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M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Samseau - 07-12-2011

Quote: (07-12-2011 05:06 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

Money matters. very specifically, you want a lot of it(usually). Eventually, though, you run into a scenario where you start to value your time more. I'm at that intersection right now. I actually turned down a promotion a few months ago. It would have paid a bit more, but it would have just been too much time, too much stress.

Having money and living under your means removes so much stress from your life. It's unbelievable. I'm 30 right now, but I swear I'm getting younger mentally. My rent is only about 8% of my monthly salary, I haven't even used a credit card in four years. Debit and forget it. my parents struggled. I vowed I never would. I even got a vasectomy about 4-5 years ago to make sure I don't have any unwanted accidents, ya know.

An individual WOMAN doesn't matter so much, except for mom, but women in general are pretty important. People usually slip up when they are focusing in on one womAn, rather than many womEn. Dealing with multiple women is always cheaper, in the end.

As for the guys with Lambos and their buddy in the passenger seat? What's wrong with that? You don't go anywhere with your friends?


And keep in mind I said what's important is to have "that bare minimum of money". I'd say a good threshold is 60K a year. If I made 60K a year, I'd be completely happy money wise, any more is gravy. After that, I'll take women over money.
60k is way too low, especially if you are capable of more. You can survive easily on that if you want to live pretty basic, but let's say you catch the travel bug and get tired of staying in hostels or 1 star hotels? What if you want to try out a fancy cruise, or a resort?

Sometimes you might get the urge to rent a Porsche gt2 for a week, while in vegas, that's 4k right there.

Yeah... but you're just getting caught up in the desire for more. When is enough "enough"?

Chasing after all that shit makes me miserable. Maybe not for you, but most certainly for me.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Sh0t - 07-12-2011

I am caught up in making more. Mostly just because I like to work and I like making money. Similar to game. I play to play. Not necessarily to spend it.

60k IS low though. I was making 60k when I was still in the military, 5 years ago.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - CupCake - 07-12-2011

Quote: (07-12-2011 10:12 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2011 08:33 PM)CupCake Wrote:  

Bottom line: Women can ruin your life; money never will. Go for the money.

Money can definitely ruin your life. I've seen it happen to others plenty of times. Money, drugs, and women, all the most basic of vices.

You can ruin yourself with your poor choices with money, but money can't do anything to you. It sits in a bank and waits on you. Women on the other hand are beings with a will that you can't control.

And I don't know what you mean by what my "crossing point" is.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - pitt - 07-13-2011

Yeah shot dont listen to these guys, glad you on this money making thing.

I kinda agree with what you saying shot. I also see money as a sport, the thrilling of making more money excites me, its defnetely like going around and sleeping with different women.

Plus money gives you more freedom, i disagree with people that say that time itself gives you freedom, it doesnt, money does.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-13-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 04:23 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2011 02:35 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

"You lose money chasing women, but you never lose women chasing money".

You'll lose plenty of women chasing money. Go ask any Doctor or Lawyer.

Not in the aggregate.

The guy who goes from broke 22 year old to six-figure bonus earning 32 year old attorney may lose one or two women in the process of working his way up the ladder(working too many hours, women gets bored, etc).

But on the whole? He will have access to a FAR larger pool of attractive and willing women at 32 than he did at 22. He'll have an easier time getting with that hot 21 year old co-ed as a professional than he did as a student or recent graduate with no cash, no car(or a 15 year old beater), no real status(unless he was an athlete of some sort or a super fratstar) and no sweet bachelor pad(plus a bunch of roomates).

That just isn't debatable-women like money, status, power, professional accomplishment and the aura of mastery/confidence that shines on men who have managed to grab all of these things, even on a smaller scale(read: you don't need to make $250k+ to enjoy these effects with women as a man).

Sure, you might be able to get laid without any of these things, but having them is immeasurably beneficial. Money talks.

Thus, on the whole, you do not lose women chasing money-you gain more of them. Chase that paper and stack it up and you'll see your options increase as a male.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Vitriol - 07-13-2011

Quote: (07-13-2011 07:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

That just isn't debatable-women like money, status, power, professional accomplishment and the aura of mastery/confidence that shines on men who have managed to grab all of these things, even on a smaller scale(read: you don't need to make $250k+ to enjoy these effects with women as a man).

While the money itself helps, guys who go through professional school thinking that pussy is going to start falling out of the sky after getting the diploma are in for a rude awakening. Your job and education does not make girl's pussy wet.

One of the very reasons game exists is because plenty of guys with traditional high statuts jobs and intelligence weren't getting laid. A 32 year old who made his cash trafficking drugs is probably going to get more pussy than the 32 year old lawyer who is working non-stop.

Girls definitely want to go along for the ride once you have the money, but they couldn't care less whether you got it by hitting the lottery or busting your ass for 10 years after college going back to school and working constantly.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - oldnemesis - 07-13-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 04:23 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

You'll lose plenty of women chasing money. Go ask any Doctor or Lawyer.

I'll rephrase what Athlone said differently: in long term if you invest into "more money", it will bring you both pussy and money. If you invest into "more women", it will bring you more pussy, but definitely not more money. Therefore that is not loss, it is strategic decision.

Quote: (07-12-2011 10:12 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

And keep in mind I said what's important is to have "that bare minimum of money". I'd say a good threshold is 60K a year. If I made 60K a year, I'd be completely happy money wise, any more is gravy. After that, I'll take women over money.

Somewhere in Alabama, maybe. But here in Bay Area 60K is basically just above the poverty line.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-14-2011

Quote: (07-13-2011 07:45 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Girls definitely want to go along for the ride once you have the money, but they couldn't care less whether you got it by hitting the lottery or busting your ass for 10 years after college going back to school and working constantly.

This is somewhat on and somewhat off. Women don't really care about the hard work it took to reach the higher income brackets they seek to marry into-that is true. The nitty gritty details aren't that important to them so long as you have the cash and status at the end of the day.

They can, however, be concerned about job and education and the specifics that go with it. How concerned they are usually varies by age. Younger girls(18-24) care relatively less about the school you went to and the job you have, and more about the sheer cash flow. If its there, you're good.

