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Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 01-25-2017

Quote: (01-23-2017 10:42 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2017 10:28 PM)churros Wrote:  

I just moved into a new apartment, and think I want to bang my female roommate. Please somebody tell me not to do this.

You already screwed up by moving into an apartment with a female anyways.

yea churros!! so go fuck yourself am I right Fret?!?!

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 01-25-2017

Quote: (01-23-2017 11:03 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

Mufasa taking Birthday Cat Game to a whole notha level

[Image: b82c00f57961674d12f2cf47a9a1b819.jpg]

....bitches love cake

Player's Log / Lounge - RunsWithScissors - 01-26-2017

Thought my long-term plate broke this weekend but last night she was back in my bed. Met her on Tinder back in July, she's a single full time mom so it's hard to get much time with her but we were doing well with weekly late night meetups and occasional weekend dates, more time when her kids were out of town. She brought up exclusivity a couple months later and I said that wasn't right for us, she didn't make a fuss about it. Around November I started getting involved with an old flame and spent a bunch of my free time with her instead of my main plate, it came to a head after the holidays when I was gone for pretty much the entire time. Early last week she texted me asking some questions about other women and her role in my life, I dealt with them ok but she was obviously bothered still.

Took her out Friday night for drinks, pool, and shuffleboard then back to my place. She wanted to talk more, asked where I was for New Years and who I was with, called me out on avoiding or redirecting when she's asked in the past so I was honest without conveying much info and told her a couple minor details. She got upset, was crying a little, basically I think giving more of my free time to the old flame instead of her left her feeling very insecure. I was kind but firm throughout and said I liked spending time with her and what we had but that we weren't right for a LTR. She asked me to take her home and I did, as I dropped her off she was kissing me and told me she loved me (first time she's said that), but that she couldn't be with me unless I was just with her.

Sunday midday she knocks on my door, I'm on the phone with my dad and have my house set up for a photoshoot with a hot 21 year old college chick so can't talk to her much. Plate says we can still talk and that I should call her, and kisses me.

Monday I text her saying hey, that I'm not a fan of surprise visits and to please check with me before coming over in the future. She admits she deleted my number Fri night which is why she had to stop by. Later Mon night she texts me saying she can come over, I'm busy fucking a new plate so don't respond.

Tues she comes over, we talk more like on Fri, she brings up the topic of open relationships, it's clear she's not too put off by me fucking other women but she wants to feel important in my life. I tell her I don't want to share details about what else I'm up to and that I've been happy with how things have been going for us up until now, she leaves.

Wed morning she texts me asking if I use condoms with the other girls, when I say yes she says she still wants me to tie her up in my ropes like I used to. Later in the evening she comes over for hot sex without a peep about other girls.

This has been an eye opening experience for me, a year ago there's no way I would have thought this was possible much less have kept my cool through it all. I really do like this girl, she's sweet and smart and sexy but I don't see it going much further than what we have. I think as long as I keep fucking her well regularly and occasionally give her some of my free time this could last a while.

Player's Log / Lounge - Isaac Jordan - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 02:07 PM)RunsWithScissors Wrote:  

This has been an eye opening experience for me, a year ago there's no way I would have thought this was possible much less have kept my cool through it all. I really do like this girl, she's sweet and smart and sexy but I don't see it going much further than what we have. I think as long as I keep fucking her well regularly and occasionally give her some of my free time this could last a while.

I have a plate in a situation very similar to this. We've been seeing each other on and off for about 18 months, and the pattern seems to be about a month of very pleasant dates/after-work hangout sessions (once or twice a week) followed by an "ultimatum" for monogamy.

I give her literally the same speech every time: I don't believe in monogamy, I'm not a good long-term prospect as I don't want to get married or have kids, but if you feel like that's something you need in your life then best of luck, if you change your mind you're always welcome back.

Then four or five days of radio silence (a "soft next" where I don't contact her in any way) before I get a text or a phone call about what I'm doing this weekend and the whole thing starts anew. Part of me wonders whether her cycle has something to do with it, as the timing is so consistent I could set my watch by it.

