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Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - BlurredSevens - 05-18-2015

Quote: (05-16-2015 03:05 PM)Jaffna Wrote:  

BlurredSevens how are you meeting these girls? What do you look like? Just curious. Shocked by how friendly and compliant these girls are.

I am really good at Tinder so I meet lots of girls there. But I also use the exact same techniques for girls I meet in real life. I am actually getting sick of tinder/online game though and may experiment with dropping it altogether for a bit. But that's a different conversation.

I don't know if I'm good looking. Ask LINUX or Polar since those are the forum members I've met in the past 4 months. I think I am probably average looking but I have my shit together, good style, and confidence.

Honestly though I don't really know why girls are attracted to me, and I don't think about it often because I don't want to mess it up or become self conscious about something.

Quote: (05-16-2015 10:05 PM)swuglyfe Wrote:  

I must admit I cringed the slightest bit at the question "Are you excited to see me tonight?" From my perspective it seems like masked thirst/need from sparseness mentality. But the situation is what you make of it and clearly she didn't have a problem with it.

Hah, yeah man I hear you. This girl in particular though was very playful and fun via text, almost bordering on silly. Those screenshots are probably my only correspondence with her where she wasn't using emojis or more upbeat conversation.

So in this particular case that line fit. Normally though I don't talk like that with girls I haven't banged.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - AneroidOcean - 05-18-2015

Quote: (05-18-2015 10:23 AM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Honestly though I don't really know why girls are attracted to me, and I don't think about it often because I don't want to mess it up or become self conscious about something.

I'm going to at least partially answer this for you below:

Quote: (05-18-2015 10:23 AM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2015 10:05 PM)swuglyfe Wrote:  

I must admit I cringed the slightest bit at the question "Are you excited to see me tonight?" From my perspective it seems like masked thirst/need from sparseness mentality. But the situation is what you make of it and clearly she didn't have a problem with it.

Hah, yeah man I hear you. This girl in particular though was very playful and fun via text, almost bordering on silly. Those screenshots are probably my only correspondence with her where she wasn't using emojis or more upbeat conversation.

So in this particular case that line fit. Normally though I don't talk like that with girls I haven't banged.

So here's your (partial) answer:

You maintain a strong frame and you calibrate well.

Two things that go extremely well together.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - CleanSlate - 06-01-2015

Daygamed girl last Wednesday and got her # after a 10-15 minute conversation, and pitched a meet at my place. Very little texting between Wednesday and today. She did not bite.

Me: "Meet me at 8"
Her: "Ok"
Me: "Meet at my place, i live at xxx"
Her: "where do you want to go"
Me: "My place, i have wine and we could chat, listen to music and watch a movie"
Her: "no I would prefer to meet at a coffee shop"
Me: "They can be a little noisy, its quieter at my place and easier to talk"
Her: "I'm sorry but I want to stay in today"

At least this saves me 2-3 hours of time and about $30. Good to go for broke instead of wasting valuable time.

BlurredStevens: do you think that running comfort for 1-2 weeks between getting her # and pitching a meet at your place makes a huge difference? Or, in my case, she was probably never going to do a first meet at my place regardless?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Euphoric_Breeze - 06-01-2015

Cleanslate ;

You want to do these 4 things at the same time (drink wine ,chat, listen to music and watch a movie) . You're trying so hard to convince her, and that makes you sound thirsty and needy to that chick.

Assuming she's a 7/8+, I would've grabbed coffee , built more comfort with her and suggested some wine at my place on the same day .

Below those standards ; I would ignore and move on to the next chick .

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - BlurredSevens - 06-01-2015

Quote: (06-01-2015 05:04 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Me: "Meet me at 8"
Her: "Ok"
Me: "Meet at my place, i live at xxx"
Her: "where do you want to go"
Me: "My place, i have wine and we could chat, listen to music and watch a movie"
Her: "no I would prefer to meet at a coffee shop"
Me: "They can be a little noisy, its quieter at my place and easier to talk"
Her: "I'm sorry but I want to stay in today"

Respect for trying out this approach, but I don't think you played this right at all.

