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Player's Log / Lounge - DVY - 06-08-2013

Everybody takes an L from time to time, even the veterans. McQueen and I bounced 2 different sets of girls and got mad c-blocked. We were out hunting the Hollywood strip for at least an hour and half past 2am.

1) First set of girls were both on molly and down to hang out. 21-22 year olds, plus I had an extra girl in the car as a throwaway for another boy. Girls get a call from friend- shes retarded wasted, failing over herself drunk, puking madly. Dammit. We were on our way already to smash. Dropped them off.

2) Mcqueen is raving about how we just got cockblocked by a cellphone call. We laugh about how we need to install a cell jammer in the car. We decide to do some street-game at 3am. Park in front of star hookah, and start talking to all the girls walking by. We succeed in bouncing 2 of the first girls to another afterhours club. Total time spent of the street-3 mins or less. Mcqueen hops in the cab, I follow in the car. He told me he had his fingers in her pussy w/in 1 minute+ making out. We get to the club, and they aren't letting anybody in- promoter, VIP, baller or anybody. Girls turn on us. Refuse offer for hookah bar.

3) We decide to go towards Jack-n-the box (sunset and cahuenga) to spit some street game. End up going to BK instead. No girls anywhere.

Getting c-blocked twice in 1 night by unforeseen circumstances

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 06-08-2013

Only in Toronto does 30 approaches leave you with nothing but a flaky number.

I was in my zone yesterday transitioning from getting smashed at work and gaming broads there. I get good with these two Scottish bimbos with nice racks (the accent makes all Scott lady's sound dumb, no offense, just my take on it lol). One was tall and really cute, she was taller then me so I was hesitant but she was down. We are supposed to meet tonight at my fav bar but not holding my breath if she shows up, will see her all week at work so not to fazed. I was dumb not at least chopping her contact info but this broad strait up pen and papers the details so who knows.

That was a good lead up to my night since I was buzzing and vibing from the Streetcar to the bar. Opened evrey girl whom gave me a boner on the street, in line, didnt matter. in the bar went to work on about 8 prospects. See all fizzled since I was probably to impatient to get them to the point of where I could smell the time to escelate and work my caveman style but I was not feeling down as I could feel a breakthrough comming. After the bar I approached girls on the street outside the bar, I get in in good with this redhead whom lives like 10mins from me if that The vibe and energy was there and we both want to maul each other. I may be a student of game still but I'm seasoned enough to smell when a lady is 'about it' and vibing for your meat. Couldn't keep her hands of me, and the kiss was on some heavy fever type shit. I'm laughing in my head at this point because I just struck gold, it's going to go down and now I'm just thinking of how I will get her into this cab very low key.

But wait now ..
So how did I not end up fuking this broad?
Because of course here in Godless Toronto nothing is certian. Even my 99% sureness I was going to fuck this girl something has to come up;

Typical Toronto bullshit with a nuclear cockblock comming out of nowhere - She was negotiating with her friend on basically wanting to ditch her to take a cab with me back to our end. I try to be that good guy and talk her friend up also but her mood changed when she could tell her friend (the redhead) was down for me. In some quick fashion she goes nuts and starts barking on how "I should etertain her first to prove I'm worthy to get her friends number"

Lol!? What!

I diffuse it by talking with the bouncer I'm cool with and say bluntly that I don't work for free like that. And drop a line how I act and don't do any fuckery like that. Then I dissed her about the circus in my area which the redhead knew exactly about since this building is full of freaks an started laughing at her friend. I'm thinking I'm good since I just threw up an Israeli missle shield to her nuke shit test but then like a old woman grabs her friend the redhead and says "were going home now!". I'm kinda in disbelief this all happened, her friend was a strait up hater the rest of thier crew was cool. But this fuking mother hen had to nuke two peoples shit since I assume her snatch laid barren and dry.

But agian I was vibing and went on to another group of girls. I end up chatting with some phony Christian blondie with a loser BF (she hesitantly amidited it, before going on a rant of how wack he is lol). I end up getting her all over me an set a date for next week, agian just a number which is worth nothing in this City so I'm not expecting much if anything.

