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Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - OGNorCal707 - 11-30-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 10:52 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Unless she's literally around you 24/7... you will never be 100% certain. It has been even more eye opening when she calls him half way though "lunch break" saying sappy stuff like "I miss you so much babe I can't wait to see you" and "thank you so much for grocery shopping yesterday!"... i'm laying right next to her and as i watch it I realize... I would be 100% fooled as well.

Nothing against you, but shit like that makes me sick to my stomache, and kind of makes me hate women. I wonder if after dealing with a cold, calculating, woman like that, a guy can ever fully trust a lover, and be confident that she's being 100% faithful?

Also, I can't help but wonder why she feels the want and need to fuck around on her husband? Why does she stay with him, out of security, financial reasons, etc?

I get the sense that in this day and age women really want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the devoted, loving husband, with the good job, an upscale lifestyle provided, but also be able to fuck around and have sex with more attractive "alpha males."

Thinking about this stuff too much is kind of a mindfuck, if you ever really want to be able to allow yourself to fall in love with a woman and be in a serious, trusting, healthy relationship.

I guess the key is really to know a person down to their deepest core, once you know who a person truly is, what they believe, their values, past life experiences, etc., can you begin to know if they are a genuine, trust worthy person or not.

Unfortunately, I'd say mainstream American culture seems to corrupt and taint women, and creates a climate where people (esp women) are self absorbed, only concerned with their own happiness, with no hesitation to lie, backstab, or manipulate to get their way.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - tenderman100 - 11-30-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 10:52 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I don't know if I should be disturbed or happy that I am in complete agreement with Tenderman.

The point I was attempting to make is "if you believe you can truly read a woman, you're going to be in for a big fuck you"

One of the girls I'm seeing changed my mindset 100% about this, we only have sex on her lunch break... her husband has 0% chance of knowing anything. Google voice app + whatsapp/tango pick your poison and auto deleted messages after 5pm and no contact after 6pm.

Unless she's literally around you 24/7... you will never be 100% certain. It has been even more eye opening when she calls him half way though "lunch break" saying sappy stuff like "I miss you so much babe I can't wait to see you" and "thank you so much for grocery shopping yesterday!"... i'm laying right next to her and as i watch it I realize... I would be 100% fooled as well.

So of course they may not be cheating on you but may as well assume the worst, no harm no foul, also presents you from catching the love disease.

(again hard to show tone in this post but no cynisism is implied)

There's a great scene in the 1990 movie "Internal Affairs" where Richard Gere is fucking the wife of his partner, played by Stephen Baldwin (Alec's Brother).

Gere and the wife are in Baldwin's bedroom, the phone rings, and it's Baldwin. She is straddling Gere cowgirl, she picks up the phone, talks to Baldwin as if nothing is happening, it's an ordinary day, even while Gere is grinding her pussy. She maintains complete composure on the phone. Then hangs up after the conversation, and then falls into Gere's arms.

THAT, gentlemen, epitomizes the red pill right there.

If she is fucking you, the chances are close to 100% she is fucking someone else. The real question is this. Are you REALLY fucking her or are you the BETA guy she wishes she really WASN'T fucking. I never want to be that BETA guy. That's why I fuck married women. I am never the BETA guy.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 11-30-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 11:10 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I get the sense that in this day and age women really want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the devoted, loving husband, with the good job, an upscale lifestyle provided, but also be able to fuck around and have sex with more attractive "alpha males."

I had a similar gut reaction during my first experience similar to this the only way i really rationalize it is 1) not me someone else and 2) gives me a good look into the mindset of women.

Regarding #2 and to address your point here is the reason she feels okay with it:

1. She believes I'm just for fun and i'll leave her eventually, she is "okay with this" and is okay with me trading for a newer version later
2. She is no longer physically attracted to him
3. He has provided well so she doesn't want to stop the gravy train so to speak (guy is older than me)
4. She's not "excited" anymore she wants "to be swooped off her feet"
5. This one is the most interesting she said point blank "I'm going to help train you to be the best husband possible in the future. You're going to be the best man for any girl".

