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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - LanceCC - 10-01-2018

1st post alert. Lurking for sometime. decided to join and give back knowledge as you guys have given me.

Background. I'm 28, 6'2, Lighskin black. I live on Vanilla Long Island and have done pretty well for myself considering I'm still living at home (I'm saving to buy a house) 8 bodies this year (all white girls). not too bad considering.

being black is the biggest ally weve got (IMO unless you live in Confederate Mississippi). on Long Island it's 95% white boys in Bars so I usually strike out hard due to white girls looking for Chad OR I clean up due to the lack of variety. the principles in this forum have definitely helped me close many deals. My closing percentage when I'm traveling is biblical. I'm looking forward to providing data sheets through the eyes of young black guy.

Traveling is the something I believe in. I'll be providing data sheets on cities I've gotten bangs in recently (San Diego, Iceland, Amsterdam, Austin TX, Nashville) to help inspire y'all to trave to these places. I'm looking to hit Denmark and Sweden next. I hear good things about swedish women and black guys.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-01-2018

One of the tri-factor days of partying is almost upon us.

Halloween of course, anyone going out? Any costume ideas?

Despite the cold temperatures north of the border, girls come out in droves that night and love to dress up.

My buddy is going out as some game of thrones character, said I should go out as a gladiator.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 10-02-2018


You guys may be right about the depression thing. I have been drinking Jack Daniels alone from time to time ( daily) to help me sleep...


After seeing a few youtube videos from brothers in UK and US, who came to the same conclusions and observations. It's clear: we are deep into a rabbit hole that we won't climb out of in our life times. Brothers in China and India getting that work, as are those in North Africa and Middle East.

I think the gravity of our situation finally hit me, we live in a global caste system. And, we are, regardless of money/fame, are members of the permanent underclass. And no amount of non-black poontang helps to correct or change that. Actually, it makes it worse, as those mixed kids don't end up with black men, anyway.

That feeling of powerless and therefore helplessness manifests in this "baseless" depression.

It's a grieving process: I'll come to accept the reality with time.


Nonetheless, I still don't belong on this thread.

I may be using alcohol to ease the hurt but pussy ( non-black pussy at that) is not the answer.

A "societally" red-pilled, TDK

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


You guys may be right about the depression thing. I have been drinking Jack Daniels alone from time to time ( daily) to help me sleep...


After seeing a few youtube videos from brothers in UK and US, who came to the same conclusions and observations. It's clear: we are deep into a rabbit hole that we won't climb out of in our life times. Brothers in China and India getting that work, as are those in North Africa and Middle East.

I think the gravity of our situation finally hit me, we live in a global caste system. And, we are, regardless of money/fame, are members of the permanent underclass. And no amount of non-black poontang helps to correct or change that. Actually, it makes it worse, as those mixed kids don't end up with black men, anyway.

That feeling of powerless and therefore helplessness manifests in this "baseless" depression.

It's a grieving process: I'll come to accept the reality with time.


Nonetheless, I still don't belong on this thread.

I may be using alcohol to ease the hurt but pussy ( non-black pussy at that) is not the answer.

A "societally" red-pilled, TDK

Please don't give up like that. I want to see you bounce back with a vengeance. Look, I can relate with the alcohol tip. Some years back I sometimes drank alone as well. I took a break from the bottle for a few months (early this year). Somehow I managed to transition it mainly to just the nightlife & vacation situations for now. I don't think drinking that bottle of Jack solo is the answer. You need to find a new renaissance in your life. Focus on hitting the gym regularly. Maybe you just need to find a solid LTR with a solid-ass chick for a while & see where it goes. Might boost your spirits & help you get stronger. Many legendary players do hang up the jersey & go the LTR route for a while. Sometimes for good, sometimes not. Either way you need your confidence & many facets of game to even maintain an LTR effectively. Whether you want to be a player for a bit longer or go the LTR route I wish you the best of luck. I think you have way too much potential here. Hopefully any days you have of dwelling in misery & the bottle are numbered.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - BasketBounce - 10-02-2018

@LanceCC: Welcome to the thread! Glad to hear that you are getting some play. Looking forward to your data sheets on Nashville and Amsterdam. Two spots that intrigue me. I’ve heard Rotterdam is good too if you know some Dutch.

