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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Diogenes - 06-03-2016

I'm having a hard time seeing how voting to stay in doesn't constitute treason. It is, after all, supporting the subjugation of the country to a foreign power.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Baldwin81 - 06-03-2016

Outsider's perspective: I paid attention to the last election and the Scottish referendum...

I'd never seen or heard this Michael Gove speak, but man did he stand in well against an real cunt of an interviewer. This same interviewer let Cameron speak freely, while Gove was interrupted every single time. On appearance alone I'm thinking, Oh shit, this dork... and wished Farage was there, but the "fireworks" kicked off quickly and Gove did well.

^ In the US they'd say that Gove is too soft, but I'm taking an uneducated guess that Gove's style plays well in the UK.

Gove and Cameron are what you guys call "toffs." Gove didn't give the same try-hard vibe compared to Cameron's appearance and didn't get flustered in a more hostile environment. Both had difficult questions from the audience.

UK media treats the Leave campaign similar to how the US media treats Trump. Shit, the interviewer tried to compare Gove to Trump at one point!

Best wishes to the UK RVFers for getting the fuck out of the EU. Thanks for this thread.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Atheistani - 06-03-2016

I thought Gove spoke well, and it was my first time seeing him on such an important platform. It could be I'm biased but he seemed to make a much stronger case than Cameron yesterday. It looked like he got a better reception from the audience. Not sure how much an effect this will have on the referendum.

Hearing Cameron speak yesterday did make me question my out position. I was hoping Gove would present a good argument, and I felt very comfortable in my position after hearing him speak. I like what he said about us being better neighbours if we leave, rather than stay and try and stop the EU from closer integration.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - N°6 - 06-04-2016

^Cameron as the carbon-copy of his predecessor, butcher Blair, is very weak at debating. It is why he has avoided debating Farage who is very strong at it.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 06-04-2016

If we stay in I am to assume the British House of Parliament and House of Lords will be made into a museum?

It will cost 4 billion to repair and maintain these buildings in the coming years. I say we get rid of the MPs, their hangers on, the Lords and let foreigners rule over us as this vote seems to entail.

"Do you want to be ruled over by a Rome by people you neither know or voted for?"

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Hardy Daytona - 06-04-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 08:56 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

18:10 when he destroyed the interviewer's hypocrisy was absolutely glorious.
[Image: attachment.jpg31885]   

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Deepdiver - 06-04-2016


Especially the segments on the EU crushing the British Fishing Industry and the segments of Post War (WWII) Britain vs Germany and how the German Economic miracle was ushered in... Exactly the Model President Trump will be following for a New USA 21st Century Economic Miracle. Just wish I was 25 years old again...

With HRC or Bernie the USA will become like Post War UK whereas with Trump it will become like Post War Germany.

The USA has so much Land and Untapped Energy and labor that properly capitalized upon could literally erase much of the Labor Advantage and all of the Shipping advantages of Asia in just a few short years.

Not to mention that New Balance Running/Sport Shoes has factories in Maine and Massachusetts running full tilt serving huge new global demand for Made in America quality - where you ask - among the emerging middle-class consumers in mainland China... go figure. That is even with huge Chinese Tariffs and trade restrictions on US imports by the Red Communist Chinese Government. Imagine what will happen when President Trumps summons them to the negotiating table - they will huff and puff and blow a lot of one-sided hot air - and then they will quietly capitulate to the rule of Trump and America First.

The 21st Century will be the New America First Trump century mark my words.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Phoenix - 06-05-2016

So this John Major guy was the last 'conservative' PM apparently, comes out as a cuck.

I looked at that website's poll tracker -- it has leave/remain neck and neck with a fair chunk of undecided. It would be wonderful if when the day comes, something good finally happens for the right and leave wins. I'll take the day off to celebrate if it does.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Saga - 06-05-2016

Quote: (06-05-2016 10:50 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

So this John Major guy was the last 'conservative' PM apparently, comes out as a cuck.