Kind of a weird mindset, thinking she's helping me with my life somehow. One thing to keep in mind, I never tell a girl what I do for a living she thinks I work at a gym, so the monetary comment is a heavy indicator since she seems addicted to shopping (2 days a week seems to be the norm). She has the balls to leave her clothes here once and a while, asking if I like it, then taking it home or returning it.

This one also stuck and Tenderman may like this:

There are two men that women choose 1) that they make love to and 2) the man they get thrills from. The first one gets the ring.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - slubu - 11-30-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 06:13 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

I don't know if this is some information that one can use to generalize art school bitches, but for the most part, a lot of art school bitches go into art because of their philosophical leanings (particularly in regards to their views on feminism etc) and they use art as their mode of expression.

What I've experienced by getting to know them, they seem to be on the cutting edge of feminist ideology.

How this relates to your situation, I think, is that the chick could be a big time manipulator (see Neil LaBute's The Shape Of Things to get an idea of art school girl manipulators) and she is using you guys to express her "power" in some twisted way.

A lot of these girls look at the male sexual archetypes, who conquer many women, and want to reverse that and do it from the female perspective.

I'm not sure whether your conversations with her have dabbled into feminism, but I'd be curious to hear her perspective on that kind of stuff, because I think that could give you a better understanding to why she plays off such a feminine character but in turn uses it to conquer men.

I've seen that movie, talk about a mindfuck. Interesting you bring up that feminism and art aspect. She was involved in feminist art. In fact I recall that night she was doing homework she was mentioning something about that feminism art crap.

Her art is very weird art by the way. It's not painting, sculpture, etc. It's weird movement and performance art.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - rudebwoy - 11-30-2012

Slubu - thanks for sharing that story and it is an eye opener to say the least. I do commend you on the way you handled it, most guys on this forum would not be able to deal with that.

Sadly, I believe there are loads of women like your friend out there. So I don't understand why people are getting on there high horse and trying to define what a definition of a slut is.
This is a by-product of feminism and we just have to live with it, for now.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Veloce - 11-30-2012

Funny, I dated an actress that told me to read "The Shape of Things", as it was one of her favorite plays. Needless to say, she was a fucked up bitch.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Veloce - 11-30-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 06:59 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 05:48 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 03:10 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2012 09:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

There are too many girls out there who don't feel comfortable banging more than one guy at a time

If Roosh himself is saying that there are alot of girls who - "don't feel comfortable banging more than one guy at a time". Well, thats all I need to hear. He is the guy who would know!

Case closed!

Not all women are sluts!

Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone there... just because she's not a ultra slut doesn't mean she's not a regular slut.

Banging 4 dudes at once is an extreme degree of sluttiness that tops partner counts of most gay men. It is NOT normal womanly behavior.

A woman who fucks more 4 dudes in a year is pretty skanky in my book.

If she fucks more than 8 in a year she is a bona-fide SLUT.

That said, just because she's a slut doesn't mean she can't be monogamous for a period of time (if only 2-4 months). Most women prefer to be monogamous with a man they're into, even if they are a cockdozer in the interim.

Your definition of a slut, like most, is highly arbitrary. In a sense, that may be inescapable, because a 'slut' often just means a girl markedly more promiscuous than her peers. And you're describing what promiscuous means by some internal reference of yours. In one subculture, a slut could mean a girl who has kissed an unattached man when none of her peers are even touching men. In another, a girl who has sex with several men a year is not a slut.

So should the definition of a slut be absolute or relative? Personally, I say it should be at least partially absolute, because the slut has certain essential qualities that come with fucking several men. So even if a girl is not a slut by the standards of her milieu (eg, she's below average in promiscuity), she is a slut in terms of her character.

My minimal definition of a slut is a woman who has sex with a man before securing long term exclusive commitment from him.

