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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Atheistani - 05-31-2016

I just realized this is going to be a great opportunity for the financial system to crush the pound and tank our economy if wr decide to leave.

Many of these big banks dont want us to leave. Big banks and large money managers are capable of coordinated action to move the market in GBP. If Britain were to decide to leave, there would be nervousness in the business sector that should really just be a short term stall. However, such a situation only requires a little bad news to snowball into a full crisis. This would be easy pickings for a coordinated move to sell the pound. The lower pound would hit consumers and the economy would take a hit. The pound would fall further. Big profits for hedge funds. Big banks punish us for leaving.

Goldman Sachs be like:

"We told you so. Dont f*** with us. Do as we say in the future"

The system is fucked.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - samsamsam - 05-31-2016

^^^ Interesting. I guess for those with USD it would be a good opportunity to go long on the pound? Might take a while - but have to imagine it would come back at some point.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Glaucon - 05-31-2016

have you seen the postal vote instructions?:

There is a huge outrage about it, thank god.

[Image: 20160530_vote2.jpg]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Daddy Chains - 05-31-2016

For those who don't know,

FOREIGNERS can vote in British elections,



including the Brexit one.

That means Commonwealth citizens, as well as EU citizens.

[Image: Z8Nzpji.jpg]

So if you're Canadian, Australian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Croatian, etc. (unfortunately, that also includes Pakistanis, Indians, Kenyans, Caribbeans, etc.) and have a mailing address in the UK, you're good to go to cast your Brexit vote... which should largely be symbolic because the fact that foreigners are allowed to cast their vote tells you the level/power of outside influence (and therefore predictable results) on anything happening in Britain.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Atheistani - 05-31-2016

Yeah bro. Because clearly Croatians, Romanians and Bulgarians will vote for UK to leave so their frienda cant come here.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Khan - 05-31-2016

Quote: (05-31-2016 08:22 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

have you seen the postal vote instructions?:

There is a huge outrage about it, thank god.

[Image: 20160530_vote2.jpg]

I think I know where the inspiration for that came from:

[Image: 33931644_1_l.jpg]

The authorities obviously don't want some silly referendum to get in the way of building their shiny, happy Euro-Reich!

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - N°6 - 05-31-2016

There is no way the global, cosmopolitan élite will allow the UK (the "South Carolina" which could kick the whole thing off) to secede and risk a chain of secessions sung about in this song:

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Glaucon - 05-31-2016

share this truthbomb gents

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Ethan Hunt - 05-31-2016

Quote: (05-31-2016 08:24 AM)Daddy Chains Wrote:  

For those who don't know,

FOREIGNERS can vote in British elections,



including the Brexit one.

That means Commonwealth citizens, as well as EU citizens.

[Image: Z8Nzpji.jpg]

So if you're Canadian, Australian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Croatian, etc. (unfortunately, that also includes Pakistanis, Indians, Kenyans, Caribbeans, etc.) and have a mailing address in the UK, you're good to go to cast your Brexit vote... which should largely be symbolic because the fact that foreigners are allowed to cast their vote tells you the level/power of outside influence (and therefore predictable results) on anything happening in Britain.

The only people allowed to vote in the EU referendum are British, Irish citizens born in Northern Ireland or qualifying commonwealth citizens.

See quote below taken from the UK governments website where you register your vote.


an I vote in the EU Referendum?

You can vote in this referendum if you are registered to vote in the UK, are 18 or over on 23 June 2016 and are:

A British or Irish citizen living in the UK, or
A Commonwealth citizen living in the UK who has leave to remain in the UK or who does not require leave to remain in the UK
A British citizen living overseas who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years
An Irish citizen living overseas who was born in Northern Ireland and who has been registered to vote in Northern Ireland in the last 15 years

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Mr. Accuride - 05-31-2016

Looks like the books are so starved for action on the side of UK leaving the EU that they are offering lines better than the true line, albeit by a cent or two.

I decided to take UK leaving at +302, though places like William Hill have better lines.

Although it's unlikely to win, this is the type of wager where the price is good enough that you will come out ahead in the long run if you keep betting on such mispriced but unlikely events.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 05-31-2016

Quote: (05-31-2016 08:12 AM)Atheistani Wrote:  

I just realized this is going to be a great opportunity for the financial system to crush the pound and tank our economy if wr decide to leave.

Many of these big banks dont want us to leave. Big banks and large money managers are capable of coordinated action to move the market in GBP. If Britain were to decide to leave, there would be nervousness in the business sector that should really just be a short term stall. However, such a situation only requires a little bad news to snowball into a full crisis. This would be easy pickings for a coordinated move to sell the pound. The lower pound would hit consumers and the economy would take a hit. The pound would fall further. Big profits for hedge funds. Big banks punish us for leaving.

