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Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Tuthmosis - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 11:50 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

As far as I know and can recall, this situation is unprecedented. Congressional leadership invited a foreign head of state to address a joint session of Congress without the approval of the President, for the express purpose of allowing that foreign head of state to publicly oppose and undermine the President.

This is just incredibly bizarre. How does this happen? This is far beyond normal politics. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. It's clear that there are extremely powerful elements working within the U.S. government that regard Benjamin Netanyahu's opinion as being more important than President Obama's. Personally, I think that Netanyahu is ten times the man that Obama is, and that he is unquestionably a patriot doing what he thinks is best for his country. And yet....he is not an American. It's absolute fucking bullshit that he is able to grandstand in this manner over a sitting U.S. President, with the explicit cooperation of the Congress.

I couldn't agree more. This just proves that there are certain elements in the U.S. Congress that place their personal animus toward Obama above the sovereignty and dignity of the nation--as well as the sanctity of the hallowed chamber they have the privilege of soiling with their traitorous asses. This is a national embarrassment of the highest order.

Say what you will about the so-called political party to which they belong, but these are the only people who came out looking like real Americans in this fiasco. I'm about as much of democrat as I am an opera singer, so I have no skin in this game. Not to mention the two-party system is a lie.

58 members of Congress skipped Netanyahu's speech

If you want to see if someone actually has your country's interests in mind, you have to look at acts like this--not what comes out of their mouths when they're on cable news. When someone mortgages my nation's future by creating the conditions for the shipping manufacturing jobs abroad (and becoming a client state of China in the process); or when they invite a foreign head of state to a joint session of congress to humiliate the duly elected President of the United States, I don't think they care about my country.

It's too bad our national elections are a sham. Each one of those clapping idiots should be drummed out of office. What a bunch of pussies.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - RealityCheck - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 01:00 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 11:50 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Let me know when the President of Zambia, Mexico or France, or hell, China or England is allowed such a privilege. This is extremely fucking rotten, and anyone with a functioning brain and pair of eyeballs should be able to see the score by now.


May 20, 2010, 03:55 pm
Mexican president slams immigration law before Congress

It's legitimate to discuss the validity or invalidity of how Congress unilaterally invited a foreign head of state. I don't refute that, but I do refute that people somehow are critical of Bibi for this. The attitude a lot of people are expressing here can be summed up as, "Who the Hell does Bibi think he is?" But this doesn't make sense. He did what he was invited to do.

If it was illegitimate for Congress to do what it did, then that represents an internal schism in America in the forming of foreign policy. Bibi just did what he was invited to do; it's not his problem if Congress and Obama are at odds with each other. Congress has been trying for decades to gain more power over the president in regards to foreign policy formation. This trend probably started with the War Powers Resolution of 1973. To criticize Bibi for giving the speech is to focus on the symptom, not the underlying problem.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Tuthmosis - 03-06-2015

I wonder how much this job pays:

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - TheWastelander - 03-06-2015

Tangentially related, but I think a lot of guys in the manosphere don't want to accept hard truths when it comes to American politics. Yes, there are shitty special interest groups and lobbyists who influence politicians with money and fund their campaigns. But it's the American people who vote them in. Voting does matter, and it's too fucking frightening to think that your family members, friends, and neighbors are the sort of people who would vote for a politician who would support whatever issues you're strongly opposed to. They had to have been tricked by some conspiracy or shady group.

When in reality, they're just criminally and dangerously ignorant. Same as it's always been.

Or worse, greedy and intentionally malevolent.

If you want to find the people responsible for all this, when you walk outside tomorrow, look all around you.

Ain't democracy grand?

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Quintus Curtius - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 01:43 AM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

Bibi just did what he was invited to do; it's not his problem if Congress and Obama are at odds with each other...To criticize Bibi for giving the speech is to focus on the symptom, not the underlying problem.

It's far worse than that, I'm afraid. You're glossing over the purpose and significance of Mr. Netanyahu's actions. This was not an example of a foreign leader who just traipsed into Congress on an offhand invitation.

This was a very planned little piece of attempted sabotage.

This was someone who engineered (using his AIPAC fifth-columnist allies in Washington) his own invitation into the inner sanctum of the US government, with the express purpose of scuttling an incipient foreign treaty.

