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Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Printable Version

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Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Beyond Borders - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 08:53 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

As others have said, this is a clear sign of some for of mental delusion. I noticed odd behaviour when he was on the forum. In a similar way to the exaggerated '1000 women' thing, he'd often post 'SHOCKING' things, that we're mildly noteworthy.

He's really shot himself in the foot, as quite a lot of members and readers of the blog are going to Wroclaw (myself included) and chances are we'll run into him at some point. Whilst I'm not saying anyone is going to physically harm him, it still won't be nice to become an infamous weirdo in your city, being laughed at and so on.

Yep - I remember his weird makeup thread where every other post he kept repeating that guys were in love with MAKEUP and that it was CHEMICALS. Ohmygod! [Image: tard.gif]

I remember shaking my head, wondering why everyone else didn't smell troll, but I suppose guys who'd met him or communicated with him were just giving the benefit of the doubt.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - turbopg - 01-30-2014

I just did a search on makeup + chemicals. I guess his username was uni (edit - now I see it's written in the first post), damn his posts were spooky and stupid. Hand this guy over to the Police, you can never know what such a loon might be planning, loons shouldn't be free on the streets.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - LeightonBlackstock - 01-30-2014

Unfortunately there are a lot of weirdos that latch on to the 'PUA scene'. This guy is one of them.

In those Tyler RSD lectures, the audience is typically 90% weirdo. Full of guys who think game is a series of magic tricks that overcome the fact that they have zero confidence, poor dress-sense and are socially retarded.

They spend all their time reading 'PUA' books, watching videos and learning lingo, plus their facebook is full of PUA garbage. Guys like this just need to better themselves and start talking to girls.

One time I joined the 'Taipei Wingman' Facebook group. It was full of guys who looked like they were doing a Spinal-Tap-esque mockumentary about pick-up artists.

Everyone I've meet from this forum has been cool, but yeah, be careful of weirdos :-P

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Lika - 01-30-2014

>> I'm fucking shocked Roosh, we hanged out with this guy and he seemed so chill and nice

Don, do you think this guy is gypsy? You know one when you see one, right?

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Roosh - 01-30-2014

Another one of Andre's victims sent me an email:


I sent him lots of pics too. Last 2 guys who tried talking shit fat less than what he did to you, I knocked them out with a right cross. Hes weak and deserves to learn a big boy lesson. You will not get in trouble for a fight in poland! Cops really don't fucking care and you cant lose money in court. Hes a citizen of roma not poland. It doesnt happrn in toma or usa. Poland and thr cops will treat it like nothing. He just talks a loy of fear bullshit which I hope you stand your ground as a man and woop his ass using the element of surprise. Just give him a fuvkig beat down (not a punch, but knock him out so he'll know not to do shit again. If you fail to bring the law, you are being a pussy and asking to be a nerd who is bullied)

Obviously I can't confirm it's true.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Ubietza - 01-30-2014

This guy deserves to be made into fertilizer. He could be ethnic Romanian (i.e. Vlach). He should be dealt with accordingly. After all, you're in Poland -- land of ultra hooligans, fist fights, and drunken brawls -- and not the USA. SWIM would gather a little group and teach him a lesson.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - turbopg - 01-30-2014

Even though in the red shirt he doesn't look gypsy, judging by the blurry photo Roosh took, he is not ethnic Romanian, he's gypsy, the dark eyelids are a clear indication and his features are gypsy as well. Ethnic Romanians don't have dark eyelids. I know a gypsy when I see one and I'm sure that by now Roosh knows a gypsy when he sees one - he even saw him face to face - , if we both say he's gypsy, then that's what he is. The fact that he avoids to talk about his background is another indication of that, an ethnic Romanian doesn't have a reason to hide his Romanian background, at least in EE. But being gypsy or Romanian is beside the point, the point is that the guy is on the loon side.'
edit: Don is now saying lower down the page that he didn't seem gypsy. Well, maybe he's right, he knows better.

