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Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - stugatz - 04-19-2019

Apologies if this is overlong, but I've got some crazy insomnia. The good kind where I'm productive.

After wasting my twenties and whining about how the world wasn't fair, I'm losing weight for this reason - I've realized over the past few months or so that all women have been touched by hypergamy. ALL of them. Even if they haven't had a taste of the carousel (doubtful), they know that they have a lot of options and act accordingly. It's scared me into finally bettering my physique so I can have a fighting fucking chance.

I have conservative values but liberal tastes, so when I began going back to church (Tridentine Latin Mass) and hanging out with a social circle through it...I was a square peg in a round hole but the women seemed sincere, if a little too vanilla for my tastes. None of the regulars tripped my trigger too much (more attractive ones inexplicably didn't come often), so I just flailed around for the past two years, bored because there seemed to be few eligible women to date.

A new person recently joined us and had the same tastes I did. Engaging personality and very pretty, too. Though she was newly single (her recent breakup brought her to us) I didn't ask her out, realizing how much she outgunned me lookswise and socially...and now I'm watching her date a friend. This got worse when I looked at her Facebook pictures from the past eight years or so and was stunned. She lived quite the wild college life, participated in pretty drunk and degenerate behavior, and dated Chad after Chad...right up until the beginning of this year. Now she's seeing the end of her twenties and realizing it's time to pretend she was always a good girl.

I'd sensed something was off about her. If a woman is THIS socially adept, attractive, and in tune with the times, she's likely ridden the carousel for multiple years. Who in the fuck could resist the thirst? All have been touched, and it doesn't matter what their political opinions or religious leanings are.

So I'm now back in the gym, this time permanently...and am obsessively trying to find new areas to meet people to better myself socially and as a person in general. It's a jungle out there.

I'll say, though, that overall my mood is a little downbeat. I'm ecstatic my life is turning around, but I was depressed for a good reason...all I wanted to do was be a decent person, have friends who liked me, and marry a woman who'd be a faithful wife and support me. None of it was working because of the sexual marketplace's deterioration, and I'm sure I would have achieved all of this had it been 1962 or even 1990.

I'm going to have to become a fuckboy to make this work out for me, and I'm going to have to view women I date as practice. I just hope I don't poison my soul in the process.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Deusleveult - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-18-2019 11:02 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

People think it's awful that I am actually rooting for a civil war in America nowadays. I really do think it's our best hope though.

I now think that the only thing that will make American women change will be a significant reduction in the number of available men. If we get to a point in which there are maybe 120 women for every 100 men, women will definitely start shaping up. At this point, I am afraid it is the only thing that will change American women. They are so degenerate, and there are very forces out there that are trying to change them.

You're right, a major collapse, a civil war or a world war will be the only things that will humble them and make them realize the importance of (white) men.
The strong independent city woman bullshit will go through the window right when food will start to be scarce and when the "diversity" will start to loot, rape and kill everything white in sight.
The thing I am asking myself is, will I want to help them?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Glaucon - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-18-2019 11:02 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

I now think that the only thing that will make American women change will be a significant reduction in the number of available men. If we get to a point in which there are maybe 120 women for every 100 men, women will definitely start shaping up. At this point, I am afraid it is the only thing that will change American women. They are so degenerate, and there are very forces out there that are trying to change them.

This disturbingly sounds like a blood sacrifice....

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-19-2019

Brilliant post, Delta. I, and I'm sure many men, needed to hear that.

Clown World is a real thing

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - N°6 - 04-19-2019

Indeed, hoping for a blood sacrifice of men just so that the goddess might award some intimacy is perhaps the worst type of pedestalisation possible. It is like Hypergamy is rewarded by the blood of men.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Leonard D Neubache - 04-19-2019

Nobody should hope for death but it's indisputable that our utter degeneracy is a product of our utter excess and comfort.

Western women are fat, shallow, picky cunts because they can afford to be. They become single mothers simply because we have the largesse to pay them for it. They don't have to choose between food/shelter/protection and getting back on the cock carousel. They can have both and they know it.

Having spent a decade considering what system of society would allow both largesse and social order to exist in harmony I have failed over and over again and personally I've gotten to the point where I've accepted that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. We might have learned this from the Romans but we didn't. Instead we flee to third world countries to find women that are "right in the head" when in reality it's the third world conditions that have made them so. Bring them back and the forgetful ones quickly become just the same as the women we rejected at home.

