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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 05:40 AM)Black Caesar Wrote:  


Have this exact scene all the time where girls dance up with their friends in your space and check you out but then blow out when you open them.

I started opening over the shoulder so it is less committed and with more indirect line.

Helped a lot.

Also will roll around and then come back in from another angle.

Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one that happens to. I thought I was going crazy. I imagine its a game to the chick. She tries to see if she can coax attention from the cool dude who isn't giving her attention. I open her= attention to her = She is validated. Maybe she never had any interest in me at all.

The funny thing is when it happens a lot when a girl is with her boyfriend. I've had plenty of instances with a girl who is dancing with her boyfriend all of a sudden "bumps" into me out of nowhere. I usually avoid those because I don't want to deal with the drama.

This past weekend this chick was talking to 2 guys. During the middle of the conversation, she stops chatting with them and invades my personal space in a 2 second span and blatantly kept bumping into me. I tried grabbing her attention when she turned sideways but she ignored it. I didn't feel like pressing on because I wasn't sure how she knew those guys. I'm not about to get in a 2 on 1 fight over a random chick.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-21-2019 10:59 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Here in Argentina.The beauty of the women here is top notch. The women have the facial beauty you might expect from Scandinavia (everyone I've seen is white), but they have the body you'd expect from Brazil. Unbelievable.

They also tell me how much they love a black man. Picked up a few good quality notches out here already, but I'm a bit jaded at this point so I'm not going to run up the score. However, if you're just getting started and want to put your "black card" to good use, this is the place.

Sounds like a paradise that does not get mentioned much.

This guy at the gym son, plays ball down there and loves it of course.

How long is the flight?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Tanapiko - 04-22-2019

From Canada it can go from 14 hours to 38 hours

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - cycl0ne - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 07:36 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

I seriously wonder how dudes with no game keep their girlfriends. Or if they just actively ignore their woman’s nature.

Went out with a chick last night...she’s aight, nothing to really write home about. She’s already asked to be committed but I’ve dodged and weaved. so we have that dynamic going. no way I’m tying myself down at this point in my life.

But anyways, she’s tall, she doesn’t have acne, she has a big butt, no gut, and early 20’ she gets attention.

Had one dude come up to me and say “Who is that, is that you bro, she is beautiful, I dunno if I can handle that”

And I was literally shook...I’m over here thinking “bro, this girl is literally 6 at best”...but I suppose the thirst is real.

Of course other dudes are going up to her tryna shoot their shot...but she’s just soaking up the attention, getting dudes to buy her drinks...

Now we aren’t an item, but we have an unspoken undersranding that she is mine.

So am I going to hover around her, and just watch other dudes shoot their shot?

Hell nah.

I’m macking on other chicks.

It’s the only way to play this game.

I didn’t pay her much attention...I let her go.


Because I knew she would come back.

I know that as a woman, she NEEDS that validation from men.

But what she wants is to FIGHT for that validation.

How is that the dude that she has been fucking for over a year(me)...who still hasn’t committed to is it that this guy doesn’t care that other dudes are hitting on her?

How is it that this dude isn’t buying her drinks? How is it that he has the audacity to go and mack on other chicks?

Well the music was good, and I felt like dancing, and there happened to be some women around...what do you expect? lol

Of course, she saw me talking to chicks...and she would come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder...and she would FIGHT for my attention. Trying to dance to the music, trying to engage me.

Of course you gotta throw a chick a bone every now and can’t just completely ignore her lol, the thirst is too real out here.

But my point is...the way you keep a girl coming to have her fight for your validation...against other chicks.

A girl doesn’t see your video games or your hobbies as competition

But if another woman has your attention? It’s game on...

Later that night, this girl was literally eating shit...i told her to finger my ass, and then I told her to put in her mouth, she obeyed...and then I spat in her ass, fingered it, and told her to suck my finger like a lollipop...and she did it...

And then you have dudes out here opening mediocre women with “You’re so beautiful, what’s your name?”

And you got boyfriends out here that just hover by their girlfriend’s all night while they have their hands in their pockets...and then they get back home and don’t even get a handjob...

I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

Game on brothas

I'd get more attention from women when I was in a relationship than out. It's like women can tell/smell you're in a relationship and for some reason want a piece of that cake or as you said it, fight for that validation.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - NextStop100 - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 05:21 PM)Tanapiko Wrote:  

From Canada it can go from 14 hours to 38 hours

Yea, unless if you're already in South America, expect a minimum 10 hour flight.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 08:48 PM)cycl0ne Wrote:  

I'd get more attention from women when I was in a relationship than out. It's like women can tell/smell you're in a relationship and for some reason want a piece of that cake or as you said it, fight for that validation.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - nairobian - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-06-2019 07:36 AM)coverdoc Wrote:  

Quote: (04-03-2019 02:44 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

How do yall handle this situation.

