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Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Kona - 09-29-2017

Quote: (09-29-2017 07:33 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2017 07:21 PM)IstillLoveVistaBaby Wrote:  

He sold out to (((them))) and in the end our world and the lives of many men have worsened because of his exploits. Those RVFers of color may enjoy the fallout from his life's work longer than some but its only a matter of time before your joyride ends too.

[Image: 4ee.gif]

I was wondering when we were going to bring the Jews into this.

Now that we have, apparently playboy Israel was a total failure.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-03-10-at-10.43.40-AM.png]


Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - CynicalContrarian - 09-29-2017

Heh. Interdasting.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - 911 - 09-29-2017

Quote: (09-29-2017 03:45 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

Some Hugh Hefner quotes to ponder:

If you let society and your peers define who you are, you're the less for it.

Right, you should let mass media and globalist soft porn mags define who you are instead.

Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream.

Same point here, you should aspire to live by the values that people like Hefner, Steinem or Gurley Brown have defined for you, instead of those transmitted to you by your parents, your faith or past cultural role models...

Living in the moment, thinking about the future, and staying connected to the past: That's what makes me feel whole.


Surrounding myself with beautiful women keeps me young.

Surrounding yourself with stacks of mags with pictures of beautiful women and your right palm will not keep you young, it will keep you in an arrested development as a grown-up teenager.

Part of the sexual revolution is bringing rationality to sexuality - because when you don't embrace sexuality in a normal way, you get the twisted kinds, and the kinds that destroy lives.

Living the life of a hedonistic bachelor, pretty much the gay male lifestyle, is pretty destructive.

The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.

Sexual degeneration is the most destructive anti-civilizational force there is. Pornography is one of the most powerful tool the globalists have in their cultural destruction arsenal, and they have used it masterfully, with foot soldiers like Hefner. His anti-Christian agenda is pretty transparent here as well.

Put this video in your YT queue, or better yet, read E Michael Jones' "Libido Dominanti: Sexual Liberation and Political Control"

“The notion of the single man began in the 1950's. The idea of the bachelor as a separate life was new and obscure.”

...And Hefner is the guy who was chosen to push that lifestyle, just like Steinem and Gurley Brown were chosen to push that bachelor lifestyle on young women. The 1950s is when this new agenda was first being conceived, implemented en masse in the following decades.

“Because of the nature of my life, it's difficult for people to recognize that a person can live a full life, and maybe an unorthodox life, and still be on the side of the angels.”

Which "angel" is he talking about here, perhaps a fallen one?

I urge one and all to live this life as if there is no reward in the afterlife and to do it in a moral way that makes it better for you and for those around you, and that leaves this world a little better place than when you found it.

"Do What Thy Wilt", in a feelgood wrapping.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Sherman - 09-29-2017

Here is a clip from the TV show "Playboy Penthouse" filmed in 1959. Starting at about 3 minutes, Hefner talks to two of the playmates. They really sound very sweet and down to earth.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - shameus_o'reaaly - 09-30-2017

Maybe the stars are right for a magazine with similar topics but different tone to come to the fore? Write about self-improvement; discus trends relevant to men, inspirational figurees, guest writers who maybe wouldn't get published elsewhere. Include dating advice, but not just that, don't glut readers with information.
Have a website where you can view highlights and then pay a subscription for a print copy; actually get people reading something every week or month.

I've never read Playboy, I don't think I've even seen it for sale on a newstand, but I have read some of the writing and fiction they put out by big names, reprinted elsewhere, and, well, naked women are naked women, so the idea wasn't bad, although it could get old quick.
Porn's not a social good now though; Playboy's only real benefit would have been encouraging some men to set their sights higher by showing then a different life and more beautiful women then they might otherwise encounter, and the internet took that from (possible) motivation to live better all the way to escapism and avoiding life for a great many men.
And is Hefner responsible for that weird look that a lot of women seem to aspire to? Dyed blonde hair (usually really badly), fake tits, teeth, tan-all the women on his show look like cardboard cut-outs.

Quote: (09-29-2017 06:30 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2017 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Guys could read his magazine, and the excellent fiction and reporting, and the in depth interviews with important people, and fantasize about the stereo equipment and the speed boats, and finish it off by whacking off to a centerfold.

Exactly my point.
It was all a fantasy, with no intention of Hefner ever telling you HOW to make it a reality.
He never helped men achieve anything useful or meaningful in real life by way of practical advice, motivational material, or using his personal wealth and political influence to change society back to the benefit of men.

NOTHING that Playboy ever published helped normal guys understand women, do more approaches in real life, help them get more girls into bed, improve their game, help their long term relationships, or even prevent a whole 2 generations of men being divorced raped.

