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Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Printable Version

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Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - jackson.henley - 04-14-2013

Quote: (04-10-2013 05:49 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

German system can work only in Germany because people are very smart there and their high IQs allow for a very high level of organization which is impossible in other countries.All parts of the machine work coordinated and harmonically bringing maximum result and effectivity impression.There are one million things which make Germany.
American system is one of indigenous optimism that everything is possible after education regardless of the people involved in it.Americans are not equal in any sense.There are huge differences in race,culture,education,income,personal abilities.Germans balance around a high average much more than Americans and this allows socialistic distribution of income without it looking unnatural.(so what if sb works 20% more and gets 20% less? if it is good for the balance of the system?).

Managers in Germany are usually former workers who know the practical aspects of the job very well,have respect from the other workers and get paid just 1.5 or double more than them while in USA they do not come from workers stock and get paid 100 times more.The difference in view of who actually gets the job done and needs to rewarded is clear.Germans take pride in their achievements as workers they do not regard them as obligatory,despised labor and do not react as herd but with personal individuality and responsibility.It is taken for granted there that you think and take intitiatives for quality improvement instead of applying strict fool proof guidelines.
This again is possible cause of the high intelligence and diligence of the German population.They are generally very accurate both in speech and hand movements.They act and think insanely fast.They are also natuarl managers and leaders.(no relation to passive Slavs or lazy Mediteraneans).Generally the Germans are hektisch they always want to do sth they never relax.

That may have been true up until the 1990s, but conditions have been declining rapidly since then. Trust me, I went to school there up until 8th grade and the education was pretty sloppy (even at a Gynasium). We are now seeing a young generation in G that is as perpetually unemployed as anywhere else.

They may be smart in certain things, but innovative, not so much. They completely missed the tech boom, btw.

Also, internal inequalities are larger than the numbers show, much larger!

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Wutang - 04-14-2013

[Image: america_reading_is_for_faggots2.jpg]

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Atilla - 04-14-2013

In Europe, where nations are generally homogenous culturally and ethnically relative to the US, people are more altruistic and open to redistributive social policies like health care, social security, welfare, etc. People in these countries are more pro-social and trusting both toward their own people and toward foreigners than they would be if these same people were in more multicultural environments. Europeans and Americans have different histories and culture, so homogeneity/diversity will have different outcomes, but all things being equal, this is the general tendency.

This isn’t to say that Europeans are more foreigner-friendly than Americans (in fact, the opposite is probably closer to the truth due to the cultural differences between the US and Europe), but that there’s a vibe of instant familiarity in Europe that makes certain social programs more appealing.

As the number of foreigners increase, however, people begin trading the team approach for greater individualism. This is happening not only in Europe, but also with white-Americans, who are increasingly drifting toward the Republican party.

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Dr. C - 04-16-2013

Germans, while different culturally from Greeks, Italians, Spanish ecc would probably adapt in a similar way to the Mediterranean countries if they were put in a Mediterranean framework/legal system. I was born and raised in Berlin and grew up between the US/Italian/German worlds. What happens if you put a German in a Southern European system, do they continue to be upright and law abiding or do they play the local game? ---> I think you'll see 9 times out of 10 that they play the local game. Friends of mine do.

The fundamental difference is the system of laws. Italian laws for example are theoretically beautiful but practically nightmarish. No attention is paid to the application in the real flawed world we live in. The laws are beautiful in their intentions and unrealistic and often inapplicable. Greece I don't know well but when I was there for a short period there were a lot of games going on. Games within games. If you're stupid enough not to see everything then you should be screwed was often the prevalent view I saw there.

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Greek kamaki - 04-16-2013

The difference is that the German is a real barbarian who has no problem to press for the application of law.They do not chew iron as we say here.The Southerners especially the Italians are way too scared to complain against the big men who run the situations.Not so the Germans.The Germans are fearless it is a national trait.They always laugh at Italians how easily they get scared.

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - elabayarde - 04-18-2013

Quote: (04-10-2013 03:00 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Why is it that labor unions are more effective in Germany? Why is infrastructure better off in Germany? Why is health care better in Germany?

In recession battle, Germany and China are winners

Why all this from a country that is much more Socialistic than the United States? Is Germany just less corrupt by nature? What is it about Germany?