The moral of my story is that never have I been so locked in and on that right vibe and not be rewarded for my efforts. Never in my life have I had that "feeling" where things are just going great and words and actions seems to just be on point and it not lead to something. Hell even in DC I got more action of even a lesser of effort. Some may say you gotta put in these numbers daily to see traction and I agree with that somewhat. But for me I am a energy and a environment guy, it is important for me to try and move and shift things to get that right setting. This can be proven in instances where I set the energy and environment right and just surgically just make one or two approaches to be successful. So when both fail (energy and qunaity of approahes)I kind of just sit confused trying to make sense of it all.

Toronto is no new theme here on the forum but it never gets old trying to contextualize what happens here in the trenches. I'm not even upset or mad because I know I put in a good effort, kinda spent more money then I wanted to but whatever. What floors me is that in retrospect any other time that I was in that "vibe" I always ended up hiring something. Toronto is doing a lot of harm to my game because it's hard to judge progress here. Any other place I would of been sucrssfull last night, especially with that redhead. We could both smell the fever coming out of our pores, these things defy the laws of the world. Two people should but be in a fever for sex with each other and not end up banging. 'shit happens' but sometimes when you make shit.... happen you should see some result. My game suffers now because it's do hard to now look back at what was postive from last night.

I'm hungover as shit. Debating of skipping the gym is wise but going to hear out agian tonight it the Scottie Blondie shows up cool. If not I still got my fav bar to go do work in - not accepting defeat tonight

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-08-2013

(TL;DR version at the bottom of post, I tend to be wordy)

My client's friend's birthday party was kind of a bust. I only brought 1 girl with me (brought three first/last time I did this) and she was running late as fuck and was already kind of drunk. It would've been fine to bring 1 girl but when we finally showed late for the pre-party these guys had the complete opposite ratio of last time. Last time it was about a 3 girl to 1 guy ratio. Still, we had a good time in the limo and the promoter dude changed the venue up and we ended up at the same place as last time.

There were a decent amount of girls at that spot and I did talk a few of them up, but none I was really that attracted to. I socialized with the guys and other people in the party for a while, then Yoga Chick wanted to dance, so we hit up the dance floor for a while. I spotted a couple smoking hot chicks on the dance floor so I dropped off Yoga Chick after a little while at the table and went back to the dance floor solo and found them. There was an almost persian looking girl with a pretty revealing dress on and the other a white girl with just slightly reddish hair which I'm not usually into at all.

I danced with both of them a bit but couldn't really isolate and my target wasn't really being that open so I made some comment about the gogo dancer (I can't remember exactly) and she showed me a picture on her phone of her abs, which was her in little booty shorts and MY GOD the ass and stomach on this bitch. She was tall too, only 2 inches shorter than me in heels. I think I was gaining ground at that point but then kind of lost it. I just was too drunk and didn't have my wits about me. Sucks.

Saw her later by the bathroom and gave her some shit and I don't even recall why exactly (it didn't even make that much sense with the conversation), but I smacked her on the ass, hard. Not lightly. I mean, pretty damn hard. She gave me this look of astonishment and I just instantly went into the unbreakable frame, like, "what?" and then she started giving me shit about the girls bathroom (I'd smacked her ass just as she was going into it and then stuck my foot at the door to keep it open, she was almost but not quite in the restroom). I don't know if I could've done anything with it at that point, but god that was fun to smack her ass that hard. It just kind of died, but I didn't get thrown out and she pretty much didn't freak out because of my frame (I imagine).

Saw her after again and tried to say something to her but she gave me a weird look and took off with her friend dragging her out of the area.

Danced some more with Yoga Chick who is still obviously way into me, she was absolutely LOVING the dancing. I'm not that amazing but I'm half decent (all that most women need really) and I started dancing with her in the wide hallway/entrance/exit to the club and we were getting lots of attention from people strolling in and out of the entrance.

Then Yoga Chick and I left about an hour before closing time and split a cab back to my place. Put Yoga Chick to bed on the couch and got her some water, then even though my FWB Maria had stopped responding to my texts about what local bar she was at with our mutual friends, I walked out to see if I could find her or spit at some other girls. Just before I was about to go to another random bar to look around I got a text from her and they were across the street. I couldn't get in anymore (too late) so I waited a few minutes outside and hit the one bar that's open late. Bought the two mutual friends and Maria the last round there, then when it closed I brought Maria home with me and fucked her seven ways from Sunday, animal style. Hit it again in the morning.