As Euphoric_Breeze wrote, you are trying to jam 4 things into one single meetup.

But beyond that, your approach was way too abrupt. No build up, no style, no subtlety. You got to approach this stuff with kid gloves on. Don't scare the cat away.

Couple thoughts:

1. Next time, talk to her via text or on the phone for a bit. Doesn't matter what it's about, or really even for how many days, but she has to know you're not a freak or a serial killer.

2. Ease into the invite, and make it indirect. She's not "meeting at your place." She's going to "taste test some new whiskey" with you, that you bought earlier, which implies that she's coming over. Or, she's going to "help you cook dinner," which also implies that the date will occur at your place.

You've got to make it seem like meeting at your place is an afterthought, as the result of whatever activity you've got planned, and that coming over to fuck isn't the only plan you've thought up. Which, typically, is the only plan any guy ever thinks up.

Paint a picture for these girls, let them imagine what you're going to do together. Make it fun, make it seem like she's going to have a good time (she is).

Girls don't want to feel like sluts. Your text made her feel like a booty call.

Go back and read my text screenshots of how I handle the invite and the close. It will help you.

3. Don't ever offer up your address. She needs to ask for it. That's the only way I know she's coming over for sure. Usually it's the very very last thing that the two of you will talk about via texting. The date will already be setup, the time will be agreed upon, and when she's walking out the door to get into her car, she'll text and ask for the address.

You can't just expect to throw your address at the chick and have her be like "oh yeah great I'll be there in 5 so we can bang."

Subtlety, man.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - CleanSlate - 06-01-2015

Thanks guys for the feedback. When I jammed 4 things in, I was intentionally trying to "sell" my place as better than going out.

But yes, I figured that a comfort build up over time via text should have been done, and it might have gone over much better. Especially if we discovered that we have something in common, for example we both love spinach artichoke dip - "hey! I have a recipe I want to try, you could help me with it..." or something.

I realize that this takes patience... and I am not exactly known for my patience. [Image: lol.gif] No big deal, I'll change it up next time.

I will look at your text transcripts later. One question I have is, don't some girls fall through the cracks as you text them over a couple of weeks? With the smartphone induced attention deficits all around, isn't it hard to keep girls on the hook that long?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - BlurredSevens - 06-03-2015

Quote: (06-01-2015 10:59 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Especially if we discovered that we have something in common, for example we both love spinach artichoke dip - "hey! I have a recipe I want to try, you could help me with it..." or something.

There you have it!

I've read some of your posts on the forum. You're a legitimately interesting guy and you're a good story teller, too. Those are great assets, and both of those things should be leveraged to your advantage in a huge way.

You won't need to "sell" the girl on your place, because she'll already be intrigued by you, and she'll be wanting to meet you.

Quote: (06-01-2015 10:59 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I will look at your text transcripts later. One question I have is, don't some girls fall through the cracks as you text them over a couple of weeks? With the smartphone induced attention deficits all around, isn't it hard to keep girls on the hook that long?

Oh yeah man, I burn through numbers like crazy.

I don't even save girls numbers in my phone anymore, since a huge percentage of them go cold before the first meet.

That said, these days, I always go for the quick meet up. i.e. I'll chat her up and try to get her to come over within 3-4 days of first text.

A lot of times this doesn't work (because of scheduling), and so I have no choice but do a week or more of comfort building. This is the point where things stagnate and a lot of girls drop out of the funnel.

But, as I've said before: most girls are kinda boring and don't have that much going on in their lives, so it's not as hard as you think to keep them interested and "on the hook" for a few weeks.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Goldfinger - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-03-2015 12:55 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2015 10:59 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Especially if we discovered that we have something in common, for example we both love spinach artichoke dip - "hey! I have a recipe I want to try, you could help me with it..." or something.

