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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 12-08-2018

@kirdiesel do you game these girls in German or in English? And how good is your German / do you have a foreigner's accent?

And as for Dominic Harrison, no he wouldn't pull 8+ on a consistent basis. But who actually does though, apart from high end celebrities and pro athletes?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Rang off the Pipe - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:31 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

(12-08-2018, 11:49 AM)kadenz Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

Yeah I was thinking NYC might be like that cause of the huge rap scene over there. I also hear many girls in NYC are apprehensive to get with black guys since people in NYC deal with lower socioeconomic status people more often then people in other cities just do to the way the city is set up. A lot of the lower socio economic status people are black so this results in them judging black people harsher over there and they get less dating options.

What these bitches scared of? Getting mugged? Kidnapped and the financial come up with a ransom?


I actually talk about this in another post I made a while back.



One word: Stigma

New York has a serious problem with homeless, the mentally unstable, panhandlers and other unsavory characters prominently located in the city's busiest and not-so-busiest areas, and it's only going to get worse as the place becomes more of a playground for the wealthy (similar to London from what I hear) as other folks are marginalized. Just imagine going on a daily subway ride, a lunch break in a public plaza, or maybe even a walk in the park and then having to hear someone making appeals for money, performing outlandish acrobatics to loud music, or some other such thing on a regular, constant basis. And it just so happens that many of these folks are black. Take a guess where the negative associations are going to attributed.

Now let's examine your average non-black woman in the city who is going to have the same interactions with the groups above, along with thirsty dudes trying to get her attention. How do you think she is going to respond to 'normal' guys who approach her? Evidently not very well. Even your well-dressed, well-off black guy is more likely going to be ignored or simply blown out just because of the subconscious association.

Night game is another story since the setting is more 'socially acceptable' and girls are used to being approached at night, so it's less of a deal there; but for the reasons above day game and online game can be tough. I applaud guys like Distant Light who are able to build a social circle and find a niche, because that's what it takes to get consistent lays in this city as a guy of color. The best advice I'd have for a visitor is to pipeline, have great logistics and run night game hard.

I didn't really want to get that deep into it since this thread is about Tinder, but I guess I opened up the can of worms. [Image: lol.gif]

Also, burncushlikewood mentions he was in the US, but he was in Washington, which is on the west coast. The US isn't a monolith when it comes to success or failure for black guys. We're going to get a different reception depending on the part of the country. IMO there are much better places than the so-called liberal northeast US.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:41 AM)burncushlikewood Wrote:  

yea this guy is just spewing trash. I remember i was getting mad love from women when I was in washington(state) and thats not even known as a legendary place for brothers. Made out with a 9 the first 10 minutes into meeting her. would recommend the US for brothers (but i think thats common knowledge). I got more attention in a few days there than weeks in Canada.

Washington isn't known as a legendary place for brothers?

I disagree, it doesn't get easier for us in America than the western states if you are looking for white women in particular. Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Arizona and North Cal. All are easy mode.

What part of Canada are you in thats more difficult than the US? I'm guessing Ontario. Canada is more than just Ontario. Vancouver is easier than Seattle.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-08-2018

Anyone who says its hard for black guys to fuck white women anywhere in the US is delusional.


Saw this on a chicks twitter, "tried to start a fight bc i’m bored but instead of letting me this guy completely de-escalated the situation and we had a healthy conversation about our feelings? I feel like he blue balled my crazy and i’m not happy"

For women, Emotional stimulation = sex.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 09:28 AM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:31 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

(12-08-2018, 11:49 AM)kadenz Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

Yeah I was thinking NYC might be like that cause of the huge rap scene over there. I also hear many girls in NYC are apprehensive to get with black guys since people in NYC deal with lower socioeconomic status people more often then people in other cities just do to the way the city is set up. A lot of the lower socio economic status people are black so this results in them judging black people harsher over there and they get less dating options.

What these bitches scared of? Getting mugged? Kidnapped and the financial come up with a ransom?


I actually talk about this in another post I made a while back.



One word: Stigma

New York has a serious problem with homeless, the mentally unstable, panhandlers and other unsavory characters prominently located in the city's busiest and not-so-busiest areas, and it's only going to get worse as the place becomes more of a playground for the wealthy (similar to London from what I hear) as other folks are marginalized. Just imagine going on a daily subway ride, a lunch break in a public plaza, or maybe even a walk in the park and then having to hear someone making appeals for money, performing outlandish acrobatics to loud music, or some other such thing on a regular, constant basis. And it just so happens that many of these folks are black. Take a guess where the negative associations are going to attributed.

