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Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Tengen - 12-02-2012

Quote: (12-02-2012 01:30 AM)bacan Wrote:  

This thread depresses me..

I really don't want to think that girls are capable of cheating and being sluts like that..

The stories about girls calling their boyfriends to tell them they love them from the beds of other guys make me sick..

Thank god I at least know some girls that never cheat and never will..

But I don't know how I will trust a girl going forward in life..

Here's another Roissy Time Machine post that'll help you hit bottom:

The choiciest section (spacing mine for easier reading):


I’ve seen things you gullible chumps wouldn’t believe.

Married women’s loins on fire off the rumpled sheets of my bed.

A feminine Russian woman, her buttocks turned in my direction, sweetly asking me if I’d “like to do her in the ass” as her cell phone rings with the plaintive wail of her husband seeking her whereabouts.

I’ve watched nipples harden in the dark near the cathedral gate, and behind the rectory doors.

I’ve lain with the most virtuous women you could imagine — caring women who “have to know so many things” and who give dollars to homeless bums and who tear up during sad scenes in the movies — who freely allowed my member to violate them in every conceivable way in their husband’s and boyfriend’s beds, their writhing bodies, ecstatic moans, and gushing furrows testament to the lustful abandon with which they unshackled themselves of that other conservative virtue, fidelity.

I once counseled the most darling woman — a young woman so exquisitely gentle and winsome I’d dare any man not to fall instantly for her — to stop her flowing tears for our doomed affair and, there on the sidewalk in midday, to return to her husband at her apartment which was two blocks down the street; the husband who, through years of his toil and love, put a roof over her underemployed head in one of the ritzier neighborhoods of the city.

I have made love — God’s highest expression of devotion to His creation — with women in the company of small woodland creatures, scandalized roommates, and children who were, as best we dared, out of earshot of our erotic rustlings.

I have witnessed women, caught in the snare of irrefutable evidence damning their supposed virtue, lie with the effortlessness of a soulless sociopath.

In the moment of release, when we come closest to touching the Hand of God, I have been instructed by a wondrously virtuous woman to “rape her” and to “do it like you mean it”. Her screams of howling joy — pain or pleasure I could not tell — to this day echo in my memories.

And, most enlightening of all, I have seen wives and girlfriends, their hearts once filled with seemingly endless and nourishing love, cruelly turn on their daft former lovers with a vengeance unmatched by even a wronged God. Such as the time a sizzlingly sexy brunette whose mouth I was gracing with the metaphorical appendage of God’s divine love answered a phone call, mid-oral delight, from her ex-fiancee (who it should be noted was recovering from a mental breakdown) to thank him for purchasing a $5,000 Tempur-Pedic mattress delivered to her apartment two weeks earlier. Her thank you’s sounded surprisingly sincere for a woman whose free hand was simultaneously cradling the fleshy pod holding the life-giving seed of another man.

All those moments will be lost in time, Mr. Greenberg, like tears in rain.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Fujiwara - 12-02-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 11:25 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 10:52 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I don't know if I should be disturbed or happy that I am in complete agreement with Tenderman.

The point I was attempting to make is "if you believe you can truly read a woman, you're going to be in for a big fuck you"

One of the girls I'm seeing changed my mindset 100% about this, we only have sex on her lunch break... her husband has 0% chance of knowing anything. Google voice app + whatsapp/tango pick your poison and auto deleted messages after 5pm and no contact after 6pm.

Unless she's literally around you 24/7... you will never be 100% certain. It has been even more eye opening when she calls him half way though "lunch break" saying sappy stuff like "I miss you so much babe I can't wait to see you" and "thank you so much for grocery shopping yesterday!"... i'm laying right next to her and as i watch it I realize... I would be 100% fooled as well.

So of course they may not be cheating on you but may as well assume the worst, no harm no foul, also presents you from catching the love disease.

