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The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Scott - 04-14-2012

Hey guys.

This is my first big, Game-related post on RVF so go easy on me.

I would like to open with a screenshot of a status update from a fairly attractive and popular Facebook friend:

[Image: VFILA.png]

Read it? Typical girly status right?

Of course it was actually a meaningful status then it would have probably read something like 'people do what they want and shit happens'.

As men we all know that things happen often without any reason and the universe is a mad and chaotic place. Women like to deceive themselves into trying to find explanations and purpose behind events when often neither are present.

This is even highlighted in a video about women in the workplace that a fellow RVFer (forgot who posted it) linked to a few days ago:

Skip ahead to 3:00.

Now put aside the fact that this video is from 1944 because, let's face it, are women that much different today? As Stitch highlights in his post in the 'Why I Need Feminism' thread, women need something or someone to blame for the things that happen to them - in that case it was blame gender-based repression for their own insecurities. In the video it's said that women need everything explained to them in full for something that would go unquestioned by men (safely regulations). In the case of my Facebook friend she claims that 'good things fall apart so better things can fall together' in the most general and vague way imaginable.

So women need purpose and an explanation for everything - whether it be common sense safety proceedures or the powers of the cosmos.

How do we use that knowledge to our advantage in Game?

Well I personally think that there is something very simple that everyone can do to build and maintain attraction:

Shut the fuck up and do not give women the satisfaction.

If, like me, you deal with women on a frequent basis who like to feel in control at all times during an interaction, the best thing that you can do is to sweep that out from under them.

Law 4 of the 48 Laws Of Power is Always Say Less Than Necessary which is no where more important than during Game. While there's lots of reasons to follow this law, I'm just highlighting two:

1) It enables you to keep power during the interaction.

I'm not advocating just not saying anything at all. What I will say is that you need to be ambiguous around forty to fifty percent of the time and only after she's started to ask questions. Moreover, if you say something like 'hey want to know something cool? Really? OK I'll tell you later'.

2) It enables her to fill in the blanks in her mind.

If you've built up enough attraction already and she is getting into you, then by not answering her questions directly will make her use her naturally over-active imagination to fill in the rest. Usually, if you've made a decent impression, then she should naturally craft her perception of you to meet that of her ideal man.

I know this may sound like basic Game to many of you here, but I feel it's important to remember this stuff - especially when approaching. I think a lot of us ramble when approaching, but if we continue to do that even after rapport has been established and she's started getting interested, then attraction begins to decline rapidly. Who wants to give all of their cards away at once? No one should; if you start overloading a lizard with information she'll think that you're trying to self-validate too much and be scared away.

Thoughts folks?

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Basil Ransom - 04-14-2012

Not answering her questions is a simple way to make yourself appear more mysterious and higher value. Early on in the seduction, when you are trying to garner her interest, a more charming, humorous approach is appropriate. But once you've hooked her, you can say nothing at all in response to a question, except to gamely look her in the eye.

Men who behave rudely are often seen as higher value. Simply deigning not to answer her question, because you feel like it, has this effect. Do it too much, and she may feel like she can't connect with you. I was talking with a young female relative of mine just recently, and I could feel her sense of intrigue build as she would ask questions, and I would give only a glib witty response, or nothing at all. On that note, I think it's important to make high value techniques like these something you deploy whenever it suits you, and not just when you're macking girls. There's no reason not to carry yourself in a confident, high status way at all times. (Except when circumstances force you into a subservient relationship, as with your employer.)

For instance, I rarely tell girls the specifics of my job. I tell them only in very generic terms what I do, in terms that are suggestive of a violent or dark underside. Sure, if you asked them, they probably don't think I do anything actually shady. But on the chance that I do, and that I'm concealing it from them, builds intrigue and interest. This state of insecurity arouses them, as does my strange refusal to say. If I told them what I actually do, they'd see me in a different, probably worse, light. Reality can never live up to the fantasies she creates for you.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - FretDancer - 04-14-2012

Good post and welcome to the forum man.

Indeed saying less than necessary has many benefits. But you gotta be like a chameleon, constant change, unpredictable (which is another Law). Saying barely anything, and then rambling about something random they like to hear, now thats Game!