That's what this was. Make no mistake. Mr. Netanyahu and his traitorous allies in Washington colluded to try to torpedo a presidential treaty.

I can understand (although not respect) Mr. Netanyahu's actions as arising from his own fanaticism and arrogance. It's something I've become familiar with.

But unforgivable is the utter subservience of these "congressmen" and "senators" who put allegiance to a foreign state ahead of their own president.

I'm no fan of Mr. Obama, nor of any president of recent history. But that isn't the point. He's my president, whether I like it or not. He deserves my loyalty, period.

Nobody has the right to come to my country, set foot in my Congress, and try to hurt the conduct of my president's foreign policy. Even if I don't like the president, it doesn't matter.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Quintus Curtius - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 01:47 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I wonder how much this job pays:

Israel to pay students to defend it online

They're more common than many people think. We got a little taste of one of them here, right in this thread. This person--now banned--did us a great service by showing the true colors of the nation he (apparently) hails from: arrogant, threatening, rude, and full of malice.

I'm happy he made an appearance here. They're losing, and they know it.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Quintus Curtius - 03-06-2015


Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - RealityCheck - 03-06-2015

Tuthmosis, I've never heard of that, but I can offer some speculation. I find it unlikely that anyone on this forum is one of the Israeli students being paid to defend it online. I say that because I assume that these students must show to some sort of supervisor or coordinator proof of when and how they are defending Israel on the internet, since they are being paid. If I understood the article correctly, the Israeli government is running it. It is unlikely that a coordinator from the government would approve of a forum such as this as a desired online battlefield to push a pro-Israeli agenda. This community is very controversial and politically incorrect in mainstream society, including Israel. This is especially true if these students would be simultaneously dropping information on how to bang Israeli girls.

Quintus Curtius, I understand your points. Obviously the situation isn't as innocent as Boehner or Netanyahu claim that it is. The treacherous nature of politics and what goes on behind the scenes is nothing new. Obama was heavily criticized by Congress for bombing Libya in 2011 without approval from Congress, among other actions during his presidency. The "treachery" has been two-sided. Each one claims that the other is being unconstitutional. Obviously Americans should hold the constitution in high esteem, but this patriotic desire is effectively neutralized when each side says the other is unconstitutional, while at the same time justifying its own constitutional loyalty. Just like a math equation, this gets canceled out, and in the end people just pick a side and become a part of the cycle. That's a simplified explanation but I believe it holds true in a lot of case. At least, that's how I see it.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Farmageddon - 03-06-2015

Off-topic, but to introduce a little levity into the situation I'll post the only two Jewish jokes I know. They were told by Christopher Hitchens at a conference about anti-Semitism a few years back:

Joke 1:
Two Jewish men are sitting on a park bench in Berlin circa 1932. One man is reading Der Speigal and the other is reading the Nazi rag Der Sturmer. The man reading the Nazi magazine keeps laughing and the other mans looks over to him and says, "Can you cut it out? Laughing while reading that racist, frothing-at-the-mouth anti-Semitic piece of trash! What do you see in that garbage anyways?"

The other man looks to him and says, "When I read the regular newspaper all I hear about is windows being broken by brownshirts, Jewish businesses being boycotted, people being hauled off to concentration camps, but when I read the Nazi paper I hear we control the world!!"

Joke 2:
Two Jewish men named Adam and Moisha are walking down the road when they stumble upon a huge billboard that says, "Jews For Jesus: $1000 for every Jewish convert!"

Adam looks to Moisha and says, "You know what? I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to see what they say." Moisha replies, "Fine. I'll just wait for you outside."

When Adam returns about an hour later he says, "Well, I did it! I'm now a Christian!!"

Stunned, Moisha asks, "So, did they give you the money upfront?"


Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - RealityCheck - 03-06-2015

I would like to bring up a few historical cases for anyone that still thinks that it's irrational or implausible to think that Iran would hand over nuclear weapons to one of its many terrorist allies. First of all, the only reason that China is nuclear is because the USSR provided it with immense assistance.

