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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Lowkey - 09-02-2018

I would never marry anyone how doesn't share our blood. I can't and don't want to live with non-black women, They are only meant to get fucked, after sex i leave immediately, These western hoes don't deserve to get breed they are not deserving enough to be mothers. Unfortunately a big part of the African diaspora is going thru the same shit , both old and recent black populations.

Best thing is to move to Africa and get some real women. These women know how to threat a brother. African women tend to be very light-hearted and relatively drama free but it it depends on region ,religion,culture, ethnic group and several other reasons.

The majority of our people are chronic self-haters and take out their aggression against they're own kind and themselves. From slavery to modern day time the black slave-derived populations of america have been on one fucked up journey.

You have to realize you won't be accepted by these people and you will always be seen as inferior. You should flip it back on them, I behave like i'm better then them and let them know that i'm a man and should be treated like a man. I'm make them feel smaller and inferior i make them realize that i don't have any love for them.

That's when they begin to treat you right even when they don't want to. They get shocked and don't know how to react. I remember once that i told a classmate which was a girl, That i would die before i marry one of them, She was flabbber gasted and began to give me hefty play since that but i didn't budge on my stand. Just wanted to fuck up her head.

My final point is even if you live with them realize that your not one of them, You should be happy that god gave you the incredible gift of our dna, What they think is obsolete, You have to see yourself as superior, That's the only way to be able to not fall victim to Babylon either that or migrating back to Africa.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-02-2018


God I love this forum.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-02-2018

Lowkey, my motto is,

If they hate me, I despise them.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - kirdiesel - 09-02-2018

I'll just say this:

Each to their own.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - TheScientist - 09-02-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 02:21 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Analogy to aid Understanding

To take the analogy further, Chinese women and White women are like Walmart/Amazon. Tonnes of customers and would be international news if the business were to float on the market. Our women, our business, is a gas station in the middle of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ain't nobody gonna do their Christmas shopping there, trust me. You use it once and then you move on and that is exactly, exactly, what the other races do to black women and what those non-black women do to US.


I highlighted the important part.

I'm fine with that.

I have no interest in dating any girl. I'm trying to fuck 100%.

So how do I get some ONS with these indian girls?

I see them at the club, they come in with their big crew of other indian people and they seem to only interact with the people they came with.

Thinking about it now, I cannot even remember the last time I saw an indian girl with a white guy.

Are there parents raising them to reject all ethnicities but their own?

Btw, I'm in a mid size city in north america.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-02-2018

1) Don’t be hood.
2) Don’t mix with her people.
3)Be something of a romantic type of vampire type shit. I watched Buffy back in the day. Be like Angel. She knows you’re bad and that her friends will hate you but she sees the good in you in spite of
4) keep hair short and stay away from dreads or any extreme hairstyles

Even then, low return on investment. Conservative cultures usually put a premium on virginity so trying to smash and dash wont work well.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Mentavious - 09-02-2018

I’m the last person to get all preachy and shit but do whatever makes you happy. Your life will begin to shorten when you you start listening to other dudes on how you should live your life. I don’t limit myself in money making opportunities and I’m damn sure not about to do the same with marriage prospects.

Personally, I can tell ya’ll that I have almost but all sworn off African American women because they give me no love. On the opposite end of the spectrum are African, Afrolatina, and Caribbean women who love me to death. If I do marry a black woman then it will be from one of those groups.

I find Indian girls in Europe and Australia are much easier to slay than N.A. girls. It’s something about living here in America that turns girls against dating black men. I wonder what that is ? ?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - floridaboiii - 09-03-2018

How do other brothers respond to you saying what's up to them when you see them in other parts of the world?

I wanted to talk to a French black dude who I've heard has been talking about me... (dudes been talking about how i get around) about his experience. Maybe even go party since he's popular too. I tried to follow the guy on IG and dude blocked me lol. What's his problem?

