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FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - realologist - 05-29-2015

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:39 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

To get this thread back on track.

Sepp won re-election today...the gravy train rumbles onward!!

Hopefully his bribes he gave to get re-elected were in U.S. dollars so the FBI can come swoop him up and send him to prison as well.

[Image: fifa-is-not-in-crisis-004.jpg]

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Baldwin81 - 05-29-2015


FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Vacancier Permanent - 05-29-2015

Some more crazy atmospheres from the hottest stadiums in Europe. The hottest stadium in France with the most passionate and craziest fans of France and among the top 5 in Europe, those of Marseille:

Amazing Celtics Fans:

Incredible video and even more incredible are the first 2 minutes of it. And even more mind blowing is that it's for a basketball game in Greece, fans from Aris Salonicco. Why can't we have fans and atmosphere like that in the NBA or other NA sports? It would make the whole experience infinitely better and way more enjoyable!

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - tylerdurden1993 - 05-29-2015

I like this video of the atmosphere from Napoli fans when Higuain Scores.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - beta_plus - 05-29-2015

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:39 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 11:41 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:32 AM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:00 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Typical American attitude to everything: our stadiums and population is bigger therefore we win.


along with better infrastructure, accommodations. Every NFL city in the US could host a WC game without doing any prep work other than changing the field. Even collage cities like Columbus and Ann Arbor could host a game with no problems.

We also tend to have much nicer and affordable hotel rooms and more of them.

Cheaper hotels rooms are offset by having to travel 10000 miles to get there for most of the wealthier fans i.e. Europeans.

As for infrastructure? Better in the US than where exactly?

Step outside the bubble gents!

Look, I get that Britain got cheated of a World Cup and I'm just as angry as you that happened.

I think that the emotional context of Americans proposing it be here is not coming across in text on the Internet. Many (not all of us) in the US are not proposing this because of "'MERICUH! FUCK YEAH!" (I'm not denying there are those types, just that they are a small minority). We're just saying:

"Hey guys, this could get really hairy really fast. If you need a place to emergency crash land this event, crash on us. We can handle it. We don't want to leave you hanging when we throw all of these crooks in jail."

As an American, I'd even love to see all profits from an emergency US world cup go to assist all of the people who are being maimed and killed in Qatar trying to build all of the infrastructure there and their families, communities, and countries as well. It's the very least all of the broadcasters, sponsors, vendors, and tax authorities could do after looking the other way for decades.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - quino_16 - 05-29-2015

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:44 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 08:03 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 07:39 AM)JamesW95 Wrote:  

Did someone just say that the atmosphere in America would be more intimidating than Turkey?

You guys are nuts.

hah - you fell for my bait [Image: smile.gif]

And no - nobody said what you just stated.

First, I (we) never mentioned Turkey specifically but spoke of Europe in general. Second, yes I did specify that certain Mexican games would essentially be "home games" and thus about as intense as most of the European leagues. Maybe moreso than many countries in Europe, but maybe not England, Spain, Italy etc. Turkey? I dunno - do the Turks throw bags of urine and batteries at the opposing players & fans like they do in Mexico when they play the US sometimes? But I never specifically mentioned Turkey.

Anyway, I'd say the Mexican fans are about as die-hard as anywhere else in the world I've seen. So to clarify - are you saying that the Mexican fans are not as intense as European national team fans in general? That Mexicans in particular don't live and breathe football like many Europeans? Well, I think they do, and thus some of the games featuring Mexico will almost be like home games if the WC was played in the US, so yeah it would be very intense. Almost as intense as a home game hosted in Mexico - but not quite I'd say.

Nowhere did I imply that the US team would get the same support or have the same atmosphere, but it would still be good.

If you guys think Europe generally has this special sort of "super intense fan game" that's somehow better than Mexico or many other places in the world I think you're over-inflating the intensity of your fandom vis-a-vis many other countries. But I guess it of course depends on the country.

To add to this, cool fact,

Guess who bought the most tickets after Brazilians for the 2014 world cup? That's right, the U.S. with around 155,000 tickets bought, and it is estimated that over 50% of those tickets came from Mexican Americans who made the trip down to Brazil to root for Mexico.


It's no surprise that Brazilian fans have bought more tickets than any other nation for this summer's World Cup but the second-biggest buyers might not be so obvious.
The USA isn't regarded as a hotbed of football fandom but supporters from across the pond have snapped up 154,412 tickets for the showpiece event.
That's more than three times the amount of any other country, with Australia (40,681) and England (38,043) trailing in third and fourth.
Full Source



The number of fans cheering Mexico at the World Cup has taken observers in Brazil by surprise. But talk to those waving the green, white and red, and it becomes clear that when the tournament ends, many will return home not to Mexico, but to the United States.

"That's the talk here," said Juan Chacón, a Mexico supporter who lives in Texas. "We're asking each other, 'Where did so many come from?'"

The U.S. has seen steady growth in its Hispanic population, which now makes up 17 percent of the total population, or 53 million people. About two-thirds of those trace their roots to Mexico. At the same time, strong earning power in the United States makes it easier for Mexicans and Mexican-Americans living there to afford the trip to Brazil. Per-capital annual income in the U.S. is $47,000, compared to $9,000 in Mexico.
Full Source

This was so fascinating, that many Brazilians were shocked at how many Mexicans were speaking English with each other at the World Cup


The fact that Mexico is so integrated with the United States has surprised many Brazilians in Fortaleza in recent days, as locals were initially confused why some groups of soccer fans in Mexico jerseys spoke to each other in English, or also cheered for the U.S.
Full Source

A lot of people are underestimating the passion of Mexicans-and Mexican Americans for soccer in the U.S. Can you imagine having the U.S. host the world cup and rich Mexicans from Mexico making the easy trip to cities all over the southwest? It would be unbelievable.