A girl has one night stands? Slut.
A girl has sex with men she's 'dating' but aren't her boyfriend? Slut.

I could probably flesh this out quite a bit, but the gist of it is that when a woman routinely has sex without requiring any meaningful commitment from the man, she changes the way she behaves.

Consider the act of acquiring a car. The 'prude' is like someone who needs a car, but can bide their time until they get one. They have saved up enough money to buy it outright, and plan to keep it for a very long time, until the car dies even. They are going to be very discriminating in the kind of car they choose, though they must also stay within their budget. She won't jettison her car at the first sign of trouble, because she's in it for the long haul.

The slut is like someone who needs to rent a car for a couple days, right now. She isn't willing to wait, and because the car is temporary, she doesn't expend much effort in picking the right one. She can indulge herself a little, and rent a car that's out of her price range for a little bit. But she can't do that for long, else she'll go broke. She may even end up dissatisfied for that reason, because she got a taste of a Jaguar but has to go back to the Hondas inevitably, or even a bicycle because she blew her wad. At the first sign of trouble, she rents a different car. She has little tolerance for any failures on the part of her rental car. Meanwhile, the car buyer has to be very prudent about what she can afford. The renter doesn't much care about damaging her car (eg, suckering a man out of his money) while the car buyer is careful, as she feels their fates are tied (eg in a marriage, wasting his money is wasting your own).

And these changes come about when a woman goes from the 'buying' mindset to a 'renting' mindset, i.e. she starts having sex without securing meaningful commitment first. Having sex with X number of men per year or in her lifetime doesn't capture this.

I hate to clutter a message board by replying to a long post like this, but goddamn Basil that's a pretty brilliant analogy

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Basil Ransom - 12-01-2012

If I get swindled by a business partner once, does that mean every potential business partner is a con man? No. If you get duped by a raging whore, does that mean every other girl is a raging whore? No. This is just irrational paranoid thinking. The people who react with the most fervor, and get the most paranoid, are often the people who started out as the biggest saps. If you went in with a cool head, conscious of the risks, you're less likely to get duped. And even when you do, you don't become a paranoid mess.

I'm not talking about the OP, he's got his wits about him. This is directed at the 'OMG All girls are raging coke whores dying to get gangbanged' crowd. I myself never expect much, but am always open to finding quality. Low expectations, yet open-minded, ready to be pleasantly surprised. This is an ideal approach - you're not put off by shitty girls, but you're open to appreciating the better ones (whatever that is to you).

Quote: (11-30-2012 11:25 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

If she is fucking you, the chances are close to 100% she is fucking someone else. The real question is this. Are you REALLY fucking her or are you the BETA guy she wishes she really WASN'T fucking. I never want to be that BETA guy. That's why I fuck married women. I am never the BETA guy.

This is like saying, 'I only fuck hookers. And I know they're banging 20 other dudes. Why do you think non-hookers are any different?' Uh, because they're not hookers. Lol, if you honestly think this way, you're a chump too.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Giovonny - 12-01-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 03:57 PM)slubu Wrote:  

I think maybe my thread title was poorly worded and misled a lot of you?

Should've been..

"Sluts: They Sometimes Appear Sweet and Innocent - A Realization"


"Looks Can Be Deceiving - A Lesson in Slut Radar"

Alot of people have 2 personalities/personas, one public and one private.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Screwston - 12-01-2012

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:45 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:36 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Please dude

Please what?
The dude hooks up with a freaky chick, goes thru her phone, finds out she gets laid and now should feel like a chump or be disgusted? Get "tested heavily?"

I don't know what planet some of you are living on but I've been doing/seeing this for 30 years on a daily or weekly basis.
Yeah, I don't really understand his story. I thought it was common knowledge that most girls are getting dicked down by multiple guys. Who cares as long as you get to bust a nut when you're with her.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - FourToTheFloor - 12-01-2012

I once in my blue pill days had a similar experience and have come to the conclusion that perhaps this girl felt guilty because I was obviously more into her than she was into me. She was compensating for her deceit by acting more nurturing than you'd expect from a merely physical relationship.