There you have it!

I've read some of your posts on the forum. You're a legitimately interesting guy and you're a good story teller, too. Those are great assets, and both of those things should be leveraged to your advantage in a huge way.

You won't need to "sell" the girl on your place, because she'll already be intrigued by you, and she'll be wanting to meet you.

Quote: (06-01-2015 10:59 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I will look at your text transcripts later. One question I have is, don't some girls fall through the cracks as you text them over a couple of weeks? With the smartphone induced attention deficits all around, isn't it hard to keep girls on the hook that long?

Oh yeah man, I burn through numbers like crazy.

I don't even save girls numbers in my phone anymore, since a huge percentage of them go cold before the first meet.

That said, these days, I always go for the quick meet up. i.e. I'll chat her up and try to get her to come over within 3-4 days of first text.

A lot of times this doesn't work (because of scheduling), and so I have no choice but do a week or more of comfort building. This is the point where things stagnate and a lot of girls drop out of the funnel.

But, as I've said before: most girls are kinda boring and don't have that much going on in their lives, so it's not as hard as you think to keep them interested and "on the hook" for a few weeks.

Really? what city are you in... I usually go for the quick number close on Tinder and secure a date with 4 days where i run Tuths recipe to 75% success rate. Any longer in a City like NY and you'll lose the girl for sure.

I will give your ZDB a try as it seems like a big money and time saver. Although my logistics aren't as tight as yours, i'll run it anyway as i have no problem matching tinder.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - BlurredSevens - 06-07-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 01:25 PM)Goldfinger Wrote:  

Any longer in a City like NY and you'll lose the girl for sure.

This is a limiting mindset. It's 100% in your own head.

What's so special about NYC girls? They pay $18 for vodka sodas and see celebrities on the sidewalk once in awhile? Please.

Girls don't "forget" about you after an arbitrary amount of time.

They might lose interest in you, sure, but that's your own fault, not a condition of what city they live in.

To be fair, NYC girls might meet more guys than in other cities, but I don't believe that they're meeting guys with tight game with any sort of regularity.

If you're an interesting, high value guy with tight game, then I don't care if she's the Queen of England: she's not going to forget about you after 4 days.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - nmmoooreland20 - 06-10-2015

Blurred, this is solid stuff. I hope to play around with it this week.

How have you gone about opening Tinder matches?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Player_1337 - 06-23-2015

Have a girl coming over tonight fresh direct. She's in her early 20's and we've been texting on-and-off since the beginning of February (met on OKC). Our schedules haven't overlapped- she has flaked, but I really haven't given a damn. I've flaked on her too.

Her unexpected eagerness proves that it's worth keeping 'dead' numbers. I know the forum has engaged in a lot of debate on this topic. I try to not burn bridges (calling a girl out on flaking, etc.) delete numbers or go radio silent. Slow burn long-term text game can pay off with little investment. I engage in brief/fun/sporadic texting when it's convenient for me.

She sent some revealing pics this week. Struck while the iron was hot. Speaking from past experience, this isn't always a guarantee the bang will occur.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Player_1337 - 06-24-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 08:48 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Have a girl coming over tonight fresh direct. She's in her early 20's and we've been texting on-and-off since the beginning of February (met on OKC). Our schedules haven't overlapped- she has flaked, but I really haven't given a damn. I've flaked on her too.

Her unexpected eagerness proves that it's worth keeping 'dead' numbers. I know the forum has engaged in a lot of debate on this topic. I try to not burn bridges (calling a girl out on flaking, etc.) delete numbers or go radio silent. Slow burn long-term text game can pay off with little investment. I engage in brief/fun/sporadic texting when it's convenient for me.

She sent some revealing pics this week. Struck while the iron was hot. Speaking from past experience, this isn't always a guarantee the bang will occur.

