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Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Libertas - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 12:09 PM)Able-Archer Wrote:  

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today
So do not bring up Palestinians, refugees, internal Israeli subjects that are off topic, your stupidity etc.

It's not possible to ignore the broader political context surrounding this, sorry. It would be akin to ignoring Obama addressing mideast leaders about future plans for stability in the region while trying to ignore his idiotic, half-assed strategy to defeat ISIS.


Iran is run by religious fanatics who don't share the same idea of what is rational with the rest of us, well some of us anyway. Does that mean they for sure will use nuclear weapons no, BUT, it is a major risk, a risk that cannot be avoided once they are armed with the most destructive weaponry known to man. By the way food for thought, in the war with Iraq during the 80s the Iranians sent thousands of children to run through mine fields clearing the way for Iranian soldiers. These children died and were coerced into doing this by being told they would be received in Jana (paradise). The same government is still in power today and seeks nuclear weapons.

On the contrary, Iran is acting every bit like a rational actor in pursuit of nuclear weapons. It realizes that not having nukes is a vulnerability to invasion as seen by its own neighbors.



So why must we, assuming Iran really would use them? That's the very point a lot of people are criticizing. Why is it our responsibility to solve all of Israel's problems? I think that's what a lot of people are pissed off about the most, including me. It looks like Netenyahu is trying to give US orders. Who the hell is he to be demanding our obedience?

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - TheWastelander - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 12:23 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

So why must we, assuming Iran really would use them? That's the very point a lot of people are criticizing. Why is it our responsibility to solve all of Israel's problems? I think that's what a lot of people are pissed off about the most, including me. It looks like Netenyahu is trying to give US orders. Who the hell is he to be demanding our obedience?

Go through the text of his speech and point out to me where he demands our obedience. He was specifically criticizing some pointless deal we're working on with Iran to curb their nuclear weapons program which, until recently, didn't exist according to the left.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Libertas - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 12:22 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

And how is the social situation in our country Israel's fault? The beginning of American decline predates Israel by decades. This kind of nonsense is the reason why I roll my eyes when people who I side with on most issues go off the rails about the Jews.

That was your straw man, not mine. I simply said the same interests that support one often support the other.


Yeah, AIPAC is one giant bastion of liberalism.

This cuntish sarcasm doesn't rebut anything that I said.


A modern American leftist Jew has about as much in common with Israel as I do with Italy. Jack shit besides a bit of blood.

You are wrong. I've worked with a number of them in my job - powerful Jews in NYC that have an extremely irrational support of Israel. Now these are guys that I respect very highly, but their support for Israel is frenzied, even if they've never been there. There is a powerful, spiritual connection. They almost consider Israel a part of themselves.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Orion - 03-05-2015

That logic that you must adore:

It's completely ok for Israel to have nuclear weapons because Israel is really threatened by all sides from entities that want to destroy it.

But Iran cannot, even tho Israel and Bush administration openly threatened to invade it, overthrow regime, and made numerous plans to do so, and even though Israeli warplanes attacked it's soil and American aircraft carriers are roaming Persian gulf.

So the question is, WHY, oh WHY can't they ? Because they are not us ! Of course, that is the universal leftist answer.

Who is us brother ? Israel ? America ? "Civilized world" ? Why do they get to decide ? Is there any reason why America and Israel have moral upper hand other than being stronger ?

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - zaqan - 03-05-2015

Do we even have any prospective leaders like Netanyahu or Putin in America? Even Harper up in Canada is a strong leader who earns respect. We are stuck with a Peter Pan, and so is the UK.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Able-Archer - 03-05-2015


1. I am not saying ignore broad political context but there are irrelevant issues in this thread such as refugees in Israel...its things like that I am trying to avoid in the debate I will not go further on this subject so, strike 1 you have broken the rules for engaging me in debate.

2. "Put more politely, Iran is a rational actor in terms of its own objectives." this is a quote from the article you shared with me. I did not explicitly say Iran is irrational however what they consider rational is different then what others consider rational. The regime may not be suicidal but they don't care much for their people, perhaps the threat of a decapitation strike would would scare the regime enough to deter them. The question is deter them from what? Do you know what their end goals are? Are you willing to put the risk of nuclear war on the table in finding that out? The background I gave was so that we could learn from history the dangers presented by tensions between 2 nuclear powers, now you can multiply that since more than 2 countries have nukes.

