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Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017

Quote:Easy C Wrote:

The left is imploding largely because they failed to reign in their own side's crazies.

Equating the "crazies" of ANTIFA and BLM to the "crazies" of Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch is a massive victory for Progressives.

"Well, sure, ANTIFA burns buildings and shuts down Milo, and fucking, sure, BLM activists murder cops, but at least they don't chant Nazi slogans and wave the Confederate flag!"

Weak reasoning leads to weak equations and weak appeasement. Every. Single. Time.

Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017

Quote:Libertas Wrote:

While there will be a strong overlap with this, it's not necessarily so. And now you have a visual symbol where the media gets to go "see - these are the people who want the RAISE act passed!"

Take image of Berkeley burning.

Add, "These are the people who don't want the RAISE ACT to pass."

Two minutes, maximum.

Unite The Right rallies - Libertas - 08-12-2017

[Image: genzyklon.png]

Off topic but this is a very interesting chart.

20% of black men for a Republican is HUGE. Almost impossible for a Democrat to win if those numbers get bumped up even slightly further.

What scares me is that Gen Z largely still hasn't gone to college yet.

Unite The Right rallies - zigZag - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:28 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:21 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:12 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote:Zigzag Wrote:

Richard spencers march won't make them say they are blue-haired progressives but they will say that the alt-right is filled with racist, bigoted, toxic individuals who have no place in a civil society and then your little group will be relegated to a fringe minority.

And then either (1) You will say that, for all the negative names people have called them, Richard Spencer's crowd burned no buildings like ANTIFA, and killed no police officers like Black Lives Matter activist Micah X Johnson or (2) You'll shirk the opportunity like your True Conservative political ancestors, while wondering (in three years time) where the people went three years ago who could have fought the Progressive takeover all of definitions and frames.

Neither ANTIFA or BLM caused an ENTIRE WORLD WAR that killed 10s of millions of people. There is no comparison. Neither BLM or ANTIFA or associated with concentration camps and the mass extermination of a race of people. No matter how you try to spin it... nazism is a non-starter.

[Image: broken-record-765056.jpg]

Give it a rest, dude. Nobody here is saying "gosh, we should dress up like the SS!" We're saying it doesn't matter if some other people did.

And you say BLM and Antifa aren't associated with concentrations camps and genocide, yes? Well, you're right, for now. I'd prefer we stop them from getting there, which we're not going to do by playing nice and listening to tone police like you.

What i'm saying is that if you're not distancing yourself and you're marching next to those people who a are "dressing up like the SS" Then you're gonna end up having your brand poisoned. You'll be associated with them and then the the majority of people who you're trying to convince will turn away from you.

What exactly did you achieve today? Trump disavowed and even CNN is getting in on the MEME action. The city shut down the rally and allowed ANTIFA. being bringing the elephants foot from chernobyl you've guaranteed that the normal moderates you're trying to reach to help fight against the progressive left will look at you with disdain.

If you wanna keep playing up a losing strategy that's all on you. But i've said my piece.

Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:30 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

I'm on team "fuck optics," but DM is reporting that someone plowed a Dodge Charger into a crowd of antifas.

Car plows into crowd at white nationalist rally: Driver 'intentionally' accelerates into counter-protesters and hits up to 20 people as riot cops use tear gas to stop violent clashes and a state of emergency is declared

Seems antistrategic to me.

If you watch the video at the right moment, there's a person wearing green who gets hit by the black Dodge Charger so hard that they got vaulted, motionless, over the roof and onto the hood of the car hit by the Charger.


Unite The Right rallies - Reaper - 08-12-2017

I don't know about you guys, but I've seen this type of slanted media coverage before - the Tea Party movement! This is going to be another character assassination of a conservative movement by the leftists!

The term, "Poisoning the well" is at full display here!

Unite The Right rallies - david.garrett84 - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:10 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

I never once said that if you disagree with me you're joining nazis. If you think of yourself as part of the alt-right. You'll now be thrown in with neonazis. Which means everyone will distance themselves from the movement.