At a bar, say first date and/or early in the relationship (prebang) a woman that knows your girl walks up to say hi/chat. Your girl doesnt introduce you and of course the other girl doesn't acknowledge you.

The obvious first move is to cut the chick off with, hi sorry becky is rude, are you going to introduce us?

Where do you take it from there?

Try and steer the conversation or sit back and let it run its course?
Ditch the hoe and leave her with the bill like an alpha?

I'M BACK NIGGAS! lol But to answer this question, too many guys these days try to play the cool route or I'm not fazed route. After years of watching players down south, i realized it's up to the man to break social norms and make it his game.

Most recently a good friend of mine went out on a date with a chick I introduced him to. They were at a bar day drinking and her gay male friend "surprisingly" walks into the bar. She invites him to sit down with them and of course, the rest of the date is history. No bang, no makeout nada!

He came home all upset and i told him. From the beginning, he should have let it be known who and what he is about. Any chick that has the balls to pull that off needs to be told directly what's up. None of this play it cool and smash shit. Pussy is abundant if you have your shit in order and a confident frame. I told him he should have shaken the gay guys hand and said "hey this is our first date and we're spending time getting to know each other, so i'd like some more one on one time to get to know her more" and excused the guy.
-if she said no you're being dramatic or extra, just fucking leave (news flash, she never respected you in the first place). Plenty plenty plenty more women out there and from the moment you check a bitch on what you deem bad behavior, if she comes back, she'll know you're not one of this modern age soft soy boy please women types.

Quote: (04-04-2019 06:28 AM)Black Caesar Wrote:  

Just don't get in your feelings about anything when it comes to chicks and you gucci

Why do you care if she introduces you are not?

I would bust on her afterward about how she should never intro me to her friends cause then they will be after me and she will have competition, etc.

She'll just qualify to that.

Chances are she doesn't even realize she is being rude or that you have expectations (that she should carry herself a certain way if with you)

When chicks do stuff that messes with your head like that you just gotta take a mental note and not come out with an emotional reaction.

If he cares he cares, lots of guys do anything with the final goal of getting laid. But what separates men of medium qualty with game from high SMV "alphas" is how they go about it. The latter not being afraid of losing out on a chance to fuck and put a woman in her place. Tricky's values says the bitch should have introduced him. He should have addressed it right there on the spot " So you aren't going to introduce me to your friend" Hey Ashley i'm tricky. Go ahead and have a seat here, I was just leaving."
-and bounce. Like I said, plenty of women to not put up with this attitude.

Men as a whole need to stop with this; "she can do whatever but when I fuck I win." attitude. No dummy she wins, she got the quality "high-value male" to jump through hoops, impress her, charm her and all she did was give you some 5 day old refrigerated pussy she let Tyrone or Chad get same night when he told her to shut up at the bar.

Never ever be afraid to check a bitch on the spot.


This! This! This should be our #1 commandment even at risk of not hitting-retain your principles always.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - nairobian - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:53 AM)floridaboiii Wrote:  

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.

Cockblockers and haters will literally take years off your life. Cut them off completely even if fam and old friends especially the latter,since they were never friends!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 04-23-2019

Have a date at a local bar near my flat, tomorrow. She's 25. Engineer. Born and bred South Italian.

I'm nervous. I usually hate the eyes of society on me when I'm seen with a white chick. That being said, she was eager and mentally, the conversation follows easier than other chicks.

I just wanna get her back to mine , afterwards, and get naked. She says her family is coming from Italy to visit her later this week.

There will absolutely be no relationship from this. If she don't get physical after the drinks, she's nexted.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 11:14 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Have a date at a local bar near my flat tomorrow

She's 25. Engineer. Born and bred South Italian.

I'm nervous. I usually hate the eyes of society on me when I'm seen with a white chick.

I just wanna get her back to mine , afterwards, and get naked. She says her family is coming from italy to visit her later this week.

There will absolutely be no relationship from this. If she don't get physical after the drinks, she's nexted.


Stop caring about what other people think about you. You won't get lynched in 2019 for talking to a white girl. Black man/White woman pairs are common these days.

If someone gives you a dirty look, spin it as a positive. Put on a smirk internally knowing that the racist is so angry yet he can't do anything about you talking a white girl. Use that as fuel to improve your game. If he is angry seeing you talk to a white girl, just imagine how angry he will get when you walk away holding hands with her or makeout with her in public.

