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TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Sp5 - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 12:41 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2019 07:32 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Some people really do think airport security searches of any kind are outrageous and unconstitutional, or that they should be exempt because they're white/old/ young/veteran/rich.

Generally speaking, they should be to a large extent.

I don't see many western born and raised old/young white people trying to blow up airports, crash trucks into people, and hijack planes and smash them into buildings in the name of a particular religion. Profiling is a perfectly legitimate security practice but the US is so cucked and politically correct, TONS of virtually zero risk folks get the 3rd degree from TSA all the time. It's not effective and it's a waste of limited time and resources.

It's one of those mysteries, why Islamist terrorists are so obsessed with airports and airplanes.

It's like a tradition they can't leave behind. They had their one big hit on 9/11, a simple operation that exploited a vulnerability which is no longer there, open cockpit doors. They have adjusted with new tactics like running people over with trucks in Europe.
So far, with three, possibly four exceptions over the last 17 years, they haven't taken advantage of the major vulnerability in the USA: the easy availability of semi-automatic weapons. Major Nidal (more of an incel killer imo), San Bernadino, Orlando, and possibly the Beltway sniper (not really Islamist, not practicing, just an angry failure).
Of the four, the Beltway sniper was the most effective terrorist operation. Those two really terrorized the DC area for weeks.

The lack of exploitation of this vulnerability indicates there aren't many Muslims in the USA inclined to terrorism, otherwise there would be snipers all the time.

In the USA, you can't really tell who is "zero risk." In the exchange TailGunner and I had, I looked up the number of mass shootings by formerly-normie white guys. There have been a lot.

There's always the chance that the 50 year old guy stymied in his job with a nagging wife or already cleaned out in a divorce is going to "go postal." Or a BPD woman for that matter. If you didn't have strict screening, those guys could take their gun up to 35,000 feet and start shooting, or bring a pipe bomb.

You can say the screenings aren't that effective based on 20/20 hindsight from controlled testing, but would you chance trying to take a gun or a bomb?
You wouldn't know if this is the time they would catch you. It's a deterrent for madmen, not a perfect solution.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Dr Mantis Toboggan - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 10:08 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 12:41 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2019 07:32 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Some people really do think airport security searches of any kind are outrageous and unconstitutional, or that they should be exempt because they're white/old/ young/veteran/rich.

Generally speaking, they should be to a large extent.

I don't see many western born and raised old/young white people trying to blow up airports, crash trucks into people, and hijack planes and smash them into buildings in the name of a particular religion. Profiling is a perfectly legitimate security practice but the US is so cucked and politically correct, TONS of virtually zero risk folks get the 3rd degree from TSA all the time. It's not effective and it's a waste of limited time and resources.

It's one of those mysteries, why Islamist terrorists are so obsessed with airports and airplanes.

It's like a tradition they can't leave behind. They had their one big hit on 9/11, a simple operation that exploited a vulnerability which is no longer there, open cockpit doors. They have adjusted with new tactics like running people over with trucks in Europe.
So far, with three, possibly four exceptions over the last 17 years, they haven't taken advantage of the major vulnerability in the USA: the easy availability of semi-automatic weapons. Major Nidal (more of an incel killer imo), San Bernadino, Orlando, and possibly the Beltway sniper (not really Islamist, not practicing, just an angry failure).

The lack of exploitation of this vulnerability indicates there aren't many Muslims in the USA inclined to terrorism, otherwise there would be snipers all the time.

In the USA, you can't really tell who is "zero risk." In the exchange TailGunner and I had, I looked up the number of mass shootings by formerly-normie white guys. There have been a lot.

There's always the chance that the 50 year old guy stymied in his job with a nagging wife or already cleaned out in a divorce is going to "go postal." Or a BPD woman for that matter. If you didn't have strict screening, those guys could take their gun up to 35,000 feet and start shooting, or bring a pipe bomb.