Now let's examine your average non-black woman in the city who is going to have the same interactions with the groups above, along with thirsty dudes trying to get her attention. How do you think she is going to respond to 'normal' guys who approach her? Evidently not very well. Even your well-dressed, well-off black guy is more likely going to be ignored or simply blown out just because of the subconscious association.

Night game is another story since the setting is more 'socially acceptable' and girls are used to being approached at night, so it's less of a deal there; but for the reasons above day game and online game can be tough. I applaud guys like Distant Light who are able to build a social circle and find a niche, because that's what it takes to get consistent lays in this city as a guy of color. The best advice I'd have for a visitor is to pipeline, have great logistics and run night game hard.

I didn't really want to get that deep into it since this thread is about Tinder, but I guess I opened up the can of worms. [Image: lol.gif]

Also, burncushlikewood mentions he was in the US, but he was in Washington, which is on the west coast. The US isn't a monolith when it comes to success or failure for black guys. We're going to get a different reception depending on the part of the country. IMO there are much better places than the so-called liberal northeast US.

Yeah, I read your linked post.

It's funny that you compared New York to London.

I was visiting London last weekend and noticed that the seats next to brothers were always the last to be filled. I forgot about that London subway quirk.

I won't be too negative but there has been a crime explosion in London this year. Almost 50 percent of the homicide victims are black men, despite black men being less than 10% of the city's population.

I was talking to my older half brother. He is 50, 6'3 and was educated at one of the UK's best private schools. He currently lives in Sweden but visits the UK often,

"in my day black guys were still interesting and most women have tasted that exotic fruit at least once and it aint so interesting or different anymore . i get the feeling today that black guys are considered to be quite low i think negative associations, images of black men have seriously seeped into the unconscious of white women in England. it used to be that we were maybe just rapists and we are also knife wielding thugs and suicide bombers too. i think they are unconsciously seriously afraid of black men also, if u look around England, the black man aint doing too well."

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:41 AM)burncushlikewood Wrote:  

yea this guy is just spewing trash. I remember i was getting mad love from women when I was in washington(state) and thats not even known as a legendary place for brothers. Made out with a 9 the first 10 minutes into meeting her. would recommend the US for brothers (but i think thats common knowledge). I got more attention in a few days there than weeks in Canada.

Pacific Northwest and western Canada/America is usually thought to be good for black guys. We are just explaining the dynamics of NYC and why it could be bad. Were in Canada were you?

Quote: (12-08-2018 09:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 09:28 AM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:31 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

(12-08-2018, 11:49 AM)kadenz Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

Yeah I was thinking NYC might be like that cause of the huge rap scene over there. I also hear many girls in NYC are apprehensive to get with black guys since people in NYC deal with lower socioeconomic status people more often then people in other cities just do to the way the city is set up. A lot of the lower socio economic status people are black so this results in them judging black people harsher over there and they get less dating options.

What these bitches scared of? Getting mugged? Kidnapped and the financial come up with a ransom?


I actually talk about this in another post I made a while back.



One word: Stigma

New York has a serious problem with homeless, the mentally unstable, panhandlers and other unsavory characters prominently located in the city's busiest and not-so-busiest areas, and it's only going to get worse as the place becomes more of a playground for the wealthy (similar to London from what I hear) as other folks are marginalized. Just imagine going on a daily subway ride, a lunch break in a public plaza, or maybe even a walk in the park and then having to hear someone making appeals for money, performing outlandish acrobatics to loud music, or some other such thing on a regular, constant basis. And it just so happens that many of these folks are black. Take a guess where the negative associations are going to attributed.

Now let's examine your average non-black woman in the city who is going to have the same interactions with the groups above, along with thirsty dudes trying to get her attention. How do you think she is going to respond to 'normal' guys who approach her? Evidently not very well. Even your well-dressed, well-off black guy is more likely going to be ignored or simply blown out just because of the subconscious association.

Night game is another story since the setting is more 'socially acceptable' and girls are used to being approached at night, so it's less of a deal there; but for the reasons above day game and online game can be tough. I applaud guys like Distant Light who are able to build a social circle and find a niche, because that's what it takes to get consistent lays in this city as a guy of color. The best advice I'd have for a visitor is to pipeline, have great logistics and run night game hard.