In conclusion, stop caring about the opinions of people who hate you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 04-23-2019

Yeah, I'm just gonna be cool and ignore other people.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Mentavious - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 05:12 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2019 10:59 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Here in Argentina.The beauty of the women here is top notch. The women have the facial beauty you might expect from Scandinavia (everyone I've seen is white), but they have the body you'd expect from Brazil. Unbelievable.

They also tell me how much they love a black man. Picked up a few good quality notches out here already, but I'm a bit jaded at this point so I'm not going to run up the score. However, if you're just getting started and want to put your "black card" to good use, this is the place.

Sounds like a paradise that does not get mentioned much.

This guy at the gym son, plays ball down there and loves it of course.

How long is the flight?

I have not been to Argentina but I’ve bagged a few of them on my visits to Mexico and they’ve told me the same thing. It must be a feast in the country especially if you speak Spanish

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Tanapiko - 04-24-2019

Quick question, I am going to Toronto over the weekend, which spots do you recommand for day game?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Kieran - 04-24-2019

@ thedarkknight white people in UK cities won't even bat an eyelid at an interracial couple on a date, it's normal. I understand that there is still racism here and that you need to be conscious of that, but you're letting that make you paranoid when you don't need to be.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - nairobian - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 07:36 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

I seriously wonder how dudes with no game keep their girlfriends. Or if they just actively ignore their woman’s nature.

Went out with a chick last night...she’s aight, nothing to really write home about. She’s already asked to be committed but I’ve dodged and weaved. so we have that dynamic going. no way I’m tying myself down at this point in my life.

But anyways, she’s tall, she doesn’t have acne, she has a big butt, no gut, and early 20’ she gets attention.

Had one dude come up to me and say “Who is that, is that you bro, she is beautiful, I dunno if I can handle that”

And I was literally shook...I’m over here thinking “bro, this girl is literally 6 at best”...but I suppose the thirst is real.

Of course other dudes are going up to her tryna shoot their shot...but she’s just soaking up the attention, getting dudes to buy her drinks...

Now we aren’t an item, but we have an unspoken undersranding that she is mine.

So am I going to hover around her, and just watch other dudes shoot their shot?

Hell nah.

I’m macking on other chicks.

It’s the only way to play this game.

I didn’t pay her much attention...I let her go.


Because I knew she would come back.

I know that as a woman, she NEEDS that validation from men.

But what she wants is to FIGHT for that validation.

How is that the dude that she has been fucking for over a year(me)...who still hasn’t committed to is it that this guy doesn’t care that other dudes are hitting on her?

How is it that this dude isn’t buying her drinks? How is it that he has the audacity to go and mack on other chicks?

Well the music was good, and I felt like dancing, and there happened to be some women around...what do you expect? lol

Of course, she saw me talking to chicks...and she would come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder...and she would FIGHT for my attention. Trying to dance to the music, trying to engage me.

Of course you gotta throw a chick a bone every now and can’t just completely ignore her lol, the thirst is too real out here.

But my point is...the way you keep a girl coming to have her fight for your validation...against other chicks.

A girl doesn’t see your video games or your hobbies as competition

But if another woman has your attention? It’s game on...

Later that night, this girl was literally eating shit...i told her to finger my ass, and then I told her to put in her mouth, she obeyed...and then I spat in her ass, fingered it, and told her to suck my finger like a lollipop...and she did it...

And then you have dudes out here opening mediocre women with “You’re so beautiful, what’s your name?”

And you got boyfriends out here that just hover by their girlfriend’s all night while they have their hands in their pockets...and then they get back home and don’t even get a handjob...

I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

Game on brothas

Being a 46 year old Kenyan maybe there's something I don't understand but what the actual fuck is the assplay about,my dude?!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - papasco - 04-24-2019

I can relate ISO. It happen to me a bunch of time.
The pattern on my behavior I can see in all those interactions is that I was solo and low energy.
When I’m high energy even when they are not interested they will talk or dance a bit.
Anyway I think it’s also related to what you’re explaining about attention/validation.
Even online, I had several times girls who unmatched me within two minutes after we matched (before I got write anything).
I got two or three times, girls who said they are “sorry” but they are "not interested", they just wanted to see if I will like them back…

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - NextStop100 - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 12:37 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Yeah, I'm just gonna be cool and ignore other people.


how did it go with the Italian?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 03:46 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 07:36 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

I seriously wonder how dudes with no game keep their girlfriends. Or if they just actively ignore their woman’s nature.

Went out with a chick last night...she’s aight, nothing to really write home about. She’s already asked to be committed but I’ve dodged and weaved. so we have that dynamic going. no way I’m tying myself down at this point in my life.

But anyways, she’s tall, she doesn’t have acne, she has a big butt, no gut, and early 20’ she gets attention.

