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The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-01-2017

I instinctively lifted mixed grip because I didn't want the bar to roll accidentally. Doing deads tomorrow with hook grip so we'll see how that goes.

@Plus Oultre Yeah man, I came across the first link when I was looking up DL grips too; thank you.

Running short on time for this work out so I just found myself doing the next workout during rest periods for my current workout (chinups while resting OHP, etc).

Steady State Cardio 30 min
(I take BCAAs beforehand to mitigate protein breakdown)

95 lbs 1 x 7
115 lbs 1 x 2, 1 x 3
135 lbs 2 x 0
125 lbs 2 x 1

Chinups 5 x 10

Empty Bar 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 10
185 lbs 3 x 1

Didn't attempt my previous PR of 195, and didn't feel. My chinups have been increasing by doing submaximal lifts (I can DEFINITELY hit more than 10, next time I'll try 5 x 11 there), and I'm thinking if I can do more sets with this I'll break through 195.

Hammer Curls
40 lbs 12/11/11

Lat Raises
10 lbs 1 x 13, 2 x 11

Kroc Rows
55 lbs 1 x 27, 1 x 25

1 mile run followed by 4 sets of 100 meter sprints

20 minute cardio

I read on Bold & Determined that lower back pain can come from weak abs and glutes. I wouldn't know since I've never had LBP, but I figure I've mostly neglected these areas before that they'd be good to train while recovering from the heavier lifts yesterday.

Good Mornings (First time doing GM's, get form down first)
65 lbs 3 x 20

Athlean-X 7 minute Ab routine (
Figure-8's 60s
Windshield Wipers 60s
Twisting Pistons 60s
Rest 30s
Starfish Crunch 30s
Tuck Planks 60s
Upper Circle Crunches (both sides) 30s

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-03-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 1 of 3
Day: Overhead Press / Chest Press
1RM: 115 / 165
Date: 11/02/2017

Overhead Press
85 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 6

Chest Press
125 x 5
135 x 5
140 x 5

Accessory Bent Over Row
95 x 15
95 x 15
95 x 15

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-06-2017

Two workouts to post:

Steady-state cardio 30 min

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 16
225 lbs 1 x 12
275 lbs 1 x 5
295 lbs 1 x 3

25 lbs 4 x 40

Deads double overhand grip
135 lbs 1 x 15
185 lbs 1 x 10
225 lbs 1 x 6
275 lbs 1 x 0

Chalk it up to my grip-I didn't get a single rep out of 275 here. My grip sucks! Perhaps I need to look into getting comfortable with hook grips.

Steady-state cardio 30 min

95 lbs 1 x 8
115 lbs 3 x 3, 1 x 4
125 lbs 1 x 1

Figured to increase this lift I'd focus on lifting more submaximal weight.

4 x 11, 1 x 10

Haven't tested the max amount of chinups I can do-but I feel like I can push 13.

Empty bar 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 12
155 lbs 1 x 3, 1 x 5, 1 x 4
185 lbs 1 x 2

Just like with OHP, trying more submaximal lifts to get me able to press those. If someone can't rock 155 lbs 3 x 5, how well can they push 200 lbs?

Hammer Curls
40 lbs 1 x 12, 2 x 11

Lat Raises
10 lbs 2 x 12, 1 x 13

Kroc Rows
55 lbs 1 x 34, 1 x 35

Increase this bad boy to 60 lbs next go

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - realologist - 11-06-2017

You ready for those Widow makers Golden Gun? I hope you didn't forget our fantasy football side bet.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-06-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 2 of 3
Day: Squat
1RM: 225
Date: 11/06/2017

180 x 3
190 x 3
205 x 7

Accessory Deadlifts
185 x 10
185 x 12
185 x 15

Also, like you, I tried the overhand grip and with the J hook. It felt good but have in mind the weight is only 185 lbs. Next day will be deadlifts day as the main, and I will try it then with heavier weight.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-08-2017

@real per our Fantasy football bet:

Widowmaker Squats
225 lbs 1 x 20

This is a great "fuck you, work harder!" exercise

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-08-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 2 of 3 (The 3 week)
Day: Overhead Press / Chest Press
1RM: 115 / 165
Date: 11/07/2017

Overhead Press
90 x 3
100 x 3
105 x 4

Chest Press
135 x 3
140 x 3
150 x 3

Accessory Bent Over Row
95 x 15
95 x 14
95 x 12

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - General Stalin - 11-08-2017

Any time you hold heavy weight with an underhand grip you put your bicep in a compromised position. You are more likely to tear a bicep with a mixed grip than not.

That said, thousands of people pull far more weight than anyone in this thread with a mixed grip and don't tear their biceps. Use at your own risk but I'd wager that the risk is somewhat minimal.