I don't think we woke up Yoga Chick, but I guess it doesn't matter since we all went to breakfast where the guy at the table next to us was hitting on Yoga Chick and Maria like crazy. Fun/funny guy, though so I didn't get in his way (he asked if I was the boyfriend of either of them and both girls said no). Besides, he wasn't going to get any of them either. He bought me a snakebite (Guinness w/ some Pear Cider, mostly dark, clear spot at the bottom). Tasty.

TL;DR: Halfass gaming resulted in nothing but a sweet ass smacking that could've got me thrown out of the club but I pulled frame. Dissappointed in myself, but got laid at the end of the night by searching out the FWB and did NOT hook up with the Yoga Chick that's way into me, just used her as a wingwoman all night. Dude hitting on both girls in the morning bought me a beer. Okay with it.

Quote: (06-08-2013 01:55 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Only in Toronto does 30 approaches leave you with nothing but a flaky number.

kosko, entertaining night, sounds like you really made the best of what you had to work with. Your attitude will get you success despite what sounds like challenging circumstance. Don't skip the gym.

Player's Log / Lounge - Rootless - 06-08-2013

After kind of LTR, I had a cold strike of 33 days, went on a few semi-succsesful dates but nothing more then a make out.
Met a girl few days ago but failed to bounce to my place.
Side note: for the first time I switched venue, I will speculate that it have a major effect to my success.
All newbies reading this, start doing it as of now.
Back to the story, she texted me the next day, she tried to set up a meeting to yesterday, I have other plans so I met her today.
Bounced from a pub to my place, used some advice from here not to say but just do it.
I mention I know a cool place and started moving to my place, at the front door she said "that's a nice pub you said" to which I replied "I never said it's a pub...." waited 10 minutes before escalation and fired away.
All went great till she said "we can't have sex tonight", my mind was racing to counter the shit test (beside "your going too fast for me", anything else?), but turns out that she's on her period, and for her it's a no-go.
Got a blow job.
Almost shot myself in the head when she said " I don't usually do this and I stupidly said "do what?"
[Image: facepalm.png]
But I managed to reframe it and save.
Got other another BJ.

TL;DR: Didn't seal the deal due to her period, got BJs.
Cold strike isn't officially over, but my balls are less heavy.

Player's Log / Lounge - Que enspastic - 06-09-2013

got slapped by a girl for the first time on thursday, pushed things a bit too far. girl was into playing power games with me and i unzipped the back of her dress for a laugh, in front of her friends in a club.

Player's Log / Lounge - TheBlackNarwhal - 06-10-2013

I'm supposed to meet up with this girl tonight around 7, she's picking me up (That's awfully nice [Image: wink.gif] ) and I'm working this other chick who is moving from bum-fuck nowhere in the desert to being centrally located in the town near me. Boo ya.

Player's Log / Lounge - WesternCancer - 06-10-2013

I was gonna go approach this girl on the hyperextension machine because all I saw was awesome cleavage and an amazing ass. She finishes the rep and is beyond busted... Pimples, bad teeth big beaky nose.

Then later this cute girl smiled at me but she had that 2months post lesbian cut Justin beiber haircut and that also killed my boner.

I've seen a lot more hot girls walking around, but I've been really lackluster when it comes to leaving my house and approaching them

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-10-2013

Already posted about Friday. Saturday was basically a big round of don't get anything done with a quick visit to Kay thrown in the middle. Had some decent conversation and tried to escalate physically but she wasn't having it except for one moment when I might've failed a shit test when she said, "Oh really?" and gave me a look when I just moved right into her and laid one on her. Don't know though since her door was open and she had roommates home and dog was in the room and she was starting her period.

Best bet when you're not sure about a girl and she's starting her period and she's not being open about being physical, leave, so I did.

Saturday night I was a stupid ass and went out dancing with Yoga Chick and her friends who all were pretty lame other than they bought me a round or two of drinks. Woke up Sunday morning ass early to go drive far to get rid of my snake (don't handle him so no reason to have him around), went to parent's afterwards for breakfast, was supposed to call the nineteen year old and go get my phone fixed over in her area but I was so hungover I fell asleep on my parent's couch for over 3 hours, sweated out the alcohol, then went and got my phone fixed.

