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The Spread Of Islam In America - Leonard D Neubache - 05-16-2017

I don't know why you guys still bite at troll Sherman's bait. Last week he was cucking for genocidal North Korea. This week he's cucking for a Saudi slave rapist. I'll admit, he's got troll game. He always carries the olive branch and tries to twist everything no matter how absurd into "isn't asshole x simply living by the virtues we espouse here?" For that matter he notably frames much of his trolling in the form of questions, baiting the reader into an ongoing dialogue where each proposition is more outlandish than the last.

He's flown under the radar long enough to gain a few suspect rep points and garnish them with a few more from reputed members, largely by playing along with certain contrarian fringe issues that happen to trigger those members and creating a "let's stick together" sub-tribe mentality.

It's top notch troll game. A real long con, and laudable compared to the likes of the easily swatted female trolls and summerfags. I went in for it for a while myself but a troll once recognised should not be fed.

Don't feed Sherman, and frankly anyone that's repped him needs to think about how that reflects on them, considering he's now in the bag for modern day slavers and rapists on the premise that they're "bringing back the patriarchy".

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sherman - 05-16-2017

Quote: (05-16-2017 04:58 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2017 04:31 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Pointing out some decent values - like the importance of family- in Islam is not the same as being an apologist for Islam. Sherman is a good dude, I can tell from his posts here.

Zel, look man, you're beginning to sound like a broken record. We get that Islam sucks and it's dangerous, but that doesn't mean we can't coexist (sorry for using an SJW term). The way forward is to separate ourselves foreign-policy wise from the Muslim world, and just trade with them or just have some sort of mutually beneficial economic relationship.

Like I said, bombing the shit out of them, supporting Israeli expansion and aggression is only going to exacerbate things and piss them off more. Then we'll have another 9/11 and more guys screeching "fucking Muslim savages!" and so on. Samseau made a good point that as of right now there's not a single Western politician on the horizon who is advocating for non-interventionism. They are all fully on board with the Jew agenda. That includes Trump. So we'll see where it goes, but I ain't shedding any tears next time a Muslim lone wolf strikes. We elected this government and that is what they do.

These are not posts defending family values. These are posts defending a guy who admits that he kept a poor Indonesian woman on US soil for years without pay (ok - 1500$ for several years), without papers, taking away her passport and letting her work 80 hours. He considered this a normal work-contract between employer and slave. Oh yeah - he certainly was going to pay her 96.000$ when she may have been allowed to depart. Also it is close to certain that he abused her sexually - Indonesia has not banned those contracts for lack of reason.

Sherman has cucked for that man on the grounds that he has children and not on the grounds that he essentially enslaved a woman.

I know that trifle things like that are irrelevant, because who cares about enforcing sexual slavery and keeping a worker slave prisoner in the Land of the Free, when you keep a rich man from his children. He was likely guilty of more, but paid her off.

So Sherman is not defending family values, he is defending a criminal who essentially used his backwards practices based on Islam as an excuse for all his actions.

A good guy. Indeed. What has globalist interventionist policy and the Israel meddling and conflict anything to do with this? Who forced a wealthy Saudi family to do this on US soil, who forces the European migrants to rape and plunder their way through Germany, France and Sweden? Do you really think that they based their actions on the hostilities of Bush, Obama and co?

We actually don't know much about the case, which I freely admitted. So, I included a source for men to look at (the Wikipedia article) which laid out the basic facts, so men can get a more objective source. The guy is already convicted and in prison. The only issue is that he wants to be deported to Saudi Arabia (isnt that what you want?). Your uber emotional response to anything contrary to your opinion, lends evidence that we aren't getting accurate unbiased facts from your representations.

I am trying to strike a middle ground. I no longer see Muslims as a force trying to take over the world. The reality is millions of them are fleeing Western bombs. They aren't perfect, but they aren't demons either. We need to align with straight heterosexual men like many of the good Muslims, else our society is finished. An Anti-Muslim rant isn't my game.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-17-2017

Quote: (05-16-2017 08:22 PM)scotian Wrote:  

^Aren't the policies of Bush, Obama and Co the reason why there's so many rapefugees in Europe these days?