Or maybe I'm still giving her too much credit.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - pitt - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 03:33 AM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:45 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:36 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 12:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Please dude

Please what?
The dude hooks up with a freaky chick, goes thru her phone, finds out she gets laid and now should feel like a chump or be disgusted? Get "tested heavily?"

I don't know what planet some of you are living on but I've been doing/seeing this for 30 years on a daily or weekly basis.
Yeah, I don't really understand his story. I thought it was common knowledge that most girls are getting dicked down by multiple guys. Who cares as long as you get to bust a nut when you're with her.


I am currently fucking with this chick (she is a 9 in my book and i hardly ever give a 9 to a chick). We spend a lot of time together and i always thought to myself that she is fucking with other Gs but i just didnt care. Anyway, the other day she left her facebook on, i decided to do a quick check (I ALMOST NEVER DO THAT KINDA SHIT BTW), looked on every convo she was having with other males on her facebook and boommmm..there is this other G that she is fucking.. he is got a style similar to mine and according to the convo, i just knew they were fucking not too long ago..did i tell her anything? No..Do i give a fuck? NO. I have got a bunch of other girls in line, if i can fuck other girls, i dont see why she cant fuck other dudes. If you are fucking quality pussy, remember, there is always another G fucking it.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - tenderman100 - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 01:05 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

If I get swindled by a business partner once, does that mean every potential business partner is a con man? No. If you get duped by a raging whore, does that mean every other girl is a raging whore? No. This is just irrational paranoid thinking. The people who react with the most fervor, and get the most paranoid, are often the people who started out as the biggest saps. If you went in with a cool head, conscious of the risks, you're less likely to get duped. And even when you do, you don't become a paranoid mess.

I'm not talking about the OP, he's got his wits about him. This is directed at the 'OMG All girls are raging coke whores dying to get gangbanged' crowd. I myself never expect much, but am always open to finding quality. Low expectations, yet open-minded, ready to be pleasantly surprised. This is an ideal approach - you're not put off by shitty girls, but you're open to appreciating the better ones (whatever that is to you).

Sorry, this is an absurd argument. You are doing here what weak arguers often do -- assert that the extremes are what others think, and then stating that they are obviously extreme positions. In other words, your conclusions assume your premises. You are creating a false choice argument -- the favorite among sleazy politicians particularly.

Look, it's all a matter of degrees. Sure there are babes out there you can rope into your harem who might stay "faithful" to you even as you pursue and conquer fresh pussy. But chances are she has banged someone else in the near past. Chances are she will bang, or is banging someone else, when she is banging you. That doesn't make this hypothetical babe, to use your words, "a raging coke whore dying to get gangbanged."

No, what it makes here is your average sexually active woman in the feminist-laced social atmosphere of the early 21st Century.

Quote: (12-01-2012 01:05 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2012 11:25 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

If she is fucking you, the chances are close to 100% she is fucking someone else. The real question is this. Are you REALLY fucking her or are you the BETA guy she wishes she really WASN'T fucking. I never want to be that BETA guy. That's why I fuck married women. I am never the BETA guy.

This is like saying, 'I only fuck hookers. And I know they're banging 20 other dudes. Why do you think non-hookers are any different?' Uh, because they're not hookers. Lol, if you honestly think this way, you're a chump too.

Come on! Again, another argument that is a crock, asserting that what I do is equivalent to this extreme vision that you have in your head.

Think about it this way -- I don't know how many babes you have banged, but let's assume 25 in the last year or so. Of those 25, I bet at least 5 have banged a half a dozen guys in the last 18-24 months. So the next time you're plowing one of those 5 babes -- who indeed may be faithful to you in this phase of your and hers life -- remember you are going where 6 other dicks have been not too long before. Sure, sure, she's been a serial dater -- maybe you are too. But she hasn't been a nun until she's met you. She's been getting her rocks off as well.

