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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - burncushlikewood - 05-09-2019

is gaming latin women any different from gaming other chicks? the best way to game ethnic women is to get to know their cultures. Women can tell you're a cultured guy who can adapt to different groups when necessary.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - velkrum - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-09-2019 06:28 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

What’s up with the whole jawline thing?
What does that signify? Low body fat / higher testosterone ?

All of the above.

[Image: 6e79c3832a0e618e94559de363cda777.jpg]

[Image: lilwaynepr.jpg?quality=99&strip=all&w=706&h=531]

[Image: 1eab477d0b3811667ba687fa2cfc987e.jpg]

[Image: puff-diddy_a-L-841902-13198927.jpg]

[Image: ec97fe3d9f87f38ce8947f6881286fac.jpg]

[Image: 172280416dcfda2a24b27ee800037b5c.jpg]

3 good faces + 3 bad faces

Cover up the upper half of all the faces and It is undeniable which guys look more aesthetic.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 05-10-2019

Nah looks and money won't help you with chicks.

If you have shit Game you'll still get shit results.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-09-2019 03:21 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2019 02:10 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Having good job and income while looking like a black stud gives them reassurance they can check both boxes. Many of these women have no interest in a serious relationship (possibly to avoid interracial dating) but are looking to satisfied their curiosity of being with black men.

You don’t want the White women who ONLY like black men. Usually those are the fat, trashy subset of the group. This is in America. Of course, there are exceptions but that’s been my observations in the US

Once you go to Europe you’ll see much higher quality desiring black men only.

I'm going to politely disagree with you on that.


I'm gonna agree and disagree with both of you.
There are many different "Europes", London is not Warsaw, Warsaw is not Stockholm, Stockholm is not Rome, Cologne, Budapest or Madrid.

General rule though, Scandinavia and Netherlands Brothas get more quality. I've seen brothas with straight trash fat, ONLY liking blackmen type white women in "Europe" and America. On the flipside I've seen Brothas with runway model and IG model quality white women in California and Scandinavia.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 05-10-2019

Right on


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-09-2019 09:06 PM)burncushlikewood Wrote:  

is gaming latin women any different from gaming other chicks? the best way to game ethnic women is to get to know their cultures. Women can tell you're a cultured guy who can adapt to different groups when necessary.

Disagree. In the States, dude doesn't want to be a Latina creeper. White guys do that to Asian girls, and it's not appreciated.

That being said, doing a deep dive on the culture for your own education is good, but you don't want to show it off. Like everything else, let her discover your talents.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WorldTravelerDD - 05-10-2019

Currently in Barcelona for two weeks.

I must say, it all depends on where you at.

Most of the black guys here are Africans that sell "cans" of "coke" on the streets. Very aggressive about it also.

The latter can make approaching a little difficult. I've only been here one night so I will see how it goes.

Any tips would be appreciated.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Mentavious - 05-10-2019

Yeh to say brothers don’t get quality in the states is ridiculous

I’m doing very well here out West which translates for me worldwide. I still love living in the US because of the quality and diversity of women I can obtain. No where else in the world can you meet four or five different ethnicities in under an hour.

As far as meeting that same subset of women who love BBC well that’s your own fault. Stop hitting up the typical rap clubs and other venues that they frequent and seek out places that brothers normally don’t visit.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 05-10-2019

@WIA thanks for the response

@Mentavious agreed, I definitely see brothas get quality women of all races including white here in the US. Myself included. I’m just tryna make it happen with greater consistency via night game. I’ll expand to social circle when I’ve got a better bank roll in a few years.

And speaking of quality in the US vs. other places...I still think location independence is a wise goal for brothers. While the US has plenty of great cities, there are other cities in the world worth checking out and staying for a few months or even a few years.

I would love to have a stint in Buenos Aires, Seoul, Cape Town, Beirut, some spots in Tunisia...just to get a taste of other places, other food, other cultures.

But you are right, the US has every nationality represented, and so if you have some type of latina or asian fever, you don’t really have to leave the US, you can just relocate to a NYC or LA (or Detroit for Arab chicks, I’m thinking about doing this myself actually, but that’d be years from now).

I will be starting school soon, so my main focus will be nightclub game and college game. My youthful looks and demeanor helps with me with college chicks.

Living close to nightlife will be a DHV because the hot girls will want to party with older guys that are more established and live outside of the confines of the college social scene.

This setup worked well for me in late 2017-early 2018. The trick is to join several different extracurricular clubs, and then throw a simple pre-game with cheap liquor. These girls are young, so they don’t know any better.

I may even expand to daygame at the campus a la Giovonny, this school has over 20k students and is a known party school...but yes, the trick is to get them out of the college bubble, off-campus, and then they will be much more open to partying.

Very excited for this new chapter in my life.