Get into slightly older brackets, however(24-30 and above), and you'll see significantly more women who care about the specifics of your station. Sex and the City details this phenomenon perfectly, and it is quite widespread-these women usually want to get to "Mr. Big"(good looking guy with great degree, money, and status job). They want to snag the biggest fish they can get.

At that stage, they care about where you work, where you went to school, and where you live, and these questions will often be the first things they say to you (any "New Yawkers" here will especially agree on this).

When you think about it within the context of the general female preference for pre-selected men, it makes sense.

When young, girls want the guys that their female friends want. These guys are usually frat stars, lax bros, quarterbacks and other athletes, with the occasional bandmember/singer thrown in there. Your degree and your grades count for far less within this younger age group on average.

As they age, however (this shift will usually kick in at 25, with some of the more forward thinking co-eds beginning a few years earlier), things change. Now her female friends are less concerned with snagging the stereotypical "cool guy", and more about snagging Mr. Right-the prize husband.

This is the guy with a crapload of earning potential (enough to pay off all of her debts and buy her that house in the hamptons she's always wanted), the big status job (so she can brag to all of her friends about how many powerful social circles she and her family are affiliated with and how well connected she is) and a good pedigree (so her 2.5 golden children will be legacies and easy-ins at good schools, something she'll also be able to brag about later to all of her girlfriends).

The girl who can get the biggest wedding ring and the fairytale ceremony wins.

I can speak from direct experience when I say that women are very savvy about seeking these things out. Some of the younger girls who are still in undergrad(I see many of them at my school) begin this process very, very early on. They plant themselves into the social scenes of specific fraternities where connections are abundant and a lot of members are known to do well (ex: Alpha Phi Alpha, for the black girls).

They find out where recent alums have moved on to via word of mouth-wall street, law schools, medical schools, etc. As soon as those alums return on homecoming weekend from Harvard Business School or wherever, they lock right on. These are usually the hottest girls on campus(all are at a solid 7.5/8 at the bare minimum) so they are usually successful.

There are plenty of younger guys who may be more athletic, have more game or just better looking, but these girls do not care. A skilled younger player with enough game may get in on them for a quick hookup, but their eyes are very much focused on the $$. These girls are tough nuts to crack for the average young guy, PUA or not-game speaks to them, but money and potential speak louder.

You can also attend professional/alumni gatherings and see this all in play. Lawyers and doctors do have groupies, and very attractive ones at that. Granted, the gatherings I'm specifically speaking of were all black alumni/lawyer/doctor/etc gatherings, but I am certain these phenomena play out in other communities to. Finance guys are known to be hunted commodities in NY and other large cities-hell, there are whole websites dedicated to the practice.

Granted, if you're completely clueless about women you can still fail in spite of all your status and women's desire for it. Women are still wired the same way all around, so if you're boring and beta enough even your money and status won't save you from a divorce or from a sexless marriage. But if you have any basic sense of evo-psych/game at all to go along with these other things, you really can't lose.

Bottomline: Wealth is more valuable in and of itself than female company(which, as I've shown, is easily bought by and often tied to wealth anyway), all day and every day.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - blurb - 07-14-2011

Oh ye men of the rooshvforum, hear the wisdom of the blurb:

"When money flows,
Here come the hoes."

"When money flies,
Bitches lie."

"Money is fly.
That's why bitches lie...down."

"Just 'cuz you flash money and talk slang,
Don't mean you get the bang.
Game is worth its weight in gold.
For women, they don't do shit but get old."

"Women are as the ocean,
Always changing, moving, talking, yelling, shit-testing,
being self-entitled, emotional, angry ...and bitch a helluva storm."

"If you have wealth,
You will have health."

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - william - 07-19-2011

Everyone who has banged a hot woman knows that the desire for her is far more of a powerful draw then the actual obtainment. A good analogy can found in the movie American Beauty when Lester, a forty five year old man that has never fucked a virgin, lusts after the young, promiscuous (or so we are led to believe) fertile Angela.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - UrbanNerd - 07-19-2011

Money friggin' matters. Futhermore, women still gravitate to men with money.

Part on my username is based on that I was a math/computer science major in college. I had to work HARD to bang a chick WHILE a freshman, sophomore or even a junior. Once that school newspaper posts the starting salaries for certain majors, GUESS WHO got a spike in popularity as a senior? Hell, I remember during graduation week I was taking a book back to the library (Y'know...hogging the textbook the whole semester to avoid buying it, lol) and this chick KNEW that it was an upper-level computer science textbook. Chick basically approached me, we did some smalltalk and I told her that I leave in a week to start a job in Pittsburgh (who hired me right out of college). The next I knew, she gave me her address, phone number(s) and any other info. Chick was decent-looking but I probably would have just walked pass her anyway.

Look, I KNOW vocal game is great to have. I have buddies who just have that "gift of gab" and can make up for their financial deficiencies. Me?...I am pretty good but I will get lazy and let the finances help out. I do have to say, that being 22 years old (at the time) and having your own residence (no roommates), transportation went a long way with the chicks.

Oh, I should add that the fallout from the popular football/basketball players not getting drafted also helped with more chicks. It was hilarious hearing about all the breakups and those same chicks were hanging out with various graduating seniors.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - blurb - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 08:16 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Oh, I should add that the fallout from the popular football/basketball players not getting drafted also helped with more chicks. It was hilarious hearing about all the breakups and those same chicks were hanging out with various graduating seniors.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't only a few handful of college sportsman actually make it in the big leagues and become pros?

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Saladin - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-14-2011 10:22 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2011 07:45 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Girls definitely want to go along for the ride once you have the money, but they couldn't care less whether you got it by hitting the lottery or busting your ass for 10 years after college going back to school and working constantly.

This is somewhat on and somewhat off. Women don't really care about the hard work it took to reach the higher income brackets they seek to marry into-that is true. The nitty gritty details aren't that important to them so long as you have the cash and status at the end of the day.

They can, however, be concerned about job and education and the specifics that go with it. How concerned they are usually varies by age. Younger girls(18-24) care relatively less about the school you went to and the job you have, and more about the sheer cash flow. If its there, you're good.

