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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Banna - 09-26-2018

Quote: (09-26-2018 09:28 AM)Comte De St. Germaindateline='1537972109' Wrote:  

On an unrelated note, that's why I think I'll pull a Giovonny and stick to 18-25 for the rest of my life. If that can't happen in the West after a certain point, unless the off chance I'm happily married, I'll be on the first boat out

Words of wisdom every man should abide by in terms of women if they never come across that rare woman worth tying the knot with.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kosko - 09-26-2018

Quote: (09-26-2018 10:09 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 06:28 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 06:22 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Hooked up with a Arab girl the other night..
I'm torn.... She was sweet... First date, she came over and cooked dinner for me.
We ate together and went straight to the bedroom.

I assumed she would be more conservative.

How did you acquire this Ay-rab?

Looks like brothers be breaking through racist cultures and hairy hymens.

Well done boys.


Met on Hinge
Another of of those dating apps... Marketed a little towards people with real jobs vs pure college kids.

She's rare apparently. Christian, but from a Muslim country where she's a really small minority.
Family is very conservative and she's got a high paying job.

There wasn't much to it though... Like all women.. If you can get your foot in the door then meet in a venue where she isn't gonna be judged.. She's usually gonna be down for some fun

If she was truly conservative she wouldn't show up. What I find for girls who come from conservative places is that if they make the effort and you have game you will get the bang. Some are sluts on the low low, others don't have much experience and want a good time with someone who isn't a straight-up nerd or weak.

The Christian ones are rare but are down for a good time. I spent my time running through lots of Christian Palestinian girls back in the day.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 09-26-2018

Yea, I primarily fux with Hinge as well. It's the only site I use and where I met the Indian broad. The thing about online dating is that, whether they're conservative, liberal, religious or not, they ALL want this D and selecting it online is far easier than doing so in social situations. All you have have to do is not snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. I think it was WIA who mentioned banging some clearly conservative confederate clad bish. No matter what, they ALL want the D!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - WestIndianArchie - 09-26-2018

That's always been my experience. Lol at Tomi Lahren.

Most girls are easily swayed on most topics, provided they're taking dick.

Most men can be swayed by pussy and money.

We're animals deep down (and not so deep down)


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Comte De St. Germain - 09-26-2018

Quote: (09-26-2018 07:23 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

That's always been my experience. Lol at Tomi Lahren.

Most girls are easily swayed on most topics, provided they're taking dick.

Most men can be swayed by pussy and money.

We're animals deep down (and not so deep down)


Women having actual strong convictions and principles is like the lottery. It happens but you'd sooner be hit by lightning.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-27-2018

Well lads, I'm pussy.

I deleted dating apps last week.

Too much to lose and too much risk trying to bang some unscreened skeezers.

"No such thing as free pussy," as pride male said on the Cosby thread.

So it's time for social circle, in the field and really knowing women before smashing.

We already have a target on our backs but at least we can move in the shadows..


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-28-2018

Unplugging from this society

Yeah brothers, as I said I few weeks ago, I've decided to self-segregate. I'm taking steps to divest from Western Society.

1) Tinder is gone
2) News, also known as weaponized information, consumption is getting reduced
3) I do not own a TV
4) I live alone

I realise that this society is toxic for and to us. Time to focus on earning, languages, guitar and travel.

Yeah, I run the risk of being a weirdo. Well...even moreso than I am now but it has to be done. You can only break off so much of yourself to please and appease others.


I was disgusted when I used to interact with non-black women on tinder who would only give me play based on my profession. Those same cows wouldn't even sit next to me on the tube. To hell with them. I know the black tax exists but they can miss me with that noise.

Obligatory Depressing Conclusion

We have it rough. No arrange marriages, no honour killings, no patriarchal culture, no white god factor, so we gotta make sacrifices and train harder than those non-black dudes. It is what it is.

And by the way, I’m not saying you should grind to become a great guy so you can out earn your black skin by getting with non-black woman. Cos you best believe, a momentary drop of income/status and that’s your black ass.

