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Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-24-2013

I just woke up and am setting up a date with a latino girl from okc to come meet me for coffee in an hour.
Latino girl + not working today + down to meet + early thirties = one happy platano

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-24-2013

Dumb Toronto chics. Made a date with Blondie last night and she does not reply when I try to confirm plans. Now She gets mad I ditched this morning. Bahaha.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-24-2013

Quote: (06-24-2013 11:17 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Dumb Toronto chics. Made a date with Blondie last night and she does not reply when I try to confirm plans. Now She gets mad I ditched this morning. Bahaha.

No offense, but Toronto sounds lame. Why not go to Montreal?

The chick I'm meeting up with is not only PR but also Jewish. Will be this be the mother of all blowjobs?

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-24-2013


I just double checked the profile and it turns out this is a tranny. Oh well, I'm going to try to set up a date with the one armed girl.

Looks like today is freak day for me..

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-24-2013

Quote: (06-22-2013 12:42 AM)Rootless Wrote:  

Experiment of the weekend: Salsa.

Heads up, this is a long post.
TL;DR: go do salsa, specially for new guys.

If you read so far, what is your taking, salsa and batach as a method to meet new girls yay or nay?

Great experiment results. Most guys would be too scared to go back and talk to multiple girls. Women that want to dance these dances want a strong man, a leader. If you become even half decent at salsa, you will be able to choose from a litany of women that want to dance with you (and possibly more). Dancing is harder for men as they have to lead, but once you can lead, women will follow. Women are WAY friendlier in these environments. You'll be less likely to find out and out sluts, though. Great place to gain confidence, good ratios, higher caliber women (for the most part), there's really no downside to learning these dances. Bachata is sexy as hell.

Player's Log / Lounge - Lothario - 06-24-2013

Quote: (06-22-2013 02:58 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

^ you moved too fast.

Should have gone to a bar for drink 1. After she finishes the drink. Then you move to the car and do the "oh I have wine" drink at her hotel room. Now you go for a make out.

You basically tried to grab her hindbrain sober, with a ring on is a tough sell. Otherwise looks like you did well.

You gave her no excuse for her actions. She needs one "oh I was drunk" "oh I was doing coke" "oh I was on xtac" "oh I was on vacaaaation"

The more excuses she has the better off you are

That line "when I drink I can't stop" was the green light... Slight mis-execution, next time you know what to do, wait a drink or 2 and you're good to go.

Thanks Westcoast, you hit the nail on the head. Damn right I gamed too fast and got Impatient. Didn't really read what she meant by " When I drink I can't Stop"

Quote: (06-22-2013 03:05 PM)kosko Wrote:  

That's probably the biggest tingle she has gotten in a while. Great reading that execution and how you threw the other guy into the wolves.

If anything maybe her being in her own room gave her a guilt complex. She would have to lay in that bed she just got showerd in cum in and have to talk strait to her man about it all. If anything if it was another environment she would of been able to detach more from her boring married life.

**Just seen Westcost post and I agree 100% that alacahol would of been the pre-courser to that diss - attachment. They all down drinks and drugs prior as a soft cover for thier hamster.

Thanks kosko, I like your style, Wish to game together with you one day...... You are essentially saying the same thing as west coast and I agree. I think she was far detached from her home and family in a hotel room for one night only to care if it was my room or hers.

Quote: (06-22-2013 05:55 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I agree with the others- the only thing you did wrong was not take her somewhere and get her drunk first. She was definitely DTF, otherwise she never would have went as far as she did. This is one of those times when a woman told you what you needed to do to fuck her-that she needed to drink a lot.

Thanks MrXY for reminding me how I fucked it up, I am banging my head against the wall, It was a Fuck up avoidance Game. In my defense I was operating on tight time schedule and only had a window of 2-3 hrs to make any kind of play happen. Will chalk it off to perils of fast seduction.

Forum keeps on delivering thanks once again guys .........

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 06-24-2013

Finally got a little play off the POF app mobile feature. Found about 8 chicks who were here from out of town and messaged them-6 replied. The reply rate on these mobile feature chicks is way higher-I guess because they're on vacation and don't have much to do. After I weeded out the ones who were here with their kids I got two numbers and double booked dates for Sat night. One flaked, and other told me she was at dinner with her girlfriends and would meet me later so i figured she would flake but she showed up at about 11:30 with one friend.

