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Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 11-08-2018

I realized I haven’t given any updates since August, and A LOT’S happened!

The month of October was basically a bender traveling from coast to coast and in between and 3 weddings, needless to say I spent an excess amount of cash but the memories I’ll never ever forget along with the bonds.

I finished my 5 month cycle of Test/NPP (Deca’s cousin), currently at the biggest I’ve ever been, I’m decently lean and you can tell the difference, I casually send girls post gym selfies and it’s always the face with heart emoji’s. It makes me feel good.

I’m becoming more in tune with my emotions and realizing I’m probably hitting a wall and coming to a quarterlifer crisis in goals and my journey.

The guys in my group chat, whom I consider some of my closest friends have made me realize I need to stop talking about change (bad habit) and actually MAKE those changes.

More on this later.

Let’s start off with girls and some new notches:

8 date chick – Super cool but homebody basic/boring chick, very low energy, 26 year old, rate her a 6.75, 5’6 hourglass body, I enjoyed my time with her and was dating/banging other girls so she was a slow burn girl. She even hooked me up with Suite ticks to a game, I got LMR from her on Date 6, one Date 7 I didn’t have a condom. Obviously I banged her on the 8th date at my house, pierced nips, sexy tat above her pussy.

Notes: I noticed she bailed on the next time we hungout (a week later), my gut told me it was done, I was right, she sent me a “not feeling romantic” kind of text. Honestly I was hoping I was hoping I wasn’t going to have to juggle her and she was mediocre at best, haven’t gave it an afterthought since.

Light skinned Latina – 24 year old this women had the most impact on my in a very long time, tiny 5’3 petite blonde, natural medium sized tits, a cute tiny ass, and a nice looking pussy to boot. She came over second meet and we fucked. Rate her a hard 7, and a personality that wanted to make her my girl so maybe even a 7.5. HOWEVER she had major issues and things ended fast and they burned hot.

I’ll write more about her in a separate post – because she made me realize a lot of things.

Tiny Cheerleader – 23 year old, 5 foot, semi petite white chick, banging body, tatted all the way to her ass. She’s super cool, smart, and a freak. We banged on the second date. If she pushed herself at the gym like she did when she was cheerleading and gymnastics I’d destroy her every night. I call her my rave bae cause of a sexy outfit she sent me. Perky tits, great gym ass, nice looking pussy. I’d rate her almost a 7. She lives an hour from me, but drove to meet me second date. She’s actually coming out tomorrow night and I’m taking her out, and we’re fucking all night and into Saturday. She’s my natural viagara.

The Shy Girl – 25 year old 5’4 shyster, she’s got an okay body, and working on it, rate her a 6, standard first date, she came over for 2nd meet, no dice but went to grab some hangover food, 3rd meet up I absolutely dominate her, I love the fact her legs shudder whenever she cummed. She’s kinda boring, and needs to work on getting her shit together, but probably not LTR material, she definitely sees me as that for sure.

Chinese Shorty – 25 year old, I’m honestly not proud of this one, I’d rate her a low 6, we fucked on the 3rd meet at my house, she camoflauges her body well, she’s got nice tits and ass, but the rest of her is left to be desired, can suck a mean dick, she's loud and annoying as fuck other than that, I banged her one more time, and that was it.

I’ve gone on a ton of dates, some highlights:

Cougar Afghan – she talked a big game, I’d tease her and call her on it and treated her like my little sister. Super sexual makeout, then texts me the next day that I’m too “dominant” for her. AKA she’s a Type A and doesn’t like not being in control and how I’m dominant. Her loss, especially after she admitted she’s a serial dater and was in a swinger relationship (which I laughed at). Of course I sent a reply back agreeing and highlighting that I’m not into serial daters who can’t handle actual men, heh she didn’t like that one bit.