I used to get frustrated whenever she'd start that conversation again ("I've told you this several times before, why do you keep bringing it up?") but now I just play it cool and let her do her thing. I'm at the point where I almost look forward to it now, because the first date after the soft next is always great (she probably knows I've moved on to other prospects and feels like she has to win me back or something). I'm talking cooking me dinner, unprompted blow jobs, back rubs, small gifts like my favorite dark chocolate bar or bottle of wine, shit like that.

It's really emphasized the "don't listen to what they say, just watch what they do" axiom for me. I'm basically at the point where I've stopped viewing women as human beings with even the occasional semi-rational thoughts, and more as animals that operate entirely on their base instincts/emotions. It's sad in a way, as it moves me even farther from considering settling down and having kids, but the more I gain an understanding of how the female mind works the more satisfied I am with my love life, and the more I'm able to enjoy these women on my own terms.

Player's Log / Lounge - Vill@in - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 02:07 PM)RunsWithScissors Wrote:  

Thought my long-term plate broke this weekend...

I about to have that same conversation soon with my main plate. It's coming. When we first started banging she was still married...which was good for me because she would just come over and we'd get down. A few weeks ago, she kicked her husband out and now she's single. Of course I've been fucking other girls this whole time...and I had the excuse of "well, you ARE married" if she ever confronted me about it. But now the dynamics have changed and I can see her pushing for something more.

I really like this girl. Good job, killer body, and likes anal. I'm just not settling down with 1 girl now...or ever again. 10 years ago? Sure. But I know what I want now and that's to bang as many girls as I can.

Anyway your post is just a reminder to maintain frame in these situations. If she doesn't like what she hears and walks, fine. If she hamsters ways to stay, even better. Just maintain the course and don't compromise.

Player's Log / Lounge - Zanardi - 01-26-2017

I saw today a very pretty girl working as a salesman at a Sephora shop. Thinking how to game her without putting myself in the "client" frame. Meanwhile, I hope to get some tips from Day Bang.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-26-2017

About the Above Scenarios:

Stalin, Gustav, Sven, and I talked about this recently.

The "What are we" question.

It's important to be honest with your intentions BUT it's doubly important to frame it right with the right amount of comfort.

Basically it's HOW you explain things to bitches who want to try and lock you down.

You want to explain to her that you enjoy her company and are fun, but can't be too serious right now because you're too busy, it wouldn't be fair to her, and that you just enjoy hanging out wit her.

Sometimes a "when I'm with you, I'm with you, when I'm not, I'm not" - worked wonders on the MILF trainer I was banging for almost a year.

I've also used, "Look I like hanging out with you we have a lot of fun, but I don't every little thing and go with the flow"

Stalin goes a very straight up method saying he doesn't bullshit girls if they are looking for "something more" he tells the girls he isn't looking for that and to go find their prince charming.

He also has told them he not specifically looking for anything right now, whatever happens, happens. If we like spending time with eachother and doing things together, then that's what we are going to do. If it becomes more than that we will.

Gustavus gives a different version which negates her question, comforts her, and making it less serious:

"There really hasn't been enough time for me to make up my mind. I mean, I don't dislike you. How about we just have fun until it stops being fun? If it was meant to be more than that, I'm sure we'll look back on this conversation and laugh about how silly it was"

Sven goes through a similar and simpler approach as mine: "I'd like to get to know you better...we enjoy our time together, we can figure it out from there"

All in all it boils down to this:

Acknowledge>Explain your side>Comfort>Close the convo> Lead the girl

I think now it's more important than ever to not waste your time, or other peoples time.

Don't let a woman time rape you. If you're over it, move on.

Being honest and framing how you view LTR's and hooking up is the best way to go.

That way you don't have to bullshit more, you don't need to lie, you're straight up, and it soothes the girls hamster (for now).

If you aren't down for an LTR and she is - let her go - move on.

Player's Log / Lounge - Jagnum - 01-26-2017

Put a thread up in Travel two months ago about moving to Mexico.

Finally here.

First week here was a blast - the job stuff went great, I got to explore a little of the city. Gamed two nights. The nightclubs here are insane, and at least the one I went to was teeming with girls. No pulls here but had a good time, met some cool Mexican dudes who let me hang at their table. For day approaching, day approached on Friday, for about two hours. Got a few numbers, and the last girl I approached, just after 5 pm, basically asked me for my number before I could ask her. We met up the following night, 1.5 hour date at two venues then back to my place.