She had driven all the way across town to meet me and I soon realized why- she's been separated for a few months and is going through a divorce. Had been married for a long time and told me her husband had barely touched her the last few years of the marriage. Chicks like this are horny as hell and looking for sexual adventures with different guys to make up for what they've missed out on. She's a former college cheerleader and still looks like the cute cheerleader type even though she's about 40. The friend disappeared and I saw her later making out in a corner with a guy who looked about 23. My girl told me she was married and said she's known to do that sort of thing. She was staying a house owned by a friend and so I didn't suggest going there this time but she invited me to come get in the hot tub next time she's in town. I walked her out to her car and she latched onto my face like an alien. Made a date this week by text the next day

Meanwhile have a date with the big tittied bartender tomorrow night that i met for a drink a few days ago. I'm going for the bang

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-24-2013

Quote: (06-24-2013 11:19 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2013 11:17 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Dumb Toronto chics. Made a date with Blondie last night and she does not reply when I try to confirm plans. Now She gets mad I ditched this morning. Bahaha.

No offense, but Toronto sounds lame. Why not go to Montreal?

The chick I'm meeting up with is not only PR but also Jewish. Will be this be the mother of all blowjobs?

It really is. Sometimes I wonder if TO dudes on here sound like we are whining, but strait up the broads here are wack. That blondie, she was jut over emotional. First time in like a decades a TO girl is hungry to meet up. She was dumb and thought I wouldn't confirm and just roll up to some random intersection where she lived. She blew up my phone and were back on for this week. I'm hella drunk right now. No meltdown because I'm
Drunken as fuck downtown. Fuck these gay fools killing shit. They killing it all. (post. Coming soon)

The thing is she is just the typical blondie type that I have always dated. I don't want no LTR in this city. Why should I date this bitch when I am stealing her away from her current man? She's already proved she's a unworthy hoe... Lol.

Toronto is wack. I wanted to hit NYC but Montreal is looking like a cheaper option. The first week of school and frosh I am aiming for. I'm at the swingers club now and surrounded by nerds. I had to come get air. Like I said the blondie and Pocahontas are down to chill. Just to far from my liking. CAVEMAN GAME FORWARD. let's see how it goes. !!!

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-25-2013

Either my 2 co workers are in love with me or I'm just interpreting things the way I want them to be.

My boss is super flirty and I subtly made fun of her accent so she hit me playfully (like girls do on dates), she makes intense eye contact, talks to me all day long and if im more om the flirty side shell be more physical. She even loudly discussed her impending divorce within earshot.

I caught the other girl texting today as I was going to this back room. She followed me in and leaned against the door so I couldn't get out. Then she started asking all about my weekend and smiling like a retard. I was super tired so I just said "ya I gotta go finish my walkabout"

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-25-2013

Sent out a mass text and made a plan for a girl I've never met to come over to my studio this afternoon. We've already joked about sex stuff via text.

Player's Log / Lounge - Zebra_Cakes - 06-25-2013

Got flaked on for my date today. Second time she's done it. Mysteriously, she has three papers due on Thursday out of the blue. Fighting the urge to say something as opposed to just ignoring her and moving on.

Player's Log / Lounge - Plutoman - 06-25-2013

Asked to come out and join her and her friends for someone's birthday party. Haven't really been out yet, not kissed her yet/anything of the sort. She's a programmer (with a good internship) that's also on the swim team. Thoughts towards this? Roissy calls it an attempt to see how good I am at evading the friend zone.

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-25-2013

Quote: (06-25-2013 02:22 PM)Plutoman Wrote:  

Asked to come out and join her and her friends for someone's birthday party. Haven't really been out yet, not kissed her yet/anything of the sort. She's a programmer (with a good internship) that's also on the swim team. Thoughts towards this? Roissy calls it an attempt to see how good I am at evading the friend zone.

If the party isn't for someone you know and her friends aren't all attractive females, you should make her come to you or set up a date.

Myself I just cancelled with the 19 year old for tonight. We're prepping at my work for a long trip and there's no way I'm going to get out of here early enough tonight so I just called it around midnight last night. I need to get sleep and pack anyway. No sense in maybe getting laid if it's going to ruin my trip (already hard mentally/physically) by starting it off dog tired. Funnily enough my friends with benefits Maria is going to be in the city I'll be working in for a bachelorette party and will have her car so I planted the seed of us meeting up so I could spray her with my seed.

