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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-03-2018

Thanks for the input, I don't see how your post has helped.

Reaffirming the same negative mindset.

I don't know what it's like to be Indian and you certainly don't know what it is like to Black.

So we don't need you to write more later.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - the high - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 10:46 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

and there it is.

But then people wonder why we're getting lapped [collectively] by pretty much every other minority group in America. There's no cohesion in our community anymore.

But agree to disagree.

My advice to LanceCC is stay at the crib and stack but give yourself a deadline. Once that deadline comes do not go past it. Move out then and there
even if it means sleeping on some couches. Think long and hard about how much time you'll need, any possible setbacks that may come up before you're ready to leave, but once you set that deadline for yourself stick to it no matter what.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - LanceCC - 10-03-2018

Interesting feedback I've received on still living at home.

there are two main reasons I'm living at home at 28. First thing: as Jordypipp stated: NYC and Long Island are a complete rip off in terms of how far your money goes. a $1500 dollar apartment in NYC is most likely gonna be a tiny fucking studio in a shit neighborhood. it's kinda common around Long Island live with your parents and then move out of state. Im leaning towards staying close

2nd. I prefer to be around my father as he's not in great health at the moment. I have no grand parents left so my time around my parents is very important to me

I like saving my money in NY. but if my family lived in a state like Georgia where I could rent a whole house for $1500 I wouldve moved out after college. I'm looking to move out but stay close to the parents within the next 18 months.

Appreciate the feedback all.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:44 PM)the high Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 10:46 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

and there it is.

But then people wonder why we're getting lapped [collectively] by pretty much every other minority group in America. There's no cohesion in our community anymore.

But agree to disagree.

My advice to LanceCC is stay at the crib and stack but give yourself a deadline. Once that deadline comes do not go past it. Move out then and there
even if it means sleeping on some couches. Think long and hard about how much time you'll need, any possible setbacks that may come up before you're ready to leave, but once you set that deadline for yourself stick to it no matter what.

Man don't get it twisted. These communities aren't as tightly knit as you think with exception of othodox jews in NYC. These Asians and Indians all live off their parents and then when their daughters find themselves a good white man they bounce. Fuck the culture, fuck the race, it's about her life. The immigrant parents slave away to provide a healthy environment for their child only for the child to vehemently dimiss the idea of marrying within their race.

Quite frankly, that's the way it probably should be minus the Asian and Indian woman's worship of the white man. Black folk can't save all Black folk. At some point you just enable people who literally put forth no effort to get themselves out of dreadful situation. Every race including white folks have been through some bullshit they had to drudge through. Not to be dismissive of our struggle, but at some point you just gotta go out and get it. I live in a America and there is no shortage of Nigerian, various East African, Ghanian...etc immigrants absolutely fucking killing it. Excuses are tools of the incompetent to build pyramids of ignorance. I love my people, but i aint helping nobody that doesn't want to help themselves. Exception being children cause they don't know any better.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - the high - 10-03-2018

As far as Tdk and his situation, I wish I had a website like this in my 20's. Filled with intel on all kinds of travel locations, as well as guys with literally decades worth of experience willing to put you up on game, not only on women but on a variety of topics.

You don't want to bang non-black women fine, hit up the Caribbean, or Africa or get you one of those fire Afro-latinas.

[Image: ruth+2.jpg]
The data-sheets are out there. Or stay local and get you a baddie in your own neck of the woods.

As far as being black, I love it. We find a way to succeed despite being the supposed "lowest caste", and that makes victory that much sweeter, while white guys are crying about diminishing wgf we create our own bgf.

You hold the power to your own destiny, whether you're willing to use it to empower yourself or wallow in your own self-pity is up to you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-03-2018


These dudes have never lived in NYC for real. You can't even really visit NYC cause the AirBnb prices getting closer to hotel prices.

Stack your bread and fuck the haters. They gonna have you in some Haitian basement apartment sharing one bathroom with five dudes in East New York.

I knew 6 figure WHITE stockbrokers with roomies. Not everyone is Lloyd Blankfein. And Lloyd is only worth a billion. He don't have enough paper to make the list.

That whole city is designed to suck money out of people. Well known brands can't afford the rent in Manhattan. Whole blocks of dark store fronts in RICH areas, cause local real estate millionaires want to hold billion dollar tenants, to fuck over the mere 6 figure residents.

