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Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Rorogue - 03-15-2019


By my 3 rep points as much as my post [Image: biggrin.gif]

And no such thread exists. Your information is false.

Quote: (03-15-2019 05:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 05:14 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 04:51 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

We "wypipo" are not interested in having 8 kids we can't afford to feed like the fucking savages of the world. We don't need more white people. We need less of everyone else.

I honestly can't believe what I've read. Can't believe a guy with so many rep points on this forum could be this unwoke.

"Booohooo we don't want to go through the struggles that our ancestors went through in building the civilizations that we inherited, like having big families and feeding them....We just want these big bad brown people to disappear"

Your statement sound like that of an adolescent

If you just want to bliss out and defy nature (survival and replication), do you really believe you deserve anything? Of course others will come and take your furniture. It has happened to many different people over thousands of years.

What is the traditional means for one group of people deal with another group of people who want to "come and take their furniture"?

Outbreeding them?

Piss off you race-trolling loser. Guys like you absolutely love incidents like this. It gives you a chance to post passive aggressive race-trolling bullshit. Take your measly 3 rep and fuck off back to your threads about being a 30 year old virgin, "mighty brown invader" of the West.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Rorogue - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 05:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  


...If you just want to bliss out and defy nature (survival and replication), do you really believe you deserve anything? Of course others will come and take your furniture. It has happened to many different people over thousands of years.

This is the kind of arrogant attitude that pushed these shooters to do what they did. If you get the sense that in your greatness you're replacing lesser Australians then I strongly suggest you don't give up that dual citizenship any time soon.

If 'arrogance' can push someone to shoot up a Mosque, that's, as Dave Chappelle says, a fragile spirit.

I feel like Tom Cruse in 'A Few Good Men'. I'm slowly pushing you (without intention) to say you support what the shooter did.

Every post of yours in this thread gets closer to doing so

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - UnW - 03-15-2019

Sad day for NZ. As an Australian I felt a bit shocked seeing this happens so nearby.

49 confirmed dead. With another 20 seriously injured. This guy planned this for a long time. I saw the live stream recording. Pretty disturbing.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 05:18 AM)Korrupt Wrote:  

I got about 7 posts down the thread and thought "I don't see anyone expressing any sympathy" - took till page 3 for 1 post like this. Absolute disgraceful posters.

First of all, you haven't expressed your sympathy either.
All you did in your post was complaining about others here.

And I don't see a point of doing that unless there was some member that had some kind of relation to the victims or such. It seems strange otherwise.
The kind of people who change their Facebook profile into a certain flag and all this kind of bullshit are typically just trying to virtue signal "LOOK AT ME IAM VIRTUOUS" because they're so obsessed with social status and feel good about themselves.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Ouroboros - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 04:39 AM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

HThey bomb churches all over the world, ethnically cleanse Christian areas in the middle East and Africa, but it's "disgusting" when they finally get a taste of their own medicine?

They had it coming not losing sleep over this.

What an idiotic thing to say.

Reminds me of those feminists who dismiss any current misfortunes afflicting men because of past injustices of the patriarchy, as they see it, or those who think the victims of any terrorist attack in the West 'had it coming' because of Western foreign policy in the Middle East or colonialism.

Collective guilt/punishment is absurd. And by that collectivist logic it's almost certain that you too deserve to be killed, since no group is innocent of historical wrongdoings, and yours is probably no exception.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

Virtue signalling about the logic or the morals of "collective guilt" does not change the reality of it.

Whites all over the world have been pushed white guilt and most have swallowed it without much of a thought about the "logic" or "morals" of it. Whining about something does not change it's actuality.

So you either live with it or you don't. Individualism dies at the gates here. This is war. War is not beautiful, moral and there are no platitudes that can justify it. MANKIND UNLEASHED!

Obviously, the people killed today are not at fault and are mostly victims. The true traitors will probably never be harmed.

But we either virtue signal and ... we die the worst of deaths. Or there has to be a reaction, and the reaction to peoples that know only violence has to inevitably be MORE VICIOUS.

It's ugly. I don't like it. But it's the goddamn world and it was here before all of us.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Horus - 03-15-2019

Pwediepie? Candace Owens? Strange.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

Well, Aussie shitposting.

I mean, the lad mentioned that SPYRO!!!! (For those who don't know, a platform/action game with a purple dragon) taught him ethnonationalism and even brought up Fortnite...

Obviously not supposed to make sense.

