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The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 07-24-2018

Cheers, Mercenary! In past months I've gone back and forth, but with enough 'proofs' coming forward it's easier to see the Q phenomenon is real, and it's good guys doing it.

Let's play devil's advocate and make the argument: 'Qanon is a LARP.'

Now prove Qanon is a LARP. Which mean the posts are essentially noise, and in terms of any predictive value have no better than a 50/50 chance of 'future proving past.' We've seen endless proofs coming forward, time stamps beyond coincidence over and over again, events and phrases predicts months in advance of their occurrence. The proofs are for the believers to have more confidence, and to make it easier to red pill normies as to what's going on.

Also, if Qanon was a deep state psyop, why would they point Anons to transgressions from BO, HRC, BC, JC, JB, AM, PS, LP, LL, U1, Crowdstrike, DNC, etc.? Why draw attention to these things which can only hurt their desire for secrecy? It's hard to discredited past compromising actions, but the criminals still try - or scream louder to make people think it's 45 who 'colluded with Russia' and is a traitor for engaging in dialogue with Putin. Really? Are you fucking serious? How insane and scared do you have to be to think that? Pretty goddamn scared.

Q himself (themselves?) states that disinformation is necessary, and that the posts are not just for the Patriots (in and out of uniform), but for the traitors. The traitors are baited into acting, into panicking, into asking for plea deals and seeing those 'wasserman' deals taken off the table (another amazing video showing Pence and Trump taking water off the table at the same time!). The traitors are shown giving up the goods on each other, failing the test of the prisoner's dilemma. The video imagery from inside AF1 and the WH, the indications of BO's DOJ/FBI/C_A/etc. colluding with the 5 Eyes (supposedly America's allies), FISA abuses, the sticky and treasonous ties to SA and NK that have been cut, very likely international funds being seized/frozen: these are evidence that the cabal runs so deep so cutting the hydra's tentacles must take time. You sever the limbs with one hand and educate the masses with the other - what masterful gamesmanship!

The fact, again, that Operation Broken Heart (over 2500 pedophiles arrested nationally over the past few months) received barely any mention in the press is very compelling proof the ds doesn't want Q to succeed, or Trump's administration. But they are. Sessions has been made out to be 'sleepy' and 'incompetent' so he can act with less scrutiny. Heck, I'm not even really sure what is going on with Mueller's investigation! That may be the deepest psyop in plain view! Distract the public, and the MSM, and the ds thinking they're making headway with taking down 45, but in actually the sick and evil roots of this many-thousand-year-old tree are being cut one by one. What is Huber doing? Why aren't there any leaks coming from Utah? No leaks from military intelligence either. But the clown media gets its regular doping of classic misdirection via Mueller and team's keystone kapers. Whether or not Mueller is a white or black hat doesn't really matter and perhaps that was the intention all along. The evidence isn't there, so whatever he allegiances, he seems more and more to be played as a useful idiot (or willing asset) in the public kabuki theater which is far from the actual truth occurring iceberg-like below the surface.

The Q analysis by prayingmedic, Tracy Beanz, and (thanks to rotrekz for pointing that out to me) are really well-researched and they all complement each other. The sheer number of resignations at very high levels of corporate, local and national government suggest the power structure of this country is fundamentally changing, for the better. I don't blindly follow anything, but when enough evidence appears that contradicts the 'Q is a LARP, a deep state psyop' narrative it makes it much easier to see the different layers in operation. The analogy of 'Alice and Wonderland' and a breakdown by neonrevolt is a great read - it shows quite compellingly that we are seeing the Lewis Carroll drama play out before us.

The white hats are taking the powerful symbolism of that story and have written a script that's playing out on the world stage. That's meme magic at a superlative level! It's quite incredible, really and I have chills going down my spine to appreciate the unbelievable levels of coordination, foresight, and commitment to plan this out and set in into motion! Mad respect to the good guys who are helping reclaim our Constitutional Republic!

Where we go one, we go all.

WE are Q !

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

Quote: (07-24-2018 01:21 PM)Truth Tiger Wrote:  

The analogy of 'Alice and Wonderland' and a breakdown by neonrevolt is a great read - it shows quite compellingly that we are seeing the Lewis Carroll drama play out before us.