Apart from that, another problem is that because some of the Romanian women are bitchy and most of them are flakey , it turns Romanian guys into jerks as well, I've also become more of a jerk with the women because of them and in order to deal with these bitches the right way. The Romanian pickup community has both clueless beginners and jerks and there's sometimes a "dog eat dog" attitude on these forums. So, you've guessed it, it's ultimately the women's fault for guys' tendency to act like jerks.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Clunge - 01-30-2014

Well it's true that fighting in Poland seems to be a national sport and the police probably don't give a fuck. Nevertheless naming and shaming raising awareness in the community is more appropriate I think!

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Mekorig - 01-30-2014

Roosh, from a legal standpoint...crush him. If he have a mental disase, it will come up during the trial.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Don - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 09:54 AM)Lika Wrote:  

>> I'm fucking shocked Roosh, we hanged out with this guy and he seemed so chill and nice

Don, do you think this guy is gypsy? You know one when you see one, right?

It didn't even cross my mind that he might be a be frank i even admired him a little, he was so relaxed and charismatic in person, had a lot of great stories too. I remember him telling me and Roosh how Nicole Scherzinger kissed him this one time she was drunk in a Romanian club. He said that he worked in 'internet marketing', he didn't seem well off but not broke either. Gypsies are usually short, dark, loud, obnoxious and rarely speak good English, he didn't fit any of these criteria so he never triggered any 'red flags' for me. His game also seemed tight as hell, pulled right in front of me and Roosh from a club..actually the girl sort of pulled him, we were just standing there talking, he was leaning against a wall with a slight smile on his face, just being completely relaxed and open..and this drunk girl(i can't recall how hot she was, probably average) sort of opened him, he proceeded to pretend he was a foreigners as always and just seemed to run 'not-fuck-up' game. They left in a cab shortly after.

All-in-all judging by his skin-tone, height, interests(that i perceived), spoken english..i don't think that he's a gypsy...maybe one of his parents is and it might explain why he would consider himself one, but it really isn't the same thing. The gypsies that we all know and 'love' are the ones raised in a gypsy community with their fucked-up 'values', morals, superstitions and peer influence. Fwiw i never heard of a gypsy pulling something like this, they are usually simple people, their behavior is more closely linked to the behavior of animals, they are impulsive and deceitful but mostly for monetary gains or status..Andre just seems like a loonie.

My opinion is that he definitely has some personality disorders, i can't pinpoint anything since i'm not a psychiatrist but the superficial charm, impulsive and deceitful nature, point to a psychopath to me. If I were Roosh i would stay away from this guy, confronting him, beating him, i don't see these actions as having a positive expectation in the long run.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Quintus Curtius - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 12:48 AM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

As far as not crushing an enemy when he is vulnerable Roosh, I'll leave you with this:

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
-Conan The Barbarian

And the classic 15th Law of Power from the 48 Laws of Power:
Law 15: Crush your enemy totally

“To have ultimate victory, you must be ruthless.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte

“Those who seek to achieve things should show no mercy.”
-Kautilya, Indian philosopher third century B.C. (Yes ironic that he's Indian)

Pity the fool who starts a verbal or physical fight. Crush your enemy so there is no chance of them coming back to haunt you.

Remember Carlito's Way when Al Pacino doesn't crush Benny Blanco from The Bronx when he had the chance?

Benny would up killing him as he was getting on the train to leave the US for good.

Crush away.

Hey, McQueen! Remember me? I'm Benny Blanco from the Bronx!!!

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - turbopg - 01-30-2014


I remember him telling me and Roosh how Nicole Scherzinger kissed him this one time she was drunk in a Romanian club.
And you believed him? Jeesh... The question is... has NS even been to Romania, let alone get drunk in a club? And in the end she did what? Kiss a loser that was exactly this guy? Please... Yes NS did kiss this guy - during his hallucinations while he was foaming around his mouth!
Someone should alert Lewis Hamilton that he has been cheated on with this loon.


The gypsies that we all know and 'love' are the ones raised in a gypsy community with their fucked-up 'values', morals, superstitions and peer influence. Fwiw i never heard of a gypsy pulling something like this, they are usually simple people, their behavior is more closely linked to the behavior of animals, they are impulsive and deceitful but mostly for monetary gains or status..Andre just seems like a loonie.