Quote: (03-15-2019 06:32 AM)Horus Wrote:  

Pwediepie? Candace Owens? Strange.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sp5 - 03-15-2019

Guys like these shooter(s) are mirror images of the random Muslim terrorists.

Both types accumulate grievances. They selectively compile historical events and contemporary incidents and ignore counterexamples.

Both see invasion and encroachment everywhere. They can cite trespasses against them, but not against the other.

Both lack perspective. They can't understand that all kinds of bad shit is going to happen in a world of almost 8 billion. A few incidents in a big world do not create collective responsibility.

Both project their personal frustrations onto another group. Marginal, not living their best life, alienated, not getting laid.

Both see the other group as an existential threat to their group, when the truth is that "replacement" from immigration or the "war on terror" are both wayyy down on the list of existential/cultural threats, when you consider intentional/accidental nuclear war, killer AI, superbugs, environmental collapses of various types (eg bees, fertility issues), CRISPR supermen, or Chinese world empire.

Both get into circle jerks / mutually-reinforcing and radicalizing feedback loops online, where their distorted beliefs are affirmed.

Take care. Be conscious and critical.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

There is one CRUCIAL difference.

Muslims are coddled and propped up by the establishment.

Whites are increasingly made into the great Satan of the world.

Talking about "conscience and criticism" and trying to establish a double standard where there is NONE is quite puzzling. CRISPR, etc and the other enviornmental or whatever causes are all interesting conjecture. Ethnic replacement is a golden rule of history. It is also the visible and the tangible.

This is NOT a game. It's not about who checks more brownie points for having a wide knowledge of history or "intellectually honesty". It's about who is left and who is not. And naturally there are PLENTY other factors from various sources that make us all go crazy and information going wild all over the place. But the time for arguments and "circle-jerking" as you mentioned, is going the way of the dinosaur. This will eventually turn "hot" all over. No Boomerposting will solve it.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-15-2019

I watched the longer video and it's the kind of stuff that I try to watch no more than once a year or so. It will probably stick with you so unless you feel particularly compelled to view it then I don't advise it.

I'm now leaning more heavily toward it being a grassroots "real" attack.

One thing I will note is the police response time. First shots were @00:06:30 roughly and the shooter drove away @00:12:30 roughly. He shot at some people from his car for a minute then begins driving away from the scene at a fair clip. You hear sirens heading in the other direction @00:15:30 so those response units would arrive about 12 minutes after the first shot was fired, though in fairness others might have arrived from different directions earlier.

Trauma kits are not just for wood days anymore, especially if you live in NZ. Reprisal attacks are not out of the question.

It will be interesting to see if the muslims push against the gun control narrative since they're going to want to increase their security at their mosques dramatically.

It will also be interesting to see how hard the remaining red-blooded New Zealanders push back against it too. The fallout from this attack could be very complicated.

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

This is NOT a game. It's not about who checks more brownie points for having a wide knowledge of history or "intellectually honesty". It's about who is left and who is not. And naturally there are PLENTY other factors from various sources that make us all go crazy and information going wild all over the place. But the time for arguments and "circle-jerking" as you mentioned, is going the way of the dinosaur. This will eventually turn "hot" all over. No Boomerposting will solve it.

Sp5 needs to give a lecture on perspective to some white guys living as gringos in a greater-Mexican shithole that used to be a nice, American neighborhood. If they only got laid then I'm sure it wouldn't bother them so much. The ugliness that is upon us now will get worse because we were foolish enough to allow such people to settle in the West in the first place.
From the moment we gave them citizenship we set this ugly and inevitable train of events in motion and be it over ten years or a hundred it will culminate in its inevitable conclusion.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Ouroboros - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 06:28 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

Virtue signalling about the logic or the morals of "collective guilt" does not change the reality of it.

Whites all over the world have been pushed white guilt and most have swallowed it without much of a thought about the "logic" or "morals" of it. Whining about something does not change it's actuality.

Actually, 'whining' about something can 'change it's actuality'. Many of us here on this forum do not have white guilt because at some point we were exposed to certain viewpoints that allowed us to question that narrative of history.

Also your use of the term 'virtue signalling' is a little too broad. Not every argument employing ethics can be dismissed as virtue signalling (which normally refers to taking up some cause because it happens to be popular, and/or using your support for that cause to fish for likes on social media).

Quote: (03-15-2019 06:28 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

So you either live with it or you don't. Individualism dies at the gates here. This is war. War is not beautiful, moral and there are no platitudes that can justify it. MANKIND UNLEASHED!