Update: 22 yr old college student with a fun and pleasant demeanor. We were vibing and I could sense she was feeling me. We were getting down in less than 30 minutes.

Don't give up on seemingly cold leads. Carefree IDGAF texting works.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - SnowHugger - 08-07-2015

How do I pull to parents house?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Player_1337 - 09-08-2015

Quote: (08-07-2015 09:53 AM)SnowHugger Wrote:  

How do I pull to parents house?

Meeting at her parent's place or transitioning there from a venue? From my experiences, you'd most likely have to drop in late at night when her parents are asleep. The proximity of her room/space to bang from their bedroom is also vital. I've had a father walk in while her top was off.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - fucksong - 09-09-2015

Blurred - Gave ya a +1 man. Great post!

If you have a few min to spare, would like to get your thoughts on how this ZDB philosophy might compare/similarities/differences with Chris from Good Looking Loser's post "2 Socially Acceptable Ways To Ask A Chick To Sleep With You"

The gist of his post is you can ask a girl to have sex with you by:

1) Asking her to meet for a drink


2) Asking her to watch a movie at YOUR place

I've never had a ZDB but have had a few insta-pulls from daygame within 30 min. So either I was doing traditional dating to gf OR utilizing daygame/adventure strategy to logistically convenient F-spot to seal the deal. Your strategy is a great weapon to have in arsenal that fits somewhere inbetween those two approaches so I'd like to cater it to my specific niche of girls I meet during the day.

I already tested it out Friday of last week with a few girls that I daygamed from a local community college and about 70% didn't respond to my movie invite with 1 girl flat out saying she wasn't interested and another to stop texting her altogether. However, the remaining 30% who did respond already had plans but have still been texting back and forth with me so at minimum, your ZDB strategy is a great time saving, screening tool for girls who are at least open to the "possibility" of getting fucked by you.

To give you some context, I usually open girls direct during the day with "you're cute, you've got beautiful eyes, etc", talk about future goals, etc to get past stranger vibe asap, and if time allows, filter from those girls with extended hand holds to see who's down with my touch or not. Usually that's already a decent filter for who's cool with me vs who's just being nice.

But the part of your strategy that might not be applicable to my situation is some girls I've hooked up with in past did NOT drink, thus the movie strategy seems to be a better option in those cases.

My logistics aren't the greatest (in LA) so what I'm thinking is if I know a girl is keen and accepts your ZDB invite (with movie angle), will rent a cheap hotel in cool part of town logistically close to them. I'll let them know that I'm in process of finding a new place since I just came back from traveling as well as planning on traveling in future so difficult to find housing situation that accommodates my lifestyle (DHV but is also truth)

Lastly, you as well as many others have mentioned having challenges converting hookups to regular FBs. Have you guys considered spooning? Haha, sounds funny but I'm dead serious. My current gf (open relationship) came from a daygame hookup 20 min from meet and right after giving her two orgasms, we cuddled and spooned, as well as spoke about deep subject matter. We ended up bonin almost everyday for two weeks in the back of a rental car. If you're gonna spend time and energy on a chick, might as well focus on ones that are worth seeing at least a few more times.


Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Player_1337 - 09-11-2015

Quote: (01-03-2015 04:06 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  


1. Get the digits
2. Comfort building text game. I used to think that texting for X time was mandatory, but now I think it is irrelevant. What's important is that you have one or two really solid text conversations with her. Talk about your feelings, your outlook on the world. Engage her with some emotional topics (aka chick crack) and she will be hooked. Some girls take 1 day to hook some take 3 weeks.
3. Eventually you say something like "we should hang soon, but I don't really do the normal date thing."
4. She will inquire, and you explain that drink dates are for losers, and you'd rather cook dinner with her so you can determine if you're a good match.
5. She will either agree or shit test you. You tell her that if she truly wants to get to know you then this is her opportunity. "If you're one of those boring girls just looking for a free drink, then we're probably not a good fit anyway."

