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N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Parzival - 06-16-2017

Quote: (06-14-2017 04:50 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2017 01:28 PM)Parzival Wrote:  

There are rumours that the Soviets did kidnap US Soldiers that had be held prison in the eastern parts of Germany. They kidnap them to the Soviet union. There was also an report about John Kerry that did investigate about kidnapped US Soldiers in the Vietnam war, that they had be brought to the USSR.


Are there any actual documented cases of this? I'm not finding anything with Google searches. As far as I can tell, only the North Koreans do this sort of thing.


American soldier presumed dead 44 years ago 'found living in remote Vietnam village'

He was captured and tortured but survived and went on to build a new life, according to a startling documentary

"We acknowledge that there is no proof that U.S. POWs survived, but neither is there proof that all of those who did not return had died. There is evidence, moreover, that indicates the possibility of survival, at least for a small number, after Operation Homecoming.


about 500 American military prisoners kept after World War II by Stalin as bargaining chips; about 30 F-86 pilots and crewmen captured during the Korean War and transferred to the Soviet Union in a secret aircraft industry intelligence operation; and as many as 100 American airmen who survived downings of spy planes over Soviet territory during the cold war.

"Clearly, there were a lot of Americans washing around the gulag, but it is unimaginable that any of the World War II prisoners are still alive," said Paul M. Cole, who wrote a three-volume report for the Rand Corporation in 1994 on American prisoners from World War II, the Korean War and the cold war who were held in the Soviet Union.

"In 1955, a repatriated Japanese P.O.W. identified a picture of my dad," said Mr. Sanderson, who was born a few months after his father was shot down. "He could still be alive. It was just in 1992 that the Russians freed the last 80 Japanese P.O.W.'s from World War II."


On both sides, ingrained traditions of secrecy seem to block progress.

"Even as Government 'insiders' with security clearances, we had great difficulty in locating documents" from United States Government agencies, Col. Stuart A. Herrington of the Army, the task force's American deputy director, wrote in an appraisal in 1994. "Once located, documents are frequently classified -- often mindlessly."

They don't tell you everything...

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - 911 - 06-16-2017

Quote: (06-15-2017 08:27 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I really feel for this kid and his family. He was young and adventurous and foolishly went to NK. Who knows if he stole that flag or not and who knows what happened to him. I cannot possibly imagine how that must feel for his parents. Fuck North Korea... a well placed nuclear detonation over Pyongyang is the only solution.

That's a bit of an escalation there, you're going to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, who are themselves hostages of the regime, for a single egregious violation? We take out hundreds of civilians in drone attacks across the world.

NK was set up by gobalists post-war to keep international tensions high and support the military-industrial complex. For the same reasons Mao was propped early on. Eventually China will pull the regime's plug, there is no need to escalate tensions in that region on behalf of their actions, containment is the best policy, until the regime changes.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Sebastian - 06-16-2017

I don't think China is going to let that shit slide. Dropping a bomb in one of their homeboy's neighborhood? you also know they can't ignore Russia either.
Trump should get an approval from Russia and as you can tell Trump is big Beta when sitting against Putin.

Quote: (06-15-2017 08:27 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I really feel for this kid and his family. He was young and adventurous and foolishly went to NK. Who knows if he stole that flag or not and who knows what happened to him. I cannot possibly imagine how that must feel for his parents. Fuck North Korea... a well placed nuclear detonation over Pyongyang is the only solution.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Atlanta Man - 06-16-2017

The only reason to attack North Korea is to make sure we are on China's doorstep. My father fought in the Korean war, but I have no ill will against North Koreans-We just need a US controlled puppet state on China's border for our Empire. We owe China too much money not to be right on their border in some fashion or another.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Lunostrelki - 06-17-2017

China would sooner invade North Korea and re-establish the Lelang Commandery than let that happen. The Kim regime falling would be a disgrace to communism and a political liability to the leader. Letting the territory fall to the West would be a strategic weakness and also a political liability.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - RIslander - 06-19-2017

Warmbier died this afternoon. Probably for the best. Either way what a sad fucking story.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Jetset - 06-19-2017

The entire North Korean regime deserves to be purged from the planet.

The problem is that if we do it, we're stuck with North Korea.

Poor friggin' guy. Feel for his family.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Roosh - 06-19-2017

Still quite strange how he did.


The doctors had previously described Otto Warmbier as being in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" but declined to discuss his outlook for improvement, saying such information would be kept confidential.

"He has spontaneous eye opening and blinking," said Dr. Daniel Kanter, director of neurocritical care for the University of Cincinnati Health system. "However, he shows no signs of understanding language, responding to verbal commands or awareness of his surroundings. He has not spoken."