Get into slightly older brackets, however(24-30 and above), and you'll see significantly more women who care about the specifics of your station. Sex and the City details this phenomenon perfectly, and it is quite widespread-these women usually want to get to "Mr. Big"(good looking guy with great degree, money, and status job). They want to snag the biggest fish they can get.

At that stage, they care about where you work, where you went to school, and where you live, and these questions will often be the first things they say to you (any "New Yawkers" here will especially agree on this).

When you think about it within the context of the general female preference for pre-selected men, it makes sense.

When young, girls want the guys that their female friends want. These guys are usually frat stars, lax bros, quarterbacks and other athletes, with the occasional bandmember/singer thrown in there. Your degree and your grades count for far less within this younger age group on average.

As they age, however (this shift will usually kick in at 25, with some of the more forward thinking co-eds beginning a few years earlier), things change. Now her female friends are less concerned with snagging the stereotypical "cool guy", and more about snagging Mr. Right-the prize husband.

This is the guy with a crapload of earning potential (enough to pay off all of her debts and buy her that house in the hamptons she's always wanted), the big status job (so she can brag to all of her friends about how many powerful social circles she and her family are affiliated with and how well connected she is) and a good pedigree (so her 2.5 golden children will be legacies and easy-ins at good schools, something she'll also be able to brag about later to all of her girlfriends).

The girl who can get the biggest wedding ring and the fairytale ceremony wins.

I can speak from direct experience when I say that women are very savvy about seeking these things out. Some of the younger girls who are still in undergrad(I see many of them at my school) begin this process very, very early on. They plant themselves into the social scenes of specific fraternities where connections are abundant and a lot of members are known to do well (ex: Alpha Phi Alpha, for the black girls).

They find out where recent alums have moved on to via word of mouth-wall street, law schools, medical schools, etc. As soon as those alums return on homecoming weekend from Harvard Business School or wherever, they lock right on. These are usually the hottest girls on campus(all are at a solid 7.5/8 at the bare minimum) so they are usually successful.

There are plenty of younger guys who may be more athletic, have more game or just better looking, but these girls do not care. A skilled younger player with enough game may get in on them for a quick hookup, but their eyes are very much focused on the $$. These girls are tough nuts to crack for the average young guy, PUA or not-game speaks to them, but money and potential speak louder.

You can also attend professional/alumni gatherings and see this all in play. Lawyers and doctors do have groupies, and very attractive ones at that. Granted, the gatherings I'm specifically speaking of were all black alumni/lawyer/doctor/etc gatherings, but I am certain these phenomena play out in other communities to. Finance guys are known to be hunted commodities in NY and other large cities-hell, there are whole websites dedicated to the practice.

Granted, if you're completely clueless about women you can still fail in spite of all your status and women's desire for it. Women are still wired the same way all around, so if you're boring and beta enough even your money and status won't save you from a divorce or from a sexless marriage. But if you have any basic sense of evo-psych/game at all to go along with these other things, you really can't lose.

Bottomline: Wealth is more valuable in and of itself than female company(which, as I've shown, is easily bought by and often tied to wealth anyway), all day and every day.

You go to an Ivy League school where you as a fit buff football player have trouble with girls. Your environment is simply an anomaly.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - UrbanNerd - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 12:57 PM)blurb Wrote:  

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't only a few handful of college sportsman actually make it in the big leagues and become pros?

You are absolutely right which makes the whole thing even funnier. These girls would prance around with their 3rd string wide-receiver like they did something. Meanwhile, we are laughing at her because we are like "dude runs a 4.6/40....he is not going pro".

But hey....

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 12:57 PM)blurb Wrote:  

Quote: (07-19-2011 08:16 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Oh, I should add that the fallout from the popular football/basketball players not getting drafted also helped with more chicks. It was hilarious hearing about all the breakups and those same chicks were hanging out with various graduating seniors.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't only a few handful of college sportsman actually make it in the big leagues and become pros?

People don't understand just how difficult it is to become a pro athlete. The chances are not merely one in a hundred(one percent)-they are WELL UNDER .01%. It is shocking when you really look at the facts and numbers.

Take the NFL as an example (American football is my game, so I can speak most accurately to it).

1. The odds even before the pros are tough.

There are just under 1000 football playing colleges in the US (including JUCOs and NAIA). Each team has, on average, 110-130 players, not including the walkons and try-outs who hang on sometimes as scout team guys. These guys are drawn from over 20,000 high school teams across the country, each team filled with guys competing to play collegiate ball.

Most of those players are trying to get into Division 1, where 90% of the pros come from. Out of 250,000 high school football seniors in any given year, only about 4000 get scholarships. If you as a player can manage to get to the D1 FBS level (the Alabamas, Floridas and TCUs of the world), you've practically gone pro to some extent already-very few high school players can aspire to that.

2. Making a living playing pro-football

Now let's look at the next level. Only 250 guys make it into the league every year through the draft, and another 20 or so may squeeze their way into the NFL as undrafted rookies. A couple dozen more guys will find a home in Canada and make a living playing football there for a few years (a top CFL QB can make up to $500,000-a rookie can start at around $70,000. Good starters at other positions can maybe hit $200k including bonuses. The average is $90k). Many of the guys who run north will not make it either-competition for those spots is fierce.

That's all. Everyone else either goes semi-pro(AFL and other indoor leagues mainly) or gets a job (or both). Even the guys up in the CFL don't usually make enough to finance the type of lifestyle many women expect from a pro-athlete.

3. Putting the numbers in perspective-high school recruit rankings

Take a look at these lists:

Those are listings of the top high school football prospects in the nation at each position. These are from 2004, you can check them for many other years as well.

Going through them and googling some of the names is truly revealing, and shows just how difficult it really is to get to the NFL. In 2004, out of the top 30 "pro style" QBs in the nation, only eight actually "went pro" eventually (read: made NFL rosters at some point and thus actual NFL salaries for a season). This isn't counting the hundreds of other pro-style QBs Rivals lists online every year who are all, in their own right, VERY good high school players, dominant in their respective regions.

The rest? They were all clearly very good, and all went to the best college teams in the country, but they simply didn't cut it at a higher level. They were dominant in high school and I'm sure many people were CERTAIN they'd go pro, but it never happened. That's the norm.