Like the rich Chinese in Hong Kong profiting from slums, the different levels of rich prey on each other.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - RougeNoir - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-01-2018 08:56 PM)LanceCC Wrote:  

6'2, Lighskin black.

We in here!!!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 03:47 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  


These dudes have never lived in NYC for real. You can't even really visit NYC cause the AirBnb prices getting closer to hotel prices.

Stack your bread and fuck the haters. They gonna have you in some Haitian basement apartment sharing one bathroom with five dudes in East New York.

I knew 6 figure WHITE stockbrokers with roomies. Not everyone is Lloyd Blankfein. And Lloyd is only worth a billion. He don't have enough paper to make the list.

That whole city is designed to suck money out of people. Well known brands can't afford the rent in Manhattan. Whole blocks of dark store fronts in RICH areas, cause local real estate millionaires want to hold billion dollar tenants, to fuck over the mere 6 figure residents.

Like the rich Chinese in Hong Kong profiting from slums, the different levels of rich prey on each other.


This is real deep shit but really true. The whole world is really just one big dog eat dog traphouse with everyone trying to eat. You've already won half the battle if you're content with what you've got but still have the drive to continue improving. Living in a capitalistic society we gotta always aspire to stay ahead of the curve.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - LanceCC - 10-03-2018

@WestIndian bro its a struggle. it's amazing how lopsided and crooked the housing situation is in NYC. 8000 dollars a month for an apartment that is meant for 4 people. ridiculous. Unity and action in our community is what we're missing. big business and corporations are deciding what's best for NYC as opposed to the people

but with that being said . I'm just here to learn and better myself and help others.. but with that being said

If you haven't been to Nashville. make it a priority in the future. I felt like a piece of meat getting passed around & it was lit. Black guys are rare during the day (not so much at night cause the locals come out) but lord do southern women flock here to fuck like crazy writing the datasheet now will link from the appropriate subforum

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Rang off the Pipe - 10-03-2018

I'm considering a trip to Nashville myself right before Christmas, so I'm curious to see what you have to say. It would be the start of a road trip I'd like to do through the South and presumably ending in New Orleans.

And credit to you for being stuck on Long Island and dealing with the folks there. From personal experience (lived in NYC but met a lot of LI girls during my school years), it's not an easy thing pulling those girls or dealing with their attitudes. As for moving out of the area but not going too may want to consider Philly for both economic and lifestyle reasons.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - MMM - 10-04-2018

@LanceCC, that's been my experience in Long Island, usually striking out because I'm not the dream white dude from the "North shore" or I'm a hit because I'm the darkest thing in the room.  Go figure. 

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-04-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 08:41 PM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

I'm considering a trip to Nashville myself right before Christmas, so I'm curious to see what you have to say. It would be the start of a road trip I'd like to do through the South and presumably ending in New Orleans.

And credit to you for being stuck on Long Island and dealing with the folks there. From personal experience (lived in NYC but met a lot of LI girls during my school years), it's not an easy thing pulling those girls or dealing with their attitudes. As for moving out of the area but not going too may want to consider Philly for both economic and lifestyle reasons.

Long Island bitches be recent whites. Polish, Italian, Irish, and Jewish. Buffer whites. They weren't always in the club and tend to stick to their own. They have their own strange standards.

Blue blood chicks that have been in Manhattan don't really fuck with folks outside of their own clan either.

To do well in those circles shows some good understanding of social dynamics.

The bottom line since game started being discussed online is that girls really do want to fuck, and they want to fuck all the time. They'd prefer the perfect man to marry and introduce to family and friends - but in the meantime, she is going to suck the rainbow.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kirdiesel - 10-04-2018

I spent a considerable time gaming and working (practically living) on Long Island and FUCK THAT PLACE. Italian American girls are absolutely the worst too in terms of attitude with us.

If you are near on in NYC stick to Brooklyn or Manhattan.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-04-2018

Quote: (10-04-2018 06:44 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

I spent a considerable time gaming and working (practically living) on Long Island and FUCK THAT PLACE. Italian American girls are absolutely the worst too in terms of attitude with us.

If you are near on in NYC stick to Brooklyn or Manhattan.

