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Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - AnonymousBosch - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 03:36 PM)PatStanley Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2015 03:26 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

I was at a social gathering last night where people were speaking-quietly about the rise of random violence in society. I spoke about a culture of atomisation; cultivated narcissism; and a media feeding a climate of hatred for against dehumanised 'others' as being a perfect combination to create violent killers.

A girl looked very nervous, and asked "So, what do we do?"

My reply: "Expect much more of it."

I disagree that there will be more of it. Historically speaking, we're in pretty peaceful times overall. The big difference now is, thanks to technology, we're much more aware of these random violent acts. Everyone can have an audience on the internet, even psychopaths.

Are they random acts of violence, or are they observable and predictable based upon a psychological makeup that is being deliberately-encouraged in society via the media and educational institutions: A makeup that will feel increasingly-persecuted by society for its own failures, and narcissistic enough to take others with them when they finally snap?

We're in the Degenerate Phase of our society, and this will accelerate: I particularly expect it to see it start coming from the SJW / Feminist side of the spectrum. Hell, this gunman was described as always seeking to take offence. Sound familiar? Ask how was he trained to take offence, and how he was learnt to dehumanise others who weren't worthy of Personhood in his eyes?

As such, a quick investigation shows he:


graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism from San Francisco State University in 1995.

I'd predict a man educated to see himself as an oppressed victim in a notable Leftist Radical enclave during the previous mid-90's Identity Politics / Political Correctness craze could easily be capable of murdering 'Evil Others' 'punching up' acceptable targets, given the right triggering events.

Welcome to the toxic 'neutrality has no place in journalism' mentality that is being ingrained in university students post-2007, and has seeped into all forms of media over the last few years. This is what Identity Politics are designed to do: divide and promote stigmatisation and violence in the name of Leftists reaching their beloved Government-Controlled Progressive Utopia.

So yes, I expect much more of this. Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Going strong - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 04:23 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

You are still wrong.

Behaving badly at work without getting fired is a privilege shared by many of all colors, each gender, etc. In some states it's hard as fuck to get rid of a full time employee for a litany of reasons.

1. Union reasons.
2. Severance Pay guidelines.
3. Internal HR/Company Policy (which can be very broad and unique)
4. State regulations.
5. EEOC considerations
6. Privately owned vs. Publicly owned
7. Internal Office Politics (broad and unique)
8. The state is not a Right to Work State

I was not aware of all these technical, legal reasons for not being able to fire a bad employee. It does make me reconsider my thoughts on this particular case...[Image: blush.gif] I mean, I might be right but I might be wrong as to why this dude was not fired a long time ago.

You say "White women are the main recipients of AA". I disagree. I would say instead: Thin beautiful women of any race are the main recipients of (often-undeserved) favors, notably professional favors.

You say I insist too much on this story being "a race thing"... well... The killer did send a 30-pages fax to the media, writing some rather crazy stuff about "race" and "race wars", talking at length about this strange, White Roof shooter...

And remember, when this Roof shooter was caught, every media (and presumably you?) were looking for the race angle, not the gun-control angle: Why not now? As far as i am concerned, both murderers, the black and the white, are crazy racists, period.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - PapayaTapper - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 04:25 PM)bacan Wrote:  

I didn't even watch the video but just seeing the screenshot of her face gives me chills... I can't imagine hearing her screams..

With so many random killings these days, it's almost getting scary to live in this country. In the DC area for example we recently had the guy who was stabbed to death on the metro, the guy who was killed by a stray bullet on the way to a restaurant and so on.. There was a shootout a few blocks from where I live too. Luckily I wasn't in the wrong place at the wrong time but you can still see the bullet holes in the buildings when you walk by.

Actually violent crime per ca pita in the US is trending downward and has been for nearly 40 years.

[Image: 13violentcrimeoffensefigure.gif]

The perception that it's getting worse is a product of 2 things primarily(albeit an over simplification)

1. "News" as profit center. Way back in the 1940's when the FCC granted the original Big 3 TV networks (ABC,CBS and NBC) licenses congress mandated that they had to as a public service give a 1 hr nightly newscast. The news was not considered a profit center in itself by the networks but rather a way to secure audience loyalty to the networks. This started to change when CNN came along in 1980 with the advent cable TV. People laughed at Ted Turner when he unveiled his 24hr news channel They stopped laughing over time as they realized it could work and that laughter ended for good in 1991 when during the first Gulf War people around the world were glued to CNN around the clock for months to watch that war unfold. CNN became hyper profitable over night and essentially changed news into entertainment of the most profitable industries there is.

