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Haters Lounge - Tuthmosis - 09-27-2012

I hate automated bathroom shit. Hand dryers, automatic faucets, and laser-guided paper-fucking-towel dispensers. That shit never works and is a massive pain in the ass.

The worst are those stupid soaps that are pre-foamed (lathered) for you. How fucking lazy and germophobic are Americans?

[Image: american.gif]

Haters Lounge - Architekt - 09-28-2012

Quote: (09-27-2012 04:17 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2012 06:16 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Sam, I haven't heard that one yet. How have you been replying? An Asian girl told me her name was Aeyesha and I looked up and started laughing at her.

I hate it when these beta motherfuckers on my Facebook actually pretend girls ask them questions. Example; some jackass puts on his status "a girl asked me today "meekal what's a guy like you doing still single? My response, I'm not settling for just any woman, I want the best"
Or some other guy will post "some girl asked me what qualities should a girl have" and then he lists all this beta shit.

This stuff makes me sick to my stomach sometimes.

And the worst? Another guy actually posted that "here's a test to see who actually pays attention to your posts blah blah blah"

I actually took the time to explain the need toward game to this one pathetic motherfucker and he just wrote back "lol". This is after he posts "I have no trouble talking to girls but I can never translate those encounters into getting dates". In the comments girls are saying "just give her your number and he thinks that's a good idea!

I'm losing my patience with some of my friends

I just tell my beta friends, "Let me know when you're tired of masturbating."

As for the "Is that your name" shit test, I'm thinking of taking a more sarcastic route.

"What's your name?"

"I'm samseau"

"Is that your real name?"

"Are you trying to be witty? Please try harder."

"Can I see your ID?"

"Okay, you caught me. My real name is Big Johnson, but my friends call me BIG."

"Let me see your ID then!"

"Sorry, the photo is kinda explicit..."

So I think the best way to beat this shit test is to actually turn around and give them a ridiculous fake name, and then treat them like dumb asses afterwards.

I got this on the way home like 30 minutes ago..

Her: "What's your name?"
Me: ___
Her: "That's cool, what's your surname?"
Me: ___
Her: "No way, is that seriously your name? Let me see your ID.."

I just explained to her and her friend that I prefer this name over my actual name...

Haters Lounge - soup - 09-28-2012

Quote: (09-27-2012 07:11 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I hate automated bathroom shit. Hand dryers, automatic faucets, and laser-guided paper-fucking-towel dispensers. That shit never works and is a massive pain in the ass.

The worst are those stupid soaps that are pre-foamed (lathered) for you. How fucking lazy and germophobic are Americans?

[Image: american.gif]

I like foam soap. I hate laser paper towels and sinks, but I hate faucets and door handles in bathrooms. Someone takes a shit, touches the faucet with their shit hand to turn it on, cleans off the shit, then touches the faucet again to get the shit stuff back on their hands. This is just fucking retarded.

Then bathroom door handles are gross because they get shit on them. They should make everything so that you use your foot.

Step on something that flushes the toilet
Step on another thing to turn the faucet on.
Step on another thing that opens the door.

The worst are these things. I think this is the most stupidly designed piece of technology to come out in a while.[Image: dyson-airblade.png]

Haters Lounge - Screwston - 09-30-2012

I hate when girls say they've had such a hard life and been through so much. Every girl I've met who actually has been through some shit slowly leaked it out and didn't try to give me a sob story.

Haters Lounge - Mrs. Chocolate - 09-30-2012

I hate snickers.Those shoes should be banned from Earth.

Haters Lounge - speakeasy - 09-30-2012

Quote: (09-27-2012 07:11 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I hate automated bathroom shit. Hand dryers, automatic faucets, and laser-guided paper-fucking-towel dispensers. That shit never works and is a massive pain in the ass.

The worst are those stupid soaps that are pre-foamed (lathered) for you. How fucking lazy and germophobic are Americans?

