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Player's Log / Lounge - Christian McQueen - 06-20-2013

@Soup: And you've now made the discovery that will unleash the pussy upon you like never before.

When you're more concerned with getting a certain amount of sluts into a party/club, you simply DGAF on any level.

The bi-product is that they sense they are "just a number", and will jostle for your attention and to be the 'chosen one' for the night. Then it's merely a matter of 'don't fuck up game'.

Welcome to the Good Life Soup.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-20-2013

I'm hoping that's what this will lead to..

more consitent alpha and less conditional alpha

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-20-2013

WTF is up with female bouncers?

I'm making the rounds tonight.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-21-2013

Sent out a mass text, got a several possible hangs set up for tonight.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 06-21-2013

I'm in one of those down periods. Last week had a date with a girl I've been seeing off and on; had fun , go to her place and get in bed and she says that she doesn't want to have sex until she "knows what the status of our relationship is." I just rolled over and went to sleep. The next morning I sit down on her couch and find an unopened Crown condom. I don't use Crowns.....

The next night I go out to approach and get no where

Last night went to a party at a nightclub, as soon as a I go to the bar I'm opened by a really cut and sexy 7.5 girl. It's going great for a hour until her obese sister shows up. I know I need to be nice to the sister so I'm including her in the conversation. Fattie takes it the wrong way and pretty soon is getting in my face, whispering in my ear, rubbing her tits on me, talking about sex. I try to extricate my myself but she just won't quit. The cute sister I guess figures that I'm her sister's now or maybe that I'm a fattie chaser and she loses interest. Dammit!

Moved to another bar and met two chicks who turned out to be dentists. Goes well with them and soon I'm making out with the 6.3 blonde (an orthodontist $$$$$). She obviously likes me. She's really slender and after a few drinks she is totally trashed-so drunk she can barely talk. I don't want to deal with her in that state and it's too late to go anywhere else. Another promising pickup gone wrong.

I had a date tonight with an SA girl that I met for a drink before. I was planning to get a hotel and go for the bang. She canceled.

So right now I'm trying to set up a drink meeting for tonight with one of the POF girls I've got in the pipeline. If not it's back to cold approaching.Tomorrow night have a date with an SA girl who seems down. I know if I just keep plugging away things will turn around.....

Player's Log / Lounge - WestIndianArchie - 06-21-2013


Player's Log / Lounge - Belize King - 06-21-2013

Touchdown in Laredo. Went to the mall. Talent was weak. Two good spots on Friday night. At the bar right now. Two potential targets. The next spot is suppose to be better. Will chill here for another hour then hit up the other spot.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-21-2013

I haven't approached in a million years. I'm getting into the habit of going somewhere after work to both shop and day game. The thrift + grocery stores are great that time of day. Its weird. I was walking around the mall today and EVERYONE was fucking staring at me, no idea why. I'd be walking around and make eye contact with someone and they'd immediately look away... weird. They're the same type/amount of stares I get at the gym. I'm going to try smiling more

Player's Log / Lounge - Rootless - 06-22-2013

Experiment of the weekend: Salsa.

Heads up, this is a long post.
TL;DR: go do salsa, specially for new guys.

Background info + Preparation:
Few years ago some chick dragged me into her salsa class, I suffered from bad attitude and close mind and run away because it looked "gay".
How foolish of me.
I have decided to give salsa and dancing a second chance, was on the back of my head for a long time.

On my way:
I have my doubts, get cold feet at the door and turn back to call a friend, he didn't pick of his phone and if game got gods I thank them for that.
So, I'm at the door, saying to myself that I'm going to make a fool of myself, works possible outcome it will help me crash my approach anxiety.

A few horrifying minutes pass till a circle is formed and everybody dance, lot's of touching and switching partners, and I don't have the time to get nerves, few minutes into that and I get into the flow, even messing up looks like I'm just goofing around as I laugh a lot.
This will help with kino, it helps break the fear of making physical contact.
Circle breaks, couples formed, realizing I'm about to lose momentum I catch the closest girl and ask her to teach me to dance (hence marked as #1), turns out she is very good at this and teaches me the basics.

Batacha (betacha?) music starts, she pulls me close and teach me the basics. at the end of the song some other guy ask her to dance, she hesitates but I eject (beta? maybe, or maybe it's the vibe and others where switching).

I take a moment to catch my breath and reflect, see other girl ( will be marked as #2) so I go and ask her to teach me, she is new to this as well, and she try to teach me what she knows, says I do pretty well for first time.