A first date bang date the day after meeting her...that happens to me once-a-year in the states, and was notched the first week I was here.

About Mexico: Quality of women here is higher than the States no question. And they're much nicer to you as a foreigner. Many girls speak English, or some variation of English, but I want to improve my Spanish, so I've been trying to speak Spanish as much as possible.

Second week has been terrible so far. I started feeling feverish on about Day 6 here, and I've been fighting fever and chills for the last five days straight.

I haven't gone out at all, have barely had the energy to do anything or even leave the house.

Then yesterday, Wednesday, after my sessions for my new job finished, I totally lost my voice.

That wouldn't have been a problem except I had a date with a girl I met that previous Friday, later on Wednesday night (yesterday). I was already feeling feverish but thought I could push through the fever.

Well gents, I also decided I could push through my state as an almost complete mute and go on the date.

I met her at a cafe. She's very traditional type, has never left Mexico, told me I should order for the both of us (lol I reminded her with my hands that I couldn't talk, so she ordered).

I was hoping we'd have a 45 minute date and I'd go home and meet up with her again.

But once I started miming, and she started guessing what I was trying to say, it ended up being a pretty good time for the both of us.

We spent almost 2 hours laughing and talking, well she was talking, I was making a ton of hand gestures and body gestures to ask her questions. She was not the chatty type, so I had to do a lot of gestures to get her talking about her values and her culture, and those kinds of things.

Proves you don't need to speak the language to go on a date abroad. I couldn't speak anything I was a mute the whole time, and after we texted a bit today, she's down to meet up again.

Still feeling pretty awful, hope to get back out there soon.

Player's Log / Lounge - Vaun - 01-26-2017

Texted a 32 yo 8 Ukrainian blonde "who is the guy in the photo, your husband?? lol" It was obvious it was her brother. She said "Who texts somebody that? Gotta go" I often find these EE and Russian girls have ZERO sense of humor, and are boring to talk to.

Three girls now in rotation. But I am a little bored with it. None I am crazy about. I may take a month off and work on my body and the gym. Then come back and approach and get off the apps.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-27-2017

Fresh Direct

I'm going to make it a point to do these write-ups this year. This was my first bang of the year.

I had Tinder Plus all of December because I was traveling a ton. The last few days of 2016 I was in my home state and matched with this skinny goth looking chick. I love skinny chicks because it's feminine and I can throw them around.

I opened her with my standard "u look like trouble," she said "why?" I said "I bet we'd have a lot of fun...but I wouldn't take you to mom." She got offended and I thought it was a lost cause. 12 hours later she hits me with "okay let's try this again. I'm xyz yada yada yada," going into a few details about herself. I get the number and we start texting.

I was traveling for a few weeks so we couldn't hang out, but we texted a fair bit. Never too sexual. She came out as a huge liberal. Bernie supporter feminist to be exact. I thought this was a deal breaker until I said the golden line "it's a shame what the DNC did to Bernie." She lit up and was happy to find a "conspiracy theorist" like herself. I figured I'd keep texting.

I swear, this is why I like hippy chicks. I can talk to them about ACV and heavy metals in our water. Normal chicks look at me like I'm crazy but hippy chicks are subtly aroused by Daddy protecting his water supply.

I got back into town last week but didn't hit her up, I was too busy. She offered to hang out twice but it was at stupid times, like 3 PM on Tuesday and 11:30 PM on Thursday. I wasn't sure if this was girl attention-seeking behavior or legitimately trying to bang.

Yesterday I told her hey let's hang out Friday. We're texting today and I said "it's a rough day, I need a drink." She said "me too, hang out tonight?" ... I knew she was down to bang at that point. I told her to come over around 8 and I'd feed her pork ribs. My new rib recipe is amazing, I use a ton of spices and put it in the oven at 275 for 3 hours. Easy and delicious.

She comes over, eats ribs, drinks whiskey. We chill on the patio, I'm touching her the whole time, then we play Rocket League. Things get physical as she's getting her ass whooped, so I knew she was dtf, BUT I've been down this road before. This is the first time we've hung out, and I know there would be LMR because we've only hung out for an hour and a half. BUT we did text for about a month, so the oven is pretty warm. I resist the urge to shove my tongue down her throat for a few minutes.

