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Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Ski pro - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:38 AM)AManLikePutin Wrote:  

Ended up watching the full actually looked like a video game footage.

The terrorist looked in such relaxed state of mind as he repeatedly loaded in more bullets and kept firing at all corners of the mosque where bodies had piled up on top of each other. He did it 4-5 times even when there was no resistance. Only one man tried to attack him, and he took him out, while falling for a couple of seconds. The whole thing was just....numbing.

Absolutely terrible for the victims and their families. This will only sadly accelerate the chaos and extremism on both ends...absolutely nothing good comes out of it. But that should be an afterthought. 50 people were just murdered in cold blood during daylight...they are the real victims in this. The same way that after Paris massacre, the people who were actually murdered were the real victims and absolutely no one else. Gotta be consistent. Ordinary muslims were NOT the real victims after Paris/Belgium/church attacks the same way 8chan/right wingers aren't the real victims of what happened here. 50 people dead, 50 families devastated, 500 lives forever ruined and changed (close family and relatives), let's have some perspective.

I don't get if one tries to justify this by saying well Muslims murdered whites too, so they had it coming. 50 people were just murdered in cold blood and it's justified because some other disgusting terrorist in Nigeria or France did the same thing? It's not a basket case. Some people who perhaps have never lived in a muslim country assume that muslims are all just tightly knitted family (Umah) and all the time follow what other muslims around the world are doing and cheering and leading them on against the infidels, so to take revenge on any muslim (in this case Kiwi) is a Fuck You/Middle Finger to ISIS/UK rape gangs/etc...When in reality, it's far from the truth. Granted, there are those maniacs and radicals out there...but the average person isn't tracking the actions of Umah all the time. I was in Iran during 9/11, and I remember people lighting candles at the memorial sights, laying flowers near the Switzerland embassy (which if I recall correctly was the broker between US-Iran). Nobody was celebrating death of 3000 "infidels" and what those 19 Saudi scumbags did. Killing a random Muslim in New Zealand isn't taking revenge on a Muslim terrorist killing a random westerner in the Netherlands. Yea, I bet that Muslim terrorist is now gutted...NOT. Going to that route, then more ordinary people of both sides will continue to be slaughtered, while the murdering scumbags get worldwide fame and gratification. Not exactly the great is it?! The cycle of violence will keep continuing whose biggest victims will be normal, ordinary, everyday people.

Anyways...the terrorist was obviously a complete psychopathic maniac who wanted to see everything go in flames and see the world burn. He clearly states it in his manifesto and it'll be telling to see whether sometime down the line, he achieved what he wanted.

Spare us the hand wringing peace chat. You know full well that giving up any violence from the non Islamic side, means a continuation of random violence from Islam. It’s exactly what has been going on for years.

All of a sudden someone punches back (with exactly the same random Nature that Islam punches) and all of sudden it’s give peace a chance? Bullies don’t like it when their victims punch back.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

I am surprised that we have so many people thinking this is some sort of "score", the "team" with most goals wins... In a way it is quite like a zero-sum game that happens between civilizations.

The Islamic-Arab conflict with Europeans is around 1300 years old. It has plenty of different events in which one side "loses" and the other one "wins" and so it has been for most of modern history. Today was another one of those times... You give western youth two generations of peace and suddenly everything is forgotten. No, the problem is the only WE forget, Huntington pointed this out very opportunely.

Warfare is slipping away from the control of the State, the world was once organized as Islamic expansion vs everyone they "invaded", well, here we are again!

I suppose it is easy to get lost in the act of today (admittedly quite vile) but DO NOT MISTAKE a mere bush for the entirety of the forest!

This is bigger than any of us, it is history repeating itself, and obviously, history and blood of innocents go together. There is no amount of wishful thinking and honorable statements that will invert this. We are not any better than our forefathers in most ways...

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - RawGod - 03-15-2019

Australian man kills Muslims in New Zealand, citing the French situation in his radicalisation. This event certainly brings home how international the situation is. Are there any countries other than those with a having a majority of White European descent currently on a trajectory to be "flipped" to a totally different demographic mix? How many countries with a majority of White Europeans are NOT on a trajectory to be flipped within a couple of decades? Food for thought.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Enoch - 03-15-2019

I had to stop reading the manifesto when he got to Candace Owens.