True to a good degree, if Obama or Bush were doing anything aside from being PR lackeys for the globalists.

But I still wonder what this has to do with a wealthy Saudi living in the US?
Who bombed his country so he had to flee his place for the US?
Who carpet bombed his wedding ceremonies and made him become the poor oppressed victim here?

Saudis to this day have actual slaves on anything but paper.

During the coronation of the Queen of England their delegation came with a bunch of hereditary slaves in the 1960s! In the US everyone is repeating the terrors of slavery which were let go of in the 1860s and here you have a culture which was actively practicing in the 1960s-80s and would still have it to this day if the West had not forced them to abolish it.

Either way - what do I care. Release him, deport him to Saudi Arabia, where he will be instantly free. Does not matter. The Saudis are the biggest allies of the USA and they are even part of the UN commission on women's rights. Build more mosques, sing Kumbayah for all I care, when they mow you down on a busy street, spread out some flowers, play peaceful songs and then wait for another one.

But remember the mantra - it has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a religion of peace. Multiculturalism is wonderful. All religions are equal. All cultures are equal.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sherman - 05-17-2017

I know two English teachers who worked in Saudi Arabia and they loved it. They made good money and said they were treated well. They weren't insiders because they aren't Muslim but they were still treated with respect. Of course, Saudi Arabia is an autocratic kingdom and far from perfect. We are better off if we get a balanced and true view of reality. To do that we need to be able to have diverse opinions. Having only one point of view be tolerated is just propaganda.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Samseau - 05-17-2017

Quote: (05-17-2017 02:11 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

I know two English teachers who worked in Saudi Arabia and they loved it. They made good money and said they were treated well. They weren't insiders because they aren't Muslim but they were still treated with respect. Of course, Saudi Arabia is an autocratic kingdom and far from perfect. We are better off if we get a balanced and true view of reality. To do that we need to be able to have diverse opinions. Having only one point of view be tolerated is just propaganda.

So you need someone else to think for you? Diverse opinions? Saudi Arabia isn't representative of Muslim countries? English teachers treated like second class citizens and you think that's respect?

You are one seriously confused guy, and I feel really bad for you. I suspect you've been brainwashed into submission long ago. Amazing you even managed to look for this forum.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sherman - 05-17-2017

Quote: (05-17-2017 03:34 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2017 02:11 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

I know two English teachers who worked in Saudi Arabia and they loved it. They made good money and said they were treated well. They weren't insiders because they aren't Muslim but they were still treated with respect. Of course, Saudi Arabia is an autocratic kingdom and far from perfect. We are better off if we get a balanced and true view of reality. To do that we need to be able to have diverse opinions. Having only one point of view be tolerated is just propaganda.

So you need someone else to think for you? Diverse opinions? Saudi Arabia isn't representative of Muslim countries? English teachers treated like second class citizens and you think that's respect?

You are one seriously confused guy, and I feel really bad for you. I suspect you've been brainwashed into submission long ago. Amazing you even managed to look for this forum.

I respect their opinions because they have actually been there and are talking about something they have direct knowledge of, i.e. their own experience. I am more inclined to take something I read on the Internet with a grain of salt.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-17-2017

I get it that people get defensive about this subject because in our times it is literally conflated with being against an entire people as if I would want to nuke the Muslim world.

No - Muslims are people as good and as bad as anywhere else. All I am saying is that their ideology that permeates their entire society is toxic just like other cultures in the past had very toxic ideologies that disappeared (cult of Baal, Aztecs etc.).