Lo and behold...we're messing around and she says "are you ticklish?" This was a yuuge red light in my head. Shoutout to that dude CR33PIN...I give her a tickle tickle and she goes crazy. Once my tickle assault is complete, we share that look in our eyes and start making out like 13 year olds.

I lift her up and take her to my room.

HB "we're not having sex tonight"
RB "Banana.....who said anything about sex?"
HB "that's what all guys say"
I slam her on the bed.
RB "it's true....come on, isn't this more comfortable?"

We are going at it hard, she's tugging at my shirt. I end up taking it off and she goes "what are you doing???" I didn't even respond. I think this was in an RSD video. If you sexualize it and don't hesitate, she will follow suit and do the same. We make out some more and without even touching her poosy she goes to remove her pants.

We bang, first round is all of a minute because I haven't come in two weeks. Shoutout NoFap gang, it's been 3 months and a week.

We lay in bed and she is being extra cozy, I tell her we can keep going but it'll be a few minutes. She goes through the books on my bedside and sees Gorilla Mindset. I said oh that's a great book. I remember she told me she had anxiety so I found the section on NAC and read it aloud to her. Dad game.

We start talking about life and OF COURSE politics comes up when she sees my MAGA hats. She starts talking about how Trump's gonna end the world and I said calm down, she said well he's gonna accelerate climate change x1000. I said I don't know about that...she picked upon it and said, "WAIT. Do you believe in climate change?" I said, "well, it's questionable. I'm unimpressed by the data." She freaks out, "I better go." She puts on her clothes and gets ready to leave. I put on my boxers and head to the kitchen to start cleaning up.

A few minutes later she's in all her clothes just standing there. "What?" She comes up to me and wraps her arms around me as I'm drinking some ACV water. Obviously she is feeling the endorphins, so I lift her onto the countertop so we can make out. I carry her back to the bedroom where thanks to the 5 G's for Big Erections I am sporting a strong boner. I proceed to pound it out for a good 10-15 minutes. She calls me Daddy and I call her my bitch. How's that for feminism?

After our sweaty bang sesh I say alright...I gotta get ready for bed. She says "are you kicking me out?" I said "yeah I gotta be up early for work." She freaks out, puts her clothes on, and leaves. ANGRY. As she's leaving I grab her, try to get a kiss, she turns and walks away. I said "text me when you're home." I haven't gotten a text yet.

What can we learn from this....

-Women are children. They are slaves to their emotions. After we banged she was mentally disappointed in herself, but she knows I fuck good and she wants to stick around be protected by big man.

-Don't listen to what they say. Listen to what they do.

-Be completely unfazed by their words. They rarely mean what they say and are judging your reaction more than anything else.

-Never falter in your beliefs...women are smart and they will pick up on it. Be honest and lay it out for them. If they don't like that you're a Trump supporter, they can fuck right off. Abundance mentality. I straight up drink ACV in front of all of them. Tell them I found it on the internet. Talk to them about Power of Now. I really believe in these things, why would I lie in order to get laid?

It's gonna be a good year...she started coughing as she left so I think she has some sickness. Stupid bitches eat like trash and get sick. I just pounded 6g of Vitamin C and now I'm gonna go to bed. Hopefully I'm not sick.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-27-2017

What a recovery Red, fantastic play by play !

Nothing like sleeping with the enemy [Image: lol.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 01-27-2017

Ok Enter scenario...

I fucked this asian girl one time. She was extremely affectionate and definitely was down more more rides on the merry-go-round. The next week we made plans but a combination of my aloofness and her "losing her phone" resulted in us never connecting again. She now has a boyfriend. While out with the +1 I banged this week I saw her with her new squeeze and she didn't even look me in the eye...I aint trippin though.

She had this friend who is magnificent. Not to pedistalize but her tities are a ten--Im talking 20/10 ten tities. She's got a cute slutty face and a small pitite body. I would honestly say she looks like a pornstar. not even kidding...I have to fuck her. I realize nexting is an option and I'm obviously using a mentality of abundance but...

[Image: 200.gif#5]

If there is a way to game this girl what is it? How do I bang this girl?