If memory serves, he owed his political ascendancy to the Tory scheme that threw Thatcher out of Downing Street largely because she started to question the EU (then known as the EEC) and its growing power in British affairs (the so-called Bruges Speech being the most notable example of her shift in opinion). Then as PM, Major even declared members of his own party who had reservations about the EU to be "bastards". No surprises he's still shamelessly promoting the surrender of his country's sovereignty after all this time.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Sandstorm - 06-06-2016

Every one of the Presidents of the European Commission is a socialist. It's so obviously clear that the EU is a giant Communist organization that wants central control, despises individual freedom and entrepreneurial spirit, has rules, laws and legislation for EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE WORLD (including your toothbrush and toaster) and pays itself handsome wages (think £200,000-300,000 a year salaries) all paid for by us. Can we vote them out? No, it does not work like a traditional democracy, there is no way to have a voice, have a say on laws or vote them out. 100% uncountable to the people. Literally, only a madman would vote to stay in, unless he somehow benefits from this toxic system (ie, a retiring UK politician who wants a cushty well-paid job for life in the EU)

Look at these cunts:

[Image: attachment.jpg31918]   

[Image: attachment.jpg31919]   

[Image: attachment.jpg31920]   

[Image: attachment.jpg31921]   

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Atheistani - 06-06-2016

200 - 300K Really? Sounds way too high

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - H1N1 - 06-06-2016

Here we go. Brazen doesn't even begin to describe what is going on here:

MPs may use their voting rights to ensure that we stay in the single market regardless of the result of the referendum. This means keeping the free movement of peoples etc. Essentially, the entire purpose of the referendum would be undermined by the 'superior wisdom' of the powers that be.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Matsufubu - 06-09-2016

Since the EU powers that be are not voted in or out by the people, it is not a democracy - it is a dictatorship. This is my main concern. If David Cameron wants all 5 year old boys sent to paedophile rape centres there would be outrage and he would be voted out pretty sharpish. If the EU MEPs want the same there's fuck all we could do about it. I know it's hyperbole but the point stands.

We're voting on our right to give up our right to vote, and we're too stupid to see it. One way ticket out of here, please.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - ivansirko - 06-09-2016

If there is something that is needed in the West the #1 thing is a victory and this would be a great start. The 21st Century hasn't been kind.

The UK has an opportunity to grow some testicular fortitude. If your MPs "ignore" the vote if Brexit wins....

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - N°6 - 06-10-2016

Quote: (06-09-2016 06:59 PM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

Since the EU powers that be are not voted in or out by the people, it is not a democracy - it is a dictatorship. This is my main concern. If David Cameron wants all 5 year old boys sent to paedophile rape centres there would be outrage and he would be voted out pretty sharpish. If the EU MEPs want the same there's fuck all we could do about it. I know it's hyperbole but the point stands.

We're voting on our right to give up our right to vote, and we're too stupid to see it. One way ticket out of here, please.

Jean-Claude Junker, a bureaucrat from a the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg telling citizens of the United Kingdom what to do should really have guaranteed Brexit.

Quote: Junker On French referendum over EU constitutio Wrote:

“If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue’,”

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Ghost Tiger - 06-10-2016

Quote: (06-04-2016 09:49 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  

With HRC or Bernie the USA will become like Post War UK whereas with Trump it will become like Post War Germany.

Fuck Germany... how about simply becoming like post-WWI America?


... the big question that can be asked about the American System: Did it work? Answer: Of course. It was #Winning.

For fun, we can add one illustrative datapoint: In 1840, as the mass-scale production of steel was just beginning, England was producing about 1.3 million tons of steel a year. At the same time, the U.S. was making only about 300,000 tons. In other words, England was outproducing us, in this vital metric of national strength, by a more than 4:1 margin.

Yet during the second half of the 19th century, the two English-speaking countries followed far different economic strategies: Starting in 1846, England launched a unilateral experiment in total free trade, while America stuck with its Hamiltonian pro-industrial tariff.

And the results were striking: In 1913, British steel production had grown to 10.4 millions, which was an 800 percent increase. That doesn’t sound bad — until you learn what Uncle Sam achieved in the same time period. During those seven decades, American production grew to 31.5 million tons, or a 10,000 percent increase. (As an aside, we might note that Germany, which followed the same nationalist economic strategy as America, enjoyed a similarly meteoric rise in its steel production, also widely eclipsing England.)

In other words, Hamiltonianism created the industrial base that enabled us to make all those nails, sewing machines, and automobiles in peacetime, as well as all those ships, airplanes, and tanks in wartime.

So that’s how America became not only prosperous, but also strong — it was Hamiltonianism, applied. And that’s how we won three world wars in the 20th century, two hot and one cold.

So it’s extremely encouraging to see that same profound level of historical understanding and strategizing in the young Trump campaign policy-shop.

Because, in Hamiltonianism, we see the seeds of, yes, Making America Great Again.