(again hard to show tone in this post but no cynisism is implied)

There's a great scene in the 1990 movie "Internal Affairs" where Richard Gere is fucking the wife of his partner, played by Stephen Baldwin (Alec's Brother).

Gere and the wife are in Baldwin's bedroom, the phone rings, and it's Baldwin. She is straddling Gere cowgirl, she picks up the phone, talks to Baldwin as if nothing is happening, it's an ordinary day, even while Gere is grinding her pussy. She maintains complete composure on the phone. Then hangs up after the conversation, and then falls into Gere's arms.

THAT, gentlemen, epitomizes the red pill right there.

If she is fucking you, the chances are close to 100% she is fucking someone else. The real question is this. Are you REALLY fucking her or are you the BETA guy she wishes she really WASN'T fucking. I never want to be that BETA guy. That's why I fuck married women. I am never the BETA guy.

The phrase is, "art imitates life," yes?

This thread is a good read.

Now this thread made me think of personal past experiences with women that weren't single - and it doesn't really surprise me.

As stated several times before, it's just good practise to assume that this girl is getting dick from someone when you first meet her.

Now I've been in Gere's character's position in that scene before, and personally expect that most other players here on this forum have as well. And it was my personal experience(s) that has brought my present self to understand that:

1) she'll fuck whomever she wants to fuck so long as she believes she can keep it all discreet.

2) she'll even fuck multiple dudes in the same social circle because she believes they'll keep it discreet.

I'll have to check out that movie, Internal Affairs. Thanks.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - bacan - 12-02-2012

I don't mind this stuff when I'm in a player state of mind and I am fucking other girls and don't care if she is too.. but I think most guys swing back and forth on the cycle of wanting a little more dependability and a little more fun/novelty/random sex..

I really don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking that any time I call a girl I care about she might be taking it up the ass from some other guy...

Fuck these stories.. They are poison for the mind... Great for the idea of never getting in LTRs and all that, but horrible if you want to be happy in one..

And to be honest, it doesn't help that I myself have been such a dirty bastard so many times and lied to girls about so many things related to getting away with fucking other girls... Being untrustworthy doesn't help you trust others... Probably a big reason why many of us on here have trust issues with girls... All you have to do is imagine them thinking like you think and then you realize they could be doing something horrible to you..

I mean how many of us here have really sleazy? I just sometimes think damn.. I would hate it if she was doing some of the stuff that I'm doing...

It's all fucked up!!! Posting weird stuff late on a Saturday night..

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - poutsara - 12-02-2012

Quote: (12-02-2012 03:10 AM)bacan Wrote:  

Fuck these stories.. They are poison for the mind... Great for the idea of never getting in LTRs and all that, but horrible if you want to be happy in one..

And to be honest, it doesn't help that I myself have been such a dirty bastard so many times and lied to girls about so many things related to getting away with fucking other girls...

I mean how many of us here have really sleazy? I just sometimes think damn.. I would hate it if she was doing some of the stuff that I'm doing...

It's all fucked up!!! Posting weird stuff late on a Saturday night..

Truth. Who isn't a dirty bastard after all. But, it's different for us guys. Girls CAN'T get away with a lot of the stuff that we do. And there's things they CAN get away with that we can't. We will do almost anything to get sex and they know that, so who cares, we can be forgiven for womanizing. But be a weak man even just once and see how much forgiveness you get. None. A weak girl? Who cares, it's expected, even desired.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - bacan - 12-02-2012

Quote: (12-02-2012 06:01 AM)poutsara Wrote:  

Truth. Who isn't a dirty bastard after all. But, it's different for us guys. Girls CAN'T get away with a lot of the stuff that we do. And there's things they CAN get away with that we can't.

What do you mean?

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Prowl - 12-02-2012

Quote: (11-29-2012 03:16 PM)_GQ_ Wrote:  

Why do you care? The more sluts the better.

Haha winner winner dont buy her dinner.