Had planned to cook for my friend's/neighbors before I went and drank too damn much the night before but people were depending on me so I pulled it out of my ass and went grocery shopping and got it all done.

Maria (the fuckbuddy) came over for the dinner, she was sad from her family member dying and then multiple friends from school dying. My roommate and her went to the hot tub afterwards where I saw my other friend who just had his girlfriend of 5 years cheat on him, break up with him, then start dating his "friend" who apparently lives across the street from him and is on all his sports teams with him. Just goes to show you how fucked up women can be. She was about to move in with the dude.

The nineteen year old ended up being sick and unable to hang out anyway (when I finally texted her apologizing for not hitting her up when I said I would). The russian Ayla chick stopped responding.

Kind of a fucked up weekend. I'm exhausted and work has gone shitty, but tomorrow I go out with some friends and I'm going to have a damn good time but not drink too much. Tonight I clean up my place to make it female hospitable again, just in case I manage to get back into a good state tomorrow night. My goal is to just finish this damn week then have fun at the bachelor party this weekend and game the fuck out of girls (it's not in my area so I can try some over the top shit).

Maybe I'll have Maria over tonight so I can empty into her after having her help me clean up the house. I need to have these women in my life help me more. They are more willing than you'd think. Sunday Elle cleaned ALL my dishes before I made a mess again without me even asking.

Player's Log / Lounge - Plutoman - 06-10-2013

My buddy and I decided to flip things up and just go around and ask girls if they wanted to go home with us. Apocalypse-style, basically. Maybe a little more sophisticated, but similar. Whew, that was a run of being shut down mercilessly. Almost landed the last set but it dropped off from the third girl's boyfriend being smashed drunk.

Close. Was fun. After that, I feel like I can do anything and just not care what people think.

Gamed some porn-star-esque girl.. totally not my type, but I did well enough that she asked me out the next day. After a couple hours with her I was done and just took her home and dropped her off. She's hot, but good lord I was just so tired of putting up with her at the end of the night that I just wanted to go to bed. Now she's hanging on my buddy, who's also like.. what the heck. We'll bounce off her as a winggirl, she's got a lot of hot friends.
-Lessons learned: My desperation compared to a year ago is uhh, gone. I could really care less. I need an emotional connection to really enjoy the time with a girl. My game's getting significantly tighter with my 'on' nights (where I feel good, feel like I own the place), and it shows when hot girls start hitting me up.

Now, I should have taken my notes.. it was some of the best game I had to get that girl, but it came way more naturally than any other night prior, and I didn't even take notes to figure out what was right. All I remember is just being like - "What are you about?" Sympathetic on some break-up she had a few weeks back, but pushed the subject away to what she enjoys, got her talking about herself, got in some kino/hugs, did a phone number pull mid-convo when we talked about a common area we both liked, told her we should go down there together, and then left her to talk to my buddies. Later, she was going to party, I didn't care and let her go, and flirted with a couple of her friends pretty intensely in front of her. During that, she started pressing up against my arm. As she left the bar to go continue partying, she came to say bye and I pulled her in for a quick kiss instead of a stereotypical friendly hug. I was just happy I out-gamed my 6'6" built friend. It's usually pretty difficult to do that, 'specially when he's got age (16 years on me, he usually says 30 though), more money, etc etc.

That's the extent of what I remember.. wish I could get more specific.

Player's Log / Lounge - Millz - 06-11-2013

Got a date coming up this week with an Iranian/Tanzanian chick.. 18, nice body and a solid 6 maybe even a 7 with effort.
Went on a date with her last time in Canning Town (London UK) because I was in the area and she wanted to meet up. Went to a cafe to talk build rapport and generally see if I like her or not but she isn't bad.
Taking her on a shopping date. You guys should try this basically what you do is take a chick out with you pretending you need her advice on some form of clothing, Walk into different shops talking, making jokes building rapport and what not.
I usually stop off in a few clothes shops and talk about how gay the clothing is and how it looks like I could rip these jeans off from the side like a stripper. Go into a sex shop and walk about listening to what she has to say as you can learn alot here then go get some food. Go into a game shop pretending I'm looking for a rare game then kiss close at some point during the day.
This tech is more used when I find a girl I wanna keep in my rotation more than anything.

