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3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-16-2015

It's not over. Today I see another girl, but I think she will come over again tomorrow or Wednesday.

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-16-2015

Quote: (08-16-2015 09:23 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

It's not over. Today I see another girl, but I think she will come over again tomorrow or Wednesday.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-19-2015

Yeah, I kissed her and we had a make out. I am still far away from the lay but there is some progress.

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-20-2015

Good job It's obvious she's into you and thinks you're "the one" At least the one that's going to get her "precious" virginity

[Image: 5843148183_b30094c1cb.jpg]

Keep escalating. stay aggressive until she says stop and you will get there.

3rd date nothing happened so far - ksbms - 08-20-2015

How many hours have you spent with her overall so far?

3rd date nothing happened so far - amusedmastery - 08-20-2015

I'm sensing troll probability here.....

3rd date nothing happened so far - OregonToSoCal - 08-20-2015

Quote: (08-20-2015 03:22 PM)amusedmastery Wrote:  

I'm sensing troll probability here.....

Agreed. In all my time in this forum I have never come across anyone so unmotivated and indifferent to getting a bang as OP. His reports read as a chore list that he's procrastinating on. Zero passion or sense of urgency...

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-20-2015

I am not a troll. I only internalized the abundance mentality. The last ten days I had a make out with 4 different girls.
I spent a lot of time with her. I don't know it exactly but I guess around 35hours.

3rd date nothing happened so far - Rawmeo - 08-21-2015

I don't think it's a troll, but I think it's a serious lack of initiative. Next time, caveman until you get the notch or until she gets out. You waited long enough for a girl that acts like that.

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-21-2015

I disagree, there is no point in rushing. Eventually we will have sex. It may take a while but that is okay.

3rd date nothing happened so far - Virtus - 08-21-2015

This is capthdonk analysis from many threads. not a single post rates male

[Image: attachment.jpg27841]   

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-22-2015

Quote: (08-21-2015 09:15 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

I disagree, there is no point in rushing. Eventually we will have sex. It may take a while but that is okay.

There might not be a point in rushing it, but there is definitely a reason to push it every time you're with her. If you don't one day she's not going to respond to your texts and that's the day some other guy crossed the finish line with his cock first...that my friend is guaran-fucking-teed And your window is much smaller than you think

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-22-2015

I am a guy, but congratulations your software detected that I might be European. Guess why I have this German flag next to my nickname.

Kissing shouldn't now be a problem and she asked me when we will see again. She comes over again tomorrow and I will try to undress her a bit. But I am sure that if i push to fast she will not go along but instead go into defensive mode again.
She isn't comfortable with me moving my hand between her legs, even when she is dressed.

3rd date nothing happened so far - Art Pimp - 08-22-2015

Do you enjoy spending time with this girl?

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-22-2015

Quote: (08-22-2015 04:45 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Kissing shouldn't now be a problem and she asked me when we will see again. She comes over again tomorrow and I will try to undress her a bit. But I am sure that if i push to fast she will not go along but instead go into defensive mode again.
She isn't comfortable with me moving my hand between her legs, even when she is dressed.

Ok fair enough. You're there and we're not so you have the read on the situation.

She's obviously a full blown virgin and seems more like a 16 yo than a 20 yo so this may take months (It once took me 6 mos to crack a virgin but I was 17 and in high school).

You're probably going to have to get her comfortable touching you before she'll let you touch her pussy.

This is digging WAY WAY back in the archives. Have you tried giving her the "blue balls" speech? It's one of the oldest tricks in the book but it works with virgins. (this is like way back high school game). Here's the definition of blue balls from urban dictionary in case you aren't familiar with it there in Germany

blue balls

Basically you just tell her that making out with her gets you really turned on and makes you uncomfortable because your balls hurt and as a guy you need "release".

I used this a couple of times and goes down something like this:

I was in high school and "dating" a virgin who would not let me get passed kissing at all. We had hung out for several months this way and I determined to get that notch (I'd only had 2-3 at the time) Finally we were at the girls house when her parents were out of town. We were in her bed making out in our underwear and I was trying to push my hand down her panties but she was not having it so I pulled away all frustrated and it went something like this:

(Paraphrasing...I know this is corny as shit but it worked)

Me. Arrrgh!
Her. Whats wrong?
Me. What's wrong is that this gets me really turned but it's hurting me
Her. What do you mean hurting you?
Me. Well I'm a guy and when guys get turned on they get pressure in their balls
Her. Really?
Me. Yeah and this pressure hurts and is actually bad for a guy.
Her. Really?
Me Yeah and if it keeps happening then the guy gets a condition called "blue balls" and it's really painful and can do permanent damage
Her. Oh
Me. Yeah so I really like you but can't can't keep doing this without a release.
Her. But I dont want to go all the way
Me. You dont have to. I'll do it while we're kissing. You dont want me to be in pain do you?
Her. No