Quote:Wikipedia Wrote:

The Soviet Union provided assistance in the early Chinese program by sending advisers to help in the facilities devoted to fissile material production, and in October 1957 agreed to provide a prototype bomb, missiles, and related technology. The Chinese, who preferred to import technology and components to developing them within China, exported uranium to the Soviet Union, and the Soviets sent two R-2 missiles in 1958.

The USSR also helped North Korea develop nuclear weapons.

The only reason that Israel has nuclear weapons is because France provided it with the necessary infrastructure.

Whether or not these states would have succeeded in their nuclear ambitions without foreign help is irrelevant. The point is that there are documented cases of states giving nuclear weapons, or providing essential assistance for developing nuclear weapons, to their allies.

The reason that the MAD theory works is because all states, no matter how dangerous, are rational actors. Their primary goal is survival. Even the radical Islamic states are rational as are rogue states like North Korea.

Terrorist organizations are rational actors as well. However unlike states, nuclear deterrence theory doesn't apply to them them because you can't nuke a terrorist organization due to its thinly spread, global presence. For example, if you wanted to nuke al-Qaeda, where would you strike? Let me give you a map of where al-Qaeda is located to help you out:

[Image: attachment.jpg25070]   

The MAD theory does not apply to to global terrorist organizations because a state can't strike back against them. Conventional warfare does not work against nonconventional enemies; that's why America fought the Taliban for thirteen years, the longest war in its history, and lost.

A terrorist organization like Hezbollah is a hybrid because it operates on the state level, but if it got the order from its boss, Iran, it could very well fire a nuke on Israel. I don't have a crystal ball, no one can really know, but I don't think this scenario is ludicrous like many of you are claiming.

This is why a nuclear Iran is a threat to the existence of Israel. I am sure that Israel will eventually resort to military action against Iran if all other options fail. To not do so would be akin to suicide. The only reason Bibi hasn't attacked Iran until now is because Obama won't let him. Obama built an election campaign around the fact that he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning when even Kerry and Hilary Clinton were in favor, and thus the last thing he wants is to be responsible for yet another American war in the Middle East.

As Yoni Netanyahu said in the quotations I provided earlier, Israel is a small country that is surrounded by many enemies and unfortunately has no choice but to be dependent on a superpower. "So Bibi should stop being so disrespectful to the hand that feeds Israel then!" What would you do if your country's existence was threatened? "But it's not my country that is being threatened, it's your country!" Really? Iran and al-Qaeda have a long history together. Last I checked, al-Qaeda wants to destroy America.

For everyone here who finds admiration for Bibi Netanyahu abhorrent, then I hope what I've written here will help you understand. To some people he might seem like an ungrateful leech hellbent on killing as many Arabs as possible, but I see him as quite the opposite.

I wouldn't try to convince someone to abandon his political convictions any sooner than I would try to convince a religious person to abandon his belief in God. I'm writing this for anyone who is on the fence, is open minded, or wants to understand the Israeli point of view. The viewpoints that I've expressed are why myself and people like me applaud the bravery, backbone, and adherence to liberal democratic values of Bibi Netanyahu. The way I see it, he is exploring diplomatic routes to solve an existential threat to his country before resorting to the military route. I remind you that America also acted controversially to potentially being "under the gun."

I'm going to bow out of this thread now. I've said more than enough. I tried to speak with people in this thread in a non-combative way, and I hope that those whom I engaged in dialogue with agree. I did this despite being deeply offended by certain notions exhibited here, among them that the IDF is like the SS or ISIS, or that Israel gives nothing in return for America's generosity. In regards to the latter claim, Israel has made incredible contributions to humanity, in many fields, and it's only been around for about sixty years.

I joined this forum because it's a game community. If anyone thinks my motivation for defending Israel comes from anything other than love for the country that is home to my people, then I can assure you that this is not the case.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kosko - 03-06-2015

OH @realitycheck? Iran and Al-Queda have a history even though they are both of rival Islamic sects? This is news to me. Last time I remembered Iran and Syria were fighting Islamic AL-Queda sects in keeping them out of their own borders. Al-Queda elements still troll Iran with tawdy shit. It recently released a Iranian it kidnapped:

There is no evidence of a working relationship between the Iranian state and al-Qaida or its various offshoots

Iran and Al-Queda were never on the same team. Stop peddling false information @Realitycheck. It is funny how these low post trolls come out of the woods any time somebody says anything critical on Israeli politics.