Now, let's say a guy overcomes these odds and manages to make it onto an NFL roster and even into a game. Our story isn't over-he hasn't necessarily made it yet.

4. You made it to the NFL...but for how long?

Very few NFL players last for more than two or three seasons. A typical story usually goes like this: guy makes roster as a rookie, plays for two years making the league minimum or something slightly higher, and is out of the league by year three. Even more common are guys whose entire NFL career consists of 8-10 weeks on a practice squad or a year on the injured reserve.

NFL careers are short, MUCH shorter than people realize. The commonly cited number is 2-3 seasons, but that only includes the drafted guys. If you count the undrafted guys (4-500 of them try out every year and only a couple dozen will make rosters out of training camp), your average gets even lower.

Just getting to training camp is a MASSIVE accomplishment for any player.

Lets say our guy gets through all of this camp craziness and makes the team. League minimum is around $340,000(as of 2011).

If he lasts for a couple of seasons, he'll have made good money for sure (his pay will increase each year). But it won't be nearly enough to live on for life (even before accounting for living expenses, incidentals and taxes)-he'll eventually need to get a job just like everyone else once he's out of the league.

5. Longer term wealth-what are the chances?

But wait-we still aren't done. What happens if our guy does make it in the league for a longer while?
You have to assume he doesn't blow through all of his money. Most NFL and NBA players do exactly that.

Not only is it unlikely that a player who makes it into the NFL will last long enough to make good money to live on, but even if he does, there is about an 80% chance that he blow it.

Typical story runs like this: Undrafted rookie signs NFL contract to go to camp. He uses his $25,000 signing bonus to buy an Escalade(no, seriously) and a nice little pad.
Then he gets cut. No more money- broke like everyone else.

Or we could have a young rookie who got drafted in the earlier rounds and got a sizeable signing bonus(quarter-mil maybe). He gets into the league and his expenses skyrocket-he's bought the escalade and a nice house, he's flying across the country for parties and he's paying his baby mamas and jump-offs all types of cash to keep them in line.
He gets cut 3-5 years down the line. No more money-can't pay the lease on the Escalade or the $500,000 home. Bankrupt.

Even long time veterans and former all-pros aren't safe. There is a reason you see so many of those guys on TV later on in life(deion sanders, Emmitt Smith, Marshall Faulk, etc). They may have made tens of millions, but in most cases they've spent it all or racked up tremendously high monthly costs of living(5 baby mamas, huge mansion, etc) that require them to keep working indefinitely.

I haven't even gotten into the healthcare expenses and other compromises pro-players have to make once they're done, things that further erode their ability to "ball" and provide the living these women expect.

You won't see Barry Sanders pulling any of this-he probably banked/invested his cash. Some players do that and truly remain rich foreever. They're a very small minority.

6. Conclusion: Why these women are truly stupid

Let's bring this all back around to the jock-chasing women again who we were laughing at, and illustrate again why this is so funny given all we've discussed here:

A. Her chances of spotting a future pro are very low. Even sure-fire high school guys(top100 players at their positions) have an 80-90% failure rate. In college, many of the most dominant players never last in the pros.

You'd be surprised at how many notable NCAA records are held by guys you don't even know.

B. Even if she spots a guy who goes pro, he probably won't last long enough to make the kind of money and finance the type of lifestyle she's expecting.

C. Even if she gets a guy who lasts and snags that multi-million dollar contract, he'll probably spend it all and go broke anyway.

Bottomline: Groupies are idiots. If you're a woman and you want a man with money, you'd be wise to start hunting down future white collar professionals(finance, law, etc) instead. They're more numerous, easier to spot(find the high GPAs at good undergrads and grad schools), and have greater and longer lasting earning potential in the aggregate.

Most women don't figure this out until its a little too late. Too bad.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 01:33 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

You go to an Ivy League school where you as a fit buff football player have trouble with girls. Your environment is simply an anomaly.

That doesn't invalidate or maintain any bearing on what I said.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Vitriol - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 04:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Bottomline: Groupies are idiots. If you're a woman and you want a man with money, you'd be wise to start hunting down future white collar professionals(finance, law, etc) instead. They're more numerous, easier to spot(find the high GPAs at good undergrads and grad schools), and have greater and longer lasting earning potential in the aggregate.

Most women don't figure this out until its a little too late. Too bad.

Considering how most degrees are over priced pieces of toilet paper these days and how bad the economy is, the odds of someone "making it" just because they have a degree are about as bad as the odds of going pro in a sport.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - blurb - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 05:40 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (07-19-2011 04:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Bottomline: Groupies are idiots. If you're a woman and you want a man with money, you'd be wise to start hunting down future white collar professionals(finance, law, etc) instead. They're more numerous, easier to spot(find the high GPAs at good undergrads and grad schools), and have greater and longer lasting earning potential in the aggregate.

Most women don't figure this out until its a little too late. Too bad.

Considering how most degrees are over priced pieces of toilet paper these days and how bad the economy is, the odds of someone "making it" just because they have a degree are about as bad as the odds of going pro in a sport.

Let's not kid ourselves here. Sure, I agree that many degrees will not help you get a job, but you can get the best out of college if you make the right decisions such not going into massive debt and as choosing the right major (accounting, engineering, pre-law if you can get into Ivy, etc.)

The odds of someone "making it," I'm presuming, is making a comfortable income with free time on the side.

So many people have college degrees, it has, in essence, become like a high school diploma--everybody has one (or almost everybody). Given two people that equally qualify for a job, the one with the college degree is most likely going to get the job offer rather than the person with just the high school diploma. Perhaps it is not "fair," but that's just life. I have heard stories in college of young recent high school graduate women who got a job offer over an experienced 30-something-year-old woman just because the young woman had a high school diploma and the older woman did not. (This job was just a low-wage, low-skill job; I think it was a cashier or something.)

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 05:40 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Considering how most degrees are over priced pieces of toilet paper these days and how bad the economy is, the odds of someone "making it" just because they have a degree are about as bad as the odds of going pro in a sport.

Statistically, no. That varies depending on a) the institution being attended(higher rankings = more value) and b) the degree/field in question(ex: African american studies degree at Grambling worth less than Engineering at Purdue; English degree at Troy State is worth less than Econ degree at Carnegie Mellon).