In fact, Hef was emasculating entire generations of men, cause every time Playboy published more nude pics, Hef was essentially selling YOU a ticket to being a loser cuckold each month, by making you pay for the privledge of staying indoors and masturbating in a dark corner, over the girls he was actually fucking. Don't forget - until internet porn came along, you had to pay for that all that stuff. Hef didn't give away even a single ass or pussy pic for free.

The only thing Hefner left you with each month (that you could still use) after consuming his garbage, was your own limp wet dick in your hand.


Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Chrome - 09-30-2017

I can only imagine the outcry over a Roosh V Magazine. You'd probably have to hide it under your mattress like a Playboy if you live in a blue state, though.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - duedue - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-29-2017 06:30 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2017 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Guys could read his magazine, and the excellent fiction and reporting, and the in depth interviews with important people, and fantasize about the stereo equipment and the speed boats, and finish it off by whacking off to a centerfold.

Exactly my point.
It was all a fantasy, with no intention of Hefner ever telling you HOW to make it a reality.
He never helped men achieve anything useful or meaningful in real life by way of practical advice, motivational material, or using his personal wealth and political influence to change society back to the benefit of men.

NOTHING that Playboy ever published helped normal guys understand women, do more approaches in real life, help them get more girls into bed, improve their game, help their long term relationships, or even prevent a whole 2 generations of men being divorced raped.

In fact, Hef was emasculating entire generations of men, cause every time Playboy published more nude pics, Hef was essentially selling YOU a ticket to being a loser cuckold each month, by making you pay for the privledge of staying indoors and masturbating in a dark corner, over the girls he was actually fucking. Don't forget - until internet porn came along, you had to pay for that all that stuff. Hef didn't give away even a single ass or pussy pic for free.

The only thing Hefner left you with each month (that you could still use) after consuming his garbage, was your own limp wet dick in your hand.


Exactly. A pimp in the old days would sell a woman's body to men but starting with Hefner, the pimps (including the government) now sell the 'image' of the women to guys. If you think about it watching porn, softcore or hardcore, by a sexless man makes him feel inferior to the tantalizing women.

[Image: pXhNQwr.mp4]

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - RiderKnight - 09-30-2017

This guy was the definition of "beta bux," buying whores as capital for his pimping business. Also, anyone who watches porn is a cuckold by essence. Also, what this thread has showed me is that the hedonic treadmill is a ride that I don't want to take. Perhaps, if that is the "cardio," we ought to go for the "resistance" instead.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - nomadbrah - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-28-2017 08:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This forum is a champion for Game. Did Hef have game? Or was he just a whoremonger? Because let's not kid ourselves, Hugh paid all of his girls. He didn't get them to take off their clothes for free, like a player does, but instead paid them lots of money to show their skin. There is no reason any of his girls would have fucked him had he not paid them.

So: game not recognized.

Moreover, whoring is a dead enterprise, spiritually and morally, and Hugh's celebration and promotion of whoring probably destroyed millions of marriages all over the world.

"He who lusts with his eyes has committed adultery in his heart."

So what do you think the effect of mass producing pictures of whores to the world at large did for families the world over? Hugh probably caused more emotional pain and destruction than most wars have. The repeal of obscenity laws was a major reason for the decline of the West.

In my blue pill days, I used to believe Hugh was the man. But now I just see the women for the whores they were, and Hugh as the publisher pimp who took advantage of a first-mover advantage with photography printing technology. Nowadays women can whore themselves out without a publisher via the internet, making men like Hugh a relic. And when we see Hugh as nothing more than a middle-man, what exactly is there to envy over his lifestyle? I've never been interested in whores myself, and as soon I realized that all "porn" is just whores I stopped viewing immediately.

I think guys are fooled by Hugh's image over what he actually was. Hugh was a whoremonger who glorified whores. He goes against the mantra of self-improvement and learning Game. He is not a masculine role model. He is not a spiritual role model. He is not an intellectual role model. It's no surprise Hugh advocated for every civilizational destroying movement he could. If he did not go senile he would have been all for transexuals, I'm sure.

Had Hugh reacted to his first wife's infidelity by learning the true nature of women and teaching men how to seduce women, then he'd be an inspiration. But simply making money and paying for sex is no more impressive than any other rich junkie selling drugs.

I don't respect the man and have every reason to believe he is suffering tremendously in hell.

Good post.

I'm on the side that believes Hef to have been a huge negative impact on society at large. Hef championed women's sexual liberation, abortion and homosexual marriage from the get go.

On the other hand, the one-wife under god's watchful eye is also some delusional moral positioning. Every rich and powerful man has mistresses and most use whores too.

Hef is a negative because he contributed to the dissolution of the family and to women's sexual liberation, not because he banged whores or had a lot of mistresses.