Player's Log / Lounge - TheBlackNarwhal - 06-11-2013

Met up with said girl around 8:30 and drove around my little town. The interaction was going very well with me trying to build comfort, but I got the vibe she wasn't exactly DTF for tonight. Coupled with that fact she told me not to long ago she messed around with coke and xanex had me take my foot off the gas a little. She also smokes so I'll take that as she wanna poke. Hopefully today when we go down to Venice (she suggested) I'll have a better time escalating physically.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-11-2013

I hooked up with this Polish regular of mine a couple days ago. She's saying all this stuff like "I'm going to marry a nice guy with a small dick and you're going to die alone with your big dick"

A lot of Polish girls have these hi-pitched voices.. it's the opposite of in America where we have Vocal fry dominating.

Blitzing on Tinder today. I'm going blast all my OKCupid chicks as well.

Has anyone had success with "Bang with Friends" ?

Player's Log / Lounge - Christian McQueen - 06-11-2013

^^^Funny how chicks speak from a script. I've heard that exact same line.

My response?

Me: "Nah, there will always be another chick like you to hop on it. It's irresistible."

Her: silence

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 01:19 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

^^^Funny how chicks speak from a script. I've heard that exact same line.

My response?

Me: "Nah, there will always be another chick like you to hop on it. It's irresistible."

Her: silence

She keeps saying that I have another girlfriend too. She sends me texts like "I want to feel your dick in my pussy, my mouth, and my ass."

Some Polish girls are really crazy. This one must have had miles and miles of cock in her life.

Player's Log / Lounge - Christian McQueen - 06-11-2013


The hysterical part is some guy one day is going to put her on a pedestal and believe her when she says she's been with 'just 7 guys honey' and marry her.

For some reason I have the Good Luck Chuck 'curse' and 3 of my exes got married within a year after we broke up.

I look at these cats and shake my head because they probably have no idea how badly I turned their precious wives out.

"Good sir, do you know that mouth you kissed at the altar? Well she used to lick my ass."

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 02:49 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  


The hysterical part is some guy one day is going to put her on a pedestal and believe her when she says she's been with 'just 7 guys honey' and marry her.

For some reason I have the Good Luck Chuck 'curse' and 3 of my exes got married within a year after we broke up.

I look at these cats and shake my head because they probably have no idea how badly I turned their precious wives out.

"Good sir, do you know that mouth you kissed at the altar? Well she used to lick my ass."

Apparently I banged her crazy like six times when we first met.. I remember saying shit like "whose pussy is this?" She said "Yours etc." She said all this wild shit like "My pussy... she is in love" I think she's kind of crazy actually.

Anyway, I'm meeting up with a girl from my mass text blast in five min.

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-03-2013 07:34 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Where can I go from here?

Set up a date. If she is not down to hang out with you then she is not down to bang you.

My sense is that you were a little too silly and she was not taking you serious. You went from very sexually to very silly. This may have been entertaining to her but that doesn't mean that she wants to hang out with you. You may have confused her.

You probably could have set the date if you would have asked her earlier. You just continued to make jokes and she may have lost interest because you were not aggressive enough..? Sometimes, girls don't like it when we beat around the bush. Sometimes, they want us to take charge. There is a time to be child-like but also a time to be a man. You started off sexually agressive but then turned to being a clown (no offense)

I think you would have been better off sticking to your original frame and just said -- "lets have a drink later this week"

If you are not closing, then you are just entertaining.

Take a few days off from texting her, if she texts you, try to set a date.

If she doesn't text you, wait a few more days, then re-contact her and try to set a date.

If she doesn't agre to a date after you have asked her 3 times, move on.

I thought you texts were playful but a little too clownish.

Once you get her to laugh once or twice, set the date and show her the stronger, masculine side of yourself. Girls don't like it if we are too much of a clown. It's like we are trying to hard to entertain them. We have to advance from humoring them to seducing them.