@rudebwoy: I like how you think! Halloween is indeed the best American holiday aside from Spring Break. i need to tell my plates to start shopping for outfits that they know I will like to see them in.

Starting a dance class in a week. Mostly hoping to have a good time and meet some new friends. We’ll see how things go.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 10-02-2018

TDK _ get the help that you need.

Stay away from the negativity, it only breeds negative thoughts.

I am sure I don't have to tell you the side effects of alcohol!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - El Padrone - 10-02-2018

TDK, hey mano, you got bros here. Don't underestimate talking about issues w/ older folks here. Don't give in to the darkness of alcoholic escape. You're not a part of any underclass, fuck that and fuck anyone telling you that. You're top of the line. Cheer up my man!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Repo - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


You guys may be right about the depression thing. I have been drinking Jack Daniels alone from time to time ( daily) to help me sleep...


After seeing a few youtube videos from brothers in UK and US, who came to the same conclusions and observations. It's clear: we are deep into a rabbit hole that we won't climb out of in our life times. Brothers in China and India getting that work, as are those in North Africa and Middle East.

I think the gravity of our situation finally hit me, we live in a global caste system. And, we are, regardless of money/fame, are members of the permanent underclass. And no amount of non-black poontang helps to correct or change that. Actually, it makes it worse, as those mixed kids don't end up with black men, anyway.

That feeling of powerless and therefore helplessness manifests in this "baseless" depression.

It's a grieving process: I'll come to accept the reality with time.


Nonetheless, I still don't belong on this thread.

I may be using alcohol to ease the hurt but pussy ( non-black pussy at that) is not the answer.

A "societally" red-pilled, TDK

Sounds like your giving too much thought to people who dont give a shit about you. These people should not exist to you, you create your own rules for who you let into your life and who you exclude. And it should be an exclusive club, and a priviledge to be in because of the value you bring.

I remember a bad ass Jamaican chick I dated who was getting serious money. She had this stare she would give whenever someone said or did something demeaning, that told them "who the fuck are you". Then she just wouldnt make any effort to ever talk to then again. They didnt exist to her. If your confident in yourself, why should people who look down on you exist to you? I believe you said your a doctor, your probably more successful than they'll ever be anyway. Fuck them.

You are not fucking helpless or powerless. Sure your not going to change society, but you can control who you let into your life and which peoples opinions actually matter to you. There is no reason to value or hold on to the people who look down on you, only care about the ones who care about you.

A few other things:

1) No amount of any kind of pussy ever solved anything
2) Alcohol is a depressant, it too has never solved anything other than getting a bitch to come out her clothes quicker. Turning to alcohol or drugs to solve problems is weak minded. You have the power to not be weak minded.

Anyway hope this helps, I've never been in your specific situation but I have battled depression and some of these things helped me, maybe they will help you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - godzilla - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


You guys may be right about the depression thing. I have been drinking Jack Daniels alone from time to time ( daily) to help me sleep...


After seeing a few youtube videos from brothers in UK and US, who came to the same conclusions and observations. It's clear: we are deep into a rabbit hole that we won't climb out of in our life times. Brothers in China and India getting that work, as are those in North Africa and Middle East.

I think the gravity of our situation finally hit me, we live in a global caste system. And, we are, regardless of money/fame, are members of the permanent underclass. And no amount of non-black poontang helps to correct or change that. Actually, it makes it worse, as those mixed kids don't end up with black men, anyway.

That feeling of powerless and therefore helplessness manifests in this "baseless" depression.

It's a grieving process: I'll come to accept the reality with time.


Nonetheless, I still don't belong on this thread.

