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The Hillary Clinton thread - Printable Version

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The Hillary Clinton thread - Dusty - 08-19-2015

Remember this one? [Image: lol.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread - Hannibal - 08-19-2015

[Image: CMuYxSWVEAA9W5P.png]

Can someone with photoshop skills please superimpose this face on a hamster?

That would be awesome.

The Hillary Clinton thread - DannyAlberta - 08-19-2015

^ I'm not so sure about Obama giving her that much help kosko. I half suspect her recent legal troubles are originating from him. I think he wants a more "ideologically pure" Democratic nominee than Hillary. Sanders would do. So would Warren.

Why else would an email scandal finally be the one that sticks as opposed to all the other crap she's gotten away with over the years? These are Justice Dept employees now calling her on this stuff, something that has been missing in all her scandals from previous years.

Maybe I'm wearing the tinfoil hat here, but maybe not.

Also Trump vs Sanders 2016 would be a forty ring circus of epic ness, so that could be fun.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Truck'n - 08-19-2015

Quote: (08-19-2015 08:09 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

^ I'm not so sure about Obama giving her that much help kosko. I half suspect her recent legal troubles are originating from him. I think he wants a more "ideologically pure" Democratic nominee than Hillary. Sanders would do. So would Warren.

Why else would an email scandal finally be the one that sticks as opposed to all the other crap she's gotten away with over the years? These are Justice Dept employees now calling her on this stuff, something that has been missing in all her scandals from previous years.

Maybe I'm wearing the tinfoil hat here, but maybe not.

Also Trump vs Sanders 2016 would be a forty ring circus of epic ness, so that could be fun.

No tin foil hat. The Obamas and Clintons have no love lost between them. Valerie Jarrett is supposedly 'advising' The Obama DOJ on how to proceed.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Socrates - 08-20-2015

Hillary, why did you have a personal email server in your home?
[Image: KXr2s5.gif]

Hillary, what is the secret to being a good wife?
[Image: KXr2s5.gif]

Hillary, how do you plan to beat Donald Trump in the general election?
[Image: KXr2s5.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread - WalterBlack - 08-20-2015

Hilary seems such a lovely person:


'There's not an agent in the service who wants to be in Hillary's detail,' a current agent says. 'If agents get the nod to go to her detail, that's considered a form of punishment among the agents. She's hard to work around, she's known to snap at agents and yell at agents and dress them down to their faces, and they just have to be humble and say, 'Yes ma'am,' and walk away.'

The agent adds, 'Agents don't deserve that. They're there to do a job, they're there to protect her, they'll lay their life down for hers, and there's absolutely no respect for that. And that's why agents do not want to go to her detail.'

Agents say Hillary's nastiness and contempt for them and disdain for law enforcement and the military in general continued, both when she was secretary of state and now that she is protected as a former first lady, earning her the distinction of being considered the Secret Service's most detested protectee.

During the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, a Secret Service uniformed officer was standing post on the South Lawn when Hillary arrived by limo.

'The first lady steps out of the limo, and another uniformed officer says to her, 'Good morning, ma'am,'' a former uniformed officer recalls. 'Her response to him was 'F—- off.' I couldn't believe I heard it.'

One afternoon, Hillary found a White House electrician changing a light bulb in the residence. She yelled at him because she had ordered that all repair work was to be done while the first family was out.

'She caught the guy on a ladder doing the lightbulb,' says Franette McCulloch, who was then the assistant White House pastry chef. 'He was a basket case.'

'We were basically told, the Clintons don't want to see you, they don't want to hear you, get out of the way,' says a former Secret Service agent. 'If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions. Supervisors would tell us, 'Listen, stand behind this curtain. They're coming,' or 'Just stand out of the way, don't be seen.''

Hillary had a 'standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another,' says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. 'In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.'

An agent working with Copeland for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's investigation of the Clintons' investments in the Whitewater real estate development did not know the rules: He made the mistake of addressing Hillary, saying 'Good morning, Mrs. Clinton' as she passed him in a corridor of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

'She jumped all over him,' Copeland says. 'How dare you? You people are just destroying my husband.' It was that vast right-wing conspiracy rant. Then she had to tack on something to the effect of 'And where do you buy your suits? Penney's?''