In my situation, I know what I am getting. The odds are close to 100% that my married babes in my little rotation harem are only fucking me on the side. They tell me about their husbands. They tell me about their sex life with them, or the lack of it. They may have had a distant history of cock riding, but the current situation, or the situation over the last year or so, is obvious. It's the great fuck from me, and the obligatory non-exciting fuck from their husbands.

In other words, I know what I am getting into. You, on the other hand, are banging babes whose recent pasts, and perhaps even their current situations are unknown to you (unless the babe is living with you full time). And the next girl you pick up at the club, or with daygame, or from a social circle will, once again, start as -- and perhaps remain as -- a mystery to you.

Who is the chump then?

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 12-01-2012

I again agree with tenderman and the car example is not that accurate IMHO.

The extreme can be applied to the reverse scenario. Lets say you bang a virgin... 3 months later you get into a huge fight. She goes to a bar and meets her "ideal" guy. I'll be extreme and say Brad Pitt and he hits on her.
He changes her mood to excitement, fun and into a sex mood. Bang.

There is a guy out there somewhere who can bang a girl you are seeing in one day. This is not a good or bad thing it is what it is. I'm not foolish enough to believe that I'm the ideal person for every girl I see. The girl will rent if she sees exactly what she wants in that moment in time.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Basil Ransom - 12-01-2012

Tenderman, you vastly overstated your case. You said before, if she's fucking you, she's almost assuredly fucking someone else. Which is ridiculous. Now you're saying that this true for your women. Which isn't surprising because... They're married!

I'm banging two girls right now, and just cut off a third (and have others in the pipeline). Any of these girls could be banging other guys. I don't know. I don't think they are, for various reasons, but I don't really know. And the likelihood that they are varies among them. But this is way different from saying that it's practically a certainty that they're banging other dudes. Like Roosh and others have said, plenty of girls will cock hop but don't really want to keep multiple men, except when they're in a long term relationship they're not ready to leave yet. Plenty of girls also have their 'reserves,' guys they've banged in the past that they use in lean times. They call it 'recycling' to keep their count down.

Westcoast, your example is plausible. But just because it can happen, doesn't mean it is happening.

Assuming that every girl is banging other men is a way to protect your ego. Maybe that ultimately serves you better. I'm saying as a matter of fact and truth, it's off base - unless your pool of girls is consistently abnormally slutty, or are married women.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - tenderman100 - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 11:46 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Tenderman, you vastly overstated your case. You said before, if she's fucking you, she's almost assuredly fucking someone else. Which is ridiculous. Now you're saying that this true for your women. Which isn't surprising because... They're married!

Now this is a rich irony. If anyone is overstating the case, it's you -- making what I do equivalent to fucking whores.

Quote: (12-01-2012 11:46 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

I'm banging two girls right now, and just cut off a third (and have others in the pipeline). Any of these girls could be banging other guys. I don't know. I don't think they are, for various reasons, but I don't really know. And the likelihood that they are varies among them. But this is way different from saying that it's practically a certainty that they're banging other dudes.

That's right, you DON'T know. It could be just you, it could be another guy, it could be TWO other guys. Maybe some other guys balls were slapping against her ass the minute you clicked "Post reply." I am way more certain about my situations than you are about yours. Mine is almost assuredly circumscribed -- yours may or may not be.

Quote: (12-01-2012 11:46 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Like Roosh and others have said, plenty of girls will cock hop but don't really want to keep multiple men, except when they're in a long term relationship they're not ready to leave yet. Plenty of girls also have their 'reserves,' guys they've banged in the past that they use in lean times. They call it 'recycling' to keep their count down.

Westcoast, your example is plausible. But just because it can happen, doesn't mean it is happening.

Assuming that every girl is banging other men is a way to protect your ego. Maybe that ultimately serves you better. I'm saying as a matter of fact and truth, it's off base - unless your pool of girls is consistently abnormally slutty, or are married women.