That's odd cause Italian Americans aren't that attractive as a whole.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 10-04-2018

Cuffing season is upon us! It's no secret I've been actively interviewing candidates, but I can't help to think I'll be missing out on something.
I was out with a young lady the other day, holding hands, strolling downtown, living in the moment when another bad chick crossed our paths. I was flushed with contrition for not being able to eye-phuck said bad chick freely.
Though I'm experienced enough to know the grass is not always greener and fully aware of the boy and the cookie jar fable, I just can't help feeling malcontent.

Anyone else ever feel like this?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - mikado - 10-05-2018

What do you guys think about this?

20 women to 1 man in Atlanta? Then where does the "gay reputation" of the city come from?[Image: gay.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 10-05-2018

The ratios are good but those chicks are the "cream" of the crop. 30+, "independent", strong black women.

There are also the strippers and the students.

But most of them dudes never missed a day at the gym. I'm sure most of them are gainfully employed.

I'm betting that the prime market of 18-25 is not checking for those dudes. The marriage bracket (25-27) is frustrated, and these old heifers are chicks that were too picky or too slutty at 23.

Welcome to my world.

The show should be good just for the internal female dynamics. A lot of their fears and concerns you can use to your advantage.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-05-2018

@Mikado - it is a TV show, hence the word TV "programming".

Another show trying to highlight the fallacy of good black women and so called lack of good black men.

I didn't even bother to click on the link.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Dalaran1991 - 10-05-2018

Im getting back to the game hardcore and realize that my verbals need some work. Verbals and emitional hooklining.

You guys have any good systems to recommend? Im a bit rusty regarding verbals, and the last time i had great results i was following a set system. Appreciate any good recommendation

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Chowder Head - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-05-2018 08:12 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

The ratios are good but those chicks are the "cream" of the crop. 30+, "independent", strong black women.

There are also the strippers and the students.

But most of them dudes never missed a day at the gym. I'm sure most of them are gainfully employed.

I'm betting that the prime market of 18-25 is not checking for those dudes. The marriage bracket (25-27) is frustrated, and these old heifers are chicks that were too picky or too slutty at 23.

Welcome to my world.

The show should be good just for the internal female dynamics. A lot of their fears and concerns you can use to your advantage.


Arch, you are being generous call these old hags 30+. Most of those women should be invisible to the guys on this show. I'm sick of watching younger guys kissing up on these old broads. I had to stop watching Luke Cage because I couldn't take watching Shades kissing that old lady. Then they added in that homo storyline as well. So NO to cougars!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Chowder Head - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-05-2018 08:38 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Im getting back to the game hardcore and realize that my verbals need some work. Verbals and emitional hooklining.

You guys have any good systems to recommend? Im a bit rusty regarding verbals, and the last time i had great results i was following a set system. Appreciate any good recommendation

Just read any post from WIA.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-05-2018

Chowder Head - #saynotocougars


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-04-2018 06:44 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

I spent a considerable time gaming and working (practically living) on Long Island and FUCK THAT PLACE. Italian American girls are absolutely the worst too in terms of attitude with us.

If you are near on in NYC stick to Brooklyn or Manhattan.

This is location specific.
I've had positive experiences with Italian American females outside the NYC metro area.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 10-05-2018

Meh, most of those women look like drag queens. It's just something about a "fully accessorized woman" that turns me off. Mostly, the fact they'll NEVER look any better than what they look like all done up with wigs/weaves, lashes and makeup.
Besides, that bullshit is just for show, them dudes are there for the exposure.
. . . and to that 20:1 ratio, I'd opine that the overwhelming majority of the women are overweight and single mothers who think a masters degree entitles them to the cream of the crop. Of the few who are legitimate baddies, those broads are waiting around for ball players and celebs until they hit the wall and/or reality.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-05-2018

Quote: (10-05-2018 11:11 AM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Meh, most of those women look like drag queens. It's just something about a "fully accessorized woman" that turns me off. Mostly, the fact they'll NEVER look any better than what they look like all done up with wigs/weaves, lashes and makeup.
Besides, that bullshit is just for show, them dudes are there for the exposure.
. . . and to that 20:1 ratio, I'd opine that the overwhelming majority of the women are overweight and single mothers who think a masters degree entitles them to the cream of the crop. Of the few who are legitimate baddies, those broads are waiting around for ball players and celebs until they hit the wall and/or reality.

I can appreciate your comments, particularly about a fully accessorized woman. I think there are far more girls in atlanta with their head on str8 than you realize however