I didn't really want to get that deep into it since this thread is about Tinder, but I guess I opened up the can of worms. [Image: lol.gif]

Also, burncushlikewood mentions he was in the US, but he was in Washington, which is on the west coast. The US isn't a monolith when it comes to success or failure for black guys. We're going to get a different reception depending on the part of the country. IMO there are much better places than the so-called liberal northeast US.

Yeah, I read your linked post.

It's funny that you compared New York to London.

I was visiting London last weekend and noticed that the seats next to brothers were always the last to be filled. I forgot about that London subway quirk.

I won't be too negative but there has been a crime explosion in London this year. Almost 50 percent of the homicide victims are black men, despite black men being less than 10% of the city's population.

I was talking to my older half brother. He is 50, 6'3 and was educated at one of the UK's best private schools. He currently lives in Sweden but visits the UK often,

"in my day black guys were still interesting and most women have tasted that exotic fruit at least once and it aint so interesting or different anymore . i get the feeling today that black guys are considered to be quite low i think negative associations, images of black men have seriously seeped into the unconscious of white women in England. it used to be that we were maybe just rapists and we are also knife wielding thugs and suicide bombers too. i think they are unconsciously seriously afraid of black men also, if u look around England, the black man aint doing too well."

@Rang off the Pipe

yeah that's what I was also thinking of NYC. When people have exposure to a type of people and many of them are lower socioeconomic status they will usually start thinking lesser of them. Not just with black people not trying to play the race card or anything it can happen with other races to. If you're black in NYC what's the best way not to be judged as such and get higher quality girls?


Since your brother is 50 when he means back in my day he's talking about like 20-30 years ago? I thought London was far more racist back then and harsh for minorities since there was less of them and they could be harassed more. Think a hate crime might have been more likely to happen back then. But back in his day he is basically saying girls were curious about us? Was it just curiosity or did they give other races a genuine chance or just a curiosity fuck? Or has the general attitude against blacks in your opinion genuinely went down throughout the years? On another note how does he say Sweden is?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:16 AM)kadenz Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:41 AM)burncushlikewood Wrote:  

yea this guy is just spewing trash. I remember i was getting mad love from women when I was in washington(state) and thats not even known as a legendary place for brothers. Made out with a 9 the first 10 minutes into meeting her. would recommend the US for brothers (but i think thats common knowledge). I got more attention in a few days there than weeks in Canada.

Pacific Northwest and western Canada/America is usually thought to be good for black guys. We are just explaining the dynamics of NYC and why it could be bad. Were in Canada were you?

Quote: (12-08-2018 09:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 09:28 AM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 07:31 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

(12-08-2018, 11:49 AM)kadenz Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

Yeah I was thinking NYC might be like that cause of the huge rap scene over there. I also hear many girls in NYC are apprehensive to get with black guys since people in NYC deal with lower socioeconomic status people more often then people in other cities just do to the way the city is set up. A lot of the lower socio economic status people are black so this results in them judging black people harsher over there and they get less dating options.

What these bitches scared of? Getting mugged? Kidnapped and the financial come up with a ransom?


I actually talk about this in another post I made a while back.



One word: Stigma

New York has a serious problem with homeless, the mentally unstable, panhandlers and other unsavory characters prominently located in the city's busiest and not-so-busiest areas, and it's only going to get worse as the place becomes more of a playground for the wealthy (similar to London from what I hear) as other folks are marginalized. Just imagine going on a daily subway ride, a lunch break in a public plaza, or maybe even a walk in the park and then having to hear someone making appeals for money, performing outlandish acrobatics to loud music, or some other such thing on a regular, constant basis. And it just so happens that many of these folks are black. Take a guess where the negative associations are going to attributed.

Now let's examine your average non-black woman in the city who is going to have the same interactions with the groups above, along with thirsty dudes trying to get her attention. How do you think she is going to respond to 'normal' guys who approach her? Evidently not very well. Even your well-dressed, well-off black guy is more likely going to be ignored or simply blown out just because of the subconscious association.

Night game is another story since the setting is more 'socially acceptable' and girls are used to being approached at night, so it's less of a deal there; but for the reasons above day game and online game can be tough. I applaud guys like Distant Light who are able to build a social circle and find a niche, because that's what it takes to get consistent lays in this city as a guy of color. The best advice I'd have for a visitor is to pipeline, have great logistics and run night game hard.

I didn't really want to get that deep into it since this thread is about Tinder, but I guess I opened up the can of worms. [Image: lol.gif]

Also, burncushlikewood mentions he was in the US, but he was in Washington, which is on the west coast. The US isn't a monolith when it comes to success or failure for black guys. We're going to get a different reception depending on the part of the country. IMO there are much better places than the so-called liberal northeast US.