Dance a bit, switching time so I go to rest a bit, notice #1 is open and in I go.
Start talking with her in between, turns out she teach other styles of dancing (not sure what), and that she come to this place once in a while (keep this in mind, imported piece of info) the circle goes up again and we break.
Few minuets of that and then couple dancing again,see two girl talk, approach and ask
"Can you dance?"
Can you teach?"
Dance with one of them for a while, then some with #1 again, she make a comment about my looks and that she and her friend are leaving.
I hesitate to take a number, she ask me if I'll come again, I say "maybe, see you around" (was it beta?).
We say goodbye, and I go to drink something.
She come to me (!), and say "next week!" (so it wasn't THAT beta I guess?), I speculate that a seasoned player could have SNLed her without a problem, but I'm not there. Yet.

I go back to catch my breath, #2 is doing the same.
I approach and start talking, try to build some connection, I ask about her accent and she locks up, WTF?! the convo start to fade and my mind is racing, and she say "let's dance", we do that, and at some point she ejects to dance with a skilled dancer.

The place start to slow down, people leave and I pickup the cue and head out.
As I wait in the bus stop #2 comes, we chat a bit, she seems more open now, but I realize that I don't have the tools to hit on her properly.

Yeah, no numbers, no bang. could count as a fail.
However, I had fun, found a new method to learn game, got a bucketful of confidences and the feeling that #1 was DTF, and I lack the SNL tools gave me piles of motivation.
Also, worth mentioning that the all of girls were good looking, even the chubby girls looked better then the regular chubby in a average club.
Can't explain why, maybe the dancing make them move better?
One of the guys I spoke to told that this is a good method to meed girls, and that if with my ability to start dance with girls with zero knowledge, they will come to me when I'll have good skills.
My ego get a boost, made me smile a little.

If you read so far, what is your taking, salsa and batach as a method to meet new girls yay or nay?

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 06-22-2013

Quote: (06-21-2013 11:01 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I haven't approached in a million years. I'm getting into the habit of going somewhere after work to both shop and day game. The thrift + grocery stores are great that time of day. Its weird. I was walking around the mall today and EVERYONE was fucking staring at me, no idea why. I'd be walking around and make eye contact with someone and they'd immediately look away... weird. They're the same type/amount of stares I get at the gym. I'm going to try smiling more

Try walking around with the smirk in this video, before he makes eye contact with the woman.

If you make eye contact with someone attractive, then it will be easy to transition to a very natural smile.

I've got the first part down, the second is the hardest.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-22-2013

Bounced two girls backed to my studio.

One of them was so down, but girls aren't individuals, and the friend has to be down as well.

More importantly, the bouncers saw me mack these two chicks out of the club.

Game is usually a tree. Sometimes a leaf, but I'd bet my money on the tree.


So, now I'm seeing the effects of the warm weather. I don't think I will have a dry spell like I did in the last few years, but the bitch shields are out in force.

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-22-2013

Well I just nutted in a girl for the first time raw last night. It was a amazing carnal feeling but yes of course I'm freaking about the possibilities of me knocking this random broad up. I need you guys to help spin my male hamster and remind me my chances are low to fuck things up.

The full story is in the 'notch' thread. Quit sleeping on Native girls gents - this broad was a Mohawk and was freaky as hell. No bullshit with these native girls if you pass their shit-tests and they are down they will make it known. No gimmicks or LMR with these broads.

Player's Log / Lounge - Lothario - 06-22-2013

Alright Guys here is an Interesting Story that is neither here not there but sure should be a juicy read .......

Context: I am at Panera waiting for a date which I think has a 50% chance of flaking and take a book with me to read and sit outside on the patio, next to 40 ish lady sitting by herself in a business dress having an early dinner, I checked she did had a ring on her finger but somehow her vibe seemed open, I didn't say anything for the first 15 min, I text my date no response and proceed with approaching the Lady next to me.

Me: Are you getting good Wi-Fi Signals ?

Her: No I am not I am using my cell phone carrier data plan.

Me: At & T sucks in this town , I need to get Verizon.

Her: That's what I have but I don't live here as well.

Me: Oh yeah , I just moved from Fl as well and the Hospital Buidings i visit have terrible signals. (Throwing Bait)

Her: True a friend of mine is an RN and she says hopsitals have bad signals.

Me: Yes because of the lead shields in the Operating room (Throwing more bait)

Her: Where about in Fl are you from ?

Me: Clearwater (Thinking of e-mech's playground)

Her: we have a house in Bradenton.

and quite wonderfully got interrupted/cockblocked by a guy atleast in his late 50's out of shape etc etc he was passing us by slowed down , listened to the conversation and butted in with

Blocker: I have a house in Sarasota too.

now he is leaning on the post and next moment sits on the chair in front of me.

I am thinking WTF dude, My approach was going just fine and you are going to try to steal from me, I detected hints of anger in me rising but told myself to calm down , dude's got nothing on you, apply what you have learned from the Forum to defuse the guy. first thing that came to my mind was put him on the Spot and let him deliver his pitch ?