You can say the screenings aren't that effective based on 20/20 hindsight from controlled testing, but would you chance trying to take a gun or a bomb?
You wouldn't know if this is the time they would catch you. It's a deterrent for madmen, not a perfect solution.

There are exceptions of course--in particular the growing Somali community in Minnesota and elsewhere is showing some troubling trends--but in general and for a variety of reasons, the Muslim community in the US is far better assimilated than in Europe.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - saner - 04-22-2019

Good luck suing any government employee these days. Vast expense for slim to none chance of success.

BTW, the TSA appears to be nothing but security theater and conditioning for the idiot masses. Their 'success' rate of ~5% kind of proves it.

Pointless too. Now you have a few thousand people corralled in an unsecured space waiting in line to get to the 'safe' place. One suicide vest or explosive packed suitcase crazy in line could kill as many or more than taking out a plane. Actually surprised it has not happened yet, also leading me to think the threat is intentionally overstated. Keep 'em scared to keep 'em in line. Very old practice.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Easy_C - 04-22-2019

If all of those points are true then why do we have PreCheck which clears you just with an automated criminal background check and let’s you skip everything except the scanner and metal detectors?

Even these guys know that:

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - 911 - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 10:08 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

It's one of those mysteries, why Islamist terrorists are so obsessed with airports and airplanes.

It's like a tradition they can't leave behind. They had their one big hit on 9/11, a simple operation that exploited a vulnerability which is no longer there, open cockpit doors. They have adjusted with new tactics like running people over with trucks in Europe.
So far, with three, possibly four exceptions over the last 17 years, they haven't taken advantage of the major vulnerability in the USA: the easy availability of semi-automatic weapons. Major Nidal (more of an incel killer imo), San Bernadino, Orlando, and possibly the Beltway sniper (not really Islamist, not practicing, just an angry failure).
Of the four, the Beltway sniper was the most effective terrorist operation. Those two really terrorized the DC area for weeks.

The lack of exploitation of this vulnerability indicates there aren't many Muslims in the USA inclined to terrorism, otherwise there would be snipers all the time.

In the USA, you can't really tell who is "zero risk." In the exchange TailGunner and I had, I looked up the number of mass shootings by formerly-normie white guys. There have been a lot.

There's always the chance that the 50 year old guy stymied in his job with a nagging wife or already cleaned out in a divorce is going to "go postal." Or a BPD woman for that matter. If you didn't have strict screening, those guys could take their gun up to 35,000 feet and start shooting, or bring a pipe bomb.

You can say the screenings aren't that effective based on 20/20 hindsight from controlled testing, but would you chance trying to take a gun or a bomb?
You wouldn't know if this is the time they would catch you. It's a deterrent for madmen, not a perfect solution.

The reasons why terrorism is so focused on plane travel is first because the general public has an irrational fear of flying, which magnifies the terror of having a plane crash, that's why it's become part of the mythology.

Second, it's a means to control people in the most direct way. You need to travel by air in the US for work, go on vacation, or to visit family at xmas or thanksgiving, given the distances. Think about it, it's just about the only instance where government subjects its law-abiding citizens to a hands on, intensive physical control and interrogation. So it's a unique and powerful means of direct government control on law-abiding citizens.

Most high-level islamist terror is of the deep state variety, designed by people who are very well aware of the above factors. The jihadis who do get involved, like the shoe bomber, are nearly always dumb and unstable people who were directed or manipulated into acting. And when the terrorists are white, they usually are patsies, like Paddock or Timothy McVeigh:

Wide-scale terror in the west started out in western Europe in the 1970s-80s with Operation Gladio, where the US/NATO deep state bombed public places like the Bologna train station in Italy, killing 85 people in that bombing alone.

[Image: terrorisme-600x307.jpg]

At the time the Bologna false flag bombing (one of many events across W. Europe in that period) was blamed on red terror, which were later on exposed as direct and indirect NATO intelligence assets by Italian courts.