For weeks, the agent told no one about the encounter. 'Finally, he told me about it,' Copeland says. 'And he said, 'I was wearing the best suit I owned.''

At the 2000 Democratic National Convention at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Secret Service agents were told that the Clintons had issued instructions that agents leave their posts and, as if they were criminals, step around corners to hide as the Clintons approached.
'We were told they didn't want to see us,' an agent on the detail says.

'Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps,' former agent Jeff Crane says.


The agent adds, 'Agents don't deserve that. They're there to do a job, they're there to protect her, they'll lay their life down for hers, and there's absolutely no respect for that. And that's why agents do not want to go to her detail.'

The Hillary Clinton thread - kaotic - 08-20-2015

You know, even my liberal friends on FB, I haven't heard a single word about Hillary on that or any other social media.

I've seen mentions of Bernie....who I think will tank if debating Trump or a republican.

Being an open socialist will do that to you.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Dusty - 08-20-2015

Quote: (08-20-2015 05:54 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Hilary seems such a lovely person:


'There's not an agent in the service who wants to be in Hillary's detail,' a current agent says. 'If agents get the nod to go to her detail, that's considered a form of punishment among the agents. She's hard to work around, she's known to snap at agents and yell at agents and dress them down to their faces, and they just have to be humble and say, 'Yes ma'am,' and walk away.'

The agent adds, 'Agents don't deserve that. They're there to do a job, they're there to protect her, they'll lay their life down for hers, and there's absolutely no respect for that. And that's why agents do not want to go to her detail.'

Agents say Hillary's nastiness and contempt for them and disdain for law enforcement and the military in general continued, both when she was secretary of state and now that she is protected as a former first lady, earning her the distinction of being considered the Secret Service's most detested protectee.

During the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, a Secret Service uniformed officer was standing post on the South Lawn when Hillary arrived by limo.

'The first lady steps out of the limo, and another uniformed officer says to her, 'Good morning, ma'am,'' a former uniformed officer recalls. 'Her response to him was 'F—- off.' I couldn't believe I heard it.'

One afternoon, Hillary found a White House electrician changing a light bulb in the residence. She yelled at him because she had ordered that all repair work was to be done while the first family was out.

'She caught the guy on a ladder doing the lightbulb,' says Franette McCulloch, who was then the assistant White House pastry chef. 'He was a basket case.'

'We were basically told, the Clintons don't want to see you, they don't want to hear you, get out of the way,' says a former Secret Service agent. 'If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions. Supervisors would tell us, 'Listen, stand behind this curtain. They're coming,' or 'Just stand out of the way, don't be seen.''

Hillary had a 'standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another,' says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. 'In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.'

An agent working with Copeland for independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's investigation of the Clintons' investments in the Whitewater real estate development did not know the rules: He made the mistake of addressing Hillary, saying 'Good morning, Mrs. Clinton' as she passed him in a corridor of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

'She jumped all over him,' Copeland says. 'How dare you? You people are just destroying my husband.' It was that vast right-wing conspiracy rant. Then she had to tack on something to the effect of 'And where do you buy your suits? Penney's?''

For weeks, the agent told no one about the encounter. 'Finally, he told me about it,' Copeland says. 'And he said, 'I was wearing the best suit I owned.''

At the 2000 Democratic National Convention at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Secret Service agents were told that the Clintons had issued instructions that agents leave their posts and, as if they were criminals, step around corners to hide as the Clintons approached.
'We were told they didn't want to see us,' an agent on the detail says.

'Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps,' former agent Jeff Crane says.


The agent adds, 'Agents don't deserve that. They're there to do a job, they're there to protect her, they'll lay their life down for hers, and there's absolutely no respect for that. And that's why agents do not want to go to her detail.'


Would work out well having her president when the civil war/ revolution happens. Easy pickings.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Jvramerys - 08-21-2015

Rudy Giuliani: She needs a criminal lawyer.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Dantes - 08-21-2015

Quote: (08-21-2015 03:07 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Rudy Giuliani: She needs a criminal lawyer.