[Image: american.gif]

What's way worse than that to me are the guys that sit in the bathroom with a box of candies and cologne and hand you a paper towel after washing your hands expecting a tip just because they handed you something you could have easily reached over and got on your own. Is that the most pointless job in the world or what? I feel bad for them. You really have to feel down to own to even accept such humbling work. Sitting in the bathroom all night smelling people take a shit and handing out paper towels to people who prefer to grab their own.

Haters Lounge - WesternCancer - 09-30-2012

Quote: (09-30-2012 06:36 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

I hate snickers.Those shoes should be banned from Earth.

Do you mean skechers? Because snickers are fucking delicious.

I hate when fat girls don't even have big tits.

I hate when girls shed tons of hair and you wake up with it wrapped around your balls or something.

I hate being thirsty, drinking tons of water and still being thirsty.

Haters Lounge - soup - 09-30-2012

I hate getting girls' long hairs in my asshole somehow.

Haters Lounge - WesternCancer - 09-30-2012

One time I got it wrapped around the tip of my dick while she was on top of me. It started constricting more and more with each thrust, I had to pull out to figure out what it was. For a second there I thought I was going to be the star of "teeth 2: rawdog revenge"

Haters Lounge - Duke Castile - 10-01-2012

I always get hairs wrapped around my balls. I'll shower and still have some girls hair I'm picking off while I'm on the toilette.

Haters Lounge - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-01-2012

Oh come on, I love Dyson Airblade machine. The gale it produces is interesting and it really dries your hands quickly.

Haters Lounge - WesternCancer - 10-01-2012

I hate that I feel like I only see hot chicks on campus when im sitting down and they're walking or theyre on the other side of the street/class. When I do see them I puss out and don't approach.

Haters Lounge - goodfella - 10-01-2012

I hate when girls I have no interest in gaming or dudes ask me "What do you do?" Can we all agree that this is one of the most worthless questions you can ask someone. Im not in love with my job but I'm certainly not ashamed to talk about it, but why do people give a shit? I certainly don't give a flying fuck what you do or care to know that you enjoy it. Ask me what's my favorite beer or if I like baseball. Any conversation about one's job and Im basically going trough the motions and basically written you off as mind numbing bore.

I hate how if you have a steady girl your seeing/bagning that eventually the conversation of "what are we?" will come up. It's like a ticking time bomb.

I hate how one of the few dudes I can hang with, now only contacts me when he needs to crash at my place. Scratch together 8 bucks and take the train home you cheap fuck.

Haters Lounge - Duke Castile - 10-01-2012

I HATE it when people use "lil" as a replacement for "little". It makes me want to hulk out and smash. Other grammar things don't really bug me.

Haters Lounge - Enfant_Terrible - 10-01-2012

I hate it when companies ask "why do you want to work for us?"

They know that it's bullshit, I know that it's bullshit, they know that I know it's bullshit. Looking at their fucking website, using their products, or taking the tour of their company won't give me an indication of what it's like to work for them.

So let's cut to the chase: I want to get paid so I can live! That's my honest answer. Ask me what I can do instead!

Haters Lounge - WesternCancer - 10-01-2012

Quote: (10-01-2012 06:23 PM)Enfant_Terrible Wrote:  

I hate it when companies ask "why do you want to work for us?"

They know that it's bullshit, I know that it's bullshit, they know that I know it's bullshit. Looking at their fucking website, using their products, or taking the tour of their company won't give me an indication of what it's like to work for them.

So let's cut to the chase: I want to get paid so I can live! That's my honest answer. Ask me what I can do instead!

I got asked this at my first job. I stumbled and replied with some bullshit about learning how to work hard etc. The boss just stared at me and said "uh huh" silence for a few seconds and I said "I just want to make a bunch of money" then he said "good, you're hired" [Image: banana.gif]

Haters Lounge - soup - 10-01-2012

I hate it when you try to be nice the next day and text something like " fun hang[Image: wink.gif] " to reduce her buyer's remorse and she gets back with " Mmm yeah. Fun one night stand "

Bitch, I'm trying to be the good guy here and actually text you at all. Don't give me lip.

