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Official introduction thread - Printable Version

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Official introduction thread - Brownbeard - 08-18-2011

Hola. Excellent forum here. I'm a beginner in Los Angeles, at game and life.

It's going to be an awesome journey. Thanks to Roosh and all posters for casting light.

Official introduction thread - MiXX - 08-19-2011

Quote: (08-15-2011 07:26 AM)Wizard Wrote:  


I'm here in Iowa, and we have... corn, lots and lots of corn.

Bust out a data sheet of the Iowa scene man! I've always wanted to fuck in a corn field!


Official introduction thread - rickb223 - 08-20-2011

Name's Rick. Reader of Rooshv & Roissey. New to the dating scene after a 22 year hiatus. Have learned about all the things that I did wrong. Now re-training myself to the way I was back in HS.
As my sig file states: Member of the Raped By Divorce x2 Club, aka Never Again Club.

Official introduction thread - Hallasan - 08-21-2011

Hey everyone. Originally from Seattle, currently in South Korea.
New to the game. Finished reading Bang a little while back and recently discovered how much value there is in the Forum.

Thanks to Roosh and all the other "VPs" that make the forum great.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 08-21-2011

Welcome new members.

FYI: Signatures don't show up until you have 10 posts. This is anti-spam measure.

Official introduction thread - velkrum - 08-21-2011

Hey whats up ! This forum seems like a fantastic resource for a single guy like myself. I'm currently in school working on a career that will guarantee me well over 6 figures annually. The money I make will allow me to travel both national and internationally and write some thorough data sheets.

I'm not into gaming or PUA but I love hooking up with lots of women in really nice places !

Official introduction thread - dividend - 08-21-2011

Lurked for a while and hoping to contribute to the community here after what I've learned.

Based in the Great White North, but travel a lot for work. Data sheets here are great.

Salud, dudes.

Official introduction thread - Freedom - 08-21-2011

Hello Everyone!

I've been a fan of this blog for over a year and started reading the forum part just recently. It's unbelievable how girls' logic is completely non-existant/different and I didn't know this until I read blogs especially Roosh's. I am inspired by the guys here that create their own careers/business for passive income to have true freedom. It's really a privilege to get advice from this forum. As a Washington DC resident for the last few years I've decided to get out of my comfort zone, quit my good paying career, risk everything and transition my life into a traveling business nomad. It's amazing how "game" improves your lifestyle in general human interaction. Even though there's tons of information on this forum for traveling, I hope I to contribute as well from my travels.

Official introduction thread - Jarocho2003 - 08-21-2011

Hi I'm Jarocho and loving this site! I joined because I'm living in Colombia and would like to take as much advantage of my situation as possible before is time to wake up and go back to where I cam from. It's really cool to have guys talk openly about their experiences, their failures, and their successes and look forward to sharing some of my own.


Official introduction thread - afronoob - 08-24-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 10:29 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Hi I'm Jarocho and loving this site! I joined because I'm living in Colombia and would like to take as much advantage of my situation as possible before is time to wake up and go back to where I cam from. It's really cool to have guys talk openly about their experiences, their failures, and their successes and look forward to sharing some of my own.

My,my,my, I should pay more attention! This is the first time I'm noticing this intro thread. Anyway one thing I'm glad to have noticed rooshv isn't just about pussy. Biz and investment opportunities are equally important to many,with forumers willing to share their knowledge. Also happy to see for an Anglo forum in these modern times the complete absence of trannies/homos and the whole LGBT crew.

Official introduction thread - Beyond Borders - 08-31-2011

I guess I better throw my introduction out here now since I just joined yesterday and have been making a lot of posts already. I've been living in Thailand for the past 3 and a half years, and I make money offering freelance writing and online marketing services. I also have been building some affiliate sites that make me money, and I'm currently creating some information products.

I've been coming in and reading the forum sporadically for quite some time, and a lot of the people here think a lot like me as far as business, travel, and women goes. I'm all about the international lifestyle, and I'm here more for talking about that then talking about game. I do write a lot of content for some big figures in the pua community, but I'm more interested in the inner game/ lifestyle aspect of it than anything else.

Anyways, looking forward to gaining from and adding to the community here.