The odds of someone with a J.D. from a T25, an MBA from a Top 60 school on the Global 200 Regional Report, or an undergraduate math/science/engineering degree from a Top 50 school(this includes many large public universities, not just Ivies/Stanford) "making it" and securing lasting wealth are much better than a pro athlete. I haven't even mentioned graduate level engineering, top med school students, or PHD candidates in English/Econ/etc.

They're also much easier to find(if you want to find them) and generally have higher earning potential in the long run.

Not all degrees are quite as worthless as some would like to think.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Vitriol - 07-19-2011

Quote: (07-19-2011 06:44 PM)blurb Wrote:  

Let's not kid ourselves here. Sure, I agree that many degrees will not help you get a job, but you can get the best out of college if you make the right decisions such not going into massive debt and as choosing the right major (accounting, engineering, pre-law if you can get into Ivy, etc.)

The odds of someone "making it," I'm presuming, is making a comfortable income with free time on the side.

So many people have college degrees, it has, in essence, become like a high school diploma--everybody has one (or almost everybody). Given two people that equally qualify for a job, the one with the college degree is most likely going to get the job offer rather than the person with just the high school diploma. Perhaps it is not "fair," but that's just life. I have heard stories in college of young recent high school graduate women who got a job offer over an experienced 30-something-year-old woman just because the young woman had a high school diploma and the older woman did not. (This job was just a low-wage, low-skill job; I think it was a cashier or something.)

Quote: (07-19-2011 06:50 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

The odds of someone with a J.D. from a T25, an MBA from a Top 60 school on the Global 200 Regional Report, or an undergraduate math/science/engineering degree from a Top 50 school(this includes many large public universities, not just Ivies/Stanford) "making it" and securing lasting wealth are much better than a pro athlete. I haven't even mentioned graduate level engineering, top med school students, or PHD candidates in English/Econ/etc.

They're also much easier to find(if you want to find them) and generally have higher earning potential in the long run.

Not all degrees are quite as worthless as some would like to think.

I was being sarcastic with my post, however I do really think that:
1. a lot of the conventional wisdom about how college pays off is dated and based on the lifetime incomes of people who have graduated at least 15 or 20 years ago.
2. the employment statistics that a lot universities publish are flat out bullshit, but they do it to inflate their rankings (I know this is true for a fact in the field I went into)
3. I have anecdotal evidence (take it for what it's worth) of people who I know who have degrees in fields you guys mentioned like engineering, law, english, who aren't exactly doing so well. With no comparable anecdotal evidence of people caking off with those degrees. The only exception seems to be medicine/healthcare which is booming in the U.S. Although 4 years of med school post college and another 4-5 years of residency plus tons of debt means the youngest you'll probably be able to starting doing well is 40 if you blast right through and sacrifice you're entire young adult life to get there.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try to be successful or focus on only the "bitches" aspect, but I don't want to see people getting scammed into thinking that staying in school for as long as possible is going to always pay off. In a lot of cases (and I think this is going to be increasingly common in the coming years) it doesn't. The hard work you put in is still somewhat of a gamble and doesn't always translate into stacks of cash. I'm sure there are plenty of unemployed or underemployed virgins with 2 degrees who wasted their lives studying and never developed social skills.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Saladin - 07-20-2011

Quote: (07-13-2011 07:45 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2011 07:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

That just isn't debatable-women like money, status, power, professional accomplishment and the aura of mastery/confidence that shines on men who have managed to grab all of these things, even on a smaller scale(read: you don't need to make $250k+ to enjoy these effects with women as a man).

While the money itself helps, guys who go through professional school thinking that pussy is going to start falling out of the sky after getting the diploma are in for a rude awakening. Your job and education does not make girl's pussy wet.

One of the very reasons game exists is because plenty of guys with traditional high statuts jobs and intelligence weren't getting laid. A 32 year old who made his cash trafficking drugs is probably going to get more pussy than the 32 year old lawyer who is working non-stop.

Girls definitely want to go along for the ride once you have the money, but they couldn't care less whether you got it by hitting the lottery or busting your ass for 10 years after college going back to school and working constantly.

I'd say a guy who busted his ass doing something he loves probably will be more attractive simply because he's more confident.
My main problem with Athlone's argument is that he's taken a small subset of the population(gold digging ivy league girls) and extrapolated that wealth is a big factor when in fact its a small factor(unless you're talking about older guys, it doesn't come into play till the late 30s or early 40s).

My other problem is that you're giving too much importance to a womans dream list of qualities in a man. Sure, she might be a lawyer groupie, but if that lawyer is not an alpha she'll probably be fucking the broke drug dealer and making sure nobody knows about it.

Game is something that can never be taken away from you(unless you get lazy) but wealth can always be taken away. A guy who derives his confidence from his wealth is going to be a wreck when it all crumbles.

From the DABA blog-

"FBF was a secure, confident, adult male who batted in the big leagues every day and thus wasn’t – as many LA men are – intimidated by a woman who was (gasp!) gainfully employed.

Then the Dow tanked and the wheels fell off. I flew to NY to hold FBF’s hand, not realizing I’d also be cleaning up his vomit after 25 tequila rounds in NY’s diviest dives. Suddenly, he was insecure, uncomfortable in his own skin, depressing, depressed, and perpetually drunk. He had become what I hated most – an LA guy. "

Relying on game to get your women is a smart move. Money is simply for yourself and for your own enjoyment and comfort. It should not be something you derive your confidence from like these bankers do.

Most women do not care about money that much unless you're talking about certain types of LTRs. If they did care about it so much your average starving artist/musician would never get laid. Because you go to an Ivy Leauge you're exposed to more relationship orientated girls who want a rich guy to provide for them because daddy wont' do that anymore. For every girl like that, there's a girl fucking a broke guy because he's "creative" or any such rationalization.

Even the G says "Bottom line, Game will take you a lot further than a dope crib."

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Saladin - 07-20-2011

You also describe older women with this sort of thinking. Why would you care about girls past their prime?
The fly 18 year olds don't give a shit about that, the fact that you have your own bachelor apartment is amazing to her.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Excelsior - 07-20-2011

Quote: (07-20-2011 04:16 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

My main problem with Athlone's argument is that he's taken a small subset of the population(gold digging ivy league girls) and extrapolated that wealth is a big factor when in fact its a small factor(unless you're talking about older guys, it doesn't come into play till the late 30s or early 40s).