Background Players Info

Player's Log / Lounge - LeoneVolpe - 01-27-2017


Sounds like more trouble than it's worth if you ask me. I'm sure you've already discovered you're not going to get anywhere with this chick so long as her friend is around, so you're going to have to find a way of isolating her or otherwise removing her friend as an obstacle. I'm not sure whether or not you know your target girl's first and last name, but if you do, you could always try looking her up on Facebook. If you don't know her name, you could always create a dummy account to look at the Asian girl's friends list and potentially figure it out that way. Alternately, next time you're hanging out with a buddy who has a Facebook account, have them look up the Asian girl's friends list.

If you can find the girl in question's account, go ahead and send her a friend request. Sure, it's a "Hail Mary" but then again so is the entire situation. If the Asian girl's already blocked you, I don't think she'd be able to see if your target accepted a request from you. Chicks certainly aren't above fucking a friend's ex, so the situation isn't impossible -- but as I said to begin with, it's likely more trouble than it's worth.

If you can get your target to accept your friend request, you can start using online game on her. As long as your logistics are tight and you minimize the possibility of blowback on your target from her Asian friend, it's possible albeit still unlikely you could get her out on a date. If you can make it that far, make sure whatever venue you choose has ZERO chance of you two running into the Asian girl.

From there, it's on you, buddy.

I don't endorse this suggestion, but you could also go a more "covert" angle by sending her a friend request, which she'll hopefully accept and you can monitor her page to see which places she frequents and "run into her" there. Depending on her privacy settings, you may be able to see enough of her profile to find out this same information without becoming her friend. If you do this, never admit to premeditating your run-in.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-27-2017

I forgot to add - I'm using the WIA "when did you know you wanted to have sex with me?" line now.

This one answered "about ten minutes ago." This confirms that girls allow themselves to be set up for sex, but don't confirm it until right before. "It all just happened" is their reasoning.

Player's Log / Lounge - Roardog - 01-27-2017

It's Chinese new year eve here in KL and all my plates are either out of town or being good chinese girls and home with their families so I have come up empty for a Friday night.
I had my Filipino plate lined up but she bailed on me earlier in the day saying she felt unwell. That just booted her to the bottom of the pile.
So I've said fuck it and now I'm out at the bar and going to give this solo solo thing a crack. I've never done it before but I didn't feel like staying home tonight.

It's fucked. All these girls are messaging me saying they wish they were with me and not stuck with their families, sending me sexy pics, etc.

Player's Log / Lounge - Turnus - 01-27-2017

Great recap Redbeard! I'm guessing that she hits you up in a few days for a little more fun

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-27-2017

Our original plan was to hang out tonight but I'm gonna cancel. My throat and sinuses feel congested, and after nutting twice I don't have animal sex drive. I'm seeing my main tomorrow night.

We've been texting. The only negative to these liberal chicks is false rape accusations possibility is higher, so I text them to increase comfort.

Kaotic my dude what you been up to? We need to Make "Player's Log" Great Again.

Player's Log / Lounge - Jagnum - 01-27-2017

Quote: (01-27-2017 12:39 AM)redbeard Wrote:  

Fresh Direct

Great write-up, Red. You're an animal. New year, new count.

Quote: (01-27-2017 12:39 AM)redbeard Wrote:  

After our sweaty bang sesh I say alright...I gotta get ready for bed. She says "are you kicking me out?" I said "yeah I gotta be up early for work." She freaks out, puts her clothes on, and leaves. ANGRY. As she's leaving I grab her, try to get a kiss, she turns and walks away. I said "text me when you're home." I haven't gotten a text yet.

My thought is her endorphins wore off by that point. You got the sex the second time because she was still feeling you. But after that second time her emotions cooled down, maybe remembered why she wanted to leave in the first place.

But I can't be sure. I've almost never gotten a chick to meet up again if I bang her on the the first date or in a ONS scenario.

Maybe I'm the exception rather than the rule, but my thinking has always been girls don't want their first date bangs (or one-night stands).

("date" in this context means to sleep with again)

Player's Log / Lounge - Jagnum - 01-27-2017

^^^^^^ Unless I'm misreading the more recent posts you made, and you are meeting this chick again.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-27-2017

I think emotionally she put herself out there for the second round. She "forgave me" for my climate change comments and signaled intentions for more than a ONS. So, she expected to be able to spend the night. Little does she know I'm a scumbag...