Obviously, the people killed today are not at fault and are mostly victims. The true traitors will probably never be harmed.

But we either virtue signal and ... we die the worst of deaths. Or there has to be a reaction, and the reaction to peoples that know only violence has to inevitably be MORE VICIOUS.

It's ugly. I don't like it. But it's the goddamn world and it was here before all of us.

It's a bit unimaginative to reduce all our possible actions to either 'virtue signalling' (again, I'm not sure you know how to use this term correctly) or massacring civilians.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

Oh here comes the passive aggressiveness. Have you heard about the concept of HYPERBOLE? "Oh em gee I'm not sure you know how to use these words properly" [Image: sad.gif] Anyway. Over and out. This kind of thing is quite vexing.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Rorogue - 03-15-2019

Fantastic description. Well written.
Quote: (03-15-2019 06:47 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Guys like these shooter(s) are mirror images of the random Muslim terrorists.

Both types accumulate grievances. They selectively compile historical events and contemporary incidents and ignore counterexamples.

Both see invasion and encroachment everywhere. They can cite trespasses against them, but not against the other.

Both lack perspective. They can't understand that all kinds of bad shit is going to happen in a world of almost 8 billion. A few incidents in a big world do not create collective responsibility.

Both project their personal frustrations onto another group. Marginal, not living their best life, alienated, not getting laid.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

Oh it was DEFINITELY horrible. It is very hard for me to imagine the state of mind you have to be in carry that out, ESPECIALLY with that fallen woman asking for help. OOF. Quite dreadfully awful. There is something quite dishonorable about these attacks no matter who does it. They are generally cowardly done against disarmed people.

I can understand organic violence, organized warfare etc between armies. But violence is increasingly moving away from that.. Again, a shame, very sad. But it is what it is...

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I watched the longer video and it's the kind of stuff that I try to watch no more than once a year or so. It will probably stick with you so unless you feel particularly compelled to view it then I don't advise it.

I'm now leaning more heavily toward it being a grassroots "real" attack.

One thing I will note is the police response time. First shots were @00:06:30 roughly and the shooter drove away @00:12:30 roughly. He shot at some people from his car for a minute then begins driving away from the scene at a fair clip. You hear sirens heading in the other direction @00:15:30 so those response units would arrive about 12 minutes after the first shot was fired, though in fairness others might have arrived from different directions earlier.

Trauma kits are not just for wood days anymore, especially if you live in NZ. Reprisal attacks are not out of the question.

It will be interesting to see if the muslims push against the gun control narrative since they're going to want to increase their security at their mosques dramatically.

It will also be interesting to see how hard the remaining red-blooded New Zealanders push back against it too. The fallout from this attack could be very complicated.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Rorogue - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

There is one CRUCIAL difference.

Muslims are coddled and propped up by the establishment.

Whites are increasingly made into the great Satan of the world.

Muslims are also bombed in the 100,000s by the establishment.

You are doing what Sp5 was talking about. Only seeing injustices against your people, blind to injustices against others.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - LEMONed IScream - 03-15-2019

Well if you ignore the dozens of times I have mentioned all those wars were detrimental and a mistake... SUUUURE!

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:14 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

There is one CRUCIAL difference.

Muslims are coddled and propped up by the establishment.

Whites are increasingly made into the great Satan of the world.

Muslims are also bombed in the 100,000s by the establishment.

You are doing what Sp5 was talking about. Only seeing injustices against your people, blind to injustices against others.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Aurini - 03-15-2019

Right now in Syria, there is a pregnant Christian woman - whose ancestors have lived in the region for millenia - having her belly slit open, her baby torn from her womb, and strangled in front of her. In short order she will be hanged to death from a tree.

But yeah, these attacks are just horrible.

I wonder about all these moral equivalency (low-rep, low-post, but somehow knew about this thread the day it was posted) posters; have they regularly condemned the Muslims who go out into the streets celebrating Islamic terror attacks? Have they been naming names of the Imams who push their congregants to do the same? Or is their vitriol reserved for peaceful Europeans who see something like this, and don't immediately fall to their knees and apologize for colonialism?

If we're going to start talking about cowards, neither Christian nor Muslim terrorists are at the top of my lists. The scolds who continually insult peaceful people are way higher up there.