The entire Middle East would be looking completely different if all of them were let's say Christians or Buddhists. Character-wise they are probably a bit like more passionate Italians. But ideology matters:

[Image: hqdefault.jpg][Image: Screen-Shot-2017-02-09-at-1.23.36-PM.jpg]
[Image: C9F6lj2XYAAZRNS.jpg]

[Image: Feminism-Before_After.jpg]

Do you really think I advocate for nuking colleges or fighting against feminists like that?

Nah - you simply address the core reason of them acting out like that. In the Muslim world it is Islam and that is my opinion, because the religion is far far more negative than it seems.

[Image: iran-shah-couple-copy.jpg]
[Image: exmuslim.PNG]
[Image: Chyjaf2VEAAgYNS.jpg]

I say what I say not out of blanket hate for a group of people. I say it because I love them on a spiritual level, I see them as individual souls as divine as anyone else. They deserve to live a life without the clouds of this evil ideology poisoning them.

And yes - I know that many are such good people that they would never do anything of the negative commandments left to them by Mohammed. But let us not kid ourselves - ideologies matter, when they are taught early as a religion, then it is even worse.

But just as with SJWs - they can come back.
[Image: jERjyB-nXu-7s9hCeE6hELB2LqqwZu4jBz4YI7vm...600e17a458]
Die Cis Scum girl left feminism and is growing hair out.

If you defend Islam, then you defend the left side of ideology and this will continue to fester for millennia or centuries and it looks like it will end in a big bloodbath, because it seems to me that the globalists want this. Also there are ways of disbanding ideologies and religions without violence, you just take a long-term view and have a lot of backing from anyone who is owning media, academia, politics. But of course the globalists want depopulation and enjoy war, so war it will be and they will continue to claim that it is a Religion of Peace.

The Spread Of Islam In America - debeguiled - 05-17-2017

Quote: (05-16-2017 09:24 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

He always carries the olive branch and tries to twist everything no matter how absurd into "isn't asshole x simply living by the virtues we espouse here?" For that matter he notably frames much of his trolling in the form of questions, baiting the reader into an ongoing dialogue where each proposition is more outlandish than the last.

[Image: quote-make-the-enemy-live-up-to-its-own-...-67-17.jpg]

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sherman - 05-17-2017

Trump is going to Saudi Arabia this week. I actually think Trump was trying to develop a rational strategy, i.e. there are good Muslims and bad Muslims, like everyone else, so keep the bad ones out. It's the liberal media who distorted his position as being anti Muslim.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-17-2017

Quote: (05-17-2017 10:29 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

Trump is going to Saudi Arabia this week. I actually think Trump was trying to develop a rational strategy, i.e. there are good Muslims and bad Muslims, like everyone else, so keep the bad ones out. It's the liberal media who distorted his position as being anti Muslim.

Everyone should be anti-Islam. This good and bad Muslim is bullshit. That is like saying that there are good and bad SJWs and feminists, because some are very moderate feminists and have no idea of how evil that ideology is. And yes - this is true - there are women out there - probably the majority - who call themselves feminists because they think this is only about female equality and they still love men.

Feminism however is evil and should just like Islam be banned. And the Trump administration is not addressing jack shit in that regard.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

Reading this thread reminds me of one of my maxims.

The biggest difference between people isn't between left and right, atheist and religious, or any other difference of belief.

It's between people who can see their opponents' point of view and honestly deal with the facts and circumstances creating that point of view, and those who live in a kind of solipsism, where facts and circumstances embarrassing to their view are just ignored.

You don't have to agree with a belief, but you can understand that if placed in similar circumstances, you might feel the same way.

You recognize that for each example you produce supporting your point of view, there can be counter-examples. You have an epistemological framework beyond believing everything you think is true, or that a few incidences amongst billions of counter-examples proves everything.

Thus, when guys were shooting off rockets and mortars, shooting at my convoys, trying to kill me, I didn't take it personally. I could see their point of view, recognize the facts which gave those guys a legitimate beef.

The very fact that members are calling Sheridan a troll, suggesting he should be banned shows to me that many of you are trapped in solipsism regarding Islam and Muslims.