There are thousands of men in Thailand alone who live like Hef with young mistresses and gentleman's clubs where scantily clad young girls serve drinks and entertain. And yet they still maintain a traditional family life.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - HermeticAlly - 09-30-2017

There's not a lot of stuff for me to say that guys like Samseau, Aurini, and 911 haven't already brought up, but here's my two cents.

I'm in my late twenties. I've never seen the inside of a Playboy mag. Can't even remember seeing them on sale anywhere. It's always seemed as phony and irrelevant as most other men's magazines. For my entire life, Hefner's been a goofy old guy in pajamas surrounded by women in bunny costumes. Never really saw him as somebody to emulate. In Asia, I saw girls in clothing with the Playboy bunny logo plastered on it; I don't think any of them had the slightest clue where it came from, and though it was just a clothing brand.

As I get older, the more it seems like a man's measure ought to be defined by his legacy. And what legacy did Hefner leave? He helped destroy marriage and family as an ideal for men. This is the single most important (and accessible) way for the average man to leave a legacy behind, since most are not destined for success in the arts, technological innovation, sports, and so on. An actual legacy is replaced by artifice: a panoply of gadgets, an erudite taste in consumable media, self-serving connections to people in the know, and various other material possessions. None of these things are bad by themselves, but they're substitutes and distractions from real, lasting achievements, which are outward rather than inward-focused.

I'm not going to preach the virtue of total self-denial, and there's certainly an appropriate place for one's personal desires and goals, but in my experience, those who live for something bigger than themselves (their family, their Christian faith and serving others, creating art that builds up/moves people, etc.) seem to have much more fulfilling and ultimately meaningful lives. Hefner's legacy appears only to have been a fleeting fantasy at the expense of civilizational stability, at best, and more likely total self-indulgence. And by all accounts, his magazine and multimedia empire seems on the verge of total collapse.

Still, I'd hesitate to give Hefner too much credit for destroying Western marriage. Divorce is still the number one culprit there.

I find the talk of "anti-Hef" and "pro-Hef" factions interesting, and actually pretty insightful. Personally, I was familiar with Roosh and other Game writers for years before I registered for this forum. I found the Game discussion helpful, but it wasn't until Roosh and others' writings moved toward social issues that I really got interested. I practically never go into the Game section of this forum and use Everything Else and its subforums almost exclusively. This isn't to degrade the value of knowing Game, but to emphasize that I haven't found a better forum anywhere when it comes to social commentary. This forum seems pretty sharply divided between those here for Game, and those here for the social issues.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Vaun - 09-30-2017

Since this thread is still going, have a funny story. My ex was propositioned to be in Latin Playboy, at the age of 18. She was a dancer at a famous Miami nightclub. Her entire family verified it for me, her dad was going to take her to the shoot. She backed out at the very last minute, and now works in a corporate job.

I was this... close to saying I dated a Playmate.

edit; and yes Samseau, I gamed her with almost no money and she ended up taking me on vacation several times.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - 911 - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-29-2017 11:52 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

Here is a clip from the TV show "Playboy Penthouse" filmed in 1959. Starting at about 3 minutes, Hefner talks to two of the playmates. They really sound very sweet and down to earth.

Down with the casting couch is more like it. That's the deal these women had to make in order to get their 3 minutes on TV or their 3 shots in his magazine.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Icarus - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 10:10 AM)911 Wrote:  

Down with the casting couch is more like it. That's the deal these women had to make in order to get their 3 minutes on TV or their 3 shots in his magazine.

[Image: pYn64rE.jpg]

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Goldin Boy - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-29-2017 07:57 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2017 07:33 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2017 07:21 PM)IstillLoveVistaBaby Wrote:  

He sold out to (((them))) and in the end our world and the lives of many men have worsened because of his exploits. Those RVFers of color may enjoy the fallout from his life's work longer than some but its only a matter of time before your joyride ends too.

[Image: 4ee.gif]

I was wondering when we were going to bring the Jews into this.

Now that we have, apparently playboy Israel was a total failure.

snipped wb Jewess


Re: the bolded. It's almost like Godwin's Law, the longer a thread goes on in Everything Else the more likely it is to reference:

1) Decline of the West
2) Jews
3) Race (when OP didn't reference it)
4) Muslims/Immigration

The thread will be complete with #4 is tied in.

Lol at the "Playboy magazine destroyed men" argument. Single-mother households, no-fault divorce, and women entering the workforce en masse has devastated masculinity and marriage rates far more than a monthly magazine with pics airbrushed 7's.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Dan Woolf - 09-30-2017

I'm starting to think that maybe Muslims have a point. I mean, if they ruled the decadent West, guys like Hefner wouldn't be able to pull shit like this because it simply wouldn't be tolerated. They would also rein in the Jews with a strong hand. What I'm trying to say is that maybe immigration is the perfect solution to destroy Playboy and other (((institutions))). Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later...