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Timoteo - 04-14-2012

One of my biggest pet peeves is people that don't know when to shut up. Folks that seem to just love the air to be filled with the sound of their own voices. People that give up all of their business constantly (naturally, that can sometimes be used to your advantage). These kinds of people also can't be trusted, because they'll put YOUR business out on the street also. I've found women to be particularly guilty of this - out of insecurity, or purely out of vindictiveness, they talk too much.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - lurker123123 - 04-14-2012

Quote: (04-14-2012 01:33 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

One of my biggest pet peeves is people that don't know when to shut up. Folks that seem to just love the air to be filled with the sound of their own voices. People that give up all of their business constantly (naturally, that can sometimes be used to your advantage). These kinds of people also can't be trusted, because they'll put YOUR business out on the street also. I've found women to be particularly guilty of this - out of insecurity, or purely out of vindictiveness, they talk too much.

never ceases to amaze me what personal details some people will tell you right after you meet them. dirty shit about their own family even. girls especially

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Samseau - 04-14-2012

Roissy has been pounding home laconic game for years. I agree with this. Works well 80% of the time.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Greek kamaki - 04-14-2012

Women do not explain themselves either.If they try to rationalize it is unreasonable chick logic.One should never accept the justifications of women.They also do not want men to explain everything.Why should we?Women know the basic logic of men to bang as many women as possible I do not think any of them believes in monogamous men or has any romantic ideal.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Riker - 04-15-2012

Yes! I do this frequently (talk too much) and get fucked! And by get fucked I mean I don´t get fucked by a girl.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Sebastian - 04-15-2012

if you start overloading a lizard with information she'll think that you're trying to self-validate too much and be scared away.
Yes I totally agree. I don't think I say stupid shit by common sense. But I say something like I am this kind and this kind of person (filled with good values) to show I am worth to date.
We were talking about clothes and I started saying I don't like girls who put their confidence on the expensive items they carry and I try live not that way. I try to have more confidence in myself than putting confidence in my clothes, shoes, cars and muscle.
It was our first date and she actually sent me a txt saying 'you are cool, you have good opinions'

But I told myself I shouldn't say much things about myself as I meet her more since it can kill the attraction.
Your thread totally made sense and reminded me not to do it.

I still think it's hard not to talk about yourself when you have this pretty girl you are attracted to, asking question to 'get to know you' with cute puppy eyes, how do you handle that??
What kind of questions should I avoid to answer 100%?

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Greek kamaki - 04-15-2012

For example a woman may ask:
-What kind of porn to you like?
-Have you ever fallen in love?
-When was the first time you had sex?
-Have you ever banged a prostitute?
All these questions are difficult to answer proparly so not to diminish one's value(if you admit the truth you are creep if not you are a liar).So vague and general answers are not bad because women with shit tests test also the ability to adapt and give quick witted answers.It is crucial for a woman to have besides her a tactful,quick thinking man who can find excuses and get away from difficult situations.They want to see this in action that is why sometimes they make these shit tests to check for alertness.(they can do it also just after sex when mental activities are realtively blurred to put yu in cold shower and see how much you can handle emotional burden and conflicting emotions.Really women want to see how good a man operates under pressure this is what they tend to create in eyes of men with no reason).

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Scott - 04-15-2012

Thanks for the positive feedback guys - I appreciate it.

@Sebastian: See Kamaki's examples for questions you shouldn't really answer. Additionally if she thinks that she's a high value girl then she'll ask questions about your past depending on what she feels important. If she's a career girl then you might be on $500,000.00 a year but she'll still want to know if you were making money when you were 14. She can probably guess the answer but it's a shit test - to see if your state breaks and crumbles.

Most of the time a good solution is either to flip the question over to her, or tell her to guess. That will buy you time to think of a non-specific answer of your choice.

However as Basil says - 'But once you've hooked her, you can say nothing at all in response to a question, except to gamely look her in the eye.' So long as you have attraction built up, then don't be afraid just to knock back such shit tests.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Bad Hussar - 04-15-2012

Definitely agree with this. But I do find awkward silences....awkward, so rather than shoot mysef in the foot I try to deflect or give silly funny answers.

Somewhat related to not talking too much, I think, is don't smile too much either. I think you only get away with constant smiling if you are super-alpha. Most guys just look plain stupid with grins plastered on their faces 24/7. If there is no good reason to smile, and sometimes even if there is, just don't.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Aureo - 04-15-2012

Quote: (04-15-2012 05:59 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

For example a woman may ask:
-What kind of porn to you like?
-Have you ever fallen in love?
-When was the first time you had sex?
-Have you ever banged a prostitute?
Those answers are designed specifically for that, to make you embarrass yourself out of the blue.
As there is no correct answer to this, because either you end up being creepy, or giving too much info, the correct answer is no answer.
Just reply with "are you really asking me this? we just met you know?" and look away in disapproval.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Blunt - 04-15-2012

I swear I need to get this shit tattooed on my eyelids. I know it works from experience. I've even read columns about it on the internet, yet still sometimes when I'm a talkative mood for whatever reason I can fuck up weeks of panty-soaking mystery.