I may be using alcohol to ease the hurt but pussy ( non-black pussy at that) is not the answer.

A "societally" red-pilled, TDK

Even if you're a little depressed, Alcohol fucking makes ten times worse bro. Lay off that shit for a few weeks.

Seconding Moma with the Vitamin D. If you're in England, thats a cloudy motherfucking county.

Azulsombra passed you a gem. Heed that. Repeating it below.

"Whether being Black or White, Tall or Short is as advantadge or disadvantadge is irrelevant from a mental health perspective.

Accepting the fact that you had zero control over any of those factors (which you can never change) and you only get one life is the most important thing. You can either play that hand (keep making moves) or quit (accept depression or suicide)."

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-01-2018 08:56 PM)LanceCC Wrote:  

1st post alert. Lurking for sometime. decided to join and give back knowledge as you guys have given me.

Background. I'm 28, 6'2, Lighskin black. I live on Vanilla Long Island and have done pretty well for myself considering I'm still living at home (I'm saving to buy a house) 8 bodies this year (all white girls). not too bad considering.

being black is the biggest ally weve got (IMO unless you live in Confederate Mississippi). on Long Island it's 95% white boys in Bars so I usually strike out hard due to white girls looking for Chad OR I clean up due to the lack of variety. the principles in this forum have definitely helped me close many deals. My closing percentage when I'm traveling is biblical. I'm looking forward to providing data sheets through the eyes of young black guy.

Traveling is the something I believe in. I'll be providing data sheets on cities I've gotten bangs in recently (San Diego, Iceland, Amsterdam, Austin TX, Nashville) to help inspire y'all to trave to these places. I'm looking to hit Denmark and Sweden next. I hear good things about swedish women and black guys.


yo bro, i mean no offense but I just cant help myself but comment on the bolded part

28 and living with your parents is insane to me.

I saw you said you want to buy a house but thats no excuse to me for a grown man who is soon to be 30 to be living with his parents.

A few years ago when I turned 20, I grinded like crazy to move out within 3 months of my birth day as I felt 20 was too old to be living with my parents.

I was 20 when i did this, your almost 30.

I'm surprised no one else commented on this.


am i in the twilight zone?

If you are 28 and are still living with your parents then forget sex and girls and focus 100% on getting your shiet together so you can get your own place.

28 and still living with your parents? really? wtf?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 10-02-2018

Hell, I’m 40ish and wish I could move back in with my parents lol.
If works for him, cool. Too many of us are booted w/o being set-up for success. Meanwhile, our counterparts are the ones on House Hunters looking for $800k starter houses working as a Barista

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 11:11 PM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Hell, I’m 40ish and wish I could move back in with my parents lol.
If works for him, cool. Too many of us are booted w/o being set-up for success. Meanwhile, our counterparts are the ones on House Hunters looking for $800k starter houses working as a Barista

Not sure if serious.

But if your financial situation in your 40s is so bad that you wish at this age you could move in with your parents; then everyone in this forum should look at you as a cautionary tale. you are an ANTI success story that we should all strive NOT to replicate.

And no one should wait to get "set up" for success; you have to create your own success.

I stand firmly on what I said; 28 and living with your parents is completely embarrassing and if i found myself in that situation I would focus 100% on getting out ASAP. forget sex, forget travelling. forget data sheets. have some self respect and make sure you dont fucking end up living with your parents as a 30 year old.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - the high - 10-03-2018

I don't believe that was Dimebait's point at all.

The thing is Scientist, not everyone is you, and everyone's path's, goal's and priorities are different. If living at home gets LanceCC closer to his goal of owning a house, and he's not just using that as an excuse to remain stagnant, he would be foolish to leave now just so he can flex and say he lives on his own. Lose battles to win the war as Robert Greene says.

Asians and other minorities are notorious for staying at the crib until they are in a prime position to venture out on their own, but us in America have this notion passed down to us that once you hit a certain age you have to leave at all costs. Some of us are forced out at 18 which wouldn't be so bad if we were at least equipped with resources and knowledge in our formative years. And in the end what does that get any of us? No one cares whether you live on your own, we all live on our own.