Official introduction thread - rvz77 - 09-04-2011

Hey All,
I am 25 years old and from Bangalore (born and brought up here) [Image: biggrin.gif] yes a typical IT guy who has been doing all the outsourced work for the past 3 years or so!
My life has not been that great lately(read pathetic), ... couple of days back I discovered this forum and been reading random posts every night and it has given me a reason to smile.
Thanks Roosh and all the other members for this
Regarding game, i am not much of a player but I have dated most of my college crushes and some of them at work. But ultimately, i am the guy who goes on to become the girl's "best friend sorts", this has been happening consistently ( DAMN!!@#$%^&*)
Anyway, I hope the knowledge pool here changes my fate!
Its great to be here, sorry about the long post.

P.S. I am into professional photography as well. Mostly post processing work, and of late i assist a person who is into portfolio shoots of upcoming models. So looking forward to stepping into the fashion industry and dating some upcoming models [Image: wink.gif]

Official introduction thread - PDX - 09-08-2011

Shit, somehow I missed this thread.

Moi: 34, graphic designer/photographer
Portland, OR
Game Level: Intermediate
Type (in order by strongest): Day, Bar/Lounge, Online, Club

Currently working on: Getting more approaches in. Particularly in situations where I typically wouldn't. IE, day game 2-sets, moving targets, etc. Rolling solo at night (all my friends are in LTR's or just lame in general). Basically I want to plow through a ton of numbers just to get a lot more experience in at this point. I have fairly solid "dating" game, it's the meeting and hooking that's a bit more difficult. (I get a lot of go-nowhere numbers, and a TON of flakes from girls who show a lot of initial interest up front.)

ETA: Found the site because "Dead Bat" showed up on Amazon when I was buying Lonely Planet Colombia.

Official introduction thread - portofmanteau - 09-12-2011

Hello all,
Found this forum via Roissy, and it looks like there are a lot of knowledgable people here.
I work remotely in software, so I try out a new city/country every few months, and am always looking for the next spot. I'm in Portugal now, plan on spending a few months in Brazil in early 2012.
Cheers & thanks to Roosh for setting this spot up.

Official introduction thread - thegmanifesto - 09-12-2011

portofmanteau -

Welcome aboard.

Bust out a Data Sheet (search around for format) of some places you have on Lock Down.

Official introduction thread - WesternCancer - 09-30-2011


Official introduction thread - Jack D. Serrano - 10-10-2011

Hey guys, my name's Jack.

I approach 30 hot girls a day (takes about an hour a day).

I also like long, romantic walks in the beach, puppies and ... wait ... wrong forum.

Official introduction thread - Thorfinnsson - 10-10-2011

Morning gentlemen, I joined in response to Roosh's Twitter feed question to Scandinavian guys about feminism and its discontents in Scandinavia. I am a long-time reader, but I'm not really a PUA. I'm 26, live in Chicago, work at home, and I'm an American of Swedish heritage. I was a natural growing up but whose development was stunted by depression and insecurity in high school, and sites like Roosh and Roissy have helped me rediscover my inner James Bond.

I am not sure how much I will post, however I will be around and comment from time to time.

Official introduction thread - jamess497 - 10-11-2011

I just want to say welllllllcooooome to all who join this community. Hope we all have great discussion and learn something from this forum.
I am here to learn and get the knowledge from your experience hoping we all have a great stay here.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 10-11-2011

Hello all new members.

Official introduction thread - alphaspiraton - 10-11-2011


Official introduction thread - Issic - 10-30-2011

Well I am Issic and I must say, this is an amazing site. I have never seen a site filled with as much useful information as is found here. In the months ahead, I hope to enlighten you as much as you've enlighten me on both "The Game" and travels alike.

Official introduction thread - GreezyO - 11-01-2011

Hey everyone,

I'm GreezyO. I'm a 19 year old Canadian student of Panamanian descent. I'm a longtime lurker and I've followed Roosh's site for around a year now; his writings have definitely helped me develop as a man over the past few years.

I'm a huge fan of this forum, and I hope that soon I'll be able to contribute more. I think I have a lot to offer, and have a bevy of information concerning Canadian culture, as well as some travel experience (at some point, I plan on contributing to Panama's data sheets). I also speak Spanish and Portuguese, and am attempting to learn German, French, and Russian so international brothers can feel free to message me.

I hope to learn a lot from you guys, regards.

Official introduction thread - Soma - 11-02-2011

Hello all, I'm Soma. I like spoiling girls with presents, cuddling and long walks on the beach.

Official introduction thread - Alpha - 11-02-2011

Been lurking a while. Anyway, finally decided to make an account and post. How's everyone else doin?