Yeah, I read your linked post.

It's funny that you compared New York to London.

I was visiting London last weekend and noticed that the seats next to brothers were always the last to be filled. I forgot about that London subway quirk.

I won't be too negative but there has been a crime explosion in London this year. Almost 50 percent of the homicide victims are black men, despite black men being less than 10% of the city's population.

I was talking to my older half brother. He is 50, 6'3 and was educated at one of the UK's best private schools. He currently lives in Sweden but visits the UK often,

"in my day black guys were still interesting and most women have tasted that exotic fruit at least once and it aint so interesting or different anymore . i get the feeling today that black guys are considered to be quite low i think negative associations, images of black men have seriously seeped into the unconscious of white women in England. it used to be that we were maybe just rapists and we are also knife wielding thugs and suicide bombers too. i think they are unconsciously seriously afraid of black men also, if u look around England, the black man aint doing too well."

@Rang off the Pipe

yeah that's what I was also thinking of NYC. When people have exposure to a type of people and many of them are lower socioeconomic status they will usually start thinking lesser of them. Not just with black people not trying to play the race card or anything it can happen with other races to. If you're black in NYC what's the best way not to be judged as such and get higher quality girls?


Since your brother is 50 when he means back in my day he's talking about like 20-30 years ago? I thought London was far more racist back then and harsh for minorities since there was less of them and they could be harassed more. Think a hate crime might have been more likely to happen back then. But back in his day he is basically saying girls were curious about us? Was it just curiosity or did they give other races a genuine chance or just a curiosity fuck? Or has the general attitude against blacks in your opinion genuinely went down throughout the years? On another note how does he say Sweden is?

He says Sweden, due to the smaller percentage of blacks, makes it more likely for you to have a relationship with a higher quality woman. Why?

(1) The women are much more attractive- on average. The white women that is, in Sweden than the UK. Lol that's not hard to believe.

(2) They also care less about a man's income, which suits brothers because we earn less.

(3) The negative stereotypes aren't re-enforced daily like they are in the UK, particularly London.

In the UK, lower class white women are trash. Fat, stinky and uneducated. The overwhelming number of interracial relationships take place between those whales and black guys.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-08-2018

Why are y'all bringing up this negative stereotypical garbage? Even if it is true, how does it help you?

During an interaction a woman's subconscious is reading your subconscious. All these negative thoughts creating a self filling prophecy.

How about, "damn that white Armenian chick over there looks hot. I bet she wishes she was a Kardashian. I better go over there and introduce myself because how can she be a Kardashian without a black boyfriend?"

Now that might be as delusional as thinking women dont date black men because most street beggars are black but what frame will help more?

I think the problem is y'all see how hard the game is and assume its because this that or the other thing is holding you down. Maybe its just hard and thats the way its suppose to be.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:48 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Why are y'all bringing up this negative stereotypical garbage? Even if it is true, how does it help you?

During an interaction a woman's subconscious is reading your subconscious. All these negative thoughts creating a self filling prophecy.

How about, "damn that white Armenian chick over there looks hot. I bet she wishes she was a Kardashian. I better go over there and introduce myself because how can she be a Kardashian without a black boyfriend?"

Now that might be as delusional as thinking women dont date black men because most street beggars are black but what frame will help more?

I think the problem is y'all see how hard the game is and assume its because this that or the other thing is holding you down. Maybe its just hard and thats the way its suppose to be.

Being aware of one's environment is vital, so you can work around the obstacles.

A lot of brothers go through schooling smashing snowbunnys and the moment they finish schooling? They realise these same trust-fund bitches won't even be seen with them in public. My younger brother went through the same thing. That sort of delusion kills black men. They assume that high school and college game will translate into " real-life" and they get hit with a reality kidney blow.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:36 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

He says Sweden, due to the smaller percentage of blacks, makes it more likely for you to have a relationship with a higher quality woman. Why?

(1) The women are much more attractive- on average. The white women that is, in Sweden than the UK. Lol that's not hard to believe.

(2) They also care less about a man's income, which suits brothers because we earn less.

(3) The negative stereotypes aren't re-enforced daily like they are in the UK, particularly London.

I'll be hardcore real. A lot of UK brothers are single or fucking trashy arse women.