Connect-R is one of the gypsies that don't act like gypsies, his wife is hot and his last girlfriend was also hot. And I think Alex Velea is also a gypsy that doesn't act like a gypsy and he's fucking Antonia.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Don - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 12:14 PM)turbopg Wrote:  


I remember him telling me and Roosh how Nicole Scherzinger kissed him this one time she was drunk in a Romanian club.
And you believed him? Jeesh... The question is... has NS even been to Romania, let alone get drunk in a club? And in the end she did what? Kiss a loser that was exactly this guy? Please... Yes NS did kiss this guy - during his hallucinations!


The gypsies that we all know and 'love' are the ones raised in a gypsy community with their fucked-up 'values', morals, superstitions and peer influence. Fwiw i never heard of a gypsy pulling something like this, they are usually simple people, their behavior is more closely linked to the behavior of animals, they are impulsive and deceitful but mostly for monetary gains or status..Andre just seems like a loonie.

Connect-R is one of the gypsies that don't act like gypsies, his wife is hot and his last girlfriend was also hot. And I think Alex Velea is also a gypsy that doesn't act like a gypsy and he's fucking Antonia.

1. Yes she has..he said he worked backstage at one of her concerts. The story was complex and very believable. He's a good-looking guy with decent game and he makes it easy for girls to approach him, proof is in his pull. You're on a red pill forum, just because NS is famous and rich doesn't mean that she should be judged as anything more than a random drunk slut always looking for fun.
2. It's irrelevant for the argument who Alex Velea is and even more irrelevant who he's fucking, and i'm not saying that he can't be a gypsy, just that it's unlikely and anyway uncharacteristic for a gypsy to act like this, he's definitely a little fucked in the head, and his ethnicity has nothing to do with it.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - TravellingSoldier - 01-30-2014


I remember him telling me and Roosh how Nicole Scherzinger kissed him this one time she was drunk in a Romanian club.

This thought kind of reminds me of when Turtle got a handjob from Jamie Lynn Sigler in the plane bathroom on an episode of Entourage...

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Lika - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 11:52 AM)Don Wrote:  

it didn't even cross my mind that he might be a gypsy..

Lol, that's what's fucking me about Romania. Sometimes I think someone is a gipsy and he's not, then I think some girl is not a gipsy with her blue eyes and blond hair and it turns out she is...

On the picture taken by Roosh, he looks like a gipsy Golum but not on the other one. I personnally think this guy is playing the victim gipsy card but that he's not one (meaning not raised in gipsy culture).

Quote: (01-30-2014 11:52 AM)Don Wrote:  

My opinion is that he definitely has some personality disorders

Not sure if he's such a good one, but I firmly believe that the best seducers are totally crazy (starting with Casanova... going through Julien from RSD)

Quote: (01-30-2014 11:52 AM)Don Wrote:  

i can't pinpoint anything since i'm not a psychiatrist but the superficial charm, impulsive and deceitful nature, point to a psychopath to me. If I were Roosh i would stay away from this guy, confronting him, beating him, i don't see these actions as having a positive expectation in the long run.

Don, you're so young and yet so wise, it never ceases to amaze me. I totally agree with you, the only thing I would add is for Roosh to try and crush this guy as much as he can (through the internet and whatever else that is legal and not dangerous for Roosh) all the while staying away from him and not confronting him in person. Eastern Europe is not the USA... Shit can hit the fan pretty fast for a foreigner without connections (and I suspect this guy Andre might have better psychopatic connections than Uncle Roosh).

If I were Roosh, I would have quickly left the place already en route to Saint Petersburg or something. No shame in temporary retreat. When you think about it, the situation could not be much worse for Roosh and his reputation in Wroclaw...