I'd have more respect for a man who maybe stayed at the crib longer than normal but was able to buy a house outright by his 30's than a man in his 30's whose been renting since he was 18.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:09 AM)the high Wrote:  

I don't believe that was Dimebait's point at all.

The thing is Scientist, not everyone is you, and everyone's path's, goal's and priorities are different. If living at home gets LanceCC closer to his goal of owning a house, and he's not just using that as an excuse to remain stagnant, he would be foolish to leave now just so he can flex and say he lives on his own. Lose battles to win the war as Robert Greene says.

Asians and other minorities are notorious for staying at the crib until they are in a prime position to venture out on their own, but us in America have this notion passed down to us that once you hit a certain age you have to leave at all costs. Some of us are forced out at 18 which wouldn't be so bad if we were at least equipped with resources and knowledge in our formative years. And in the end what does that get any of us? No one cares whether you live on your own, we all live on our own.

I'd have more respect for a man who maybe stayed at the crib longer than normal but was able to buy a house outright by his 30's than a man in his 30's whose been renting since he was 18.

I respect your opinion but I disagree completely.

I dont care about his house goals.

He needs to find a way to achieve this goal without remaining a burden on his parents.

It's insane to me that you think its acceptable.

Back in the days (40s to 60s) most people by 28 where married and had kids.

I would of course never get married but I hope to have my first kid by 28 and this guy is living with his parents at 28 like he is still a kid.

wtf are we talking about?

and stop with this bullshiet that everyone is different and not everyone is like me; we all have universal standards we should follow as men.

saying it's ok to live at home at 28 because everyone is different is like saying its ok to be an incel 25 year old virgin because everyone is different or its ok to be some fat fuck 400 pounds because everyone is different.

GTFO with that nonsense. 28 and living with your parents is pathetic just like being some forever alone mid 20s virgin or some 400 pounds fat fuck.

In all 3 cases, have some fucking self respect and focus 100% on fixing the issue instead of lying to yourself that its ok because everyone is different.

I mean no hostility, just being brutally honest.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - UUU - 10-03-2018

I’m 22, I’m living with my folks. I have a high paying job five minutes from my house and a girlfriend I see every other week or so (she has her own place). Fuck if I’d move out just for the sake of it. I’m on track to save more than 100k by age 24, honestly if I continued down that path for the next ten years I could have 500k plus sitting in my bank account becauae I stayed with my folks.

I’m gonna try to get out by age 24-25 but living at home is absolutely a good decision if you’re in an expensive area like NY. The benefits of living on your own don’t even come close to the costs (wasted time doing chores, expensive as fuck rent, possibly shitty accomodations, etc). Yeah I guess you can fuck more girls but the downsides are huge.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Sumanguru - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 04:08 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Sounds like your giving too much thought to people who dont give a shit about you. These people should not exist to you, you create your own rules for who you let into your life and who you exclude. And it should be an exclusive club, and a priviledge to be in because of the value you bring.

Great fucking post.

[Image: potd.gif]

TDK, stop viewing the world through Identity Politics. Who cares if you're black/white/whatever. You're a damn DOCTOR (something most people will never be) who knows Game (you're on this forum) and is in shape (if not get your ass in the gym) who's fluent in the most popular language on the planet. Don't you realize most men--regardless of their race--would kill to be you?

Yeah there are chicks who won't talk to you cause you're black, but there are plenty who won't care, there are plenty who'll talk to you cause you're a fucking kickass dude. Yeah you're going to have to work harder than a white dude with the same skillset, but fuck it, you can do it. Yeah, a lot of black people have failed in the last couple hundred years, but a lot have succeeded too, and "success" could mean lots of money or it could mean a stable healthy family or both or something else entirely. You just gotta go fucking get it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 01:23 AM)UUU Wrote:  

I’m 22, I’m living with my folks. I have a high paying job five minutes from my house and a girlfriend I see every other week or so (she has her own place). Fuck if I’d move out just for the sake of it. I’m on track to save more than 100k by age 24, honestly if I continued down that path for the next ten years I could have 500k plus sitting in my bank account becauae I stayed with my folks.

