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In regards to ending cock-blocking - CJ - 09-09-2009

Obviously a fantastic article, that I believe I had read previously, but the top 20 email today got me to read it again.

This got me thinking, just like you should have several routines to work as openers, you should probably also have several routines to work to respond to various types of cock-blocking.

Roosh's initial suggestion is explained in the article, the basic idea is if a girl's friend comes up and tries to cock-block by interrupting your conversation you respond with:

“Did you really just do that? I’m being friendly and respectful to your friend and you rudely interrupt. Did your parents teach you to be anti-social like that?”

Done without swearing, yelling and done in a stern, scolding manner. Makes sense.

However, this got me thinking, about other forms of cock-blocking I've witnessed or experienced:

1. The pull-away - there's two versions of this:
A. On the dance floor - you come up behind a girl and start dancing and her friend(s) pull her away from you and go dance elsewhere.
B. Standing anywhere - this can be in a bar, club, out on the sidewalk, anywhere! Same concept, you're talking to a girl and her friend(s) drag her away.

You might be able to use Roosh's line in the second scenario, but definitely not the first, and it's also hard to scold someone when they're walking away from you! So, what effective counter can we come up with here?

I'm thinking on the dance floor you're screwed, but we are trying to end cock-blocking, so I don't want to be so closed minded. As for anywhere else, could you lightly grab the girl, like a parent would a child that was fleeing to avoid getting reprimanded? Then go into the routine?

2. The gang cock-block - if only this were the gang-bang. What if you're getting cock-blocked by more than one girl? Can you just make Roosh's line plural? Now you're out-numbered here, and even if the girl is interested in you, she might change her mind as more than one friend is putting up resistance. Isolation would seem to be the best strategy here, but what if it's too late?

3. The male cock-block - I would wager that the line would work, but I've been cock-blocked by guys before, and they may respond differently. Guys being logical and not emotional, worst case scenario you could have a fight on your hands! In fact I once had a combo of the walk-off, male CB, which really got my goat as the girl was clearly DTF. I think the little fella just wanted to sleep with her, but was pry her beta pal, and sadly it was past 2am.

4. The I like you too cock-block - What do you do if one of the girls is actually trying to block her friend from your cock so she can have it to herself! I've had this happen before, I wrote about here, I was pissed! The target was lost in the shuffle. How do you stop a girl from cock-blocking her friend?

5. The time restraint cock-block - Sometimes time comes in to play, girls have to leave, the place is closing, they have to be somewhere at a certain time. This can be a somewhat reasonable excuse, so how do you break the target's semi-cock-blocking friends in this scenario? If you haven't closed by this point in time, it will now be a lot harder with the target's friends watching, and you may lose your fish!

There's certainly more, in fact you could probably write a small book on ending cock-blocking. Regardless, I think these scenarios are all situations we shoud work to solve here, come up with some decent methods for each and take another step towards ending cock-blocking in every form.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - mcr - 09-11-2009

Quote: (09-09-2009 06:14 PM)CJ Wrote:  

1. The pull-away - there's two versions of this:
A. On the dance floor - you come up behind a girl and start dancing and her friend(s) pull her away from you and go dance elsewhere.

Just my insight into this particular point -- if you're coming up behind a girl and dancing with her - expect that "pull away" -- In learning to dance and get semi-decent at it, I've talked to hundreds of girls about this 'method' of approach.

Almost every single one of the girls I've talked to (ages from early 20's to their 40's) tell me coming up behind is a "creepy and insecure" approach.

Be a man and lead on the dance floor if that is where the approach is.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - CJ - 09-12-2009

Quote: (09-11-2009 11:13 AM)mcr Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2009 06:14 PM)CJ Wrote:  

1. The pull-away - there's two versions of this:
A. On the dance floor - you come up behind a girl and start dancing and her friend(s) pull her away from you and go dance elsewhere.

Just my insight into this particular point -- if you're coming up behind a girl and dancing with her - expect that "pull away" -- In learning to dance and get semi-decent at it, I've talked to hundreds of girls about this 'method' of approach.

Almost every single one of the girls I've talked to (ages from early 20's to their 40's) tell me coming up behind is a "creepy and insecure" approach.

Be a man and lead on the dance floor if that is where the approach is.

I appreciate the insight here. To be honest with you, I very rarely go to a club, and even rarer do I just walk up behind a girl and start dancing. Like you, most girls I've talked to girls hate that; then again the girls that like it probably are the girls that you want.

But, I wanted to look at various types of cock-blocking and find ways to stop each one. I'm almost looking forward to the next time a girl (or insecure guy) tries to cock-block me, so I can come up with solutions to my questions posed in the OP.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - thegmanifesto - 09-13-2009

"you come up behind a girl and start dancing"

Do people seriously do this and think its going to work with any type of consistency?