So what the hell was what you wrote below?

Quote: (08-12-2017 01:36 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Anyways if all you guys thinking joining Neonazis is a way to advance your cause then fair enough. Just know that for the overwhelming majority of americans of all races.. Nazism is a non starter.

So what if I'm falsely called a neo-Nazi? If you didn't already notice, every single writer on ROK, including myself, has been accused of being "pro-rape" because of a satirical Jonathan Swift-style article Roosh wrote to highlight the way women put themselves in danger in a world where a minority of bad people will take advantage of them being alone at night in dark streets. By extension, every reader of ROK and participant in the Roosh V Forum is "pro-rape" according to the MSM.

If someone calls me, a guy who has written 300 articles for a non-white PUA with a Muslim-born father, a neo-Nazi for not wanting to shoot Richard Spencer on sight, who fucking cares. Might I also add that I have established multiple times in my articles that I am a part-Jew. The highest concentrations of some of my family tree's surnames are in Israel, surnames as Jewish-sounding as "Rosenblum" or "Zuckerberg".

I am not going to buy into the same "collective responsibility" guilt that encourages white liberals to apologize for anything their ancestors did 100-1,000 years ago. That's exactly what this "apologize for Richard Spencer" revolves around - a stupid sense of collective responsibility.

Unite The Right rallies - Foolsgo1d - 08-12-2017

To be more accurate 2 cars were pushed at speed into the crowd by a car behind them. I'm reading someone died.

Unite The Right rallies - weambulance - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:37 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

What i'm saying is that if you're not distancing yourself and you're marching next to those people who a are "dressing up like the SS" Then you're gonna end up having your brand poisoned. You'll be associated with them and then the the majority of people who you're trying to convince will turn away from you.

What exactly did you achieve today? Trump disavowed and even CNN is getting in on the MEME action. The city shut down the rally and allowed ANTIFA. being bringing the elephants foot from chernobyl you've guaranteed that the normal moderates you're trying to reach to help fight against the progressive left will look at you with disdain.

If you wanna keep playing up a losing strategy that's all on you. But i've said my piece.

I'm not trying to reach the moderates. Moderates are liabilities, they're not even just plain useless.

As far as what I achieved today, well, I wrote a big chunk of code for a CMS I'm working on. Had a couple key insights into how to design some of the worker routes without relying on JavaScript and AJAX, a problem I've been gnawing on for weeks, and the solution for which I'll carry into a bunch of other software. Good day so far.

I wasn't at the rally, because none of this stuff ever happens anywhere near me.

What did the rally achieve? Well, that remains to be seen, but I think the heavy-handed government overreaction is useful for us. People are not all stupid. They see that the government allows BLM and others to riot and burn things, but if a right-wing rally is ongoing they crack down and attack them. This will be a net win; nobody who was likely to join us will care about the media narrative because they know it's bullshit, and some of them will join.

Unite The Right rallies - Libertas - 08-12-2017

The driver of one of those cars was arrested.

Unite The Right rallies - Germanicus - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 01:02 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

You're not trying to appease your enemies. You're trying to have more people join your side. If you don't care about optics then you'll end up on an island with only enemies surrounding you. Then you have nothing.

Keep talking, buds. You are a textbook case in loser think and how to lose at politics.

The alt-right is gaining not despite leftists shitting their pants and slandering them, but because leftists shit their pants and slander them.

It has been explained, and explained well, within this thread why that is the case. If you still don't grasp it, you're either slow or you are a leftist and don't want that to be the case. Although, dumb leftist is an oxymoron, yes.

Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017

Quote:ZigZag Wrote:

What exactly did you achieve today?

We offered a visual comparison of the worst both sides have to offer, BLM and ANTIFA versus Richard Spencer's gang of Real Fucking Nazis. No one rationally concluded that the Spencer crowd was violent, nor just as violent.

We gave everyone a chance to denounce things, and many supposedly on our side to spent more time and energy denouncing Spencer, but not BLM/ANTIFA.