I’m gonna try to get out by age 24-25 but living at home is absolutely a good decision if you’re in an expensive area like NY. The benefits of living on your own don’t even come close to the costs (wasted time doing chores, expensive as fuck rent, possibly shitty accomodations, etc). Yeah I guess you can fuck more girls but the downsides are huge.

what is your definition of a high paying job?

how much per year do you consider "high paying"

If you live with your parents for the next 2 years and you are only saving 100k then you most definitely do NOT have a high paying job?

Thats 50k a year meaning you are not even making 6 figures a year since I'm assuming by living with your parents your monthly personal expenses are under 2000 per month.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 02:08 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

what is your definition of a high paying job?

how much per year do you consider "high paying"

If you live with your parents for the next 2 years and you are only saving 100k then you most definitely do NOT have a high paying job?

Thats 50k a year meaning you are not even making 6 figures a year since I'm assuming by living with your parents your monthly personal expenses are under 2000 per month.

Living with one's parents usually means that the biggest monster, rent, is taken care of due to the fact that the parents probably have paid off the mortgage (or are handling the rent etc). The other expenses such as transport (or car payments, maintenance), food, phone bill, maybe Internet bill still exist. To save 50k a year is a notable feat. I'm guessing UUU is making at least 70K a year or higher to make the claim of high paying job.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 03:11 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 02:08 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

what is your definition of a high paying job?

how much per year do you consider "high paying"

If you live with your parents for the next 2 years and you are only saving 100k then you most definitely do NOT have a high paying job?

Thats 50k a year meaning you are not even making 6 figures a year since I'm assuming by living with your parents your monthly personal expenses are under 2000 per month.

Living with one's parents usually means that the biggest monster, rent, is taken care of due to the fact that the parents probably have paid off the mortgage (or are handling the rent etc). The other expenses such as transport (or car payments, maintenance), food, phone bill, maybe Internet bill still exist. To save 50k a year is a notable feat. I'm guessing UUU is making at least 70K a year or higher to make the claim of high paying job.

70k per year is definitely NOT a high paying job.

Thats not even top 10% income.

High paying job starts at like 160k per year which puts someone in the top 5%.

And in big cities like NYC, 70k in a city like that is not even middle class.

But yeah saving 50k a year is great for sure but if he truly has a high paying job and is living with his parents then he should easily save 100k + a year.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 10:56 PM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2018 08:56 PM)LanceCC Wrote:  

1st post alert. Lurking for sometime. decided to join and give back knowledge as you guys have given me.

Background. I'm 28, 6'2, Lighskin black. I live on Vanilla Long Island and have done pretty well for myself considering I'm still living at home (I'm saving to buy a house) 8 bodies this year (all white girls). not too bad considering.

being black is the biggest ally weve got (IMO unless you live in Confederate Mississippi). on Long Island it's 95% white boys in Bars so I usually strike out hard due to white girls looking for Chad OR I clean up due to the lack of variety. the principles in this forum have definitely helped me close many deals. My closing percentage when I'm traveling is biblical. I'm looking forward to providing data sheets through the eyes of young black guy.

Traveling is the something I believe in. I'll be providing data sheets on cities I've gotten bangs in recently (San Diego, Iceland, Amsterdam, Austin TX, Nashville) to help inspire y'all to trave to these places. I'm looking to hit Denmark and Sweden next. I hear good things about swedish women and black guys.


yo bro, i mean no offense but I just cant help myself but comment on the bolded part

28 and living with your parents is insane to me.

I saw you said you want to buy a house but thats no excuse to me for a grown man who is soon to be 30 to be living with his parents.