NATO was led by Lyman Lemnitzer, who is on public record for having put together the Operation Northwoods proposal as the joint chief of staff in the Kennedy administration, a false flag plan involving intelligence assets hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, islamic terror emerged and replaced red terror in the west, and two decades later you have nut-kicking psychos harassing citizens at airports, with most citizens clamoring for that kind of oppressive control out of their irrational, manufactured fear of air travel terrorism.

In the last few years, we've seen the emergence of "white" terror (Paddock, Quebec and NZ shootings) because the center-left has now become the new establishment, with politicians like Blair, Clinton, Trudeau, Macron et al leading feminized urban populations.

This kind of terror is useful now because left-leaning urban citizens are less ideologically inclined to the clash of civilizations narrative, and because with white terror, nearly everybody is now a potential terrorist and thus subject to tight state control.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Sp5 - 04-22-2019

Yeah you want to believe there are all these Illuminati puppet masters controlling everything.
I've been inside the "deep state," including NATO subordinate command staffs.
A lot if not most of those people can't find their ass with both hands, let alone be sly controllers.
All of your "Operation Gladio" theories are based upon Cold War Soviet propaganda.
In reality, Gladio was a contingency plan for a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, to create resistance cells.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - 911 - 04-22-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 01:23 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Yeah you want to believe there are all these Illuminati puppet masters controlling everything.
I've been inside the "deep state," including NATO subordinate command staffs.
A lot if not most of those people can't find their ass with both hands, let alone be sly controllers.
All of your "Operation Gladio" theories are based upon Cold War Soviet propaganda.
In reality, Gladio was a contingency plan for a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, to create resistance cells.

Stay-behind cells against Soviet invasion was the cover for that operation.

Gladio is easy to prove because it happened at a time when the MSM and court systems weren't totally controlled, as they are today. There was some level of independence between state police and the deep state planners and operatives that carried those terror attacks in a broader "Strategy of Tension" operation.

My position is supported by the official findings of the Italian government and court system, and on the testimonies of Gladio operatives caught in the act like Vincenzo Vinciguerra, who stated, in a sworn testimony:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

Your position on the other hand is largely based on cognitive dissonance, the notion that higher ups in an organization parallel to one where you had some mid-level working familiarity couldn't possibly be evil or smart enough to have carried state-sponsored terror in the West. Your faith in this is so strong as to dismiss any evidence to the contrary as Soviet propaganda or "illuminati" "conspiracies".

This notion that it couldn't possibly be true has been thoroughly demolished by the actual findings of European courts, of respected media outlets and of academics like Daniele Ganser.

From a previous post I've made on this board:

Here is a BBC documentary from 1992 exposing Gladio false flag terror, back when their professional journalistic standards were much higher, and when they managed to do some real incestigative journalism. Such a doc out of BBC or PBS would be totally inconceivable today:

This state-sponsored false flag terror campaign actually happened all over western Europe, in Belgium (supermarket bombings/shootings with dozens of victims), Germany and Italy, as well as in France in the 90s. Or more recently, in Nice and Munich (where the same Mossad agent happened to be at both events in a perfect position to capture them on camera...)

Deep state false flag terror has been documented, and established in an Italian court case and by academic research like that of Swiss prof. Daniele Ganser, Sr. Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich:

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Sp5 - 04-22-2019

Yeah Ganser based his book on a US Army Field Manual which turned out to be a Soviet disinformation forgery

Vinciguerra was a convicted murderer of two Carabinieri sentenced to life in prison, wouldn't the the last time a lifer told tall tales to get some attention.

No credible evidence about a worldwide or NATO conspiracy.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - 911 - 04-22-2019

Perhaps you also believe that the Italian judge, and the president of Italy, who were among those who have also concluded that Gladio was a deep state false flag terror operation were also spinning "tall tales to get some attention"?

I've just shown that NATO was run in the 1960s by Lyman Lemnitzer, a man who is on the public record as having planned and pushed Operation Northwoods, an elaborate intelligence false flag conspiracy to bomb US cities and hijack/crash passenger jets while he was Kennedy's Joint Chief of Staff:


Operation Northwoods was a proposed, and almost implemented, false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The plans detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] The proposals were rejected by John F. Kennedy.