Much like the Google memo offered everyone a chance to have a Meaningful, Rational, Scientific discussion about gender and racial stereotypes in tech, the Richard Spencer march offered the public a charge to have a Meaningful, Rational, and Scientific discussion on racial differences. And much like the Google memo was a success because no such discussion happened, the Spencer march was successful for the same reason.

We allowed the most unhinged liberals (as well as all of the media) to categorize all Trump supporters as racist supporters of Nazis. This is an escalation of Hillary's "basket of deplorables" comment, and every second democrats spend "rooting out Nazis" is a second they cannot use to craft an alternative economic political message, nor realize why Hillary lost.

We also created a visual contrast between Ferguson (which was re-hyped three days ago) and Charlottesville.

Unite The Right rallies - Foolsgo1d - 08-12-2017

[Image: pQGB27v.png]

Unite The Right rallies - zigZag - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:40 PM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:10 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

I never once said that if you disagree with me you're joining nazis. If you think of yourself as part of the alt-right. You'll now be thrown in with neonazis. Which means everyone will distance themselves from the movement.

So what the hell was what you wrote below?

Quote: (08-12-2017 01:36 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Anyways if all you guys thinking joining Neonazis is a way to advance your cause then fair enough. Just know that for the overwhelming majority of americans of all races.. Nazism is a non starter.

So what if I'm falsely called a neo-Nazi? If you didn't already notice, every single writer on ROK, including myself, has been accused of being "pro-rape" because of a satirical Jonathan Swift-style article Roosh wrote to highlight the way women put themselves in danger in a world where a minority of bad people will take advantage of them being alone at night in dark streets. By extension, every reader of ROK and participant in the Roosh V Forum is "pro-rape" according to the MSM.

If someone calls me, a guy who has written 300 articles for a non-white PUA with a Muslim-born father, a neo-Nazi for not wanting to shoot Richard Spencer on sight, who fucking cares. Might I also add that I have established multiple times in my articles that I am a part-Jew. The highest concentrations of some of my family tree's surnames are in Israel, surnames as Jewish-sounding as "Rosenblum" or "Zuckerberg".

I am not going to buy into the same "collective responsibility" guilt that encourages white liberals to apologize for anything their ancestors did 100-1,000 years ago. That's exactly what this "apologize for Richard Spencer" revolves around - a stupid sense of collective responsibility.

Show me where i said anything about disagreeing with me and that. By marching with neonazis your team effectively is merging with that brand.

It doesnt matter if you're falsely called a neo nazi or not. Once the alt-right brand is poisoned then you'll be marginalized as a fringe group.

Unite The Right rallies - david.garrett84 - 08-12-2017

If several people were killed by that car incident today, that's sad, but I am not going to apologize for it.

I don't need to apologize for or "distance" myself from something I had nothing to do with, irrespective of whether any putative offender shared 1%, 10% or 100% of my political and social beliefs.

We have nothing to apologize for.

The guy who did this could be a Trump supporter with five tons of Trump 2016 merchandise and five copies of each book Trump has ever written. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care.

Neither Trump nor anyone else here had anything to do with any of the shenanigans that happened today.

Unite The Right rallies - scorpion - 08-12-2017

It's very easy to sit back in your chair and shitpost criticism against Spencer and Co. It's not so easy to actually get out in the streets and risk bodily injury and arrest knowing that the entire power structure of the state and media is arrayed against your side, and that lawless antifa thugs will be allowed to agitate and attack you with near-impunity.

"But, muh optics!" the limp-wristed keyboard warrior says, ever-concerned about what moderates are going to think about an angry-looking man holding a torch. Get it through your skull, it doesn't fucking matter what moderates think. This rally and other street demonstrations of this type are not designed to win over moderate voters in the context of an election. These are clashes of the radical fringe of each side. These demonstrations are designed to stoke the fires and further embolden people to take greater action. Radicals lead, moderates follow. If moderates were the sort to run into the breach they wouldn't be moderates in the first place. Indeed, at this juncture in history - when absolutely every sphere of human activity has become politicized - moderates are more of a personality type than a political orientation. They are lukewarm, and should in large part be spat out. By the time the moderates come around to our side en masse the battle will already have been won.