Police response times in NZ pretty shit.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - NewMeta - 03-15-2019

Has to be said but there is so much comedy gold in his manifesto, my favorite parts:

"I worked for a short time before making some money investing in
Bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel."

"Were you taught violence and extremism by video
Yes, Spyro the dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism. Fortnite trained me
to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies."

"Is there a particular person that radicalized you the most?
Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. Each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views
helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over
meekness. Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the
extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my tastes. "

Not to mention sticking in a 4chan copy pasta right in the middle of it and the media took it at face value and actually reported him being a Navy Seal with 300+ confirmed kills lewl (

From the video the subscribe to pewdiepie thing was genius, what better platform to give you exposure than pewdiepies channel, by saying that now pewdiepie is forced to do a video on it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Jetset - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:28 AM)NewMeta Wrote:  

the media took it at face value and actually reported him being a Navy Seal with 300+ confirmed kills lewl

[Image: giphy.gif]

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Jetset - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:20 AM)Horus Wrote:  

Regarding the slow response time, I imagine the reason for this is that New Zealand front line police don't routinely carry firearms. They can request firearms when going into situations where they expect they will be needed, or in rare circumstances an entire regional police force will be authorised to carry weapons if there is a known gunman on the loose. For situations involving offenders with firearms, there is a specialised armed offenders squad in each region. The delay in response was due to front line police returning to base to collect weapons and the time it took to mobilise the armed offenders squad.

For what it's worth, there was a mass shooting in the American northeast some years ago where a schizophrenic Vietnamese man decided to shoot up an immigration center. He believed he was being followed across the country by an imaginary policeman who would cut him off in traffic, watch him sleep, and beam music into his head, and decided that if he had to end his suffering, he didn't want to go alone.

From the first police call to the police response, it was three minutes. It was forty-three minutes before anyone entered the building, because the responding officers weren't sure if the gunman was alive and wanted the SWAT team to clear it for them.

Can't count on much these days, apparently.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - RawGod - 03-15-2019

Sadly I think this is going to be one of those national turning point moments for NZ. It's been a pretty sleepy place with unarmed police until now. Expect that to change.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Oak - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:12 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

True, but if we lose our own civility, inside our own lands, we are hardly any better than them.

- George Washington, 1775

Reminds me of another favorite

'If they rape our women, kill our people and live off our tax money, and we do nothing, we win.'

- William Wallace, 1297

The killings were retarded and had the wrong target and are what you would expect from a deranged man acting alone. But if the founding fathers and other great men of european history were alive today, they would be rounding up armies and mass-murdering anyone on their land who isn't a 'white person of good character'. Wallace would probably be roaming around with a holster made from the skin of one of his kills.

From a historical perspective this is to be expected anywhere with racial diversity and will continue to escalate. #partandparcel.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-15-2019

1 shot of .223 will not drop a grown man unless it's directly in vital area. He waved the rifle a bit and all of those guys in the back just dropped completely still.

In the battle of mogadishu, US forces kept thinking they'd missed when in reality they had to shoot them multiple times to get them to drop. Even police with .40caliber have to hit many times before a guy drops dead. I can't imagine he just magically hit all those guys directly in vital areas....or maybe they were too scared to even move?

The guys in the back left part of the room just sat there while he turned right and spent most of the time shooting thw other part why.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-15-2019

The only thing that's been keeping the lid on the diversity/proximity/war equation has been an incredible amount of wealth pouring into the West, and even that only kept the issues down to a dull roar.

Imagine how things are going to be if the dollar tanks and the bottom falls out of the welfare state all across the west.

I can scarcely imagine what France will look like if the welfare checks stop flowing into the african/muslim ghettos.

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:59 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

1 shot of .223 will not drop a grown man unless it's directly in vital area. He waved the rifle a bit and all of those guys in the back just dropped completely still.

In the battle of mogadishu, US forces kept thinking they'd missed when in reality they had to shoot them multiple times to get them to drop. Even police with .40caliber have to hit many times before a guy drops dead. I can't imagine he just magically hit all those guys directly in vital areas....or maybe they were too scared to even move?