I say to the dude and what is your Story :

He goes, I am a Lawyer, guilty ......and live here some and some in FL . goes blank after this ......... but keeps sitting there

Next thing Came to my mind was to get the conversation going take control and show Stamina for staying past longer then this guy.

I ask the lady what was she doing here, She tells me and asks me what do I do, I deliver my usual DHV story and dude tries to poke holes but I efficiently give it right back to him.

He tried to initiate the converstaion with the lady but mostly telling her about this and that case that he was working on , My conversation was about Travel and Food, I was winning the MIMIW award and dude gets bored and says I am going to order some food, you all want some thing, No thanks ...

While he is gone, I ask the Lady , I am going to a Local Winery , care to join me for a drink , She goes I shouldn't, if I start drinking I will drink a lot, I tell her just a glass of wine. she says OK and we get up and leave.(I notice her breathing pattern has changed and seems flushed)

She says she need to get something from my car which is parked at the Hotel next door, I told her thats good I am parked there as well. ( I was thinking if my Date would have showed up, I could book the hotel on my phone and had a wine bottle in a cooler in my Car)

As We are passing my car, I tell her, Hang on I remember I have bottle in my Car, get the bottle, lets drink this ..... She points back towards panera, I say how about my rom or yours , She starts walking and we get her Bag from her car and we are in her Room ( I think she got gamed too fast to know what hit her and she is in her room with stranger she just met getting ready to down a bottle of wine)

In her room I took my shoes off relaxed, pour the wine in two glasses , played music on my I-Phone and conversation carried on and I started touching her arms, Legs , hairs, neck , gave her a Hug. Went for the Kiss , got denied, converstaion again and tried again in 5 min, got denied again.

She goes, i don't want to give you the wrong Impression and don't want to lead you on , I am just having a great conversation with you and no more, I am married and have kids. I told her I can understand. carry the converstaion again and tried to message her neck and she jumps up and sits a few feet away from me and said I am going to finish this glass and probably hit the Bed.

I finish the Glass of wine and start to leave ( I knew i have given it my best and she is not going to give it up ) , I told her if she has any Single Friends , she said she does and will Introduce me some of them. We exchange numbers and I leave giving her a Hug and a kiss on the Cheek.

Conclusion: I think it was a small victory, overcoming a cockblokcer and ending up in a place where Bang could have happened.

but why do bishes do that, lead you on to say no in the end, I can only think that she was gamed too fast to put out.
Any suggestions to how I could have salvaged the situation are welcome ...

Player's Log / Lounge - WestCoast - 06-22-2013

^ you moved too fast.

Should have gone to a bar for drink 1. After she finishes the drink. Then you move to the car and do the "oh I have wine" drink at her hotel room. Now you go for a make out.

You basically tried to grab her hindbrain sober, with a ring on is a tough sell. Otherwise looks like you did well.

You gave her no excuse for her actions. She needs one "oh I was drunk" "oh I was doing coke" "oh I was on xtac" "oh I was on vacaaaation"

The more excuses she has the better off you are

That line "when I drink I can't stop" was the green light... Slight mis-execution, next time you know what to do, wait a drink or 2 and you're good to go.

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-22-2013

That's probably the biggest tingle she has gotten in a while. Great reading that execution and how you threw the other guy into the wolves.

If anything maybe her being in her own room gave her a guilt complex. She would have to lay in that bed she just got showerd in cum in and have to talk strait to her man about it all. If anything if it was another environment she would of been able to detach more from her boring married life.

When I last ploughed down a married woman she made a low key shady move to take off her ring. She did this in the washroom and did not mention her husband only her kids but did mention she had "issues" with thier father.

Escelating with committed women is also strange. Any hard push in your game and they will throw it right back at you and spin it as you bein the bad guy when they are being whores. This has also happened to me.

Things maybe were to comfy for her. You offer her a exciting escape from her boring life but possibly she did not get enough "disattahment" to follow though. If you had a room I imagine the result would of been different IMO.

**Just seen Westcost post and I agree 100% that alacahol would of been the pre-courser to that diss - attachment. They all down drinks and drugs prior as a soft cover for thier hamster.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 06-22-2013

I agree with the others- the only thing you did wrong was not take her somewhere and get her drunk first. She was definitely DTF, otherwise she never would have went as far as she did. This is one of those times when a woman told you what you needed to do to fuck her-that she needed to drink a lot.

Player's Log / Lounge - MrXY - 06-22-2013

Crap-my SA girl for tonight canceled after the one last night canceled too.

Back to cold approaching tonight or maybe not. I found a chick on the POF app mobile feature who's in town for the weekend and she agreed quickly to meet me later so maybe she's DTF.