2. The internet. The variety of "news" sources and speed of information available on the internet means that there is more competition than ever. That means you can't just report facts if you want to compete. Newspapers are as good as dead. You have to shock, outrage, horrify or otherwise titillate an audience else you'll lose their eyeballs (ie PROFIT) It's an ever escalating arms race and our society is both the source and the victims of it.

Mass murder is nothing new. However the ability to bring it so many, so quickly and so vividly is. So while to many it may seem that there's more violent crime than ever the opposite is actually true. You can see for yourself

Bureau of Justice Crime Statistics

FBI Crime Statistics

40 Years ago a crime like this would likely not have made national news . But then again 40 years ago the perpetrator-jackwagon couldn't film a selfie as he did it and upload it for millions to see.

It's a tragedy no question and I feel for the victims and their family. But let's keep it in perspective and not let the for profit fear mongering media calling itself "news" do what they want to do...keep us terrified / entertained for their financial benefit .

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - RedPillUK - 08-26-2015

These crazy shooters are making me discriminate against people.

Not by race, but I am starting to feel anger and even cautiousness against LOSERS.

I used to feel pity for them, but I hardly feel any pity at all for people who have been pathetic their entire life and have done nothing about it anymore.

Now I'm starting to realise they are the real problem, not just crazy shooters, but feminists, extreme liberals etc they're all just different types of losers. They blame everyone else for their problems, then eventually they snap and lash out. They're weak-minded and lash out emotionally. I'm wary of all losers I know now. I'm serious.

I seriously want to do something about these angry, depressed lowlife, and I don't mean fix them because a lot are unfixable. I would rather they are locked up or killed then them killing innocent people who actually want to do something with their life.

The people that do this are so fed up with life, they don't even care if they're caught, who they're hurting, if they die etc etc. Those people are fucking dangerous. Suicidal people are dangerous. If you meet someone who's given up on life, and drinks/drugs himself to get through it, while plotting 'revenge'. I would be very wary of them.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - realologist - 08-26-2015

Western society right now is set up to breed individuals like this. There is a perfect balance of narcissism and forever victimhood that creates a person that feels like they are untouchable and all their failures in life have been a result of society, the system, their family, etc.

Once it finally sinks in that a lot of their life and failures were in their control they snap and take out the person/people that brought them to reality.

It's sad that people always use these horrible events and twist them in ways to suit their own agenda. It's almost a guarantee that will be used by some people for gun control, others for race. In reality its just a man that was severely mentally ill that took out his frustrations with extreme violence and anger because his perfection and victimhood was challenged which flipped his world on its head.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - PapayaTapper - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 05:47 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

These crazy shooters are making me discriminate against people.

Not by race, but I am starting to feel anger and even cautiousness against LOSERS.

I used to feel pity for them, but I hardly feel any pity at all for people who have been pathetic their entire life and have done nothing about it anymore.

Now I'm starting to realise they are the real problem, not just crazy shooters, but feminists, extreme liberals etc they're all just different types of losers. They blame everyone else for their problems, then eventually they snap and lash out. They're weak-minded and lash out emotionally. I'm wary of all losers I know now. I'm serious.

I seriously want to do something about these angry, depressed lowlife, and I don't mean fix them because a lot are unfixable. I would rather they are locked up or killed then them killing innocent people who actually want to do something with their life.

The people that do this are so fed up with life, they don't even care if they're caught, who they're hurting, if they die etc etc. Those people are fucking dangerous. Suicidal people are dangerous. If you meet someone who's given up on life, and drinks/drugs himself to get through it, while plotting 'revenge'. I would be very wary of them.

I agree. Anyone with no respect for life should be killed. [Image: icon_eek.gif]

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Libertas - 08-26-2015

You know it's funny.

The shooter was mentioning the Charleston shootings a couple of months ago. We heard to the ends of the Earth how racism was still everywhere, that white people needed to atone, the old symbols of white heritage like the Confederate Flag needed to be erased, etc. We often hear about the right wing creating terrorism, and how ideas that deviate from the left's narrative creates terrorists and causes violence. We live in a rape culture at the hands of white men, especially young white men in college (probably the group least likely to rape), and this is why we need feminism, etc. Roosh just needed to post a disclaimer today about that, and the media is all over Trump about it.