War-legal ammo vs civilian hunting rounds.

The latter are massively more effective against unarmoured targets and a .223 from a rifle is delivering almost three times the force of a .45 pistol per shot. The hydrostatic shock of an impact like that is massive. It would have to be like someone opening up your ribcage and punching you directly in your lungs.

Hunting ammo and FMJs are very, very different.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TravelerKai - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:44 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:22 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2019 11:46 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

In that main back room only 1 guy even tried to run away that was weird. They were bunched up in the corners and barely moved. 1 shot probably wouldnt drop a man with adrenaline wanting to get away.

I thought that was extremely strange too. Why were they all bunched up in the corners. Even waited for his reload.

Maybe they do not have active shooter training, but it seems super strange to me. The one guy that bum rushed him almost stopped him. Had one more guy bothered, they could have stopped him. He clearly is not physically strong, nor is he good at clearing corners.

Again, why did they just lay there like that?

Many people act this way when confronted with real violence that threaten their lives. They are trying their best to hide away from the predator and froze in fright.

They didn't know how to react.

I kinda get that but there was a door to the outside on the left. Why pile up in that corner when a madman is shooting up everyone? It's not like NZ is a 3rd world country or is like China, where there are literally one entrance way inside a building and no emergency exits on the sides and the back.

The reason why we have building codes and bother with the architecture is for shit like this but fires mostly.

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:46 AM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:22 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2019 11:46 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

In that main back room only 1 guy even tried to run away that was weird. They were bunched up in the corners and barely moved. 1 shot probably wouldnt drop a man with adrenaline wanting to get away.
I thought that was extremely strange too.

A while back I talked with a policeman who had some training in this kind of mass shooting scenarios. They were trained to go against their instincts which is to run away from the danger but he said the actual best thing to do as a male in decent shape was usually to run up against the shooter. Easier said than done of course but instead of almost cuddling up in the corners of the mosque they should have tried to confront him.

It's apparently easier to just aim and shoot at people who are trying to figure out how to get out of there and in the video we can see that he could calmly try to aim at them.
A shooter don't expect you to actually go on an attack and will be shocked by it. If you were trying to carry out an act like this you wouldn't like it if people actually had balls to just try and take the weapon out of you.
I also read on some news site that apparently someone actually managed to throw his rifle on the floor and then sprint out of there but I think it was at the 2nd mosque so it probably never came on any footage.

Also, at the Bataclan shooting, I think the terrorists ordered everyone to get down on the floor in order to deceive the victims and make it easy to kill them.

He never gave orders in the video. They just piled up like lemmings or sheep!

Too many guys are posting in this thread saying that the video looked like a video game. Yeah a video game with cheat codes enabled!

The 4-5 people that watched him walk up to the front door did absolutely nothing either. If a dood with an AR pattern rifle is walking up to my church, no way I just let him walk on in like that. If anything I will look for a way to counter ambush him. They could have easily rushed his back when he was walking up to the door.

Maybe people that never grew up in violent situations or rough neighborhoods are just soft like this. I for one cannot understand it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - AManLikePutin - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:24 AM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:38 AM)AManLikePutin Wrote:  

Ended up watching the full actually looked like a video game footage.

The terrorist looked in such relaxed state of mind as he repeatedly loaded in more bullets and kept firing at all corners of the mosque where bodies had piled up on top of each other. He did it 4-5 times even when there was no resistance. Only one man tried to attack him, and he took him out, while falling for a couple of seconds. The whole thing was just....numbing.

Absolutely terrible for the victims and their families. This will only sadly accelerate the chaos and extremism on both ends...absolutely nothing good comes out of it. But that should be an afterthought. 50 people were just murdered in cold blood during daylight...they are the real victims in this. The same way that after Paris massacre, the people who were actually murdered were the real victims and absolutely no one else. Gotta be consistent. Ordinary muslims were NOT the real victims after Paris/Belgium/church attacks the same way 8chan/right wingers aren't the real victims of what happened here. 50 people dead, 50 families devastated, 500 lives forever ruined and changed (close family and relatives), let's have some perspective.