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - turbopg - 01-30-2014

@Don - I do agree that NS is just another biatch. I've dated a Miss Romania for a month, madeout with another Miss Romania finalist and could have dated a Miss World Romania podium finisher and a Miss Romania podium finisher but I chose to not go any further with these 2, even though I could've, because I had better options. For sure these beauty contests winners are still just like other hot girls - they are "just other hot girls". It's just that this guy to me seems totally wasted based on his activity on the Internet, I can hardly imagine how he could be able to compensate in real life but hey, if you say so... it must be that in his twisted mind he believes that he's great, and considering how subjective the women are, it's enough to be a narcissist, particularly if alcohol is making things easier.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Mojorisin808 - 01-30-2014

What an idiot, now he has to watch his back wherever he goes.

Honestly, I wouldn't get my hands dirty on this peice of shit, ignore him for now, wait a few months, and hire a few polish thugs to give him a beat down.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - JayJuanGee - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 04:33 PM)Mojorisin808 Wrote:  

What an idiot, now he has to watch his back wherever he goes.

Honestly, I wouldn't get my hands dirty on this peice of shit, ignore him for now, wait a few months, and hire a few polish thugs to give him a beat down.

IN my opinion.... JUST as the guy was suggesting that Roosh had given STDs to anywhere between 450 and 1,000 polish girls, and that may potentially be a defamation crime, in any public forum, any of us should be considerate that what we write could be construed ... if anything illegal were to occur involving the guy.... I mean if something bad were to happen to the guy... .

Don't get me wrong, i have little sympathy for turds and also little sympathy for guys who attempt to squash or out who they deem to be players... IN that regard there is NO problem with shaming and social isolation and calling certain guys dweebs or manginas. I agree that outing a person who is trying to preserve their anonymity while outing others is likely a very effective remedy... There may be also some other strategies that could be effective, and guys have their ways... .. i am thinking about football teams and initiation type things....

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Sourcecode - 01-30-2014

Lets make a deal with the gypsy man.

Give him a couple pieces of gold

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Roosh - 01-30-2014

Here's another story:

I was a member of a local language exchange group and posted about a Russian-English exchange. This was sincere since as you know I'm studying Russian. After I posted, white knight hero Andre messaged every active girl in the group (including the admin) that I'm a rapist who takes advantage of women. When I went to a group meeting, a few people knew of me. One girl in particular was cold and gave me the evil eye. Nonetheless, I had a pleasant exchange with an Italian man and his Polish girlfriend, and even practiced my Russian with some Ukrainians.

One week later, I went to a club with a friend. I ended up talking to a girl. The Italian guy comes out of nowhere to whisper something to the friend of the girl. The friend then whispered something directly into my girl's ear, and she immediately stopped the conversation. I knew what happened.

I walked up to the Italian guy. Next to him was his Polish girlfriend. I said... "What the did you just say about me? You're talking shit about me behind about my back? Are you a woman? If you have a problem with me or what I do, tell me right now instead of being a little bitch." I pointed my finger in his face as I lashed out on him. His girlfriend put her hand over her mouth (she could hear everything), while the guy kept shrugging his shoulders and bowing his head down. "If you mess with me again, I will fuck you up," I said, and then I walked away. He left the club 10 minutes later. He doesn't know Andre, but has the same white knight personality. (Oddly enough, they even look similar.)

For those of you who think I should give Andre mercy, he has gone out of his way to cause me great inconvenience. My bloodlust is not yet satisfied. I was just biding my time until I got a picture of him.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - JayJuanGee - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 05:37 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Lets make a deal with the gypsy man.

Give him a couple pieces of gold

Why NOT bitcoin, it's the new gold? [Image: smile.gif]

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Avon Barksdale - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 05:39 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Here's another story:

I was a member of a local language exchange group and posted about a Russian-English exchange. This was sincere since as you know I'm studying Russian. After I posted, white knight hero Andre messaged every active girl in the group (including the admin) that I'm a rapist who takes advantage of women. When I went to a group meeting, a few people knew of me. One girl in particular was cold and gave me the evil eye. Nonetheless, I had a pleasant exchange with an Italian man and his Polish girlfriend, and even practiced my Russian with some Ukrainians.

One week later, I went to a club with a friend. I ended up talking to a girl. The Italian guy comes out of nowhere to whisper something into the friend of the girl. The friend then whispered something directly into my girl's ear, and she immediately stopped the conversation. I immediately knew what happened.