To me, the biggest drawback to mixed grip is longterm muscle imbalance. It can cause traps to be different sizes, can promote asymmetrical lat development, etc.

Hook grip or using straps would be the best bet.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-09-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 2 of 3 (The "3" week)
Day: Deadlift
1RM: 295
Date: 11/09/2017

235 x 3
250 x 3
265 x 6

Accessory Squat
155 x 15
155 x 15
155 x 15

I tried the hook grip when doing the deadlifts. 235 and 250 struggled but did it; much harder for me to do than the mix grip. Last set I was able to do three reps with the hook grip, but finished off the set with three mix grip reps. It is hard to me, but I know it is just a matter of getting used to, so I will keep practicing it.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Steelex - 11-09-2017

To me, grip is my weak point. I can always pull far, far more than I can hold.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-10-2017

Quote: (11-08-2017 11:20 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Any time you hold heavy weight with an underhand grip you put your bicep in a compromised position. You are more likely to tear a bicep with a mixed grip than not.

That said, thousands of people pull far more weight than anyone in this thread with a mixed grip and don't tear their biceps. Use at your own risk but I'd wager that the risk is somewhat minimal.

To me, the biggest drawback to mixed grip is longterm muscle imbalance. It can cause traps to be different sizes, can promote asymmetrical lat development, etc.

Hook grip or using straps would be the best bet.

I have crossed eyes, so my traps being different sizes will go unnoticed anyways.

Quote: (11-09-2017 11:39 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

To me, grip is my weak point. I can always pull far, far more than I can hold.

You are as strong as your weakest link (of the movement)

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-10-2017

Two workouts:


30 min cardio

135 1 x 30 Woof, harder than I thought it would be
185 1 x 20 Still difficult.
225 1 x 15 not quite up to my widowmakers set from before
275 1 x 4

Shrugs 4s apex
25 lbs 3 x 50

Hook Grip Deads
135 1 x 15
185 1 x 10
225 2 x 5

Neck Curls
35 3 x 20


95 lbs 1 x 8, 2 x 7

1 x 16 2 x 10

Empty 1 x 50
135 1 x 9
155 1 x 6, 1 x 4

Biceps Curl I handle this weight better than 40 lbs...not throwing it around at all, around 3-4 second reps with this weight.
20 2 x 12, 1 x 11

Cut short because of a meeting.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-13-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 3 of 3 (the 1 week)
Day: Squat
1RM: 225
Date: 11/13/2017

170 x 5
190 x 3
215 x 9

No accessory exercise today.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-16-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 3 of 3 (the 1 week)
Day: Deadlift
1RM: 295
Date: 11/16/2017

225 x 5
250 x 3
280 x 5

Accessory: Squat
155 x 15
155 x 13
155 x 15

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-17-2017

Weight before going to bed was 160.5lbs, weight when I woke up was 156.8. I had steak and rice for dinner + half gallon of whole milk. I think the body used those nutrients very efficiently. I feel really good this morning, very strong; this is an excellent feeling. After a few weeks of keeping up a work out routing I am starting to feel the effects. The legs and butt are bigger and look strong, the upper body is looking better too. I tore my jeans in the first rep of the second squat set, a straight opening of about 16 inches starting from the right back pocket down the leg; first time I had that happened in a few years.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-18-2017


Cardio 30 min
95 lbs 1 x 6, 1 x 7
105 lbs 2 x 5, 1 x 6

Chinups 12/12/10/10

Empty bar 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 12
155 lbs 1 x 6
165 lbs 2 x 4, 1 x 5

Hammer Curls
20 lbs 15/14/16

Lat Raises
10 lbs 2 x 15, 1 x 14

Kroc Rows
65 lbs 1 x 30, 1 x 25

Cardio 30 minutes

135 lbs 1 x 30
185 lbs 1 x 21
225 lbs 1 x 15
275 lbs 2 x 5

4 second Shrugs
25 lbs 3 x 50

135 lbs 1 x 15
185 lbs 1 x 10
225 lbs 1 x 7

Definitely looking skinnier than I was at the beginning of the month, still around 170 lbs.

@Plus Oultre Squats in jeans? One of the benefits of a home gym.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Steelex - 11-18-2017

Quote: (11-17-2017 11:25 AM)Plus Oultre Wrote:  

Weight before going to bed was 160.5lbs, weight when I woke up was 156.8. I had steak and rice for dinner + half gallon of whole milk. I think the body used those nutrients very efficiently. I feel really good this morning, very strong; this is an excellent feeling. After a few weeks of keeping up a work out routing I am starting to feel the effects. The legs and butt are bigger and look strong, the upper body is looking better too. I tore my jeans in the first rep of the second squat set, a straight opening of about 16 inches starting from the right back pocket down the leg; first time I had that happened in a few years.