Goldman Sachs be like:

"We told you so. Dont f*** with us. Do as we say in the future"

The system is fucked.

Are you serious?

Greece makes the Economy run of in all sorts of directions and you want to say the banks will willingly crush the pound to make a point? The City of London would collapse and it'll be worse than anything seen.

They might make a few bucks out of it but they will be murdered for it in the not so distant future.

That would collapse the entire economy.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Atheistani - 05-31-2016

Yeah but it wont be the banks that do it, they dont do that kind of thing. They will just pull the strings, the money managers, especially those unscrupulous hedge funds will do the damage.

Soros, just one man, was able to move the market for GBP in 1992 and force the BoE to leave the ERM. It was gonna happen anyway, but he did have a big impact, forcing their hand. The situation we are now in will make it even easier for big money to move the market.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - DannyAlberta - 06-02-2016

Sky One hosted a "Town Hall" with David Cameron today on the Brexit.

He didn't do all that well in my view.

Again, I don't know if this matters because, like many on here, I think the pro-EU side could well cheat and if a majority voted to leave the people of the UK will neve know. Interesting nonetheless.

EDIT: The questions from voters, which is where he really performed poorly, start at about 26:00.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - GlobalMan - 06-02-2016

Edit- delete, old news

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - komatiite - 06-02-2016

I was just trolling facebook and saw this stupid bitch I know from high school (Canadian citizen) who studied some BS arts degree and is now studying feminist economics (no joke) at London School of Economics. She showed her voting package for Brexit. Apparently all migrants from Commonwealth countries can vote if they are UK residents. Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Canada, etc.

Sneaky move by the government! Now they can stack the vote with non citizens...

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - thecrazy - 06-02-2016

I wonder if people really believe that the goal of this referendum (from the exit side) is to get less migrants in the country. It is the easiest thing to tell people, something that everybody can understand, but i think it's far from the real reason. Even cause it would be quite hilarious if britain all of a sudden decides they don't want any more migrants after having done everything possible to be invaded and colonised in the last decades and tried everything to destroy their identity and culture, giving away to foreigners entire neighbourhoods of every major city . It's like if somebody stops smoking when the doctors tell him he's got 40 days left to live cause of lungs cancer.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - N°6 - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-02-2016 07:08 PM)thecrazy Wrote:  

I wonder if people really believe that the goal of this referendum (from the exit side) is to get less migrants in the country. It is the easiest thing to tell people, something that everybody can understand, but i think it's far from the real reason. Even cause it would be quite hilarious if britain all of a sudden decides they don't want any more migrants after having done everything possible to be invaded and colonised in the last decades and tried everything to destroy their identity and culture, giving away to foreigners entire neighbourhoods of every major city . It's like if somebody stops smoking when the doctors tell him he's got 40 days left to live cause of lungs cancer.

Although I am going to vote to secede, you are correct in what you say. The Brexit campaign has been quite poor - even after making allowances for financial, media and political disadvantages.

Most immigration to the UK is non-EU (i.e. the former Black and Brown Empire). When Brexit people talk about Eastern Europeans it is through cuckservatism in that these groups can be criticised because they are White. EEs have transformed UK cities - I now see White women with children.

The bigger issues have been ignored:

*Leadership of the continent has fallen to Merkel who is incapable of the role

* Merkel has made the EU a tributary state of Turkey by paying €3bn/ year and visas to the sultan so that he won't unleash the migrant invasion

*The EU has failed economically and geopolitically

*The treaties demand 'ever closer union' and the UK has been allowed on the slow lane because the British people never voted for this union. If Remain wins, all past and future anti-democratic measures will be justified by the ballot box and we will witness the increased rate of anti-national policies everywhere due to British cowardice.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Benoit - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 12:10 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

EEs have transformed UK cities - I now see White women with children.

And those women and children are still with the fathers!

I've said it before, but it warms my heart to see a masculine guy out and about with his young, slim wife and their two happy children. They're obviously EE immigrants because the woman is not a grotesque blob, and the guy looks like a man rather than an asexual hipster.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - H1N1 - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 12:10 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2016 07:08 PM)thecrazy Wrote:  

I wonder if people really believe that the goal of this referendum (from the exit side) is to get less migrants in the country. It is the easiest thing to tell people, something that everybody can understand, but i think it's far from the real reason. Even cause it would be quite hilarious if britain all of a sudden decides they don't want any more migrants after having done everything possible to be invaded and colonised in the last decades and tried everything to destroy their identity and culture, giving away to foreigners entire neighbourhoods of every major city . It's like if somebody stops smoking when the doctors tell him he's got 40 days left to live cause of lungs cancer.