Met a POF girl last night-kind of typical for POF- a bit of a chubster with HUGE tits. Things went well but I couldn't escalate because both places we went she knew several people there and I didn't want to put her on the spot. So I played it cool and didn't even kiss her goodbye. An hour later got a text from her saying anytime I'm drunk and don't want to drive home I can sleep on her couch, which I'm taking as an invitation to fuck of course

Player's Log / Lounge - NewGamer - 06-22-2013

even my wingmen are flaking on me.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-22-2013

Ok, so summer has arrived and I'm feeling the steep effects.

What worked for me in the colder season is DOA now.

How can a man who racks up over thirty notches in the colder months be at such a disadvantage in the summer?

I might not ever know. But, I'd be curious to see what would happen if I went to a colder climate during the summer season.

Also, my legs crossed away rule stands. Unless you can get her to cross her legs towards you consistently, it's time to move on.

Player's Log / Lounge - FourToTheFloor - 06-23-2013

soup, what's happened with captain hook?

I suppose if anything interesting occurred, we'd be the first to know.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-23-2013

Quote: (06-23-2013 12:01 AM)FourToTheFloor Wrote:  

soup, what's happened with captain hook?

I suppose if anything interesting occurred, we'd be the first to know.

She doesn't respond to my texts.

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 06-23-2013

I feel ya soup.

My most successful nights were in the colder months.

Although I have been having some crazy, fun nights and meeting plenty of cool and attractive girls, in terms of notches the winter was much better.

Player's Log / Lounge - Young T.R. - 06-24-2013

My plan last night (Saturday) was to go out to a local club. I ended up getting there about 20 minutes til last call and I wasn't about to pay cover for that. There's a gas station/late night food joint right across the street though so I decided to check it out once 2AM came around.

This place is a GOLD MINE at 2, for about half an hour. Full of girls. I'm pissed I just figured this out when I'm moving in two weeks. It's also walking distance from my house.

I chilled in my car drinking some rum and OJ until 2, then I went inside, bought a black and mild and some matches and went out front to smoke and observe. As soon as I lit up, this chick opened me talking about smoking a black. She said 'they taste like ass' and I responded "well, I guess I like ass". She laughed and said 'most guys do' and I flirted with her for a little bit. I kinda froze her out after a couple minutes though because she was a little too old for me and I wanted to see what else I could find.

She lingered around for a bit, then got in her car and left. Almost as soon as she left, I opened two girls in a car. The driver was on her way to hook up with a guy, but the passenger was single. The driver chick received two dick pics from the guy while we were talking. I asked them their opinion on that and they were like 'OMG noo, never do that. That's so weird.' Yet the one girl was still driving to the guy's house to fuck him. Hmm. There was some discrepancy in her words and actions there.

Driver chick went to use the bathroom, so I hopped in the driver's seat and talked to passenger girl for a while. She was being bratty and threw every shit test in the book at me (are you gay? oh you don't send dick pics, are you shy or do you have a small dick? why are you alone? you look like a bullshitter, etc). I just agreed and amplified and teased her about random stuff. It was hard to be phased by any of her shit anyway because she kept alternating that stuff with complimenting me.

Got her number and left. I felt like I could have pushed to get her back to my place, but her attitude was turning me off. By 2:30 the place was dead again.

After that I texted a local girl who's an occaisonal fuck buddy: "Damn, I'm locked out of my house." She invited me over to spend the night.

While I was with this girl, the girl from the gas station texted me to see if I was home. I had bad service so I got it about an hour late and I missed my shot. Goes to show that even if a girl seems to have a bratty attitude she might still be dtf.

I'm definitely going to check out more late night food places and gas stations at closing time in the future. There were nonstop opportunities packed into that little window of time.

Player's Log / Lounge - Hotwheels - 06-24-2013

Got a couple numbers off SA on Friday while at work. One was down to meet that night.

Instead, I went out and got smashed with some friends.

Contacted her Sat, told her to pack a bag, and she drove an hour to meet me at a dive bar.

One Bud Light, a Guiness, and a convertible ride back to my place and it was all over.

Left evidence around house as I don't care if the GF finds anything.

Player's Log / Lounge - Sonsowey - 06-24-2013

Banged the tiniest girl ever last weekend, 4'9", maybe 90 pounds. During sex she was going crazy, took forever to get it fully in, and when it did she was screaming about how it was the best fuck ever. She clearly hadn't had sex in a while and was acting all sweet with me after, we made food together, she cleaned up, seemed great and I was down to see her again.

Fast forward, and now I'm texting her and she's giving me problems. I had kept up light texting with her just so she didn't feel like I'd pumped and dumped her. Now she's making all these demands like we have to do this and that.

Should have probably just ignored her and waited for her to hit me up to chill...