Back to Nukes... But it was Israel who was selling around Nuclear Secrets for a buck to anybody willing to pay. It was Israel who helped South Africa build its own Nuclear Program.

North Korea is a folly. The Soviets refused to sell the anything tangible and offered the junk secrets for a hefty price, they still have not been able to test a reliable bomb in all these decades. The USSR sold them folly technology on the black market and the NKs have been stuck with it ever since. If NK was serious about Nukes they would of pursued it via its open avenues with China but even China won't give them shit either.

The history of arms and tech sales is interesting shit. When the USSR was on shaky legs it was open season. Anybody with briefcase of money could buy weapons and tech secrets. The USA and Israel were threatened by this as they were chief arms deals in the world but the USSR offered liquidation prices on arms and bombs that Nation States couldn't refuse. You had a swath of weapons make their way into Africa on the cheap from the USSR when prior it was Israeli and European weapons that were the chief weapons of sale. Almost over night you saw a resurgence of old bog down conflicts in Africa with rouge armies refueled with a fresh set of new arms. The 1990s turned into bloody decade due to this weapons dumb from soviet liquidation.

Back to nukes and bombs...
So Hezbollah will blast nuke on Israel and watch and sit back as nuclear fallout drifts back into Lebanon due to winds and poisons them back?

You realize that the distance between Beruit, Lebanon and Tel Aviv, Israel is a mere 200km/120 miles. If either party nuked either party the fallout would hit them back. There is no rational stance of nukes in that close region, as any major bomb detonated in that region will poison you back. Israels nukes are not for Hezbollah, they are pointed at Paris, London, and Berlin. Israel will shoot nukes at Europe if it is in trouble not Iran or Lebanon. Israel has range with its ICB Jericho missiles for a lot of Western Europe. Its big nukes were always intended to deter Europe, it was never practical to nuke its Arab rivals as they would be poisoned too. Due to the fracture of Western military might which has been reduced to a tin can partnership of France and the UK, plus as Israel knows all of Frances nuclear codes and secrets, and knows much of the UKs from its partnership with rouge South Africa back in the day. If shit hits the fan for Israel the skies turn red in London and Paris not it Ramallah or Beirut.

There is nothing rational about Israel's policy towards weapons. MAD keeps it in a position of defense but it has a outward policy of aggression regardless if the response is warranted. This is far more dangerous then a 'first strike' policy the Russia has for instance, as Russia will only hit you first if you poke it. If you want to play that game it will pound you to dust and you can return the favor -- MAD. This has kept the USA at bay as it can't troll Russia since if it does it will nuke NYC to Boston and does not hide the fact it will do it. This is why the USA dance around Russia and simply attempts troll in places like Poland and Ukraine. All it can attempt to do is weaken the strike if it is launched but if it has plans to further attempt to constrain and advance on Russia then that strike in eventuality will come about. Thus Russia has to stay as the first shooter to keep away any aggression.

Israel has a first strike option but has no rational base to do it close to its own borders. Its weapons are aimed at trolling and keeping control on the West. Europe says nothing on Israel because it will turn it to dust. What will Europe do in return? Under the thumb of NATO its security is eventually backed by the USA whom is very much a client of Israel also. France will roll out its rusty fighter planes to go against Israel? The UK will blow dust of its old relic aircraft carrier and try and boat it into the Arab seas? Sure.

Israel has been smart at steering control of anybody who could halt or discipline it any way. In the chess game they were winning for many years. But the game has changed with America weaker and the rise of nations who don't care about Israel. I don't mean they don't care or wish harm on Israel, but places like India and China don't give a fuck about Israel in the bigger picture because Israel offers nothing but headaches and fruit trees. Iran has more if a position of importance in the greater picture by going via economic channels of trade versus chest pumping and gloating.