That makes me think, I should hit up Maria and see if she wants to join me late tonight for a quick suck 'n fuck so I still get sleep AND get laid. Woo.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-26-2013

I was in the break room at work last night and this kinda cute chick was getting shown around by the fat indian chick I talked about in the forum lounge. I talk some shit and fuck with her about some work stuff. She gets all confused and then realizes I'm joking.


I was FB friends with this chick and she posted on my wall today, I replied sparsely and told her to stop by the lab.

This chick lost a bunch of weight so I'm going to tell her I didn't recognize her and that shes looking good (last chick I did this on I almost banged, but pussied out + drove off when she took me back to her all 'womyn' halfway house)

This might be a good opportunity to make the hot chick at work jealous/show preselection, but shit I can't just run game on chicks at work haha. I'm thinking I'll invite this chick to have a couple drinks on the weekend and try to bang, or maybe bang her hot friends.

Whats your guys' take on banging work ho's. I'll be working 12 hour days so I might not have a lot of free time to go out and there will be a lot of new highschool girls for the summer, but I also don't want to get a bad rep if I fuck it up.

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-26-2013

Quote: (06-26-2013 05:12 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I was in the break room at work last night and this kinda cute chick was getting shown around by the fat indian chick I talked about in the forum lounge. I talk some shit and fuck with her about some work stuff. She gets all confused and then realizes I'm joking.


I was FB friends with this chick and she posted on my wall today, I replied sparsely and told her to stop by the lab.

This chick lost a bunch of weight so I'm going to tell her I didn't recognize her and that shes looking good (last chick I did this on I almost banged, but pussied out + drove off when she took me back to her all 'womyn' halfway house)

This might be a good opportunity to make the hot chick at work jealous/show preselection, but shit I can't just run game on chicks at work haha. I'm thinking I'll invite this chick to have a couple drinks on the weekend and try to bang, or maybe bang her hot friends.

Whats your guys' take on banging work ho's. I'll be working 12 hour days so I might not have a lot of free time to go out and there will be a lot of new highschool girls for the summer, but I also don't want to get a bad rep if I fuck it up.

Depends on the environment and what kind of work it is. Generally if you care about the job, you shouldn't shit where you eat.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-26-2013

True, I plan on staying at this job for a year or so before I apply for an upgraded position in a place I'd want to live for the long term.

Everyone is really laid back and playful especially the girls, it's refreshing. It'll be great for my banter and all that. I think ill subtly run game in terms of being playful/cocky while also getting them to be submissive and if anything "just happens" ill leave it at that.

I'll save the intent to bang for the summer help since they'll only be there till Sept.

Player's Log / Lounge - All or Nothing - 06-27-2013

Quote: (06-26-2013 05:54 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

True, I plan on staying at this job for a year or so before I apply for an upgraded position in a place I'd want to live for the long term.

Everyone is really laid back and playful especially the girls, it's refreshing. It'll be great for my banter and all that. I think ill subtly run game in terms of being playful/cocky while also getting them to be submissive and if anything "just happens" ill leave it at that.

I'll save the intent to bang for the summer help since they'll only be there till Sept.

WesternCancer, don't shit where you eat. It's old school advice, but I am finding old school advice to be truer than the new stuff.

If this job is important to your career, trying to fuck chicks in the office is like walking on eggshells. Anyone of these girls could ruin you the second you rub any of one them the wrong way.

I am just throwing it out there. Even though your situation sounds really tempting, and personally I would be thinking the same thing. The question is, are you willing to risk your entire future for a couple of office girls?

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-27-2013

Thanks for the input.

The job will be as important as i make it. If I putthe effort in then I will get a lot out of it. If not it will just be solid job experience.

However I'm a 6'2 220lb sexy motherfucker. The rest of the guys are missing teeth, short and ugly. My only competition is a guy that just started today and I've already made him my bitch. The girls are always happy to see me.

The way I see it eventually one of them is going to make an extremely obvious move or I will see them out in the town and go from there. I shouldnt have to really do anything, I just need to start approaching more once I stop these 12 hr shifts in a month or so.

Player's Log / Lounge - Plutoman - 06-27-2013

Quote: (06-25-2013 04:07 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

If the party isn't for someone you know and her friends aren't all attractive females, you should make her come to you or set up a date.

Decided to go along with it... mixed results with the girl, but it was overall worth it as I made some fantastic business contacts with the guys she knew. All Garmin guys, programmers, engineers. Great to know as I'm starting my business. Cool guys, too, not the stereotypical socially awkward ones.