Is that not credible enough for you, or perhaps you believe this is all Soviet propaganda?

For the rest of you - if you haven't watched any of the videos above, I would recommend giving this one a shot, a brand new video from Corbett that looks back at the Oklahoma City false flag bombing:

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - 911 - 04-22-2019

Here is a pretty good, fairly thorough, short summary about the Gladio false flag terror wave of the 1970s-80s across western Europe, well supported by official documents and facts:

Operation Gladio is a NATO-backed paramilitary network established after WW2, originally inspired by fear of the USSR. It was also called the "Stay behind network", since if the Red Army invaded Europe, its members would 'stay behind' enemy lines and disrupt Soviet control. Officially non-existant, secrecy was such that these networks were hard for NATO/MI6/Deep state officials to control. Gladio was responsible for bombings, kidnappings and assassinations to such an extent that the network was publicly exposed in Italy in the 1980s and was the subject of a BBC documentary by Alan Francovich some years later.[1] The project was adapted in the mid 1990s as "Gladio B", using "Moslem terrorists" as a substitute enemy image for communists.

Operation Gladio first came to light in Italy in 1990, after over 40 years of clandestine operations. Members of the project revealed that similar projects existed in most if not all countries of Western Europe.[2] These stay-behind networks were, in essence, super secret armies in at least 14 European countries, which were kept secret from the official governmental structures of the host countries – being controlled by other forces such as the CIA and MI6. They remained mostly dormant but were also involved in anti-communist activities including anti-democratic agitation and false flag "terrorism".

The name Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian) was technically the name given to their operations in Italy, but has since come by extension to stand for the phenomenon as a whole. Evidence of such arrangements, which had been kept secret from both public and politicians democratically elected governments in the host countries for a quarter of a century was revealed through a series of scandalous revelations in Italy and other NATO countries during the 90s, and meticulously documented by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser in his 2004 book NATO’s Secret Armies,[3] arguably the most shocking book ever to be ignored by the corporate media.

The evidence contained in Ganser’s book, of terrorism directed against the people by secret armies funded and organised by NATO and answerable to deep state elements within NATO, MI6 and the CIA rather than the respective governments is so shocking that the initial reaction of most people would be to reject it. And yet the claims have been substantiated by juridical inquiries in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium and have been debated (and condemned) in the European Parliament.


In 1984 an Italian judge Felice Casson reopened the case of a car bomb in Peteano in 1972 and uncovered a series of anomalies in the original investigation. General Mingarelli, head of the head of the caribinieri in the Udine region, was later found guilty of diverting this investigation and sentenced to 10 years (later reduced to 2½ years).[4]

Following the discovery of an arms cache near Trieste in 1972 containing C4 explosives identical to that used in the Peteano attack, Casson's investigation revealed that although originally blamed on the communist Red Brigades, the bombing in Peteano was the work of the military secret service Servizio Informazioni Difesa in conjunction with Ordine Nuovo.

Judge Casson’s investigation also revealed that the 1972 Peteano bombing was the continuation of a series of bombings begun at Christmas 1969, the most well-known of which, on the Piazza Fontane in Milan, killed 16 and injured 80. The bombing campaign culminated on 2 August 1980 with a massive bomb in the waiting room of Bologna railway station which killed 85 and injured 200.

The Strategy of Tension

During his trial, Vincenzo Vinciguerra revealed that, in addition to discrediting left wing political groups, there had been a second aim behind the bombings - to inculcate a climate of fear among the general populace. This was known as the 'strategy of tension' which was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to appeal to the state for protection. As Vincenzo Vinciguerra summarized during his trial:

‘You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.’

In Francovich's documentary on Gladio, he described the aim as to ‘destabilise in order to stabilise’… ‘To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.’