Most Americans, I suspect, believe we’re losing manufacturing because we can’t compete against cheap Chinese labor. But Germany has remained a manufacturing giant notwithstanding the rise of East Asia, making high-end products with a workforce that is more unionized and better paid than ours. German exports came to $1.1 trillion in 2009 — roughly $125 billion more than we exported, though there are just 82 million Germans to our 310 million Americans. Germany’s yearly trade balance went from a deficit of $6 billion in 1998 to a surplus of $267 billion in 2008 — the same year the United States ran a trade deficit of $569 billion. Over those same 10 years, Germany’s annual growth rate per capita exceeded ours.
Germany has increased its edge in world-class manufacturing even as we have squandered ours because its model of capitalism is superior to our own. For one thing, its financial sector serves the larger economy, not just itself. The typical German company has a long-term relationship with a single bank — and for the smaller manufacturers that are the backbone of the German economy, those relationships are likely with one of Germany’s 431 savings banks, each of them a local institution with a municipally appointed board, that shun capital markets and invest their depositors’ savings in upgrading local enterprises. By American banking standards, the savings banks are incredibly dull. But they didn’t lose money in the financial panic of 2008 and have financed an industrial sector that makes ours look anemic by comparison.

I'd Like to choose.... What is the "US Postal Service" for 300 Alex.

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Dr. C - 04-24-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 03:56 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

The difference is that the German is a real barbarian who has no problem to press for the application of law.They do not chew iron as we say here.The Southerners especially the Italians are way too scared to complain against the big men who run the situations.Not so the Germans.The Germans are fearless it is a national trait.They always laugh at Italians how easily they get scared.

Italians are scared because all their lives they operate in groups. Go to an Italian work Mensa (canteen) and see how many people are eating alone. Now compare that to the same type of place in Germany. Germans do things independently and it is the land of individualism. This translates into the ability to make independent decisions against anyone and everyone if need be.

In the Italian case it also has to do with prior conditioning to a culture of retribution, where if you didn't do what your boss said he would stop treating you like one of the family. When you are out of the fold in Italy, you are really out. Baronismi sono presenti in Italia come pochi posti nel mondo.

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - Quintus Flaminius - 04-24-2013

1.Germany has a smaller population than the US, Social services are more efficient for countries with lower population.
2.It is a social market economy, there's a reason why Michael Moore didn't visit Germany for his movie 'Sicko'.
3.There are also other differences, Germans are healthier than Americans, well, what about calorie intake?, Germans are better educated, well, different demographics.

I'll make this simple, Germany is more efficient, simply because it's full of Germans, and I hope those guys that are commenting about WW2 aren't serious, if anything.
1.Germany was vastly outnumbered in that war, 10 to 1, I'd like to know how they'd do in a 10 to 1 fight.
2.Germany didn't have an air force in 1933, and by 1945, they were flying the first operational jet fighters.
3.Best infantry, best officers, and best tactics.
Erich Von Manstein, It is said that the guy killed thousands of NKVD pricks, is it true?

Why does Socialism work in a place like Germany but not the US? - iknowexactly - 04-24-2013

Quote: (04-11-2013 01:36 AM)EisenBarde Wrote:  

So more accurately:
There are policies of the modern German government which are viewed by a plurality of its citizens and many outside observers to effectively serve the national populace of Germany. These policies are often associated in the United States as an ideology of so called "socialism" which possess a fiercely negative connotation to many Americans in part because of some similarity to the policies of the Former Soviet Union.

Specific policies, such as universal health care, are met with criticism by those who mostly either prefer the personal control, either real or imagined, of consumer choices less regulated centrally by a legislature, or they do not analyze said policies to share the similar positive effects of the German example on account of differences in economic operations, demographics, or a host of other reasons.

Brilliant exposition. Americans are successfully brainwashed against effective collective efforts except for the undeniable huge success of the almost perfectly efficient Social Security.

55% of Americans opposed Bush 2 the genius's efforts to "privatize" it. (Give Wall St the "largest financial windfall in ...history").

However, that did not stop Bush's efforts to cause SS to attempt to destroy itself from within:

THere were, and I'm sure are, behind-the scenes efforts to undermine successful socialist programs in the USA during the Bush administration.

"On January 16, 2005, the New York Times reported internal Social Security Administration documents directing employees to disseminate the message that "Social Security's long-term financing problems are serious and need to be addressed soon", and to "insert solvency messages in all Social Security publications".[110] are documented here:

The fact that national pensions are working quite well in the US is constantly smeared. Simple adjustments are all that is needed to keep SS working splendidly (See below article and its financial analyses before you echo incorrect talking points.) . But there is some absolute horror about a collective effort from some quarters that simply prevents them from accepting success.

The brainwashers? The greed class like the Kochs who produce an echo chamber simply repeating "Left Bad, soshulism equals totilitarian communism" over and over, endllessly.