Weird but cute Mexican girl – This one was definitely cute a 7, flirting, but something felt off. We had some commonality about bettering ourselves yet I could hardly remember our convo, she did get weird at the end even if we did make out. Sent me that “not feeling it text”, I sent her back a low key nuke, about agreeing she’s right and I’m not into serial daters.

Dread head girl – nice body, big tits, worked at a large kitchen place, super pretty face, but ruined with dreads, 6.5 rating, 3 dates, she sucked my dick with my load, I went dark on her a month, I was traveling and had some issues, I just hit her up last night as a hair mary, got the “I had fun, but I don’t see anything else, good luck”, deleted her number

Latina Cop – 6.5 shorty, cute, but I think being a Cop ruined her feminine side, she could joke, but she just felt dead inside, I got a weird feeling and was gonna kiss her, and was just over it, didn’t reach out to her after.

Latina shit talker – probably a 6.5, super pretty face, but obvious red flags as she hasn’t had a BF in a very long time, rarely dates, she gave me an ass out hug (I cut the date short) and immediately sent her a text after the date and was butthurt I nexted her.

Polish Arizona – I basically fingerblasted this MILF on a dancefloor in Scottsdale in a pre wedding bar hop, and then as I’m about to bounce her, she tells me her BF is picking her up of all things, one of the wings fucked her MMA looking Skrillex haircut cousin.

Now onto my current plates (excluding repeat bangs from above):

The Indian – we’ve been fucking about once a week and have been doing this for a few years, we go out once awhile also get drunk and bang. She let slip that her sister thinks she’s in love with me. She very sexy in the bedroom, has one of the nicest bodies I’ve seen, our sex is hit or miss to be honest. Also I found out something dark, she got molested as a kid, is working through therapy, and is on some meds. She’s super sweet to me, but she’s a tomboy who cleans up super hot when dressing up, unfortunately she kind acts like a dude, obviously no LTR shit after finding out a lot of this stuff.

Triple D Redhead – we’ve been fucking for 2 years, she’s super sweet, a baby making body that makes me drop all my loads in her. We have more intimate I control when she cums sexual chemistry. I see her once a week or every other week, she’s super shy, dork, but also very insecure. Her father wasn’t good to her and a guy filmed and showed videos to her mutual friends so, I stopped blindfolding her because she got upset. Hate to say despite being very sweet and feminine, she isn’t LTR material.

East Coast Girl – We’ve been fucking for over a year, there’s never “what are we” talk, we fuck, we have fun, we never go out. She’s going through clinicals and has to work literally 2 hour traffic commute away from her apartment. I fuck her every which way I want and she always does what I want. We have a rough give it to me daddy sexual chemistry. She’s a girl I wouldn’t mind bouncing around with in public BUT definitely not a girl I’d say this is my girl to my friends.

Cougar – this feisty fake titted Blondie is a bratt, constantly calling me daddy, out of all my plates our sexual chemistry is off the charts, there was a gap when she to SEA with her kids and went dark on me, because I wasn’t giving her any attention, I straightened her out and we’ve been good every since, we’ve only really went out a handful of times, I wouldn’t care if I was seen with her in public, obviously shes not LTR material, but I like keeping her around.

Black cheerleader – she’s super nice, very feminine, a fantast ass and tiny pusy, sucks a mean dick, but despite this she seems dead and sort of boring beyond the bed room, she lost her father 2 years ago to cancer, im sure some of how she has to do with the loss of him. I barely see her maybe once a month, she’s more of a reserve

New Potential:

I picked up this 28 year old 7 tatted MILF at a college bar a month and a half ago, 4 biker dudes opened her and her friend and my target look bored. So I cut in as she was on her phone point towards me and asked “so…how’s this going” with a smirk, chatted her up, got her number, and ran into her at 2 other bars, solid makeout at the end of the night.

Fastforward when I get back from traveling, she went dark then hits me up saying that she doesn’t think “she’s crazy enough of a girl to hang with me” tldr she thinks all I do is love party ratchet girls. I tell her directly Im not into girls that like and she shouldn’t be so quick to judge my IG (social media can be a double edged sword). She agrees to meet for an actual date – she’s very heavy kino kisses me first and we share a beer.