A return to struggle is not a pleasant concept but it's preferable and simply inevitable. This insanity cannot last forever, so the only question that remains is when and how we choose to approach the collapse.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Glaucon - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 03:12 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Indeed, hoping for a blood sacrifice of men just so that the goddess might award some intimacy is perhaps the worst type of pedestalisation possible. It is like Hypergamy is rewarded by the blood of men.

My thoughts exactly.

In Europe, the hundred years between the Napoleonic Wars and the First World War were far less bloody than the periods that preceded and followed them.

And that not caused the level of degeneracy we see today.

From Christian perspective, women have just as much agency as men. They have free will, and a soul. Abandoning Christianity and the natural order lead to this what we have today.

Women act like nothing sort of demons now days. This is unacceptable and unforgettable. Even if they are the weaker vessel.

I will not participate in this lunacy any longer, and I do not care if I do not get laid because I refuse to give up my morals. Been there done that, non-stop sex gets boring even with the hottest women after 2-3 months if you do not see her as your future wife and mother of your children.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Brazilianguy - 04-19-2019

I agree with the conclusion arrived at here.
The truth is, self development and finances can only take you so far.
Financially, I´m part of the 1% in Brazil, am pretty fit, and let me tell you, things aren´t looking bright for me when it comes to women. Not for me and not for any of my friends unless they give it a real effort and simply accept settling for scraps.
The culture is fucked. It´s like being the best fisherman in the world and trying to catch a trout in the sewer. It just won´t happen, no matter how good you are.

The logical conclusion is that us masculine guys have to focus on finances and leave the west to find a feminine woman who values men.
I think that it´s of key importance to become a global citizen, viewing western countries as places to acquire wealth and traditional ones as places to find women and raise a proper family.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - SamuelBRoberts - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 05:07 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

The culture is fucked. It´s like being the best fisherman in the world and trying to catch a trout in the sewer. It just won´t happen, no matter how good you are.

This is a great analogy.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - azulsombra - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 05:07 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

I agree with the conclusion arrived at here.
The truth is, self development and finances can only take you so far.
Financially, I´m part of the 1% in Brazil, am pretty fit, and let me tell you, things aren´t looking bright for me when it comes to women. Not for me and not for any of my friends unless they give it a real effort and simply accept settling for scraps.
The culture is fucked. It´s like being the best fisherman in the world and trying to catch a trout in the sewer. It just won´t happen, no matter how good you are.

The logical conclusion is that us masculine guys have to focus on finances and leave the west to find a feminine woman who values men.
I think that it´s of key importance to become a global citizen, viewing western countries as places to acquire wealth and traditional ones as places to find women and raise a proper family.

I'm curious about this.
If you are really the full package, (physique,1% money and status) and are seriously settling for scraps in Brazil, then who are the attractive Brasilieras holding out for?

Are you trying to say they are all waiting for Drake, Justin Bieber or Ryan Gosling? They are fucking somebody right?

Things can't be that bad over there.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ThriceLazarus - 04-19-2019

I’m suffering from a bit of insomnia myself.

The discussion here is too poignant, too on the nose.

[Image: Too%2BMuch%2B-%2BReal%2BLife.jpg]

A few thoughts that have been bubbling about.


Delta, your problem is that you’re ‘too nice’ - I’m no Lothario yet I can feel it. I recall reading here that Game boils down to acting just like a hot bitchy woman would - be judgemental, unavailable, emotionally unappeasable, just generally unstable. Act like a cunt and you’ll fall into trim.

The only success I’ve had with women did not come after shedding 200 pounds or finding some financial success. It wasn’t after forcing myself to be more social, to create those circles. It was when I was purposely psychopathic.

When I specifically cut to the soul of these girls, delivered not with a smirk but with the slightest sneer of disgust. When I was not dominant but domineering - truly abusive, bringing girls to tears, leaving bruises.

I couldn’t do it. Each time I made headway, each time I let the shadow-self say and do what it found pertinent, I felt sick. Granted, I’m in LA, a City of Devils - for what is a Devil if not a Fallen Angel? It may not be quite so bad elsewhere, I pray.

And that brings me to a spiritual point:

I was once a physicist, a lab rat, Magna Cum Laud and all that. An agnostic drowning in the company of atheist bug men. Over the years I have become intimately acquainted with the spiritual side of things.

These are hardly women anymore, in the West.


And the zyvug - yes I use (((Their))) esoteric technology here - of LYL is SAM. Samael - the Left Hand of God. The waste of desolation.

In order to overcome the devil you must become one yourself.