The world does not need another nuclear state especially not a state run by religious fanatics. Again we are discussing the gamble don't forget once they have nukes thats it they have them. They don't have to give a massive nuclear weapon to Hezbollah or others they can scare a lot of people with a dirty bomb.
Furthermore for Israel and the U.S. the stakes are different, 1 nuke can end Israel's existence, the U.S. could absorb a nuclear strike and still go on, at least until the second strike or strikes from other parties and the ultimate destruction of the world.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Krusyos - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 11:54 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 10:19 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

Once upon a time there was a group of people who believed their race was superior to all others. The literature and propaganda said that people of other races were inferior to them and on the same level as cattle. They even tried to set up a country for their people only where they could oppress and even sterilize minorities. They engaged in horrid acts of violence against civilians, murdering innocents left and right.

The country is still around to today... it's called Israel.

Cute. Did you come across that while lurking Stormfront?

*yawn* Ad hominem. Next, please.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - PeruLover12 - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-03-2015 10:42 PM)Kaizen Wrote:  

What a joke.

What about their own illegal nuclear weapons program?

Quote: (03-03-2015 10:49 PM)ganjian Wrote:  

Let's not forget the hypocrisy of demanding that another country give up its right to nuclear energy under the pretense of it allegedly developing nuclear weapons, while having several nukes for years and not even admitting it.

Yes you're right however look at a map. Israel is surrounded on all sides by people who would happily destroy it and all its inhabitants is it showed weakness. Look what Iran has said about Israel over the years and the threats so if ever a country needed nukes and should be allowed them its Israel.

Also Jews have been persecuted, burnt, murdered, gassed, exiled, enslaved for over a 1000 years in Europe and the Middle East. 6 million were murdered just 70 years ago, think what that would do to your national concious. I support Israel strongly and its right to arm itself with nukes even if it is at times spouting double standards in its seeking of national survival and I hope that the US continues to support it.

If we had more countries with Israel's attitude then Islam would not be the threat it is.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Tuthmosis - 03-05-2015


Quote: (03-05-2015 10:19 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

Once upon a time there was a group of people who believed their race was superior to all others. The literature and propaganda said that people of other races were inferior to them and on the same level as cattle. They even tried to set up a country for their people only where they could oppress and even sterilize minorities. They engaged in horrid acts of violence against civilians, murdering innocents left and right.

The country is still around to today... it's called Israel.

Quote: (03-05-2015 11:22 AM)berserk Wrote:  

I honestly found it disgusting how the congress applauded Netanyahu like he was Stalin at a speech.

How can anyone be in doubt that jews own the US?

Personally, I find it an affront that jews with dual citizenship such as Rahm Emmanuel can serve in the government and that jews in general shouldn't hold positions which can influence foreign policy. There is clearly a problem of loyalty.

Also laughed at the predictable over the top IDF posts in this thread and we even got a few accusations of anti-semmistism.

Quote: (03-05-2015 12:09 PM)Able-Archer Wrote:  

(Moderators I should warn you it would be a fruitless effort to ban me for this, I know it seems a bit harsh but correct information should be rewarded on your forum not punished and I have the capability to return)

[Image: punch-to-the-ear-rugby-tackle-hit-gifs.gif]

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kaotic - 03-05-2015

Damn Tut, a hat trick ? Justified - maybe this thread should be locked ?

Lot of POV's are simmering, I know at one point I was a bit as well.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kosko - 03-05-2015

But Israel was sterlizing minorites Tuth. Israel got called for for sterlizing Ethipoian Jews.

Forbes: Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

Haaretz: Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots

Imagine in 2015 if American's did this to Mexican immigrants, or China doing this to a minority group whiten their country. If ant other place did this it would likely face pressure of sanctions for the UN from the West. The worst part is that these aren't legally minorities in the sense, they are granted access to Israel via the laws Israel made for Jews in the first place, but not all Jews are equal to Israel and the hypocrisy is completely fucked up especially in regards to their own history and how this happened to them in Europe.