The "Candace Owens and Pewdiepie" bit makes me raise an eyebrow. They're, at most, gateways; I strongly doubt they radicalized anybody.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-15-2019

A very sad event that will, unlike its counterparts, be used to clamp down on gun rights, free speech and conservatives all over the world. I wouldn't exactly say that this guy screwed up something for right wingers because the powers that be would have easily found another excuse to clamp down even without him.

Whomever said earlier that this guy is no Breivik was right. As horrible as what he did was, Breivik struck out at the families of traitorous politicians and those politicians themselves. This guy, on the other hand, just slaughtered random innocent people for no reason. It's the same sort of idiocy like Hitler rounding up ordinary Jewish carpenters and storekeepers instead of the banking elite.

Conclusion: fuck this guy, RIP to the victims.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Donfitz007 - 03-15-2019

1. Sometimes you have to be numb to these kinds of things so you can look at it logically, getting all emotional about it only hurts you more mentally. It's the same as a stranger writing "you're in my prayers" in the comment sections or something. I'm sure MOST if not all of us have a sincere pain for the victims of this ut this is a sudden and BRUTAL attack.

2. From what I hear there's a huge division on this kinda topic in NZ. It seems to be one of those topics where you have to live there to understand. This causes conflict in their minds. SO on both sides of this try not to judge so harshly. Once you hear stories of what goes on in their countries or watch videos of executions so brutal that make this look like rugrats you realize why some people are somewhat careless about. Watch a group people your own race get shot with a buckshot execution style slow motion and you'll hate a group also. I bet there are are a bunch of people that HATE new Zealanders now. Now again I hate what happened and i have a bunch of sympathy for the victims but it's hard to judge some people on here

3. I bet if only 3 people in there had a gun on him then that count would go from 49 to 4-9. Even with body armor, you're more hesitant to shoot at an armed group than a group scared and defenseless on a wall.

4.Again The saddest thing is they were really like fish in a school or like rats (no disrespect). Meaning they bunched up in a corner scared to death. Brought down to their basic human instincts.

Honestly that what got me the most, this is something that could happen anywhere. It was brutal, he was cool calm collected, he had NO doubt that he could kill all those people and drive off. That's why I stated this guy had to be trained, this wasn't his first kill. There will be memes about this circling around with hit markers added. Thus makign the push for censorship and gun control even worse.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Leonard D Neubache - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:14 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

There is one CRUCIAL difference.

Muslims are coddled and propped up by the establishment.

Whites are increasingly made into the great Satan of the world.

Muslims are also bombed in the 100,000s by the establishment.

You are doing what Sp5 was talking about. Only seeing injustices against your people, blind to injustices against others.

Personally I promise that if they all go back I'll try extra hard to stop the jewish elites from having them all killed.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Paracelsus - 03-15-2019

This chap's primary error was that he chose the wrong type of religious building to target.

What? I was of course talking about his local Christian church, there's some apparently full of paedophiles or something.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Sp5 - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 07:00 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Sp5 needs to give a lecture on perspective to some white guys living as gringos in a greater-Mexican shithole that used to be a nice, American neighborhood. If they only got laid then I'm sure it wouldn't bother them so much. The ugliness that is upon us now will get worse because we were foolish enough to allow such people to settle in the West in the first place.
From the moment we gave them citizenship we set this ugly and inevitable train of events in motion and be it over ten years or a hundred it will culminate in its inevitable conclusion.

Sp5, having been around a long time, been everywhere, done everything (hyperbole alert), has already had the experience of living in a "changing" neighborhood due to racial migration and immigration. As always, took the attitude "shit happens." It wasn't so bad. The neighborhood is moving in the other direction now, gentrification.

Sp5 was stationed in El Paso in the army, it was a nice "greater-Mexican shithole"!
Sp5's not going to obsess about such things: it's like yelling at pigeons. To the small extent that Sp5 worries about externalities, Sp5 is more worried about nuclear war and other man-made catastrophes than racial shit.

It's not Sp5 who says that racking up a 1+ body count of people one doesn't like is not being a loser.
Causing immense grief among families who were just trying to optimize their prosperity and happiness and ending up as a hated murderer in prison, rather than a successful, self-actualizing, productive, creative happy man is being a loser no matter how many "others" you kill.

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - CynicalContrarian - 03-15-2019

Have not watched the video & do not intend to.
South Park were onto something when showcasing school shooting as mere background noise now.

That said. If the fake-news crowd promote one event while actively ignoring so many other events worldwide.
Fair bet the event which is broadcast, is done so for a reason...

Shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019 - Aurini - 03-15-2019

None of this would have happened if only the shooter had learned to wash his balls.