This brings me to bug-men:

It strikes a bitter chord of Comedy to hear it said that the “The Future is Female”

Yes, in the micro-cosm men have been displaced. Rendered useless to useless eaters - my bitterness betrays me.

But these bug-men, scurrying away in their cages, little claws clacking out their code - seemingly subconciously, their minds preoccupied by Internet Whores and soul-less entertainment.

These bug-men have figured out a way to edit the gene code.

These bug-men have found a way to bring life nearly to term in artificial wombs - the ‘pregnancies’ terminated just before term mind you. Wink wink.

They’ve found a way to invert the gametes - eggs are biologically expensive, oh yes. Sperm is cheap. If only you could make eggs from sperm... Oh wait! (((We))) can!

The future isn’t female, there won’t be a single one made once this World is ‘locked in’ - terrifying that the Lylim hardly realize that they are going extinct. Their purpose in society rendered to that of a wet hole - choice chemicals, augmented reality, slicked silicon, depraved machine learning could be so easily cobbled together to fulfill that purpose. It’s already happening, you’ve all seen it, bits and pieces of it as it’s compartmentalized and contained. Can’t scare the cat.

The future is looking oh so bright.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Brazilianguy - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 05:33 AM)azulsombra Wrote:  

Quote: (04-19-2019 05:07 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

I agree with the conclusion arrived at here.
The truth is, self development and finances can only take you so far.
Financially, I´m part of the 1% in Brazil, am pretty fit, and let me tell you, things aren´t looking bright for me when it comes to women. Not for me and not for any of my friends unless they give it a real effort and simply accept settling for scraps.
The culture is fucked. It´s like being the best fisherman in the world and trying to catch a trout in the sewer. It just won´t happen, no matter how good you are.

The logical conclusion is that us masculine guys have to focus on finances and leave the west to find a feminine woman who values men.
I think that it´s of key importance to become a global citizen, viewing western countries as places to acquire wealth and traditional ones as places to find women and raise a proper family.

I'm curious about this.
If you are really the full package, (physique,1% money and status) and are seriously settling for scraps in Brazil, then who are the attractive Brasilieras holding out for?

Are you trying to say they are all waiting for Drake, Justin Bieber or Ryan Gosling? They are fucking somebody right?

Things can't be that bad over there.

Excellent question!
In terms of physique and money, yes, I´m part of the 1%. But not in terms of status.
The trick with Brazil is that pretty much every guy is flaunting a baller lifestyle on instagram, but the truth is that it´s a poor country with a low GDP, yet everyone has a new car, nice clothes, etc.
How do they do that? Nobody has money and everything is bought on credit.
Nobody invests here in Brazil, so ppl live for the moment.

Girls go after guys who look like money, but not necessarily have it, because they cant tell the difference.

Me, I´m building my wealth, so I still have to be careful with my expenses. Yes, I live in a nice house and I go out and party sometimes, but I control my money.
There´s no way in hell that Im falling in the consumerist wheel to bang IG thots when I can have financial freedom in a few years time.
In Brazil if you have like 100K USD invested you´re part of the upper 2,5%, even though this isn´t big money.
Basically, everyone in the country is living a life of illusion.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - AntoniusofEfa - 04-19-2019

Could it be that some of you guys are living in cities with unfavourable female to male ratios? I live in such a place, and I know that finding quality women is much easier elsewhere.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - tugofpeace - 04-19-2019

Honest question here: for all this talk about women behaving terribly towards men, is it possible that all of you complaining are just unattractive? Would an attractive guy really find a forum for pickup and complain like some MGTOW loser that women are impossible?

Im being completely serious. I can’t imagine this is the experience of every guy. Furthermore I’m willing to bet another reason you guys experience this is because you chase club skanks and instagram thots. Do you get this same response from educated women at more respectable venues?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Aurini - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 07:26 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

Could it be that some of you guys are living in cities with unfavourable female to male ratios? I live in such a place, and I know that finding quality women is much easier elsewhere.

I did a data-analysis of sex-breakdown by county in the US - might publish the results at some point - but what it boils down to is that there are no places with good sex-ratios, only places with bad sex-ratios. Just another case of men being the extreme/experimental sex. In California the numbers vary from 0.557 Women/Men (Lassen county - federal prison) to 1.076 (Madera county), with the majority fluctuating 0.92 and 1.05. The same goes for the rest of the nation, though I only eyeballed the map. Wherever you go, you'll find areas that are heavily male-dominated, 2 men for every women, due to prison, oil patch work, or something else of that nature, but there's no equivalent female-haven. Women are spread out evenly over all the other places.