Yep...I pulled it out and after a few seconds of me reassuring her that she didnt have to do anything but kiss me I rubbed one out on her stomach. She was a bit freaked out that I jizzed all over her stomach but she was also like "wow that was so sexy". We did this once or twice more but she soon started "helping" me with her hand on mine and soon that escalated to her giving me hand jobs, followed by hand jobs and me fingering her, then me licking her, then blow jobs etc, etc...until eventually we were fucking like rabbits every day. I actually fell in love with that girl. It's a miracle I didn't get her knocked up because I never once used a condom with her and fucked her at least 300 times before I went away to University

I did this by accident out of frustration and because I'd seen the whole "blue balls" thing in a movie "Porky's" (I think). In hindsight it worked because she was first more comfortable with touching me than me touching her...that was the way through her defenses (which was really her insecurities). As soon as she was touching me she was getting turned on very soon she wanted to escalate because I was having all the fun.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

So you need to try to get your "Virgin Girl" on the program to help stop this very serious problem that is "Blue Balls" Watch this with her.

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-24-2015

We are not making out in underwear, she brings extra shorts with her to wear them in the bed instead of her jeans. It's okay for her if I unzip her bra, but not to remove any clothing.

Here is what happened yesterday:

I didn't text her the day before yesterday and yesterday. She texted me at 7pm, (that's really late), but then she asked why I didn't text her and if she should come. So she came over and we watched crank, and I tried to escalate. I did some microprogress. (massaging her ass) But when I tried to get near her pussy she really fought back with what I assume all her might. She wasn't angry with me but yeah there was no point in continuing this.

The video wasn't a great help. She only asked why I showed it to her.

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-24-2015

Quote: (08-24-2015 08:40 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

We are not making out in underwear, she brings extra shorts with her to wear them in the bed instead of her jeans. It's okay for her if I unzip her bra, but not to remove any clothing.

Well you should be in your underwear. This was the primary idea behind my last post. She resists what you do to her but doesn't control what you do right? You need to be making out with her and rubbing your boner on her. You think she won't notice? Of course she will. And guess what? The fact that she's turning you on is going to excite her...that's millions of years of evolutionary biology working for you.

Quote: (08-24-2015 08:40 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

So she came over and we watched crank, and I tried to escalate. I did some microprogress. (massaging her ass) But when I tried to get near her pussy she really fought back with what I assume all her might. She wasn't angry with me but yeah there was no point in continuing this.

The video wasn't a great help. She only asked why I showed it to her.

Of course she wasn't angry. She wants to be there, and guess what?...she wants to fuck you,...that is why she keeps coming over. It's only her fear and insecurity that's keeping it from happening. You need to take the lead, and you are making progress but trying to get through her defenses is going to take months of "micro progress". If your ok with that then ok.

Your leading her but by trying to "escalate" through her fear and insecurity to get her let you enter her is the most difficult route. Think about that for a moment. It's most often lost on us a men what level of comfort and surrender it takes for a girl to let someone "enter" their body. Especially for the first time (but empathy game is a whole different topic).

I'm telling you right now that you wont get to fuck her in her precious pussy hole until after you get handjobs and maybe even blowjobs first. Ive banged a handful of virgins (3 or 4 or 5) and it always ended up this way. This basically high school game.

If you want to get to where you want to go faster you need to take a route of lesser resistance. You need to get her comfortable with your body and your needs...hence the scenario I outlined in my previous post. You want to escalate? You need to start rubbing your cock while youre making out with her, and then put her hand on it

I was joking about showing her that video (I didn't think that you really would) but harm done. Actually least you introduce sexual content and the concept of YOUR NEEDS into your interaction....and she didn't freak out...right?

When she asked why you showed her the video that's when you should have said

"I really like hanging out with you but it's painful, Im a man , my balls need release, you dont want me to be in pain do you?...blah blah blah"

3rd date nothing happened so far - HankMoody - 08-24-2015

I think this might be a troll, but I'll bite...

You need to set the frame from the beginning, and run some dread game. Randomly stop returning her text messages, and let her take the initiative to ask you out. Then out of the blue be text her and say "lets have dinner at my place tonight. i'll cook"

If she's busy, her interest level is probably too low.