That's pure conjecture on your part.

The characteristics I'm outlining in women regarding their desire for wealth are not at all sourced solely (nevermind primarily) from Ivy League populations.
If anything, raw gold-digging is probably even more common outside of that environment.


My other problem is that you're giving too much importance to a womans dream list of qualities in a man. Sure, she might be a lawyer groupie, but if that lawyer is not an alpha she'll probably be fucking the broke drug dealer and making sure nobody knows about it.

My problem is that you're giving it too little importance.

Read what I said earlier:

Quote: (07-14-2011 10:22 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Granted, if you're completely clueless about women you can still fail in spite of all your status and women's desire for it. Women are still wired the same way all around, so if you're boring and beta enough even your money and status won't save you from a divorce or from a sexless marriage.

I did not say that one's possession of these qualities can completely mask crippling betatude in a guy and prevent a woman from raping him in court/cheating/denying him sex.

I did say(and still maintain), however, that these qualities are a powerful weapon to possess for any man, and are valued highly by most women.
If one can find any way to combine them with a solid understanding of game/evo-psych (enough to avoid said crippling betatude), he will find it rather difficult to lose.


Game is something that can never be taken away from you(unless you get lazy) but wealth can always be taken away.

Game alone can't be relied on for long.


A guy who derives his confidence from his wealth is going to be a wreck when it all crumbles.


Can you point me to post in which I stated that it was necessary or acceptable for a man to completely derive confidence from his material assets alone?

I suggest that the qualities I listed are valuable for a man to attract women, not that it is preferable for him to solely derive confidence from a Bentley. Financial stability/success can create a lot of confidence, but it obviously can't be the only thing.


Relying on game to get your women is a smart move.

Sure, as long as you have some substance to go with it. If you don't bring something else to the table at some point, you will not last long in the game.


Most women do not care about money that much unless you're talking about certain types of LTRs.

Young women care less. I made that clear in my post.

Women post-college care quite a bit more, and if you have money and some game, you'll have an edge with younger women too. Cash counts.
Women like nice, centrally located cribs, they like quality(read: expensive) clothing and they like fast cars. No way around any of this.


If they did care about it so much your average starving artist/musician would never get laid.

You're implying a zero-sum game where there isn't one.

1. The fact that women will occasionally bang poor men(which I also alluded to in my earlier post if you read carefully) doesn't mean they lack the desires I claim they have. Women can occasionally bang gangsters and poor musicians while still ideally hoping for Mr. Big to show up.

2. Women bang what is available. Juxtapose the starving artist and the banker(assuming both had some fundamental understanding of game and were similar in appearance), and the banker (who can come suited down with a cool crib and a nice car to carry her there in) will usually have an edge, even with younger women. Women may not always have this choice, so obviously starving artists will get laid if they're charming enough.


You also describe older women with this sort of thinking. Why would you care about girls past their prime?
The fly 18 year olds don't give a shit about that, the fact that you have your own bachelor apartment is amazing to her.

1. 24-30 year old women can be attractive. I care because their availability means a larger pool of attractive women for me to have access to.

2. Put two men next to each other. One is a broke 23 year old recent grad. The other is a 32 year old Lawyer. Both are handsome with similar levels of game. The 23 year old lives in a cheap studio(all he can afford) and drives a beater.
The 32 year old lives in a hot, centrally located condo and drives a Porsche, while wearing the hottest clothes and regularly taking fly weekend vacations(which he can offer to bring her along on).

Now imagine you have a hot 18 year old girl in the picture. Which one do you think she might prefer, all things being equal?

Money and status count to women-ALL women. Some may care a little less than others, but as a man you're better with it than without it.

3. Those 18 year olds are going to give much more of a shit once you age. You're not going to be able focus on them for the rest of your life with just your game alone at your disposal.


Even the G says "Bottom line, Game will take you a lot further than a dope crib."

Since we're quoting the G...

Quote: (05-25-2011 09:27 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Here is the deal:

If you want a long career in this Game, you need to have dough. Or at minimum, be a great actor that pretends to have the appearance of dough. (To do this, you are going to have a minimum of dough anyway and Oscar worthy acting abilities).

Take it from a former young zero dough mad girl swooper.

Sure, there are tons of guys out there that are broke and swoop fly girls.

The thing is, they don't last in this Game. Their careers are short like leprechauns.

In the end, those guys are a blip on the screen, insignificant, flash in the pans.

The guys with distance, always have CASH.

Quote: (05-25-2011 03:52 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

This thread: Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Inspired me to do a little write up. I wanted to share what my experiences in The Game of Life have taught/shown me.

I wrote this for the younger cats so you can know what to look forward to and to the older cats to see if they agree.

I have lived both lives from a broke/young girl swooper to a 30's International Playboy (although still to this day I don't consider myself "wealthy"), here is what I have noticed:

When I was young:

I had minimal dough
I surfed. Good.
I had tons of time.
I had youthful good looks. In great shape.

The results:

I got a bunch of hot girls, but lost out tons to older guys with dough.
I lost a ton of girl to "bad logistics" ie roomates, non-ideal crib situations
I had to spend tons of time and put in mad work


I have dough.
I dress sharp as a box cutter
My logisitics are sick
I do whatever I want
I am still good looking, have been able to "cheat" aging, although when I look at pictures when I was 20 I was a handsome m*therf*cker
I have experience

The results:

I swoop girls I could have never before ie super fly 22-26 year olds, that liked more out of life
Everything is easier
Way less time or effort swooping
My potential girl "pool" is huge. 18-40 year olds are all down.
Logistics never get in my way so my close percentage is off the charts


Quote: (05-29-2011 02:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Selva -

"I read all of these posts with guys saying you need a fly pad, custom suits, a status job, or money to pull women, but what they are really saying is "my inner game is still weak and I need a crutch".

What I am saying is it makes things easier, and more effective.

Sure, I could still put on a t-shirt and jeans and hit on girls during the day for 12 hours straight, spend zero CASH and probably (maybe) pull a fly girl.