I just wanted to clarify that as that claim was indeed true. Ethiopian Jews saw a 50% collapse in birth rates during the forced serialization program. Long time abuse of Depo shots has long term negative affects, many disabled women who get them as a preventive measure for rape/accidents end up frying up their reproductive parts due to over use of the shots.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - The_CEO - 03-05-2015

In case anyone has the appetite for a cool-headed geopolitical analysis

The Complex History of the U.S.-Israel Relationship
By George Friedman

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting the United States this week to speak to Congress on March 3. The Obama administration is upset that Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Netanyahu without consulting with the White House and charged Boehner with political grandstanding. Netanyahu said he was coming to warn the United States of the threat of Iran. Israeli critics of Netanyahu charged that this was a play for public approval to improve his position in Israel's general election next year. Boehner denied any political intent beyond getting to hear Netanyahu's views. The Obama administration claimed that the speech threatens the fabric of U.S.-Israeli relations.

Let us begin with the obvious. First, this is a speech, and it is unlikely that Netanyahu could say anything new on the subject of Iran, given that he never stops talking about it. Second, everyone involved is grandstanding. They are politicians, and that's what they do. Third, the idea that U.S.-Israeli relations can be shredded by a grandstanding speech is preposterous. If that's all it takes, relations are already shredded.

Speeches aside, there is no question that U.S.-Israeli relations have been changing substantially since the end of the Cold War, and that change, arrested for a while after 9/11, has created distance and tension between the countries. Netanyahu's speech is merely a symptom of the underlying reality. There are theatrics, there are personal animosities, but presidents and prime ministers come and go. What is important are the interests that bind or separate nations, and the interests of Israel and the United States have to some extent diverged. It is the divergence of interests we must focus on, particularly because there is a great deal of mythology around the U.S.-Israeli relationship created by advocates of a close relationship, opponents of the relationship, and foreign enemies of one or both countries.

Building the U.S.-Israeli Relationship

It is important to begin by understanding that the United States and Israel did not always have a close relationship. While the United States recognized Israel from the beginning, its relationship was cool until after the Six-Day War in 1967. When Israel, along with Britain and France, invaded Egypt in 1956, the United States demanded Israel's withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza, and the Israelis complied. The United States provided no aid for Israel except for food aid given through a U.N. program that served many nations. The United States was not hostile to Israel, nor did it regard its relationship as crucial.

This began to change before the 1967 conflict, after pro-Soviet coups in Syria and Iraq by Baathist parties. Responding to this threat, the United States created a belt of surface-to-air missiles stretching from Saudi Arabia to Jordan and Israel in 1965. This was the first military aid given to Israel, and it was intended to be part of a system to block Soviet power. Until 1967, Israel's weapons came primarily from France. Again, the United States had no objection to this relationship, nor was it a critical issue to Washington.

The Six-Day War changed this. After the conflict, the French, wanting to improve relations with the Arabs, cut off weapons sales to Israel. The United States saw Egypt become a Soviet naval and air base, along with Syria. This threatened the U.S. Sixth Fleet and other interests in the eastern Mediterranean. In particular, the United States was concerned about Turkey because the Bosporus in Soviet hands would open the door to a significant Soviet challenge in the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. Turkey was now threatened not only from the north but also from the south by Syria and Iraq. The Iranians, then U.S. allies, forced the Iraqis to face east rather than north. The Israelis forced the Syrians to focus south. Once the French pulled out of their relationship with Israel and the Soviets consolidated their positions in Egypt and Syria in the wake of the Six-Day War, the United States was forced into a different relationship with Israel.

It has been said that the 1967 war and later U.S. support for Israel triggered Arab anti-Americanism. It undoubtedly deepened anti-American sentiment among the Arabs, but it was not the trigger. Egypt became pro-Soviet in 1956 despite the U.S. intervention against Israel, while Syria and Iraq became pro-Soviet before the United States began sending military aid to Israel. But after 1967, the United States locked into a strategic relationship with Israel and became its primary source of military assistance. This support surged during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, with U.S. assistance rising from roughly 5 percent of Israeli gross domestic product to more than 20 percent a year later.


Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - TheWastelander - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 02:29 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But Israel was sterlizing minorites Tuth. Israel got called for for sterlizing Ethipoian Jews.

Forbes: Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

Haaretz: Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots

Imagine in 2015 if American's did this to Mexican immigrants, or China doing this to a minority group whiten their country. If ant other place did this it would likely face pressure of sanctions for the UN from the West. The worst part is that these aren't legally minorities in the sense, they are granted access to Israel via the laws Israel made for Jews in the first place, but not all Jews are equal to Israel and the hypocrisy is completely fucked up especially in regards to their own history and how this happened to them in Europe.