A few years ago when I turned 20, I grinded like crazy to move out within 3 months of my birth day as I felt 20 was too old to be living with my parents.

I was 20 when i did this, your almost 30.

I'm surprised no one else commented on this.


am i in the twilight zone?

If you are 28 and are still living with your parents then forget sex and girls and focus 100% on getting your shiet together so you can get your own place.

28 and still living with your parents? really? wtf?

Lol, in LanceCC's defense, the NYC Tri-State metro area is hands down one of the most expensive ones in the USA. Long Island as well is generally a rip-off with high property taxes. Baby boomers that bought real estate decades ago are fortunate. The smart ones likely even sold their properties, cashed out & moved to cheaper COL areas such as the Carolinas or Florida. I'm not sure if LanceCC desires to stay in Long Island (which I think is a pit for a 20-something or early 30 something unless you have a family) or maybe move to NYC or a different region. If he is planning a move to NYC, he might need to plan on having roommates.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 05:56 AM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Lol, in LanceCC's defense, the NYC Tri-State metro area is hands down one of the most expensive ones in the USA. Long Island as well is generally a rip-off with high property taxes. Baby boomers that bought real estate decades ago are fortunate. The smart ones likely even sold their properties, cashed out & moved to cheaper COL areas such as the Carolinas or Florida. I'm not sure if LanceCC desires to stay in Long Island (which I think is a pit for a 20-something or early 30 something unless you have a family) or maybe move to NYC or a different region. If he is planning a move to NYC, he might need to plan on having roommates.

I can co-sign this. In my attempt to check out and possibly live in NYC, most of the people I encountered had roommates (which is almost the same as living with one's parents). These were grown folk, I was staying in an apartment with middle aged women that were working great jobs. However, the property prices in NYC are bonkers and there didn't seem to be any shame in adults rooming with each other.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:36 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:09 AM)the high Wrote:  

I don't believe that was Dimebait's point at all.

The thing is Scientist, not everyone is you, and everyone's path's, goal's and priorities are different. If living at home gets LanceCC closer to his goal of owning a house, and he's not just using that as an excuse to remain stagnant, he would be foolish to leave now just so he can flex and say he lives on his own. Lose battles to win the war as Robert Greene says.

Asians and other minorities are notorious for staying at the crib until they are in a prime position to venture out on their own, but us in America have this notion passed down to us that once you hit a certain age you have to leave at all costs. Some of us are forced out at 18 which wouldn't be so bad if we were at least equipped with resources and knowledge in our formative years. And in the end what does that get any of us? No one cares whether you live on your own, we all live on our own.

I'd have more respect for a man who maybe stayed at the crib longer than normal but was able to buy a house outright by his 30's than a man in his 30's whose been renting since he was 18.

I respect your opinion but I disagree completely.

I dont care about his house goals.

He needs to find a way to achieve this goal without remaining a burden on his parents.

It's insane to me that you think its acceptable.

Back in the days (40s to 60s) most people by 28 where married and had kids.

I would of course never get married but I hope to have my first kid by 28 and this guy is living with his parents at 28 like he is still a kid.

wtf are we talking about?

and stop with this bullshiet that everyone is different and not everyone is like me; we all have universal standards we should follow as men.

saying it's ok to live at home at 28 because everyone is different is like saying its ok to be an incel 25 year old virgin because everyone is different or its ok to be some fat fuck 400 pounds because everyone is different.

GTFO with that nonsense. 28 and living with your parents is pathetic just like being some forever alone mid 20s virgin or some 400 pounds fat fuck.

In all 3 cases, have some fucking self respect and focus 100% on fixing the issue instead of lying to yourself that its ok because everyone is different.

I mean no hostility, just being brutally honest.