When I'm in a real shitty mood and I don't feel like dealing with people I also do the one word answers, and often girls instead of being offended at my rudeness they get googly-eyed and curious.

80% of the time I execute this and it works 100%, 20% of the time I answer a question straight up, unfiltered and can feel value bleeding out of me.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - alecks - 04-15-2012

what about the importance of ignoring chicks....ive read lots of posts on it and it only really came into play last weekend.

Il explain: friend of mine having a house party and a few of the local chicks came for the party. I know these chicks a few years but are more acquaintances. Anyway i start my usual chit chat and they respond.After a few drinks me and one of my boys start messing around/giving the chicks a little slagging match the usual. its when the chicks start to ask questions and you just give one or two word answers and then just look away and they GO NUTS.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - WhoZis - 04-16-2012

Quote: (04-15-2012 11:26 AM)Blunt Wrote:  

When I'm in a real shitty mood and I don't feel like dealing with people I also do the one word answers, and often girls instead of being offended at my rudeness they get googly-eyed and curious.

So true. Maybe that's why you find something when you're not looking for it.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - King Solomon - 04-18-2012

Chicks dont want our explanations anyway, they are boring and non-sensical (because there's logic and fact in it) So just do and say the things that make them FEEL stuff, and don't sweat the facts. She doesn't really want to know.

Plus, consider how much Clint Eastwood speaks in his films. As little as fucking possible.

It makes him a total bad-ass. It also makes motherfuckers LISTEN when he *does* speak.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - snoop - 04-18-2012

"Don't complain, Don't explain" is a good rule to live by in most situations.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - BadgerHut - 04-18-2012

"So just do and say the things that make them FEEL stuff, and don't sweat the facts."

Bingo. Most of my game over the last six months has been ways to trigger more of an emotional experience in women...combine that with NOT unloading your own emotions on a woman, and it's worked quite well. Women want their man to make them feel feelings, remember how being "bored" is grounds for divorce in the West.

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - Urban Renaissance Man - 08-14-2012

I don't know if this fits the title exactly, but please whatever you do DON'T explain Game to girls! When I first started learning Game, I, with love of teaching and just talking in general, I began to share what I was learning to girls, and, yes, EVEN MY GIRFRIENDS DURING THOSE TIMES!! When I learn something insightful and good for me, I naturally want to sahre it with people I love and are close to me. Sometimes we would just have light hearted and playful discussions about male/female dynamics, or their past relationships, etc. I would explain to them what they should have done differently with their ex boyfriends, and how they could have ended the relationship in the drivers seat. Other times female friends of theirs would come over, heart broken, and I would give them dating tips and advice. Of course this was done in front of my girlfriends. Like an idiot, I would go into great detail about the power of not answering all calls, being the one to end phone calls first, acting a tad disinterested in dates, going extended periods of time without calling someone you may have just broken up with, putting your phone away if you're going out to a club soon after a break up, so you don't drunk dial, etc. Once the advice worked, she knew it was good advice and I had a knack for Game.

I'm sure you guys can guess what happened next.... ONCE MY GIRLFRIEND AND I STARTED HAVING PROBLEMS, SHE USED THESE SAME TACTICS ON ME!!! Naturally, this made dealing with her, detecting her true emotions and feelings, catching her at a weak moment 100% harder than it had to be! Don't make this mistake fellas! Do NOT, even under the guise of being noble, help girls out with pertinent advice or give these women good Game! It can and will be used against you!

The Importance Of Not Explaining Yourself - MrXY - 08-14-2012

Laconic game is central to my style. Although I am highly verbal and a quick wit, I am predisposed to be rather taciturn so my game has naturally evolved in that direction.

It is very effective, amazingly so at times.

Here are some good responses to stupid, annoying or prying female comments and questions:

What? (with irritated facial expression)







That's what you think?


I don't know

I don't remember

Roll eyes

Look away


You get the idea

I've also gotten very good at evading shit test like questions with smartass answers

Here's some examples of how i might answer the questions given by Greek Kamaki:

For example a woman may ask:
-What kind of porn to you like? Donkey porn!
-Have you ever fallen in love? Every week!
-When was the first time you had sex? When I was a fetus or (for older guys) I am a virgin
-Have you ever banged a prostitute? I used to be a prostitute

You pass the shit test when you refuse to take her question seriously

In fact, a lot of building attraction has to do with holding the frame that you are superior and she therefore has no right to demand that you explain yourself or answer her inquiries. That is the sort of man women are aroused by.
However, that does not mean that you shouldn't build rapport with her-but rapport should be primarily emotional and involve sharing values, hopes dreams, tastes, etc