The white hats are taking the powerful symbolism of that story and have written a script that's playing out on the world stage. That's meme magic at a superlative level! It's quite incredibly, really and I have chills going down my spine to appreciate the incredible levels of coordination and foresight to plan this out!

USA and Russia doing meme magic.
This has been planeed YEARS in advance and is going down global.
Can you see it ?
Look closely.

(Photos from the lunch at the Trump Putin summit in Helsinki on 16th of July 2018)

[Image: 17.jpg]

[Image: Down_the_Rabbit_Hole.png]

[Image: a-173.jpg?fit=830%2C510&ssl=1]

[Image: 600?cb=20120610202617]

[Image: 5b4cabebfc7e93cb468b45b9.jpg]

[Image: white_rabbit_pocket_watch_by_engraving_doc.jpg]

[Image: Trump-and-Putin-then-headed-to-lunch-fla...jpg?556116]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018


Video to go with the above photos

[Image: Da6oXfGVAAAMjiJ.jpg]

[Image: DVIbbaRW0AE2Pjy.jpg]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterling_archer - 07-24-2018

^Yeah... I don't get it.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

Take any of qanon ID codes from 4chan or 8chan and throw them into google book search.

Very interesting results.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

Follow the white rabbit
Alice in wonderland
Tippy Top

[Image: DZ2mHdDXUAAhLBz.jpg]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-24-2018

From his (their ?) first post on 28th of October 2017 on website 4chan to 4th of July 2018 today there have been 1681 seperate posts from Q, many of which contain photos you won't find anywhere else.

qanon has started posting on 8chan today after a 20 day silence.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Truth Tiger - 07-24-2018

Welcome back Q! With More proofs!

First, a vehicle in the POTUS motorcade honked when passing a 'Honk for Q / MAGA' sign. The comments in that reddit thread are awesome [Image: banana.gif]

The honk was also in Morse code for the letter 'Q' (long long short long).


from website


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: a4b4d3 No.2265521 ?
Jul 24 2018 13:39:22 (EST)
We saw you!
God bless Patriots!

and POTUS signaling at a specific line of 'America The Beautiful', mentioned in Q's first post today:


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5b7dc4 No.2262557 ?
Jul 24 2018 10:45:27 (EST)
From Sea to Shining Sea.
Who does Huber report to [directly]?
Define evidence.
Who has the server?
Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?
POTUS does not speculate.
Future proves past.
Who has it all?
Topics stated in past.
Future BIG meaning?
Repeats important.
Think Twitter.
Those awake see.
Those asleep blind.
Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.
Silence is golden.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6f9b9b No.2266551 ?
Jul 24 2018 14:31:19 (EST)
What a wonderful day.
Do you believe in coincidences?


Plus an important reminder on individuals submitted to DOJ for investigation of potential violations of federal statutes. These include former FBI director Comey, former SoS HRC, former AG LL, former acting director AM, FBI agent PS and FBI counsel LP.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: da223e No.2263460 ?
Jul 24 2018 11:38:59 (EST)
You have more than you know.

All Q posts appear at

EDIT: This commenter at had a great observation re: some Q code and timing of the 'necessary black-outs'. In summary, July 24th makes sense for Q to post again and he did - and wow, with some awesome fanfare!


My brain has been getting nudged by something Q posted several times in the past. So at the risk of looking dumb I’m going to share it here.

Q has posted “4,10,20” on several occasions. The anons say it’s the numerical value of DJT. I accept that but Q’s Qlues often have double meanings. If you think back the first time Q went dark it was for 4 days, the next time was for 10 days…following that logic I think Q may stay dark for 20 days this time, which would be the 24th of July.

Ok you can laugh, but please do it kindly.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 07-24-2018

I personally don't believe in Q but can agree with some of your assertions. Are things coming to fruition? Looks like it. You state the press won't report on deep state pedophilia and that's very poor on their part. I don't think at that point it's about spiting Trump but to protect an activity that the media's handlers are almost certainly fine with.

But how does this benefit me (as in ChicagoFire)? That's where this QAnon stuff loses me. Don't get me wrong, if President Trump does not clean up the Deep State, and from the looks of it they may very well rot in Gitmo, he will get payback once he leaves office. I'll wait and see on this one and at worst I admit it I was wrong about this one.