I agree. First off, we are men on a gaming forum. That be definition separates us from this notion of "everyone is different". We here on this forum are the same. I certainly understand staying with your parents to get on your feet, but I stayed with my parents for 5 months after I graduated with my MBA and I couldnt wait to get out. I'd rather be struggling to pay rent than to be living comfortably at home as a 28 year old man. That just seems feminine. No disrespect to the OP. Further, he's to young to have girlfriend as well. A girlfriend he undoubtedly spends a lot of his hard earned money on. The philosphical question is this, if you had a son would you want him following that path and the answer is an unequivocal no. Hopefully, when and if I have son I can subsidize his rent with my savings rather than him staying his black ass at home. Negro you ain't East Indian, Hispanic or Asian where they have a built in culture where that is accepted. You in the West and in the West it's more accepted to have 7 roommates than to be a 28 year old man living at home. I don't mean to be disrespectful I am just trying to encourage you to look at your situation. You probably have a girlfriend because you know it's a pain in the ass getting no box when you don't have your own place.

Step it up young blood. You are in your prime and it shouldn't be spend under the roof of mommy and daddy

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - UUU - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 02:08 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 01:23 AM)UUU Wrote:  

I’m 22, I’m living with my folks. I have a high paying job five minutes from my house and a girlfriend I see every other week or so (she has her own place). Fuck if I’d move out just for the sake of it. I’m on track to save more than 100k by age 24, honestly if I continued down that path for the next ten years I could have 500k plus sitting in my bank account becauae I stayed with my folks.

I’m gonna try to get out by age 24-25 but living at home is absolutely a good decision if you’re in an expensive area like NY. The benefits of living on your own don’t even come close to the costs (wasted time doing chores, expensive as fuck rent, possibly shitty accomodations, etc). Yeah I guess you can fuck more girls but the downsides are huge.

what is your definition of a high paying job?

how much per year do you consider "high paying"

If you live with your parents for the next 2 years and you are only saving 100k then you most definitely do NOT have a high paying job?

Thats 50k a year meaning you are not even making 6 figures a year since I'm assuming by living with your parents your monthly personal expenses are under 2000 per month.

I'm making about 100k a year, I'll take home like 75k after taxes. I have 40k or so saved up so I'll be in a good position by the time I'm 24. If I even just keep making this amount of money and live at home for the next five years I'll have more than 350k saved up by my mid twenties. That's not enough to buy a house where I live, but I could buy a place in Dallas for example and probably live comfortably. 350k is a lot of money -- that's two kids' college educations, an MBA for me, a trip around the world would barely dent that amount of money.

Not saying all this to brag but just to illustrate how living at home can be beneficial. I'd rather be a 27 year old with 350k in the bank and less girls smashed than a 27 year old with marginal savings but more life experience. I already travelled widely and slept around in college, I'm in life gains mode right now and will be for the forseeable future.

Much respect to people making it on their own and clawing out a living. But living with your folks doesn't make you a loser, I'd say the complete contrary. To be fair I'm Indian so this arrangement is more acceptable in my culture, but if you have the option and it makes financial sense I wouldn't completely sleep on it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-03-2018 10:43 AM)UUU Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 02:08 AM)TheScientist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 01:23 AM)UUU Wrote:  

I’m 22, I’m living with my folks. I have a high paying job five minutes from my house and a girlfriend I see every other week or so (she has her own place). Fuck if I’d move out just for the sake of it. I’m on track to save more than 100k by age 24, honestly if I continued down that path for the next ten years I could have 500k plus sitting in my bank account becauae I stayed with my folks.

I’m gonna try to get out by age 24-25 but living at home is absolutely a good decision if you’re in an expensive area like NY. The benefits of living on your own don’t even come close to the costs (wasted time doing chores, expensive as fuck rent, possibly shitty accomodations, etc). Yeah I guess you can fuck more girls but the downsides are huge.

what is your definition of a high paying job?

how much per year do you consider "high paying"

If you live with your parents for the next 2 years and you are only saving 100k then you most definitely do NOT have a high paying job?

Thats 50k a year meaning you are not even making 6 figures a year since I'm assuming by living with your parents your monthly personal expenses are under 2000 per month.

