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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Printable Version

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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - casa-nostra - 07-17-2017

Quote: (07-15-2017 07:05 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (07-14-2017 10:49 AM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

As a North African ( Tunisian Origins) was shocked how cold , racist , hypocritical French people are , I was so glad to leave that shit country. French people are happy coming to Tunisia or Maroco spending their summer vacations (Even Though in Tunisia , french people have a bad reputation for many reasons , but at least they got the same good reception as the others Europeans tourists..) and then in their country they says Bougnoules , rebeux .. about us. why dont you say that when you are enjoying your summer vacations and try to sympathize with Locals ?? I have traveled many places in Europe and North America , never saw such a racism and hypocritical mentality.

As a North Tunisian , people in my city look like Italian or southern French, white with dark features . Many times happened to me in a a french club , when i say i am italian i dont have the same reception as when i say iam Tunisian (just for your information Tunisia still have a better reputation than Algeria and Marocco , so i can't imagine if i was Algerian). Thats what explains why Tunisians never want to go to France (to study or work) , only poor and worst quality of Tunisian goes there cause of Financial reasons. The ones who have enough money go to UK , US , Canada and avoid France which is one hour travel.

Talking about Northern Tunisia specially Tunis ( i know it is different in Algeria and Marocco) , people are very open minded and have a mix between maghrebin and European mentality. Here is a link that an irish forum member did about his Tunisian visit
I would say easily is the most open arab country

Again Glad to leave France , and french mentality people.

Well, almost all native French people would think or reply: We're also glad you left.[Image: blush.gif]

So - isn't that beautiful, folks? - everyone is happy: you, because you left France, and French people for the exact same reason. [Image: banana.gif]

Now, let me add 2 things:

1- French tourists don't go anymore to Tunisia, at least not en-masse, on account of the shootings that occurred on your beaches and main museum... well yes, we French people might be "closed and mean with Tunisians", sure [Image: dodgy.gif], but hey, a good bunch of your compatriots on the other hand fire AK47 at us...

Also, I seem to remember that one year ago to the day, a "nice, open" Tunisian dude (Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel) drove his stolen truck over 80 people in the city of Nice, crushing 30 kids to death. You might therefore understand a certain animosity towards your fellow Tunisians, slight animosity that, in other, less-cucked countries, would have led to very energetic actions.

Let me explain: if a Tunisian had driven a truck over 80 Asians in Asia, there would be no (walking) Tunisian left in the whole of Asia. So, you might consider our "slight animosity" as being very reasonable and I dare say, extremely generous.

2- quoting you, "Many times happened to me in a a french club , when i say i am italian i dont have the same reception as when i say iam Tunisian"... well, try to guess why?... maybe it's because Italians don't make girls flee the nightclubs, whereas you perfectly know how your compatriots usually behave in French clubs (harassing, touching, pestering girls, and whenever possible cockblocking native males).

Funny actually that you yourself would say that you cannot be distinguished, physically, from a Southern European, but still you are not welcomed: it means the animosity towards you does not result from racism, but from behavioral defects and ill-habits your (young male) compatriots as a whole usually display.

Note: I have been once to Tunisia and was fairly well treated, so, I don't have anything against Tunisians living honestly and with dignity in their country, nor against educated Tunisian travelers or businessmen... I only resent the young, uneducated, aggressive male Maghrebis (of which Tunisians are the least disturbing, granted, and by far) roaming the Southern-France nightclubs and raising hell...

1- Well , i dont care about you(French native) being glad or not . For me , France was the cheapest destination and the one who offered the master's degree i wanted to do. Then i left as soon as i could.
That being said , I am greatful to France for the master and also being beuautiful country. What makes France a shit country , is the french mentality , specially for womens. FYI , i have many french freinds here in MTL who all complains how bad french womens are. So you can imagine For us (Tunisians). As per chance in every country i have been to , i was well received and people were curious to know more about Tunisia.

2-Even here in MTL , French people have a bad reputation ,being cold , and less open to meet new people, always hang out in their own groups of frenchy. This is more true for womens though. Am i wrong ?

3- You are saying French dont go anymore to Tunisia .. This is unfortunately so false. You can see here that they are even more this year.

4- I understand that many illegal North Africans ,who fucks up our reputation in France . But this is not a reason to treat educated people like them.

5- Iam not surprised you get well received in Tunisia , because , we are such nice people who welcome everybody and want to flirt with people from all coutries. This is totally the opposite of your mentality , where you treat people by Bougnoules or Rebeux or Bledard .

6- Those terrorists you are talking about dont represent Tunisia, and most of Terrorists that rumors says that they are Tunisians , are born and raised in France, for us those are french not Tunisians.
Just to let you know , Tunisia is hated by most of arabs countries , because it is over open minded compared to the others. Womens here are liberal, beautiful ,dresses well and hot , alcohol consumption is even highest to some Europeans countries , France included. As i said , this is more true in the capital and subrubs. Southern Tunisia is more like Algeria or Marooco.

How can a country like that have to do with terrorism ? Do you think a typical Tunisian support that , we also got terrorits attaks in our country as well.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-17-2017

Dedicated to the contemporary French, especially the 'headless youth.' They might learn something, if they stop listening to crappy Western music and discover their own music that could give them solutions.

I'm done with this thread.