In 1990 Judge Casson was given permission by prime minister Giulio Andreotti to search the archives of the Italian military secret service Servizio informazioni sicurezza Militare (SISMI) where he found proof of the existence of the Gladio network, and links to NATO and the United States. Following this, on 3 August 1990 prime minister Andreotti confirmed to parliament the existence of the Gladio networks but claimed they had ceased operating in 1972. This was subsequently revealed to be false by the Italian press. Andreotti then admitted the existence of the Gladio networks and their connection to NATO.

The secret Gladio army, as Andreotti revealed, was well armed. The equipment provided by the CIA was buried in 139 hiding spots across the country in forests, meadows and even under churches and cemeteries. According to the explanations of Andreotti the Gladio caches included 'portable arms, ammunition, explosives, hand grenades, knives and daggers, 60 mm mortars, several 57 mm recoilless rifles, sniper rifles, radio transmitters, binoculars and various tools'. Andreotti's sensational testimony did not only lead to an outcry concerning the corruption of the government and the CIA among the press and the population, but also to a hunt for the secret arms caches. Padre Giuciano recalls the day when the press came to search for the hidden Gladio secrets in his church with ambiguous feelings: 'I was forewarned in the afternoon when two journalists from "Il Gazzettino" asked me if I knew anything about arms deposits here at the church. They started to dig right here and found two boxes right away. Then the text also said a thirty centimetres from the window. So they came over here and dug down. One box was kept aside by them because it contained a phosphorous bomb. They sent the Carabinieri outside whilst two experts opened this box, another had two machine guns in it. All the guns were new, in perfect shape. They had never been used.'

(DG p. 12)

But he denied the claim of Vinceguerra that the Gladio armies had been involved in the domestic terrorism the country had witnessed. Despite that, a parliamentary commission in 2000 investigating Gladio explicitly rejected his denial and concluded to the contrary:

‘Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.’

(DG p.14)

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - felix_vagabondo - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-22-2019 10:46 AM)saner Wrote:  

Keep 'em scared to keep 'em in line. Very old practice.

Remember The Maine. The Bay of Tonkin. 9/11. The WMD that they never found in Iraq.

I am not sure that these were literal false flag operations or intentional fabrications.

But the government used these purported incidents as a pretext for going to war.

The people will support a war if the threat seems real enough.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - RIslander - 04-23-2019

The TSA puts on what I call "Security Theatre". By confiscating liquids and making the process annoying and tedious they give the illusion of safety. Government agents, usually from the ATF or FBI, run clandestine operations where they pose as passengers and attempt to sneak firearms and other weapons through TSA checkpoints to evaluate their performance.

These records are generally not released to the public but I know for a fact they are almost always successful for the undercover agents. TSA agents aren't looking for guns. Most go their entire career without seeing one. They're looking for shampoo bottles and toothpaste. One specific case that happened recently was an undercover agent with a gun and liquid bottle in his bag. They searched his bag and took the liquid and didn't notice the gun.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Aurini - 04-23-2019

The TSA has never stopped a single terrorist. They've never pre-emptively banned anything that's actually dangerous. All they do is react. Somebody brought on liquid explosives? Ban aftershave.

It literally accomplishes nothing aside from saying "See? We're doing something!" Fact is, you can't stop a determined terrorist anymore than you can stop violent crime by banning guns. But people want security, even if it's nothing more than an illusion.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Tail Gunner - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 05:33 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

But people want security, even if it's nothing more than an illusion.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Dr. Howard - 04-23-2019

Conspiracy theory time:

If the TSA has some sort of legal immunity against violent acts committed against travelers, US citizens etc.


They are staffed in large cities by thugs and low lifes


The government has a desire to expand the presence of the TSA to trains, and travel, and public spaces and events


If you just swap the blue colored shirts for brown ones.

Is the TSA security force really just an incubator for American style SA enforcers when needed? If a bunch of low IQ thugs were given blue shirts, black ties and legal immunity to roam the streets, buses and subways to stop 'thought crime terrorists' with indiscriminate beatings would we call that implausible?

