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If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Hannibal - 05-01-2013

I would have done an assload of pushups and some sprints a couple times a week.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - brownman - 05-02-2013

Capitalise on the fact that you are a pretty boy who has decent pussy thrown at you, go for the kill every time
Don't discount engineering in Canada because only the smart kids roll to the US and UK
You're Eurotrip plan would hit 3 pussy havens, roll solo if your boys are squares otherwise live in NYC for a summer
Do not stop weight training and keep up the healthy routine, avoid substances since you are an impulsive jackass
Your father means well and is making up for lost time, don't be a prick

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - EisenBarde - 05-02-2013

I wouldn't. I attribute almost ALL of my current success to the sting of failure I was experiencing in my teens.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Clash1e - 05-03-2013

At 18 I was already balls deep in game material for the past two years, reading Pook and other writers from sosuave, rsd and attractionforums.

If I was 18 again I would take modafinil. My GPA was wrecked from two solid years in college just doing pick up and partying with awesome friends. I couldn't focus on anything besides meeting new girls. Because of all this I am a super-senior now.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Hannibal - 05-03-2013

Oh yeah, and I'd take everything I know now and bang as many highschool sluts as I could.

Also, invest in silver and sell it shortly after it reaches about 45 bucks (an ounce I think).

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Sleek - 05-15-2013

Quote: (05-01-2013 10:09 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I would have done an assload of pushups and some sprints a couple times a week.

I'm soon to be 18, and this is my life.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - WestCoast - 05-15-2013

Quote: (05-03-2013 12:12 AM)Clash1e Wrote:  

At 18 I was already balls deep in game material for the past two years, reading Pook and other writers from sosuave, rsd and attractionforums.

If I was 18 again I would take modafinil. My GPA was wrecked from two solid years in college just doing pick up and partying with awesome friends. I couldn't focus on anything besides meeting new girls. Because of all this I am a super-senior now.
Go post this over in the thread with the troubled one. Ucsb. You can have fun and do well.

Spending college 100% chasing tail is a doomsday proposition.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - jacknap - 09-13-2018

I'm 28 now and looking back in every area I find important I've progressed exponentially so I think evolution is part of the game.

One thing I wish I did a bit more different is a more 'realistic' approach to making money. I tried following my dream of being an artist and while I still think it's possible I probably could be making a lot more money and just do my art as a hobby till it picked off. My city was great starting off for pickup but now it's golden handcuffs as it begins to erode and I could probably get 10-100x results girl wise if I could geo-arbitrage.

I'd also try to go more for uber hotties because they're not that common so you gotta strike when the universe puts them in your path. Even a shitty opener is better than nothing.

maybe follow your bliss a little bit more as well. I sometimes can be overly disciplined and not live life to the fullest. eg) study something that is super boring thinking it will pay off more but the things I enjoy might pay off more because they give me passion that allow me to put in superhuman hours on said activity.

these are 3 things that i'm trying to implement now.

things I'm glad I did

Learn game from people on the internet. If I relied on actually having relationships with people who were good at game I'd be nowhere near as good as my results have been. Guys who are good are busy but they have tons of great products/information. Same thing for other areas. The guys who are most worth learning from will likely not have time for you.

Make fitness a priority like showering. I never stopped training since I was 16 at least twice a week plus yoga.

Just overall being goal focused puts you ahead of 90% of other people who just live life purely on instinct and feels.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Mr. D - 09-13-2018

Number one, find an ok apartment and move the fuck out. Tell my parents to fuck off with that over-protective shit, unless they want their only son to be a bitch.

Number two, vocational school. Programming, plumbing or mechanic.

Number three, get a nicer car.

Number four, bang as much as I can. Even if I’d my ass kicked now and then, which leads me to...

Number five, lift weights and start boxing.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Thot Leader - 09-13-2018

18-24 I pretty much did usual shit, went to uni, had a nice gf, had several friends, worked out a lot, etc. Have few regrets. In my mid-20s I fell into cubicle work, that's what I'd change. I didn't see much in the way of opportunity for myself and thought that by grinding it out at the cube farm I'd eventually get ahead. How wrong I was. I was offered one job at 24 that seemed like a step back from the one I had. On paper it was (didn't require a uni degree and wasn't an impressive title) but I would have met a lot of people, including I'm sure some valuable contacts. I regret not taking it.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - christpuncher - 09-13-2018

Focus on having fun and making great memories by doing fun shit with your friends, travelling, making new friends, banging bitches. Do this while being moderately responsible in your schooling and getting Bs. Spend money to have a good time, don't be a cheapass student, just don't be completely reckless and take on excessive debt, you'll make good money later when you're working to make up for it.