Had one dude come up to me and say “Who is that, is that you bro, she is beautiful, I dunno if I can handle that”

And I was literally shook...I’m over here thinking “bro, this girl is literally 6 at best”...but I suppose the thirst is real.

Of course other dudes are going up to her tryna shoot their shot...but she’s just soaking up the attention, getting dudes to buy her drinks...

Now we aren’t an item, but we have an unspoken undersranding that she is mine.

So am I going to hover around her, and just watch other dudes shoot their shot?

Hell nah.

I’m macking on other chicks.

It’s the only way to play this game.

I didn’t pay her much attention...I let her go.


Because I knew she would come back.

I know that as a woman, she NEEDS that validation from men.

But what she wants is to FIGHT for that validation.

How is that the dude that she has been fucking for over a year(me)...who still hasn’t committed to is it that this guy doesn’t care that other dudes are hitting on her?

How is it that this dude isn’t buying her drinks? How is it that he has the audacity to go and mack on other chicks?

Well the music was good, and I felt like dancing, and there happened to be some women around...what do you expect? lol

Of course, she saw me talking to chicks...and she would come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder...and she would FIGHT for my attention. Trying to dance to the music, trying to engage me.

Of course you gotta throw a chick a bone every now and can’t just completely ignore her lol, the thirst is too real out here.

But my point is...the way you keep a girl coming to have her fight for your validation...against other chicks.

A girl doesn’t see your video games or your hobbies as competition

But if another woman has your attention? It’s game on...

Later that night, this girl was literally eating shit...i told her to finger my ass, and then I told her to put in her mouth, she obeyed...and then I spat in her ass, fingered it, and told her to suck my finger like a lollipop...and she did it...

And then you have dudes out here opening mediocre women with “You’re so beautiful, what’s your name?”

And you got boyfriends out here that just hover by their girlfriend’s all night while they have their hands in their pockets...and then they get back home and don’t even get a handjob...

I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

Game on brothas

Being a 46 year old Kenyan maybe there's something I don't understand but what the actual fuck is the assplay about,my dude?!

It's about power.

Keep it up Basketbounce. I made some 31 year old blonde eat my ass months ago, then I dropped her when she got too annoying. She hit me up multiple times to try and rekindle and I rejected each time.

I hope she feels pumped and dumped.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - NextStop100 - 04-24-2019

Curious on people’s thoughts. I made plans to fuck this hot 18 y/o Arg chick (blonde, blue eyes, amazing body).

She asks for my address and said she’s coming in 20 minutes. Then she told me she has her period and asked if that is ok? I told her nevermind. I don’t want to have sex. I’m still talking to her but would you have still fucked? It’s the 4th day of her period

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 12:37 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Curious on people’s thoughts. I made plans to fuck this hot 18 y/o Arg chick (blonde, blue eyes, amazing body).

She asks for my address and said she’s coming in 20 minutes. Then she told me she has her period and asked if that is ok? I told her nevermind. I don’t want to have sex. I’m still talking to her but would you have still fucked? It’s the 4th day of her period

I'm seeing the italian tonight. The bar is two min walk from my place. No way will I fuck a chick on a period. That shit is nasty

Kieran, yeah, you're right. Hopefully tonight is exposure therapy lol.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 12:37 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Curious on people’s thoughts. I made plans to fuck this hot 18 y/o Arg chick (blonde, blue eyes, amazing body).

She asks for my address and said she’s coming in 20 minutes. Then she told me she has her period and asked if that is ok? I told her nevermind. I don’t want to have sex. I’m still talking to her but would you have still fucked? It’s the 4th day of her period

Nope. 99% of guys would but not me.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MaceTyrell - 04-24-2019

Period is a shit test I’ve gotten and pushed through.

“You don’t get a cookie for guessing right that she [is truly on her period]. Push the interaction and let her say no.” - Beirut

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 04-24-2019

Don't worry babe, we'll put a towel down.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - the high - 04-24-2019

I'm not proud to admit it but, I too have fucked a girl on her period. It was that or nothing and she was going back to her country the next day; did it in the shower wasn't too bad.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - torridon747 - 04-24-2019

[Obligatory I'm a white dude]

I used to be the push through guy with a line I used was " I'm a soldier with a penchant for red towels, why are you worried" or some variation of. Then obviously when girl gets there have a red towel.

Soldier - fine with blood
Red towels - outta site outta mind
Why you worried - reframe

But lately the smell of period blood has got on my nerves. I don't bang girls on their period anymore. Seeing blood and cum mixed up - well I've lost my stomach for it. But I used to rejoice hearing that because you're fuckin for sure.