The game changed when America was weakened economically 100%. America still running on pre-2008 fumes would of trolled into Iran by now. It had a hit list of nations it wanted to pummel into dust but it can't do that now is it would hurt it structurally to much. So if Israel comes in to troll on the issue of Iran it does not have any interest of America in consideration because America knows, well, very well, that the Iran situation is not a situation it can stomach right now. All of its simulations and war games have turned back negative. Nobody in the upper arm twisting bass of the military thinks the Iran question is smart. So this inevitably pushes forward the real conflict that exists. The conflict between big brother (USA) and little brother (Israel). The beef will end up being the USA vs Israel and not any other situation.

I have played out the war games in my head many times. The only logical step is that the USA eventually nurtures Israels nuclear capabilities with surgical strikes when it threatens Europe. This is the only rational response to Israel irrational polices. It will eventually force the day when big brother has to slap it back into line for being a brat politically on the world stage.

[Image: tumblr_ly4wxiPIJn1r5ttulo1_400.gif]

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - scorpion - 03-06-2015

According to Neyanyahu, Iran has been on the verge of building nuclear weapons since the mid '90s. Still no bomb, though. Pretty strange. It's almost as if he's just looking for a casus belli to drag the U.S. into another war in the Middle East, which serves Israeli interests by making it a stronger regional power in comparison to the fractured and weakened Arab states surrounding it. Meanwhile, Netanyahu's constant fearmongering over Iranian nukes for the past two decades has resulted in many Israelis becoming paranoid that another Holocaust (this one nuclear) could happen at any moment. With that sort of emotional/psychological stress hanging over their heads, it's no wonder Israelis are so easily swayed by their psychopathic leadership to support the aggressive policies that have been Israel's hallmark for decades. This psychological trauma induced by endless fearmongering has produced the necessary cognitive dissonance that allows Israelis to simultaneously view themselves as an oppressed and aggrieved people while unapologetically operating the only apartheid state in the Western world. The Israeli people are probably the only population in the world that is more heavily propagandized and brainwashed than Americans.

Anyway, it's obvious that the Zionists & Neo-cons in Washington and Israel are determined to start another Middle Eastern war, so it's going to happen at some point in the near future. The only question is when, and whether or not it will spiral out of control and go from a regional to a global conflict. But make no mistake, there is going to be a war, these people simply cannot help themselves. They're practically salivating for it.

The endgame for Israel and the U.S., as I posted before in a past thread, is to topple the remaining secular Islamic states to allow ISIS to take over, at which point Israel (with U.S. help) will destroy ISIS and claim the expanded territory to form Greater Israel. Some dismiss this as conspiracy theory, but frankly you've got to be fucking blind to not see what's going on: at the same time ISIS is engaging in extreme brutality and working to restore the caliphate (conveniently uploaded in professionally produced videos), you've got Netanyahu going on about Iran and John Kerry talking about ousting Assad. The reality is that both Iran and Syria are natural enemies of ISIS, and yet the U.S. and Israel are itching to start a war to topple the regimes of both countries. All the while they claim that stopping ISIS is their number one priority. It's absolutely fucking nonsensical if you take them at face value. This would be like FDR claiming that stopping Hitler was his greatest priority, and then declaring war on England. That's literally what the U.S. and Israel are doing here, which makes it painfully obvious that ISIS is not viewed as a serious threat, but is an organization that was created and funded by the West essentially to be set up as a fall guy. ISIS is a useful idiot on the geopolitical stage, a rabid dog loosed to terrorize rivals for a time which will be shot when it has outlived its usefulness and begun to turn on its masters.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Matt Forney - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 02:05 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2015 01:47 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I wonder how much this job pays:

Israel to pay students to defend it online

They're more common than many people think. We got a little taste of one of them here, right in this thread. This person--now banned--did us a great service by showing the true colors of the nation he (apparently) hails from: arrogant, threatening, rude, and full of malice.

I'm happy he made an appearance here. They're losing, and they know it.

Whenever I Tweet something less than complimentary about Israel, I always have at least one Zionist coming out of nowhere to attack me. These accounts don't follow me (or anyone in the manosphere), and I never hashtag my Tweets, so it's clear they're deliberately searching Twitter for Tweets that mention Israel or Zionism. For example, see here (also see how much of a moron the guy is; he claims that the U.S. has never executed any spies in its history, apparently unaware of a pair of traitorous communists [redundant, I know] known as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg).