By the end of the night, shes rubbing her hand over my dick in my boxers and I grab her ass inside her jeans and lightly choke her in the parking lot.

Fast forward to last night – we went out for a drink, she was holding my hand, grabbing my ass, and I teased her on it, she was worried about showing too much PDA. I had her completely naked last night, to my surprised fake 34D surprise tits! Some of her tat artwork is sexy, the others are meh. No dice on the bang, kept pushing through LMR period BS, but still no bang, not even some head.

She’s very sweet, definitely feminine, a great body, a pretty face, I’m looking forward to fucking her, and we both know it’s nothing serious at all because her priorities are her new job and her daughter.


Dick game is still strong, dates are still solid, quality has definitely gone up, I’ve extremely picky with pulling in new chicks, cutting other lame dates short.

But there’s more to this story regarding relationship views, my emotions, being open, and what’s change, a lot of that has to do with the light skinned Latina.

Player's Log / Lounge - Anchor Man - 11-08-2018

Thanks man for the updates .
Can I ask about what age you tell them ? If you don’t mind sharing

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 11-08-2018

Quote: (11-08-2018 05:29 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

Thanks man for the updates .
Can I ask about what age you tell them ? If you don’t mind sharing

Every single one of these girls knew my real age from the get go (early 30's)

Only one swore my age was diff on the app (it was) on the initial meet up, I even showed her my real profile, and asked if it was a problem, obviously we fucked and it's not.

I honestly hardly use my younger profile, matter of fact I get TONS of more matches with actual age profile.

I deleted POF, OKC Cupid, and will probably delete Tinder, and focus on Bumble & Hinge.

I'm seriously considering a break from all dating apps, I'm also going to write about in another post with the Latina when I have more time.

Player's Log / Lounge - ballsyamog - 11-08-2018

Kaotic, what’s your height, weight and bf%, I’ve been thinking about jumping on a cycle, right now I’m 5’8 - 185lbs 15% bf

What kind of response are you getting now compared to before the cycle?

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 11-08-2018

Quote: (11-08-2018 07:49 PM)ballsyamog Wrote:  

Kaotic, what’s your height, weight and bf%, I’ve been thinking about jumping on a cycle, right now I’m 5’8 - 185lbs 15% bf

What kind of response are you getting now compared to before the cycle?

5'8, 167lb (as of last nights weigh in) goal was maybe 170-175 but fell short this cycle, but I didn't do a high dose (400mg test e/ 200mg NPP a week), ideal would be 180 then cut, then stay there. Maybe I'll up the dosage next cycle in a few months.

BF% I don't have an accurate measure but looks wise 15% ish maybe a bit lower? I run pretty lean but I've never been serious about cutting.

Looks wise, I've got bigger traps, boulder shoulders, back is definitely thicker, lats have lagged a big behind, arms look way bigger, chest is slightly lagging behind because of right pec issues.

Legs struggle because of lower back issues, but quads to pop a bit, calves just suck to build up to be honest, hamstrings slightly got bigger, I've always had decent sized quads and hams, but small calves.

Before next cycle, I'm going to measure everything, then do a tank body fat measurement and go from there.

Check the Fitness Lounge and the test lounge, there's tons of guys on there with so much damn knowledge. Also the threads are great!

If you've never jumped on a cycle, take test only first and see how your body reacts, cycle off, then stack with just one other thing, pick a deca/tren/npp/winny/etc, see how your body reacts.

The first things girls grab are my arms, and then comment on my ass after we fuck.

If it's a girl I haven't fucked, like I said, I'll sent a post gym full pump selfie, and it's always a super positive sexual reaction.

Player's Log / Lounge - Anchor Man - 11-09-2018

Disclaimer : I am not trying to date inside work.