As far as the girl went... got the cheek, who knows. Pushed in a lot body contact/etc but it was more awkward as it was with her friends. Made a good impression with everyone else though - the birthday guy was asking me to come out and join them again (in a non-homo way).

Can't win them all, but maybe it'll happen, only the second time I'd seen her out. Programmer (comp sci) girl that's also on a university swim team. I can't even imagine the level of attention she receives from guys.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-28-2013

I've been adopting the elephant in the room concept, and seems to be working.

When I text with a girl whose number I go online, I mention "Honestly, I'm not looking for any thing serious right now"

Often the girl will respond positively. I've replies like "neither I am, just looking for someone to kick it with" or "good because I make a terrible girlfriend"

However, I think this only works on girls who give off the party vibe. I randomly tried with another okc girl and blew myself out because she was like "well if we aren't looking for the same thing maybe we shouldn't meet"

I got back from last night's bang at like 9 am so I've been asleep most of the day. Fired up Tinder and got a bunch of new matches. Also got a lot of responses on OKCupid. I'm going to see if any of these girls want to get a drink tonight.

It never ceases to amaze me how much good sex or lack thereof can influence how I feel. For example, when I'm not getting it, I really get in a bad, depressed mood. When I do get it, I feel amazing and connected and open/free.

For all those game haters out there: don't knock us players. We are just trying to have better lives and fun.

Player's Log / Lounge - Young T.R. - 06-29-2013

Went to a house party last night. I texted the girls I met at the gas station last weekend and invited them. They were at some other thing, but I'm going to meet up with them tonight at the local club. Met a guy at the party who is going to be my wing tonight. He seems like a natural player type and a cool guy all around. I saw some pictures of a couple girls he pulled and they were at least 8s.

Last night at the party I was talking to this pair of cute girls off and on all night. At the end of the night everyone was sleeping except me and the two cute girls sitting at the kitchen table joking around, and two hater fatties scowling and circling like sharks.
Me and the girls at the table were having a great time, laughing and keeping the party mood going as long as possible. The fatties just couldn't take it.
One of them left to cry for a while about being fat (really, I could hear her wailing about her skinny sister and how it's not fair) and the other one kept bothering me to go see what her problem was. Then the sad fatty came back and tried to pour water on my head but missed except for a few drops.
I was in such a good state I totally ignored her, but eventually they succeeded in killing the mood and I just went to sleep.
I got the number of one of the cute girls and now we have a bunch of inside jokes. Seems like a good start.

Tonight I'm going to meet the gas station girls at the club with my new wing. There's also going to be another party at the same place from last night (the cute pair will probably be there again). Both places are right up the street from my house. Walking distance. So something should pan out tonight if I don't fuck it up.

Player's Log / Lounge - Young T.R. - 06-30-2013

Damn. Rough night. My wing saw his friend get killed in a motorcycle accident earlier tonight so he didn't feel up to coming out. I don't blame him.
The party was wack. The girls I was supposed to meet were there at the club but I couldn't find them. Then they were supposed to come back to my house after closing but their friend puked in the car or something.
About to go day game tomorrow or something to make up for all the wasted time this weekend.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-30-2013

Day 2 in poosy paradise. I have the second best logistics known to man kind. Hotel room above the best bar which is right on the main beach.

Dunno how to upload pics from my phone, but I have one where there are 30 7+ girls dancing on stage. There was only 1 fatty. I did a few approaches but now that I'm fully rested and haven't been drinking for 8 hours I'm ready to go!!! Just need to figure a way around the buddies I'm sharing the room with

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 06-30-2013

Where are you situated WC?

I want to do a trip sometime soon to venue/environment change with a vacation in mind.

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-30-2013

Got my first meetup off Tinder last night. Last minute shit as we were both buzzed texting each other. I dropped bait about me my old football career and she took it. I guess she was thinking I was some beefed up football and took the chance for a meeetup. I was able to creep on her prior, I knew mostly what I was getting. She is okay looking by by being a sleazy hipster HIV she makes herself look like a clown with the goofy shit she wears and how she does her makeup. Her saving grace was one pic I seen of her in heels, a dress, and a good tan and she looked hot.

When we met she was surpassingly thin, and I totally feel that women are completely clueless because just having long hair and a thin body makes you by default a 6 - she had both luckily.