Who gives a shit? I love sluts.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - TheRookie - 12-02-2012

I think a lot of guys responding on this thread are jaded because they are only experiencing American women. If you go with foreign-born or second-generation girls you will find that while some might be hypergamous and happy to dump your ass for the next rung up on the ladder, they like to be monogamous with a guy that they perceive as high value. These foreign women are more likely to be marriage-minded and they know that a superior man will not marry a slutty women. They are on their best behavior in a relationship.

Now think about it from an American (or Western) woman's perspective. She doesn't give a shit if you will marry her or not. Her daddy will be happy to hook her up with bullshit jobs and even pay for her fancy apartment (upper class culture). Even if she doesn't have a rich daddy she is still able to get some job working for the government, an NGO, a law firm, consulting, media, whatever (upper middle class culture). Even if she is poor she can have the government pay for her housing, food stamps, etc. (ghetto culture). Marriage is the furthest thing from an American woman's mind.

Hard-working, non-delusional, foreign-born women are the best women to date in NYC. Second-generation women often retain many of these traits through the example of their mother and father.

I almost threw up while talking to two girls who threw their friend under the bus by revealing that she was keeping six cocks on rotation. I immediately notified my idiot beta friend who had been pining over her for three months.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - lavidaloca - 12-02-2012

I would think in OP's case it's pretty obvious. I mean if shes doing lines in the bathroom shes not exactly a virgin or a good girl. Add to that the vag tat and I mean I would've just assumed she was living life on the wild side and even suspected she had some history working the night shift.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Carbonic - 12-02-2012

The old adage applies: "Hope for the best but expect the worst."

I've personally found it should be emphasized that always, and I mean always expect the worst. I don't care if you have no red-handed evidence a girl you're "dating" is banging another guy(s) or not, because if enough circumstantial evidence surfaces, a 3X multiplier should be equated at the very least to determine the truth. The key seems to be able to equate this in your own mind, and separate all emotions but put on the act like everything's normal so a self-fulling prophecy does not suddenly become reality when potentially she is truthful or you're paranoid... especially if you're seeking the truth and doing some investigation.

Things do not add up for a reason with girls imo, and since their mindset is that emotion overrules logic, why would I logically expect them to be purely monogamist? Its illogical when they can have their cake and eat it too, with laws and now social norms supporting this behavior from childhood on, and band-wagoning off what 80% or their peers get away with to think they're not all sluts. Post red-pill thinking ...

And for hope, well hope all you want, but hope is usually in some way tied to men's emotions, abundance kills the need for hope, or she hits the wall and you're clearly outclassing her and she knows she can do no better. In the behavior, and I mean the minutiae et al lies the truth. So what I gather from this thread, it stands as a vital reminder to simply expect the worst in each case. [Image: exclamation.gif]

I read this once on a thread about liars; "Those that say they can spot a liar are usually the worst at actually spotting a lie...," due to the complexities of lying I guess. << It was based on some study I'll have to find.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - importunacy - 12-02-2012


Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - iknowexactly - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-02-2012 05:52 PM)TheRookie Wrote:  

I think a lot of guys responding on this thread are jaded because they are only experiencing American women..........
I almost threw up while talking to two girls who threw their friend under the bus by revealing that she was keeping six cocks on rotation. I immediately notified my idiot beta friend who had been pining over her for three months.

Good post, I've also noticed if her parents were immigrants, the daughter is usually not as hopeless and moronically narcissistic.

Harrowing story.Could you go more into exactly how they put that, how it came up, etc.?

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Giovonny - 12-03-2012

This thread reminds me of Ashley Dupre

[Image: ashley_alexandra.jpg]

How many of these girls do we see every day and we never know that they are whores? Sometimes, I see a 9 or a 10 and I swear to god and can tell they are getting paid for sex.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - FourToTheFloor - 12-03-2012

Hahaha thats the Spitzer hooker, right?

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - poutsara - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 03:44 AM)Giovonny Wrote:  

This thread reminds me of Ashley Dupre

[Image: ashley_alexandra.jpg]

[Image: pimp.gif]

Was that because you were disappointed to hear she was banging the good governor and not just you? I hope so!