Again, you have a category problem here. It's not category 1, serial daters monogamous to the BasilRansoms, then category 2 "abnormally slutty" (whatever THAT means) and then category 3 "married women." It's all about degrees.

You see, assuming that every girl is banging other men is realistic, now, today, in the early 21st century with the unique recipe of easily accessed birth control, an entitlement drugged mental hamster fed by feminist delusions, combined ultimately with the deep seated evolutionary impulse towards hypergamy.

It's the appropriately existential view of the male female dynamic today.

I have no illusions. I would counsel you to start dispensing with yours as soon as possible.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - WestCoast - 12-01-2012

My overall point is this:

If you believe your girl is not cheating on you that is when you've lost the game.

My good looking wingman and I were at dinner with me + 2 good looking girls and their parents. One on the right was "taken" she said "I have never cheated on my boyfriend" her family was proud.

He fucked her that night.

The next afternoon we're all out together and of course she talks again about how much she loves her boyfriend (friend + family nod in approval).

Again. As soon as you believe she is not banging someone else you open the door to catch the love bug. A dangerous disease.

No bs life advise. I have no doubt the girls I am seeing are likely banging other dudes. No interest in ever going through her phone, I assume the worst, hope for the best and carry on.

That's what happened to slubu, he made some assumptions and got blindsided (not in a bad way he gets it)

The best assumption to make is they are all cheating on you.

So just get the whole "she's not cheating on me" out of your head and then player mindset is set in stone.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - OGNorCal707 - 12-01-2012

Don't know if this directly relates to this thread, but just came across this very sad and tragic news story online, about a Kansas City Chiefs' football player who shot and killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

I post this, because I can see two possible scenarios, the first is that this guy had serious mental illness issues that manifested in a horrible way, or two he never took the "red pill" and found out some really foul shit about his GF.

The article states that they have an infant child together and the couple had been arguing a lot recently. Maybe it's a stretch, but I could see the guy finding out that his GF had been cheating on him, possibly even cuckolding him and giving birth to another man's child. It just seems too crazy that a guy would flip his lid like that and kill his "girl" and himself.

Men typically throughout history have gone off the deep end when confronted with adultery and being cuckolded by another man.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - tenderman100 - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 02:55 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Don't know if this directly relates to this thread, but just came across this very sad and tragic news story online, about a Kansas City Chiefs' football player who shot and killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

I post this, because I can see two possible scenarios, the first is that this guy had serious mental illness issues that manifested in a horrible way, or two he never took the "red pill" and found out some really foul shit about his GF.

The article states that they have an infant child together and the couple had been arguing a lot recently. Maybe it's a stretch, but I could see the guy finding out that his GF had been cheating on him, possibly even cuckolding him and giving birth to another man's child. It just seems too crazy that a guy would flip his lid like that and kill his "girl" and himself.

Men typically throughout history have gone off the deep end when confronted with adultery and being cuckolded by another man.

Yep, it smells of either being cuckolded, dumped, or facing the reality that her hellion spawn is not HIS hellion spawn.

According to the stories, Belcher seemed to be a good guy. Got his degree from the University of Maine. Went from being an undrafted free agent to full time starter in 4 years in the NFL, having just signed a $1.9 million 1 year deal with the Chiefs. At a just 25 yoa, he had a good 3-5 years left in the league and could probably have banked a couple million at least.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - TheMachinist - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 02:55 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Don't know if this directly relates to this thread, but just came across this very sad and tragic news story online, about a Kansas City Chiefs' football player who shot and killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

I post this, because I can see two possible scenarios, the first is that this guy had serious mental illness issues that manifested in a horrible way, or two he never took the "red pill" and found out some really foul shit about his GF.

The article states that they have an infant child together and the couple had been arguing a lot recently. Maybe it's a stretch, but I could see the guy finding out that his GF had been cheating on him, possibly even cuckolding him and giving birth to another man's child. It just seems too crazy that a guy would flip his lid like that and kill his "girl" and himself.