I will be in the Netherlands in less than a month, let me know if y’all are tryna meet up.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-10-2019 08:27 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

...I still think location independence is a wise goal for brothers.

I'm this close to selling dick pills and hair growth supplements.

Lemme start a Tai Lopez Youtube channel. Archie Dominguez or something.

I will say the downside to Location Independence is that the laptop lifestyle of creating products, doing youtube videos, or whatever is the "affiliate income" thing of the moment - is that you don't develop friends in foreign countries until you put down roots. Learning the language, taking part in the community, all that stuff.

Man is a social animal.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-10-2019 07:03 AM)WorldTravelerDD Wrote:  

Currently in Barcelona for two weeks.

I must say, it all depends on where you at.

Most of the black guys here are Africans that sell "cans" of "coke" on the streets. Very aggressive about it also.

The latter can make approaching a little difficult. I've only been here one night so I will see how it goes.

Any tips would be appreciated.

Keep us updated on your trip.

I still cannot imagine brothers doing well in Italy or Spain without significant white social circle to offset the negative stereotypes of poverty that are reinforced daily. You basically have to show “ you’re not one of them. “


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 05-10-2019

Alright TDK, stop.

I’ve been giving your racial doom and gloom too big a benefit of the doubt.

It’s 2019. Black men can do just fine in the FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES of Italy and Spain.

Give me a break.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 05-10-2019

Fine whatever you say, bro.

Me? I ain’t going chasing in those unhappy waters. I can get my bananas from the supermarket without them being thrown at me.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Tanapiko - 05-10-2019

I swear TDK thinks we ain't worth shit.

You cannot take game that seriously though. Girls don't need to like you to fuck you! Heck, I do not even know a girl that likes me. That's how fucking and a girl liking you is not exclusive to one another.
When it comes to relationship, its deeper than that but why do you care.
I promise you even a blue skin guy straight up from march can pull.
Maybe you too smarr for your own good, smart people are sometimes only good at seeing all the flaws. Dumb down a little and take a leap of faith. In your case that you can pull anywhere, whoever, whenever!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Buck Wild - 05-10-2019

Has anyone on this forum met TDK in real life? It's almost impossible for me to believe he's real--I don't know any actual black man in real life this down on their options re: interracial dating.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 05-10-2019


I want respect not pussy.

I refuse to go to another country that see us as invaders to get pussy.

That’s real talk.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Buck Wild - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-10-2019 02:52 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


I want respect not pussy.

I refuse to go to another country that see us as invaders to get pussy.

That’s real talk.


This thread is for black man game options. All due respect but I think you might have the wrong thread as you're clearly working at cross purposes to the rest of the guys posting in it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 05-10-2019


I’ll pipe down


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Tanapiko - 05-10-2019

Respect or approval? Respect is earned brother, not entitled. The way you owe no one shit, no one does regarding you. What is it that makes you so insecure?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 05-10-2019

TDK - others are now expressing their feelings towards your ridiculous assumptions.

Maybe it is time to take a break from this forum.

The continued negativity isn't adding value to this thread.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Buck Wild - 05-10-2019

I'm not trying to drive anyone away from the thread/forum. But this thread is a think tank for guys who are experimenting, assessing, deploying, re-assessing and, ultimately, executing. It's okay to have frustrations and setbacks, and it's okay to talk about them here. But what I take exception to is when guys stop moving forward constructively and don't evince a willingness or ability to evolve past their limiting beliefs or behaviors over time and through hard work. And that goes double when those guys push down and discourage others.

Assuming you're real and not a troll, maybe it's time for a short hiatus to reflect on some shit. It's not just you---I myself haven't said much in this thread because I'm still figuring out where/if I can meaningfully contribute. Get your mind right, get your inner game right---even if you need to speak to a psychiatrist (helped me immensely). Your perspectives will shift---and so will your results.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 05-10-2019

No one jumping to the man's defense is proof enough he needs to take a break.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 05-10-2019

Steph Curry's wife has come out and declared she's unhappy.

The black manosphere has come out strong on YouTube discussing how she can be unhappy, since on paper she has the perfect life.

Sounds like she might pull a move like Scottie Pippen's ex.

Paging Archie!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 05-10-2019

They say you marry two different people, the person you fell in love with, and the person they'll become. It's no surprise that women initiate 75% of divorces. They'll wake up one morning and decide they're missing out on something and blow your whole life up. At least she was honest about it, but if I were Steph, I'd prepare for the worst if he hasn't already. It just goes to show you how much women depend on outside validation. Sad part is, other dudes likely didn't come at her because they respect. what they thought was, a solid wifey.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheKongoEmpire - 05-10-2019

Quote: (05-10-2019 02:52 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


I want respect not pussy.

I refuse to go to another country that see us as invaders to get pussy.

That’s real talk.


You want respect? Go (we I mean) conquer the meaning (literally). Power is a team sport and we're the Cleveland Browns.