Make a connection, get a few laughs, set the date. Don't be an entertainer.

Player's Log / Lounge - Nascimento - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 03:25 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (06-03-2013 07:34 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Where can I go from here?

Set up a date. If she is not down to hang out with you then she is not down to bang you.

My sense is that you were a little too silly and she was not taking you serious. You went from very sexually to very silly. This may have been entertaining to her but that doesn't mean that she wants to hang out with you. You may have confused her.

You probably could have set the date if you would have asked her earlier. You just continued to make jokes and she may have lost interest because you were not aggressive enough..? Sometimes, girls don't like it when we beat around the bush. Sometimes, they want us to take charge. There is a time to be child-like but also a time to be a man. You started off sexually agressive but then turned to being a clown (no offense)

I think you would have been better off sticking to your original frame and just said -- "lets have a drink later this week"

If you are not closing, then you are just entertaining.

Take a few days off from texting her, if she texts you, try to set a date.

If she doesn't text you, wait a few more days, then re-contact her and try to set a date.

If she doesn't agre to a date after you have asked her 3 times, move on.

I thought you texts were playful but a little too clownish.

Once you get her to laugh once or twice, set the date and show her the stronger, masculine side of yourself. Girls don't like it if we are too much of a clown. It's like we are trying to hard to entertain them. We have to advance from humoring them to seducing them.

Make a connection, get a few laughs, set the date. Don't be an entertainer.

Yeah that definitely is something that I've been thinking about recently. Amusing and not closing.

I'm going to try a more direct and to the point style of texting, and try to make my interactions more straight forward than they have been recently.

Player's Log / Lounge - Giovonny - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 03:40 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Yeah that definitely is something that I've been thinking about recently. Amusing and not closing.

I'm going to try a more direct and to the point style of texting, and try to make my interactions more straight forward than they have been recently.

Just keep working and experimenting.

It's tricky balance sometimes. Direct but not overly sexual. Playful but not overly clownish.

It's an art form. We constantly have to adjust to the reaction of the girl we are working on.

Use humor as a way to get her comfortable, but, once she is comfortable and giving you a chance, escalate to setting the date.

I think you have learned a lot from this experience. Keep it up.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-11-2013

Just finished my second date of the day. Both girls came back to my house and made out with me, but no bang. I think I'm moving too much or my energy is vibrating too high like the red head guy from RSD

I have a feeling these Tinder girls just want you to be the strong/silent type and really are looking for an intense SNL instead of a date where you do all that DHV shit.

She's probably fucking some other guy right now.

Player's Log / Lounge - GenJx - 06-11-2013

^^ you got 2 dates off tinder?

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-11-2013

Quote: (06-11-2013 11:45 PM)GenJx Wrote:  

^^ you got 2 dates off tinder?

I've been on Tinder since Sunday, swiping without looking. Got three numbers. One date tonight with a Yoga instructor who I'm 95% certain is giant slut because she's got rock solid vibe and hangs at all the meat market spots. I think she deemed me not worthy or something because I came at her in the same way I come at my OKC girls.

My sense is that Tinder really is just about cold, hard, Vitaly styled, "put your number in my phone", aloof alpha, take her back and bang with few words, game.

This is not for the first date bang recipe, I think you have to move her to your place and go for the bang fast like a shark.

Player's Log / Lounge - Christian McQueen - 06-12-2013

Friday was how DVY described it. I had 5 makeouts w/diff girls, but the Cockblock Powers that be were on a different level Fri night.


Sat night I booked a room at the Roosevelt Hotel, swanky place right on Hollywood Blvd with great logistics. A client of mine, a major NBA team announcer also booked a room albeit was a huge suite and mine was a regular room.

I had a meetup of 3 girls at his spot (1 I met the night before) and he had 2 girls meet us, 1 of who is a well known actress. Pre-drank and I got a SUV w a driver to take us to a well known club in Hwood. Me +5 girls. My client decided to stay back and do drugs in his suite. At that point it's just-don't-fuck-up-game.

SUV dropped us in front of club, crowd parts (place was sold out), in through the VIP entrance and to my comped table.