And, as a guy, who spends a lot of time around middle/upper class white English women:

No way are they dating a darkie. No way in hell. They have reputations to protect and that means, no brothers. Also, extremely condescending attitudes to minorities. I still maintain that WASP women are some of the most cliquey women on the planet. This rings true with what kirdiesel said about german 8 + women.

In the UK, lower class white women are trash. Fat, stinky and uneducated. The overwhelming number of interracial relationships take place between those whales and black guys.


1. Yeah that's most likely true since a lot of people say Sweden has the hottest in the world and the UK the ugliest so there is probably some truth to it. You specified the white or native women though what about the other ethnic/immigrant women?

2. If they care less about income then what do they care about? They place more importance on looks or status?

3. Do black guys get some of the negative fallout from the refugee situation? Or do they forget about all that and treat you better if you're a black guy from the western world like UK, Canada or US.

Also I just read the stats on Sweden and I was very surprised. They only have a black population of around 1% of the total population with most of them coming from Somalia. I thought there was way more black people in Sweden but I guess most of there migrants are from the Middle East and Europe. On the national level UK has like x3 more black people then Sweden per capita and London has x14 more. So it's rare then I guess to see a black person in Sweden and super rare to see a black guy from the west. Has your brother talked about how western black people are perceived vs refugee/immigrant black people in Sweden? Couldn't find any racial demographics on Stockholm though lmk if you have some.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 12-08-2018

The negative stereotypes thing is useless. That said, I think the UK is bad foe anyone, not just black guys. There are very few good-looking women, their style is gorrible and can be detected from a distance, they're extremely entitled and many of them are obese, however, they receive validation from men lowering their standards or simply unwilling to expatriate.

I remember working with tourists in Spain and there was a well put together, athletic, stylish, handsome black dude from the UK. His self-esteem and self-perception were destroyed from living over there. I saw him approach ONE girl, get a soso response and then 20 minutes later he was all over one of my co-workers, an at least 100kg landwhale. They then went home together after the tour. I felt sorry for the dude.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:08 AM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

The negative stereotypes thing is useless. That said, I think the UK is bad foe anyone, not just black guys. There are very few good-looking women, their style is gorrible and can be detected from a distance, they're extremely entitled and many of them are obese, however, they receive validation from men lowering their standards or simply unwilling to expatriate.

I remember working with tourists in Spain and there was a well put together, athletic, stylish, handsome black dude from the UK. His self-esteem and self-perception were destroyed from living over there. I saw him approach ONE girl, get a soso response and then 20 minutes later he was all over one of my co-workers, an at least 100kg landwhale. They then went home together after the tour. I felt sorry for the dude.

I told you guys a month or so ago. The UK is psychologically damaging to black people. UK Black men do not value themselves and this is reflected by their "choice" in women.

Remember House of Cards? That brother Remy banging that old, used, hagged white woman and feeling privileged, like a fucking slave.

That's the UK, bro.

[Image: attachment.jpg40811]   


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - newandimproved - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:02 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:48 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Why are y'all bringing up this negative stereotypical garbage? Even if it is true, how does it help you?

During an interaction a woman's subconscious is reading your subconscious. All these negative thoughts creating a self filling prophecy.

How about, "damn that white Armenian chick over there looks hot. I bet she wishes she was a Kardashian. I better go over there and introduce myself because how can she be a Kardashian without a black boyfriend?"

Now that might be as delusional as thinking women dont date black men because most street beggars are black but what frame will help more?

I think the problem is y'all see how hard the game is and assume its because this that or the other thing is holding you down. Maybe its just hard and thats the way its suppose to be.

Being aware of one's environment is vital, so you can work around the obstacles.

A lot of brothers go through schooling smashing snowbunnys and the moment they finish schooling? They realise these same trust-fund bitches won't even be seen with them in public. My younger brother went through the same thing. That sort of delusion kills black men. They assume that high school and college game will translate into " real-life" and they get hit with a reality kidney blow.


You act like this is uniquely a black guy thing, though. Many guys don't adjust to the real world and are still running college style game in their early 30s. They don't evolve. I wanted to so I did. And I'm having way more fun than I ever did in college where everything was "easy."

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 11:02 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:48 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Why are y'all bringing up this negative stereotypical garbage? Even if it is true, how does it help you?

During an interaction a woman's subconscious is reading your subconscious. All these negative thoughts creating a self filling prophecy.

How about, "damn that white Armenian chick over there looks hot. I bet she wishes she was a Kardashian. I better go over there and introduce myself because how can she be a Kardashian without a black boyfriend?"

