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Cuban: "Never Follow Your Dreams" - Printable Version

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Cuban: "Never Follow Your Dreams" - jariel - 02-07-2012


Q. I know you have heard this a trillion times, but there are a lot of people with common and boring jobs out there who would like to change careers and enter the business of sports. Would you recommend they follow their dreams and do whatever it takes to enter the business, or would you say that when you hit a certain age (let’s say 30) you should focus on life and forget about certain unattainable dreams? -Pete Incaviglia

A. Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort. It’s not about what you can dream of. That’s easy. It’s about whether or not it’s important enough to you to do the work to be ready to be successful in that business.

Cuban: "Never Follow Your Dreams" - WanderingSoul - 02-07-2012

Good advice. There are several things I could be doing right now that would make me a lot more money than I am. However, I have no desire to do them other than money, and that isn't a big enough want for me to personally pursue these ventures.

Cuban: "Never Follow Your Dreams" - FretDancer - 02-07-2012

"Thats easy"? Fuck that.