Get the hell off the internet, forums, facebook, video games, and stop watching tv. There is absolutely time to do everything (Friends, family, studying, partying, banging, working) if you just get off the fucking internet. My biggest regret is being addicted to the internet and TV.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Repo - 09-13-2018

Would have gone to a better school and got a more technical degree. Started doing real lifts like squats and dumbells earlier. Got a better haircut and dress better. Stop hanging with toxic friends, and make more effort to make more quality male relationships, while avoiding friendships with women I wasnt banging.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Tactician - 09-13-2018

There's something I do regularly that's a bit like the reverse of this.

I ask myself, "What things am I doing/not doing not that I'll regret in the future?"

And then I make some effort to change those behaviors.

Immediately, the one that stands out to me the most is not learning other languages. Language learning is something anyone can do at their own rate. It doesn't have to be stressful at all, just tweak the entertainment you consume a little to cut out bullshit and put in a bit more of the language you're working on.

The way I look at it is that, 'The time is going to pass anyway,' so I might as well use it a bit more productively so 5 years down the line I've picked up a new language, or am really jacked, or have some new skill or X amount of money or something. Taking some time to think about the things I'll regret doing/not doing in the future has helped me a lot.
More on topic, I'd bang tons of high school girls and later on when 2009 rolls around, I'd buy a fk ton of Bitcoin. I'd also stay away from video games and hit the gym as soon as I could. Would also start learning languages earlier.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - ShotgunUppercuts - 09-13-2018

Leave the city for the situation im in now. Id be better off .

Put down the weed

Kept studying

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - 2 Cool 4 U - 09-13-2018

Well, the economy was bad when I graduated high school and turned 18. (I'm in my mid-20's).

I would have learned programming, then did some freelance work and/or sell websites/apps/computer software.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Solitaire - 09-13-2018

Dang this is a 5+ year thread necro . . . awesome!

I'm 50 as of Aug 8th. I have, unfortunately, a ton of regrets. My 18 year old self went into the USMC, and excelled, but my social life was a disaster. When I was 16 I ended up dating a classmate's mother - she was 37 at the time, raging Borderline (of course), and fucked my head up pretty good. This relationship, with all it's constant shit-tests, belittlement, etc etc, screwed me over for future gf's for years to come.

So, I'd tell my former self to focus on the weightlifting (I loved it at the time, bought every Muscle & Fitness from 82-86), skip the Marines and go into medical school (my grades from high school would have gotten me into any school of my choice), never get a chick pregnant unless she was the unicorn submissive housewife, stay away from credit card debt like it might burn my soul, and put money in savings, stocks, real estate.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Meliorare93 - 09-13-2018

Totally throw myself on my studies I did back then. Stop drinking, exercise more and approach more hah I was such a pussy back then [Image: biggrin.gif]

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Super_Fire - 09-14-2018

-Start lifting sooner
-Save more money
-Work on my posture more
-Learn Chinese and Japanese sooner
-Learn marketing/advertising/business stuff sooner
-Save more money

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - MrTickle - 09-14-2018

1. Lift
2. Stop drinking
3. Lift
4. Approach
5. Lift
6. Travel (long stay)
7. Lift
8. Really understand that there is no "one"
9. Lift
10. And for good measure Lift

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Hand of Chaos - 09-14-2018

I am 40. When I was 18 I was in the Army, stationed at Ft Hood, TX and living in the barracks (basically all of my income was expendable). I would have invested in real estate - the rent to cost value ratios are decent there, and at the time (late 90's) anyone with a pulse could get home loans on investment properties more or less at will. The market there wasn't really affected by the mortgage crisis and due to the large military presence there rents are stable and vacancies are low so I wouldn't have lost my ass. I could have retired after my first enlistment. Of course I spent most of my money on wine, women and song. The rest I squandered.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - sterlingarcher - 09-14-2018

Trust your instincts religiously.


Figure out what your good at, what you want, read Maxwell Maltz/Joe Karbo and get to it.

Seek out mentors.

I travelled a lot when I was younger, worked ski seasons and all that.

I also put in years to get a degree, qualify as a lawyer.

What do I regret? Time wasted proof reading contracts and studying in the wrong direction.

Very important to figure out what your good at and what you really want early on.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - yankeetravels - 09-14-2018

Oh man, where do I begin? I'm only in my mid-20's but some decisions between 18 and now could have been deadly for me had they gone differently. Quite frankly I'm lucky to be where I am despite a couple of these things. Anyway, I could think of a few things I'd do differently.