I'll see if I can find the data for young women in particular, but I doubt there will be any substantial outliers; women just don't form outlier groups in general.


I sent the following two texts to the same girl; take a guess which one got an immediate response?

>Look what I got; [image of wine glasses attached] now you don't have to drink wine out of whiskey glasses when you're over.

>I need to smash some democrat pussy.

I'm with you, ThriceLazarus; I just don't have it in me to sustain the level of cruelty that these women desire.


Owen Benjamin had a theory about the men with small hats: that one of the big problems with their culture is that so few of them build anything. The sort of man, he argues, who helped his dad build something - who got his hands dirty, accomplishing real work where you can see the results - doesn't become the sort of nasty little manipulators that dominate our media and banking industries.

Could it be the same thing with women? How many women have got their hands dirty doing real work? No, babe, I'm not talking about your six-figure salary running an IT department (something I'd otherwise respect, if the 'democrat pussy' line didn't work better than kindness); I'm talking about things like canning pickles, cooking from scratch, tending to an ill loved one. How many of them can even keep their apartments clean?

When a man doesn't work he becomes less of a man. He develops odd mental illnesses and resentments against the world for giving him such a cushy life. I wonder if it's the same thing with women - none of them are performing the function that God laid out for them, and so they've become resentful and self-destructive, while surrounded by comforts and luxury.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Leonard D Neubache - 04-19-2019

One of the foundational aspects of my marriage is firewood.

My wife loves having a wood combustion heater but like 99.99999 percent of women she's unwilling to operate a chainsaw much less fall an 80 foot tree or drag fifty kilo rounds through scrub then split that shit for an hour.

She helps stacking it though and collects kindling sticks that can be piled on top of the real wood, and through the entire process she's inescapably aware that absent a man in her life she's going to have a very fucking cold winter.

Some of the worst marriages are the ones where the wife never sees the husband suffer. Granted he should never be complaining to her but she has to see him suffer for something she can't provide herself.

That's easily managed out in the sticks but city life has made a mockery of it where plumbers and electricians are five minutes away 24/7 and any bitch working a mid-tier government job can just cut a cheque to a stranger to get shit back on track.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ThriceLazarus - 04-19-2019


Of course, I can only speak from personal experience. And, I am in LA which is a pretty plastic, petty kind of fish-bowl.

As far as I can tell I’m handsome - I’ve been told as much by friends, girls nearly always return glances with smiles, I’m rarely rejected out right. My looks get my foot in the door.

The trouble I have is that I’m ‘too nice’ - it’s easy for me to make friends, yet that romantic frame never has the chance to develop unless I’m cruel.

It’s understandable, unfortunately. Women have primal attraction triggers just as men do - and as the world becomes safer and more comfortable and a girl builds a tolerance to male attention one seems to dig deeper to ping those primal triggers.

I have more success with young girls - 18 or 19 and it’s fun. But something happens to these girls once they start drinking, once they’ve slipped into the LA night life, I can’t trigger that same attraction in a 24 year old. Unless I act in a way that makes me feel sick.

What a problem to have, right? But 18 year olds become 24 year olds, you know? The changes I saw in the girls I knew who were 20... In just a year they were unrecognizable at 21. Cold and hardened, mercenary, in just a year.

Personally, I’ve shifted focus toward career. It feels like building wealth and then eloping with some young wife is the safer bet.


Wisdom from both of you.

It’s natural, humans are more likely to take what they’re given for granted rather than with gratitude.

A close friend, a boxer, he’s tremendously successful with women - he’s an honest sociopath. His brother, who hides that hate a little better is drowning in sticky folds up in the LA scene - that one dates models, and exes of rock-stars.

The boxer put it simply when I asked him for advice on this specific topic.

He flashed that grin of his, decidedly predatorial. “Let them know that the social contract can be broken. At any time.”

That’s really it. That, horrifically, Wayne Brady’s gotta choke a bitch. Which has seemingly started a race to the bottom.

[Image: jason-never-woulda-made-it-in-2017-wait-...466331.png]

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-19-2019

I was going to make a separate topic of the following post, which I would've titled 'Women's hypergamy dream: Girls Like You by Adam Levine'

I was driving today and heard a song on the radio: Girls like you by Adam Levine featuring Cardi B.

Usually I don't listen to either of those artists, but I must admit it was catchy.

Tonight I searched it on YouTube and listened again. Again, nice song.

