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Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - SupaDorkLooza - 03-08-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 12:22 PM)kosko Wrote:  

OH @realitycheck? Iran and Al-Queda have a history even though they are both of rival Islamic sects? This is news to me. Last time I remembered Iran and Syria were fighting Islamic AL-Queda sects in keeping them out of their own borders. Al-Queda elements still troll Iran with tawdy shit. It recently released a Iranian it kidnapped:

There is no evidence of a working relationship between the Iranian state and al-Qaida or its various offshoots

Iran and Al-Queda were never on the same team.
Stop peddling false information @Realitycheck. It is funny how these low post trolls come out of the woods any time somebody says anything critical on Israeli politics.

For those of you who don't believe it watch this raid by an Al Qaeda affiliated group on this Shia group.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Comte De St. Germain - 03-08-2015

Since this thread might as well be troll bait with the Sandman guy who was posting earlier I'll leave two points that I think no one addressed or talked about refuting.

A completely psychotic and mentally insane country at the moment like Pakistan(where I've lived for a while mind you) has funded terrorists and has nuclear capabilities, but has yet to hand them out like candy to fundamentalists. The country went off the deep end in the mid to late 2000s to the point it no longer even has functioning 24 hour electricity(I remember in my early childhood it was safe to go out during the night for a jog but now it's filled with fundamentalists who are skinning locals alive), but has yet to give nukes to terrorists. This is very telling if you ask me and a case for handing nukes to Iran/letting them develop nukes might relieve tensions and solve issues. Not to mention they are relatively more stable population wise just look at the damned Rich Kids of Tehran Instagram. Might as well be Westerners.

Second point Palestine and specifically Jerusalem are Muslim holy lands the last thing they would do is nuke them into oblivion. Israel can be suicidal and even point nukes at themselves and plenty of ME countries would be against it as they would be destroying the holy land.

Side note: not Pakistani but my family bought lots of land there on the cheap in the early 1970s.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kerouac - 03-09-2015

Apparently there is outrage that Rand Paul was not enthusiastic enough during Netanyahoo's speach?

[Image: RandPaul.jpg]


With his outspoken views against foreign aid and a muscular foreign policy, Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul was less-than-enthused by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian nuclear threat.

Read more at:

Someone obviously noticed, and was quite unhappy about this.


Though Mr. Paul will not formally announce his campaign until April, prominent Republican officials and groups are already organizing to undercut his approach. One of the party’s biggest donors, the Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, has told associates that he is open to underwriting an effort to stopping Mr. Paul, should he gain traction in the primaries.

If you're wondering who Sheldon Adelson is, and why he matters:
[Image: Sheldon%20Adelson%20Lawsu_Cham.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]

He is a casino magnate who plays a huge part in financing much of the campaigns we have in this country.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Phoenix - 03-09-2015

I saw the speech live on TV, and I noticed quite a few unenthusiastic faces in the crowd. I assume they thought as I did: that level of deference was more appropriate for a democratic centralist assembly like China applauding the politburos policy resolution, not the US congress receiving a speech from a foreign head of government.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - NovaVirtu - 03-09-2015

I had an interesting conversation on this topic with an actual Iranian guy a few nights ago.

My brother and I attended a Tony Robbins event in the NYC area this past weekend and we met a guy who said he was from Dubai, and he joined us for drinks after the program ended. I wanted to ask him about the Tag the Sponsor phenomenon, but my brother wanted to develop some kind of business relationship with him so I decided against it, haha..

It turns out he is a Sunni of Iranian decent. He along with his father and the rest of his family fled Iran around 18 years ago to Dubai. He said his father had some disagreement with the Iranian government and decided to flee while he could since, in his words, people who criticize the government in Iran "disappear within a week". Sunnis are also a religious minority in Iran, so he believes the majority-Shia government was predisposed to view them with suspicion.

As far as ISIS is concerned, he believes the Isreali-connection theory and that seems to be the prevailing opinion in his community back home. (He used the term "Daesh" to refer to ISIS). My brother and I actually brought the subject up first and he seemed surprised to meet Americans who shared his opinion. I guess he assumed all Americans were brainwashed by the MSM. Having said all that, he also is very against Iran obtaining a nuke because he believes the government is crazy and malevolent.

He ended up picking up the check for us. Always interesting to meet someone who's actually IN a part of the world the media is fixating on and can offer a more honest perspective.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Libertas - 03-10-2015

Related: Republicans just sent a letter to Iran trying to sabotage the deal that's being negotiated.

Humorously, Iran proceeded to give a lecture to the GOP on our own Constitution.

Say what you will about Obama, I have no love for him, but this is bordering on being downright treasonous in my eyes.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Lizard King - 03-10-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 10:37 AM)NovaVirtu Wrote:  

(He used the term "Daesh" to refer to ISIS).

I think 'daash' is the acronym for ISIS in Arabic.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - zaqan - 03-14-2015

I think a lot of people here are upset that the US does not have a leader like Netanyahu. A man who gets invited to speak. A man who protects his borders and defends his people from foreign threats. A man who goes abroad to preach the greatness of civilization.

The same folks who praise Putin for these traits seem to be bashing Netanyahu for it. This is so womanly. "Bring him down! Burn it down!" Why are we not looking at how our country(ies) got this way? How did we end up with an incompetent fool who goes around apologizing and being beholden to foreigners? How did we end up where the opposition party does not put forth its own leader(s), but invites someone else in? I think the invitation was more of a "We wish we had this!" than anything. If Republicans had a Netanyahu, they would be winning the polls. Netanyahu is so good at what he does, he is losing polls by 3% or more, and will still win the premiership, almost certainly for another 4 years. He started as a reactionary in the mid-90s, fell from grace, and returned when all his opponents were disgraced to clean up the mess. What he is doing there is what is so strongly desired here. And yet, those who should be inspired by him are attacking him, his country, and his people with veiled hints at age-old tropes.

How can we rebuild? Sitting around watching Rome burn is just another symptom of us being a leaderless "society". No one wants to take up the fight, because everyone wants someone else to just lead and they can follow. It is a really sad state of affairs that we have a "leader" like Obama, the UK has a dweeb like Cameron (Thatcher was a man in comparison, and she still did her womanly duties, and was quite feminine), France has the wobbling doof Hollande (meanwhile, a woman, Marine Le Pen is headed towards her own Thatcher-like reign). We need to look at who potential leaders are and figure out how to restore the West to a traditional family-based society.