Thanks for the video clip. Hillary is without question in the wrong. However, I would like to see Guiliani comment on Chris Christie deleting thousands of emails related to Bridgegate thus making it impossible for federal investigators to review.

The Hillary Clinton thread - lido - 08-21-2015

[Image: hillary_clinton-scary.jpg]

[Image: 980x550xScreen-Shot-2015-03-14-at-2.44.5...PVIH7X.jpg]

[Image: 8OS3jvl.png]

[Image: 486984731_hillary_clinton_winking_550x367_xlarge.jpeg]

The Hillary Clinton thread - DannyAlberta - 08-21-2015

Quote: (08-21-2015 03:07 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Rudy Giuliani: She needs a criminal lawyer.

Hannity isn't always the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he does raise quite an interesting scenario, namely that foreign governments (some of whom are hostile to the US and its allies) could have already seen the emails Hillary deleted. If there was something she was covering up, she might be open to blackmail by such foreign powers should she win the presidency. That's a bit of nightmare fuel for you.

Still, I think they are counting her out too definitively. She's escaped perjury, campaign finance law breaches and a whole host of other scandals before. It remains to be seen if this one sticks.

One other thing, the hyper-partisan Justice Department should not be overseeing this investigation. This seems tailor-made for the appointment of a special prosecutor. If Barry O wants to sink her (which I still half suspect he does), that would be a sure sign.

The Hillary Clinton thread - Praetor Lupus - 08-21-2015

Quote: (08-19-2015 08:04 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

[Image: CMuYxSWVEAA9W5P.png]

Can someone with photoshop skills please superimpose this face on a hamster?

That would be awesome.

Would it look any different?

The Hillary Clinton thread - Cr33pin - 08-21-2015

I read the comments on one of the videos about the lovely Hilary and her deleting emails fiasco. An it was pure ignorance the way these sheep defended her. One comment said "So what if she didn't follow the guidelines, it's not like she started a war" ...... If this woman can't follow simple guidelines on what you are to do and not to do with emails do you want to make her the most powerful hag in the world??

Guidelines Shmidelines

The Hillary Clinton thread - Sourcecode - 08-22-2015


The Hillary Clinton thread - Dusty - 08-22-2015

[Image: n0zd2.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread - Dusty - 09-10-2015


[Image: facepalm3.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread - Captainstabbin - 09-11-2015

Great video from Hillary's campaign.


The video appears to show that numerous Hillary Clinton campaign staffers are well aware of the law. Nevertheless, the video shows them laughing at the law and repeatedly bragging about violating it by promoting Hillary Clinton verbally and with campaign literature as they attempt to register potential voters.

The Project Veritas video further appears to show that the Clinton campaign staff solicits voter registration in close proximity to state offices, which may also violate Nevada law

According to the video, when the attorney in question, identified as Christina Gupana, was told about this alleged lawbreaking, she advised the staffers to, “Do whatever you can. Whatever you can get away with, just do it, until you get kicked out like totally.”

More than one staffer says that the campaign’s motto towards these laws is “Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.”

The Hillary Clinton thread - El Chinito loco - 09-11-2015

Quote: (09-10-2015 07:32 PM)Dusty Wrote:  


I like how she's trying to appear hip to appeal to young voters but still can't stop looking like some strange mannequin with a plastic smile glued onto her face.

Hillary Clinton is one of a handful of human beings that actually gives me a weird Uncanny Valley feeling that is only supposed to happen when you look at computer generated things or robots that resemble humans.

The Hillary Clinton thread - RougeNoir - 09-12-2015

Just realized "Clinton" is misspelled after all these weeks.

The Hillary Clinton thread - MattW - 09-13-2015

WB Christina gupana.

The Hillary Clinton thread - JayR - 09-14-2015

Hillary Clinton Calls for Fighting Sexual Assault on Campus


Though she stopped short on Monday of offering a specific plan, Clinton said that as president she would aim to provide support for survivors, including counseling and health care, as well as ensure transparency in campus disciplinary proceedings.