But I realized the music video had 2.2 Billion views- I thought WTF, it wasn't that good.

I watched it, and realized why- it shows a bunch of female celebrities- some hot, some old, some ugly- dancing with Adam Levine as he's singing to them. As if they're in the place of his girlfriend.

Just watch it- it's the female hypergamy dream- that every woman no matter how ugly or old they are, gets to fuck Chad, and they're all celebrated as being 'amazing' or 'beautiful'

The lyric is 'girls like you roll with guys like me'- The implication is that every woman deserves a guy that looks like Adam Levine.

I know Roosh recently talked in his livestreams about subtle but deliberate messages in Pop music songs. I think this is a clear message in the video

When even a pig thinks that she 'deserves' a top tier man, makes it tough for everyone else, which is what we're talking about here.

Tell me what you think- do you agree, or am I reading too much into it?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ThriceLazarus - 04-19-2019


I would but I’ve given up poison for Lent.

Though, just looking at the artists... You could have posted that in the Satanic Inversion thread. Two idols, the former disturbingly feminine, the latter disgustingly masculine. I’m sure there’s some Luciferian symbolism scattered through out...

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 09:50 AM)ThriceLazarus Wrote:  


I would but I’ve given up poison for Lent.

Though, just looking at the artists... You could have posted that in the Satanic Inversion thread. Two idols, the former disturbingly feminine, the latter disgustingly masculine. I’m sure there’s some Luciferian symbolism scattered through out...

haha yeah, I'm pretty sure Cardi's T levels are higher than Adam's

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - tugofpeace - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 08:40 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

When a man doesn't work he becomes less of a man. He develops odd mental illnesses and resentments against the world for giving him such a cushy life. I wonder if it's the same thing with women - none of them are performing the function that God laid out for them, and so they've become resentful and self-destructive, while surrounded by comforts and luxury.

This is fascinating. It describes me exactly; I make six figures in a major city and work maybe 20 hours a week since I learned how to do my job very well and work remotely. I hate not being able to be productive. And this is for a major engineering company. I actually envy those people who work 50 hours a week and have a career trajectory.


The boxer put it simply when I asked him for advice on this specific topic.

He flashed that grin of his, decidedly predatorial. “Let them know that the social contract can be broken. At any time.”

What does this mean, exactly? If it means what I think it does (that you can literally physically abuse a women if she acts out and that she should realize that not every man will obey the law).. that's exactly what I believe.

It fascinates me that people, especially women, dare to behave in such a disrespectful way, because they believe they are protected by society/law. My thought is, the law can't prevent a man from physically abusing a woman on a whim.. and women don't seem to understand that.

Am I correct in my interpretation?

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - bbgun - 04-19-2019

Saw this pussy toad on Judge Judy last night. He claimed to be 22. Pretty sure he was one of the "no sex" respondents.

[Image: TMZ-Live-ts-001959782.png]

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - Rorogue - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 09:59 AM)bbgun Wrote:  

Saw this pussy toad on Judge Judy last night. He claimed to be 22. Pretty sure he was one of the "no sex" respondents.

[Image: TMZ-Live-ts-001959782.png]

on the contrary, this guy is hogging all the pussy. Look at the women transfixed on him

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ThriceLazarus - 04-19-2019


Exactly. When push comes to shove, a Man will win. Not your run of the mill pajama-boy, but just 6 months of a well done strength training program sets you stronger than most of the world’s women.

That’s why RSD’s rediculous kino works so well. Not because you’re fun and wacky, woo! You show them that you can easily pick them up, move them, pin them down. Subcomunicated sexual violence. If you dare to damn the consequences, there’s nothing she can really do to stop you. Basic biology my Brother.

Thank God we’re more civilized. For now.

He’s an alpha-widow-maker. He posseses perfectly blended playful-sadism. Just the other day his lady got a little lippy. He palmed her face with a laugh and gently moved her - her whole body. She baked him some kind of cake the next day.

Share Of American Adults Having NO Sex Reaches All-Time High - ChefAllDay - 04-19-2019

Quote: (04-19-2019 08:40 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

When a man doesn't work he becomes less of a man. He develops odd mental illnesses and resentments against the world for giving him such a cushy life. I wonder if it's the same thing with women - none of them are performing the function that God laid out for them, and so they've become resentful and self-destructive, while surrounded by comforts and luxury.

This is a fact and you see it all the time with retired guys. Some like me, "work" at chores, on themselves and hobbies. Most get lazy, fat, depressed and die.