I had this attention whore inside the company who keeps fucking staring at him pretty hard. Like really staring . What should I do ?
1- Stare back intenser and longer
2- Ask her why she stares at me
3- Just ignore

Player's Log / Lounge - Anchor Man - 11-09-2018

* I have
* Staring at me

Player's Log / Lounge - Anchor Man - 11-09-2018

* I have

Player's Log / Lounge - Maximummax - 11-09-2018

Just ignore
If she asks you out, take it from there.

Player's Log / Lounge - lunchmoney - 11-10-2018

Quote: (10-27-2018 12:38 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Here's an open question for you guys:

If you've got a date scheduled for later that night, but you've had a shit day or are just not vibing or feeling like you'll have a good time...

Should you cancel?

If you haven't banged before, I would. If she is a solid 8 or 9 you don't want your pissy mood to screw your chances. Blame it on work (if you are in a profession that is demanding and often has unpredictable elements to it).

Player's Log / Lounge - treypound - 11-10-2018

I wish my list was as long as @Kaotic and his awesome updates, but here is what I have been up too the last two months:

New Notches (3)
Dancer by Day.... – 27 yo Columbian born Miami raised and now ATL transplant Columbian with an incredible natural curvy body and great lips. I rate her a 7 only because she is too chatty for me, however our sexual chemistry is off the charts. We met at her second job (she's a bartender (or was when I met her) at a small lounge on the weekends. She was surprised when I asked for her # saying most men seem intimidated by her. First date was light (drinks) and light makeout session. 2nd date went to a Hawks basketball game (I own season tix for cheap so it's a built in 2nd or 3rd date option) and sealed the deal back at my place.
She is jealous of all women, which is a strange trend for most columbian women I have been with.

The substitute teacher - 29 yo I met at a friend's housewarming party via social circle game. We both knew the host of the party, as he is engaged to her sister, and I have known him from our job. She was the classic All American girl but I knew most white women approaching 30 with no kids and whom never have been married who are at least a 7 are batshit crazy if they haven't tied the knot. Sure enough, we exchange numbers, invite her over for a home cooked meal first night (Guys - cooking is a cheap sure-fire way to get a plate's pussy wet, if you can actually put something together in the kitchen). We fuck the first night and her personality outweighs the benefits. I ghosted her shortly after.

Married with children - This one is not my normal go-to, but neither was where we met. I had to drop my car off at the dealership for scheduled maintainence, and they ran out of loaner cars that morning. I waited in the customer area, where there were only a couple older people sitting/sleeping. Then this beautiful light skinned black woman (she never gave her age but said she was over 30 but not 35) came in with some leggings that showed off her assets. She made eye contact, but it wasn't the causal connection, more like I think I know you or have seen you before.

I honestly wasn't on my A game, and don't remember my exact open to her, but somehow we started talking, and she shared the car she drove (a SUV) I made the assumption it was because she had child(ren), which she confirmed. She then asked what I drove, I told her (a 2 door), and she made a comment about "you must think you're a player" with a slight grin.
We exchange #'s, and later exchanged texts that afternoon. That evening she had free and proposed to meet for drinks, which was the buying sign that she was DTF. I told her to meet up at a spot within walking distance to my place, and gave her the time. I ended up getting there a few minutes late, but she was sitting there, already with a glass of wine in hand, and dressed to kill. We didn't spend but 45 minutes there max, closed the tab, and headed to my spot. Admittedly we didn't fuck the first night but she gave me some great head and swallowed. Our schedules didn't allow for us to hook up again for two weeks, but I sealed the deal that night.
She didn't have to tell me she was married to notice the clues - she didn't work (housewife), with a kid in kindergarten which once she dropped off in the morning gave her free time she hasn't had in years. She was enrolled to complete her degree online but I didn't care about any of that. The pussy is good, and right now its no strings attached. Her hubby is a beta who doesn't bring the freak out of her. She makes comments about how he can't last more than one round, and quits once he gets off. I asked if he was fat/out of shape, her laugh told me all I needed. I fucked her like it was the end of the world, and she keeps coming back for more.