In step 2 (comfort building) what kind of specific topics (questions) do you delve into? In your opinion, what signs indicate that she's hooked?

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Rush87 - 09-11-2015

Sounds spot on to me. A recent example of my own. I've been seeing a girl and feeling a little bored one day I decided to check out Tinder [Late to the party I know].

Long story short: I added around 5 photo's and swiped away. Each batch of swipes I'd get about 2-5 matches on average and after a few weeks you have 50+ names sitting there.

Eventually I got round to sending a generic copy paste "What are you up to tonight" to all 50.

From that I would get around 15 responses. From there you would get around half saying "Not much you?"

After about two to three lines of small talk I'd say "Probably just going to watch a movie. You can come if you want?"

From there I'd get around 5 okay's or rain checks…

I wasn't too sure what to make of it, but it does bode well with the OP's premise. Nobody knows. They aren't being judged and most importantly - They're deciding to come over.

Haven't tried it in other situations but I've no doubt it's solid.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Slick Duc - 10-06-2015

Wow, I use exactly this model with good success. Mine is designed for real-life though and is a bit more technical (I use triggers).

If you can master this, you'll almost never go on a date again, unless you want to.

Props to OP

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - fucksong - 10-07-2015

Can you give some example of these "triggers"?

thanks in advance

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - The Wire - 12-01-2015

Quote: (09-24-2013 09:01 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Occasionally, she will say: “I’d feel more comfortable meeting in public”

This is a very tricky response to get, and I have not mastered it yet. I think these are the girls that like to bang on the second date. Sometimes I’m able to run comfort game and get them to come over, or try to drop huge bait about why my place is better than a bar. Sometimes they buy it, sometimes they don’t. If they don’t buy it, you never hear from them again as the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, and the sexual tension is dissipated. I have lost many girls at this stage.

I just ran into this on a fucking day 2 girl. I already went out with the girl, made out at the end of the date. A few days later I ask if she was available on weekday night and she was busy so I had to wait until after thanksgiving. I sent a few low investment pinging messages throughout the week to keep myself on her radar in between meet ups. She was laughing at the few texts I sent.

I then asked this week during the day, “Hey what are you up to later, we should chill.” She then asks "what do you want to do?". I say for her to come over for a drink and some food, watch some tv. No bite. She follows up with the "I'm not comfortable meeting you at your place since I don't know you well enough."

This is why I got to stop doing these bullshit dates where I drop $30 on drinks on some random weekday night. It's one thing to do a coffee date but these lame meet ups for drinks is getting old. I could of cut through all of this bullshit by following the Zero Date Bang rule.

Team Zero Date Bangs

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - SomeFcksGiven - 12-02-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 05:55 PM)The Wire Wrote:  

I just ran into this on a fucking day 2 girl. I already went out with the girl, made out at the end of the date. A few days later I ask if she was available on weekday night and she was busy so I had to wait until after thanksgiving. I sent a few low investment pinging messages throughout the week to keep myself on her radar in between meet ups. She was laughing at the few texts I sent.

I then asked this week during the day, “Hey what are you up to later, we should chill.” She then asks "what do you want to do?". I say for her to come over for a drink and some food, watch some tv. No bite. She follows up with the "I'm not comfortable meeting you at your place since I don't know you well enough."

This is why I got to stop doing these bullshit dates where I drop $30 on drinks on some random weekday night. It's one thing to do a coffee date but these lame meet ups for drinks is getting old. I could of cut through all of this bullshit by following the Zero Date Bang rule.

Team Zero Date Bangs

Thanks for bumping this thread. I stumbled on this as I was talking to an okcupid girl this morning. So rather than doing my normal thing of inviting her out for a drink near her area (she lives 45 minutes away), I mixed it up by inviting her to meet at my place and driving to a pub nearby together. Driving to a pub near my house feels like a good way to add plausible deniability in her mind and lower her defenses. After she arrives I'll pour us a drink and game accordingly, calibrating to whether or not she's comfortable staying there or if we should head out for a bit. Either way, we're ending up back at my place so it's a win win.