It feels like it would only be 2-3 bad elections away and you'd want to stay out of the cities for fear of crossing a gang of Transgender TSA Gestapo on patrol looking to lay an aggressive tasing on anyone who misgenders them during a random stop and search.

They wouldn't be police, they wouldn't be military so they would operate under their own TSA/anti terrorism rules

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Tail Gunner - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 07:07 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Is the TSA security force really just an incubator for American style SA enforcers when needed? If a bunch of low IQ thugs were given blue shirts, black ties and legal immunity to roam the streets, buses and subways to stop 'thought crime terrorists' with indiscriminate beatings would we call that implausible?

Alright, I think that you jumped the shark here. The Nazi Brownshirts (or Storm Troopers) were part of a private paramilitary organization controlled by a single political party.

For your conspiracy theory to have any credence at all, the vast majority of these TSA agents would need to belong to just one political party . . . .

Never mind.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Dr. Howard - 04-23-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 07:19 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2019 07:07 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Is the TSA security force really just an incubator for American style SA enforcers when needed? If a bunch of low IQ thugs were given blue shirts, black ties and legal immunity to roam the streets, buses and subways to stop 'thought crime terrorists' with indiscriminate beatings would we call that implausible?

Alright, I think that you jumped the shark here. The Nazi Brownshirts (or Storm Troopers) were part of a private paramilitary organization controlled by a single political party.

For your conspiracy theory to have any credence at all, the vast majority of these TSA agents would need to belong to just one political party . . . .

Never mind.

You are correct, the democratic brownshirts already exist and are Antifa. They would just all need to get jobs under an AOC like federal employment plan and then be TSA blue shirts.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Leonard D Neubache - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-23-2019 05:52 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2019 05:33 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

But people want security, even if it's nothing more than an illusion.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin

"Okay. You let muslims into the country so honestly, you're fucked either way." -Ghost of Benjamin Franklin

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Easy_C - 04-24-2019

You mean ben Franklin the guy who suddenly became distinguished for no apparent reason after coming into contact with a secret society called the Hellfire club and had children’s skeletons in his basement?

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - SamuelBRoberts - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 06:26 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

You mean ben Franklin the guy who suddenly became distinguished for no apparent reason after coming into contact with a secret society called the Hellfire club and had children’s skeletons in his basement?

No, the other Ben Franklin.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Jetset - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 06:26 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

a secret society called the Hellfire club

Never heard this one before. Had to Google.

I, too, aspire to be memorialized as a "high society rake" one day.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - saner - 04-24-2019

Fourth amendment? Land of the free?

A DUI police van equipped with a special chair and table for blood testing pulled up. The man refused to submit to a blood draw. So Layden grabbed his laptop and filled out an electronic warrant, or e-warrant, which was transmitted directly to a judge.

Within 10 minutes, Layden had a search warrant. Another officer drew the man’s blood. A lab report later confirmed he had active THC and a sedative in his blood.


Not even health professionals, just some cop asshole in a roadside van. Want to bet that they are immune to prosecution even if they harm you?

I keep asking folks where they would draw their line in the sand. They keep moving their line.

Expect cavity searches for boarding a plane soon. And the herd will accept that too.
I was called crazy when I said forced blood draws were coming soon a decade ago.

TSA Agent Intentionally Strikes Captain In Groin -- With Full Immunity From Lawsuits - Tail Gunner - 04-24-2019

Quote: (04-24-2019 06:33 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2019 06:26 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

You mean ben Franklin the guy who suddenly became distinguished for no apparent reason after coming into contact with a secret society called the Hellfire club and had children’s skeletons in his basement?

No, the other Ben Franklin.

Yes, the one who lived with William Hewson, a young medical student who was a close friend of Franklin’s and ran an illegal anatomy lab because the dissection of cadavers was illegal at that time. Nothing to do with children.

Nothing like besmirching a great man's name without any evidence.