The solipsism is reinforced by an echo chamber of the sources cited by the OP and others. That these sources - Frank Gaffney, Robert Spencer, Brigitte Gabriel - are on the Adelson/AIPAC donor/Israeli hasbara propaganda gravy train is not taken into account. Would anybody deny that there is a well-financed media machine to attack Muslims, and that those same people are the ones who advocate aggressive military action by the US against enemies of Israel? Stoking fear of all Muslims and some bogus sharia takeover is a way of keeping the western, especially American, public mobilized and ready for a war with ___________ (fill in blank of Israeli enemy).

You've never been to a Muslim country, never even met one in whatever town in the Outback you live in, but OK, because you read it on the internet. Millions of dogs in Muslim countries, but yeah you read on the internet that Muslims are gonna kill all dogs. Some Muslims looked like they were gonna attack you on the street in Vienna, that proves it!

You can take Bin Laden as an example of considering the other guy's point of view. Yes, he was a mass murderer, yes his view of a future society was warped, but he was right about one thing: the Saudi monarchy is utterly corrupt and an abomination within Islam and the Arabs, and the Sauds were principally supported and protected by the USA.

And now Trump is going on a trip now to kiss Saudi a$$ and then the Israelis, too.

There are a billion Muslims in the world. Islam is not going away, except as much as the corrupting influences of globalist secular hedonism and feminism augmented by media and information technology erode it as Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism have been eroded. Islam is dealing with modernity like traditions everywhere else. One big difference is that because Muslims have a lot of oil, everyone else has been fucking with them for years, interfering with their countries. If you don't know the history of colonialism and interference, you're not qualified to speak on the subject. Fuck, Algeria was a part of France until 1962! The USA supported Saddam until 1990!

The refugees in Europe are directly caused by US/NATO bombing Libya and sending weapons and money to the rebels in Syria. Does anyone dispute that?

I've been around Muslims a lot, banged a few of various nationalities, including a hijabi, studied Arabic, lived for long times in some Muslim countries. I am also a defender of western liberal democracy here. There's a lot of shit in Muslim countries which offends me, mostly the political authoritarianism, but when it comes right down to it, I'd rather live in most Muslim countries than the Philippines or much of Latin America or Africa long term, easy women aside.

Most of us agree that shit in the USA and the west is going downhill. Things are going to change. "Democracy" is becoming a managed reality show. Over time, everything changes, in 1000 years world's gonna be different. Given that, why hasn't anyone been able to really say how it would be so bad if France or for that matter the USA became more influenced by sharia? 99% of sharia is Old Testament Bible stuff. Of the Muslim countries in the world today, how many of them even ban alcohol? Less of a percentage than the percentage of dry counties in Texas. Islamic America isn't the outcome that I want, but compared to other possible outcomes like Chinese World Empire, SJW/feminist techno-tyranny, or AI techno-fascist rule it might not be so bad. The fear is unbecoming.

Wake up and stop being shills for Israeli propaganda and its proxies.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2017

So now you have entered fully into SJW-close fairyland territory.

What gravy train are the countless Ex-Muslims? What gravy train are men like David Wood? What gravy train are literally millions of Imams that they tell those terrible things about Islam, which have nothing to do with Islam?

Who forces the 2 mio. recent immigrants into Germany to commit 250.000+ crimes per year? Must be racism, heh?
Why are Muslims over-represented in European prisons at rates of 30 to over 50% of the prison population? Why do they constitute over 90% of stranger-rapes in countries like Norway? Must be a coincidence.

You think an Islamic country is better than Western one? 99% of sharia is Old Testament? First of all - Jews have not been stoning adulterers for a long time. And Christianity is New Testament and Jesus and not Old Testament! But I would not expect anything else from a Muslim apologist. Have you converted already?

No surprise there - you love Islam, I guess you would excuse them when they rape you, kill your daughter, because they have been pushed by the evil imperialists to do it. The Pakistani rape gangs in England still go on, but I guess they were pushed by the racists Britis do it.