The Aria of Stupidity

Extracted from the celebrated opera, Everyday Life,
here is the most famous aria of them all, The Aria of Stupidity!

Mother of people without concern,
Mother of those who speak out,
Mother of holy habits,
Princess of people without remorse,
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
You, whose reign is underestimated.
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
But tell me how you do it?

To have so many lovers
and so many fiancés,
so many representatives
and so many prisoners.
To weave with your hands
so many misunderstandings,
and persuade the morons
that we are subdued—
for our lives to flourish—
by low bows,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance.

Mother of our femmes fatales,
Mother of marriages of convenience,
Mother of the girls to (familial) branches,
Pale princess of the mink,
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
You, whose reign is underestimated.
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
But tell me how you do it

such that we do not see
the understanding smile
that will make of you and me
very noble cuckolds;
to lead us to forget
that the whores—the real ones—
are the ones who make us pay
not before but after,
such that it dawns on me
when I come upon, some evenings,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Xen - 07-17-2017

Quote: (07-16-2017 09:56 PM)FFL Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2017 01:30 PM)Xen Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2017 07:34 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

I fucked a French Jew from Paris. She seemed to think Islam wasn't a problem for Europe despite having an IQ in the high 130s. Ridiculous woman.

I'm sorry to say, but I wouldn't bang a chick who feels like this.

hear hear! a man with conviction! I can fuck stupid but I cannot go full retard for some reason.

Stupidity is not constant. Retardness is.....[Image: dodgy.gif]

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - James Bond Next level - 07-17-2017

Quote: (07-17-2017 12:33 PM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

4- I understand that many illegal North Africans ,who fucks up our reputation in France . But this is not a reason to treat educated people like them.

5- Iam not surprised you get well received in Tunisia , because , we are such nice people who welcome everybody and want to flirt with people from all coutries. This is totally the opposite of your mentality , where you treat people by Bougnoules or Rebeux or Bledard .

6- Those terrorists you are talking about dont represent Tunisia, and most of Terrorists that rumors says that they are Tunisians , are born and raised in France, for us those are french not Tunisians.
Just to let you know , Tunisia is hated by most of arabs countries , because it is over open minded compared to the others. Womens here are liberal, beautiful ,dresses well and hot , alcohol consumption is even highest to some Europeans countries , France included. As i said , this is more true in the capital and subrubs. Southern Tunisia is more like Algeria or Marooco.

How can a country like that have to do with terrorism ? Do you think a typical Tunisian support that , we also got terrorits attaks in our country as well.

Well well well, seem someone is heavily [Image: troll.gif] . Unfortunately, this forum is no safe space or whatever, political correctness won't save you.

So for your relevant points :
4 - You are right, we should treat educated people more harshly because all this racailles by their own have only a small influence. Add evil/bloodlusted educated leader and you get Jihad. Proof? I couldn't find again the picture of famous terrorists all with master's degree, but you can check at least Osama bin laden: degree in civil engineering.

5- I had a tunisian friend (girl) who moved to france. She had the same speech of "nice tunisia" until one day I asked "but if tunisia is so great, why didn't you stay there? Your family still lives there" (curious tone, not aggressive). Add an awkward silence and she admits her country is not safe anymore. Arab spring happened in Tunisia too... Besides OP describes a perfect tunisia but spends his life in france or canada? So I call [Image: bsflag.gif]

6-#notallmuslimsarelikethat #religionofpeace here really? Don't take us for a fool, we (and I include myself) have read sufficiently the Quran to know what is really written. And if you try to use the "moderate muslims" argument, I will say that there was "moderate nazis" in 1940 too. But guess what : when fanatics take control, the moderate follow...

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - Rocha - 07-17-2017

Quote: (07-17-2017 01:12 PM)apolis Wrote:  

Dedicated to the contemporary French, especially the 'headless youth.' They might learn something, if they stop listening to crappy Western music and discover their own music that could give them solutions.

I'm done with this thread.

The Aria of Stupidity

Extracted from the celebrated opera, Everyday Life,
here is the most famous aria of them all, The Aria of Stupidity!

Mother of people without concern,
Mother of those who speak out,
Mother of holy habits,
Princess of people without remorse,
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
You, whose reign is underestimated.
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
But tell me how you do it?

To have so many lovers
and so many fiancés,
so many representatives
and so many prisoners.
To weave with your hands
so many misunderstandings,
and persuade the morons
that we are subdued—
for our lives to flourish—
by low bows,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance,
by narrow-minded envy,
by noble intolerance.

Mother of our femmes fatales,
Mother of marriages of convenience,
Mother of the girls to (familial) branches,
Pale princess of the mink,
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
You, whose reign is underestimated.
I salute you, Lady Stupidity.
But tell me how you do it

such that we do not see
the understanding smile
that will make of you and me
very noble cuckolds;
to lead us to forget
that the whores—the real ones—
are the ones who make us pay
not before but after,
such that it dawns on me
when I come upon, some evenings,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror,
your familiar gaze
at the back of my mirror?

Except that...Jacques Brel was Belgian )))))

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian - apolis - 07-18-2017

Rocha Wrote: Except that...Jacques Brel was Belgian )))))

Does it really matter?

Brel was Flemish, but lived and became successful in France. Under the influence of his friend Georges Pasquier and his French pianists, Brel's style changed and composed his most popular songs. He also did not know how to write music, so he had his French musicians transcribe the songs he composed.