Germany may have enjoyed a "similarly meteoric rise" in steel production during the post-WWI period, but America won WWII... so America wins. America just needs to be like America. Period.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - RexImperator - 06-10-2016

I only listened to the first fifteen minutes but it seemed decent:

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Buakaw - 06-10-2016

New poll showing a 10 point lead for the Leave campaign!


The campaign to take Britain out of the EU has opened up a remarkable 10-point lead over the Remain camp, according to an exclusive poll for The Independent.

The survey of 2,000 people by ORB found that 55 per cent believe the UK should leave the EU (up four points since our last poll in April), while 45 per cent want it to remain (down four points). These figures are weighted to take account of people’s likelihood to vote. It is by far the biggest lead the Leave camp has enjoyed since ORB began polling the EU issue for The Independent a year ago, when it was Remain who enjoyed a 10-point lead. Now the tables have turned.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Deepdiver - 06-10-2016

The Brexit vote nears and Volatility Soars:

How to play BREXIT for Fun and PROFIT:

Brexit: Buy the Rumor, Sell the Fact
Keith Fitz-Gerald Jun 10, 2016

The now-legendary George Soros made his mark on history by “breaking” the Bank of England and walking away with a cool $1.5 billion dollars as a hard-nosed hedge fund trader back in September 1992.

He did it by shorting the sterling pound in a move that ultimately cost the U.K. treasury more than £3.4 billion and threw global markets into complete chaos. But that’s nothing compared to the situation this time around and the opportunity we have on our hands.

This time, the Bank of England is about to break itself.

Here’s how to position your money to take advantage of the situation.

There’s Always Profit Potential in Chaos of this Caliber
Chances are good you’ve heard the term “Brexit” by now.

Brexit is shorthand for a referendum slated for Thursday, June 23 that will decide whether Britain will stay in the E.U. or make an unceremonious exit – hence the term – Britain + Exit = Brexit.

Those who favor staying argue that doing so gives Britain a big advantage when it comes to things like economic growth and public services which are paid for largely by trade and export. Those who want to leave argue that the E.U. has too much control over Britain and that the billions paid each year to secure membership could be better spent at home. The “free movement” of migrants overwhelming the country currently and lack of visas has become a central rally point.

What it really comes down to, though, is something far simpler – whether continued membership at a time when Europe is changing rapidly ensures prosperity or condemns Britain to economic devastation.

With only 14 days to go until the referendum that decides whether or not Britain leaves the E.U., the polls have swung in favor of those who want to leave (43%) versus those who want to stay (42%).

Those with plenty to defend – meaning the status quo – have gone bananas, and the headlines reflect the increasingly stark divide.

“Cam’s Great E.U. Gamble” –Daily Mirror

“Brexit Will Raise Risk of World War” – The Times

“Brexit Would Put a Bomb Under Our Economy” – USA Today

They embody the Total Wealth Principle of Divisiveness that we talked about earlier this week and that means there’s a terrific opportunity at hand.

But it’s not on the front page like everybody thinks. To really strike it big, you’ve got to look at what’s on the back page because that’s the information that can make you a millionaire.

The “back pages” are where you’ll find charts like this one.

Sterling Volatility

The critical takeaway here is not the emotional baggage associated with staying, nor with a departure like most people think.

What you need to key in on is that volatility is rising dramatically as the vote draws near.

What this chart is really telling you is that those who have a vested interest in things staying the way they are may actually lose the battle. Put another way, the push to leave is so strong that billions of dollars have already been spent on the assumption that it will happen.

That’s your entry.

Now, take what you know and play that out logically to find your trade.

If Britain stays, the pound remains relatively consistent because things don’t change much. It’ll be more of the same… politics… immigration… economic doldrums. Volatility drops.

If Britain leaves, the pound drops because people are worried about British isolation and all that comes with it. Volatility skyrockets. And, as is the case so often when the stuff hits the proverbial fan, the dollar rises because it’s the only currency liquid enough to absorb the risk as traders run for the hills.

Even Yellen can’t sugarcoat the possibility. During her speech earlier this week, the Fed chairwoman told listeners, “…a U.K. vote to exit the European Union could have significant economic repercussions.”

…no kidding. That’s Fed-speak for “buckle-up.”

As I write this, the pound is sitting nearly 20% lower than its 2014 highs, and the lowest it’s been in three weeks.

Should the June 23 referendum lead to Britain’s split from the E.U., experts (including the head of the Bank of England) are calling for a further 10%, or possibly 15%, drop in the pound.