Those are the highlights. Of course, the reality is that I've been shut down by 10x the number of good stories, and heard all the bullshit you can imagine.

The Fall/Winter is a good time for me traditionally, and I recently got back on Bumble to see what my profile attracts. My go-to date spots have remained consistent (drinks early evening at a bar, drinks/apps at my place (location near everything), and if she is a solid 8+ and I don't mind being seen out with her - Hawks game during the middle of the week or Comedy Club. The ROI is much better for this set up before the holidays compared to after. Not sure why, but this time of year most of these women are making themselves accessible.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 11-17-2018

One of the benefits of getting older is that Elderly Game comes much more natural to me now. I genuinely have no idea where the newest bars are, what the newest iPhone is, or who dumped who in popular culture.

Player's Log / Lounge - tomzestatlu - 11-18-2018

I had free weekend after long time and went to clubs both evenings.
First evening after long time I had a wingman, my good friend from school, he knows stuff. Got some numbers and tried to pursue one Norwegian student I banged few weeks ago to threesome. But in the end she changed her mind and wanted only me to stay, so we went to find another girls.
I found out something like "racism game" works. These girls are brainwashed from media and then they hear the cold truth and totally socially unacceptable opinions, become disgusted, but at the end they are interested even more. This had worked for me more times.

Second evening my friend had bachelor party. I had to be at company party before, so I joined them at the bar, which is popular between rich men and money girls. I start to chat with a girl, that was totally 10, basically top level. Me and my friends a her and her friend go to club then. She met there a lot of male friends and beta orbiters. I am not paying attention to her and she came twice for me suggesting we should have a fun. We went dancing, kissing a touching everywhere. There was always a circle of guys around her and it was really ego boosting to be seen with her. I met there some girls I was banging recently and then my current plate came there and it was very uncomfortable to risk running into her. I suggested we should change venue and she agreed but she always got stuck in chat with one of her friends. I left here there and sent her sms where she can join me. She wrote me she's waiting for a bus and I suggested we could meet. She called me and said it is too late so I said let's go to my or her place. She replied she's not this kind of girl, but accepted meeting for another drink. It was around 5 am.
We went to club I have never been in before, but all the bouncers and people inside were my friends, so it gave me good credit. We were sitting and had some casual talk and then start kissing which was not far from literally fucking there. But at the end she got on taxi alone, because "she just don't do this things".

I'm paying too much attention to one girl in this post and that's intentionally. I have never banged girl like this, she's really like topmodel, perfectly dressed. I don't rate myself low, but this is the kind of girl, that I consider as different league. I'm good looking, but come from poor background and don't have anything to offer in terms of material things. And she's that kind of girl who can make her life very easy and also comes from rich family.
I will try to bang her, but I see my chances too low.

Player's Log / Lounge - UniversalMen - 11-18-2018

Quote: (11-18-2018 07:17 AM)tomzestatlu Wrote:  

I found out something like "racism game" works. These girls are brainwashed from media and then they hear the cold truth and totally socially unacceptable opinions, become disgusted, but at the end they are interested even more. This had worked for me more times.

I'm rooting for ya, broda! Hope you get that bang!

Regarding "racism game", do you mind if I ask you what race, you are?

I ask because I want to know if, your race, gave you an advantage. Which is, maybe, why she gave you strong IOIs.

Player's Log / Lounge - tomzestatlu - 11-19-2018

Quote: (11-18-2018 11:23 PM)UniversalMen Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2018 07:17 AM)tomzestatlu Wrote:  

I found out something like "racism game" works. These girls are brainwashed from media and then they hear the cold truth and totally socially unacceptable opinions, become disgusted, but at the end they are interested even more. This had worked for me more times.

I'm rooting for ya, broda! Hope you get that bang!

Regarding "racism game", do you mind if I ask you what race, you are?

