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Player's Log / Lounge - PapayaTapper - 01-18-2017

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:48 PM)XXL Wrote:  

@kaotic and Stalin

I understand your point of view. I did it on purpose. Situation was hopeless. Look....

1. I had to sit at a table all the time. Even if I could it would make little difference.

2. She was really busy, walking in a hurry bringing and taking stuff then disappearing in the kitchen.

3. I had 10 seconds of her attention when she was around me. I would not do shit in such timeframe either way. She would never give her phone number after few seconds of chit chat.

4. She wasn't chating with anyone, just exchanged few words with uncles who got drunk and were annoying.

5. I found her on fb by typing full name and name of town. she's too hot to miss.

6. My message was perfect. Short enough to read it and long enough to state I wanted. I dont get your critique. Was I suppose to text "Hey what up u free tmrw?" [Image: wink.gif] Any indirect shit would be creepy. What i sent wasn't cause it was direct and to the point

7. My message was not needy at all. You know why? Cause I emphasized that it's fine if she blows me out. She could reject me either way of course but because I TOLD HER THAT it makes all the difference. Girls view it as ballsy and cool.

8. Thats the difference between game theory and reality. Game doesn't have to be perfect or go smooth. Game is messy. You happen to be in certain situation and you can either try some shit to make it happen or not. I did it. Was it risky? Yes. Was it uncommon? Sure. Was it cringeworthy? Well... the girl herself is impressed by my approach so what more can I want? Im meeting up with a beautiful young girl soon who's digging me after some texting.

How would you guys handle it?

Hail Mary's don't often work ...but they dont work 100% of the time when not thrown
[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

... and when they do

[Image: giphy.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-18-2017

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:48 PM)XXL Wrote:  

@kaotic and Stalin

I understand your point of view. I did it on purpose. Situation was hopeless. Look....

1. I had to sit at a table all the time. Even if I could it would make little difference.

2. She was really busy, walking in a hurry bringing and taking stuff then disappearing in the kitchen.

3. I had 10 seconds of her attention when she was around me. I would not do shit in such timeframe either way. She would never give her phone number after few seconds of chit chat.

4. She wasn't chating with anyone, just exchanged few words with uncles who got drunk and were annoying.

5. I found her on fb by typing full name and name of town. she's too hot to miss.

6. My message was perfect. Short enough to read it and long enough to state I wanted. I dont get your critique. Was I suppose to text "Hey what up u free tmrw?" [Image: wink.gif] Any indirect shit would be creepy. What i sent wasn't cause it was direct and to the point

7. My message was not needy at all. You know why? Cause I emphasized that it's fine if she blows me out. She could reject me either way of course but because I TOLD HER THAT it makes all the difference. Girls view it as ballsy and cool.

8. Thats the difference between game theory and reality. Game doesn't have to be perfect or go smooth. Game is messy. You happen to be in certain situation and you can either try some shit to make it happen or not. I did it. Was it risky? Yes. Was it uncommon? Sure. Was it cringeworthy? Well... the girl herself is impressed by my approach so what more can I want? Im meeting up with a beautiful young girl soon who's digging me after some texting.

How would you guys handle it?

Like I said before, that's fair enough, it was a ballsy move.

You've given more detail which explains something important, the WINDOW, which wasn't clear from the initial post. You needed to adapt, I'll give you that, and then again, you've got nothing to lose shooting her a message on FB - she knows you were interested, but didn't approach her. I'm sure some part of her was bummed, but then surprised and happy when she saw your message.

Matter of fact, my friend went to a retail store in the mall, chatted up a 20 year old cute white girl who had the perfect ass, messaged her on FB, and not they're in a serious relationship.

Player's Log / Lounge - General Stalin - 01-18-2017

I'm not even talking about PUA "always be alpha" type shit, I just can't see tracking down a girl on FB, friending her out of the blue, then messaging her when you likely could have found a way to just chat her up for a minute at the venue.

Just reminds me of stuff some of my socially inept friends back east might do when they didn't have the chops to talk to a girl in real life so they wait until they get home and see if they can research her on social media then craft up some love letter over DM. And please don't take that as me saying you are socially inept or are too chicken shit to talk to a girl I'm sure that's not you, but all's I'm saying is the way you went about hitting up this girl is not a method I would ever recommend to anyone ever. 9 times outta 10 a girl is going be "creeped out" if some guy she served drinks to at work but never talked to just tracked her down on FB and messaged her. I've been around girls that have talked about that happening to them and the level of revulsion they displayed about it was staggering.

If I was in your situation, I would have found a way to chat with her. If she was that gorgeous and you were that immobile then I would have grabbed someone else who worked there told them "Hey that girl working at the bar, whats her name?" "Oh thats xxxxx" "Well could you tell xxxxx that I want to talk to her when she gets a minute?"

If like you describe it is somehow impossible to have gotten a word or two with this girl, then you can at least write your name and number on a napkin and give it to her saying hay "Hey you seem busy but I'd like to get to know you. Here's my number." If that was also somehow impossible, then I would just let it go. Plenty of other fish in the sea. Hell I don't even have facebook so I wouldn't be able to look her up anyway.