Even if QAnon is a real phenomenon how exactly does it benefit us in our daily lives? I think at best normies are getting red pilled.

One of the deal breakers that will make me pay more attention is if Obama truly does get locked up. Q claimed he'll use Kenyan birth defense.

Quote: (07-24-2018 01:21 PM)Truth Tiger Wrote:  


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - rotekz - 07-25-2018

Quote: (07-24-2018 08:45 PM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

Even if QAnon is a real phenomenon how exactly does it benefit us in our daily lives? I think at best normies are getting red pilled.

It's all about morale and awakening the masses gently to the horrors of the red pill. Knowing everything that has happened in it's full depravity is very depressing and demoralising. Knowing that we have been duped for decades, turned into debt slaves for the elite, fed false history to justify unnecessary wars that had killed millions, had our kids drugged, raped and sacrificed, been ruled over by pedo-satanic elites in false democracies and bombarded with culture destroying propaganda from corrupt institutions and the media, churches corrupted, being purposely outbred and genocided by million of foreign invaders etc.. etc..

I could go on and on but the point is that being fully awakened and discovering all this is a massive demoralisation and many red-pilled people get very depressed.

Q is the antidote. The good guys, the white hats in position of power know everything too and they are signalling this. The Q Team is saying 'Trust The Plan'. 'We are fighting to destroy The Cabal and there is hope.'

If that isn't a moral booster I don't know what is.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - DamienCasanova - 07-25-2018

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

This might be one of the most massive things to happen for the US economy in a century.

++ Next

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-25-2018

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - ChicagoFire - 07-25-2018

Fingers crossed. They should audit the fed and return to the gold standard but is that asking for a bit too much? Hardly. Everybody knows when you keep printing money you're devaluing it. Funny how the media never turns its attention to the Board of Governors.

Still I agree we are long due for Fed reform if not outright abolishing it. Do pray for President Trump even if you're not religious. This may be the third rail he's touching and the elite don't want that.

Quote: (07-25-2018 01:09 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

This might be one of the most massive things to happen for the US economy in a century.

++ Next

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018


This tweet was made on the exact same day Q made his first post on 4chan.


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018

This video explains it really quite well for newbies to Q.
Only 5 minutes long.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-26-2018

Now I don't follow 'Q' on any 'Chan' board.
I just see the Tweets once a 'drop' occurs.

Yet I did notice that while Trump was busy in Singapore, Europe, England, then Helsinki.
There did not appear to be too many new 'drops'.
Now that Trump is well established back in D.C. - more 'drops'.

Not to say that Trump is 'Q'. Could be that Trump works with 'Q' on the what & when of what to 'drop'. If 'Q' is legit.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018

RVF users sherman, sterling_archer, and Mercenary (me) took a lot of heat and insults in the north korea thread over the past year for our theories and opinions on what is really going on in North Korea. But our gut instinct told us never to believe anything the mainstream media said about North Korea.

However it looks like the 3 of us might be right about Kim and North Korea all along.
Jay Dyer might have been right all along too. He wrote about this this way back on April 18, 2017.

What has Qanon said about North Korea on 4chan and 8chan over the last 8 months ?

[Image: QPicorig%281%29.JPG]

[Image: DVkk-N0VwAAIlks.jpg]

[Image: DYmXU1eX0AEkp3n.jpg]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIuZ6Ggt58hfXhGAtfq9Q...5XtWN6rwzS]

[Image: Q%20Dump%20II.JPG]

Trump was telling us the truth all along....he hardly ever mentioned or insulted Kim, he was always bashing rocket man in his tweets and at the united nations.




Did you know this guy wrote a book ?

[Image: Rocket-Man-Elon-Musk-In-SDL261390250-1-b23f4.jpg]

[Image: Rocket-Man-Elon-Musk-In-His-Own-Words-review-01.jpg]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018


Secret SEALED indictments in the USA currently cover more than 40,000 people right now.

[Image: JpCd787JNTLq7R3XCweQ0Zd3FpUE-wQ4PlPbp90R...974a9c009c]

[Image: c4-4CB48Cl-NtpFJc_EXt2z6oYkxpv93E25PowsZ...4544bbeb41]

[Image: tumblr_muyqe3sZNC1s1mrueo1_500.gif]

When will they be unsealed ?