But I would rather throw on a Custom Suit spend 4 hours at a bar at night, drop a little scratch and pull a fly girl.

Because in the end, the second strategy actually saved me time and money.

And we have to stop with this whole pick up artist lingo "crutch" thing.

What is not a crutch? Good looks are a crutch, being in shape is a crutch, Custom Suits are a crutch, money is a crutch.

Unless you are picking up girls with a paper bag over your head, we are all using crutches.

Let's dead that.

Make of it what you will.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Saladin - 07-20-2011

Quote: (07-20-2011 05:21 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2011 04:16 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

My main problem with Athlone's argument is that he's taken a small subset of the population(gold digging ivy league girls) and extrapolated that wealth is a big factor when in fact its a small factor(unless you're talking about older guys, it doesn't come into play till the late 30s or early 40s).

That's pure conjecture on your part.

The characteristics I'm outlining in women regarding their desire for wealth are not at all sourced solely (nevermind primarily) from Ivy League populations.
If anything, raw gold-digging is probably even more common outside of that environment.


My other problem is that you're giving too much importance to a womans dream list of qualities in a man. Sure, she might be a lawyer groupie, but if that lawyer is not an alpha she'll probably be fucking the broke drug dealer and making sure nobody knows about it.

My problem is that you're giving it too little importance.

Read what I said earlier:

Quote: (07-14-2011 10:22 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Granted, if you're completely clueless about women you can still fail in spite of all your status and women's desire for it. Women are still wired the same way all around, so if you're boring and beta enough even your money and status won't save you from a divorce or from a sexless marriage.

I did not say that one's possession of these qualities can completely mask crippling betatude in a guy and prevent a woman from raping him in court/cheating/denying him sex.

I did say(and still maintain), however, that these qualities are a powerful weapon to possess for any man, and are valued highly by most women.
If one can find any way to combine them with a solid understanding of game/evo-psych (enough to avoid said crippling betatude), he will find it rather difficult to lose.


Game is something that can never be taken away from you(unless you get lazy) but wealth can always be taken away.

Game alone can't be relied on for long.


A guy who derives his confidence from his wealth is going to be a wreck when it all crumbles.


Can you point me to post in which I stated that it was necessary or acceptable for a man to completely derive confidence from his material assets alone?

I suggest that the qualities I listed are valuable for a man to attract women, not that it is preferable for him to solely derive confidence from a Bentley. Financial stability/success can create a lot of confidence, but it obviously can't be the only thing.


Relying on game to get your women is a smart move.

Sure, as long as you have some substance to go with it. If you don't bring something else to the table at some point, you will not last long in the game.


Most women do not care about money that much unless you're talking about certain types of LTRs.

Young women care less. I made that clear in my post.

Women post-college care quite a bit more, and if you have money and some game, you'll have an edge with younger women too. Cash counts.
Women like nice, centrally located cribs, they like quality(read: expensive) clothing and they like fast cars. No way around any of this.


If they did care about it so much your average starving artist/musician would never get laid.

You're implying a zero-sum game where there isn't one.

1. The fact that women will occasionally bang poor men(which I also alluded to in my earlier post if you read carefully) doesn't mean they lack the desires I claim they have. Women can occasionally bang gangsters and poor musicians while still ideally hoping for Mr. Big to show up.

2. Women bang what is available. Juxtapose the starving artist and the banker(assuming both had some fundamental understanding of game and were similar in appearance), and the banker (who can come suited down with a cool crib and a nice car to carry her there in) will usually have an edge, even with younger women. Women may not always have this choice, so obviously starving artists will get laid if they're charming enough.


You also describe older women with this sort of thinking. Why would you care about girls past their prime?
The fly 18 year olds don't give a shit about that, the fact that you have your own bachelor apartment is amazing to her.

1. 24-30 year old women can be attractive. I care because their availability means a larger pool of attractive women for me to have access to.

2. Put two men next to each other. One is a broke 23 year old recent grad. The other is a 32 year old Lawyer. Both are handsome with similar levels of game. The 23 year old lives in a cheap studio(all he can afford) and drives a beater.
The 32 year old lives in a hot, centrally located condo and drives a Porsche, while wearing the hottest clothes and regularly taking fly weekend vacations(which he can offer to bring her along on).

Now imagine you have a hot 18 year old girl in the picture. Which one do you think she might prefer, all things being equal?

Money and status count to women-ALL women. Some may care a little less than others, but as a man you're better with it than without it.

3. Those 18 year olds are going to give much more of a shit once you age. You're not going to be able focus on them for the rest of your life with just your game alone at your disposal.


Even the G says "Bottom line, Game will take you a lot further than a dope crib."

Since we're quoting the G...

Quote: (05-25-2011 09:27 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Here is the deal:

If you want a long career in this Game, you need to have dough. Or at minimum, be a great actor that pretends to have the appearance of dough. (To do this, you are going to have a minimum of dough anyway and Oscar worthy acting abilities).

Take it from a former young zero dough mad girl swooper.

Sure, there are tons of guys out there that are broke and swoop fly girls.

The thing is, they don't last in this Game. Their careers are short like leprechauns.

In the end, those guys are a blip on the screen, insignificant, flash in the pans.

The guys with distance, always have CASH.

Quote: (05-25-2011 03:52 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

This thread: Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Inspired me to do a little write up. I wanted to share what my experiences in The Game of Life have taught/shown me.

I wrote this for the younger cats so you can know what to look forward to and to the older cats to see if they agree.

I have lived both lives from a broke/young girl swooper to a 30's International Playboy (although still to this day I don't consider myself "wealthy"), here is what I have noticed:

When I was young:

I had minimal dough
I surfed. Good.
I had tons of time.
I had youthful good looks. In great shape.