Most immigration to the UK is non-EU (i.e. the former Black and Brown Empire). When Brexit people talk about Eastern Europeans it is through cuckservatism in that these groups can be criticised because they are White. EEs have transformed UK cities - I now see White women with children.

I share your frustrations, but I suspect that this is simply prudence on the part of the Brexit campaign. If they came out swinging with things that gave their opponents the chance to make a strong case that 'Brexit is the racist choice', then herd mentality would kick in and a lot of people would vote remain just to not be racist.

I know plenty of over privileged white girls who are planning to vote leave, and I can guarantee that if they thought it made them 'racist' they would change their allegiance in a heart beat.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 06-03-2016

I expect Cameron to rig the vote, but it will only signal the end of the beginning. Once people get the impression that voting is a sham then they will pivot to other political outlets. Democracy is what keeps the masses civil. If they cheat it then they only open the next chapter of the struggle.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Phoenix - 06-03-2016

"Democracy is what keeps the masses civil"

Indeed. This is the same reason worries about a Trump assassination are unfounded. Under democracy, every individual capable of marking a piece of paper has equal power. Without it, every individual's power depends on who and what they are. A loss of democracy would re-empower the very demographic groups the left oppresses. So they won't subvert it without extreme care.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Poker - 06-03-2016

I'm in my early 20's. Almost all of my friends are politically corrects dickhead 21st century liberals who don't have a drop of testosterone between them. Of course they are all voting to remain in the EU, they are so blind and ignorant of what they doing, and so smug about it too. One of them just posted a picture on Facebook of his voting card with a big cross in the remain box, you could smell the smugness and bullshit superiority being emmited from the screen. All my other dickhead associates proceeded to lick his arsehole.

About a week ago I wrote a huge essay with sources and references explaining why I want to leave, they all ignored it despite them telling me to expect sea big response. They seriously are like the men in Platos analogy of the cave who just sit and stare at the shadows.

These idiots can't see what trap they're falling into, what they're condeming our country to. My generation are mostly a bunch of idiots.. God knows what the Second World War veterans who are still alive must think of my generation.

If TTIP isn't enough to make you vote to leave then God knows what is.

Rant over [Image: angry.gif]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - thecrazy - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 12:10 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Although I am going to vote to secede, you are correct in what you say. The Brexit campaign has been quite poor - even after making allowances for financial, media and political disadvantages.

Most immigration to the UK is non-EU (i.e. the former Black and Brown Empire). When Brexit people talk about Eastern Europeans it is through cuckservatism in that these groups can be criticised because they are White. EEs have transformed UK cities - I now see White women with children.

The bigger issues have been ignored:

*Leadership of the continent has fallen to Merkel who is incapable of the role

* Merkel has made the EU a tributary state of Turkey by paying €3bn/ year and visas to the sultan so that he won't unleash the migrant invasion

*The EU has failed economically and geopolitically

*The treaties demand 'ever closer union' and the UK has been allowed on the slow lane because the British people never voted for this union. If Remain wins, all past and future anti-democratic measures will be justified by the ballot box and we will witness the increased rate of anti-national policies everywhere due to British cowardice.
I think this guy says the main reason why many in britain want to exit the EU

The uk has very weak, almost non existent anti money laundering laws and that makes the country a paradise for who needs to hide and "clean" dodgy money, and nowadays with this economical crisis what banks need more than everything else is cash, british banks don't really care where it comes from, as long as you've got the money it doesn't matter who you are and how you've made that money.

I personally experienced this in a tiny scale, i used to bring loads of coins to the bank to be put in my account (personal account, not business account), it happened even twice a week for months and months and i used to go almost every time to the same branch, with the same staff, and nobody has ever asked or shown any interest in where those coins came from, maybe only personal curiosity of the members of the staff, nothing official from the bank. In the uk i had the feeling that who's got the money and money itself is almost untouchable by the law, and due to this system i've seen things going on that i'm sure you won't see even in the most underdeveloped third world country.

The EU wants to make international laws to tackle money laundering from organized crime, to allow the seizure of properties bought with dodgy capital all around europe, to have more control on the capital moving around europe and this seems to be exactly the opposite of current british economical system that is based on the secrecy of the capital and the capital owners. I think this is the main reason why in britain some parties talk about EU making rules for them, it's like in britain they want all the EU benefits but no commitments. But talking about migrants is much easier and something that can easily permeate people brain.