Now that might be as delusional as thinking women dont date black men because most street beggars are black but what frame will help more?

I think the problem is y'all see how hard the game is and assume its because this that or the other thing is holding you down. Maybe its just hard and thats the way its suppose to be.

Being aware of one's environment is vital, so you can work around the obstacles.

A lot of brothers go through schooling smashing snowbunnys and the moment they finish schooling? They realise these same trust-fund bitches won't even be seen with them in public. My younger brother went through the same thing. That sort of delusion kills black men. They assume that high school and college game will translate into " real-life" and they get hit with a reality kidney blow.


So you think College/University is the last time we can get high quality girls? Is this do to girls being afraid of how they are perceived or because a lot of black men aren't doing to good financially after school? And after age 25+ I guess girls start caring more about money and security then just fun. Do you think we face any difficulties compared to others with the under 25 crowd? While I'm in University I'll have a good amount of money saved up and be making over 6 figures during university while I have my business more so on autopilot. I'll be like 4 or 5 years older then a regular freshman but financially I will be doing much better. I don't like to flash cash really because I don't like the kind of girl that attracts but sometimes it might be evident I'm doing well. Do you think my age will be a big negative for girls in University, will it be seen as a neutral factor or even beneficial?

Also what set up should I have once I start attending, should I live in the dorms or just get my own nice place and live alone? I could afford to get a really nice place as near to the University as possible. Just wondering what set up would be more enjoyable.

And on another note about Sweden here's an interesting article about a black New Yorker that experienced racism in Stockholm and also about race attacks being on the rise.

Do you guys think that was more of an isolated incident or are race attacks really rising and are people able to differentiate between refugees/immigrants and western black people? Do you see sentiment changing in Sweden against us? This article is from about 3 years ago when the refugee crisis started getting underway.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

In my humble opinion,

I think the game becomes a lot harder for the average brother who wants to date interracial, when:

(1) The woman is middle or upper class
(2) After the college years

Why do I say this ? The perceived, and justified, lack of economic security, power and prestige, makes a monotonous, long-term relationship - with brothers - less appealing.

You sound like you're in your early twenties. My advice, as a dude in his mid twenties: focus on getting paper, being financially sound and developing yourself first, and foremost. I don't think black men respect themselves all that much. Consequently, women do not. Get your self respect first and make yourself into someone worthy of respect.

I found Stockholm racist as hell. Extremely paternalistic whites but i noticed that more women, a higher number there than in the UK, would stare at you or strike up conversation. That being said, they were all under 25 years old.

I'll be frank. This is just my opinion.

Brothers who look like the advertised African American will do the best. I've been told that I look like Jason Derulo or Usher, so it helps. If you have kinky hair or very strong facial (primitive) features, you will have a rougher time. My advise to brothers. Look slick. Look clean. Nice fade, fresh trim, stud in ear and brighter colours. Being in a mixed ethnicity group, white social proof, will help also.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-08-2018

TDK so they're not racist from 15 to 22 but then turn racist?

Is it possible that during high school and college you likely have all the following built in
- access to women
- socially acceptable to mingle
- socially acceptable for women to experiment sexually with limited social shame
- social proof
- not a serial killer
- atleast a peer
- economic potentional (if college)

That's 85% of the game already built in. Practically all you need at that point is isolation.

Compare that to being a "random" guy walking down the street or sitting at the bar with NONE of those things built in.

So is it that women become racist after college (lol) or that most guys don't know how to manually generate all of the things that are built into the college experience?

If youve only ever ran a marathon starting from mile 22 youre going to be in for a hell of a surprise the first time you try it from mile 1.

Come mile 16 youre going to be real confused why its so hard. "But ive ran dozens of marathons before, i dont get it!" ...yeah its real easy when someone else does the first 21 miles for you.

Do you know how to walk into a bar solo and convince a woman you arent a serial killer? How about that you have friends? Or that you are sexually desired by a lot of women?

Did you even know that you have to do that with every girl you want to sleep with?

Tone is hard to project in text, so dont take this as an attack. Just trying to help.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - tr1cky - 12-08-2018

Why are y'all trying to fuck 25+ year olds lol.