Yet this guy was by all appearances an SJW who went off the rails. He was ranting about being a gay black man (a MASSIVE victim in SJW culture - I suppose it's the equivalent of a full house in poker, quite a high hand). Rest assured, we will never hear how the "social justice" movement, with its Marxist dialectical bullshit, is inherently divisive and creates hatred and attracts mentally ill freaks just as much (and quite frankly, far more) as anything extreme on the right does.

What came out of Gawker is a great example.

Don't know about you guys, but anyone feel like a targeted op against that author?

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - TheWastelander - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:09 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

You know it's funny.

The shooter was mentioning the Charleston shootings a couple of months ago. We heard to the ends of the Earth how racism was still everywhere, that white people needed to atone, the old symbols of white heritage like the Confederate Flag needed to be erased, etc. We often hear about the right wing creating terrorism, and how ideas that deviate from the left's narrative creates terrorists and causes violence. We live in a rape culture at the hands of white men, especially young white men in college (probably the group least likely to rape), and this is why we need feminism, etc. Roosh just needed to post a disclaimer today about that, and the media is all over Trump about it.

Yet this guy was by all appearances an SJW who went off the rails. He was ranting about being a gay black man (a MASSIVE victim in SJW culture - I suppose it's the equivalent of a full house in poker, quite a high hand). Rest assured, we will never hear how the "social justice" movement, with its Marxist dialectical bullshit, is inherently divisive and creates hatred and attracts mentally ill freaks just as much (and quite frankly, far more) as anything extreme on the right does.

What came out of Gawker is a great example.

Don't know about you guys, but anyone feel like a targeted op against that author?

I do. I've been rubbing it in their faces all day long and they've been pissed about it. They're trying to turn the narrative back to gun control to distract from the fact their Dylan Roof just killed two people and wounded one. They are in severe damage control.

Some friends and I went after Jesse Benn when he wrote that article, by the way. He calls himself white in the article but when confronted about the content of his foul trash he started calling everyone who criticized him antisemites. Ramzpaul has a good video about Benn.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - la bodhisattva - 08-26-2015

1. There is a POV video of calculated murder. Black on white. Reasonable people fault the perpetrator.

2. The murderer purports racist comments as motive. Reasonable people respond, "That's no fucking excuse, you monster." The narrative waters get muddy. People who may say racially insensitive things may deserve to be gunned down. But guns! guns! Do we blame the "racist" victim, the psychopath/other "victim", or American gun culture?

3. The murderer is a man, part of his motivation may have also been retaliation for being rebuffed by the victim. He easily got a gun and killed a woman because she may not accepted his advances. Edit: He's gay. However, man on woman violence with a gun may be good enough to fan the flames. But would the MSM vilify a gay, black man? Decisions.

Absolutely, spot on, fucking perfect formula for media outrage. America's lax gun laws allows America's rampant misogynistic culture to reach its zenith in live, televised murder!

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - TheVirginian - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 04:31 PM)iamdegaussed Wrote:  

This is a good point. It's one of the main reasons I actually like living where I do (sort of rural area). It's not perfect but I feel a lot more safe than I do when I'm in a large city. Maybe that's just my ignorance, but I remember feeling very uneasy walking down the streets of Buffalo a few months ago. Downtown Baltimore last month wasn't exactly a peach either.
Longtime lurker here, but having lived in this area and actually taking girlfriends to that same marina and standing in that same location where those two people were killed overlooking the mini-golf, hit especially close to home for me. I want to lend some perspective.

Bridgewater Plaza is a touristy marina at the northern end of the man-made Smith Mountain Lake. Smith Mountain Lake is a summer tourist attraction mainly for fishermen, water sports and summer homes. Besides the mcmansions by the lake and the occasional shopping center, this place is as rural in Virginia as you can get. Literally, a mile either way down the highway are acres and acres of forest, fields and farmlands. You leave that area around the lake and you are in Nowhere, VA. This place is 45 minutes from Roanoke, where WDBJ7 is based, and 30 minutes from the second closest city, Lynchburg.

I say that to point out that even if you live in rural bumfuck wherever, a psychopathic killer will ambush you and kill if determined enough. You may have a lower chance of random violence in rural areas, but you are not completely safe.