Makes me sick.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 09-28-2018

^Conclusion is that you are far too negative and you worry about what people think of you.

Forget the colour of your skin, truth is not everyone will like you. I don't like everyone, my real friends I can barely count on one hand.

I don't use Tinder, never have.
I don't watch TV, in fact I got rid of the one I had in my house. It was a Tube TV, so that should tell you something.
News is negative and designed to get you down. The constant negativity towards people of colour is done for a reason, when you realize what the reason is then you will laugh at it like I do.

Newflash, I would say most non-black women interact with me because of some superficial reason.
Women of colour interact with me for probably the same superficial reason. One dime black girl I dated briefly, was amazed I knew the difference between a Fendi bag and a Louis Vuitton bag. How superficial is that and who the f*ck cares!!!!

It isn't any different than me seeing a nice girl with a nice ass and wanting to get to know her.
Will they be as interesting as me, probably not.
Will they be as educated as you, probably not.

I wish I was in your shoes, a young black doctor in London.
I would be running all sorts of game on those foreign chicks that are all over the place in that town.
To boot, you are ripped as fuck and a decent looking guy.

My old ass is still getting tons of play in a city that is considered hell, so what are you crying about.

No one here wants to hear this negative noise and no one here is feeling sorry for you.

The glass is always half full.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - DimeBait - 09-28-2018

Yeah man, you need to turn these perceived challenges into opportunities. NBG's fuck with me because they want this BBC and don't want to feel like they're reaching too far in the gutter to get it. Even though I surpass ALL of them, professionally, educationally and socially, I'm positive they still somehow think they're reaching down. To them, I'm a socially acceptable fantasy fuck. Fine by me, I could care less, because my dyck stays wet. We don't go out, just fuck.

Lol, reminds me of that old 2 Live Crew joint, "Me So Horny," Never to the movies, just straight to my house. You said it yourself, you like it like I do. Put your lips on my dick, and suck my asshole too. I'm a freak in heat, ..."

. . . and for the record, most black broads I deal with are only interested in a come-up as well. As soon as they find out what I do or who I am, they act brand new with the same poosy they been giving away for free, for years. Hypergamy is hella prevalent among black women who think a fat ass is the ticket to a good life. These bishes been watching Love and Hip-Hop too long. I been out with three bishes in three days. 2 black, 1 indian. Banged the indian chick the first night, the black broads didn't even bother to say thank you for dinner. (Indian chick immediately said thank you for the glass of wine I bought) What does that tell you?

Bruh, you need to figure out what you want, an LTR, Wife, or just some pussy and calibrate your approach & expectations accordingly. Just have fun, till it ain't fun no more!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-29-2018

I wish you brothers health and success.

I might be negative but I feel I’m being realistic regarding our disastrous state up to and including relationships with women- black and otherwise.

If I die of alcohol induced cirrhosis due to depression by 40, so be it. I faced and acknowledged the reality.

Good luck brothers . I do not belong on this forum. I’m too dour, serious and risk averse. As evidenced by the fact I think it would be insanity for a black guy to use any status to get laid due to the potential of blow back.


Nimefurahi Kukuona rafiki (KiSwahili for I have been pleased to meet you, friends )


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Advent Persona - 09-29-2018

Quote: (09-28-2018 07:56 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Unplugging from this society


Had to come out of RvF retirement for your string of defeatist posts bro.

I remember when I first came to the US, my host family were some very religious conservative family from Beaufort South Carolina. In this political climate, staunch trump supporters. I remember their 16 year old red-head daughter had quite a crush on me but I dared not act on the impulse. They took good care of me, prepared me for school in the US, helped me with supplies etc.

Fast forward a few years , I’m running online game on this 18 year old blonde from Monticello Indiana. Her family invites me up to spend some time with them and they were all over me. They got me and their 18 year old daughter a hotel and booze and left us to fuck for the night. They were kinda redneck , girl was cute though. They wanted us to marry but a brother ain’t about that life. Till this day they still ask her about me. Probably was hoping for me to breed their daughter.