Financial security, credit score, long term relationship. Things no 22 y/o slut cares about for 200, Alex.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jselysianeagle - 12-08-2018

tr1cky - when women are young, usually < 23, they haven't been fully "programmed" yet by the broader society and culture that they're a part of and even have a bit of that rebelliousness that makes them want to challenge socially accepted norms. So you're likely to find them more open to dating colored guys. Once they get to their mid-20s and up, they've surely run into a few guys of their own kind that have given them shit for dating out. They start thinking about their reputations more, and subconsciously also start thinking about what would be best for their future children. They want to date "up" or at least at their own level to secure the best resources for themselves and their progeny and for many (not just white women) that means dating white. For example I've heard some Asian women refer to marrying white as "bettering the race", as crazy as that sounds.

Things are gradually changing but my advice to the youngins here would be to spend some time traveling - go to LatAm, EE, Baltics etc. It will open your mind and make you aware that women of equal attractiveness can treat you very differently based on where you happen to be.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 12:06 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

TDK so they're not racist from 15 to 22 but then turn racist?

Is it possible that during high school and college you likely have all the following built in
- access to women
- socially acceptable to mingle
- socially acceptable for women to experiment sexually with limited social shame
- social proof
- not a serial killer
- atleast a peer
- economic potentional (if college)

That's 85% of the game already built in. Practically all you need at that point is isolation.

Compare that to being a "random" guy walking down the street or sitting at the bar with NONE of those things built in.

So is it that women become racist after college (lol) or that most guys don't know how to manually generate all of the things that are built into the college experience?

If youve only ever ran a marathon starting from mile 22 youre going to be in for a hell of a surprise the first time you try it from mile 1.

Come mile 16 youre going to be real confused why its so hard. "But ive ran dozens of marathons before, i dont get it!" ...yeah its real easy when someone else does the first 21 miles for you.

Do you know how to walk into a bar solo and convince a woman you arent a serial killer? How about that you have friends? Or that you are sexually desired by a lot of women?

Did you even know that you have to do that with every girl you want to sleep with?

Tone is hard to project in text, so dont take this as an attack. Just trying to help.

1) I did not say these women are racist. I was commenting on behaviour. Behaviour, which is heavily influenced by external factors like society.

2) I did not say being a brother was the only factor. It is one of many. The parts in bold are things brothers do not have, on average, with women outside their ethnic group. One of many but definitely one of the most influential,.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 10:48 AM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Why are y'all bringing up this negative stereotypical garbage? Even if it is true, how does it help you?

During an interaction a woman's subconscious is reading your subconscious. All these negative thoughts creating a self filling prophecy.

How about, "damn that white Armenian chick over there looks hot. I bet she wishes she was a Kardashian. I better go over there and introduce myself because how can she be a Kardashian without a black boyfriend?"

Now that might be as delusional as thinking women dont date black men because most street beggars are black but what frame will help more?

I think the problem is y'all see how hard the game is and assume its because this that or the other thing is holding you down. Maybe its just hard and thats the way its suppose to be.

Some of you guys are truly comical.

I highlight this because it is so spot on. The stereotypical negative garbage is a waste of time, too many of you are internalizing this crap and it shows in your dumb posts.

This is a game site, I repeat a game site to help men "improve" themselves. This isn't the site or the thread to come and whine about your skin colour or who doesn't like you.

Any man can get any woman, if he spits the right lyrics. Sometimes non verbal communication is more powerful. Trust me these girls have Phd's in reading men, if your frame and inner self is weak they can smell that shit a mile away.

If you don't have the confidence or inner belief, then you will always be a loser in life.

I am off to meet Coverdoc shortly, this should be fun.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 12:03 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

In my humble opinion,

I think the game becomes a lot harder for the average brother who wants to date interracial, when:

(1) The woman is middle or upper class
(2) After the college years

Why do I say this ? The perceived, and justified, lack of economic security, power and prestige, makes a monotonous, long-term relationship - with brothers - less appealing.

You sound like you're in your early twenties. My advice, as a dude in his mid twenties: focus on getting paper, being financially sound and developing yourself first, and foremost. I don't think black men respect themselves all that much. Consequently, women do not. Get your self respect first and make yourself into someone worthy of respect.

I found Stockholm racist as hell. Extremely paternalistic whites but i noticed that more women, a higher number there than in the UK, would stare at you or strike up conversation. That being said, they were all under 25-28 years old.

I'll be frank. This is just my opinion.

Brothers who look like the advertised African American will do the best. I've been told that I look like Jason Derulo or Usher, so it helps. If you have an Afro or very strong facial features, you will have a rougher time. My advise to brothers. Look slick. Look clean. Nice fade, fresh trim,stud in ear and brighter colours. Being in a mixed ethnicity group, white social proof, will help also.