I understand that the English love their football, but so do we.

I wouldn't underestimate the Mexico vs. USA rivalry either. Its not only a rivalry of teams, but it extends beyond that and it becomes socially and politically as well. And describes an issue of identity for many Mexican Americans. Whenever these two teams face-off, best believe it gets packed and the atmosphere and passion is off the charts.

Damn Midwest, you beat me to the point.

However, I would like to add a few additional points.

1. Nine years ago, during the 2006 world cup, nobody, (at least non-hispanic Americans) who I knew of, knew about the big clubs in Europe, namely Man United, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, etc. Now, I would say at least half (most likely more than that though) of non-Hispanic Americans know about the big clubs and players in Europe. In another seven years until the world cup, the sport would only get more popular here in the States.

2. As someone else has already said, almost every American will support the national team even if they do not like or watch soccer. The Americans, who do not like or watch soccer, will love to see the national team beat other teams because they will see it as "we [US] beat the world at their sport." Meanwhile, Americans, who do like soccer, would be thrilled, just as any other fan, for hosting the world cup.

3. Hispanic-Americans. I do not think I really need to elaborate on this point, since it has already been mentioned. However, I guarantee that Mexico would be a home game, especially if they play in Southwest of United States. If Mexico plays in the Rose Bowl, LA Coliseum, or any large venue, I guarantee you that it will feel as a Mexican home game in the Estadio Azteca. Furthermore, I know that there are huge pockets of Central American Communities in the US (I know for a fact that LA has a large Salvadoran Community). Hence, the Central American teams that qualify will have huge support base in the United States.

4. The concerns that the United States is too large for a World Cup or the hot climate during World Cup will have a negative impact on the World Cup are exaggerated, at best. Brazil had both of these concerns and, as far as I know, no one brought up these issues, so I do not why these issues are being brought up.

Overall, I think that US would host a great World Cup in 2022. Furthermore, for everybody arguing that the England should host the World Cup instead of the US, your argument is of inconsequence since the 2022 World Cup will be hosted outside of Europe given that Russia, a European Country, will host the 2018 World Cup. The last time Europe has hosted consecutive world cups was in the 1950's. Having said that, what would you rather have a World Cup in the US, which already has everything to host a huge sporting event and not interfere with the FIFA club calendar, or in Qatar?

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Saweeep - 05-30-2015

We know it is a non Europe year.

We just like arguing (and fighting) about football [Image: biggrin.gif]

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - TigerMandingo - 05-31-2015

Quote: (05-29-2015 05:03 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Why can't we have fans and atmosphere like that in the NBA or other NA sports? It would make the whole experience infinitely better and way more enjoyable!

Honestly, the last time I felt that kind of incredible energy at a sporting event (in the US) was in the 90s at a Bulls game. I mean, you can really feel the excitement here:


I don't want to sound too nostalgic, but once Jordan left the Bulls, he kind of took the spirit of the decade along with him.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Goldfinger - 06-02-2015

Sepp Blatter has announced that he will be stepping down.

This is about 3 days after the was reelected for his 6th term (i think). This stinks of him cutting a deal that would spare him jail time.

Victory for football, get David Gill in there.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - getdownonit - 06-04-2015

Quote: (05-28-2015 12:41 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

They should charge them for this too while they are at it:

Turns out FIFA paid the Ireland Football Association $5 million not to fight the ruling.


FIFA paid the Football Association of Ireland $5 million to not contest in court Thierry Henry's infamous handball in a World Cup qualifier, it was revealed on Thursday.

The filthy side of the beautiful game.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Atlantic - 06-05-2015

getdownonit already has it covered ^

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - djk100 - 06-05-2015

It was reported in El Mundo that Sepp Blatter had a fling with Ronaldo's ex- Irina Shayk. Just confirms to everyone that women are hypergamous

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Praetor Lupus - 06-05-2015

Quote: (06-05-2015 12:04 PM)djk100 Wrote:  

It was reported in El Mundo that Sepp Blatter had a fling with Ronaldo's ex- Irina Shayk. Just confirms to everyone that women are hypergamous

[Image: barf.gif]

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Socrates - 06-05-2015

[Image: 258F929000000578-0-image-a-17_1423644949392.jpg]

[Image: blatter_3031222b.jpg]

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - djk100 - 06-06-2015

Quote: (06-05-2015 04:06 PM)Socrates Wrote:  

[Image: 258F929000000578-0-image-a-17_1423644949392.jpg]

[Image: blatter_3031222b.jpg]

It's crazy how on earth can you go for that vs Ronaldo?

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - Cattle Rustler - 06-06-2015

Bitches are just thirsty too, their thirst is to have more money.

The thirst is real for both genders.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - TigerMandingo - 06-06-2015

Come on guys, she didn't fuck Blatter...

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - MidWest - 07-27-2015

According to FIFA, North America and the Concacaf region will be given preference to host the 2026 World Cup.

FIFA sets May 2017 to elect 2026 World Cup host

Three countries have put forward their bid for it, and they are

The U.S.

According to the Jeffrey Webb, the representative of Concacaf, the bid would go to the country whose national team has the best chance to win the world cup.

FIFA Corruption Scandal - 6 Arrested for Extradition to USA - kosko - 07-28-2015

Lol at soccer standings as a means to decide who hosts.

All of these are safe pics. Mexico hosted about 30 some years ago, not sure what stays many of those stadiums are in, USA can host tomorrow if it wanted to, and Canada just needs a stadium for for the finals and something in Montreal to host.