I just wanted to clarify that as that claim was indeed true. Ethiopian Jews saw a 50% collapse in birth rates during the forced serialization program. Long time abuse of Depo shots has long term negative affects, many disabled women who get them as a preventive measure for rape/accidents end up frying up their reproductive parts due to over use of the shots.

It's a pretty fucked up story. Thankfully media attention and Israeli human rights groups forced the institutions doing it to stop the practice.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Tuthmosis - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 02:29 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But Israel was sterlizing minorites Tuth. Israel got called for for sterlizing Ethipoian Jews.

Krusyos wasn't banned on the spot for talking about sterilization. He was already at 60% warning for previous trolling. He got a mild 3-day from me for talking about "Jews thinking they were a superior race," which is consistent with a pattern of race trolling from him. That pushed him to auto-ban. I can only look the other way so much on someone who consistently pushes the trolling envelope.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - MMX2010 - 03-05-2015

I've realized something very important from Tuth's relentless banning of race-trolls and political-trolls: if everything the trolls say is 100% true, then the political and race problems that any country faces are far too complex for any individual to either grasp or forestall, but if far less than everything the trolls say is 100% true, then talking about it is pointless.

If banning these people gets just one RVF member to do one more rep in the gym, or to start working out one day sooner, or to start reading Roosh's books just one day earlier, then those bans are worth it.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - el mechanico - 03-05-2015

IRT = Israeli race troll

In before lock

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Tuthmosis - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 03:12 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

I've realized something very important from Tuth's relentless banning of race-trolls and political-trolls: if everything the trolls say is 100% true, then the political and race problems that any country faces are far too complex for any individual to either grasp or forestall, but if far less than everything the trolls say is 100% true, then talking about it is pointless.

If banning these people gets just one RVF member to do one more rep in the gym, or to start working out one day sooner, or to start reading Roosh's books just one day earlier, then those bans are worth it.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here, but I will say something about my "relentless banning of race trolls and political trolls."

Bannings don't always make me a popular figure in the forum--especially when I do it public, with a video or animated gif for emphasis. They're not the same as a Roosh banning which, naturally, receives the your-house-your-rules extra benefit of the doubt. I'm happy to take that hit and hope I irritate some guys. Modding ain't easy, but it's necessary. Nobody likes cops--until it's their house that gets robbed.

That said, my motivation isn't to "get guys into the gym one day earlier." It's to give guys the same gift I got when I first got here: a relatively clean forum where guys are generously sharing information and talking like guys without fear of bullshit--whether that's attacks from internet feminists or euphemized white supremacists or over-modding. It's a razor-fine line that you have to strike, but it's easier when you realize the goal is always the same: maintaining the standard. This place has a history.

[Image: attachment.jpg25048]   

Notice: In this thread, there were guys disagreeing, and saying sometimes controversial stuff--on both sides of this issue--and they're alive and well. The guys who have taken the time to learn the culture, respect the forum, and understand the boundaries in dealing with their fellow members will continue to be fine.

It's like real life. If you act like an idiot around men--especially consistently--you're going to get punched in the face, expelled from the group, or bounced from the club. Simple.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - RealityCheck - 03-05-2015

Here are some quotes from Bibi's deceased older brother, Yoni Netanyahu. I'm taking them from the published compilation of his personal letters. They are quite relevant to a lot of things that have been discussed so far, even though they're from about forty years ago. Perhaps Bibi was inspired by some of these sentiments when he was younger?


June 13th, 1973; Yoni gives an opinion on America.

America is as I remembered it. A country that moves you to pity on the one hand and honest admiration on the other. Pity because young people here are caught up in the toils of endless frustration and seem unable to progress beyond the infantile stage. On the main streets of Cambridge (where my university is located) one sees young people sitting on the sidewalks barefoot, half-naked and dirty, begging alms and strumming guitars or toying with Indian beads, or distributing religious propaganda ("Jesus Saves!" - this is the latest thing). Of course, not all of them are as extreme as that, but they're all brought up to be anti-Establishment and they all sling mud at the US government. It seems that people here stopped being objective long ago.