Fast forward a bit more, happened to get invited to India by a good Indian Bretherin for a wedding. India ain’t got talent? Try going to India with the right access. Brother was treated like a famous cricketer. Best hotels paid for and got invited to a bunch of random weddings where they then proceeded to show me off to the entire family including the single 18-22 year old talent pool. Could’ve had my pick of any woman there if I was a Muslim. They were a Muslim minority in India. No doubt girls wanted to bang from the way they were looking at me like a piece of meat. But they are well protected and your brother ain’t looking to convert to Islam .

Now to China, one of the supposedly hostile places for the brother. Spent the first year smashing everything that displayed even a hint of lust towards me. Which was enough numbers to keep me busy and distracted from work. My pulls were mid to top tier quality , brothers here have seen my roster. Granted I have good mentorship in China. The Asia crew is tight-knit and extremely efficient in running game in a sexually restrictive culture.

I mean, if I was a skinny Chinese dude, of course I’d totally be uncomfortable as hell to even just let my girl stand next to a well built , well dressed black dude who’s seeping testosterone through his pores. Bitch probably be getting wet just through proximity. I’d Probably try to get a brother kicked out of the bar or something before this bitch slides him her wechat.

I won’t even talk about the places that are actually good for brothas (Japan, Mexico, Caribbean etc.)

Look, There’s lots that can be said. Whites, black, Latino whatever , it’s all a brand. You gotta build your brand. Women are not stupid, they can sniff quality (especially quality that’s exclusive or forbidden) from a mile away. That’s the reason some of us black dudes have the power to lure a woman on the down-low, especially those from restrictive patriarchal cultures where the men specifically go out of their way to protect her from us. Do you know the risk a woman would take for the chance to be with a good black dude? Had this one married asian bitch who got rid of her iPhone because the husband started using it to track her. Converted to Nokia. Bitches sneaking out their rooms at 2 am to come over for the best bang she’ll ever get in decades. Bitches are risking their careers and catching long distance flights.

That’s the black god factor.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Sender - 09-29-2018

The whole status thing is interesting.

I recently changed my job description in my recent experiment on Tinder. Both descriptions were true. But at first I used a high status/higher waged version then I changed to a lower status alternative. Similar to someone saying they're a 'Barrister' then changing it to 'Legal services'.

What I noticed was that the high status profile was tending to match frequently with older black women -- often fatties, often with kids. The low status profile was getting younger women of a mix of races. All of them were flaky -- but that's tinder, I guess.

This is an infield I saw recently where Torero is picking up what looks like a somewhat older (mid-20's?) lawyer in Poland:

She's showing massive disinterest until at 6.50 she asks him what he does for a living. He tells her he's a 'coach for masculinity' who teaches men to be more confident. The set radically changes and her interest hooks. I think he even gives her his business card or something so that she can later check him out.

As an infield for coaching, it's pretty useless. Coz we can't all be 'masculinity coaches' that travel the world. It's a profession that immediately produces super-alpha status and gives overwhelming social proof. It's something of a trump card.

But it does make you think about status and all the shit that goes with it when dealing with women.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - floridaboiii - 09-29-2018

Quote: (09-29-2018 01:37 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

I wish you brothers health and success.

If I die of alcohol induced cirrhosis due to depression by 40, so be it. I faced and acknowledged the reality.


Hey man I used to seriously be depressed. If you told me I was depressed back then I would've said fuck you. You wrote it in your post though so it looks like you acknowledge it. Sometimes we are our biggest obstacle.

I had a suicide in my family and nobody ever used the word suicide or depression, they just acted like the person died. Thats weird. Nobody ever asked me if i was okay. If somebody had just stopped and let me vent i probably wouldn't have gone down the path that i did but shit happens. There's a serious stigma in the black community for lots of things and I think depression is one of them.

Find somebody to TALK to, in person. I talked to my doctor, i just threw it in there one day after like two years and it was relieving to have someone actually listen. How many people really listen to you on a day to day basis? Not many and that's why you're on the forum posting.