I think 20% is more likely because leaving the E.U. is a much bigger deal financially than most people realize, and volatility reflects that even though the headlines don’t… yet.

Two Easy Ways to Play the “Brexit”
The most defensive “offensive” position is to go long the U.S. dollar with an ETF like the PowerShares US Dollar Bullish Fund (NYSE:Arca:UUP). That way you’ll benefit from global traders who seek the relative safety of the dollar should Britain head off on its own even if the pound doesn’t move all the much itself.

The U.S. dollar has the added benefit of being the go-to for other currencies which will weaken at the same time, so it’s really the choice to play a knee-jerk reaction that will be global in nature, even though it’s Britain that we’re focused on today.

If you want more direct exposure to the British pound, consider buying the Short GBP Long USD (SGBP:LN). It’s traded on the London Exchange, so you’ll need to check with your broker for access. This way you’ll benefit from a potential breakdown in the Pound itself specifically as it trades against the US Dollar.

More advanced traders and investors could also consider everything from options to futures but those are beyond the scope of today’s article so we’ll cover ’em another time.

As always, both of these trades are speculative in nature so you’ll want to keep risk small by limiting the capital you place at work.

While that varies by investor risk tolerance and objectives, a good rule of thumb is to limit a speculative trade like this one to 2% of overall capital because doing so gives you plenty of staying power.

Never forget that opportunities like this one are not a matter of if or even when…

…but how.

Until next time,

Keith Fitz-Gerald

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Alebaster - 06-11-2016

So,Nigel Farage confirmed his anti white sentiment in the last Question Time. I can't find exact moment on the video but he said something among the lines of "leaving the EU will give opportunities for more black people to settle in the UK" to a black lady in the first row (who was frowning when he said it).

Previously he was quoted to say that he prefers Indians and "commonwealth citizens" (a.k.a various undeveloped third world cultures except Aus and Nz citizens who dont really migrate to the UK) to white Europeans:

He also campaigns for "points system", which as we know is just a code word for a mass migration from third world countries and cultures (just look at Australia or Canada). Also,the UK already has a points system in place (demands tested) and this explains why non EU migration is higher than EU migration.

Eskimo is Eskimo. Hate towards europeans is in their blood.

[Image: POLITICS-Ukip-214858-474603.jpg]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 06-11-2016

Two posts in and you're bitching about, of all people, Nigel Farage? On a white purity gripe?

Who are you waiting for to ride in on a white stallion? Who's your guy?

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Alebaster - 06-11-2016

Quote: (06-11-2016 06:54 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Two posts in and you're bitching about, of all people, Nigel Farage? On a white purity gripe?

Who are you waiting for to ride in on a white stallion? Who's your guy?

Oh I specifically registered to comment on Farage among all. His anti white rhetoric is just bubbling from everywhere.

Sorry mate -not going to embrace all the diversity rainbow bullshit which UKIP is so full of.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Fast Eddie - 06-11-2016

Quote: (06-11-2016 06:54 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Two posts in and you're bitching about, of all people, Nigel Farage? On a white purity gripe?

Who are you waiting for to ride in on a white stallion? Who's your guy?

Nigel Farage is a Cuck. His entire platform is basically "the [other parties] are the real racists, we need to leave the EU so that we can kick out the Poles and replace them with Indians and Nigerians."

I'm not going to bother explaining to you why that is a bad thing, most people around these parts get that instinctively.

Regardless of whether there is a better guy out there right now, Farage is not it. His very existence occupies space, and makes it more difficult for the right guy to ride in on a stallion, of whatever color.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Alebaster - 06-11-2016

Here,found the video I mentioned above in my post (can't edit it anymore) where Farage speaks of his love to "Commonwealth" (aka Pakistani,Indian and Nigerian migrants) and notes that leaving the EU will give "more opportunities for black people to immigrate to Britain"

from 13:45

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - AManLikePutin - 06-11-2016

Martin Schulz. President of EU parliament back in 2013....


Martin SchulzVerified account
US have one currency, one Central Bank and one Govt. Europe has one currency, one Central Bank and...17 govts! Cannot go on like this.

10:00 AM - 5 Jul 2013

It's so obvious what the eventual agenda is, but so many people still don't get it.
Luckily for Brexiters, Cameron is a shocking orator and him campaigning for the IN side, has backfired. He just looks so clueless in the debates.

Still not holding my breath though, Scottish referendum had favourable poll numbers initially, before the threat/fear in the last week changed the vote.