The elder Warmbier said he didn't believe North Korea's explanation that the coma resulted from botulism and a sleeping pill. U.S. doctors said they found no evidence of active botulism, a rare, serious illness caused by contaminated food or a dirty wound.

He said there was no reason for North Korea to keep his son's condition secret for more than a year and to deny him top medical care. Warmbier's condition apparently deteriorated shortly after he was sentenced for subversion in March 2016.

Kanter said the young man suffered "extensive loss of brain tissue in all regions of the brain." Doctors said his injuries are consistent with respiratory arrest cutting off oxygen to the brain, but they don't know what caused it.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - PuppetMaster - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:03 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

The entire North Korean regime deserves to be purged from the planet.

The problem is that if we do it, we're stuck with North Korea.

Poor friggin' guy. Feel for his family.

They won't last forever. The centralization of power in the hands of a single individual never last long. North Koreans are already smuggling technology and media into the country.

They are very curious about the world and not as servile as you think. That evil fucker Kim Jong Un will lose his power at some point and may even end up like Gaddafi or Nicolae Ceausescu. It's a fate well deserved if this happens.

We probably won't see "Western style democracy" ,and we don't need to, but the current totalitarian regime's days are numbered.

For now, the best way to continue undermining them is smuggling and perhaps a very large scale version of the Berlin Airlift. This is something the United Nations could do since technically we are still at war with them. Trying to just overthrow dictators never works. There is always blowback when this happens.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Atlanta Man - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Still quite strange how he did.


The doctors had previously described Otto Warmbier as being in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" but declined to discuss his outlook for improvement, saying such information would be kept confidential.

"He has spontaneous eye opening and blinking," said Dr. Daniel Kanter, director of neurocritical care for the University of Cincinnati Health system. "However, he shows no signs of understanding language, responding to verbal commands or awareness of his surroundings. He has not spoken."

The elder Warmbier said he didn't believe North Korea's explanation that the coma resulted from botulism and a sleeping pill. U.S. doctors said they found no evidence of active botulism, a rare, serious illness caused by contaminated food or a dirty wound.

He said there was no reason for North Korea to keep his son's condition secret for more than a year and to deny him top medical care. Warmbier's condition apparently deteriorated shortly after he was sentenced for subversion in March 2016.

Kanter said the young man suffered "extensive loss of brain tissue in all regions of the brain." Doctors said his injuries are consistent with respiratory arrest cutting off oxygen to the brain, but they don't know what caused it.
Sounds like he was in a persistent vegetative state(unresponsive wakefulness syndrome)-this can be confusing to people because the patient can blink, will open their eyes, and appear to be awaking in the morning and sleeping at night but they are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness. This can occur because of brain trauma or other issues.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Jetset - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:15 PM)PuppetMaster Wrote:  

They are very curious about the world and not as servile as you think. That evil fucker Kim Jong Un will lose his power at some point and may even end up like Gaddafi or Nicolae Ceausescu. It's a fate well deserved if this happens.

Oh, I know they're curious about the world. So are children.

Twenty-five million hungry, curious children.

South Korea isn't likely looking to accept responsibility for them.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Transsimian - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:37 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Twenty-five million hungry, curious children.

Twenty-five million children trained in irregular warfare.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - TigerMandingo - 06-19-2017

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Thersites - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:33 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Sounds like he was in a persistent vegetative state(unresponsive wakefulness syndrome)-this can be confusing to people because the patient can blink, will open their eyes, and appear to be awaking in the morning and sleeping at night but they are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness. This can occur because of brain trauma or other issues.

The question we now ask is how many beatings did it take for him to become a vegetable?

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Repo - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

Because he didn't hurt anyone and now hes dead?

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - RIslander - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

A 21 year old went on a four day vacation and was tortured and murdered by an entire nation for absolutely no reason (I don't buy the banner story).

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - TigerMandingo - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:34 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Because he didn't hurt anyone and now hes dead?

He willingly traveled to a hostile foreign nation and suffered the consequences. Remember that dude Nick Berg, the first American to get beheaded in Iraq? Same thing. Voluntarily went to a dangerous nation and paid the price for it. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something here as I'm not the type of person who takes these kinds of risks*

*except rawdogging

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:39 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

A 21 year old went on a four day vacation

Be better at picking vacation spots, what can I tell you.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - DarkTriad - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:15 PM)PuppetMaster Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2017 04:03 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

The entire North Korean regime deserves to be purged from the planet.

The problem is that if we do it, we're stuck with North Korea.

Poor friggin' guy. Feel for his family.

They won't last forever. The centralization of power in the hands of a single individual never last long. North Koreans are already smuggling technology and media into the country.