I know you're unplugging from everything and that's dope, its important.

One of the best things to happen to me is that i found this forum. The next best thing that i did was step away from this forum and from all of my vices. I just looked at my post history and i didnt post anything for a year after I joined. I read and read and read then got to work improving myself. In my case mentally and financially. I'm in a better place now.

Good luck man.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jordypip23 - 09-29-2018

Quote: (09-29-2018 01:41 AM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2018 07:56 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Unplugging from this society


Had to come out of RvF retirement for your string of defeatist posts bro.

I remember when I first came to the US, my host family were some very religious conservative family from Beaufort South Carolina. In this political climate, staunch trump supporters. I remember their 16 year old red-head daughter had quite a crush on me but I dared not act on the impulse. They took good care of me, prepared me for school in the US, helped me with supplies etc.

Fast forward a few years , I’m running online game on this 18 year old blonde from Monticello Indiana. Her family invites me up to spend some time with them and they were all over me. They got me and their 18 year old daughter a hotel and booze and left us to fuck for the night. They were kinda redneck , girl was cute though. They wanted us to marry but a brother ain’t about that life. Till this day they still ask her about me. Probably was hoping for me to breed their daughter.

Fast forward a bit more, happened to get invited to India by a good Indian Bretherin for a wedding. India ain’t got talent? Try going to India with the right access. Brother was treated like a famous cricketer. Best hotels paid for and got invited to a bunch of random weddings where they then proceeded to show me off to the entire family including the single 18-22 year old talent pool. Could’ve had my pick of any woman there if I was a Muslim. They were a Muslim minority in India. No doubt girls wanted to bang from the way they were looking at me like a piece of meat. But they are well protected and your brother ain’t looking to convert to Islam .

Now to China, one of the supposedly hostile places for the brother. Spent the first year smashing everything that displayed even a hint of lust towards me. Which was enough numbers to keep me busy and distracted from work. My pulls were mid to top tier quality , brothers here have seen my roster. Granted I have good mentorship in China. The Asia crew is tight-knit and extremely efficient in running game in a sexually restrictive culture.

I mean, if I was a skinny Chinese dude, of course I’d totally be uncomfortable as hell to even just let my girl stand next to a well built , well dressed black dude who’s seeping testosterone through his pores. Bitch probably be getting wet just through proximity. I’d Probably try to get a brother kicked out of the bar or something before this bitch slides him her wechat.

I won’t even talk about the places that are actually good for brothas (Japan, Mexico, Caribbean etc.)

Look, There’s lots that can be said. Whites, black, Latino whatever , it’s all a brand. You gotta build your brand. Women are not stupid, they can sniff quality (especially quality that’s exclusive or forbidden) from a mile away. That’s the reason some of us black dudes have the power to lure a woman on the down-low, especially those from restrictive patriarchal cultures where the men specifically go out of their way to protect her from us. Do you know the risk a woman would take for the chance to be with a good black dude? Had this one married asian bitch who got rid of her iPhone because the husband started using it to track her. Converted to Nokia. Bitches sneaking out their rooms at 2 am to come over for the best bang she’ll ever get in decades. Bitches are risking their careers and catching long distance flights.

That’s the black god factor.

Those were some entertaining globe trotting adventures that you described. Props!

[Image: clap.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 09-29-2018

Hahaha epic post

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 09-29-2018

Quote: (09-26-2018 10:10 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 09:28 AM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2018 08:15 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

I wish I could post some of the 28 plus white women i've been with. I think young blood would quickly retract some of those baseless opinions. Shit as matter of fact, 2 of the older white lizards im smashing right now look better than the 23 and 24 year old im dealing with. Aesthetics are aesthetics.

You must be tapping an untapped market or something because the white chicks over 28 have usually killed their livers, faces, and generally their bodies with the 2-3 bottle of wine every other day habit.

It's even rare to see a white chick over 25 even unscathed by it.