I'm making about 100k a year, I'll take home like 75k after taxes. I have 40k or so saved up so I'll be in a good position by the time I'm 24. If I even just keep making this amount of money and live at home for the next five years I'll have more than 350k saved up by my mid twenties. That's not enough to buy a house where I live, but I could buy a place in Dallas for example and probably live comfortably. 350k is a lot of money -- that's two kids' college educations, an MBA for me, a trip around the world would barely dent that amount of money.

Not saying all this to brag but just to illustrate how living at home can be beneficial. I'd rather be a 27 year old with 350k in the bank and less girls smashed than a 27 year old with marginal savings but more life experience. I already travelled widely and slept around in college, I'm in life gains mode right now and will be for the forseeable future.

Much respect to people making it on their own and clawing out a living. But living with your folks doesn't make you a loser, I'd say the complete contrary. To be fair I'm Indian so this arrangement is more acceptable in my culture, but if you have the option and it makes financial sense I wouldn't completely sleep on it.

and there it is.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - UUU - 10-03-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 12:48 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  


You guys may be right about the depression thing. I have been drinking Jack Daniels alone from time to time ( daily) to help me sleep...


After seeing a few youtube videos from brothers in UK and US, who came to the same conclusions and observations. It's clear: we are deep into a rabbit hole that we won't climb out of in our life times. Brothers in China and India getting that work, as are those in North Africa and Middle East.

I think the gravity of our situation finally hit me, we live in a global caste system. And, we are, regardless of money/fame, are members of the permanent underclass. And no amount of non-black poontang helps to correct or change that. Actually, it makes it worse, as those mixed kids don't end up with black men, anyway.

That feeling of powerless and therefore helplessness manifests in this "baseless" depression.

It's a grieving process: I'll come to accept the reality with time.


Nonetheless, I still don't belong on this thread.

I may be using alcohol to ease the hurt but pussy ( non-black pussy at that) is not the answer.

A "societally" red-pilled, TDK

Bro I'm not black but I completely feel you on this. It is a slap in the face to realize that we do live in a racial caste system of sorts. You grow up thinking that this is a race blind utopia and it is much better than most societies on earth -- but even then it can still have a negative effect on your mental health. I went through such a period myself. I was very bitter about race and thought about it constantly.

Black people being at the bottom of the ladder is partially what western civilization was built on. America, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal all benefited hugely from slavery, they needed a belief system to justify using human beings as beasts of burden and keeping them in that position perpetually. It's why you still see even formerly colonized peoples like Indians looking down on blacks. It's a holdover from the colonial hierarchy which put black people and black cultures at the absolute bottom.

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging this and even with getting depressed over it. It's honestly completely natural and I know plenty of people in the same boat as you. Hearing kids on Xbox Live screaming the n word, seeing millions of online comments about how inferior your race is, not learning shit about your culture in school, hearing only negative news about Africans and blacks, seeing police brutality...your identity is filtered through a negative lens, which can fuck with anyone's head. Yeah it's better than being a slave in Mauritania but it's still shitty to go through.

What I eventually realized is that it's just the way the stone turns. The Moors ruled Spain for eight hundred years , which is crazy if you think about it. Black and brown Muslims from the Sahara desert were ruling white Spaniards and oppressing them. Same shit goes for Ottoman colonialism in southern Europe, Mongol colonialism in eastern Europe, and Arab colonialism in Sicily/southern Italy. There were racial/religious "caste systems" there too where white Europeans were enslaved, persecuted, and put at the bottom of the hierarchy.

I'll write more on this later but that manner of thinking helped me through my period of bitterness. Also I recommend getting the fuck away from predominantly Indian/brown workplaces if they're bothering you. I've lurked the forum for a while and read your posts. You're going to associate traumatic experiences with that community and should probably avoid them until you've processed all this better.

We all go through shitty periods in life man, I had a two year stretch which was the lowest point in my existence. Keep your head up and feel free to PM me if you need anything.