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Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - nomadbrah - 01-10-2017

Quote: (01-10-2017 11:53 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Why did you quit House of Cards?

When the show became about Putin hate and faggotry.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - UlteriorMotive - 01-10-2017

Quote: (01-10-2017 07:38 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

This confused the shit out of me too.

What I got from it was that it had something to do with what he had said to Helga on the journey there about "Wanting more out of this life" and that after he had seen what Rolo had gained by siding with the Franks.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - nomadbrah - 01-10-2017

Twin Peaks is coming up, no need to watch SJW garbage.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Gmac - 01-10-2017

Quote: (01-10-2017 03:10 PM)UlteriorMotive Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2017 07:38 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

This confused the shit out of me too.

What I got from it was that it had something to do with what he had said to Helga on the journey there about "Wanting more out of this life" and that after he had seen what Rolo had gained by siding with the Franks.


I got why the characters reacted the way they did, in theory. My issue was how the writers/producers painted the muslims as basically innocent, pacifistic saints. That fucking imam gets his head chopped off right in front of 50 worshippers and you wanna tell me they have ZERO reaction? That confused me.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - OCZ - 01-10-2017

Quote: (01-05-2017 01:57 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The propaganda is fucking amazing and getting worse there.

The show is only watchable via fast-forward now despite the masculine white warriors shown.

The recent episode overdid it.

Not only is that stupid shieldmaiden bitch shown as a regal queen who killed the mother of Ragnar's sons - all the sons who would later become legends of the Vikings. Yeah right - and they depict her honor guard as super-masculine-looking female warriors. And they make her a lesbian as well.

So we have:

Feminism - super check
Gay propaganda - super check
and now
Islam pushing - super check

Somehow they changed the history and made the Vikings hit on Muslims instead of the Italian shore that Biorn Ironside really reached. And then they obviously picked one of those 5 dozen cases where the Whites or Christians actually attacked "peaceful" Muslims. In the end they are so impressed with their strongest men praying in the mosque (instead of defending their people) that they let them live.

In reality there are numerous accounts of Viking men being kidnapped and enslaved by Muslims over the history - some of them made it back and that is why we know about it. The reverse - of Muslims being kidnapped and sold as slaves up north - well that really almost never happened, but hey - history is what the globalists make it and not what it truly was.

I agree with you, the show started to go in a very SJW-direction in the last seaons and when ride spanish and there was no resistance of the muslims made it look quite ridiculous. I hope they start fixing and blood all around start running again, cause i may stop buying this shit.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Rigsby - 01-19-2017

Quote: (01-05-2017 01:57 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The propaganda is fucking amazing and getting worse there.

The show is only watchable via fast-forward now despite the masculine white warriors shown.

It's called 'the poz'. Anything good and holy and unformed will become diluted and hateful and fully-formed in some kind of false deity's image, even if that deity was 'advertising/marketing/population brainwashing/propaganda'.

I was looking to see what would happen, genuinely curious and taken in like the little boy at heart, I am. But it got the poz, and the signs were there last series. Always. You can tell.

Jesus, can you not just tell a fucking story without modern day moralising and virtue-signalling? Not a question.

Embarrassing. Actors that first made their name in this series, then being whored out in someone elses higher vision, later in the project. Sad.

A year or two back, whilst sufficiently hung-over, whilst sufficiently abundant in 'pick-me-ups' - I could have T'd a series of this and binge watched. But my god, I'll be damned if I risk hard imprisonment, such are the laws now in my country, for this feminazi fuck fantasy! Fuck them.


Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Quintus Curtius - 01-20-2017



I've noticed that revisionists, SJWs, feminists, and wusses have developed slick strategies to try to get around the very un-PC things they find in old texts or any history before 1950. Here are some of the games.

Dilution: Old sentiments or ideas are diluted with modern PC doctrines

Omission: Modern scholars simply ignore what contradicts their PC agenda

Redirection: Modern scholars will deflect uncomfortable truths by twisting them into some distorted frame that "takes the harsh edge" off

Re-interpretation: With this trick, modern scholars stamp new PC meanings on factual scenarios that have been settled for centuries

The net effect is to try to whitewash out of existence anything that does not fit the PC agenda. The only way to fight back is to know more than they do and hit them back with the truth over and over and over again.


Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-20-2017

Observations from the last episode - I am too morbidly curious and at least white more or less positive warriors are shown there:

+ Floki will become Muslim - that is as good as certain (the makers have also season 5 with 20 episodes to make it happen)

+ The warrior-queen who actually was not the mother of Bjorn (but it was Aslaug who got killed) - she will be the supreme super-wise-super-strong-super-queen - she makes the Vikings great again and even uses a shovel doing grunt work - how very marxist of her

+ The sons of Ragnar are cucks and share their wives (who previously got shared by everyone - we know that men love marrying sluts and not being certain whether the child was his) The makers made up shit of Vikings "sharing women". This is utter bullshit - the only thing that they likely shared was slave girls and town sluts. They certainly did not share their lawfully wedded wives.

+ As we are on the topic of the wedding - the likelihood of female priestesses marrying off couples is utterly moronic - everything is feminism - "History-Channel" is about as truthful about real history as CNN

+ they clearly depict Christianity as moronic and weak, you can see it how this one king prays instead of preparing and rides out with his bishop into battle. Also the human sacrifice is being done on a young Jesus-look-alike. You gotta realize that our globalist elite is likely very "occult" in their secret ceremonies - so this kind of thing fits the bill well. (not that Christian chiefs back then behaved any better than the Vikings - in those times it did not matter much whether you were ruled by a Viking king or a Christian lord - both were equally barbaric [or ethical depending on the king] in the 7th century).

+ it still struck me as funny when I saw the sons of Ragnar united in battle and accepting the leadership of one - generally that is how men behave when they honestly assess each other's strength (it was funny to me because I thought of all the schism, the brother-killing and internal wars that were happening in the Islamic world right to the very end - a Sultan usually killed all his brothers and even the early Kalifs often died due to treason)

The show will certainly ramp up feminism, Islam-loving, anti-Christanity - and lots of other things. And in the process they will keep on rewriting history along neo-marxist cuck-friendly feminist anti-Islamophobic lines.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - sterling_archer - 01-20-2017

So, Harald Finehair has oneitis for random princess. Sad!

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Elster - 01-20-2017

I only saw the first season, but from what I'm reading I'm quite happy I didnt follow through.

Here's something involving vikings and muslims that is much less cucked and much more classic:

(Make Vikings Great Again!

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Ivanis - 01-20-2017

Quote: (01-20-2017 05:50 PM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

So, Harald Finehair has oneitis for random princess. Sad!

Low energy! 'Gedum outta here!

[Image: Y6Z2Z9.gif]

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 02-06-2017

Quote: (01-20-2017 03:01 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Observations from the last episode - I am too morbidly curious and at least white more or less positive warriors are shown there:

+ Floki will become Muslim - that is as good as certain (the makers have also season 5 with 20 episodes to make it happen)

What is happening to Vikings is sad. What I loved about the show is they actually used real history to inspire the story. There actually was an instance of a Viking leader pretending to be dead in a coffin in order to gain access to the citadel. However that incident took place I think in Sicily and the Vikings were working for the Romans (Byzantines).

The Romans used the Vikings as supreme mercenaries. The Vikings made more money working for the Emperor in Constantinople that they got from raiding. It was a plum job to have. I was hoping when the map showing the Mediterranean was captured, the story arc would have the Vikings meet the Roman empire.

But I guess the Vikings working for (at the time) the Christian power in the region didn't fit the SJW mindset of the writers. So instead, we have to have a pro Muslim story arc.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - realologist - 02-06-2017

For all the criticisms that were very fair with the show, the last two episodes did a much better job at flipping back.

Lagertha's army of women was fucked up and only won due to smart planning(Lagertha was known as being a shield maiden).

The sons of Ragnar get revenge. Ivar is a brilliant strategist and wants to take England. Bjorn is a beast and wants to conquer the Mediterranean.

Floki is shooting towards more of a wanderer like Harbard. This will fulfill his greater purpose and earlier in the season he had visions from Harbard.

We'll see where the next season goes but I still have high hopes for the show.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Meat Head - 02-07-2017

They need a charismatic actor to replace Travis. If I were them I would get the guy who played Ramsey in Game of Thrones, or the guy who played King Joffrey.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-07-2017

'Meat Head'
They need a charismatic actor to replace Travis. If I were them I would get the guy who played Ramsey in Game of Thrones, or the guy who played King Joffrey.