In your country do you squat in jeans???

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-19-2017

^^^ home gym, a squat rack with a nice bar and enough plates for now. I normally get home late, so sometimes I go straight to the squat rack if I feel that I can lose the incentive later. My guilty pleasure is to sometimes squat naked.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-19-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 2
Week: 3 of 3 (the 1 week)
Day: Press
1RM: 115
Date: 11/19/2017

Overhead Press
85 x 5
95 x 3
110 x 3

Accessory: Bent Over Row
95 x 17
95 x 16
95 x 14

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-21-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 3
Week: 1 of 3 (the 5 week)
Day: Squat
1RM: 235
Date: 11/20/2017

175 x 5
190 x 5
200 x 9

Accessory: Deadlifts
185 x 10
185 x 12

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-22-2017

Cardio 30 min

Barbell Rows
135 lbs 3 x 10
155 lbs 7/6/4
185 lbs 3 x 4

Hammer Curls
20 lbs 13/10/10

Overhead Triceps Press
35 lbs 15/12/13


Neck Curls
35 lbs 3 x 15

95 lbs 7/7/5
115 lbs 3/2/3
125 lbs 1/2

Chinups 11/10/10/9
11/20/2017 This workout was not my best effort...

135 lbs 1 x 30
185 lbs 1 x 23

25 lbs 2 x 50
95 lbs 1 x 20
115 lbs 1 x 15
135 lbs 1 x 12
155 lbs 3 x 4

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 14
205 lbs 1 x 12
225 lbs 1 x 7
245 lbs 1 x 5


Close Grip Bench (for triceps)
95 lbs 1 x 18
115 lbs 1 x 12
125 lbs 1 x 10
135 lbs 1 x 4

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-24-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 3
Week: 1 of 3 (the 5 week)
Day: Deadlift
1RM: 305
Date: 11/23/2017

230 x 5
245 x 5
260 x 5

No accessory exercise yesterday. I am going to change things a bit going from here. The accessory exercise will be the same as the main exercise; and, on the last set of the main exercise, I will not go to failure; I will go to failure on the accessory exercise.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-27-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 3
Week: 1 of 3 (the 5 week)
Day: Overhead Press
1RM: 120
Date: 11/26/2017

Overhead Press
90 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 5

65 x 13
65 x 13
65 x 11

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - The Man w/ the Golden Gun - 11-27-2017

11/22/2017 (whoah, 5 days ago!)
Steady State Cardio 30 min (all following instances the same)

185 lbs 1 x 21
225 lbs 1 x 15
245 lbs 1 x 12

Scott Press (shoulders)
20 lbs 1 x 12
30 lbs 3 x 11

65 lbs 1 x 18, x 1 x12
75 lbs 1 x 12
95 lbs 1 x 6
105 lbs 1 x 5

Barbell Curls
20 lbs 3 x 12

Cardio 30 min

95 lbs 1 x 20
115 lbs 1 x 15
145 lbs 1 x 10
155 lbs 1 x 7
165 lbs 1 x 5

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 14
205 lbs 1 x 10
225 lbs 1 x 7
245 lbs 1 x 5

Close Grip Bench
95 lbs 1 x 20
115 lbs 1 x 14
125 lbs 1 x 10
135 lbs 1 x 7
145 lbs 1 x 4

Neck Bridges

Cardio 30 min

100 lbs 1 x 20
135 lbs 1 x 15
145 lbs 1 x 11
155 lbs 1 x 6
165 lbs 1 x 5 Should be upping these

155 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 15
225 lbs 1 x 10

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread - Plus Oultre - 11-28-2017

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 3
Week: 2 of 3 (the 3 week)
Day: Squats
1RM: 235
Date: 11/27/2017

190 x 3
200 x 3
215 x 3

155 x 16
155 x 15
155 x 16

Overall happy with the change for the accessory exercise being the same as the main ... I believe this is how the program is supposed to be and it makes sense ... by the time that you drop the weight and go for the volume set, you are already warmed up. It does feel much lighter and I think it exhausts the muscle more efficiently for those of us who are not pro and probably wouldn't get as close to failure as we go otherwise.

I am not gonna have access to a squat rack the last three weeks of the year so I have this one and two more weeks to finish the cycle ... Overall I am very happy to have started with a regular routine again and I feel the past 7 weeks have been great for setting the stage for 2018.

My goals for 2018 are 315 squat and 405 deadlift; so I have 80 lbs to add to my current squat, and 100 lbs to add to my current deadlift.