Sorry Sp5 - you are lost in darkness and not light with your ideas. Go the full way - convert, become Muslim and enjoy, then join CAIR and go on road-trips with Linda Sarsour convincing women that Hijab is wonderful symbol for empowerment and sharia is a wonderful system that is 99% Old Testament anyway (which is a complete lie). There is no talking to you anymore, because you will dismiss reason, logic, experiences - personal and additional, you will dismiss statistics, you will dismiss core sources of Islam, you will dismiss ideology that shapes human behavior. Then you will simply say that you were doing fine and the world becoming Muslim would be wonderful. Yeah like trying to lose weight by getting AIDS wonderful, but wonderful nonetheless. Go on - dismiss the 1400 years of constant warfare that were only stopped by the superiority of the West. You will certainly understand their pain as they took country after country by sword - the previous tribes must have bombed them and provoked them.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

I always have a laugh when someone comes up with the "they conquered by the sword" stuff. Frequent talking point in the hasbara websites.

Yeah, Muslims were on a roll up until 1600 or so. Shit, only 400 years ago!! I am being generous, since Muslims were kicked out of Spain by 1492.

After that, most of their countries were taken over by Europeans - by the sword- and ruled for a long time. Many still are ruled to a greater or lesser degree by their former colonial masters or western interests.

That's an example of a fact that the solipsist ignores.

Men like to conquer and rule by the sword. It's not just a Muslim thing.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2017

Buddy - they stopped being on a roll only because of the strength of the West and not because they reconsidered. The Barbary wars were in early 19th century because they captured US soldiers and sold them to slavery.

It is you who is solipsistic and you are actually more irrational. But I guess you have converted to Islam already and won't be swayed by any reason, logic or facts. When they put your daughters head on spike, then you will just say that it is a tiny minority doing it. No further discussion necessary - you will find plenty of SJWs, feminists, mainstream pundits who will wholeheartedly agree with you. Next you will call me racist and Islamophobe - maybe that I should be fined and prosecuted for hate-crime and blasphemy.

Fine - good to know where you stand.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

You're just ranting ad-hominems. No factual response to anything I wrote. When solipsists are challenged.

OK, one fact: the Barbary pirates. Yeah there were some pirates. That balances out Europeans taking over all of Africa, south and southeast Asia and ruling it and extracting the gold for years.

But keep on fearing. I'll worry more about more likely threats to my health than Muslims (at least outside of when I invade their countries), like drunk drivers or shit falling off buildings

The Spread Of Islam In America - Leonard D Neubache - 05-19-2017

Sp5, can you provide us with a list of things we're allowed to be concerned about in the order we're allowed to be concerned about them in?

I'd appreciate it taking into account future generations but I really don't want to impose...

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

Quote: (05-19-2017 03:15 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Sp5, can you provide us with a list of things we're allowed to be concerned about in the order we're allowed to be concerned about them in?

I'd appreciate it taking into account future generations but I really don't want to impose...

You can be afraid of whatever you want. Ghosts, aliens, cholesterol, spiders, bats, cats, Russians, Swiss, or Muslims. Up to you whether you want to live in fear.

I only care when propaganda campaigns stir up mass fear in order to trump up wars that I have to pay for.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Leonard D Neubache - 05-19-2017

I think you'll find that the vast majority of protesters against islam have zero desire to send guys like you over there to kill more muslims.

We just don't want them in the West where they seem to have a long and storied history of not getting along well.

Are you going to tell me that's unreasonable?

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sherman - 05-19-2017

Here is a great video of Rickson Gracie, of the famed Gracie family, who converted to Islam and teaches Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in Torrance, California. He gives a great explanation of martial arts and the theory behind Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. He also teaches special classes to teach kids how to defend themselves from bullies using nonviolent techniques. This is a concrete example of a Muslim man doing something positive. And he presents a real manly image. When you get out of the blue pill fantasy land of the Internet into the real world, you can discover something new. Attacking innocent people is not a good thing.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

Quote: (05-19-2017 04:10 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I think you'll find that the vast majority of protesters against islam have zero desire to send guys like you over there to kill more muslims.