Also, I don't derive any sort of pleasure from watching those people get killed. But I watched it from both angles. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, I watch these videos to get a dose of reality, that danger is literally everywhere. It reminds me that I am mortal and every day counts. It's easy to get lost in the hum drum of day-to-day life. When something like this happens it triggers my fight or flight and I feel the adrenaline. I try to use that to make sure and mentally prepare that if I was ever in a similar situation I would do everything I could to survive. This isn't bigballer badass-ism, I just use it reflect on my life and try not to be coddled by society for maybe 5 minutes. This reminds me of the Va Tech shooter back in 2007. I was on campus and in class that day and it triggered the same instinctual response. This has been a sad day all around.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - TheWastelander - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:19 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

1. There is a POV video of calculated murder. Black on white. Reasonable people fault the perpetrator.

2. The murderer purports racist comments as motive. Reasonable people respond, "That's no fucking excuse, you monster." The narrative waters get muddy. People who may say racially insensitive things may deserve to be gunned down. But guns! guns! Do we blame the "racist" victim, the psychopath/other "victim", or American gun culture?

3. The murderer is a man, part of his motivation may have also been retaliation for being rebuffed by the victim. He easily got a gun and killed a woman because she may not accepted his advances.

Absolutely, spot on, fucking perfect formula for media outrage.

America's lax gun laws allows America's rampant misogynistic culture to reach its zenith in live, televised murder!

The third part is blatantly false as of this writing. This man was a confirmed homosexual.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - PapayaTapper - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:19 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

1. There is a POV video of calculated murder. Black on white. Reasonable people fault the perpetrator.

2. The murderer purports racist comments as motive. Reasonable people respond, "That's no fucking excuse, you monster." The narrative waters get muddy. People who may say racially insensitive things may deserve to be gunned down. But guns! guns! Do we blame the "racist" victim, the psychopath/other "victim", or American gun culture?

3. The murderer is a man, part of his motivation may have also been retaliation for being rebuffed by the victim. He easily got a gun and killed a woman because she may not accepted his advances.

Absolutely, spot on, fucking perfect formula for media outrage. America's lax gun laws allows America's rampant misogynistic culture to reach its zenith in live, televised murder!

Well it's already been established that he was openly gay so you'd need to adjust for that.

The wrinkle though is this. His Twitter references "Adam went to HR after me only working with him once"(sic). My inference is he might of hit on "Adam" and got reprimanded. Adam was the first name of the photographer he killed.

EDIT: Wastelander beat me to it

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - la bodhisattva - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:23 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:19 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

1. There is a POV video of calculated murder. Black on white. Reasonable people fault the perpetrator.

2. The murderer purports racist comments as motive. Reasonable people respond, "That's no fucking excuse, you monster." The narrative waters get muddy. People who may say racially insensitive things may deserve to be gunned down. But guns! guns! Do we blame the "racist" victim, the psychopath/other "victim", or American gun culture?

3. The murderer is a man, part of his motivation may have also been retaliation for being rebuffed by the victim. He easily got a gun and killed a woman because she may not accepted his advances.

Absolutely, spot on, fucking perfect formula for media outrage.

America's lax gun laws allows America's rampant misogynistic culture to reach its zenith in live, televised murder!

The third part is blatantly false as of this writing. This man was a confirmed homosexual.

That's what I get for not being thorough.

Well, homosexual is not being attracted to women so perhaps that's enough to fill the misogynistic narrative? But shit, talking about about homosexuality? What is the golden goose for SJWs now?

Either way, I intend to not follow this story if it becomes a week's worth of national news. It's all just too frustrating listening to the idiots scream about unrelated and nonsensical points.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Going strong - 08-26-2015

This murderer (the Black TV-news reporter) has been described (notably by Joe Navarro, but also by an active-duty law-enforcement woman: I heard them talk live about this, couple of hours ago, on Fox) as a "Wound Collector who overreacted to real or perceived injustice"...

Man, if the Dylan Roof murderer had been described like that... a "Wound Collector who overreacted"... the outrage all over the world that would've started...

So, let's call a racist psychopath a racist psychopath, whatever his color!

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - C-Note - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:40 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

This murderer (the Black TV-news reporter) has been described (notably by Joe Navarro, but also by an active-duty law-enforcement woman: I heard them talk live about this, couple of hours ago, on Fox) as a "Wound Collector who overreacted to real or perceived injustice"...

Man, if the Dylan Roof murderer had been described like that... a "Wound Collector who overreacted"... the outrage all over the world that would've started...