I don't get if one tries to justify this by saying well Muslims murdered whites too, so they had it coming. 50 people were just murdered in cold blood and it's justified because some other disgusting terrorist in Nigeria or France did the same thing? It's not a basket case. Some people who perhaps have never lived in a muslim country assume that muslims are all just tightly knitted family (Umah) and all the time follow what other muslims around the world are doing and cheering and leading them on against the infidels, so to take revenge on any muslim (in this case Kiwi) is a Fuck You/Middle Finger to ISIS/UK rape gangs/etc...When in reality, it's far from the truth. Granted, there are those maniacs and radicals out there...but the average person isn't tracking the actions of Umah all the time. I was in Iran during 9/11, and I remember people lighting candles at the memorial sights, laying flowers near the Switzerland embassy (which if I recall correctly was the broker between US-Iran). Nobody was celebrating death of 3000 "infidels" and what those 19 Saudi scumbags did. Killing a random Muslim in New Zealand isn't taking revenge on a Muslim terrorist killing a random westerner in the Netherlands. Yea, I bet that Muslim terrorist is now gutted...NOT. Going to that route, then more ordinary people of both sides will continue to be slaughtered, while the murdering scumbags get worldwide fame and gratification. Not exactly the great is it?! The cycle of violence will keep continuing whose biggest victims will be normal, ordinary, everyday people.

Anyways...the terrorist was obviously a complete psychopathic maniac who wanted to see everything go in flames and see the world burn. He clearly states it in his manifesto and it'll be telling to see whether sometime down the line, he achieved what he wanted.

Spare us the hand wringing peace chat. You know full well that giving up any violence from the non Islamic side, means a continuation of random violence from Islam. It’s exactly what has been going on for years.

All of a sudden someone punches back (with exactly the same random Nature that Islam punches) and all of sudden it’s give peace a chance? Bullies don’t like it when their victims punch back.

Yea...this victim is really sticking up to those bullies.

NSFW [live shots of the victim and the bullies in action]

Easy to be an internet tough guy with no skin in the game....but try putting yourself in shoes of people who lost their lives and loved ones and see it from a distance. It's a disgustingly sad loss of life and I've lost more family members and acquaintances to Islam than the majority here.

I love it when terrible people die. I drank until I could the night John McCain died....or when the Islamist head-chopping pigs were found dead in Syria...or every time a corrupt mullah of Iran's regime dies, it's a beautiful moment. Nothing is more satisfactory when human scum dies...but I just find it strange to jubilate and smirk at the death of random strangers (or as you call them "bullies") whom you never met or know and could very well have been normal people who hated Muslim terrorists as much you do.

If you think going a way of turning this into a soccer match of who kills more is cool, then good for you! but if one day one of your loved ones is part of the collateral damage...then it'll feel different. The chance of which will definitely increase if this turns out to a full back and forth terror revenge between the two players.

Anyways, it's clear that multiculturalism is a disaster and we haven't even reached the boiling point yet.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Montrose - 03-15-2019

We don’t know how we would react but the last time I went to Mass (six months ago), I kept an eye on the door thinking what I would do if a shooter enters. After Church I told my sister of my concerns and she said ‘there will be no more church shootings, it’s finished’. (Why the West is doomed)
I have been considering taking a knife to Mass; it’s illegal but I doubt they search churchgoers.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TravelerKai - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:59 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

1 shot of .223 will not drop a grown man unless it's directly in vital area. He waved the rifle a bit and all of those guys in the back just dropped completely still.

In the battle of mogadishu, US forces kept thinking they'd missed when in reality they had to shoot them multiple times to get them to drop. Even police with .40caliber have to hit many times before a guy drops dead. I can't imagine he just magically hit all those guys directly in vital areas....or maybe they were too scared to even move?

The guys in the back left part of the room just sat there while he turned right and spent most of the time shooting thw other part why.

Agreed. Now unless he was using something like Swine Smashers .223 those things should zip right through a person.

If someone shoots you with a rifle like that to your body, you can keep running for a while, no reason to drop like you got shot in your head.

I am also surprised nobody ran when he blasted the guys up front with that shotgun either.

*correction, something like green tips might zip through, the others might tumble, but still not drop*

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TravelerKai - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:22 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

AAAAAAAAAnd there it is--another leftist:

“The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China”.

