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I have a boyfriend - Printable Version

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I have a boyfriend - pikachufanboy - 03-01-2012

I've been working in Bangkok for three months now and the weirdest realisation just hit me... here it is:

I haven't heard 'i have a boyfriend' since coming here, not from thai girls nor westerners. From December until March, not once. i've heard plenty of this though: 'i just broke up with my bf and decided to escape to thailand'. this is music to my ears.

the two groups of chicks:

group 1
70% of my co-workers are thai women and many of them are young and fairly decent. Their excuse is that thai men are either non-committal womanisers or they're gay (or they're gay and have tits and wear makeup).

group 2
The foreigners here are either too independent or have escaped failed relationships from their home country or they can't find a boyfriend (they're not really interested in thais and there's a limited pool of bangkok-based 20 something year old men). the talent i am working with is far higher than back home.

In melbourne, where I come from, practically every hot chick has a boyfriend. I can't emphasise what a massive difference this makes to my game. I would actually prefer girls had really high standards so they didn't fall into relationships so easily.

are some cities therefore more boyfriend-inclined than others? i would think the answer is yes although i haven't worked out a theory or armed myself with facts.