Something tells me her version of "transparency" has nothing to do with safeguarding due process for the accused, despite this being the year of the UVA and Mattress-girl hoaxes.

The Hillary Clinton thread - GoldHawkStar - 09-15-2015

^^^As someone who would be going to college for two-and-a-half more years after she would become president, this really worries me. I'm in my third year now, and it's already bad enough. Electing her as president is a guaranteed death sentence for the word "rape" to be thrown around every college campus like a fucking playground.


The proposals Clinton outlined — including more comprehensive on-campus resources for survivors...

Encouraging more future rape misconceptions due to normalizing and broadening the definition of rape and thus deceiving gullible women into thinking they've been raped or assaulted.


...fairer investigative and disciplinary processes for both accusers and the accused...

Bullshit leftist pussy bias which will destroy more men's lives.


...and increased preventive education

Incoming freshman will have to waste even more time watching sexual assault videos. I was required to watch a 2+ hour long video with frequent quizzes in order to be enrolled in my university, as was everyone else. Even with separate parts based on if the person watching is a man or a woman. I can only imagine the kind of brainwashing bullshit-statistic-supported talking points that were included in the women's parts.


The Hillary Clinton thread - Dusty - 10-16-2015

What a crazy maniacal cunt:

[Image: 70170354ec4e52969d20e61bf9813905.gif]

[Image: Jokerlaugh.gif]

[Image: maniacal-laughter.gif]

[Image: bc0bebf753e598aac1dca53c6e6919ee.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread - El Chinito loco - 10-17-2015

More war stories told by Secret service agents/FBI/staffers about Hitlery's shitty behavior in the white house. This is coming from the NY Post the most delusional of New York liberal rags. The names also aren't "anonymous" bullshit sources either with corroborating witnesses to her behavior. Pretty damning.

Even before I read this article I always knew Hitlery's personality was way off. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see there's some chilling thing about her fake if she's trying to act like a real person. Kind of like the uncanny valley when a robot who looks human is still off to the point of it being creepy.

I recommend not giving NY post clicks.


“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“F— off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.

Kessler writes flatteringly and critically about people in both parties. Regarding the Clintons, Kessler presents Chelsea as a model protectee who respected and appreciated her agents. He describes Bill as a difficult chief executive but an easygoing ex-president. And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.

“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”

He adds: “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”

Kessler was an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and has penned 19 other books. Among much more in “First Family Detail,” he reports:

 “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

“Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”

Former agent Jeff Crane says, “Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.”Another former member of her detail recollects, “Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.”

“We spent years with her,” yet another Secret Service agent notes. “She never said thank you.”

Within the White House, Hillary had a “standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another,” says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. “In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.”

One former Secret Service agent states, “If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.”

Hillary one day ran into a White House electrician who was changing a light bulb in the upstairs family quarters. She screamed at him, because she had demanded that all repairs be performed while the Clintons were outside the Executive Mansion.

“She caught the guy on a ladder doing the light bulb,” says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. “He was a basket case.”

White House usher Christopher B. Emery unwisely called back Barbara Bush after she phoned him for computer troubleshooting. Emery helped the former first lady twice. Consequently, Kessler reports, Hillary sacked him. The father of four stayed jobless for a year.

While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f - - - did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ”

Secret Service “agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” Kessler concludes. “In fact, agents say being on Hillary Clinton’s detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service.”

After studying the Secret Service and its relationships with dozens of presidents, vice presidents and their families, Ronald Kessler’s astonishment at Hillary Clinton’s inhumanity should reverberate in every American’s head.

As he told me: “No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States.”

Let's see:

Disrespecting regular paid employees doing menial work.
Disrespecting the uniform and the men who serve in the military.
Shitting on men whose jobs mean they are supposed to take a bullet if she's in danger.
Venal money and career only focus with little regard for people.

She's a die hard neo con on top of that and is willing to send men to die en masse for Israel and flush money down the toilet. The same men she shits all over she could be very well be in charge of sending them off into the abyss.