I'd note that you're investing a lot of time into something that appears to have diminishing returns at best. You're way better off focusing on women who show interest early on.

To borrow a line from the Rational Male, sexual attraction isn't something that can be negotiated. She's either into you sexually, or she's not. All of this "negotiation" tells me that she's not, but wants to like you for whatever reason.

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 08-24-2015

I don't cook for her. Why should I? My invest includes spending time with her and walking her back to the train station, sometimes picking her up from there.
Normally we are lying in my bed and watch a movie, or youtubeclip. I choose it.

She invests way more time because she always comes to my place. She needs round about an hour for one way, depending on the local public transport.

I invest a lot in other girls as well. Today I had a first date with one and toworrow I have a third date with another one.
Why do I keep her? Because I need to learn a lot. But yeah, I think of dumping her because I really hate getting blocked and it may hurt me to get all these rejections from her.

3rd date nothing happened so far - Virtus - 08-24-2015

what do you get out of these pointless stories? it's clear you're a girl because that is not a guy thinking here. we don't think this way and we don't write this way

[Image: attachment.jpg27900]   

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-24-2015

Quote: (08-24-2015 04:29 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

I think this might be a troll, but I'll bite...

You need to set the frame from the beginning, and run some dread game. Randomly stop returning her text messages, and let her take the initiative to ask you out. Then out of the blue be text her and say "lets have dinner at my place tonight. i'll cook"

If she's busy, her interest level is probably too low.

I'd note that you're investing a lot of time into something that appears to have diminishing returns at best. You're way better off focusing on women who show interest early on.

To borrow a line from the Rational Male, sexual attraction isn't something that can be negotiated. She's either into you sexually, or she's not. All of this "negotiation" tells me that she's not, but wants to like you for whatever reason.

I might agree with you but if you'd read the whole thread you'd know:

1. This girl is a 20 yo virgin.

That alone changes a lot of the dynamics at play here. She's never had sex before so she doesn't even really know what "sexual attraction" is. Right now it's this really exciting tingly feeling down inside her that makes her heart jump and butterflies in her tummy flutter...blah blah blah. The fact that she was so awkward and stiff that OP kissing her was a major "breakthrough" tells me this is one really socially inept girl. She's probably got the social intelligence of of a middle schooler.

2 OP is putting zero effort into chasing this girl.

She initiates contact regularly, delivers herself to his place and is ok just chilling, and isolated. Normally that's 99% of the way to a bone down done deal. As long as she's doing this I'd be ok with keeping her as a pet "project".

Shes building comfort with him now. Dread game isn't necessary. She seems committed to the idea that OP is the one that's going to get the goodies. It's only a matter of time. Dread (or any other) game might only scare her off. As long as he doesn't let her get TOO comfortable she'll stay into him

3. OP is gaming other girls Little is lost in terms of other opportunities

All he needs to do now is to switch his escalation strategy and go for a handjob instead of the lay and he'll get there. I'm pretty sure handjobs were probably invented by high school caveman dude trying to get virgin cave-girl pussy while making out at her cave while her parents out hunting mammoths.

[Image: becatvigmatt033.jpg]

3rd date nothing happened so far - rudebwoy - 08-24-2015

Just make her feel comfortable, like I said before you will need to kiss her first.

Papaya Tapper has given you the best advice.

3rd date nothing happened so far - PapayaTapper - 08-24-2015

Quote: (08-24-2015 06:17 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

Why do I keep her? Because I need to learn a lot.

Exactly Think of this as having a pet hamster captive in a cage that you can observe, study and learn from . Only one day soon you will get to fuck it.

Quote: (08-24-2015 06:17 PM)captndonk Wrote:  

But yeah, I think of dumping her because I really hate getting blocked and it may hurt me to get all these rejections from her.

She's not rejecting you. She's actually rejecting her desire for you because her own fear outweighs that desire. The more comfortable she gets the less fear she will have. If you get her to touch your manhood once, she will go away all excited and the next time she comes over she will be so excited to do it again it'll be all she thinks about until she comes me

3rd date nothing happened so far - captndonk - 09-01-2015

Met again yesterday. She helped me to move flat. Later we kissed and I tried to undress her, but she fought back hard. Eventually I gave it up and felt asleep and she left.
But few days ago I had sex with a different girl, also 19 years old.

3rd date nothing happened so far - Cyclone419 - 09-01-2015

Have you bothered to straight up ask her why she is resisting you? You need to turn her on more, kiss her neck, suck on her ear lobes, grab her ass while you do it. Preheat the oven, make her want it. At this point i'm going to say your just wasting your time. Its time to either hit it or quit it.