You feel sorry for America; these lunatics will destroy her.

On the other hand, there's no end to my admiration. This country is colossal! Just so - in technology, achievement, efficiency, courtesy, order, convenience and such they are ten times better than the rest of the world (and fifty times better than Israel).


June 3rd, 1970; on Israel's desire for peace.

How sad that we cannot achieve peace! For that is all we all want in the end. But the simple fact is that we have no one to talk to.


August 10, 1969; a bleak outlook on humanity.

What a mad world we live in! In the twentieth century man has reached the moon and is out for more. The twentieth century has seen Hitler and his mass murders, as well as the terrible First World War - and still at this hasn't cured us. We watch as a whole people is being starved to death, (in Biafra) and no one in this ugly world is moved by it sufficiently to do something. Everybody is preoccupied by his own wars (including Israel, including me), and no state goes in there with its army to put an end to the whole thing. But of course not! No one wants to get involved. Men are such strange animals. I prophesy a brilliant future for us as ugly as particles floating in space after the big bomb that is bound to come.


January 11, 1969; on Israel’s self-reliance vs. its reliance on super powers.

We’re surrounded by enemies, and it looks as if we can rely only on ourselves. If only we could fight without being obliged to get help from the great powers. But that isn’t realistic. The great powers can play with us like a wind-tossed leaf if they reach an agreement among themselves. It’s an unpleasant feeling, this business of being everybody’s football

February 5, 1971; Yoni expresses his concern on Israel's increasing reliance on the United States.

As to the situation on the political front, it is quite clear that we are getting deeper and deeper into the lion's jaws. And the lion is in greater part - the Americans. I hope we have enough sense not to take the final step and be swallowed by those jaws. I assume this won't happen. At the same time, I think, we may have to give up territories in return for certain guarantees from the United States. Of course, the only guarantee that would mean anything in this part of the world is an Israeli-American defense treaty, which could leave no room for doubt as to the Americans' readiness to act on our side if the need arose. It should also guarantee regular arms shipments to Israel like those of the last few months. The quantity they've sent us surpassed our demands, even our dreams.

Needless to say, things are far from simple and cannot be summed up in the two words "defense treaty." But insofar as we are moving in that direction (and I think the prospects of it are goods), perhaps we won't sink in the mud.


November 17th, 1973; about a month after the conclusion of the Yom Kippur War, Yoni gives his feelings on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In any case, I see with sorrow and great anger how a part of the people still clings to hopes of reaching a peaceful settlement with the Arabs. Common sense tells them, too, that the Arabs haven't abandoned their basic aim of destroying the State; but the self-delusion and self-deception that have always plagued the Jews are at work again. It's our great misfortune. They want to believe, so they believe. They want not to see, so they shut their eyes. They want not to learn from thousands of years of history, so they distort it. They want to bring about a sacrifice, and they do indeed. It would be comic, if it wasn't so tragic. What a saddening and irritating lot this Jewish people is!

And yet, how strong and how great is the nation at moments of crisis. You can't imagine how the fingers tighten into an iron fist when the threat of violent days approaches. The entire people - young soldiers, lawyers, doctors, clerks, laborers - all turn into tankmen and infantrymen, pilots and sailors. They aren't reserves who've come from "another world," but an integral part of a strong and united army. Amazing how we succeeding in establish this fact, of the whole people being an army.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - Cheetah - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 02:47 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2015 02:29 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But Israel was sterlizing minorites Tuth. Israel got called for for sterlizing Ethipoian Jews.

Krusyos wasn't banned on the spot for talking about sterilization. He was already at 60% warning for previous trolling. He got a mild 3-day from me for talking about "Jews thinking they were a superior race," which is consistent with a pattern of race trolling from him. That pushed him to auto-ban. I can only look the other way so much on someone who consistently pushes the trolling envelope.

Did berserk also have a previous warning if I may politely ask?

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - solipsis85 - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-03-2015 10:54 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Even if Iran does ever get nukes, can it use them? If it ever tried nuking Israel it would destroy the Dome of The Rock (one of the holiest sites in Islam) and kill the Palestinians who it purports to support! If it tried nuking Saudi Arabia, it would destroy Mecca, the holiest site in Islam!