We just don't want them in the West where they seem to have a long and storied history of not getting along well.

Are you going to tell me that's unreasonable?

I'm against mass immigration from third-world countries of any religion to the west. in some places, due to the colonial past, like France, a lot of Muslims are going to be there. It wasn't the Arabs' idea to make Algeria a part of France, it was the French's idea.

It's dumb to let in thousands of illiterate Somalis. It's also dumb to let in tens of thousands of Mexicans. As someone pointed out, the USA will be a Hispanic country far before Muslims become 10% of the population. I disagree Muslims don't get along well. Considering the amount of agitation, there haven't been many real incidents from within the USA, especially when you factor out the mentally ill. I guess Orlando is the biggest. Not too different from waves of politicized immigrant violence in the past (anarchists in the 1890s-1920s)

I'm in favor of letting in interpreters and staff that worked for the US, and highly educated, intelligent people like my personal physician.

If we didn't have guys saying nonsensical things like "Islam must be banned," and hyping up the threat, I don't think I'd disagree much.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Leonard D Neubache - 05-19-2017

I don't care about a small cadre of muslims existing in the west. When they represent less than 1% of the population they're rarely any trouble. That's enough room for the muslims that go out of their way to help us and are endangered because of that by their more fundamentalist "brothers".

The problem with whether or not to "ban" islam is that many western nations already have too many muslims to simply peacefully coexist with (as the bumper sticker goes). We have reached that critical point where we're going to get a steady stream of terror attacks that will beget more attacks as muslims become more defensive and as such hostile. It sucks but it's a fact.

Other than Orlando you've had Ft Hood and San Bernadino. There have been other less ambitious muslims that have racked up body counts in the name of jihad that barely make the papers. You have to have your ear to the ground to find them.

In Australia we're heading towards a situation where several terror attacks are being thwarted each year and so far there have been two successful ones. Obviously in Europe the situation is much more grim. It's become so commonplace that I myself barely recalled the most recent car attack and officer stabbing in London. "Just another day at the office" now.

Peace with islam involves them being over there and us being over here. We can't simply pin our hopes on them being angry about foreign interventions and military aggression. History demonstrates that when we are not in their sandbox it's them looking to carve their way into ours.

Me? I don't hate muslims other than the demonstrably grotesque ones. I hate islam though, the way I hate communism and feminism. And I don't want easily measurable quantities of any of those things in my home nation.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-19-2017

Look - debating SP5 has become useless like debating an new ISIS convert.

He thinks that sharia is just Old Testament.
He thinks that a 90% Muslim Europe will be just fine.
He thinks that living in Saudi Arabia is better than living in the Phillippines and Argentina.
He thinks that millions of Ex-Muslims, tens of thousands of them vocal, millions of secular intellectual Muslim reformers who want to kick Islam out of politics, science and public sphere, that FMG victims who speak out against Islam - that all of them are Israeli shills.

There is no saving him.

Allahu Akbar to you Sp5. Send us a thread our way when you are in Raqqa - will be a funny perspective.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Enigma - 05-19-2017

Quote: (05-19-2017 12:32 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

You've never been to a Muslim country, never even met one in whatever town in the Outback you live in, but OK, because you read it on the internet. Millions of dogs in Muslim countries, but yeah you read on the internet that Muslims are gonna kill all dogs. Some Muslims looked like they were gonna attack you on the street in Vienna, that proves it!

What an absurd argument.

Go ask a Thai Buddhist or Filipino Catholic what they think about Muslims.

I'll give you a hint: it's mostly in line with what Chinese Confucians, Japanese Shintos, Indian Sikhs, etc. think about them.

Modern Western liberals are basically the only people on Earth who actually buy into the "religion of peace" narrative.