[Image: pimp.gif]

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - theIVth - 12-03-2012

1. Girls that just go with the flow and fuck dudes quickly cause he's cute or cause he's this or that, operate like that on the regular. I mean, you can't feel special or think that your just the one cause a girl is fucking you. She'll fuck another dude that she likes just as quick if she meets one.

2. If a girl is not your exclusive girlfriend, she's liable to be doing anything and rightfully so. Girls in these days and times are not innocent. Times have changed and culture has changed. Having a baby out of wedlock used to be super taboo and now it's nothing. If that's not taboo how can simply fucking a guy without commitment or exclusivity be anything a girl would even bat an eye at?

3. Girls that do coke are automatically untrustworthy and shouldn't be considered for anything but a booty call. Seriously, why would any man be falling for a girl that just shamelessly does coke? I wouldn't put anything past her lol

A lot of guys need to realize that if these women aren't your girlfriend, their liable to be doing anything. Girls aren't dumb and they realize that your more than likely fucking other girls so they fuck other guys. Simple. If you want an exclusive chick then you need to make her your girl. Either that or just fuck and don't worry about who else she's fucking.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - bacan - 12-03-2012

I can't believe it.. I wasn't even planning it to happen but last night I just had one of those moments where I was the guy waiting for a girl to finish talking to her husband on the phone...


Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 08:46 AM)bacan Wrote:  

I can't believe it.. I wasn't even planning it to happen but last night I just had one of those moments where I was the guy waiting for a girl to finish talking to her husband on the phone...


Do you believe you're smart enough to catch her if you were in his shoes?

I know with certainty I would not be.

At the end of the day, just assume they are all sluts, shouldn't be a painful realization at all. It is what it is.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - bacan - 12-03-2012

that's the scary thing.. guys are content to fuck girls on lunch breaks and shit like that.. there are scenarios that you could literally never catch ever

at least if we want to fuck hot girls we probably have to see them on nights and weekends...

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 10:22 AM)bacan Wrote:  

that's the scary thing.. guys are content to fuck girls on lunch breaks and shit like that.. there are scenarios that you could literally never catch ever

at least if we want to fuck hot girls we probably have to see them on nights and weekends...

I agree with your post excluding the bolded.

Hot girls will do the same thing, shy and hot are not the same.

Need to avoid treating any girl like she's "different" because they are all the same. Your ex-girlfriend whoever that girl is would 9999/10000 be down for lunch break sex. If not with you? With someone else.

This is not supposed to be depressing, I hope newbs read this and realize the takeaway is to never ever ever assume a girl is special. Someone out there somewhere can have sex with her in one night and do nasty things to her, it's just a matter of scale.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Sphere - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 08:46 AM)bacan Wrote:  

I can't believe it.. I wasn't even planning it to happen but last night I just had one of those moments where I was the guy waiting for a girl to finish talking to her husband on the phone...


I want that moment very badly. Well played, sir, well played.


This is not supposed to be depressing, I hope newbs read this and realize the takeaway is to never ever ever assume a girl is special. Someone out there somewhere can have sex with her in one night and do nasty things to her, it's just a matter of scale.


Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - slubu - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 05:57 AM)theIVth Wrote:  

1. Girls that just go with the flow and fuck dudes quickly cause he's cute or cause he's this or that, operate like that on the regular. I mean, you can't feel special or think that your just the one cause a girl is fucking you. She'll fuck another dude that she likes just as quick if she meets one.

2. If a girl is not your exclusive girlfriend, she's liable to be doing anything and rightfully so. Girls in these days and times are not innocent. Times have changed and culture has changed. Having a baby out of wedlock used to be super taboo and now it's nothing. If that's not taboo how can simply fucking a guy without commitment or exclusivity be anything a girl would even bat an eye at?