Again like I said it worked for you and thats whats up, it's just not a type of game I think other folks should be going to.

Player's Log / Lounge - Comte De St. Germain - 01-18-2017

Nothing personal XXL but those kind of messages are sent to chicks 24/7. Glad it worked out for you, but that's the kind of stuff I don't condone either as Kaotic and GS said earlier. GS actually nailed what I would do in that situation if you're running around with friends you can get someone to ask for her name and call her over or pass her a napkin. Shit just a few weeks ago I asked a server girl that was busy for her number expecting to get shot down, but it worked out though it never ended up in a bang.

Granted I'm of the extreme camp that says fuck online game period, but I just couldn't stalk a chick down like that online. Fuck that noise because all it does is feed a chick's ego while working at most 1% of the time. Atleast if I do it face to face it feels good just to have the balls to do it.

Player's Log / Lounge - XXL - 01-19-2017

I'm fully aware that I picked the wrong move there. What I did there was total hit or miss. Would never recommend it. Stalin's suggestions are way better.

I only posted it cause it's funny story how I made something out of nothing. That's a lesson to me it's worth it to try shit even if I messed up at first because
... WHY NOT? [Image: amuse.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - General Stalin - 01-19-2017

I think the biggest takeaway is that there really is no "golden rule" and whatever works, works. Game is not exactly science, I mean a lot of the methods are based in biology and natural tendencies/gender dynamics but it's not black and white. Again I don't want to speak too soon because XXL here still hasn't actually gotten to meet up with this girl or score with her, but the premise is that short of doing something that may get you into legal trouble, anything is fair game. If it works it works and I can't knock that.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 01-19-2017

Confucius say: in basketball the play is just the framework to score but if the lane opens up take it to the rack and dunk it

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-19-2017

XXL I swear to god you better fuck this girl.


Player's Log / Lounge - Ringo - 01-19-2017

Matched with this cute girl from Tinder near my area 2 weeks ago.

I give her my number, she texts me, can't hang during that week.

On Tuesday we resume chatting and make plans for Saturday. She seems excited, replies fast. I tell her we'll go eat ice cream at a spot nearby.

Her: I've heard of that place! Seems fancy haha
Her: That's on X street, right?
Ringo: It's on X and Y street
Ringo: It's fancy alright, gotta dress in tuxedo and long gown
Ringo: But you still have a few days to find one
Her: Hahahah oooh
Her: I'm always ready, don't worry
Her: I just won't be wearing heels or I'll be too tall
Ringo: Oh yeah? How tall are you?
Her: 5'6'', you?
Ringo: Damn
Ringo: I'm 5'3'' [Image: sad.gif]
Ringo: Guess you'll have to kneel

Chick was responding within 10min, after I told her that she's been silent for like 30 hours [Image: lol.gif]

I was just messing around - I'm actually 6'.

Should I troll her more, say I was joking and try to get the date, or leave it alone?

I'm okay with not going out with her but am willing to troll her for the laughs.

Player's Log / Lounge - torridon747 - 01-19-2017

30 hours? Haha

Perfect to playfully comment on her being shallow.

Player's Log / Lounge - General Stalin - 01-19-2017

If girls ask my height I tell them I'm 4'11"

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-19-2017

^^^Same shit !! If they ask my job, I say stripper.

Best line ever is about liking midget strippers after those stats.

Player's Log / Lounge - CleanSlate - 01-19-2017

Been traveling across northeastern Thailand and I met this smoking hot Thai/Laotian chick who went to high school in the US, fluent in english, and runs a language school. It's refreshing to talk to a girl here fluently in my native language, instead of broken English interspersed with random Thai words.

But the downside is that she's a tad westernized, on top of her "I'm hot, and I know it" attitude -- plus she's possibly hiso from what she's told me and what I've seen on her facebook.

So our first date was all about busting each other's balls. A non-westernized asian chick would never behave like this and it was starting to really annoy me (though I didn't outwardly show it). I was "too nice" in the beginning, but soon after I started dishing it right back. I dug deep into my Western-style A troll game and it wasn't long before she got taken aback... to which I said, "if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it" with a smile. She got real quiet and said, "true."

Afterward, she was giggling like a little school girl and ended up taking her back to my hotel. Plus, her seeing many Thai girls on my facebook (and accusing me of banging them) helped more than it hurt. That was two nights ago, and we've been hanging out since with more banging.

I'm particularly proud that I pulled a girl of this caliber with actual game (solid 8 and I would rank her body even higher), but the western attitude was more than slightly off-putting. However, she has toned it down after the first bang and she's been showing me around this town I'm currently in.

Tomorrow I go back to BKK. I'm telling her whenever she comes down to BKK, hit me up and we'll party together.

Player's Log / Lounge - Travesty - 01-19-2017

^ Great work, great great work. That's what I'm talkin' bout.

Player's Log / Lounge - Vill@in - 01-20-2017

Do you guys find it's easier to bang a girl at her place or yours? I'm just not sure where her ASD would be stronger.