I ask because I want to know if, your race, gave you an advantage. Which is, maybe, why she gave you strong IOIs.
I am white and live in country in Europe, which is quite racially homogenous. I think that this "game" make you kind of alpha in girls eyes, because it´s taboo and you don´t give a fuck what others think and you are literally defending your breed.
She said some things, which made me furious after few beers. I am getting the bang for 100%.

This was good weekend. Yesterday´s night I spent at plate, that I was afraid she was me making out with another girl and she didn´t, that´s good. Today I´m gonna hit the 10. On Thursday I´m going for date with super-bangable ginger girl I met on Friday.

Player's Log / Lounge - The Golden God - 11-21-2018

Do any of you guys have any apps or methods to help you keep up with plates?

Recently got a new iPhone and I've been working on cleaning up my devices and increasing productivity.

As you guys know it's time consuming managing your plates, especially when it comes down to having conversations with 3 or more girls simultaneously.

I'm looking for maybe some type of app that helps salesman keep up with leads...

I'm a college aged guy dealing with girls 18-22 in most cases, unfortunately where I'm at girls are on their phone all the time and hypergamy is strong so I have to spend a good amount of time building rapport & setting up dates over the phone. I know I've missed out on some potential notches in the past because I will end up forgetting to reply to a girl.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 11-21-2018

Quote: (11-21-2018 10:53 AM)The Golden God Wrote:  

Do any of you guys have any apps or methods to help you keep up with plates?

Recently got a new iPhone and I've been working on cleaning up my devices and increasing productivity.

As you guys know it's time consuming managing your plates, especially when it comes down to having conversations with 3 or more girls simultaneously.

I'm looking for maybe some type of app that helps salesman keep up with leads...

I'm a college aged guy dealing with girls 18-22 in most cases, unfortunately where I'm at girls are on their phone all the time and hypergamy is strong so I have to spend a good amount of time building rapport & setting up dates over the phone. I know I've missed out on some potential notches in the past because I will end up forgetting to reply to a girl.

Reply to all your girls in waves

My example:

-In the AM on the way to work or hit them up at lunch (or on the shitter)
-Then reply back after work
-Then after the gym or late evening.
-I don't text girls after 9pm - I'm out or fucking anyways.

This will do a few things for you - it'll show whose interest and replies back fast versus who takes forever - rank them like so.

Personally I put my phone away in a drawer at work so I'm not distracted by my phone and get shit done. Same goes for out with friends, I put my phone face down.

Player's Log / Lounge - Hypno - 11-21-2018

There are some ovulation apps out there. They are designed to optimize conception or natural family planning but when a girl is ovulating she is horniest and most agreeable. Good time to hit them up. If a girl tells you she is on her period you can work it out from there

Player's Log / Lounge - Mikestar - 11-22-2018

Here’s me admitting something. My game went down. Today I went to the club and danced full contact with a girl from Venezuela but she quickly run away after I did my interaction. She was a fucking 9. Body crafted by god.

I really am being too lazy. I am no not learning enough languages, I am not going out enough to practice game, I am watching too much porn, I am not learning to dance salsa or reggaeton like I said I would, it’s time to learn the hard way.

Player's Log / Lounge - Trent W. - 11-23-2018

Quote: (11-22-2018 10:04 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

Here’s me admitting something. My game went down. Today I went to the club and danced full contact with a girl from Venezuela but she quickly run away after I did my interaction. She was a fucking 9. Body crafted by god.

I really am being too lazy. I am no not learning enough languages, I am not going out enough to practice game, I am watching too much porn, I am not learning to dance salsa or reggaeton like I said I would, it’s time to learn the hard way.

This discussion went on in one of the other threads. Relax. Game has its ups and downs. Learn to be ok with it. There will be times you will be idle, and times you will grind a lot.

Cutting down on porn is a good idea though. A bit tougher if you're younger I'll admit. Make a porn schedule or something and see how that works.