1. Get into Bitcoin. Probably my biggest financial regret between 18 and now. I had a few opportunities to get in, with one incredibly intelligent old college acquaintance making me aware of it a few years ago when it was only a few hundred dollars a coin. Hell, even last year I had a chance to get in when it was only a couple thousand, but I went the safe route twice of putting money in a checking account or bond. Basically, I didn't trust myself enough with investments and/or was too afraid to take a risk. If I would've put in what I considered putting in, I might've had an extra six figures in the savings account.

2. Change my drinking habits. I'm not even saying to quit drinking, because I believe in moderation and it can be fun or something to loosen you up from overall anxiety or stress. However, for almost 5 years after I discovered alcohol, I used it as a major crutch. I drank it when I was really depressed, bought bottles of whiskey in college to drink solo in a dorm, played poker drunk, drove drunk probably hundreds of times, and really put myself in vulnerable positions traveling due to a lack of control of it. It was a big problem that I'm still not 100% cured of to this day, but even where I am now would've been a lot better than I was a few years ago. I probably would've had a few more lays under my belt and saved myself a lot of money from drunk mistakes/vulnerable moments.

3. Better frame with my first ex. There was one girl I mainly dated in America during part of my time in college. I'd say she was my first serious girlfriend, but I was beta as fuck with her. If I were to do it all over again, I would've stressed to myself to control frame in interactions and run a lot more game on her than I did. I knew nothing when I was involved with her. Short version, she was really attracted to me when we first met, but I was passive, shy, introvert, and blue pill with her. I'm still an introvert, but with girls I'm involved with, I stress frame a lot more now and definitely am more aggressive about making a move. The first week of our involvement really put permanent dynamics in place I could've easily controlled in hindsight. Just wasn't alpha enough at the time and honestly, there's things now I'm embarrassed of thinking back to my time with her. However, the good thing from that is that relationship ending eventually gave me the kick in the ass I needed to start learning game, redpill, and getting more involved in nightlife and meeting chicks abroad. Still, I feel like I could've found that part of me without stooping so low.

4. Being at a loved one's death bed. This is a deeper and personal one, but I basically wasn't there when a close loved one died. Most of the other immediate family was there, I knew from last time I saw this loved one that the end was near, but once I saw the ghost like figure that sucked the life out of the loved one, I had a very hard time going back to see them. To be honest, I drank myself into an oblivion the night before they died because seeing the body physically confirmed my worst fears. The loved one had a very big impact on my life, by far the closest person I've lost so far. I guess I felt like I could've been there a little more during the end days and was maybe a little more selfish at times than I'd like to admit. It makes me hope if the same happens with my parents, I'll be stronger when their time comes.

5. Take better advantage of campus social life for girls. I looked at college as too much of a bubble gossip environment when I was there. Admittedly, I thought I was above it and ready to travel instead. However, one thing I realize now is that in terms of American opportunities, that will probably be the best one I get on my native ground around so many younger attractive women in one place. It's harder to get back into those circles once out of college even with some older guys being desirable. I guess I'm saying I should've lived in the moment more even if I prioritized other more desirable things. That could be a whole point in and of itself, because there were some good moments in those years from both family and friends that will be impossible to replicate again in my life.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Pride male - 09-14-2018

I would have steered clear of alcohol.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - Ringo - 09-14-2018

The #1 for me would be: don't let family and friends pressure you into getting on the school-university-work track.

I'm proud of what I've learned and who I've become thanks to having to find my way through an area I didn't really enjoy.

But had I known what I know now, I would have taken two years or so after high school to just work random jobs and buy time while I experimented with things I was interested in.

Unless you are really interested in a particular subject that you need the University to study, going straight into it is silly.

I for one chose a subject that I was kind of interested in, but had a very idealized notion about. I studied 12 hours/day for a year straight to pass my admission test. For the first three years or so of the curriculum I was trying to figure out if I enjoyed it and could see myself working in the field long term. By then, the market had changed drastically. When I finally decided I didn't want to pursue it long term, I had committed so much time to it that I thought I might as well finish my degree and at least get something out of it.

Here I am many years later, wiser and more experienced, but the degree itself is practically of no use.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently? - tomzestatlu - 09-14-2018

It was quite interesting time. I have been living at military dormitory from Monday to Friday and at the weekends I was going home. I was drinking like there´s no tomorrow. My weekend sleep schedule was often only 4 hours between 7-11 am on Sunday.
But I was very unhappy with myself. I was working out a lot and girls liked me, but I had some kind of anxiety, that I couldn´t get over. I even didn´t go drinking to meet girls. I only went drinking to be drunk.

I wish I knew the the right things and that I can change myself sooner. That´s it. But probably everybody needs some kind of evolution.

I generally say I don´t regret anything, but this thread brang me to this. It´s not about 18, but 19, when I finished high school. I wish I travelled or went to work abroad or both. But from 15-20 all I cared about was spending all the money on alcohol.