I walked up to the Italian guy. Next to him was his Polish girlfriend. I said... "What the did you just say about me? You're talking shit about me behind about my back? Are you a woman? If you have a problem with me or what I do, tell me right now instead of being a little bitch." I pointed my finger in his face as I lashed out on him. His girlfriend put her hand over her mouth (she could hear everything), while the guy kept shrugging his shoulders and bowing his head down. "If you mess with me again, I will fuck you up," I said, and then I walked away. He left the club 10 minutes later. He doesn't know Andre, but has the same white knight personality. (Oddly enough, they even look similar.)

For those of you who think I should give Andre mercy, he has gone out of his way to cause me great inconvenience. My bloodlust is not yet satisfied. I was just biding my time until I got a picture of him.

[Image: a90edc225761118d36dea2ae67d7f138e3f05cbe...72ea8d.jpg]

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Brodiaga - 01-30-2014

Yes, there are assholes like that out there. I got burned too: one guy I met at a night club tried to rob me later. He is not on RVF and probably has never heard of it. I described that story in my Indonesia thread, but basically my buddies and I met that Malaysian guy at a club, he bought us drinks and was very friendly and polite. He happened to stay in a hotel next to the apartment where I stayed. The following night, I invited him to my place to pre-drink before going to a night club. I went to the bathroom and as I walked out I saw him go through my stuff. By that time he had already opened my portable safe with all my documents, credit cards and some money, but luckily I got out on time before he took everything. I didn't start a fight or anything, just politely asked him to leave, which he did.

Bottom line is: guys on RVF, if i don't tell you my full name, address, where I work or any other details right after we meet, please don't take offence. Nothing personal, I've just learned from experience that I have to be cautious. Also, the more I learn about game the more I realize that, like Roosh mentioned in one of his books, 80% of guys you meet at clubs are a complete disaster (not quoting verbatim, but I believe it was something along these lines). I do socialize with guys, but as far as I'm concerned I roll solo. Having said that, I have met a few guys from RVF and all of them were cool.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Parlay44 - 01-30-2014

I nominate this guy for Player Hater of the Year.

Here's my message to him.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland - Comte De St. Germain - 01-30-2014

Quote: (01-30-2014 05:39 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Here's another story:

I was a member of a local language exchange group and posted about a Russian-English exchange. This was sincere since as you know I'm studying Russian. After I posted, white knight hero Andre messaged every active girl in the group (including the admin) that I'm a rapist who takes advantage of women. When I went to a group meeting, a few people knew of me. One girl in particular was cold and gave me the evil eye. Nonetheless, I had a pleasant exchange with an Italian man and his Polish girlfriend, and even practiced my Russian with some Ukrainians.

One week later, I went to a club with a friend. I ended up talking to a girl. The Italian guy comes out of nowhere to whisper something to the friend of the girl. The friend then whispered something directly into my girl's ear, and she immediately stopped the conversation. I knew what happened.

I walked up to the Italian guy. Next to him was his Polish girlfriend. I said... "What the did you just say about me? You're talking shit about me behind about my back? Are you a woman? If you have a problem with me or what I do, tell me right now instead of being a little bitch." I pointed my finger in his face as I lashed out on him. His girlfriend put her hand over her mouth (she could hear everything), while the guy kept shrugging his shoulders and bowing his head down. "If you mess with me again, I will fuck you up," I said, and then I walked away. He left the club 10 minutes later. He doesn't know Andre, but has the same white knight personality. (Oddly enough, they even look similar.)

For those of you who think I should give Andre mercy, he has gone out of his way to cause me great inconvenience. My bloodlust is not yet satisfied. I was just biding my time until I got a picture of him.

Yep at this point I would personally have beat his face in or hired people to do it. This kid deserves no mercy. As my grandfather once told me, "some people just deserve to have their asses handed to them". Make the revenge slow, painful, and evil to the point that he won't be able to show his face in public ever again. [Image: bash.gif][Image: bash.gif][Image: bash.gif][Image: boogiepika.gif]