We hit up one my favorite bars after drinking some beers in a park full of crackies and drunks. A drunk Native guy made chit-chat with us and I asked him if he hated hipsters and he's like: "yeah eh, just fuking being stupid with stupid shit, fuking tattoos but didn't go to jail, fuking eh"

I take a log swig of my beer an chuckle. My date still does not think she's a hipster but it's so obvious she is. Haha. We get to the bar and She's buying me mad drinks. I've got no complaints and did not care if I possibly looked cheap because i get where this is going. Women whom love to buy drinks do it for impunity - a cover for them - because if they are wanting to get smashed out their tree for a potential bang/hookup. They always want that plausible deniability card in their back pocket in-case the dude is hella lame and wack. This was always i found, especially with wine, in those cases when bithches wanted to drink a another bottle (or two) I knew they had that fever going for some dick and the ball was in my court not to fuck it up. Prior to game in some instances I did goof it up and every time, every single time the girl got her D. Maybe not from me, but a homie or random would end up doing the deed if I happened to fuck it up. So now with game I can smell her motives - She wants it, game on.

I think I rambled on about typical stories. We played a game guessing each broads age in the bar. I kept telling her old ass bitches (25+ lol) dress a certain way and you can smell they dust on them a mile away. It was true. I made her troll a girl by doing a reverse compliment by asking how old she was and being like "oh wow you look soo good for your age.. Blah blaah". It was a good game since I did not remember any from Roosh's book. It gets her out of her comfort zone and it shows your not overly serious about shit.

Things were going great. Kino was easy to escalate after I purposely made us sit awkwardly away from each other. I mentioned it was hard for me to hear her and for her come sit beside me on the bench. After that it was a lot of me grabbing on to her leg with a drink in my hand her hanging on each of my words. Felt great.

She grabs a smoke and we switch spots near the dance floor. I cut eyes with my arch rival here in the City. Men don't beef like chics do, I don't hate this guy but we constantly size each other up on all types of shit. I'm conceited yet humble while he is arrogant while being some what in-secure. He is with a hot black girl whole even my date notices. He wins for quality, she was a 7 for sure, but once we catch eyes I grab my girl and start making out with her and she basically melts. Of course rival has to try and one-up me so I see him plotting his game in his head. 5 mins later he trying to creep up on his girl with weak shit like yawning and trying to put his arm around her. Once he starts doing that toy shit she does the kiss of death and pulls out her iPhone. Haha! I think he tried to kiss her but got shot down. I continued doing my thing and I think in that time frame we made out like 6 times lol.

I don't feel like dancing with her. I danced heavy last night and my legs were sore from the gym. We venue change and I troll we check bar real close to her place that I knew would be full. We walk over and she's holding on to me and trying to hold my hand and shit. I don't like holding girls hands, never have, not sure why.

Haha surprise surprise the bar has a dirty line-up. I say should finish the beers of I have at her place. She is hesitant at first but I broke through it by telling her to show me some art that was by her house she mentioned. She also showed me some stupid park for fat kids (no joke, excersice gear window dressed as a kids playground haha). We start making out more and it's hardcore now with mad groaping and shit. I sell her on movies and beer and she is 100% down. We get to the crib, she turns on a movie and not even ins in we are making out again with my putting her bass on my junk. I ask where her bedroom is... Done deal.

See this wasn't a notch, no bang happend since she was on her rag. I'm done with blood bangs so I just get to suck me off twice. She got hella submissive in bed and was moaning when I was gagging her with the meat haha!

The funny thing is she looked better in the AM when she had no make up on. When that clown shit she puts on came off it showed off her a-typical German features. Even more funny was that her sister has plumped up to a fat mess. In the pics I creeped my jaw dropped at how hot her sister was and I was even thinking of parlaying a meet-up with the tinder girl to try and game her sister but hell the fuck no. She found a brother to date her a d felt the need to gain 15lbs lol. Also funny is they both have only lived in TO 2/3 years and have completely turned into weird hipster chics but for them growing up in BC kept them grounded. I didn't hear Femenist bullshit slew out from the tinder girls mouth. I told her we should wear more dresses and heels and she agreed, I bossed her around in bed and she obliged. Her mind has not fully been killed yet so that's a plus. Last thing is that I for sure got a vibe that she is sick of omega Toronto dudes and thier weak game. She kept hurting he head in my cheast hair and wouldn't let go of my frame. This broad probably has not been with a confidant man in ages. I could tell she appreciated the time spent a lot. Not sure what I want from this chic, I need to get the bang out of the way first but it would seem that she would be a low maintenance FWB which I would like to have around.