When I was in Mexico pretty much every black dude I saw dapped me up out at tourist areas and in the club.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Lowkey - 09-03-2018

Some brothers are just plain bitches. Some see you as a threat to their perceived social ranking. In those type of guys eyes their are only one token black guy allowed in their social circle, And they will fight to be the one maybe even kill

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Fortis - 09-03-2018

Most Black dudes I meet in Asia are pretty cool. Africans can vary but usually, Black Americans are eager to exchange contacts and see if we have any commonalities or can help each other out.

Can't tell you how many times I've been on a date and wow'd the girl because I saw a Black American bro and was chatting with him for a few minutes. Makes me look like I'm really popular or well connected.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - droughtmeat - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:13 AM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Some brothers are just plain bitches. Some see you as a threat to their perceived social ranking. In those type of guys eyes their are only one token black guy allowed in their social circle, And they will fight to be the one maybe even kill

Any examples of this? Basically saying that a fully integrated black dude living in a place like Europe with only white friends will kill you just to protect his social status? I'm not buying it.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - azulsombra - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 08:56 AM)droughtmeat Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:13 AM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Some brothers are just plain bitches. Some see you as a threat to their perceived social ranking. In those type of guys eyes their are only one token black guy allowed in their social circle, And they will fight to be the one maybe even kill

Any examples of this? Basically saying that a fully integrated black dude living in a place like Europe with only white friends will kill you just to protect his social status? I'm not buying it.

He never said fully integrated places and he never said Europe.
I think the "killing" part is a bit of an exaggeration but when you see the actions of emotionally insecure dudes in the inner cities who kill over trivial matters, I can see the possibility.

The token Black guy phenomenon isn't limited to overseas locations, it can happen in some areas of North America too in certain social circles. I've experienced brothas feeling threatened and hating hard when a "new negro" shows up to the scene. Thankfully these experiences have been the exception and not the rule.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 09-03-2018

Hey guys,

I want to ask a question about situations that have been troubling me recently. I have found myself going to house parties/gatherings/etc. quite a bit in recent times where I do not know a single person except the 1 friend who invited me. The difficulty is that I'm usually the only Black Man in those gatherings. I'm trying my hardest to build rapport with the men and women there, but the conversations never surpass a superficial level. How do you guys gain rapport in those situations?

I find that some are intimidated by me, a Tall Black Man. I want to show my friendliness but others typically keep a distance.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-03-2018

Why are you going to those events if you have to change/force yourself to gain their acceptance?

Is it work or business related?


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:46 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Why are you going to those events if you have to change/force yourself to gain their acceptance?

Is it work or business related?


Most of the time its friends. A good friend of mine (Non-Black) invites me to their house party or they take me with them to one of their friends house.

I do find myself in those situations at work settings too where I am the only Black person in a meeting. I speak up and offer good suggestions but I get reactions like "yeah", "ok", or a quick eye turn in another direction.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Moma - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:37 AM)Iso Wrote:  

Hey guys,

I want to ask a question about situations that have been troubling me recently. I have found myself going to house parties/gatherings/etc. quite a bit in recent times where I do not know a single person except the 1 friend who invited me. The difficulty is that I'm usually the only Black Man in those gatherings. I'm trying my hardest to build rapport with the men and women there, but the conversations never surpass a superficial level. How do you guys gain rapport in those situations?

I find that some are intimidated by me, a Tall Black Man. I want to show my friendliness but others typically keep a distance.

Can you give some more detail? What sort of people, socio-economic background, demographics, what sort of conversations do you start?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Lowkey - 09-03-2018

Unfortunately this is something we will have to live with. Their is nothing we can do.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Iso - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:51 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:37 AM)Iso Wrote:  

Hey guys,

I want to ask a question about situations that have been troubling me recently. I have found myself going to house parties/gatherings/etc. quite a bit in recent times where I do not know a single person except the 1 friend who invited me. The difficulty is that I'm usually the only Black Man in those gatherings. I'm trying my hardest to build rapport with the men and women there, but the conversations never surpass a superficial level. How do you guys gain rapport in those situations?

I find that some are intimidated by me, a Tall Black Man. I want to show my friendliness but others typically keep a distance.