The results:

I got a bunch of hot girls, but lost out tons to older guys with dough.
I lost a ton of girl to "bad logistics" ie roomates, non-ideal crib situations
I had to spend tons of time and put in mad work


I have dough.
I dress sharp as a box cutter
My logisitics are sick
I do whatever I want
I am still good looking, have been able to "cheat" aging, although when I look at pictures when I was 20 I was a handsome m*therf*cker
I have experience

The results:

I swoop girls I could have never before ie super fly 22-26 year olds, that liked more out of life
Everything is easier
Way less time or effort swooping
My potential girl "pool" is huge. 18-40 year olds are all down.
Logistics never get in my way so my close percentage is off the charts


Quote: (05-29-2011 02:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Selva -

"I read all of these posts with guys saying you need a fly pad, custom suits, a status job, or money to pull women, but what they are really saying is "my inner game is still weak and I need a crutch".

What I am saying is it makes things easier, and more effective.

Sure, I could still put on a t-shirt and jeans and hit on girls during the day for 12 hours straight, spend zero CASH and probably (maybe) pull a fly girl.

But I would rather throw on a Custom Suit spend 4 hours at a bar at night, drop a little scratch and pull a fly girl.

Because in the end, the second strategy actually saved me time and money.

And we have to stop with this whole pick up artist lingo "crutch" thing.

What is not a crutch? Good looks are a crutch, being in shape is a crutch, Custom Suits are a crutch, money is a crutch.

Unless you are picking up girls with a paper bag over your head, we are all using crutches.

Let's dead that.

Make of it what you will.

I agree with you that money is required for logistics and great clothing(which does help if you dress in a higher end style). No girl will want to go 50 minutes to your shitty neighborhood. This is in terms of location.

Being Suited up is great, just went to a tailor to get me a suit here in India. A suit and a fitted shirt cost me a total of 180 bucks. Custom.
The same in Canada would cost 3-4 times more at the least. Geo-Arbitrage in action and less than what your average teen spends on their latest gadget. Once again I bought it for myself and not for girls, although I'm curious to see how it impacts my game.

I would agree with you that a decent amount of cash is required for the basics(which are logistics and a great style). Maybe a car if you live in a place which requires it. These are all things that make your life easier as it increases access to women. But these things are the cherry on the top of cake of tight game.

However there's a huge difference between what I"m describing(which ensures better logistics) and what you are suggesting. You are painting a picture where these banker guys have a huge advantage over you in terms of getting pussy.

Here's whats happening behind the scenes. These same girls will ensure that they don't put out for a long time until these rich guys wine and dine them. You have to be smooth like the G to ensure these girls don't view you as LTR material. He also is a constant traveler so women know he is not LTR material. That's where being rich works for you as you stay in nice hotels and have great logistics but the girls know you're not gonna stay. Pulling girls to hostels is probably a much harder thing to do.

However the guys you are describing are rich bankers and lawyers who stay put in NYC most of their year. The girls are chasing them because they are LTR material and their ticket to a nice life. I can bet you they are not fucking on the first date as the girl has to ensure investment on his part before she gives it up.
Fast Forward to 4:30. Exactly my point.

The money works for G since he has tight as hell game and he's a traveler who moves around. He is congruent with the rich International Playboy image and that's why he gets loads of ass. At the same time you have guys like Jeffy and his team who are fucking girls in a creepy as hell Van with a pedobear on it. He gives of an image and he's congruent to it.

One of my friends who's from MTL came down to Toronto. The guy looks like a broke motherfucker and is cheap as hell. He wears the same shitty shirt everyday and never shaves. Girls would never know that he actually makes around 15 k a month through online marketing. He likes to save up all his money. Yet he fucks lots of girls, from 18 year olds to 30 year olds. Its because he gives of the broke artist image and a lot of girls are attracted to that. He has great logistics but its student housing. This same guy would be slaughtered in an upscale lounge but that's not his kind of location. He'd probably look out of place in a suit.

So to sum it up, it all depends what kind of image you are congruent with. You can get boatloads of ass either way with logistics being the only factor dependent on money. Even then you can be cheap and still get pretty decent logistics in a lot of cities.

Also a women will bang whoever attracts her, and date someone who fits her ideal version of a man.

I guess you could boil my philosophy down to this, have dough because it means you can travel and have fun without having to count every penny. But don't depend on dough at all to attract girls. Remember that attraction doesn't depend on your income but on your persona and personality. These are the rules I play by and will follow for the next 15-20 years. Maybe when I hit my 40s I'll have to change the rules but then again I might have kids around then.

Also as G said, most players without cash burn out because cash is a human requirement. Have cash and try to make a shitload of money but remember that it doesn't have much of an effect on the emotions you make women feel(aka attraction). Its a life requirement and not something I try to earn because I feel pussy is attracted to money. It gives you freedom which lets you play the game without being worried about your next rent payment.

Disclaimer- This applies to places I have been. I know its different in Thailand or other poorer nations.

M.O.B. (Money Over Bitches?) - Saladin - 07-20-2011

"2. Put two men next to each other. One is a broke 23 year old recent grad. The other is a 32 year old Lawyer. Both are handsome with similar levels of game. The 23 year old lives in a cheap studio(all he can afford) and drives a beater.
The 32 year old lives in a hot, centrally located condo and drives a Porsche, while wearing the hottest clothes and regularly taking fly weekend vacations(which he can offer to bring her along on).

Now imagine you have a hot 18 year old girl in the picture. Which one do you think she might prefer, all things being equal?"

If the 23 year old has stronger game then the 18 year old will probably fuck him while also being taken on nice vacations.
The problem with the second guy is his notch per lay is way higher. If he bought that Porsche out of a need to impress than its astronomically high.
He also probably took out a nice fat mortgage for that pad or his car. Guys who think flashy stuff will help them will buy stuff that impresses women and take a hit on their finances. Or he could not give a shit about what other people think and simply save and cut down on anything flashy.

How about this, here's a third guy-

Third guy is 30 years old, and makes 100 K a year. He lives in a cheap but central bachelors pad at a Universities Student Housing. He saves a lot of money and doesn't buy anything unless he truly wants it or he needs it. His costs are low and he doesn't spend money on anything flashy other than a decent wardrobe with a couple of nice suits he got done cheap while traveling in Honk Kong. Whenever he makes a purchase he asks himself if it would really make him happy or is it just something to impress people. He doesn't have a car because insurance is expensive and public transport is great. This man travels a lot and is able to stay in good places since he saves up his money. He spends money on what he enjoys which is travel and good food.

Edit- This clip explains my viewpoint fairly well-