Context: I'm hoping to meet with this girl I met off OKC last week (solid 5, slight overbite). We have made tentative plans for next Tuesday, but just have to finalize the what/where. I'm going to just suggest a movie at her place or mine. Although maybe I will have better odds to close if I just invite her over to my place? It's worked in the past, but maybe my odds would increase if I went to hers instead? This will be our second meet up.

Player's Log / Lounge - asdfk - 01-20-2017

I have a confession to make. I fall for princesses... HARD. If a chick shows with her body she is used to being the princess and at the same time is very normal and caring towards me, it just sets me off. I have banged away happily for the last few years but all my game goes out the window.

I met a Chinese princess in Thailand and her body language fucks with my head. I get addicted hopelessly, so time to bust out the training and see if this will last.

Player's Log / Lounge - Dirty Harry - 01-20-2017

Quote: (01-20-2017 11:15 AM)graffix13 Wrote:  

Do you guys find it's easier to bang a girl at her place or yours? I'm just not sure where her ASD would be stronger.

Context: I'm hoping to meet with this girl I met off OKC last week (solid 5, slight overbite). We have made tentative plans for next Tuesday, but just have to finalize the what/where. I'm going to just suggest a movie at her place or mine. Although maybe I will have better odds to close if I just invite her over to my place? It's worked in the past, but maybe my odds would increase if I went to hers instead? This will be our second meet up.

At your place.

She's a 5, no need to waste time thinking about it or spending money on her.

Player's Log / Lounge - Sidney Crosby - 01-21-2017

Feel like I dodged a bullet here, girl missed her period or it's really late. Went to the clinic and it's negative. I guess it wouldn't have been that bad, she's a traditional, feminine latina med student.... but still, not ready it.

[Image: highfive.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 01-22-2017

Quote: (01-21-2017 11:32 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Feel like I dodged a bullet here, girl missed her period or it's really late. Went to the clinic and it's negative. I guess it wouldn't have been that bad, she's a traditional, feminine latina med student.... but still, not ready it.

[Image: highfive.gif]

The most fertile women known to man - be careful.

Player's Log / Lounge - torridon747 - 01-22-2017

Blew a couple chances this week.

2 were girls that answered an Cas ad on CL. Did some elder chat, built comfort, sexualized, send the netflix and chill invite... ghost.

1 was an OKC girl. Started out with some strong banter and borderline negging. She was down. Invited her to coffee aaand ghost.

1 was a girl I ran into that I used to work with. Grabbed her number and tried invite her over on the same day. I remember I used to treat this girl like shit and I had a lot of pull where we worked. Tried to get her over on some "come help me clean my house" shit. I don't know what I was thinking. Ghost.

Man I really fucked all these up huh? I figure I'm gonna be fucking 18-25 year olds for the next 10 years at least I really have to get better with them.

Player's Log / Lounge - Mufasa - 01-22-2017

Quote: (01-22-2017 10:18 PM)Eugenics Wrote:  

2 were girls that answered an Cas ad on CL. Did some elder chat, built comfort, sexualized, send the netflix and chill invite... ghost.

1 was an OKC girl. Started out with some strong banter and borderline negging. She was down. Invited her to coffee aaand ghost.

1 was a girl I ran into that I used to work with. Grabbed her number and tried invite her over on the same day. I remember I used to treat this girl like shit and I had a lot of pull where we worked. Tried to get her over on some "come help me clean my house" shit. I don't know what I was thinking. Ghost.

I figure I'm gonna be fucking 18-25 year olds for the next 10 years at least I really have to get better with them.

Yea anything that direct is better done face to face. Behind a screen you're just some thirsty dude that thinks she's easy...Even though she is. They don't want to feel like easy sluts so you really have to make a base level effort and you're in there like swimwear dawg
Invite her out to drinks close to your place.
Invite her to dinner--let her ask where and then you say I'm cooking and give a time & tell her to brink wine.

Theres some good shit on here about Zero date bangs. TBH you gotta just wheel and deal till you find what works.

I use:
Music and drinks dt
Cooking and wine
Baking a cake
Mini Golf and sneaking into a pool

Player's Log / Lounge - torridon747 - 01-22-2017

Thanks bro. I need to re-read that thread.

I don't drink so that makes things a little bit more difficult but not impossible. Pool jumping is a good one. Music + food is good too.

Player's Log / Lounge - churros - 01-23-2017

I just moved into a new apartment, and think I want to bang my female roommate. Please somebody tell me not to do this.

Player's Log / Lounge - FretDancer - 01-23-2017

Quote: (01-23-2017 10:28 PM)churros Wrote:  

I just moved into a new apartment, and think I want to bang my female roommate. Please somebody tell me not to do this.

You already screwed up by moving into an apartment with a female anyways.

Player's Log / Lounge - redbeard - 01-23-2017

Mufasa taking Birthday Cat Game to a whole notha level

[Image: b82c00f57961674d12f2cf47a9a1b819.jpg]