Player's Log / Lounge - tomzestatlu - 11-24-2018

Quote: (11-22-2018 10:04 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

Here’s me admitting something. My game went down. Today I went to the club and danced full contact with a girl from Venezuela but she quickly run away after I did my interaction. She was a fucking 9. Body crafted by god.

I really am being too lazy. I am no not learning enough languages, I am not going out enough to practice game, I am watching too much porn, I am not learning to dance salsa or reggaeton like I said I would, it’s time to learn the hard way.
If you make this statements after one girl at club run away from you, it has zero value.

Player's Log / Lounge - tomzestatlu - 11-24-2018

Today I had a date with a girl I met at bar last weekend. She is definitely 10 and I never had something with girl like this. The date itself was good, we had a lot to talk about and I was surprised, because she´s probably different kind of girl than one would expect according to her looks. Date ended up with french kissing, which is good sign.

But very strange situation happened to me.
We were sitting at a cafe/restaurant, which is one of the better, but still something everybody can afford. At the table next to us there was sitting a woman 35-40 and by the looks she was rich. We were talking about that she changed her hair color 3 weeks ago and the woman joined to conversation and started to compliment her looks and told me to compliment her more.
Then 2 guys 35-40 joined to women and sat together.
We were about to leave and before we left, I went to toilet and when I came back, there was one of the guys standing at our table. He introduced himself to me and went back to his table. Honestly, he seemed to look good. I am tall and muscular, but he was really tall, so I was short next to him, he could be 10 years older then me, bald, had good muscles and generally he was very masculline. He was German and seemed to be rich (actually every German is rich when he comes to my country).
When we came out of the restaurant, I asked her and she told me he wanted her contact. But at this moment we are interupted by the man´s friend, the woman who complimented her before. She started to compliment again and that she deserves the best and someone who can take care of her and started to ask me, what do I do for living and if I am able to take care her well. I answered I don´t have need to tell her and ignored her.

This was very weird. And the worst part is that it doesn´t depend how I react, I was the one who lost and he was the one who won. I didn´t think about it during date, but I can´t get it out of my mind now. I could punch him, beat him, I could use strong word, I could do whatever and he would be always winner. I know that best solution was to remain cool and act like nothing happened, but that still doesn´t make me winner. I was thinking about coming back to the place and fucking him up in front of the bar. How dares he. But that still wouldn´t change anything in my favor, maximally get me into prison.
I didn´t ask her about it, because that would make me unsecure, but she said it was weird, it happens to her often and it made her uncomfortable. But women say something and think different.

I try to do my best, I try to improve everyday and then this guy comes. His SMV was definitely much higher and I can´t change anything about it at this moment of my life. It´s bringing me down so much.

As I think about this, such girl must be really trouble. Everybody is so thirsty about her and she can have every man she wants. I have feeling like even though I succeed and bang her next time, at the end, the moment will come, when I will feel that I am the one who lost the game.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mikestar - 11-24-2018

Quote: (11-24-2018 05:49 AM)tomzestatlu Wrote:  

Quote: (11-22-2018 10:04 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

Here’s me admitting something. My game went down. Today I went to the club and danced full contact with a girl from Venezuela but she quickly run away after I did my interaction. She was a fucking 9. Body crafted by god.

I really am being too lazy. I am no not learning enough languages, I am not going out enough to practice game, I am watching too much porn, I am not learning to dance salsa or reggaeton like I said I would, it’s time to learn the hard way.
If you make this statements after one girl at club run away from you, it has zero value.

That should have been in the drunk lounge, just some rambling thoughts I had in the moment

Player's Log / Lounge - Beirut - 11-26-2018

Quote: (11-24-2018 03:56 PM)tomzestatlu Wrote:  

Today I had a date with a girl I met at bar last weekend. She is definitely 10 and I never had something with girl like this. The date itself was good, we had a lot to talk about and I was surprised, because she´s probably different kind of girl than one would expect according to her looks. Date ended up with french kissing, which is good sign.