The chick I met the night before was all over me so, took her around 1am back to my room and smashed. +1

Rest of the group came back around 3sh to afterparty. Smashed another chick (harem) and passed out. (Had already smashed so doesn't count as new notch but still 2 in 4hrs)

Good times

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 06-12-2013

TL;DR version at the bottom.

A group of my childhood friends wanted to hang out last night to get tacos/drinks. I said fuck it, why not. Then my buddy wanted to hang out (whose gf of 5 years cheated on him and broke up with him and started immediately dating some other guy that lives in his complex). I got home and my childhood friends had the game on with all the lights off and they were passed the heck out (from volleyball/ocean swimming earlier).

Changed and left my childhood friends on the couch, went and joined my broken buddy with his friend over at the local mexican restaurant and drank some beergaritas with our food, flirted with the waitress (amazing tits) and the other girls next to us, but they weren't that great. Moved on to the local, it was pretty empty but we caught up with some friends and then the girls that were next to us at the mexican place showed up so my friend and his buddy talked to them a bunch and I bought a round for all. Had the girls guess all of our ages and just reinforced the fact that young women are not at all good at guessing men's ages.

Took them over to what I consider the worst bar on the local drag because it's always packed, loud, and impossible to move/get service, but my buddy gets hooked up and the girls wanted to go there anyway. I was like a wolf in there, trying to find some fresh meat, but couldn't spot anything worthwhile so I alternated between dancing with the girls and hanging with my friends. Both girls enjoyed dancing with me, but the one had a meh face and the other had too much chunk for me, so I ended up grinding the one with the nice body and then eventually left them to go elsewhere with my buddies who were following some huge group of irish people that had some girls they were trying to game.

Got bored at the next spot so I tried to spit at a cute girl but she wasn't having it. I was getting decently drunk now and said fuck it, I'm going to go say goodbye to my friends (I hadn't seen one girl in the Irish group that was my type) and leave. Had my landlord coming by for a property inspection in the AM anyway.

As I said my goodbyes of course this brunette in the Irish group that I hadn't spotted before gives me eye contact so I step over and start dancing with her and her friends but quickly escalate/isolate with the brunette. I pull her aside from the group (but still nearby) and we dance more, I feel her taut young body and I am even more interested, so I just danced with her while moving off the dancefloor into the hallway entrance and just started making out with her in the hallway. She's into it, we've got our tongues down each other's throats, then I push her away [which looking back on it was probably a mistake, I should've kept escalating and seen if I could've got out the back entrance of the bar with her].

I danced with her a little more, then her female friends tried to cockblock so I just turned and started talking to my friends, then when I caught eyes with her again, one of the Irish dudes was chodeing it up trying to keep his arm around her between us. I just locked eyes with her, put my hand out for her to take, and just walked her right out from under dude's arm, danced with her, then told her "Let's go outside" to which she started giving me resistance. I couldn't tell in her fucked up Irish accent whether she was saying they were in town for another couple nights or not. Her accent was annoying me so I made out with her some more then told her goodbye with a smack on her ass and walked out to go elsewhere.

The next spot was where my childhood friends ended up and then my other buddy and his friend joined up. Tried talking to girls, didn't really get anywhere but my buddy did. Chatted up a 21 year old girl at the bar next to me while waiting to get two waters (which the dumbass blonde waitress kept "forgetting" to get for me), got her number, but no response today. Bought my buddies sandwiches from the liquor store/deli that's open late, talked to them a bit while eating them back at my spot, then passed out. I'd been texting my FWB and she was supposed to come out to my spot but she obviously fell asleep.

TL;DR recap - Not that many attractive girls out, hung out with a couple of good groups of friends, hit on girls where I could, mostly blowouts, escalated with the only chick that gave me strong IOIs immediately, but then she got remorse or just wouldn't leave her group of foreigner friends, couldn't understand her thick ass accent, so I made out with her and left her and got blown out and a flaky number at the last spot of the night.

Player's Log / Lounge - soup - 06-12-2013

I have to say.. there are multitudes more attractive girls on Tinder than OKC. Probably because it is trending right now.

It's hard for me to go back and spend time browsing for attractive girls on OKC when I've got thousands of images of hot Tinder girls that are potentially just a swipe away.

I've gotten four numbers off Tinder since Sunday and been on one date.