And the few that have, generally, are more addicted to sex than wine as a form of escape.

Again banged exceptions to the rule of course, but generally they're a wash stateside for the above reasons.

Women are unhappy in general. And white women in the states the most of them all. Hence their sky high divorce rates and Eat, Pray, Love habits which of course lend into drinking and fucking of which the former ruins their bodies horribly while the latter does the usual.

On an unrelated note, that's why I think I'll pull a Giovonny and stick to 18-25 for the rest of my life. If that can't happen in the West after a certain point, unless the off chance I'm happily married, I'll be on the first boat out.

Maybe it's just where I live, but in DC there are no shortage of in shape put together white women. Black women rule the roost here at least as far as Im concerned but they are off limits due to my relationship situation

[Image: jordan.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 09-29-2018

Good post from Advent and others, but let's not ostracize our bro. TDK clearly getting frustrated. We've all been there. I know I have. I'm not saying we should coddle him, but sometimes gotta step back and go "yeah, been there, bro" and sip your beer.

I've sorta moved past that point, but all it takes is a string of really bad weeks in Asia to put me back on that brooding "wtf is the advantage of being black" tip.

[Image: icon_lol.gif]

Anyway, TDK, stay strong and don't quit the forum. You'll get through this.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 09-29-2018

Whether being Black or White, Tall or Short is as advantadge or disadvantadge is irrelevant from a mental health perspective.

Accepting the fact that you had zero control over any of those factors (which you can never change) and you only get one life is the most important thing. You can either play that hand (keep making moves) or quit (accept depression or suicide).

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 09-29-2018

TDK - we don't want you to leave or feel ostracized. We talk offline so you know where I am coming from, we have had the same discussions.

Dimebait and Advent Persona have dropped some killer posts, please read what they are saying. AP even came out of retirement to drop some love.

We have ALL been in the same boat as you and we have ALL learnt the same lessons.

I know London pretty well, I will say that it may not be the best environment for you.
I have family and friends there, who aren't saying jackshit in that place. On my recent visit, I was hearing the same noise from my last visit.
Maybe it is time for you to leave for a bit, you have a mobile skill that can take you anywhere in the world.

I don't know what your friends are like, maybe find a mentor or a group of guys that are "positive" and can motivate you.

After my recent trip, I came back feeling a bit sad and miserable. Then I kicked myself in the ass, I went out to a club by myself and had a blast. I see you like to play the guitar, maybe start a band. I do photography, taking pics helps me decompress and of course the ladies love it.

We don't want to hear about honour killings or a co-worker that doesn't talk to you.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jselysianeagle - 09-29-2018

TDK if you are a doctor in London, surely you can afford to take trips to Europe. It's well established by now that Scandinavia is a great place for black dudes. Here's more evidence for the same:

Recently I was in Greece and attended a meetup where I was chatting with a very cute Australian girl, she herself had dated a black dude from Cameroon for a long time and as a digital nomad she travels extensively. She told me that when she recently visited Sweden, her Swedish girlfriends all told her they saw black dudes as "rear chocolate" who could have "any woman there they pleased". I shit you not, those were her exact words.

If you are buff and put together, you should kill it there.

No one lives forever, and sure as hell no one stays young forever. I'd suggest you take a break and spend some time in Scandinavia. It will do wonders for your confidence and general outlook.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 09-29-2018

Quote: (09-29-2018 12:59 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

TDK if you are a doctor in London, surely you can afford to take trips to Europe. It's well established by now that Scandinavia is a great place for black dudes. Here's more evidence for the same:

Recently I was in Greece and attended a meetup where I was chatting with a very cute Australian girl, she herself had dated a black dude from Cameroon for a long time and as a digital nomad she travels extensively. She told me that when she recently visited Sweden, her Swedish girlfriends all told her they saw black dudes as "rear chocolate" who could have "any woman there they pleased". I shit you not, those were her exact words.

If you are buff and put together, you should kill it there.

No one lives forever, and sure as hell no one stays young forever. I'd suggest you take a break and spend some time in Scandinavia. It will do wonders for your confidence and general outlook.