3. Girls that do coke are automatically untrustworthy and shouldn't be considered for anything but a booty call. Seriously, why would any man be falling for a girl that just shamelessly does coke? I wouldn't put anything past her lol

A lot of guys need to realize that if these women aren't your girlfriend, their liable to be doing anything. Girls aren't dumb and they realize that your more than likely fucking other girls so they fuck other guys. Simple. If you want an exclusive chick then you need to make her your girl. Either that or just fuck and don't worry about who else she's fucking.

1. Agreed.
2. Agreed.
3. Agreed. However I was far from falling for her. And I just found out about the coke thing the weekend before all this materialized.

On the last point, agreed as well. Just saying 4 cocks at once is too much for me. Maybe others are cool with it, but I just prefer to either not know or if I happen to find out, so be it but I just can't assign any value to her.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Giovonny - 12-03-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 03:57 PM)slubu Wrote:  

But given her appearance and some actions she put forth, this was not expected.

Slubu walks into a bar and sees this girl, she is sweet, soft spoken and appears innocent..

[Image: med_gallery_2_112_67851.jpg]

Immediately, he likes her and considers a long term relationship!!!

Later he discovers that she is a famous porn star!


This guy walks into Slubus office. He presents himself as a successful, connected money manger. He has done business all over town is well respected...

[Image: Bernie-Madoff-Funds-Distributed.jpg]

Slubu strongly considers investing with him!

JUST KIDDING WITH YOU SLUBU! Welcome to red pill reality! Things are often not what they seem! People will try to fool you!

Dr. Phil breaks it down here:

Start watching at 11:30...

Pay attention to "The Evil 8" and "The Nefarious 15" and "Benefit of the Doubt" starting at 19:40.

Quote: (11-30-2012 03:57 PM)slubu Wrote:  

- I am upset at myself for overlooking some tell tale signs, and letting my guard down

It happens to all of us. Now, you know better.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 12-03-2012

I just prefer to either not know or if I happen to find out, so be it

You're seconds away from a huge breakthrough.

The knowledge of the facts at hand were what made her unattractive in your mind. If I told you every single girl you've slept with was the exact same way... Would you feel bad or feel good?

Simply assume all girls are juggling 5+ dudes, now you have erased 100% of any approach anxiety you may have, be it sober or tipsy.

[on a similar note this is another strong reference to why the best players work in SALES because the number one skill to become a good salesman is to assume everyone to be a whale disregarding their appearance]

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - OGNorCal707 - 12-03-2012

Haha, The Dr. Phil stuff is great, someone posted that vid on another thread referring to the playboy in the episode. As it turns out, I actually for once, felt that Dr. Phil dished out some good info. and advice. While everything he breaks down in "The Evil 8" and "The Nefarious 15", were applied to the guy in this scenario, they could all easily apply to women in a relationship.

I hate to admit that I've been deeply fooled by a very persuasive, cunning, cold-hearted, calculating, and manipulative ex-GF, I've written about it extensively in the past. It doesn't bother me so much when you get the wrong impression about a girl that you are just fucking, but when you are deceived, lied to, and stabbed in the back by a woman, who convinces you that "she loves you more than anything, you mean everything to her", etc. It can be a soul crushing experience.

Like Dr. Phil says, never give anyone the "benefit of the doubt", especially women!! What gets even more fucked up, twisted, and dark, is when you are dealing with someone that has psychological/emotional issues, specifically "Cluster B" personality disorders. More specifically "Borderline Personality Disorder" and "Narcisistic Personality Disorder", these people are serious sociopaths, that feel absolutely no remorse for their actions, in my opinion they are soulless people who will lie, cheat, manipulate, and distort reality, all to get what they want and feed their egos. Unfortunately, it just so happens that these types are THE best at seduction. When I say seduction, I don't mean "pick up", I mean getting deep into a persons' head, and convincing them so deeply they they love you, etc., all the while their intent is to break you down and make you their slave.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - FourToTheFloor - 12-03-2012

Wait, if I enjoy coke, does that make me a slut? [Image: angel.gif]