Yeah like I said in my previous post my financial situation is already going well. In 2019 I will easily be able to make well into six figures just having my business on autopilot. So I'm considering starting university around fall 2020 could be 2019 or 2021 just depends on different factors like if I want to travel more early or if I more so want to set up a home base then I might start University earlier. Right now I don't have any home base or any place I'm really close to. In a couple months after I've set up things for my business I will then start to either travel or go to a city that I will make my home base and try living there and enroll in University there. I just feel like I'm at the last age of life were it is more easy to make a social circle or move to a new place and start fresh so I want to do this right.

I hear in Scandinavia some girls might give a guy a chance sexually but socially they prefer to be around their own. I found this funny though since Scandinavian people seem so disjointed and isolated even from each other most of them don't seem to have super close friends or family even according to some stats I saw they move out the earliest and have some of the lowest family ties. So I thought it would be easier for an outsider to get with them.

Quote: (12-08-2018 12:12 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

tr1cky - when women are young, usually < 23, they haven't been fully "programmed" yet by the broader society and culture that they're a part of and even have a bit of that rebelliousness that makes them want to challenge socially accepted norms. So you're likely to find them more open to dating colored guys. Once they get to their mid-20s and up, they've surely run into a few guys of their own kind that have given them shit for dating out. They start thinking about their reputations more, and subconsciously also start thinking about what would be best for their future children. They want to date "up" or at least at their own level to secure the best resources for themselves and their progeny and for many (not just white women) that means dating white. For example I've heard some Asian women refer to marrying white as "bettering the race", as crazy as that sounds.

Things are gradually changing but my advice to the youngins here would be to spend some time traveling - go to LatAm, EE, Baltics etc. It will open your mind and make you aware that women of equal attractiveness can treat you very differently based on where you happen to be.

Do a lot of girls really right off black guys cause a lot of us aren't doing to good financially? I guess it makes sense but never thought of it as much maybe cause I'm younger. But if you're black and doing good financially what is a good way to get this across without coming off as a betabucks? For example I was thinking of getting an amg c63 but one hesitation I have in getting this car is it might make some girls try and use me for money or see me as a betabucks, I really don't like to show off money I just like the car tbh. I'll probably be focusing on girls and 22 so would this car be a pro or negative for me? Would it just result in a lot of girls trying to leech of me? Basically how should I play things out with my wealth?

I definitely want to check out those locations, starting in April if I start traveling I am planning on at least 5 months. I prefer longer stays so will spend that time in maybe 1 or 2 areas. Or maybe 3 months in 1 area then just a bunch in the other 2 months to experience as much as possible. What do you think would be the best places for an early 20s guy like me to go to in the April-September period? Might start with a spring break area like south beach which I could prob get 20 quality notches in, don't wana get any stds though.

Spent so much time trying to build up my business and have had some extreme failures. Right now I just want to enjoy the youthful years that I have left.


Yeah I agree for me it's better to focus on girls 24 or 22 and younger older girls that care so much about money are just not enjoyable to be around and it's not really a fulfilling experience dealing with someone that just wants your money.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 12-08-2018

^ Can you please stop polluting this thread with all these questions and so called stats you have read on the internet.

Your writing style makes me think you were a previous poster who was banned.

Buy a car because you like it, who cares what anyone thinks.

Why not buy a ticket and travel to Scandinavia, then you can get answers to your questions first hand. I have been to Sweden four times and Iceland three times, I had a blast every time I went.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kadenz - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 12:44 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^ Can you please stop polluting this thread with all these questions and so called stats you have read on the internet.

Your writing style makes me think you were a previous poster who was banned.

Buy a car because you like it, who cares what anyone thinks.

Why not buy a ticket and travel to Scandinavia, then you can get answers to your questions first hand. I have been to Sweden four times and Iceland three times, I had a blast every time I went.

Just trying to use stats to show my point sometimes, will try to find the exact stats next time and post a source. And yeah will definitely go to Scandinavian sometime to, which part of Scandinavia do you recommend the most?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Black Caesar - 12-08-2018

Lord this convo is sad and bitter.

NYC has to be one of the easiest places for a brother to get chicks of any type.

Quality and quantity.

You just need to get Good.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 12-08-2018

Quote: (12-08-2018 01:16 PM)kadenz Wrote:  

Just trying to use stats to show my point sometimes, will try to find the exact stats next time and post a source. And yeah will definitely go to Scandinavian sometime to, which part of Scandinavia do you recommend the most?

Go to Denmark, a chatter from this thread (who we've interviewed) slays there.