The Alt-Right wins every time they hold one of these demonstrations. The panicked overreaction of the local authorities to shut down Unite the Right completely gives the game away to anyone paying attention. The more this happens, the more people see what's going on, and the more sympathetic they become to the Alt-Right. We aren't trying to win over the great middle ground of cucked boomers, we're looking to peel off the disaffected 10-25 year old men who know the game is rotten and rigged against them but maybe can't put a finger on why. We'll show them why. And they will understand. And then they will fight.

Unite The Right rallies - Col. Tigh - 08-12-2017

Jesus. First thing first, I wish the survivors speedy recovery.

Unite The Right rallies - nomadbrah - 08-12-2017


This isn't the first time it happened, remember during the elections?

Unite The Right rallies - david.garrett84 - 08-12-2017

Quote: (08-12-2017 02:56 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Show me where i said anything about disagreeing with me and that. By marching with neonazis your team effectively is merging with that brand.

It doesnt matter if you're falsely called a neo nazi or not. Once the alt-right brand is poisoned then you'll be marginalized as a fringe group.

Who is "all you guys"?


...if all you guys thinking joining Neonazis...

Which members in this thread were thinking this? You were addressing a 100% imaginary, purely hypothetical audience.

Unite The Right rallies - david.garrett84 - 08-12-2017

I'm pulling back from this thread. I need some beers and some pussy.

The "Good Optics" crowd in here are building, in essence, the most fragile House of Cards imaginable. All you need is one madman claiming to espouse beliefs even 10% connected to ours, in a country of 330 million and a world of 7 billion, and the optics will be twisted by the MSM to look incredibly bad. It's not sustainable as a strategy.

People who focus on appearances and optics are always going to be disappointed. Very disappointed. An emphasis on optics presupposes that we are facing opponents who adhere to rules and standards. Anyone who bothered to seriously watch the 2016 election cycle can see this expectation of fairness from the other side is a joke.

Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017

New video released by a reporter on Facebook. Action happens at the minute 64:00 timestamp.

Her tweetstorm.


Her most relevant tweets, supported (maybe?) by her video.



Unite The Right rallies - armenia4ever - 08-12-2017

Those Nazi flags and banners, whether edgy or trollish are an absolute PR disaster.

Nazi anything is a non starter. Yes I'm aware we are called nazis all the tine. Doesn't mean we say, "Ah fuck it," and show up places sporting swastika arm bands and flags.

I sympathize and agree with much of the alt right, but the Nazi stuff has to end. We can't have a negative identity that's based on blame.

If all the problem races and groups go away, what then are they left with? It's the same essential problem with BLM. If all the white people they blame for everything suddenly vanished, what would their identity look like?

It's a shame more people haven't taken Jack Donovan to heart. White identity of any kind, let alone any ethnic and group identity has to be purely about pride, not constant jew, black, etc bashing.

Immigration or not, the race purists need to take a look at history again and realize that what it means to be "white" will change just like it did for the italians, greeks, irish, slavs, Argentines, mixed race, and even the Arabs here.

Unite The Right rallies - Going strong - 08-12-2017

Possible that the (murderous, apparently, or at least criminally reckless) driver in the grey car wanted to "punish" the first cars (by ramming them) that were moving carefully and slowly into the BLM crowd.

Anyway, let's wait to hear the police (public) reports and, importantly, the identity and details of the "mad car" driver...

In any case, it seems like a new thing in the world, terrorists (or plain criminals, or just dangerous and clumsy idiots) driving into crowds.

And one has to say, this event has turned to catastrophe, on many levels. Sad day indeed.

Unite The Right rallies - rpg - 08-12-2017

Looks like driver of Challenger was Antifa.

Unite The Right rallies - MMX2010 - 08-12-2017