Terrorist who attacked New Zealand mosque said China is closest to his political and social values

[Image: 1.png?resize=696%2C112&ssl=1]

Why are leftists so violent?

Well that explains alot. The Mainstream Media in America likely will not report this though. He is forever listed as a far right WN terrorist.

At one point China did do what he just they put them in re-education camps and make them drink alcohol and eat pork.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - ChicagoFire - 03-15-2019

Robert De Niro Monarch Project kingpin is clearly behind this guys (half joking):

Dated March 11

Every time Robert De Niro is on the news 3-4 days later a mass shooting follows.

Now that a white guy shot up a mosque how long will this story get played out? Months? Is CNN, moral harbinger extraordinaire, lecturing America yet? I'm scared that a white male will shoot me now, help!

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Dusty - 03-15-2019

The mayor of Christchurch should reassure his Muslim constituents that these types of killings are part and parcel of living in a city.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Savonarola - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 10:26 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:22 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

AAAAAAAAAnd there it is--another leftist:

“The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China”.

Terrorist who attacked New Zealand mosque said China is closest to his political and social values

[Image: 1.png?resize=696%2C112&ssl=1]

Why are leftists so violent?

Well that explains alot. The Mainstream Media in America likely will not report this though. He is forever listed as a far right WN terrorist.

At one point China did do what he just they put them in re-education camps and make them drink alcohol and eat pork.

Understand the horseshoe theory of politics.
This guy didn't have any real, lifelong beliefs.
He was a violent extremist who was mentally ill and searching for the most socially "acceptable" movement to express his psychotic tendencies.
Those movements come and go. At this moment it's right-wing WN that attracts the crazies. At other times it was leftism. A century ago, it was anarchism.
They're all just ideological vehicles through which fucked-up individuals express their rage.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TravelerKai - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 10:21 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

We don’t know how we would react but the last time I went to Mass (six months ago), I kept an eye on the door thinking what I would do if a shooter enters. After Church I told my sister of my concerns and she said ‘there will be no more church shootings, it’s finished’. (Why the West is doomed)
I have been considering taking a knife to Mass; it’s illegal but I doubt they search churchgoers.

My church has banned guns including licensed holders like me. So I have to leave mine in the car now.

To make matters worse the church hired a female security guard that has a gun....

They also have 2 deputies from the Sheriff's department outside. If it were not for the deputies, I would have stopped going to the church and found somewhere else to go. I really dislike any place that does not allow concealed carry these days, especially high controversial targets like a church.

I have no idea if any of the ushers have a gun because I do not get involved in the church operations at any level, but I would feel better if some of them had one. A potential gunman would know about that woman at the front and would take her skinny ass out quickly making the sheriff have to bolt in there from outside, and that is if he can even hear those shots from the street.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - TravelerKai - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 10:31 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

The mayor of Christchurch should reassure his Muslim constituents that these types of killings are part and parcel of living in a city.

Damn that's savage Dusty. Too soon bro!

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Savonarola - 03-15-2019


The New Zealand massacre was livestreamed on Facebook, announced on 8chan, reposted on YouTube, commentated about on Reddit, and mirrored around the world before the tech companies could even react.

The game of mass murder just changed. Expect a lot of more of this going forward.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Savonarola - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 09:51 AM)Oak Wrote:  

But if the founding fathers and other great men of european history were alive today, they would be rounding up armies and mass-murdering anyone on their land who isn't a 'white person of good character'.

Bro, this is horseshit.
The Founding Fathers would not be mass-murdering anybody.
Your little theory also ignores the presence of white trash, or "waste people", as they were known back in colonial era.
But (nice teacher voice) thank you for your contribution to the thread! All opinions are equally valid! lolllz

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Disco_Volante - 03-15-2019

Was there even any blood, splattered body parts, etc.. in that back room? you know with supposedly 25+ guys shot up? I didn't see any blood on the wall or pools of blood, or any exit wounds on the bodies.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Donfitz007 - 03-15-2019

Well depends on the round. I know alot of hunting rounds don’t cause much blood at all, nor is the entry/exit wound even noticeable.