About the discrimination of europeans in britain i wrote something about it on this forum and that's why i got 60% warning level, i ended up in a racist sentence. As a european that has lived in the uk i think it is quite difficult not to hate british people and i completely changed my mind on "high value" migrants (africans, indians, muslims), the farther they stay from europe the better it is.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - H1N1 - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 07:32 AM)Poker Wrote:  

I'm in my early 20's. Almost all of my friends are politically corrects dickhead 21st century liberals who don't have a drop of testosterone between them. Of course they are all voting to remain in the EU, they are so blind and ignorant of what they doing, and so smug about it too. One of them just posted a picture on Facebook of his voting card with a big cross in the remain box, you could smell the smugness and bullshit superiority being emmited from the screen. All my other dickhead associates proceeded to lick his arsehole.

About a week ago I wrote a huge essay with sources and references explaining why I want to leave, they all ignored it despite them telling me to expect sea big response. They seriously are like the men in Platos analogy of the cave who just sit and stare at the shadows.

These idiots can't see what trap they're falling into, what they're condeming our country to. My generation are mostly a bunch of idiots.. God knows what the Second World War veterans who are still alive must think of my generation.

If TTIP isn't enough to make you vote to leave then God knows what is.

Rant over [Image: angry.gif]

Hayek, I think correctly, points out that actually these people are not idiots (not all of them at least) - in many cases they are very bright chaps - they are simply deficient in their manner of thinking. The argument, roughly, goes that this socialist vision, and the problems associated with bringing the utopia to life, are far more interesting and stimulating to the politically inclined, intelligent brain than the rather mundane (but brilliant) recognition that the classical liberal model represented the best, if still flawed, method of governance. Refinement, rather than revolution, is often less exciting to the energetic and able mind - though one might argue that to improve on something which is already excellent requires a brilliance of its own, and is by no means a simple task.

You are always unlikely to persuade people who fundamentally think in a different way to you, because you are not operating from the same base assumptions. Can you imagine asking a progressive to 'just take equality out of the equation for the purposes of this discussion'? Even if they were prepared to do so as an academic exercise, it would have no effect on their actual inherent belief in the mythology of equality.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread - Poker - 06-03-2016

Quote: (06-03-2016 08:39 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-03-2016 07:32 AM)Poker Wrote:  

I'm in my early 20's. Almost all of my friends are politically corrects dickhead 21st century liberals who don't have a drop of testosterone between them. Of course they are all voting to remain in the EU, they are so blind and ignorant of what they doing, and so smug about it too. One of them just posted a picture on Facebook of his voting card with a big cross in the remain box, you could smell the smugness and bullshit superiority being emmited from the screen. All my other dickhead associates proceeded to lick his arsehole.

About a week ago I wrote a huge essay with sources and references explaining why I want to leave, they all ignored it despite them telling me to expect sea big response. They seriously are like the men in Platos analogy of the cave who just sit and stare at the shadows.

These idiots can't see what trap they're falling into, what they're condeming our country to. My generation are mostly a bunch of idiots.. God knows what the Second World War veterans who are still alive must think of my generation.

If TTIP isn't enough to make you vote to leave then God knows what is.

Rant over [Image: angry.gif]

Hayek, I think correctly, points out that actually these people are not idiots (not all of them at least) - in many cases they are very bright chaps - they are simply deficient in their manner of thinking. The argument, roughly, goes that this socialist vision, and the problems associated with bringing the utopia to life, are far more interesting and stimulating to the politically inclined, intelligent brain than the rather mundane (but brilliant) recognition that the classical liberal model represented the best, if still flawed, method of governance. Refinement, rather than revolution, is often less exciting to the energetic and able mind - though one might argue that to improve on something which is already excellent requires a brilliance of its own, and is by no means a simple task.

You are always unlikely to persuade people who fundamentally think in a different way to you, because you are not operating from the same base assumptions. Can you imagine asking a progressive to 'just take equality out of the equation for the purposes of this discussion'? Even if they were prepared to do so as an academic exercise, it would have no effect on their actual inherent belief in the mythology of equality.

Trust me, these are my friends/associates, and while they are nice people they live in an environment in which mental stimulation is lacking, partially due to the fact that the universities they live in and around and study in discourage any sort of free thinking outside what's 'acceptable',, some going as so far to ban people from political parties speaking to banning songs. Most of them completely lack any desire to read anything on economics, history, political economy ect...they just bat around opinions within there like minded groups, and make sure that every event fits within the confines of their narritive and ideology, I can't describe people like this as intelligent without heavily diluting the meaning of the word. It's an interesting theory and I will certainly look into it, but many of these people don't identify as socialists or even on the left of the spectrum, though most do.

You're right in saying that l they aren't all idiots, there are intelligent people on the left in the UK and the world.