Haters Lounge - rationalize_this - 10-02-2012

I hate when girls in my social circle try to guilt me into coming to their bday dinners. Don't they know by now I'm only friends with them to bang their friends? The amount and type of excuses I've come up with to get out of these affairs is absurd. It is hilarious though to see them try to "game" you into coming. They have NO IDEA how to sell something because they are so used to getting whatever they want.

P: "Dinner tonight for my bday???"
Me: radio silence
P: "Little last minute bday plans for dinner so I'm not antisocial on my bday. Dinner at x around 8?
Me: xxx excuse
P: "My. Birthday! My boyfriend won't even be here. I have like 2 friends. Pleaseee"

Haters Lounge - FretDancer - 10-02-2012

Quote: (10-02-2012 03:59 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

I hate when girls in my social circle try to guilt me into coming to their bday dinners. Don't they know by now I'm only friends with them to bang their friends? The amount and type of excuses I've come up with to get out of these affairs is absurd. It is hilarious though to see them try to "game" you into coming. They have NO IDEA how to sell something because they are so used to getting whatever they want.

P: "Dinner tonight for my bday???"
Me: radio silence
P: "Little last minute bday plans for dinner so I'm not antisocial on my bday. Dinner at x around 8?
Me: xxx excuse
P: "My. Birthday! My boyfriend won't even be here. I have like 2 friends. Pleaseee"

Or maybe you're just being a little anti-social.

Haters Lounge - rationalize_this - 10-02-2012

Quote: (10-02-2012 04:50 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2012 03:59 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

I hate when girls in my social circle try to guilt me into coming to their bday dinners. Don't they know by now I'm only friends with them to bang their friends? The amount and type of excuses I've come up with to get out of these affairs is absurd. It is hilarious though to see them try to "game" you into coming. They have NO IDEA how to sell something because they are so used to getting whatever they want.

P: "Dinner tonight for my bday???"
Me: radio silence
P: "Little last minute bday plans for dinner so I'm not antisocial on my bday. Dinner at x around 8?
Me: xxx excuse
P: "My. Birthday! My boyfriend won't even be here. I have like 2 friends. Pleaseee"

Or maybe you're just being a little anti-social.

I don't think so. Not when its on my tab, and I have to sit through hours of girls talking about pointless shit and how much they "love" each other. While the next minute they're telling me how much they hate that bitch as soon as she leaves the table.

Haters Lounge - FretDancer - 10-02-2012


I don't think so. Not when its on my tab

Can't really argue with that.


and I have to sit through hours of girls talking about pointless shit and how much they "love" each other. While the next minute they're telling me how much they hate that bitch as soon as she leaves the table.

I guess so. But if they are good looking, you can use them for some nice pre-selection to and do some approaches at the venue.

Haters Lounge - Architekt - 10-03-2012

I hate how fucking shitty being sick is making me feel. This is fucking torture.

Haters Lounge - rationalize_this - 10-03-2012

I hate having to go through the motions of acting like I care about the girl when I walk her to the door in the morning.
I hate when I'm out on a date with a girl, and a 8+ of my type sits right behind us and eye fucks me throughout the entire date. This happened to me last night. I went out for a drink with a girl in my rotation when this 8.5 colombian chick sits down with her girlfriend behind us. She looked like selma hayek without the fucked up nose. Perfect tits. I kept praying my date would take a bathroom break so I could slip her my number. Never happened.

Haters Lounge - British Dude - 10-03-2012

I hate forgetting to drink a glass of water after a night out getting completely wasted, then waking up the next morning with the most painful headache/hangover ever....

this happens on multiple occassions, I really need to learn lol

Haters Lounge - Hotwheels - 10-03-2012

Quote: (10-03-2012 10:51 AM)British Dude Wrote:  

I hate forgetting to drink a glass of water after a night out getting completely wasted, then waking up the next morning with the most painful headache/hangover ever....

this happens on multiple occassions, I really need to learn lol

Coconut water works better.