They are very curious about the world and not as servile as you think. That evil fucker Kim Jong Un will lose his power at some point and may even end up like Gaddafi or Nicolae Ceausescu. It's a fate well deserved if this happens.

We probably won't see "Western style democracy" ,and we don't need to, but the current totalitarian regime's days are numbered.

For now, the best way to continue undermining them is smuggling and perhaps a very large scale version of the Berlin Airlift. This is something the United Nations could do since technically we are still at war with them. Trying to just overthrow dictators never works. There is always blowback when this happens.

Usually true, but there is a whole other country ready to absorb them peacefully. They almost don't have a choice, it's going to be a mess on their border if they don't move in.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Goldin Boy - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:39 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

A 21 year old went on a four day vacation and was tortured and murdered by an entire nation for absolutely no reason (I don't buy the banner story).

Who the hell goes on a vacation to a

1) Hostile, totalitarian country;
2) which is still technically at war with their neighbor
3) and also has a history of detaining travelers for petty reasons and straight-up outright fabricated pretenses?

Shit man, I knew N. Korea was a fucked up place when I was ten. Age isn't a factor here.

Vacation?? That's like saying a drunk guy going 100 MPH with no seatbelt in a schoolzone who dies in a crash was just "joyriding". What pray tell are the "touristy" activities in N. Korea? Counting the ribs on starving gulag prisoners? Waiting in the ration line? Your sympathy is overriding your higher faculties on this one.

This situation isn't funny but it was 100% avoidable. He gets no sympathy from me for putting himself in harm's way. I hope the Trump Administration doesn't acknowledge this.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - TheOllam - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 06:15 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

[quote] (06-19-2017 05:39 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

(06-19-2017, 10:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

This situation isn't funny but it was 100% avoidable. He gets no sympathy from me for putting himself in harm's way. I hope the Trump Administration doesn't acknowledge this.

No sympathy but he was tortured and murdered for being an American idiot.

Common sense says stupid tricks get stupid prizes, but this was brutally reprehensible.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - TigerMandingo - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 06:15 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

This situation isn't funny

I only disagree with this part of your post. This is the dude in question:

[Image: 155lbg5.jpg]

[Image: laugh5.gif]

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - RIslander - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 06:15 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:39 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

A 21 year old went on a four day vacation and was tortured and murdered by an entire nation for absolutely no reason (I don't buy the banner story).

Who the hell goes on a vacation to a

1) Hostile, totalitarian country;
2) which is still technically at war with their neighbor
3) and also has a history of detaining travelers for petty reasons and straight-up outright fabricated pretenses?

Shit man, I knew N. Korea was a fucked up place when I was ten. Age isn't a factor here.

Vacation?? That's like saying a drunk guy going 100 MPH with no seatbelt in a schoolzone who dies in a crash was just "joyriding". What pray tell are the "touristy" activities in N. Korea? Counting the ribs on starving gulag prisoners? Waiting in the ration line? Your sympathy is overriding your higher faculties on this one.

This situation isn't funny but it was 100% avoidable. He gets no sympathy from me for putting himself in harm's way. I hope the Trump Administration doesn't acknowledge this.

Hey I'm not saying he wasn't foolish. He didn't deserve what he got though. One can still be sympathetic toward a young kid who made a foolish decision. I wouldn't of dared go to NK at any age but remember that those of us on the forum are far more educated and intuitive of the ways of the world than your average westerner.

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Cattle Rustler - 06-19-2017 is the time for Donald Trump to show his true colors, if he's all talk or a cuck.

3D Trump or Tic-Tac-Toe Bunk?

Also, a nice way to lower unemployment via the military welfare state (surge in troops), military industrial complex (contracts), and add some debt. I mean, our ChinaMEX credit card bill is already high...what's a trillion or two more?

N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - ElFlaco - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 05:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I don't get the outpouring of sympathy for this idiot.

Stupid, yes, but did the punishment fit the crime?


I don't know, maybe I'm missing something here


N.Korea: US student cries & admits to being "severe criminal" during press conf. - Jetset - 06-19-2017

Quote: (06-19-2017 06:15 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

This situation isn't funny but it was 100% avoidable. He gets no sympathy from me for putting himself in harm's way. I hope the Trump Administration doesn't acknowledge this.

Issuing a foreign national a visa to legally enter your country and then straight-up murdering him for no good reason is not usually something that goes unnoticed in international diplomacy, nor should it.

It might have been goofy as hell for him to be there, but that doesn't mean North Korea gets to go "LOL, should've read the newspaper first". It's not like he died in random street violence or a natural disaster. There's good reason to suspect they did this to him.