Hasn't that been my mantra forever on this forum!

[Image: clap.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Poker - 09-29-2018


I'm not black so who knows if my words will strike a chord or not.

Anyway, don't give up on the forum. Every one of us goes through dark phases where the world seems bleak and everything seems to be going against us. Anyone who says that they haven't is a liar.

As cliche as it sounds, the mind is a powerful tool my friend, and you can achieve great things with it. From what I understand, you're ripped and you're a doctor. Bloody hell mate, to have those two aces in your pocket tells me that you're a smart guy. To get in great shape while studying/practising medicine takes a lot.

We all go through shit but just within this thread, you have a large ammount of guys from all walks of life willing to talk to you about whatever is going on. I don't know if you have met any forum guys, but the ones I have have all been top blokes, succesful and forging their own path. Within this thread, I'm sure there are guys who have gone through similar things to what you have, reach out to them.

As I type this, there's many kids out there in some warzone, their body filled with parasites, drinking filthy water without knowing who their parents are and without any hope for the future. It could be a lot worse!

If you think that I can be of any assistance, then send me a PM.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - quaker13 - 09-30-2018

Quote: (09-28-2018 07:56 PM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Unplugging from this society

Yeah brothers, as I said I few weeks ago, I've decided to self-segregate. I'm taking steps to divest from Western Society.

1) Tinder is gone
2) News, also known as weaponized information, consumption is getting reduced
3) I do not own a TV
4) I live alone

I realise that this society is toxic for and to us. Time to focus on earning, languages, guitar and travel.

Yeah, I run the risk of being a weirdo. Well...even moreso than I am now but it has to be done. You can only break off so much of yourself to please and appease others.


I was disgusted when I used to interact with non-black women on tinder who would only give me play based on my profession. Those same cows wouldn't even sit next to me on the tube. To hell with them. I know the black tax exists but they can miss me with that noise.

Obligatory Depressing Conclusion

We have it rough. No arrange marriages, no honour killings, no patriarchal culture, no white god factor, so we gotta make sacrifices and train harder than those non-black dudes. It is what it is.

And by the way, I’m not saying you should grind to become a great guy so you can out earn your black skin by getting with non-black woman. Cos you best believe, a momentary drop of income/status and that’s your black ass.

Makes me sick.


My brother, first off take a deep breath and say to yourself aloud, "fuck these bitches"

Next realize as one poster has already said we all want something from each other. Who gives a flying fuck if these bitches are into you cause you're a hotshot attractive doctor; you're into them because they are attractive and can provide affection. This game aint for the faint of heart brother, even for men of your(our) stature. Love is conditional than a motherfucker as long as you understand that you'll be fine. I feel as though the one element prolonging your baseless depression is you need a good old fashion red pilling. When you understand the true nature of women(it's not bad mind you) you will no longer be frustrated. Who the fuck are we as homo homo sapiens living in the year 2018 to think we can change evolutionary psychology. Women aren't evil and women aren't inherently difficult they just want to protect their womb and rightfully so. Men get frustrated when they try to play the game by their rules and not the rules of evolution. I did, you're doing it and every poster on this forum has done it even the biggest of players. Understand your opponent brother and adjust your game accordingly. Godspeed.

BTW Gentlemen I think TDK is a savage in the making once he gets his head out of his ass. I look forward to hearing to his many future slays

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 09-30-2018

Winter is coming, for those who don't live in sunny locations, increase your Vitamin D supplementation to counter depression. It's more of an issue in black men. Some of your rants aren't logical but stem from depression. Climb out of the rut and into the sunlight.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - redbeard - 09-30-2018

Quote: (09-30-2018 06:39 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Winter is coming, for those who don't live in sunny locations, increase your Vitamin D supplementation to counter depression. It's more of an issue in black men. Some of your rants aren't logical but stem from depression. Climb out of the rut and into the sunlight.

And get a SunBox! I've been using mine for years, absolute game changer