Exactly, and just like Jacques Chirac (former french president) put it:


Having one or perhaps a second bomb a little later, well that's not very dangerous. Where would Iran drop this bomb? On Israel? It would not have gone off 200 metres into the atmosphere before Tehran would be razed to the ground." - February 2007

The reason people are scared about Iran is that the people who would have the power to drop the bomb don't appear to be really sane though.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - solipsis85 - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 12:23 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

So why must we, assuming Iran really would use them? That's the very point a lot of people are criticizing. Why is it our responsibility to solve all of Israel's problems? I think that's what a lot of people are pissed off about the most, including me. It looks like Netenyahu is trying to give US orders. Who the hell is he to be demanding our obedience?

Well you probably now much better than me about the internal politics of the usa, but from the outside it looks like you have a very strong and established jew/pro israelian lobby. That would explain Netanyahu's ability to give orders.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - zaqan - 03-05-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 02:29 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But Israel was sterlizing minorites Tuth. Israel got called for for sterlizing Ethipoian Jews.

This lie has been refuted many times:

And if any other country did what Israel was accused of, no they would not get any UN condemnation. Other countries are doing far worse than Israel is accused of every day and get no response at all. There was just an ROK article about this even:

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - scorpion - 03-05-2015

As far as I know and can recall, this situation is unprecedented. Congressional leadership invited a foreign head of state to address a joint session of Congress without the approval of the President, for the express purpose of allowing that foreign head of state to publicly oppose and undermine the President.

This is just incredibly bizarre. How does this happen? This is far beyond normal politics. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. It's clear that there are extremely powerful elements working within the U.S. government that regard Benjamin Netanyahu's opinion as being more important than President Obama's. Personally, I think that Netanyahu is ten times the man that Obama is, and that he is unquestionably a patriot doing what he thinks is best for his country. And yet....he is not an American. It's absolute fucking bullshit that he is able to grandstand in this manner over a sitting U.S. President, with the explicit cooperation of the Congress.

Let me know when the President of Zambia, Mexico or France, or hell, China or England is allowed such a privilege. This is extremely fucking rotten, and anyone with a functioning brain and pair of eyeballs should be able to see the score by now.

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - TheWastelander - 03-06-2015

Quote: (03-05-2015 11:50 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Let me know when the President of Zambia, Mexico or France, or hell, China or England is allowed such a privilege. This is extremely fucking rotten, and anyone with a functioning brain and pair of eyeballs should be able to see the score by now.


May 20, 2010, 03:55 pm
Mexican president slams immigration law before Congress

Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress today - kerouac - 03-06-2015

Over one quarter of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress consisted of applause and standing ovations

[Image: unnamed.jpg]

0:16-0:22 applause
0:50-1:10 applause, standing ovation
1:17-1:40 applause, standing ovation
1:48-1:54 applause
2:15-2:22 applause
2:27-2:42 applause, standing ovation
3:24-3:33 applause
3:58-4:16 applause, standing ovation
4:31-4:38 applause
4:48-5:04 applause, standing ovation
6:19-6:26 applause


In the first 6:26 of the Netanyahu speech, Congress interrupted to applaud 11 times. 5 of these were standing ovations.
2:14 of the first 6:26 of Netanyahu’s speech consisted of applause. In other words, 35% was Congress applauding and doing standing ovations.
11:26-11:33 applause
11:39-12:00 applause, standing ovation
14:14-14:32 applause, standing ovation
15:05-15:25 applause, standing ovation

25:37-25:56 applause, standing ovation
26:07-26:25 applause, standing ovation
26:28-26:42 applause, standing ovation
26:47-27:13 applause, standing ovation
27:27-27:33 applause
27:43-27:49 applause
27:54-28:12 applause, standing ovation
28:52-28:59 applause
29:13-29:19 applause
29:34-29:41 applause
30:11-30:31 applause, standing ovation
30:44-31:03 applause, standing ovation
31:16-31:22 applause
31:33-31:38 applause
32:54-33:13 applause, standing ovation
33:33-34:19 applause, standing ovation
34:26-34:46 applause, standing ovation
35:00-35:06 applause
35:27-35:54 applause, standing ovation
36:14-36:32 applause, standing ovation
36:44-36:59 applause, standing ovation
37:03-37:28 applause, standing ovation
37:46-37:51 applause
38:53-40:30 applause, standing ovation