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should i wait? - ibaguesucks305 - 02-08-2012

i got a job at a restaurant a few weeks ago, and the hostes there is really hot. ive only talked to her a couple of times but whenever i do she has a huge smile on her face. she is a really nice girl and i think if i try i could get her to go out with me.

ive been dieting and excersising on and off since january and ive lost about 10 pounds. i think in about 2 months i should be in good shape.

you guys think i should try my luck with this girl right now, with my flabby body (im not too fat, just out of shape) or should i wait a month or 2 until i feel confident with myself?

should i wait? - Cincinnatus - 02-08-2012

Go for it now. Do not wait.

Hopefully you've been studying the game for a little while now and know what to do. Approach, get together after work to build rapport, then take her to your place and bang.

should i wait? - CJ - 02-08-2012

Most people on this forum advocate against picking up girls at your work, but in this case it's a restaurant (ie an easily replaceable job), so you have the green light.

Don't wait, the longer you wait the more your nerves will build up. Just suggest you hang out now and find out where you stand. If she shoots you down, make sure you don't make a big deal of it, and still talk to her anyway.

should i wait? - Chad Daring - 02-08-2012

Depends on your situation. If you NEED the job, like "cant go more then two week without a paycheck" then I'd not do it or tread LIGHTLY. If you can afford to be unemployed again tomorrow then yeah, why not. Also hostess are easy and usually the restaurant bicycle, no one is gonna be shocked.

should i wait? - Tuthmosis - 02-11-2012

Never wait.

(Exception: your life is in danger.)

Every minute you wait, the higher the odds: some other sausage is going to step in, that she'll abruptly quit, that you'll be hit by a bus on the way home.

should i wait? - WesternCancer - 02-11-2012

Exactly what Tuthmosis said. Also guys need to stop worrying about being a bit fat, as long as your working on it it should be a non-issue. I've never had a girl reject me because I was out of shape/fat. Sure you're going to be at a disadvantage at a nightclub where you approach before talking, but as long as you're unreasonably confident she'll look past that. I also found it was almost an advantage to be a bit chubby but confident when gaming girls in the daytime, as long as you're not monstrous their player-dars don't go off and before they know it you've gamed them so hard they need a new pair of panties. That being said if you are overweight put most of your energy into getting in shape, educate yourself. It will take a while, but you must persevere. Exercise will strengthen you in more ways than one.

should i wait? - Screwston - 02-16-2012

What's the status of this?