Player's Log / Lounge - robreke - 01-27-2017

Quote: (01-27-2017 01:00 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

Little does she know I'm a scumbag...

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-27-2017

@Red we're about to make it great !

Been really busy with work, wrote up my gym and diet routine and got it critqued by vets on here who life. Now I'm no skinny bitch, BUT, I want to focus on the best workouts, since I was apparently doing too many exercises for 2 hours at the gym.

I had a date Monday night, she kicked my ass at the fist game of bowling, I always rally and blew her out by 100 points. She drove to my place, mack down on her, hair pulling, gave me the whole "we're not having sex" "i'm on my period bs"

I laugh say we aren't doing anything, get her topless, secret tits, and they were pierced, she gets tired, walk her out. Everything was cool the next day.

Then I get a text that evening say, "Hey Kaotic, I've had a good time hanging out with you, but I just don't really see this going anywhere"

I just laughed and deleted her number, there was no reason to reply.

At least she paid for bowling.

Also had a date slated for Weds with this 45 year old fake titted cougar, she flaked twice, now she tells me some BS about how her company is restructuring and she's possibly being shipped out of state. She text me Tuesday saying she probably won't make it because of all the shit going on, I don't bother replying and delete her number.

I hit up this other girl I banged, amazing body, bonus tits and ass, since she didn't reply Saturday.

"Look whatever "this" is, isn't working for me. Getting texts days after we were supposed to hangout doesn't work form. I have a great time when we have hungout but that's only been 3 times since we started talking. From what I have gathered you seem like a great guy, I just need a little more. I'm not asking for a life long commitment but...."

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I mean 2 girls in one night ? Come on man.

Anyways, I sooth the hamster, and guess whose mouth I blew a load into and fucked later the next night ?

The main biker girl has been busy, we usually chill weekends, I'm cool with it.

I didn't do any other dates this week, a plate flaked on me yesterday, I'm pretty much done with that bitch.

Last night the older tatted plate I have and I chatted

She then says, "Can I ask you something?"

I'm thinking well bitches getting mad comes in 3's so, yeah I'm expecting a "what are we talk"

"Come on now, you know I'm honest and straight up"

-dramatic pause-

"I kinda want you to time me up and double penetrate me with my toy....just no hair pulling cuz it makes me angry...had a bad ex who do that not during sex..."

[Image: ohshit.gif]

I replied, "I've go cuffs and bed restrains, as long as I get to whip you and fuck you both ways"

We chat a bit more about when we're free.

Then I ask her if she has any lingerie or outfits.

"I do, and I have a sex swing but nowhere to hang it"
"Also enjoy a threeway [Image: wink.gif]"

[Image: tumblr_llatanJkKU1qbnthu.gif]

This bitch speaks my language, I've been missing a bondage girl, since I had to unfortunately had to next her because of STD scares.

Sketchy thing is....she lives with 2 hookers - probably able to wing that but lord knows I need to wrap up obviously.

Hanging out with biker this weekend, the chinese girl before she flies out of state monday, and pipelining other girls this next.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-27-2017

Kaotic what are the challenges you're facing with game? I always enjoy reading your success but all the girls that don't work out, you next them and it's onto the next one. Short term? Good strategy. Long term? Got to be a better way.

If this was covered in your year post lemme know haha.

It amazes me that you're still having such success. Majority online game in the same location over two/three years? I'm not doubting or calling you a fake, you know I respect you, but my online experience has been WORLDS apart.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-28-2017

Probably pulling more hotter and more quality girls, pretty obvious goal for 2017.

Well I'm in Southern California - it's an endless pussy paradise for me here. Keep in mind i reach out to girls basically in 2 counties here, work and home.

As far as the girls that don't work, they don't matter, it'd be time wasted.

What do you mean long term ?

Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 01-28-2017

Quote: (01-28-2017 12:46 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Probably pulling more hotter and more quality girls, pretty obvious goal for 2017.

Well I'm in Southern California - it's an endless pussy paradise for me here. Keep in mind i reach out to girls basically in 2 counties here, work and home.

As far as the girls that don't work, they don't matter, it'd be time wasted.

What do you mean long term ?

I don't know, but new adult women are coming into being every single day. Long term indeed!