The producers already did that:

[Image: VIKINGS.png]

He was in the last scene now in bed. The producers are lefists marxist propagandist scum, but they are not dumb.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - sterling_archer - 02-07-2017

Probably a choice to draw more women audience

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Wreckingball - 02-07-2017

Last episode was mighty shitty. I will see how the new season will look like, but it does not bode well...

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Ivanis - 02-07-2017

Quote: (02-07-2017 02:55 AM)Meat Head Wrote:  

They need a charismatic actor to replace Travis. If I were them I would get the guy who played Ramsey in Game of Thrones, or the guy who played King Joffrey.

That'll be Ivar. He is the most like Ragnar and I think will be a complete boss in the next season. Granted it is still watchable.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Icarus - 09-24-2017

Despite the you-go-girlism and the ninja-like shieldmaidens, Vikings is (to the best of my knowledge) the only thing on TV that still teaches men to be men. I am thinking of quotes like the following:


No man should trust the word of a woman. The hearts of women were turned on a whirling wheel. To love a fickle woman is like setting out over ice with a two-year-old colt. Or sailing a ship without a rudder.


[Image: ypJrvPE.jpg]

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Icarus - 09-24-2017

From the Hávamál:

Quote:Odin Wrote:

The speech of a maiden should no man trust
nor the words which a woman says;
for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel
and falsehood fixed in their breasts.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Ivanis - 09-24-2017

Season 5 was announced and starts November 25th.

As for all of the neomasculine qualities of the show, I wholeheartedly agree. Norse mythology is an extremely masculine and patriarchal text in the first place, I'm still amazed that the PC police have let it go on even as it is now. Dangerous to have male teens looking up to masculine men and seeing what their ancestors used to act like. Hopefully it will inspire some to reach towards that goal.

As for season 5, I hope we get a Rollo war rampage, and some Ivar action. That'd make me happy.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Cane Toad - 09-24-2017

More of this would be good

[Image: 2jenrl5.gif]

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Matt3B - 09-25-2017

After reading the past two pages, I'm glad I stopped watching a few seasons ago.

I was getting pissed off when they were taking women on their raids, and then when Lagertha became an Earl. It was too much for me.

I was getting more and more bored towards the end of season 4 I think (when Ragnar comes back and asks who wants to be king). Watched one episode of the new series and couldn't be arsed with it anymore. What a load of shit. The first couple of seasons were decent.

It all gets a bit much for me nowadays. I recently started watching House of Cards. Season 1 was brilliant, and by the time it got to season 5, you could see modern day identity politics becoming more prevalent.

For example, the black girl in the Washington Herald who appeared out of nowhere gets asked "who does that look like on the train platform?" whilst watching CCTV footage. Her reply: "it looks like just another white guy to me".

And then they put one of the generals in the situation room as a woman. They were all watching cam footage of soldiers shooting a terrorist and her reaction was to flinch and squeal. Ridiculous.

Making the president gay was fucking shameless too.

Edit - I keep editing this post [Image: lol.gif]

Suits has turned fully gash too. I used to love that show. The latest season is pathetic.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-25-2017

Quote: (09-24-2017 08:44 PM)Cane Toad Wrote:  

More of this would be good

[Image: 2jenrl5.gif]

She got killed by a Muslim girl. Afterwards her husband - the genius inventor - will very likely join Islam, because he is oh so impressed with the glorious religion of peace that was even known for capturing Viking soldiers and keeping them in captivity (there are accounts left of returning ones who managed to flee).

The propaganda in the series is so absolutely overwhelming that you might as well watch CNN. Yes - you will see masculine white warriors - and they get bested by ball-busting lesbian women on equal terms. The women have little penises. Extra plus for showing Islam as the most peaceful religion that Vikings love to convert to.

[Image: Q06gg_s-200x150.gif]

Also they love to show Christianity in a weak light and slaughter them without a thought, because that religion is the devil.

Who's watching Vikings on the History channel? - sterling_archer - 09-25-2017

It would be interesting to see typical day in their office and how they are discussing plot of the series.