But sure, all criticism of Islam is "Israeli propaganda".

I've lived in a city with a large Muslim presence and was even around when they blew up civilians and beheaded some more. Do I get to have an opinion now?

Quote: (05-19-2017 02:30 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Yeah, Muslims were on a roll up until 1600 or so. Shit, only 400 years ago!! I am being generous, since Muslims were kicked out of Spain by 1492.

Total revisionism.

The Ottomans were pushed out of Europe barely a century ago, after ruling entire European countries for hundreds of years, and then massacred millions of Christians on their way out.

The only reason their "roll" slowed down around the mid-17th century is because half of Europe and Russia was fighting them tooth and nail to slow their spread through the region and the West began surpassing them in tech.

You call other people out for rhetoric while making incredibly dishonest arguments like the above.

No wonder you and Sherman, who thinks you have to visit North Korea to know that it's a shithole, get along. People aren't calling him a troll because he dare disagree with our opinion, they're calling him a troll because he thinks videos of people playing accordions are an argument and that Kim Jong-Un is a "good man".

The Spread Of Islam In America - Sp5 - 05-19-2017

As far as I know, I am the only one in this conversation who has been involved in "War on Terror" counterinsurgency efforts in a Muslim country.

So I was in Iraq for a fairly long time, worked with a lot of Muslims, both Iraqi and US born and immigrants. All the incidents that you guys are so hysterical about - Orlando, San Bernadino, Ft. Hood - would have been just another day in Baghdad from 2003-2008 or so.

Most of that killing was Sunni Salafi al Qaeda types bombing Shia Muslims in their neighborhoods or Iraq government targets. The money for the Salafis was coming from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf - the same people whose a$$e$ Trump is going to kiss.

The Iraqi government guys - police, soldiers, government officers - were brave bastards. I knew a senior police officer well, got him a trip to the USA, even had him over to my house. By that time, assassins had tried to kill him four times. Blew up his house with a car bomb. He kept going back to work, though, out of duty. A few months later they got him by a chain of roadside bombs. He was a Muslim guy. Bravest, most selfless guy I ever knew. And there were a lot of Iraqis like that, many of them are fighting ISIS in Mosul now. So I can't rant and rave like a keyboard kommando about Muslims.

To go back to one of my points, looking at actual Muslim countries, tell me what is so bad about them, outside of Saudi Arabia? It's not a choice I want, but looking at their countries now, I'd rather be ruled by Egyptian or Malaysian Muslims than Filipino or Mexican Catholics.

The Spread Of Islam In America - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-20-2017

As I said before - you are unable to differentiate between positive human nature and negative ideology. Salafis are the true Muslims - most of the countries constantly fight against greater adherence to the texts and more freedom.

Meanwhile girls are getting raped in constantly, but all those are anecdotes and it is a mere coincidence that Muslims are doing it.

You have clearly entered pure madness territory and are working ideologically together with SJWs.

Here a 15yo being raped by an Afghani, Somali and unknown - raped her once, then caught her again and raped her again.

Here an entire map of murders, assaults, sexual assaults, rapes, arson done all by enrichers in the year 2017 alone. And even that is not a complete list.

All of it has nothing to do with Islam, because according to you it is only evil Salafis who are "perverting" the peaceful teachings of Islam.

I guess you are also for inciting violence like in this case against Robert Spencer who was poisoned in Iceland? Robert Spencer does not say anything that Salafis say and I have read their stuff, I have listened to Ex-Salafis and it is exactly what is pure Islamic lore. Salafism is not something alien - they just take the texts and live like the prophet and the Caliph lived.

SP5 - you probably have a serious case of guilt tripping over all your military service as if it was your decision to bomb Iraq. Will you start doxxing us soon for hate speech? Go live in your wonderful place of Afghanistan, Iraq and moderate Egypt where the overwhelming majority of women suffer FGM and group-gang-rapes Taharrush are done as a pastime.