There are only two kinds of people who would engage in this kind of activity: dedicated fanatics or paid shills.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kosko - 03-06-2015

The ADL (Anti Defimatiom League) dosnt hide that they have staff that simply gets paid to monitor and troll for Israel hate. News groups who publish stories or editorials that are not kind will be hit with a barrage of emails and replies which has come to annoy media staff all around the nation. Since it isn't illegal here as it is in Europe they only have this sort of frame work for America mostly as American public opinion is critical to maintain in positive political light for Israel.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Repo - 03-06-2015

@ RealityCheck

Even the map you provided does not show al-Qaeda in Iran. Why is that?

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Foolsgo1d - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 10:40 AM)RealityCheck Wrote:  

Snipped for good measure

1: You cite Wikipedia as a serious point of knowledge

2: You honestly believe Sunni terrorists (AQ/Nusra Front , ISIS) would cooperate at a state and military level with a Shi'ite country such as Iran?

Sunni's regard Shi'ite Muslims as heretics and have focused primarily on killing them wherever they can find them as well as Westerners. Even now in Iraq the Iranian military is assisting Iraq and Syria, who are both Shi'ite to destroy the Sunni insurgency.

If any cooperation existed between Iran and Sunni terrorists it was a common goal in assisting Al'Qaeda to hurt NATO and American forces and political entities years ago.

They share a common enemy but they will kill each other regardless.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Sherman - 03-06-2015

There may be something to the claim that AIPAC has undue influence over a foreign government. The Saudi princes clapping after every sentence was really over the top.

Netanyahu speech gains tacit support in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Prepared to Let Israel Into Saudi Airspace to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites If Necessary

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kerouac - 03-06-2015

Ex-Mossad chief calls Netanyahu’s Iran speech ‘bullshit’

[Image: F110117MA14-635x357.jpg]


Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan lambasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a Channel 2 interview previewed Thursday, calling his speech before Congress “bullshit,” and charging that his policy vis-a-vis the Palestinians endangered the Zionist dream.

“The reality being championed by Netanyahu and [Jewish Home party leader Naftali] Bennett will result in a bi-national state. I think that’s a catastrophe,” Dagan said.

“In the Palestinian arena, [Netanyahu’s] policy will lead … to apartheid,” he told Channel 2 Thursday, adding that such an outcome will “end the Zionist dream.”

In a snippet from Dagan’s reaction to Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress on Tuesday — which he watched alongside a Channel 2 reporter — Dagan can be seen muttering at the screen “bullshit” after Netanyahu makes a point on Iran’s progress in its nuclear program.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Spectrumwalker - 03-06-2015

Once again the Israeli government lobbying the US government to get us to do their dirty work. The only reason Netanyahu and his cabinet want regime change in Iran is Iran is building a proxy empire. Iran through Syria is one of the only forces fighting the expansion of Israeli settlements into Palestinian territories. This also makes the Saudis look bad in the eyes of Muslims.

Its unsettling to see the Christian community become starry eyed and enamored with Israel. Even more insulting to hear Netanyahu himself talk about the tragedies of persecuted Christians in Arab lands. There are Christian communities in Palestinian lands who have their homes bulldozed and treated like dogs just the same as the Muslims.

Recall what Voltaire said. If you want to know who rules over you, simply find out who you can not criticize.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Feisbook Control - 03-07-2015

The sooner the world gets off oil, the sooner the civilised nations can leave all of the clowns in that region to their idiocy.

You know who loves all of this nonsense? China. They love it every time the US thinks about expending more blood and treasure pointlessly in that region. They love the US' version of nation building, as opposed to the Chinese version of nation building:

[Image: map-chinese-investments-in-africa.jpg]

They love the idea that the US keeps undermining itself and driving other nations into China's orbit. Iran is an observer to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. How long until they become a member simply because the US can't, or won't, stop rattling its sabre?

Congress really is full of clowns.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Libertas - 03-07-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 06:38 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

There may be something to the claim that AIPAC has undue influence over a foreign government. The Saudi princes clapping after every sentence was really over the top.