So, let's call a racist psychopath a racist psychopath, whatever his color!

Dylan Roof openly posted racist comments and clearly stated that he wanted to go after black people. The shooter in this incident doesn't appear to have said anything like that. His beef is a little different.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Captainstabbin - 08-26-2015

Roof did this and we lost flags, statues and the Dukes of Hazzard - what gets banned now?

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Captainstabbin - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:45 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:40 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

This murderer (the Black TV-news reporter) has been described (notably by Joe Navarro, but also by an active-duty law-enforcement woman: I heard them talk live about this, couple of hours ago, on Fox) as a "Wound Collector who overreacted to real or perceived injustice"...

Man, if the Dylan Roof murderer had been described like that... a "Wound Collector who overreacted"... the outrage all over the world that would've started...

So, let's call a racist psychopath a racist psychopath, whatever his color!

Dylan Roof openly posted racist comments and clearly stated that he wanted to go after black people. The shooter in this incident doesn't appear to have said anything like that. His beef is a little different.

Did you read the manifesto?

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - PapayaTapper - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:30 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Well, homosexual is not being attracted to women so perhaps that's enough to fill the misogynistic narrative? But shit, talking about about homosexuality? What is the golden goose for SJWs now?

How about?..

"If Adam a white heterosexual male had accepted his gay advances as the compliment they were intended to be instead of reporting him to HR because of his homophobic intolerance this wouldn't of happened"

That work?

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - la bodhisattva - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:49 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:30 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Well, homosexual is not being attracted to women so perhaps that's enough to fill the misogynistic narrative? But shit, talking about about homosexuality? What is the golden goose for SJWs now?

How about?..

"If Adam a white heterosexual male had accepted his gay advances as the compliment they were intended to be instead of reporting him to HR because of his homophobic intolerance this wouldn't of happened"

That work?

That's pretty good. It keeps to one of the cardinal tenets of SJWing of deflecting responsibility on to a "privileged" person.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Libertas - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:45 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Dylan Roof openly posted racist comments and clearly stated that he wanted to go after black people. The shooter in this incident doesn't appear to have said anything like that. His beef is a little different.

This guy was talking about participating in a race war.

If the races had been reversed you would not ever hear the end of it. Obama won't be meeting these families, rest assured.

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Roosh - 08-26-2015

I guess we can begin the countdown to the first GoPro murder..

[Image: attachment.jpg27925]   

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - JacksonRev - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 06:46 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Roof did this and we lost flags, statues and the Dukes of Hazzard - what gets banned now?

Rainbow flags and pride parades

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Going strong - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 04:23 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

You do not know the absolute antics he pulled before they fired him. You are trying to armchair quarterback this with extremely shitty conjecture. Do you have access to his HR file? What if whatever he was accused of doing was found to be not true by the HR dept.? Who would be telling the truth then?

"Flanagan had 'a long series of complaints against co-workers nearly from the beginning of employment at the TV station,' said Dennison, now an official with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. 'All of these allegations were deemed to be unfounded. And they were largely under along racial lines, and we did a thorough investigation and could find no evidence that anyone had racially discriminated against this man.'

Prior to Flanagan's termination, Dennison reprimanded the reporter for 'lashing out' at a colleague and for his 'harsh language' and 'aggressive body language' in internal messages copied to Flanagan and other senior members of the organization, the Guardian reports.

'On three separate occasions in the past month and a half you have behaved in a manner that has resulted in on or more of your co-workers feeling threatened or uncomfortable,' Dennison told Flanagan.

The conflict described by Dennison in many ways echoed another, in 2000, when Flanagan was fired from a north Florida television station after threatening fellow employees, a former supervisor said.

'He threatened to punch people out and he was kind of running fairly roughshod over other people in the newsroom,'

So, I was quite right in my analysis of this murderer: this crazy guy was pulling the race card all the time, for years and years, inventing "racism" supposedly directed at him, manipulating people...

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - TheWastelander - 08-26-2015

Murdered live on Air: 2 Journalists killed, 1 critical - Going strong - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 07:12 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I guess we can begin the countdown to the first GoPro murder..

It has happened already. In France, Merah had a GoPro on his chest, when he shot at the schoolchildren in Toulouse, killing many.

The video was to be broadcasted by a famous Qatari TV station, but they cancelled the "show" at the request of French police...