But very strange situation happened to me.
We were sitting at a cafe/restaurant, which is one of the better, but still something everybody can afford. At the table next to us there was sitting a woman 35-40 and by the looks she was rich. We were talking about that she changed her hair color 3 weeks ago and the woman joined to conversation and started to compliment her looks and told me to compliment her more.
Then 2 guys 35-40 joined to women and sat together.
We were about to leave and before we left, I went to toilet and when I came back, there was one of the guys standing at our table. He introduced himself to me and went back to his table. Honestly, he seemed to look good. I am tall and muscular, but he was really tall, so I was short next to him, he could be 10 years older then me, bald, had good muscles and generally he was very masculline. He was German and seemed to be rich (actually every German is rich when he comes to my country).
When we came out of the restaurant, I asked her and she told me he wanted her contact. But at this moment we are interupted by the man´s friend, the woman who complimented her before. She started to compliment again and that she deserves the best and someone who can take care of her and started to ask me, what do I do for living and if I am able to take care her well. I answered I don´t have need to tell her and ignored her.

This was very weird. And the worst part is that it doesn´t depend how I react, I was the one who lost and he was the one who won. I didn´t think about it during date, but I can´t get it out of my mind now. I could punch him, beat him, I could use strong word, I could do whatever and he would be always winner. I know that best solution was to remain cool and act like nothing happened, but that still doesn´t make me winner. I was thinking about coming back to the place and fucking him up in front of the bar. How dares he. But that still wouldn´t change anything in my favor, maximally get me into prison.
I didn´t ask her about it, because that would make me unsecure, but she said it was weird, it happens to her often and it made her uncomfortable. But women say something and think different.

I try to do my best, I try to improve everyday and then this guy comes. His SMV was definitely much higher and I can´t change anything about it at this moment of my life. It´s bringing me down so much.

As I think about this, such girl must be really trouble. Everybody is so thirsty about her and she can have every man she wants. I have feeling like even though I succeed and bang her next time, at the end, the moment will come, when I will feel that I am the one who lost the game.

youre sabotaging yourself and have noone but yourself to blame if this goes to shit.

First automatically deciding the guy is better than you. Well from the words of his lady friend he seems like the typical sponsor type man and the woman is either a current or past sponsorette of his who now keeps getting new girls to include in her circle of rich guy friends because once they get older that becomes their value to the group.

Secondly if he has local contacts and is with his circle and he already had an in when you talked to the woman, he will feel emboldened to make a move.

Im 5'8 and it tends to happen with me a lot. am i gonna take it as a measure of my manhood if a guy dares to make a move? Nope. Ive done the reverse at times as well and i know very well that sometimes the guy on the outside has an advantage at times because he can play the bad boy. But the only thing that matters is who she ends up with.

Sure at some point part of her vagina will tingle at these approaches but so what? I cant count the times where a girl is with a very rich handsome guy and you eye fuck her and she ends up smiling back and eyefucking back all night. Has nothing to do with SMV. the guy on the outside is a shiny new thing and can display boldness.

It will happen no matter who shes with. Keep your eye on the ball and stop ruminating over this. Laugh it off and dont even hate the guy.

My last stay in Belgrade i was with a taller chick in a bar and no less than 3 men tried to talk to her, even some american dude when we were leaving. Did i get bothered by it at some level? sure. But i laughed it off and the girl ended up in my bed.

Player's Log / Lounge - Anchor Man - 11-26-2018

Question for you guys.
I usually keep my dating life private . But every now and then, you got this question from ppl (male or female ) "Do you have a girl friend ?"

Part of me wants to say" yes, I am seeing this hot chic" to have some social value ( I might be wrong )
Another part of me wants to say "No." because I am seeing girls and fucking them, not dating them.

What you, guys, do ?
Here I am talking about ppl who I have no interest in them (e.g. coworker, married chcis ,..etc)