Men typically throughout history have gone off the deep end when confronted with adultery and being cuckolded by another man.

I've lost a few friends and a cousin due to suicide over a bitch.And the fucked up thing is the broads keep on going like it never happened.At this point for me it's all about enjoying the moment and assuming they are all sluts.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Balkanite - 12-01-2012

Quote: (12-01-2012 12:42 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

My overall point is this:

If you believe your girl is not cheating on you that is when you've lost the game.

My good looking wingman and I were at dinner with me + 2 good looking girls and their parents. One on the right was "taken" she said "I have never cheated on my boyfriend" her family was proud.

He fucked her that night.

The next afternoon we're all out together and of course she talks again about how much she loves her boyfriend (friend + family nod in approval).

Again. As soon as you believe she is not banging someone else you open the door to catch the love bug. A dangerous disease.

No bs life advise. I have no doubt the girls I am seeing are likely banging other dudes. No interest in ever going through her phone, I assume the worst, hope for the best and carry on.

That's what happened to slubu, he made some assumptions and got blindsided (not in a bad way he gets it)

The best assumption to make is they are all cheating on you.

So just get the whole "she's not cheating on me" out of your head and then player mindset is set in stone.

My former self would have denied something like this. A mantra I'm starting to understand from a post here: never believe what she says only what she does. Thanks for the post.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Grit - 12-02-2012

There are some key factors missing. Here are some questions to answer that will help:

1. Who initiates contact?

2. Who is preselected?

3. Who manipulates who's emotions?

It sounds like you call her up every time you want your ashes hauled. Bang- red flag number one. You haven't been keeping to Roissys 2/3 rule. Text twice for every three of hers. If you taker her out twice, radio silence until she comes up with plans. Go stone cold quiet sometimes. Ignore her calls.

Youth and hotness in women count equivalent to guys banging multiple chicks and those chicks getting whiffs here and there. If she hasn't seen you in public with other girls, its your loss.

The revelation of her being a slut seems to shock you. Next time, spend all your time trying to fuck with her emotions. It's a harsh reality that people don't want to accept, but its no harsher than her jerking you around with her slutiness. Assholes win. So next time, think "how can I mindfuck this girl?"

Other thoughts: you admit from day one you purposely ignored the slutiness. You might want to go to Roissy's rule again. She never LIED to you. You simply never called her out on it. In fact, you could plainly voice your suspicions , like "tell your boyfriend you can't talk tonight, your mouth will be full." Even if she is a puritan virgin, and denies, still say that shit. Respond with "I just assume all girls have boyfriends." That right there would make it seem like you bang around a lot.

Closing: Girls are on a one way train for securing the alphas seed and resources. If she isnt trying to lock you down, assume the slut / she isnt into you.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - bacan - 12-02-2012

This thread depresses me..

I really don't want to think that girls are capable of cheating and being sluts like that..

The stories about girls calling their boyfriends to tell them they love them from the beds of other guys make me sick..

Thank god I at least know some girls that never cheat and never will..

But I don't know how I will trust a girl going forward in life..

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - CMan0928 - 12-02-2012

Quote: (12-02-2012 01:30 AM)bacan Wrote:  

This thread depresses me..

The stories about girls calling their boyfriends to tell them they love them from the beds of other guys make me sick.

Yeah dude. I was reading an article in either Esquire or some other men's magazine where a female journalist admitted to calling her boyfriend WHILE she was getting rammed from behind by some other guy. She even giggled in the article and said something to the effect of "I had to keep pinching his thigh so he would slow down and I wouldn't get caught in the act." What a fucking bitch.

Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they? - Dillon - 12-02-2012

Women sleep with whoever they can benefit from the most at any given time. Trying to determine and categorize them as sluts or not is counterproductive.

A woman who sleeps with one man her whole life (probably in a third world country) is no different than a New York bimbo. They are both doing what they percieve will work best for them and what they can get away with.

A player shouldn't care either way.