The Seven Trumpets in the book of REVELATION in the bible


Revelation 6:12
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Revelation 6:13
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Revelation 6:14
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Revelation 6:15
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Revelation 6:16
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Revelation 6:17
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterling_archer - 07-26-2018

Merc, what is your theory about what is Q implying regarding NK? How does Elon Musk tie into that?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - cascadecombo - 07-26-2018

Extrapolating English words translated from ancient Hebrew has always been silly to me. Considering they were opinionated close guesses and alterations to fit into their manner of speech.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018

Quote: (07-26-2018 10:08 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Merc, what is your theory about what is Q implying regarding NK?

It's not my theory but it's similiar to what I've always suspected.
The explanation was provided by Qanon on 4chan and 8chan in various different posts there. On their own they don't make much sense, but read them all at once you understand a clear picture. I haven't posted all of them, but I did read them on public websites.

Basically Qanon is saying this:

NK was always hostage state.
It's not really run by Kim and his family...they have always been puppets.
Real power has been in hands of foreign alphabet soup agencies & local bribed generals for a long time.
Alphabet soup is rogue...not controlled by official western governments.
Rocket man's company is private (no government rules, oversight & auditing) and helps make the rockets which ARE real, and are then used to blackmail other countries and start wars.

Trump got rid of the puppet masters and rogue alphabet soup and freed Kim back in 2017 and early 2018.
That's why Kim was able to travel to Singapore and take selfies and greet fans around like a rockstar...he was finally a free man.

Guess what would have happened if the wicked witch won the election in November 2016 ?
We came this close to world war III.

Nobody is gonna believe this...but official confirmation & proof should emerge soon.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Mercenary - 07-26-2018

Quote: (07-26-2018 10:23 AM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Extrapolating English words translated from ancient Hebrew has always been silly to me. Considering they were opinionated close guesses and alterations to fit into their manner of speech.

It is highly ILLEGAL for Trump and his team to disclose inside information. The only way they could LEGALLY inform people of what is going on is to put it in a series of semi coded messgaes, numeric patterns, strange abbreviations, blurry photos, metaphors, references to timestamps, movie references, stange misppellings weIRd capiTalisatiOns and other codes. These must then be cross referenced with with other stange misppellings and other weIRd capiTalisatiOns on Trump's twitter account and then watch hand signals, symbols, small events and keywords from Trump's speeches....all on a website mostly frequented by high functioning autists who could figure out all the meanings & connections and tell the rest of us. Websites 4chan and 8chan are like 80% to 95% guys from the so called "autism army".

As a bonus the style of writing can't be easily detected by the bots of the major search engines and tech from the rogue alphabet soup agencies....only an autist human mind can piece it together....not a computer. When qanon says "learn our comms", he's really saying learn how to understand our communications from the president to you. Also, Q encourages people all over the country to work together, cause you can't figure out everything on your own. He's unifying a large part of the american nation in working together in figuring out all these clues, sort of like Nick Cage in the national treasure films.

[Image: qanon%2013%20januari%202018.jpg]

Trump & his team = Absolutely fucking genius really.

Kind of like the bible...the info about truth and the future is all there, but only certain people can decode it. The good spirits/angels are not allowed to say directly and clearly how to eradicate evil otherwise Satan & his demon army will overhear everything and block the plans to destroy them all. The good spirits/angels communicate their coded messages with those prophets who (they hope) will figure out the code and meanings.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - sterling_archer - 07-26-2018

So Q says that SpaceX is cover for producing ballistic missiles? Btw, I think that their "failed" experiment for orbital payload was in fact some kind of orbital weapon station and is in fact above us and not on the bottom of Indian ocean.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread - Samseau - 07-26-2018

While I am highly skeptical of the Qanon stuff, I applaud those who put things together and make bold theories about it.

Some parts of Q definitely seem like an insider dropping classified info, but he could just as easily be a G-man trolling the net for shits and giggles.

Either way, I don't see why the Q stuff is necessary, either Trump and his team will clean up America or he doesn't. The public can't help in any meaningful fashion other than to keep winning elections.

If anything, the Q stuff is to keep people motivated through the years so they have motivation for elections.