raped" them or, worse, some "innocent female colleague" whom they speak for. The most worrying in all this is that the accused men are usually the nice guys (almost never alphas), and that accusations refer to "facts" that "happened decades ago...

I'm of course saying nothing new here. Roosh has a load of posts on this problem, but it is still shocking to see it happening every day, even in your immediate surroundings (e.g. feminist infested offices) where men get bullied way more than women. The trend is especially visible in media where some Feminist politician, media-boss, CEO or vice-president is in power: they decide to smear the scandals as headline news, putting important news on the background. Worse, the trend is visible not just in the US or Denmark, but feminist shit is spreading fast in western countries, making more and more male victims of absurd allegations. To conclude, innocent men are increasingly considered criminals just for being what they

Anyway, I hope you guys prove me wrong. Any suggestions on how to survive this shit?