Can you give some more detail? What sort of people, socio-economic background, demographics, what sort of conversations do you start?

I'll give an example of a situation I was in which is the common scenario I find myself in.

Last month, I was hanging out with a White friend of mine. He gets an invite to his friends apartment. He takes me with him.

10 people in the apartment. 5 men and 5 women. Most of the people knew each other from College. In their 20's. Mostly white, some Hispanic, 1 Asian. No black. I am usually similar in non-racial background like College education, employment, financially, etc.

I asked the host about his apartment location. I told him that I used to work in the area. I ask the usual questions like How do they know each other, what school did they go to, where do they work, where did they grow up, etc. The normal get to know you questions. I ask a lot questions and follow up questions which comes off as interrogative because they aren't asking questions about my life.

I am contemplating bringing up common scenarios in my life that others can relate with like the classic PUA opinion opener. Something that will engage the audience and get them to open up.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:49 AM)Iso Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 10:46 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Why are you going to those events if you have to change/force yourself to gain their acceptance?

Is it work or business related?


Most of the time its friends. A good friend of mine (Non-Black) invites me to their house party or they take me with them to one of their friends house.

I do find myself in those situations at work settings too where I am the only Black person in a meeting. I speak up and offer good suggestions but I get reactions like "yeah", "ok", or a quick eye turn in another direction.

Yeah, as a black guy, corporate america/ london ain't for us. Just shut the fuck up. Make no waves, and know your place.

Use that income to get your own thing popping one day.

They think we're dumb and have no leadership capabilities. It is what it is


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - rudebwoy - 09-03-2018

Quote: (08-27-2018 08:31 AM)Black Caesar Wrote:  

A couple observations from my Euro fun over the last few weeks.

Are all the black guys boo’d up with fly YT French girls?

Kinda. Not in a bad way though. They are with some fly ones for sure.

And the sisters here? Also with French guys.

Saw hardly any black couples at all except for the one venue I know here that is pretty much only Black folk.

I think that’s pretty typical of France though.

I’ve been running my usual stuff I do here and as always it’s super heavy on social circle. When you’re out in Paris it’s almost always groups on groups on groups.

Of course if you know how to get an In then you’ll realize that these are loosely affiliated mixes at best and really you just need some excuse to get her away from the group or for the group to keep you around.

As a Foreigner it’s easy cause you’re a novelty and who doesn’t want to party a bit with an American who is chill and can chop it in French. The issue is avoid the judgements, but once she’s alone with you it’s on.

If I was catching all the mid range girls being thrown at me I would have no time to enjoy the city.

One last thing... the mixed curly haired chicks here. Insufferable. They worse than their LA sistas with the same look which is something I thought would be hard to beat. Eventually I cracked one a bit and she was basically like “I have to either act dumb or like a huge bitch cause otherwise I will have guys trying to talk to me all night. It’s easier to just turn down everything than deal with that”

I just spent two nights in Paris, I am going back next year.

The city is incredible, your post is spot on.

Mixed curly haired chicks are beautiful.

There is a lot of love there for black American dudes.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - Contagion - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 07:14 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  


Hey Lowkey, welcome to the forum. Where are you from, somewhere in Europe or the US? I'm assuming you're black, yes?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - jselysianeagle - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 09:24 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

I find Indian girls in Europe and Australia are much easier to slay than N.A. girls. It’s something about living here in America that turns girls against dating black men. I wonder what that is ? ?

My observation: ethnic women in NA typically want either their own men or white guys when dating out. Very few seem to be open to other ethnic dudes - but guys I've seen succeed typically did it through social circle.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - thedarkknight - 09-03-2018

No duh. Same in UK.
White is right


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - PapayaTapper - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:13 AM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Some brothers are just plain bitches. Some see you as a threat to their perceived social ranking. In those type of guys eyes their are only one token black guy allowed in their social circle, And they will fight to be the one maybe even kill

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options - ShotgunUppercuts - 09-03-2018

With that said I wouldn’t put too much thought about getting into those types of circles.if it happens it happens but I wouldn’t play myself or front to try to be liked in those situations.