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Icarus - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 01:21 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

What I'm trying to say is that maybe immigration is the perfect solution to destroy Playboy and other (((institutions)))

Which immigrants? Ethnic Poles? Or ethnic Punjabis? There is a world of difference.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Repo - 09-30-2017

"Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later..."

Or you could use your high IQ to figure out how this plan would obviously backfire

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Kona - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 01:21 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

I'm starting to think that maybe Muslims have a point. I mean, if they ruled the decadent West, guys like Hefner wouldn't be able to pull shit like this because it simply wouldn't be tolerated. They would also rein in the Jews with a strong hand. What I'm trying to say is that maybe immigration is the perfect solution to destroy Playboy and other (((institutions))). Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later...

Ask and I shall receive.


Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Latinopan - 09-30-2017

Hefner was great to point out the double standard and hypocrisy of the feminism movement way before many here were born.

He created Playboy at the time the sexual revolution and the feminism movement started to kick in, while feminism were celebrating the invention of the pill that allowed them to have sex by lowering the risk of pregnancy, but they were mad at Hefner for enjoying and making other men to enjoy this.

Guy started smoking his pipe right there.

Part of the appeal of Playboy, was he did not selected professionals women for his magazine, there were not models, they were everyday women, he said on a interview he wanted Playboy to be a girl next door magazine of girls, one of the first women in the cover was his secretary, some were receptionist, nurses, teachers, waitress, women men encounter in their daily life, Hefner knew this, because most men don't walk into an actress or models all the time.

He pushed every boundaries he could, because as much as he triggered the feminism, he triggered the Christians.

The guy did everything on the list of what men only dream of, the guy even did twins.

[Image: hugh-hefner-with-the-shannon-twins-at-th...CD1BWC.jpg]

Hefner was the person that let the world know women love attention, they love men look at them and fantasy about them, while now you have every single female with a smartphone with camera and posting pictures all over Instagram for men around the world to like and fallow, Playboy was doing that with just printed paper. He built an empire by revealing women true nature for attention. Deep down this is why feminists hated him.

Revealing the true nature of women, just like the many on this forum and the mansphere does now.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Dan Woolf - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 02:00 PM)Icarus Wrote:  

Which immigrants? Ethnic Poles? Or ethnic Punjabis? There is a world of difference.

Quote: (09-30-2017 02:24 PM)Repo Wrote:  

"Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later..."

Or you could use your high IQ to figure out how this plan would obviously backfire

Quote: (09-30-2017 02:46 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Ask and I shall receive.


It was a joke based on Goldin Boy's post (directly above mine).

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Goldin Boy - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 03:04 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Hefner was the person that let the world know women love attention, they love men look at them and fantasy about them, while now you have every single female with a smartphone with camera and posting pictures all over Instagram for men around the world to like and fallow, Playboy was doing that with just printed paper. He built an empire by revealing women true nature for attention. Deep down this is why feminists hated him.

Revealing the true nature of women, just like the many on this forum and the mansphere does now.

Agree with most of what you said but the bolded...

Roosh, Roissy, et al teach men about the nature of women so that we can get better game and more control over leading and shepherding our interactions with them in a direction that conducive to our goals (sex, LTR, marriage, threesome, etc) instead of hers. Any red-pill truths revealed in Playboy were inadvertent.

Hef just wants to sell you a magazine. He couldn't care less if a man improves himself as long your subscription doesn't lapse.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - nomadbrah - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 03:04 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Deep down this is why feminists hated him.

Feminists don't hate Hef.

Most of the older ones give him thanks for his relentless work for abortion, gay marriage and women's "sexual liberation".

The younger one's don't like him, but that's because they're religious pious nutters.

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Kid Twist - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 01:21 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

I'm starting to think that maybe Muslims have a point. I mean, if they ruled the decadent West, guys like Hefner wouldn't be able to pull shit like this because it simply wouldn't be tolerated. They would also rein in the Jews with a strong hand. What I'm trying to say is that maybe immigration is the perfect solution to destroy Playboy and other (((institutions))). Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later...

[Image: facepalm.png]

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Dan Woolf - 09-30-2017

Quote: (09-30-2017 06:37 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Quote: (09-30-2017 01:21 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

I'm starting to think that maybe Muslims have a point. I mean, if they ruled the decadent West, guys like Hefner wouldn't be able to pull shit like this because it simply wouldn't be tolerated. They would also rein in the Jews with a strong hand. What I'm trying to say is that maybe immigration is the perfect solution to destroy Playboy and other (((institutions))). Of course, there's the problem of IQ differences between different races but we'll get to that later...

[Image: facepalm.png]

[Image: b4f.png]

Hugh Hefner dead at 91 - Conscious Pirate - 09-30-2017

Poor Dan. No-one gets your Sigma jokes.

(I do!)