Netanyahu speech gains tacit support in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Prepared to Let Israel Into Saudi Airspace to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites If Necessary

And, as members on this forum will likely know, a lot of Saudi money has flowed to ISIS, though unofficially.

Our friends elsewhere in the Gulf are in the giving mood as well when they aren't shitting on Instagram whores.

It's starting look more and more clear that there might be something more sinister behind Obama's half-assed, pussified strategy to deal with ISIS, which the members of congress that so wildly cheered Bibi on appear to be a staged counterweight to.

I hate sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it looks really fishy.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - K Galt - 03-07-2015

Off-topic, but to introduce a little levity into the situation I'll post the only two Jewish jokes I know.

You just reminded me of a joke I once heard that had something to do with Matt Forney's thought, "...let the Israelis fight their own wars for once."

Joke: What is the Israeli Zionist's favorite war song?

Onward Christian Soldiers.

[Image: angel.gif]

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - BortimusPrime - 03-07-2015

Quote: (03-06-2015 12:22 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Israel has range with its ICB Jericho missiles for a lot of Western Europe. Its big nukes were always intended to deter Europe, it was never practical to nuke its Arab rivals as they would be poisoned too. Due to the fracture of Western military might which has been reduced to a tin can partnership of France and the UK, plus as Israel knows all of Frances nuclear codes and secrets, and knows much of the UKs from its partnership with rouge South Africa back in the day. If shit hits the fan for Israel the skies turn red in London and Paris not it Ramallah or Beirut.

I've never understood the logic behind the Samson option. As I understand it, if Israel is attacked (presumably by an Islamic nation or coalition of Islamic nations) and about to fall even under conventional military power, they nuke Western Europe unless they receive military assistance.

For starters, it's unlikely that there wouldn't have been some sort of assistance or intervention prior to that point, but say Europe did refuse help (say because Israel started the war in the first place) and the Jews destroy the cultural centers of Western Civilization out of spite. Now all the Israelis will have been exterminated by whoever attacked them, but the entire remaining Jewish diaspora is going to be utterly reviled in what was previously the only safe place for them: Western Society. This would be an act many orders of magnitude worse than killing Jesus and the resulting pogroms by either governments or failing that vigilantes would result in the complete genocide they seem to desperately want to avoid.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Old Fritz - 03-07-2015

Quote: (03-07-2015 02:50 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2015 06:38 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

There may be something to the claim that AIPAC has undue influence over a foreign government. The Saudi princes clapping after every sentence was really over the top.

Netanyahu speech gains tacit support in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Prepared to Let Israel Into Saudi Airspace to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites If Necessary

And, as members on this forum will likely know, a lot of Saudi money has flowed to ISIS, though unofficially.

Our friends elsewhere in the Gulf are in the giving mood as well when they aren't shitting on Instagram whores.

It's starting look more and more clear that there might be something more sinister behind Obama's half-assed, pussified strategy to deal with ISIS, which the members of congress that so wildly cheered Bibi on appear to be a staged counterweight to.

I hate sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it looks really fishy.

Boko Haram has pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Now ISIS control territory in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Nigeria. I think they've had skirmishes in Lebanon as well.

I am starting to think the powers that be are deliberately allowing this shit to spread.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Rutting Elephant - 03-07-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 01:40 PM)The Ligurian Wrote:  

look at a map. Israel is surrounded on all sides by people who would happily destroy it

US bases encircle Iran

[Image: attachment.jpg25121]   


"So, these bases are not necessarily because of Iran, but certainly Iran has given the US a compelling reason to further the number of bases," Kamrava told Al Jazeera. "But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Iran is encircled militarily."

"We are obliged to respect the stated desires of various host countries, who have asked that we not acknowledge details of any US presence on their sovereign soil," Oscar Seara, public affairs officer at CENTCOM, told Al Jazeera in an email.

"Partner-nation sensitivities limit what we are able to say about our military relationships," Seara said, when asked to confirm or deny information about the bases in the map above. [Not the meme!]

57,479 "undistributed" troops around the world - on unknown assignment in unspecified locations.

the US Navy has announced the summer 2012 launch of a floating mothership base likely to be deployed in the Gulf. The converted USS Ponce warship is slated to be used by the Navy on anti-piracy missions and for "containment" of Iran.