Minus style points on that one.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

In regards to ending cock-blocking - CJ - 09-14-2009

Quote: (09-13-2009 11:50 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

"you come up behind a girl and start dancing"

Do people seriously do this and think its going to work with any type of consistency?

Fuck ya they do! I used to see that all the time when I'd go to the club when I was in college. Guys just walk up and grind away and if the girl's friends approved they'd continue. Not to try and make this racial or anything, but a lot of black guys I knew picked up a lot of girls that way. Me, being white (ok I am making it semi-racial) can't dance for shit, so that wasn't something I tried much. I was more of the "talk you pants off" at a house party kind of guy.

This isn't my focus though, I want to join the cause to end all cock-blocking.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - Kona - 09-14-2009

Quote: (09-14-2009 07:27 AM)CJ Wrote:  

This isn't my focus though, I want to join the cause to end all cock-blocking.

I support you brah,

It happened to me twice today. The first one was some standard female nonsense. Their cock blocking behavior actually turned me off to both of them so fuck it.

The second one I'm actually cool with. I was talking to this Polynesian/Asian surfer with a few colorful tattoos and was working her heavy with the eyes. You gotta do that with Polynesians. This little dude walks up with a beer for me, him and her. He just starts yapping. I find out he's her little brother. He knows his sister is hot and could probably sense my dirty thoughts. He reminded her about someplace they had to go to, and I couldn't talk her into staying. I was giving my man some evil stares before I knew he was her bro and I'm a foot taller than him. He stuck it out. It was all smiles the whole way through with sister. I'll see her out again. The bro was classy it was alright.

Now that I think about it I've cockblocked every dude I've ever seen near my sister. You maybe should figure that into your business when you get cockblocked.

You could ask the blocker something like "so you are the fat sister" if you're confrontational.


In regards to ending cock-blocking - CJ - 09-18-2009

As mentioned in the post-game analysis thread, I dealt with some male cock-blocking tonight. The girl I was talking to even whispered to me that her male friend had feelings for her, but he was just her (out of shape) best friend, and nothing more. Sucks to be him! Anyway, I read that right away as she looked bored as hell talking to him and that's why I initiated with her. Long story short the best way to difuse him was to tell the guy he reminded me of a good friend of mine, and how "cool" he is. (Hope he's not reading this shit!) Anyway, this method worked flawlessly. Just build up the cock-blocking guy's ego and he'll back off. I think the reason these guys hang around these girls is hoping they'll sleep with them, but at least in their minds if a guy comes and tells them how cool they are, they'll back off and let that guy talk to the girl they're dreaming of being with. You don't have to do this, and could surely talk to the girl anyway with enough game, but this makes the transition so much smoother and guess what? If that guy approves of you, you're golden with the girl. Good luck guys, I will hopefully have more answers to stopping cock-blocking after going out this weekend.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - InternationPlayboy - 09-25-2009

Damn, cock blocked harder than ever tonight.... I can't even elaborate on it right now. Seriously, You can't even cover this shit. I wish I had it on camera. This place is crazy on the cock blocks. Can't wait to get to a city.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - Peoloom - 09-25-2009

A friend of mine went straight caveman on a group of cockblockers once and it worked like a charm. We were in this dingy club in London and had both tried talking to different girls in this group of 3 -- both of us had been cockblocked by the same mother hen. I gave up on them, but my friend persisted and got one of them on the dancefloor. The mother hen followed her and started trying to pull her away, with my friend holding her other arm. It was like a tug-of-war. Then my friend pulled the most brazen move I've ever seen: he knocked the mother hen's hand away, threw the girl up over his shoulder and fireman-carried her to another section of the bar. They were making out within minutes.

In regards to ending cock-blocking - Lumiere - 09-25-2009

I had a funny experience with an attempted cock block the other day. I was just as rude as fuck to her and it worked.

I picked up with cute Peruvian girl in a bar in south Peru. Got her back to my place and we hooked up.

Comes time for her to leave and she does not have her own number memorised. I try calling my number from her phone. No credit. Fuck !

I give her my number and she gives me her friends number (another girl but one I have never met) as a way to contact her indirectly.

However, this other girl gets pissy when I try to contact her friend via her. Sends me pissed off texts telling me that she is not going to give me her friends number and sends me rude messages ordering me not to call or text her.

I just text back "I don't follow orders. You have two options. Give me her number or get her to call me"

She calls me up and bitches at me about how she does not have two options and how I am not to text her or call her.

I send her another text. "Don't call me or text me, idiot. You are rude and stupid. You already know what your two options are"

I get a barrage of calls after that which I just let go through to voicemail (she did not leave a message).

She gets so pissed off that she gets her friend to text me.

Sweet. Get her number and email / facebook.

Cockblock out of the way.