She's a cute, early twenties girl so I wasn't sure if she'd bite. Surprisingly, she eagerly agreed. Plans are set for Friday night. I'll post an update afterwards.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Vincent Chase - 12-02-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 05:55 PM)The Wire Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2013 09:01 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Occasionally, she will say: “I’d feel more comfortable meeting in public”

This is a very tricky response to get, and I have not mastered it yet. I think these are the girls that like to bang on the second date. Sometimes I’m able to run comfort game and get them to come over, or try to drop huge bait about why my place is better than a bar. Sometimes they buy it, sometimes they don’t. If they don’t buy it, you never hear from them again as the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, and the sexual tension is dissipated. I have lost many girls at this stage.

This is why I got to stop doing these bullshit dates where I drop $30 on drinks on some random weekday night. It's one thing to do a coffee date but these lame meet ups for drinks is getting old. I could of cut through all of this bullshit by following the Zero Date Bang rule.

Team Zero Date Bangs

Yes this is a cheaper and far less time wasting option. At the same time though 90% of the girls will say no to it. This is why this is for people who have a pure abundance mentality i.e. already have two or three plates and/or just don't give a fuck after dozens of recent bangs.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - Jvramerys - 12-05-2015

In this video ruling out the possibility of it being fake(even if it's fake, it's credible the video show a possible scenario), is an example of the zero date bang strategy. In the first part he's just a nobody with no game trying to approach the gir but in the second part from 01:00 we have an example of the ZDB in a street situation cold approaching:

1- He approached her saying he was new in town that he just bought a villa with a swimming pool, DHV.
2- He ask her for a ride, because he's new in town and want to know the city.
3 And right away he invited her to his house(no dates), saying he'll have a party later, which don't have to be true.

At this point she's a 100% yes girl. The bang is guaranteed is only a matter of confort building and escalation, even if he faces LMR it can be easily overcomed with a new bait like he travel places and he can guarantee a special spot for her(or something like that) so indirectly making it clear that she has to drop the pussy, to enjoy the benefits of his lifestyle, it can just be empty promisses to get the bang.

If you have a nice place, a good ride and dress sharply I think it's doable.

I see how that's doable, girls a very impressionable, and I see how their hamster can be easily engaged in those circunstances: "Sure why not, new rich guy in town, he'll have a party later in his mansion! It will be fun! I totally want to go with him! Who knows what will happen. I'm so excited!"

Just foods for thoughts on how that can be doable on the streets too through cold approaching if you're high value enough.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - A guy from Ocllo - 12-07-2015


You are a highly sexual alpha male, and she can succumb to you right now or she can walk away.

Best way to never get laid ever for the average guy. At least here in Russia.

Zero Date Bangs: Reduce Your Variables, Bang More Girls - LA Savage - 12-07-2015

I wish more people knew about this thread because it still amazes me on how much I head other guys spending going out on dates with girls and meeting up with girls at the bar buying them drinks 'n shit then trying to take them back home.

Fortunately for me I'm still young and in college so I can still get away with doing the bare minimum financially that will lead to a fucking a girl.

I have a rule that I will spend no more than $10 max on a girl that I have a high probability of fucking. Hell Yeah I am cheap I don't give a Fuck as I like investing in me not her. I will and have taking bitches to eat at fast food restaurants like McDonald, Subway, Panda Express, Yogurt Land Etc.. But this past year I have been greatly striving to spend $0 on bitches and have been successful half the time.

Rather than asking bitches out on a date just ask bitches to meet up as that takes away all the formality and expectations that occurs during a date. I usually just tell girls let's meet up on campus, the beach or Hollywood because as said before a majority of girls are to nervous to meet you at your place the first time.